Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1964, p. 18

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12-----Articles For Sale .LD GUN wanted. Telephone figadt ae sit ll i ai ates i $ l JGUITAR and amplifier, $60, Apply 655 King Street West. "TELEVISION tower She GEE gn ET lang He ee ia oe cae a rete He ga eg emergent ay met ir ges v saan nny rs Ages it > Acasa go 6 or call Haytor St, Eaton's College Store), VACUUM CLEANER repairs, all makes, hoses, brushes, bags, etc. Free Tell it to the World with WANT ADS |! Pick up and delivery. Dial eee Fleming Vacuum Service, ighway Pickering. special 40 ff, struc- all channel Paucieagitleg i i i Fe iy f MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST, S. OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS 723-1002 728-6627 g by experts 0 years 'experience, $50. Trio Television, Telephane 728-5143, -- AND WOOD annex, venetian blind, ft.; winter, wool navy jacket (10); = brown coat, mink collar, both as 725-5860. HONEST CAL'S Faghygs and appii- ances, Name brands at biggest discounts) anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverly! jmattress furniture fines, a7 Mihes authorized | GE dealer, Conti it Cal's on 424 King Street West, mer rs i MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL Department Enquiries for this yeors in- gay advisable now. Wm, Greenhalgh mgr., will call ot your convenience on this or any other pertinent need for courteous memorial park information, 723-2633. MOULDED plywood boat, motorcycle, good' shape, 725-4920. Vikine vacuum ¢ a ene $50. Also 1962 $335, Call brand » on wheels with all attech. power selector, Asking $60. Tele- ering after ier five, vanish GAS CONVERSION | BURNER with ther- mostet, $25. Telephone 725-7518 after 5, evenings. Re a ANTIQUE diningroom suite, buffet, tabie, sot tao taees|CARD OF THANKS the with funeral service in Chapel Mon- day, October 5 et 2 p.m. Interment Osh- @wa Union Cemetery. (Donations to the Canadien Cancer Society would be ap- precieted). MURRAY, Hugh Douglas "LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements ond floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 PASCOE -- The family of Mrs. Eleanor rue wish to thank the nurses and staff) Oshawa General CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) «| conversion, square type, metellic green, | sion, hot water tank, quarter 4 plate 'lable as farm wagon; Frigidaire built-in chairs; two refri Lovaas nl two nangettes; three beds, mattresses, spring; two studio couches, table suitable for cot- tage, dresser; console radio, Rogers, excellent working condition. 728-9569, BEACH gravity furnace suitable for oll $50. Also Quebec heater. Telephone 728-9349. i LLOYD BABY carriage. Also other baby items. Phone 725-8316. SHOTGUN, Erownie automatic, -| condition, seldom used, $100, Siianone PE ad Ridges, 839-4304. felow| TWO chrome sets, ~retrigerator, _televi- jglass, any size, Telarone 728-206 |FOUR-WHEEL trailer, heavy as suit- electric stove, 725-5649 UPRIGHT PIANO, Paimer, completely re-conditioned and tuned, wainut finish, complete with bench. $300 cash, Brooklin 655-4480. RANGETTE, heavy duty, 2burner; one 4#-inch Hotpoint range; also baby car- in good condition. Phone nearly new. Telephone riage. 728-1244, 29-- Automobiles For Sale 1958 RENAULT Deluxe, good condition with radio and all the extras. Can be Only $195. Call seca | i953 FORD cab and chassis, $450. or best offer. Cali 668- to 5 p.m. MERCURY sedan, 1955, good running beh a petegger xd paged radio, new front) win Benen te merry 5050008. 7, ae rett. Port Perry. Jari 1957 DODGE station wagon, two-tone | black end white, V- Ic, Mad doors, radio, $495. Cail 725-6132. 1956 ¢ MERCURY, In Lag oe $500 or best offer. Telephone 723-1684. 1953 PLYMOUTH sedan, good aie | $95. Cail 728-0864. ae from | 1951 FORD Kong a ruck: Make offer. Apply 295 We IN MEMORIAM COKER -- in loving memory tether, Water Seott fe pou 1900 eHEVROLET cone coach, A-1 condition. Apply Ferguson's BA Station, Hampton, three miles east of Taunton. 1955 DODGE station wagon 'wagon. Perfect con- dition. All good tires. A-1 motor, $125. 1958 VAUXHALL Crests, A-1 condition. One owner. mileage 51,000. Will sel or trade for household furniture or appliances. Diel 728-4401; efter 6 p.m., 728-3984. ies..| -- SNOOKER TABLE for sale, size 5 ff. by 'mat _. |SIMPLICITY garden tractor, 34 A horse- tight ~ brown, steel, be converted to car bed. Perfect | condition, $30, Call Whitby 668-4058. \eRIB, complete, two-piece c chesterfield, | one-piece sndéw suit, size |, pink; three piece coat set, size 2, pink. 238 Johnston Avenue. | BABY CARRIAGE, | | 110 ft. Good condition. For information, call 725-0397 or 723-7605 evenings. THREE-PIECE chesterfield | suite, black, one pink chair, one black; two walnut end-tables with matching pink lamps. Per- fect Condition, Whitby 668-3443, lusED vacuums and polishers, gooc good ¢ con- In The Matter of the Mechanic's Lien Act, Chapter 233, R.S.O. 1960, Section 48, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL WHEREAS Centre B.P. Ser- vice Station, 408 King Street, West, io hos o pea Lien against certoin roperty owned . by one, DENNIS KEARY, for an omount of money which hos. a remainder unpaid for. three months after same ought to have been paid. TAKE NOTICE thot the aftermentioned goods will be sold by public auction, par- ticulors of said sale being os follows: Lien Cloimont: Centre B.P. Service Station. Owner of Property Liened: Dennis Keory, 298 Kingsdale Street, Oshowa, Ontario. Amount of Debt: $282.01. Description of Property: one 1957 Chevrolet cor, Serial No. 71039D316017. Place of Sole: Centre B.P. Service. Station, 408 King Street West, Oshawa. Time of Sole: 10 o.m., Octo- ber 19, 1964, Said property will be sold to the highest bidder. Minimum Bid: $262.01, DATED AT OSHAWA, this 30th day of September, 1964. