gs Many Oshawa And District Students Enroll In Higher Sociology and Physiology Hall, A. Cameron, son of Judge A. C. Hall and Mrs, Hall, Masson street. a ST. HILDA'S COLLEGE Social and Philosophical Studies Cooper, Carolyn June, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. H. Cooper, Sutherland avenue. Political Science and Economics Zaly, Stanley, son of Mr, and Mrs. Louis Zuly, Rossland road Schools of Learning Honor Mathematics and Computer son street, WATERLOO LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY General Arts street east. Stiles, Gordon Kent, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. K. Stiles, Grier-| / Powers, Thomas, son of Mr.|/ and Mrs. John W, Powers, King' MacMillan, David John, son 7 \the bride. i\the Brown-Ellis wedding in Al- PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, George E, Mc- Lean of Manitoba, Miss Beverly Joan McLean,' to! Mr, Richard Bickle. They were/| accompanied by Mr. George) McLean of Winnipeg, brother of] Out-of-town guests attending bert Street United Church, last Saturday afternoon were the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Clarke, Astle- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 9, 1964 7 'Scholarships And Bursaries Topic At Gertrude Colpus H&S -- 'Scholarships and Bursaries Available to Secondary School Graduates" was the topic chos- en by the guest speaker, Mr. Robert Sheffield, vice-princiap| tion and who attained a per- centage of 60-65. "Once a student has success- tully completed a year of Dr, F. J, Donevan Collegiate, | financial at the October meeting of Ger- trude Colpus Home and School Association. "Monies were available from three sources-- 4\ton; Mr, and Mrs. Keith Clarke, Colborne; Mr. and Mrs. Fred | Clarke; Port Hope; Miss Joan Clarke, Brighton; Mr. and Mrs. James Findlay, Peterborough; Mrs, Hazel Fitchett and Mr. Mr. Harry McDougall, New- market; Mrs, Maud Purdy, Port Credit; Mr, and Mrs. James Yetter, and Mr. and Mrs, Ron- ald Haskell, "all of Star d Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, Mr. David Brown, Miss Dorothy Crawford, Mrs. A. G. Gaffield, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Miller, and Miss Harriett Bow- : institutes. § ps ditch, all of Toronto. The 'nlects| Con © Saree from the Ontario of the bride, the Misses Sharon) Sait |Government, and from univer: and Joane Ellis of Oshawa Were! citing These were based on high her flower girls. marks, regardless of financial The Ladies' Section of the|need. 'Thus a bright student Oshawa Golf Club closed its of- might receive a number of \ficial season Monday evening east. of Mrs, Joseph C. B. Mac- Science Milian, Masson street, and the Huth, Traudel, daughter of|late Mr, MacMillan. Mr. and Mrs. August Huth, Wil- , Flegg, John, son of Mr. and son road north, Mrs. George Flegg. Oshawa Sabo, Diane, daughter of Mr.| boulevand north. and Mrs. Andrew Sabo, Wilson' Ivanco, John, son of Mr. and | road south. |Mrs. John Ivanco, Taunton road Civil Engineering | west. : | ( Rohn, Martin, son of Mr. and| Gordon, William Dennis, gon INSTITUTE Mrs. Bruno Rohn, Thickson|of Mr. and Mrs. William H. oe Journalism road: north, |Gordon, Hortop street. Walters, Wayne, son of Mr. |. Cosway, Francis Edward, son, : Arts and Science end Mk. Lioyd Walters, Wind- F of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Cos-| nie wry Megarry, John, nephew of 'Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hill, Philip|W@¥, Columbus. Architectural Engineering Murray avenue. _ Honor English Rudy, Walter, son of Mr. and Dentistry Gaumers, Mara Ann, daugh- Mrs. Lotfis Rudy, Bloor street) gomenuk, Daniel, son of Mr.