Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Oct 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT yey |x magmac Whitby Hureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault ~ BOUND FOR DETROIT animal down to Detroit where metal mammoths..As yet Bill You've heard of horse- power. Well this ts sport's wy it will take up permanent resi- dence among the tea cups car bull-power (with apologi to BMC). Greenwood artist Bill Lishman made the black and gi e. This is the second bull Bill Lishman has made. The first, made for an Edmonton store, was a great success and this fur- ther order came in from the States. A great deal of time end effort goes into these FIRST GAME SATURDAY steem ail the rage right now. a Tel. 668-3703 FE t a new two-lane not spoil the view sculptured fa- Louvre s0 ii Bgses right bank of the relieve congested in- IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING year-old Cincinnati man tas| A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or PARIS (AP) -- French engi-|been convicted of watching a THREE TIMES A WEEK neers are preparing to burrow|pcztzble television set while)... 1wEN rou sHouLD BUY MR TODAY! the , the Laxative Tablet with the a half-mile tunnel alongside the| driving his car. James Farrell h A sein Take mM... Nature's Lak se tag , uncomfortable after-feeling. N effect, the eight-mile free- consist of a series of on present boule- h_ stretch down- Auteuil Bridge Bridge on the ris, are generally to handle the extra eflow of cars except at intersections and a few other trouble spots. These places will be circumvented so that a car can travel the entire distance without stopping. Sometimes the extra 1 ee lanes passes, In several places they skirt out to the lo quays of the Seine. The project is to be completed in 1967 or 1968, none too soon to please the motorists who One-Stop | Viscount Greenwood Chapter 1.0.D.E. Is holding it's BIRTHDAY BRIDGE THE LEGION HALL Thursday, Oct. 15th - 8 P.M. Ticket Convenor: Mrs. H. T. Fallaise @ Admission 1.00 @ There will be @ sale of Home Baking. DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murols Custom Draperies C.1.L. Points end Varnishes ' ss Broadioom end Rugs Fle-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby FOR 1 WEEK ONLY!! WHITBY BRANCH Tal VICTORIA \( ee TRUST Savings Accounts FovoBOW)--S INIA s Every Nite and Saturday Matinee Matinee from 4:30 te 6:30 324% REGULAR SAVINGS FULL CHEQUING PRIVILEGES AND NO SERVICE CHARGES Davie Cracking Whip In Dunnie Workouts i Dunlop Jr. hockey their p i i 2Hiipt;? nt a! rise tenders. Back from last year's team| are: Wayne Cheeseman, Brian f r, Bob Marshall, Bill Lastic, Kevin O'Shea, Ricky Gay, Dan Sandford and Tom Lavendar who are all working out with the Dunnies-right-now- Jerry Dionne. Ian Young and Nick Beverley are still with the Oshawa Generals. Goalies making a bid for jobs with the Dunnies are: Lorne Moore, Grant Cole, Dunc Wil- son (from Whitby), Mike Wil- loughby (West Rouge), Tom Coughuin Sutton - Canning- ton), Ron Heysen and Ralph Moore from Oshawa. Defenceman who hope to enack the starting lineup are: Mike Taylor, Eric Christie, Tom Parker, Jim Whittaker, Pat Brown, Ralph Morrison, Doug Stewart, Eric Peterson end Dennis Ewart. Forwards at camp include: Ronnie Byrne, Dennis Wing, Pete Stella Roy Hewitt, Laurie Pilson, Terry Lane, Dale Mc- Leish, Phil Solomon, Ralph Koster, George Nixon, Steve Gary Bradley, Al Quintilfian, Ken Craig, Tom Seton and Ron WAIVE McDOUGALL NEW YORK (AP)--San Diego Chargers of the American Foot- ball League reactivated two players from the injured list Thursday and put two veterans on waivers. One of those waived was fullback Gerry McDougall, who formerly played with Ham- ilton and Toronto in the Cana- dian Football League. CUTS STAY TORONTO (CP) -- John Dacyshyn, a Toronto member of Canada's Olympic _basket- ball team, had to cut short his stay in Japan, when he learned his mother had died. He was notified by Cable that-Mrs--Wil- liam Dacvshyn died early Thursday, four days after she entered the Mayo Clinic in Ro- chester, Minn. | " Is it tha? BACK again? If it's backeabe that's bothering you, due to urin- ary irritation and bladder discomfort, then Dodd's Kidney Pills can help bring you relief. Dodd's Pills i the kidneys to Gill, Mike Hayes, Murray Me- Arthur, Ross Jones, Rick Howie, Dave Wlliott, Glen Shingler, WHITBY Some Sehr, Evening Shows Start 6:55 & 8:20 BROCK Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 Recommended es Adult Entertainment. TWO COLORED ATTRACTIONS account haif-yearly.) Dance, Dine, (interest is calculated and added to the 4% SPECIAL SAVINGS NOISNAd SNVO1 WBALVTIO? Listen and Live It Up to the Rock and Roll and Rhythm Blues Tunes of the Famous "SCEPTRES" WITHDRAWABLE ON DEMAND MINIMUM ACCOUNT $5,000 terest is calculated er and Sided to the account half-yearly. 