Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1964, p. 4

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SE bbe ter al Ope dey ots nt litylililingalige - apa b-e hs > a I ae fal ad ee a Ha Rte tae 5 eS Fey | @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, October 3, 1964 BY ae ATONE SH, Sty Oe 7 ° x Fn ROTARIANS TOLD ee Views Changing On CAS: Director ' Toronto Minister Will Be Speaker At Enniskillen ENNISKILLEN morning church service last Sunday, Rev. Mary Dougherty gave a well explained message of one of Paul's personal let- ters to Philemon Onesimus with her theme, "The Doctrine of Fongiveness." The junior choir and leader, tr |the work of a Children's Aid of >| we run into problems of alcohol-| >| consideration. We must find the regarding evidence of neglect or brutality, When this happens we must go before a magistrate and present our c2<e to him and he will then the child to us." Mr. Finnie told the club that ficer is broken into two parts. The first part he said is in- vestigation, the second is the children themselves. NEED HELP "Under the investigation part, ism, desertion, non-support and debt. In cases like this we don't solve the problems for the peo- ple, we help them to solve ce sate at cil ale 2h decide whether or not to award| Mrs Mrs. G. Cook, Brooklin, weal guest soloist. She sang "Strang- er in Galilee," with Miss Caro- lyn Webber at the organ. "To do this we need the help of ministers, doctors and other people in the community. | "When a child has been taken) from his parents by the society,| many factors are taken into} correct foster home for him to make sure their religion is the same as his. Once the child is in a foster home, we pay upkeep) on him, pay for his clothes, - |tist bills, doctor's bills, and| |make sure he has recreation | facilities. STRIPPERS END OLD NUDE SHOW | | LONDON (AP) -- London's | girly strip clubs Thursday succeeded where Adolf Hit- ler's bombers failed. They rang down the curtain on the capital's oldest nude the Windmill Theatre. Its non-stop performances during the German air raids show, | of the Second World War Mrs, Wright, sang the familiar} Mr. Finnie also said there are| earned it the proud motto and favorite anthem, '"Thelapproximately 170 children be-| "We never closed. Church in the Wildwood." ing looked after by the CAS But where the bombs failed, Misses Maureen McNair 'and at the present time and that the| rival strippers have won. Sheryl Ashton were organists. lyearly budget for the society) Sheila Van Damm, manag: | STOP, LOOK AND LOOK AND LOOK - Wits Have Field Day With Tiny Railway jing water and want to know|means increasing efficiency but By JOSEPH MacSWEEN NEW ROMNEY, Englandjhow much petrol (CP) -- Slam bang, clickety|holds," Catt gritted. clack, whoo whoo. Throw open the tank/not closing any of |half the line's dozen stations or firing "Does it use real coal?" is ajstaff as was done by Richard the throttle and you're off like\question that occasionally|Beeching, chairman of the na- a shot on the Rummy, Dippy |stokes the ire. \IT'S NO TOY and Hot. Actually, it's the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch, the "world's smallest public rail- area t name to make it jive with the! jhearing Catt, way." But folks in this Kentish|Plans to take along a dessert take liberties with the|SP0on and volunteer as fire- man. somewhat larger prospective passenger,|<mall profit." quietly droppe lenge for me," tionalized British Railways, a operation. The line has been making a "This is a commercial chal- said Collins, 67. "I haven't been interested in trains as a hobby since I was a regular hour of service, Re v.| Thos. Lindsay, Toronto, will be guest speaker. Rally Day was observed at |\the Sunday School session.| |Superintendent A. J. Werry| jled in this special service of] worship, | PERSONALS Mrs. Fred Anderson and Jim,|!iam Loune Peterborough, were recent visi-| Know _ bette tors with her sister and brother-| 'enced him LONDON, Pethick. |with intent Mr, and Mrs. Norval Parrott,| harm. ' Marquis, Sask., Mr. and Mrs,.