|'et of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander east. : land Mrs. Carl Semenuk, Arthur Saumers, Drew street. Engineering street, Business Administration | Lyzun, James, son of Mr. and Taylor, Robert, son' of Mr.) Mrs. Peter Lyzun, Wilson road) CARLETON UNIVERSITY (and Mrs. Richard Taylor, Fare-| : | General Arts | | | scholarships, bursaries, and loans for students having com- pleted Grade 13 and who were going into post secondary schools such as university, a poly-technical school such as Ryerson, Teacher's College, or nursing,"' he said. Mr, Sheffield pointed out that scholarships were available at the university level, in as much as it was the most costly form of higher education, although monies were also available for at low interest i were available also from a num- ber of sources, them the Ontario Government the Canada Students Loan Act. Mr. Sheffield closed marks by stating that a money was not a valid for a student not going on higher learning. Also that, m: important than the intellign: of a child was the attitude and interest of the parents towards a student furthering his educa- tion, Mr. Lawrence Millson, prin- cipal of Gertrude Colpus School, thanked Mr, Sheffield for ex- ! pounding a topic of great in- scholarships from various Sour-|terest to parents of school-age lwith an Italian cafe party and/ces, and it might be noted that) chitdren. lauthentic buffet. Prizes for the|these scholanships were avail-| The president of the Associa- iy afternoon's golf and trophies for| able not only for the finst year/tion, Mr, Earl Brown, presided Lynne d ithe year were presented, follow- of uniyersity but all through) at the meeting and expressed ' : : Me led by the regular business meet-| university and into post-gradu-/ his appreciation for the num- ling. President Miss Gloria Rob-| ate study. * erous members readily volun- |son thanked her committee for) On the other hand, bursaries|teering to assist with UNICEF '| their co-operation and work dur-| were related to need, and were|and ther projects. Mrs. Harold ing the year and invited the awarded as a gift to those stu-/McCable, treasurer, gave her 1964-65- president, Miss May dents who find it financially|report, followed by the presen- |Robson, to take office. difficult to further their educa:/tation and acceptance of the | 1064-85 budget. : | Richard Bickle \trechenents, eanisted by' Mes. BeV@rly J. McLean |shiton. zach wore « matching learried a nosegay of chrysanthe- Beverly Jean McLean and Rich-| ard Charles Bickle, both of Osh- lensth. the easy way- street. Wilkins, Alfred, son of Mr. and Mrs: Walter G. Wilkins, Hillside avenue. RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL \ * south. : well avenue. Chemical Technology Zaine, Rodney, son of Mr. and Jones, Eric, son of Mr. and|Mrs. Nicholas Zaine, Drouin : Albert Jones, Highland @venue, Ottawa. TORONTO avenue. Lloyd, William Arthur, gon of} Jackson, Sandra n Business Administration Mr: and Mrs, Raymond Alfred|daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eve- Burnett, Donald Gary, son of|Lioyd, Central Park boulevard rett Jackson, Bader avenue. | Mr. and Mrs. Perey John Bur-| north, Thomson, Cheryl Lynne,| nett, Church street. | ee domed yi ok and Mrs. Bruce| Rutherford, Ronald Douglas, bbb Acris el Thomson, Adelaide street west.| son of Mr. and Mrs. Seaess| WESTERN ONTARIO Cutler, Judith Ann, daughter Rutherford, Winona avenue, Pre-Medical of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cutler, Technology Orton, John, son of Dr. and Tyler crescent. Allen, James 'Andrew, son ane. Thomas Orton, Grandview! Poloz, Betty Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, wil-| Steet north. Mr. Stanley Poloz and the late gon road north. | . Beal, Douglas, son of Mr. and|Mrs. Poloz, Simcoe street south. Home Economics |Mrs. Grant Beal, Norwood) Kashul, Kathryn, daughter of |!