5¥2% INVESTMENT SAYINGS aLViS3 isnus ow at the SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL WHITBY, ONTARIO (Interest is Avoid Disappointment Come Early For Reservations Phone 668-3386 : § YEAR MONTHLY INSTALMENT GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS calculated monthly and added to the account half-yearly.) SaiON Arrangements may be made for monthly transfers from @ regular savings account to the investment © Enjoy our fine Cuisine Sundeys 4-8 © : SHEET METAL WORK The Plumber YOUR Sports CALENDAR WEEKLY EVENTS Jor PLUMBING & HEATING @ INSTALLATIONS @ REPAIRS @ SERVICE AUTHORIZED CONSUMERS' GAS 'DEALER: Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! Ph, 668-4247 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Quelity Moteriol & Workmanship THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS © WHITBY ARENA Ice has been laid, and hockey and publie skating will commence on a regular basis this coming week. SKATING The Whitby Figure Skating Club will hold Its annual Parents night Wednesday, October 7, 8:00 p.m. at the Whitby Arena. HOCKEY Seturdey, October 10, Exhibition Game, Weston Dodgers ve Whitby Dunlops at 8:60 p.m. Monday, October 12, Whitby will visit Westen fer @ pre- schedule exhibiton game. Thursdey, October 15, North York Maple Leafs vs Whitby Dunlops, Whitby Arena at 8:00 p.m. Seturday, Oct. 17, Neil MeNeil vs Whitby Dunlops, Whitby Arena at 7:00 p.m. BADMINTON The Whitby Badminton Club will be pleving sey Monday ond Thursday at Henry street High School. mmencing tonight, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. NEW MEMBERS WELCOME -- For information eall Mrs. Elleen Bergmon -- 668-2116. WRESTLING Every Tuesday night at the Oshowa Areno. This week fee- tures ao "Texas Deoth Match', with the/Scufflin Hillbillies ve the Toles Brothers in « fight to the finish, no holds borred tag team match. 8:45 p.m., Oshawa Arena, GEORGE'S MARTIN'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechenic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. ' HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. $, DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT Whitby Tile Centre 106 BROCK ST, $. WHITBY Tile - Linoleum - Corlon - Sheet Vinyl - Broadloom « Pittsburgh Paints, ete. Phone 668-5331 COXIE'S Bargain Centre New and Used Surplus Stock 125 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Hwy. 2 at Thicksons Rd, Licensed Mechanis Specializing in... Repeirs une Brakes Relined Exhaust Systeme PH, 728-5641 ESSO SERVICE CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! > \' Ww This Programme Presented By The Locel Business Ww. C. TOWN' FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD, Ample Parking Facilities You don't have to play a@ sport to be @ good sport. 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments o « « of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby ED. JEFFREYS @ Janitor Service @ Window Cleaning WE SPECIALIZE IN OFFICE & FACTORY WORK 120 Lupin Dr, Whitby PH. 668-8658 REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 6 DIAL 668-8831 Dorothy Melrose -- Nick Van Den Broek Clare Shank -- Ike Perry WHITBY NEAR SEPARATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOL On, close in Warden Wilson Avenue with 65' x 135' lot, forced oir oll heoting, Apiece both ond 2 piece wash room, very Impressive recreation room and extra bedroom in basement. The other 3 bedrooms ore a fair size, the bathroom has the proper ceramic tile finish and the decoration is clean and ey. The exterior of the home needs some | jon but the possibilities are interesting, Full price $14,500, Inspect and make your offer for @ quick sole, HOW MANY HOMES CAN YOU BUY FOR $12,500 ond have 3 good size bedrooms, family size kitchen plus dining room area ond large living room. This sleeper is going to make someone happy with the 60' lot, recreation room outside patio, borbecue pit, etc. The monthly payment is only $103.00 which includes taxes, interest-and principal, Move In this comfortable brick home before the cool breezes blow ond enjoy the warm satisfying feeling thot home ownership brings. This is a fine resi- dential area in Whitby. WHITBY BRICK AND STONE --$14,900 On Annes Street near all schools on spacious 65' x 150' lot with fireplace in living room, desirable dining room and 3 bedrooms oll tastefully decorated. This is a solid down to earth family home built by o conscientious builder and about 8 years old. Excellent garage, storms, screens, etc. Try $3,000 down here, WHITBY -- $1,000 DOWN In popular south west residential orea of town near churches and schools, This three bed- room brick 5 year old bungalow is complete with trim landscaping, clean well kept o pearance and @ kitchen that a modern housewife will delight to work in. Full price $13,800 with good reduction for larger down payment, See this and others before you buy. WHITBY HOME--367 FT. FRONTAGE--LIGHT INDUSTRY An excellent spot for printing press, machine or any other |i Indust: 'ation, Live ot home ond start your. plont here on Hones Street be Weis 'Rov with oat prospects driving past your door, Older style 4 bedroom home ond lots » & only $26,000. Good>terms to reliable porty. WHITBY THREE BEDROOMS, $10,900 Low down payment of $1,000 and convenient monthl payment immaculate well decorated home in orea close to