| oune Is Donald Wearn and family, Scar-| borough, were with A. L {62-year-old | Wearner's. Herbert Wright and daughters,| A jaccompanied by Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. Annie |N. E. Wright, visited Miss Mar-|40, over a This Sunday, Oct. 4, at the|is $120,000. Wine Argument Nets 3 Months Ont. (CP)--Magis- | trate Donald B. Menzies .com- mented Friday that John Wil- was "'old enough to r" when he sen- to three months in in-law, Mr. and Mrs. §, R,|Jail on a change of wounding to cause bodily 82. | He was convicted of stabbing James Mill in the *\ chest with a kitchen knife dur- ing a dispute with 69-year-old Karn, also of Lon- -hottle of wine. guerite Wright, St. Catharines, ' on Sunday. The N. E. Wright's FLOODS remained for a visit. IN THAILAND ing director of the 32 - year- | old theatre, told reporters | | that, due to falling attend- | | ances, she has been forced to sell out to a cinema firm. The theatre, known to hun- dreds of thousands of Com- | monwealth and U.S. service- | men for its high kicking chorus line and statuesque nudes, will show movies after | Oct. 31. | "We began to lose business almost immediately after the strip clubs opened in London in 1956," Miss Van Damm told a press conference. | "The girls in the elubs can move. As a theatre our nudes were bound by law to stand still." way the tiny trains go rollick-| 'Thanks for the lovely ride on| smal boy, and I'm a bit old to] ing along their 13 miles ofjyour toy train," is another| start now. There are other min-| ck, clanger that darkens the dayjjature railways in Britain, but| BANGKOK (Reuters) -- « Stop Corn Mr. and Mrs. Garth McGill and Mark, Orillia, were with Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill. least 4,000 persons are homeless | because of floods inundating| icentral Thailand, In some| ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ee ae Monday Only Specials OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE EP} PEs SIR AA nine ween ie DAILY 10:00 a.m. To 10:00 p.m. SATURDAY 6:00 P.M. WN IT'S OUR 6th ANNIVERSARY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALE! FREE Boy's or Girl's BIKE 1f your child was born 6 years ago during our Birth- day Week (October 4th-October 10th) register the dote of their birth at 0.D.H. before 10 p.m. October 9th. Saturdoy, October 10th ot 2:00 p.m. we will draw a winner. from those who are registered. PARENTS NOTE:--Please Bring Proof of Birthday. FREE $100 CASH Here is all you have to do! B us @ Bi Greeting Card ond deposit it in our " y Bi Box before October 9th, 10:00 p.m. meade or Seturdey, A 1 et 4 es often @s you wi You may be the winner! $50.00 Consolation if not present "es the drew, FREE TO 6 LUCKY CUSTOMERS CHOSEN FROM OUR HAPPY SHOPPERS DURING OUR 6TH BIRTHDAY SALE! You will receive your totel purchase free when the pre-set alorm rings at the check-out counter you ere using. You will be limited to the items you have on hand at the time the alarm rings. 6 BIRTHDAY CAKES To 6 lucky customers chosen from ha shop- pers during our 6th Anniversary Sale. Clue Me wiles @ It_mey bethe.-first customer of the dey @ may be the last customer of the day @ If may it anytime! . . . So be here! " ALL "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" SPECIALS GOOD TO OCTOBER 10th UNLESS SPECIFIED .,. OR REGRETABLY SOLD OUT! "We don't mind that," said/for the railwaymen, becatise/none on public service like this P; §. Catt, 33-year-old superin-jthe Rummy, Dippy and Hot|one» | tendent of the 15-inch-gaugelis no toy. It's an honored war Collins {sn't saying what he fh be sel dre Bag beg nae oe len paid for the railway, built as a steam locomotives, passenger i -27, | : pany in one-third reg-|came into the ews, recently oval iyi Cane veces Ol ae tbe yoo ee nen pe Ay a Re norma aor alley Sidney H Collins (motor racing driver who died|rarely separated. Mr. Rutledge, | West some gn cai sjlast year at 76. |who believes his horse is better Pain Fast! g) | Super-soft tg Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads quickly stop pain of corns. Also | remove corns, callouses when used with separate medicated disks in-| cluded in each box. Sold everywhere, | | 