« Small; Lynn, daughter of Mr. | court. Mr. and Mrs, Michael Kashul, and Mrs. Bbert Small, Lauren- ~ cig east. " tian avenue. Moore, Yvonne, daughter of . ' /ERAL HOS ap /Mr. and Mrs. James H. Gib-|Mr. and» Mrs. ent Mere | Quick knitting, fashionable --, hooey hes PITAL! bens, Burk street. -- ree east. | mohair, casual styling, all are choo! of Nursing nee , - eath, Kathleen Mary, daugh-| bi f a knitting : = Cox, Mary Joanne, daugh- y, combined for your ni gz ended th en ee ae ter of Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E esd gl sari Mason J.) pleasure in. these boat-neck ray Rutherford, Winona avenue.| ©OX, Aberdeen street. Parkhill. Johanne Su san,| Pullovers with their continen- Buchanan, Jean, daughter of} Archer, Mary Carolyn, daugh-| gauchter of Mr and "Mrs | tal drop shoulders. In no time Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bucha:|ter of U.S. Air Force Chaplain} Tames Henry Parkhill, Ohevro.| 2¢ all, almost, you can whip bath Hala deve | Russell Clifton Archer and niece |i4 sr a J ; Scott, Sharon, daughter of Mr./0f Mr. and Mrs, William Archer! Reardon, Carol Anita, daugh-| Honor Arts-Mathematics Mechanical Engineering and Mrs, Alvin Scott, Columbus, |Catnegie avenue iter of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur A.| Weldon, James Arthur, son) Storie, Stewart James, son of Ontario i Dudley, Lynn Eric, son of Mr.}Reardon, Dearborn avenue of Mr, and Mrs.,George Weldon.' Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Storie, ae ong Siblock, Sharon, daughter of/and Mrs. J. C. Dudley, Glen-| Rowden,Norma Jean, daugh- Rossland road west. Alexandra street. Jenkins, Marjorie, Hlizabeth,). "T van th m eel bi be eee one me 8. G/Ce shrsaai : ter of Mrs. Donald Rowden and General Arts Honor Arts daughter of Mr. and yd the doutle-cing conan." Siblock, Dean avenue. iis Cunningham, Robert, son of|the late Mr. Rowden, Hillcroft) Hirycyshyn, Alan William, son Werry, Raymond, son of Mr. Thomas Jenkins, Gilmour, On- Given in te Pt by. her Nedozytko, Pomerie. g-) nd Mr. and Mrs. George Cunning-| street. of Mr, and Mrs. William Hrycy-|and Mrs. William ~T. Werry, | tatio. Sathet: tha: bride woek a. Habe. of Mr. and Mrs. Dmy To Nedo- ham, Buckingham avenue, Wilson, Donna Margaret|shyn, Glenwood avenue, Stevenson road north. ee "Hength' gown of French taffeta amo, Conant street. Music daughter of Mr. and Mrs.| Oryderman, Grant Lewis, son Honor French and Latin bn ' ; Johnston, Linda, daughter of ; rah with sequin embroidery on the ) Nel = Joba: Saunders, Carol, daughter of|James Bruce Wilson, Rosedale|of Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryder-' Bevan, Pamela 'Anne, daugh- : lbodice and the skint front. A po ey por J |Mr. and Mrs, Lioyd Saunders, | avenue. man, Simcoe street north, ter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. ie | pearl Garocet hala har ehnuaber! , Tibial eva Gaueht Mr |Oshawa boulevard south. |. Mooney, Cheryl Catherine,| Fernandez, Noel, daughter of/ Bevan, Stevenson road north. ei iy , oblak, Walter Koblak, P | Beience jdaughter of Mr. William A.|/Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fernan- Srlsere » and Mev. Welter Ko Silas Connolly, Michael, son of Mr.|Mooney and the late Mrs./dez, Veterans' avenue, Gills temas oon of Bima | pFead north i sonnotly, Athoi| Mooney, Ritson road south. Dobbins, Russell James, sdn|_ Edie, James, s. Parker, Janice, daughter of| 27d Mrs, Leo J, Connolly, Athol) "OOnEY: - Q | William Eddie and the late Mr.