pubis Mi pclae Bg En) ones bungalow Is semi-detached with fine neighbors ond good shopping nearby, Why poy rent? WHITBY -- DUNDAS ST. E. -- 100 FT, FRONTAGE & HOME 4 bedroom home and large 2 storey barn on lot 100' x 150' next to Cri 'ments, Look to the future here with this busy traffic areo, Owner building new home will give occupancy soon, Inspect and make offer. EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR FAMILY HOME -- WHITBY On Palace Street, Whitby, walking distance to it town specious bedrooms, dink room, living pes ana mat Laden: The ae aoe brick home with 60' x 142! lot may be just what you are looking for with lon roore in basement and other interesting features, Full price $14,900 with eround $3,000 down, BUILDING LOT IN WHITBY $2950 50 ft. lot x 143' on residentiol Street in Town, B before ext spring, Another one 73' x 160' for $4,500, See hd Hea er siadicaee TRADE OR SELL -- $15,900 -- $3800 DOWN -- WHITBY Owner Is looking for any reasonable deal and will accept older home Whitby oF » His interest in this home is obout $3,800. If you have a seal bene deel from $10,000 to $12,000 and wish to have o nearly new 3 bedroom split level with attached gorege, walkout basement, recreation room, 4-plece with vanity bathroom, Hollywood kitchen, ete. Coll us and let us work out the detoils, This could be just what you have been looking fon OLDER HOME AND LOT 94 BY 164 -- WHITBY With three bedroom stucco home neor Separate ond Publie Schools In Wh itby, of pga apB yi Bly bol hpi si ™ forced air haatine ween bing ping doub! in Immaculate condition. he more modem home on extra lot. Full price $13,500 with tea re eer ore build $ BEAUTIFUL BRICK EXECUTIVE HOME -- WHITBY In Whitby In immaculate condition with neat landscaping, 4 bedrooms, dining room etteched gorage. 1% bath, custom built away from 'tubdivision on. Not ing to ya AL 3 diag in. A good cash payment needed here on this $21,900 property, Inspect and make WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING 2 On 68 by 162 corner lot could be utilized for ony other church group wishing to hove @ central location. Possibly a lodge hall or some commercial venture wishi onomil headquorters would snop up this solid brick 88 year old building. Property To all leet an 6 pa cosy pier': 2 washrooms, kitchen, Sunday. School room and some. class rooms. 'ull price 500, WHITBY LOT -- 175 BY 500 AND HOUSE On Cochrane Street North may be the land value you have been wolling for, Hi s mod- est 1% storey Johns Mansville siding, three bedroom 'tes with hin on sither pel of house for lots. An ambitious builder may find he can have permission to make a new street here and have further lots for good homes, Full price $18,900 with good terms. HICKORY ST. WHITBY -- COMMERCIAL Hpaiy Bug? hd pedoerne, ve off Dudes BE Large lot for ani, buatrane In close In location. ive here ai a business of your e. e good ware! * hi intl shop, or similar business location, Full price $11,900, > Senne FPR ae WHITBY -- WORTH THE PRICE -- $9000 This older style stucco bungalow has @ good basement with economical heating system, 9 piece bath, 2 bedrooms, lous kitchen and large living room, The lot Is 66% 137' ond 'entire property is Dutch clean ond tidy. Don't walt too long to see this one. ECONOMICAL LIVING IN WHITBY -- $8,500 Frame home with low taxes, low heating cost, situated on quiet street in centre of Whitby. If you can get along with two bedrooms why pay for more, Inspect and make an offer for cash. K-MART SHOPPING AND S.D.A. CHURCH Neor by this 12 yeor old stone ond frame bungalow on Kendolwood Drive between Oshawa and Whitby. The cosy open stone fireploce with the worm crackling fire gives on atmos. phere of hominess to this 3 bedroom bungalow thot will enjoy. The lot is 100 by 208° HO peter small fruit trees, Taxes are low, Full price $16,800 with $3,000 down and , iv. WHY MOVE EVERY FEW YEARS FOR A CHANGE When you can buy a ranch style heavy white clapboard home with attached garage for less thon $20,000 with near! 1400 3q. ft, of living space plus a 100 by 165 ft. lot in one of the best oreos of North West Whitby near modern schools, This executive custom designed 1 storey home is designed and built of some of the finest materials with heovy Insulation throughout making the, total yearly heating cost about $125.00. The advantage of owning this fine wood finished home is that you can settle here, let your imagination run wild with interesting changes of color every three or four years instead of the conservative cold brick home that never changes. Never worry about the labor of painting here as the low ranch style lends itself well to easy reaching witt bersome. ladd ete., In foct the owner can paint one side each year in about 5 hours, The cosy, open fireplace, large 12 by 24 living room, spacious kitchen, handy utility room for washer and dryer, seperate dining room ond three bedrooms must be seen to be appreciated. Call us for an appointment to gl ay: Full price $19,500 with @ minimum of $3,500 down, Make offer for @ quick sole,

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