1 places flood waters were re- HOUSE GUEST ported to be 21 feet deep. Hun-} CALGARY (CP) -- The Rut-|dreds of persons were reported jperched in trees. NEED Mortgage Money? Reol Estate McGILL "i: Day or Night - 728-4285 |! | 10:00 a.m. Door Opener TEEN-AGE DOLL with high fashion clothing ond rooted hair, All joints moveable for easy dressing. Use any Teen age doliclothes including Barbies' fardrobe, Compore et 98¢ with clothes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ¢€ SPECIAL : @ LOWER LEVEL 11:00 a.m. Door Opener Big Two Foot Tail WALKING DOLL Fully dressed with leotards and shoes. Big beutiful doll wolks along with any child holding her hand; she has rooted hair that can be combed. Made in Canada by Dee & Cee Toy Co., Toronto, Compare ot 9.98. SPECIAL 2.66 Happy Birthday @ LOWER LEVEL o« 1:00 p.m, Door Opener 3-Piece CORNING WARE SAUCE PAN SETS No. P11D with 32-48-56 ox, sauce pore ot 18.98 sete HAPPY' BIRTH. ire of 5 a Bay SPECIAL 11.66 @ LOWER LEVEL '¢ ELTON TLE 8 to 10 p.m. Closing 11-Piece WAGON TRAIN SCOUT GUN SET Includes A scout gun rifle; Hand- cuffs; Spurs; Wrist Strap and Der- ringer; One pair 6-Shooter Pistols, 5:00 p.m. Door Opener 20-PIECE STARTER SETS FREE! ALL KIDS Accompanied by Adults NYLON STRETCH HAIR MONDAY AND TUESDAY Suber Swingg 4 DINNER PLATES -- 4 BREAD Compare at 4.95 HAPPY BIRTHDAY e@ LOWER LEVEL @ @ MAIN FLOOR @ LOWER LEVEL @ PLATES -- 4 CUPS <= 4 SAUCERS. Pair holsters and Cowboy belt, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BANDS for the GIRLS. SPECIAL VASSAR 180 STERILIZED ALSO 4 SOUP BOWLS. Compare et 8.98, SPECIAL 1.66 SUN GLASSES for the boys. 1.66 HAIR BRUSH ROLLERS Q-TIPS At least once a year some|who wants to "do a Beeching on th wit threatens to cause a trainjit." £250,000 TO BUILD inee os ati Theda yd However, Collins estimated "They see a locomotive tak-'Beeching he has in mind, Thai Gatien ticae |spent £250,000 to build the line ba ® P jand it probably couldn't be put ie rvice rector together now for £1,000,000, N rthumber! and jished to a shine--is worth § rrom NO nearly £20,000. The railway carries 250,000 been appointed director of field|capacity until accepting his neW|traversing a marsh once notori- services for the Ontario Federa-|appointment. : jous as a haunt of smugglers tion of Agriculture. | Mr. Wallace is a family man) ang now a sheep hangout. Fare eiage' ty os i retary-manager, y|been active in communit do during the Second World ition fairs and is currently en wat when the line--the white of his local school board and @/clitts of Dover aren't far away dairy farm in the Campbell- } ot Ahan Basan meet oo 'eines move frequently attacked by German bain: mr, Wallac ' raiders. The railway also - y where he obtained his!is family to' the Toronto area ried the i and 'ittings fe tario Hydro as a power plant operator and continued in this wreck by tossing a rolled-up| But Collins. assured a re-| house and permits him to eat {that Howley, whose greatest joy Each of the nine chest-high, 10- . ' F | A native of Northumberland|Ontario Federation of Agricul-/noliay-makers in its annual op- an-| With six children. ranging in age|is about 65 cents. , who is 35 years) |member of the Board of Mama-|_ wa. used by the army for y and secondary school-|. "ine not too distant future. for some nine years DEATHS nearby Littlestone - on - Sea to France, | With 15 full-time and 40 sea- Pluto, the pipeline which even-| TOBE? 5" 6 ONI yy tually ran uner the sea from| AND | eo een | newspaper on the line. jporter it's a sort of one-third sugar off the table at morning jwas to pilot his own trains, : ton locomotives -- always pol- County, Grant H. Walllace, has|ture and has served in this|eration from Easter to October, The appointment s nounced by R. A. Hergott, sec-|from one to 12 years, He There were days 'of derring- who e, was born and raised on i age gers of Burnbrae Presbyterian|,.mored anti - aircraft trains, . In 1947 he joined the On- Leaving hydro in the fall of 1956 he returned to oy tong By THE CANADIAN PRESS om es wi oy ee take over the home farm on his) i jates regular schedules, 15-car father's retirement. PR ar r ie 7 ert Richard trains chugging under and over |newspaper man. pica, bridges at about 20 miles an | Renfrew, Ont. -- Lucy Zav-|hour. ae itske, 67, private secretary to|, Prince Charles and Princess former prime minister W. L.