| : Mr. and Mrs, Walter H. Parker,|Street east. | eam cent, eaiieriol Me. aod its came -S) Eadie, Wilson road north. ' oo : uy q 2 of Mr. . 8, W. Bigwood,|Dobbins, Haig street. d f Physical Education | Gibbons street. Baron, Carolyn Ma TRENT UNIVERSITY * 940 General Arts ae ' avenue. | W MW a, Technician | Famme, Mary Lou, daughter | ve tar , and Westley, Karen daughter of|ter of Mrs, Peter Ba | J h Myrrh! Elaine, of Mr. Mrs. Waiter C. r. and Mrs. Wilfred L. West-|late Mr. Baron, Westmoreland) McRae, J. Phillip, son of Mr.| WIFE PRESERVER and Mrs. James B, McRae, Osh-} Susan | §lip plastic bowl covers over| 'amme, § i y i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.'Famme, Somerville avenue, lavenue _ M@ry,/awa boulevard north. |daughter of Mir. and Mirs, Hay- Arts and Science muddy golf or shopping cart! jley, Fairlawn avenue. Kenneth Jackson, Law street. A . YORK UNIVERSITY Petrowsky, Lucy, daughter of| Macdonaid, Elliott daughter of - | | as jden Macdonald, Simooe street) Maxymuik, Peter, son of Mr.'wheels before hoisting into the and Mrs, Peter Maxymuik, Lee| nap Mrs, Vera Elliott, Mary street. |Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petrow- ' "ERS? 0: |north TEACHERS' COLLEGE | wcliveen, Francis Jeffrey, ie gireet. Holyk, Patrick, son of Mr.|sky, Rowena street. Brooks, Carol Anne, daughter) 4 yirc william Holyk, Wilson| WINDSOR ison of Mr. and Mrs. Francis MacMillan, Doris Lynne,| Aitred Meliveen, Oshawa bou- GMI, FLINT, MICHIGAN TEACHERS' COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF CO-ED PULLOVERS pullovers, which come in sizes | 12, 14, 16 and 18, simply send a stamped, self-addressed en- velope, plus 10 cents for handling, to the Needlecraft Department of this paper. re- questing Co-Ed Pullovers, leaflet number 8-64, General Arts Gibb is ribbens, Paul Denis, son of one up for yourself and your best beau. Also included are the instructions for a hat with loops all over, real glamor at a minimum of cost and labor. If you would like the leaflet with the instructions for these |was in deep pink French taltets | freshments assisted by Mrs. and Mrs. Holmes in pale pink!" "ay 'smith, social convenor. itching | , Exchange Vows _ |<attied a nose the cere to « is) The Reverend H. A. Mellow|match her gown. The gollus recently united in marriage | Were styled alike with fitted bod-| an i j J ; ish Jr. awa, in Northminster United) Mr. Alfred George Parish ; Church, The bride is the daugh-| was best man and eee ter of Mr. and Mrs. George | William McLean . of Winnipeg | chiffon, Each wore a ma' lices and full skirts, street Edgar McLean of Dauphin, Man-| ushered. -litoba, and the bridegroom is| A reception was held at the| |the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-/newlyweds' home at 340 Mar- jard Cassidy Bickle of Highland! land avenue. = (Oshawa) |Grove, Ontario. selenite CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawe @t the Genosho H October 13, 14. PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dates os / ) jlength veil and she carried a/ | if. cascade of yellow roses and) white chrysanthemums. | _Mrs, Joseph LeBlanc was her/| sister's matron of honor and) the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Garry Holmes of Whitby, was also an attendant. Mrs. LeBlanc OSHAWA'S BEST SELECTION Mary Maxim KNITTING YARNS Brushed Mohair Mrs rosin | | | : i of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dawson, oad bout. | Ritson road north. Kolynko, Joanne, daughter of ** ONTARIO HOSPITAL, Mr. and Mrs. John Kolynko, WHITBY Wilson road north, School of Nursing Trivett, Karen, daughtér of McMASTER UNIVERSITY Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Trivett,, Mowat, John, son of Mr. and Oshawa boulevard north. Mrs. Andrew Mowat, Bond Bellingham, Linda Ann, daugh- street east ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Bellingham, Mary street.| Secerbegovic; Said, son of Mr, and Mrs. Daut Secerbegovic, PETERBOROUGH GENERAL | povail street SPITAL : panpreiis School of Nursing Hyslop, Judith, daughter of Mrs. J..S. Hyslop, Chevrolet street, and the late Mr. Hyslop.| VICTORIA HOSPITAL, LONDON School of Nursing Rooney, Sheila Kathleen, Honor Arts daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. J Sproule, John Robert, son of Gordon Rooney, Winnipeg, Man-|/Mr. and Mrs. C. 0O., Sproule, " ttoba. | Woodlea avenue. ikl seniniet | General Arts STERN HOS AL, ' bases hdl I Foy, Alison Toni, daughter of : a |Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey M. Foy Atkinson School of Nursing ; mre) ry, Souch, .Gail, daughter of Mr | Newcastle, Ontario, formerly of and Mrs. Orville Souch, Park- shawa. mw Library Course Boville, Anne, daughter of Foy, Aubrey M, (Mrs.), New- Mr. ahd Mrs. Percy Boville, La- castle, Ont. Salle avenue. Pare urires cite? Lorrain School of Nursing, Fionn Pembroke tae , TERLOO Maher Christine, daughter of Science and Physics Mr. and Mrs. Leo Maher, West- Bergman, Roger, son of Mr. . and avenue and Mrs. Heinz Bergmann of m ; Frankfurt, Germany. UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO General Arts ST. MICHAEL'S COLLEGE Fleming, Roy David, General Arts Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Marks, Marsha Joan, daugh- Carnegie avenue ter of yrie og _ = Hesselink, Herman, son of ey grote an Mary Mr. and Mrs. Paul J, Hesselink, © vee ag. 4 | Ritson road north te M d Catherine, daughter of Mr. an Hasior Arts Mrs, Kenneth Cole, Division Partridge, Dennis John, son street. lor, Sandra May, daughter|o! Mrs. Mary Partridge, Sim- oe end Mrs. John |Coe street north. Naylor, Westmoreland avenue. Honor Mathematics . Kenneth Robert, son and Science of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight F.| Calder, Brendon Robert, son Bunner, Hillcroft street. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Calder, Ritson road north. Pharmacy pa Pin : Haber, Carole Ann, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Haber, | Oxford street. Electrical Engineering | Robertson, John Roland Jr.,| son of Mr. and Mrs. John) Roland Robertson, Hillcroft street. -- Fine Arts Thompson, Lynda Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- aid Harvey Thompson, Somer- ville avenue. WESTERN OIL CO. @ FREE @ Cleaning & 24-Hour Service Ports on your Furnace when you purchese our fuel oil. 725-1212 daughter of Mrs. Joseph Oharles MacMillan and the late Mr. MacMillan, Nassau street. QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Arts and Science 3rash, Margaret Leona, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Leon- ard Brash, Thornton road north Moore, William, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Moore, Car- tier avenue. Science Johns, Randall, son of Mir. and Mrs. Frederick Johns, Cur- rie avenue , Pre-Medical Tavior, Murray Franklin, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. Franklin Taylor, Glen Manor drive LILLIAN - SCHOOL OF DANC a ae Ren eae Oe Wet Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMATION 723-7253 levard north, Nelson, Ronald Andrew, son Kiss, Rose Marie, daughter of of Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Nelson, |Mr. and. Mus, John