|Anne ry and oe granfather, 1} ie King, 1922 to\King George VI--were among oe a a \those who proudly rode the foot- New Delhi -- James. Cobb/Plates of the Lilliputian locomo- ane secret, Sr Sie tesa ne ot tian jand Life magazines; in a fall|\ lan § : € , Agriculture. In September 1961) i7 'the Guten Himalayas. jthe Winston Churchill, was ex-| he joined the fieldstaff of the) -- --|hibited in Canada in 1948. AME . | The young of all ages like to | bi 08 FROM SOUrE jcluster around these marvels Italian cameos come from the|which the railway boasts are southern. part of the country, es-\"ra kish, handsome, insolent |pecially around Naples, where| monsters with the rugged brag- the most skilled engravers are|gadocio of the Western Prair- employed ies." NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA'S MOST RELIABLE RUG LEANING By NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS, the largest broadioom dealer ond rug cleaner in Eastern Ontario, Only NU- WAY Jet Cleans your rugs, a second and third time if necessory giving extra special' attention te stains, returning them to your floors fresh-air fresh | ond new looking. Using the mest modern rug clean- ing equipment NU-WAY"S efficient methods keep prices low ... . for example a 9 x 12' rug costs tonly $9.75. For fast 3 doy service call now. 728-4681 NU - WAY RUG An Approved Member of the National Institute of Rug Cleaners with en opportunity to gain val-| uable practical experience) actual farm study of} FACIAL TISSUES KLEENEX xXSAVE NO", Boxes _-- --< GRADE A LARGE Fresh Daily EGGS 43 * SAVE 8B + | POWER Perfect GRAINFED BEEF | Special 1.00 value packages. Your choice of size, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL @ MAIN FLOOR @ Double Tip Swabs Reguler 1.18, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL ...... 4G HAPPY_ BIRTHDAY PIPE SMOKERS! Zuiderdee Dutch TOBACCO Superior Mild Cavendish. THIS WEEK ONLY, pouch f @ MAIN FLOOR @ PINK OR GREEN 4 beauty bars in package. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL 4 FOR 46° @ MAIN FLOOR @ PLASTIC COVERED STANDARD WIRE CLOTHES LINE Easy to keep clean. Compare ot 1.29 for 50' roll, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL 36° 50° ROLL... Largest Size Immitation CUT CRYSTAL CAKE PLATE & COVER Compare oat 3.00. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL e@ LOWER LEVEL ¢ HIGH QUALITY POTTERY SAFETY BOWL ASH TRAY Large 5" round end deep; in eggshell white finish, reguier 49c. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL @ LOWER LEVEL @ FIBREGLAS FILTERS For your furnace. 6 different sizes to suit all needs. Compere at 85c. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL @ LOWER LEVEL @ DUSHARME CREME HAIRDRESSING Lanolin enriched to enhance the beauty of your heir, Compare at 1.25. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL @ MAIN FLOOR @ For The First 66 Customers! 6 PACKAGES Peter Jackson CIGARETTES 66 Regular price 2.22 for 6 packages. For the FIRST 66 SMOKERS MONDAY. @ MAIN FLOOR e MINARD'S LINIMENT For quick relief from muscular aches ond pains. Compere at 1.00. 46° HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL : WE'VE GOT HALLOWE'EN GOODIES BY THE LOAD! Hallowe'en Masks--Hallowe'en C Hallowe'en Cosmetics--Hallowe'en Candies! COME AND CHOOSE YOUR NEEDS AND SUP. PLIES EARLY AND SAVE!.... AT 0.D.H. FRESH MINCED $ 0 LES. 0 for HAMBURG STEAK #5. ~ 50-TABLET BOTTLE : BUFFERIN For fost relief from headachés. Compare ot 1.00. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL 46¢ BIG BEAUTIFUL 1112-02. BEVERAGE GLASSES by Hazel-Were in smort decorator patterns . . . blue moon, confetti, modern butterfly; in hendy ten peck sets. Compare at 2.89 set of ten. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WECIAL OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 XIN€ ST. WEST

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