Kiss, Seneca' Oshawa. i street. Turner, Tyrone Silvia, son of McMaster, Linda, daughter of| Mr. and Mrs. Garfield W. Mr. and Mrs. Harry James Mc- Turner, Oshawa_ boulevard Master, Glen Brae avenue, north OSHAWA Nursing Science he ; SHOPPING CENTRE Malloy, Nancy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Mall- \loy, King street east. HALF PRICE! Wool Worsted Tartan STR ETCH REG. 14.98 SLIMS 49 Sizes 8 - 18 LESS THAN HALF PRICE! Assorted colors RAINCOATS = 77 a t All weather repellent poplin. LINERS ~~ AND MANY OTHER KNITTING AIDS, TO HELP YOU WITH YOUR KNITTING... sizes 1670 16; .. 03.05... 05, YOUBUY... : . 1. GIVE STARR A TRY : * 2. We hove a 'Wool Lay-away Plan' for your knitting convenience, 723-3343 ' 491 RITSON RD. S$. OSHAWA 2 ek & Pre-Medical EASTERN PENTECOSTAL BIBLE COLLEGE (Peterborough) Beetsma, Alberta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beetsma, Central Park boulevard south. McGILL UNIVERSITY Honor Science Hilts, Walter Daniel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hilts, Osh- awa boulevard north. Crothers, Robert Thomas Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Crothers, Leslie istreet. MAE MARS! ING PLAN & INFORMATION CENTRE @ FREE DO-IT-YOUR- SELF PLANS on building and remodeling homes, making garden furniture, cabinets, toys, and hun- dreds of other items. @ FREE FINISHING GUIDES--telling how to seal, protect and beautify wood in one operation with REZ, COLOR-TONED REZ, SATINWOOD REZ, REZ-EX and new hard-wearing uREZ --how to protect all exterior wood the year round with PERMASAN WOOD PRE- SERVATIVE. ® FINISHED WOOD SAMPLES of all products to examine and compare, ® CHOICE OF 5 SUPE. RIOR CLEAR FINISHES-- one to sult every need! High Gloss or Satin. For Hard or Light Wear Areas. Interior or Exterior, SEE HOW EASY IT IS TO BECOME AN EXPERT-- VISIT THE REZ PLAN & INFORMATION CENTRE TODAY AT; MILLWORK Building Supplies | 1279 SIMCOE STREET NORTH BRUSHED MOHAIR The season's most popular soft and fleecy quick knitting wool, Many pretty shades, 1-ox, ball .... NUBBY TWEED BOUCLE A tweedy wool blend that is high on the fashion list. 69° Beautiful color selection. 1-02. ball e456 NORTHLAND WOOL A sturdy sports yorn for heavier sweaters and coots. Available in 30 shades. 4-02, skein CLOUDSPUN WOOL Femininely soft and yet so durable, Large range of shades. 2-ox. skein DOUBLE KNITTING A knitting worsted for populor weight mitts ond sweaters. Many shodes. 2-o2, skein SUPER FINGERING A 3-ply yom for fine sweoters, sox, etc. Many good shocles, 1-oz. skein WE CARRY COMPLETE STOCKS OF MARY MAXIM PATTERNS (The New Curling Sweater Patterns are Here!)--KNITTING PINS--SWEATER xk ok ok ok STARR Furniture & Appliances MODERN ond PROVINCIAL STYLES "All Brand Names" Krug Brothers Gibbard Gerard-Collins Braymore Beverley Bedding Cooey Daveluyville 85* son of Fleming, FILMS DEVELOPED FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY * DEVELOPING ¢ PRINTING © ENLARGING BLACK & WHITE & COLOR 728-1331 728-1619 Nu-Way Photo Service We have on display. @ hand-knit tweed boucle suit, cardigans end pullovers, showing each of the Mary Maxim knitting yarns, On our stoff , .. Mrs, Sanderson is an expert knitter ond will be pleased to assist and. advise you on your knitting problems, WARD'S 31 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-1151 TRINITY COLLEGE Ss Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry as Gough, John Howard, son 0 Mr. end Mrs. R. L. Gough, sel ' coe street north. Daily 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday & Friday Open to 9 p.m. OSHAWA, ONTARIO