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES KENNETH MALLEAU All persons having claims against the Estate of James Kenneth Valleau, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of May, A.D. 1964, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Solici- tors for the Executor on or before the 15th day of Octo- ber A.D. 1964 full particul- ars of their claims, Immed- iately after the said 15th day of October, 1964, the assets of the deceased will be distrib- uted amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the the undersigned Solicitors for the Executor shall rhen have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 17th day of September, A.D, 1964. HARRIS HARRIS & WALLACE Box 338 Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for R. A. Wallace, Executor. "CITY OF OSHAWA __ SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES A sale of londs in arrears' of taxes in the City of Oshawa will be. held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the. forenoon of Tuesday, the fifteenth. day of December, 1964, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid, The list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes hos been published in the Ontario Gazette on the 5th day of September, 1964. Copies of the said list may be obtained at the office of the City Treasurer. Dated at Oshawa, Ontario, this 19th day of September, 1964, I, F, MARKSON Treasurer vib Eight to choose from, $15 and up. Telephone 728-6956. | THREE SPACE jHEATERS, 30 and } 50,000 | TU, Phone 723-531 "t | iF. caBAnETEIP hss boat, tarp and| trailer and 30 HP Johnson motor, $500. cash for quick sole. | 72-9155. WEDDING GOWN, | pose rn length, never been =, a veil available. Whitby. aoe efter 5 p.m. a E pve J ee SCRAP HARDWOOD, one-foot 7.75 single cord. Dial 723-2281 4pm. atter power with cultivator, and disc, $200; oll burner, "Honeywell", and controls, $50. Brooklin, 655-3239. THREE ROOMS Pa furniture, $298.50. No pay 4 monthly at Honest 1963 CORVAIR Monza, automatic, radio, washers, bucket gion Ermine white with | - black Interior. Trade considered. For fur ther Information bf .| HOHNER "ACCORDION, 120 bass, Cal 424 King West, 728-9191, slike new, Cost $225, rene for $135 or best offer. 23-29 58. POR SALE -- 1951 Chevrolet pickup truck; 1953 Ford pickup truck. Goold's Furniture, 215 Dundes Street East, Whit- by. 668-5481. 1957 CADILLAC, 2door Coupe de Ville. Radio, all power equipment. Best offer. Telephone 725-1796 after 4.30 p.m. 192 ENVOY cen, 10,000 miles. Good CHESTERFIELD aL alas suites, $89.88 up. New discontinued lines, Floor THE WESTERLY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FEEDER MAIN SOUTH SECTION Sealed tenders addressed to the Chairman of the Public Utilities ission, 100 Simcoe Street S hawa, Ontario, will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, October 13th, 1964, for the construction of the Westerly Feeder Main. The work comprises approximately 14,000 of 24-inch pipe. feet of 30-inch and 1500 feet Plans and specifications with blank Form of Tender may be obtained ot the office of the Public Utilities Commission or at the office of Gore & Storrie Limited, Consulting Engineers, 980 Yonge Street, Toronto 5, Ontori cheque in the amount of $30.00. 0, ON payment of a deposit by Such deposit will be refunded upon the return in good condition of the said plans ond specifications within two weeks from the closing date of tenders, Each tender must be accompani ied by a marked cheque in an omount equal to 5 per cent of the tender sum. The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted, Gore & Storrie Limited, samples. Fantastic savings. Easy terms. _ Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe ayeawniven R portable $40, 0. like new.| Also. standard typewriter; adding) peerage cash register; office desk with ¥ gg CHEVROLET oa "wagon, Fd) automea- ic transmission, > good con- diver. 728-5179. 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re- stored, new battery, licence, $550. and drive away. Apply Howard Motors, Kent Street North, Whitby. 1949 MONARCH -- Ideal for customizing, | $69.95. 1957 Zephyr six, real economy car, new trensmission, paint job. $495. or best offer. Whitby, 361 Rosedale Drive, 668-4307. WRECKING 1 5s Chevrolet. Selling parts. Phone Ajax 942-6335 7957 MG, radio, , tuily ; equipped, newiy | painted. Telephone between 4 and 6 p. 72-738 as 30--Automobiles biles Wanted HAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto W Wreck: os -|ers, 1175 Nelson Street, wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 oF nas. LAKESHORE Auto 3° Wreckers want cars t--prices _pald. --! chair. 723-4434. eanaivORE: ; 3 rooms new Yew quality ty tural. includes complete bed Consulting Engineers. September 25th, 1964. E. F. Armstrong, Chairman. J. B. Annand, General. Manager. | RCA. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERN room, living room, kitchen Pay only $3 weekly, Unbeatable value! | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe St. |TYPEWRITERS, a adders cashiers, , dupil- cators, cheque writers, comptometers, files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, serv- Ice, Largest stock, budget terms. New jand used. Low overhead, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, |we "BUY, sell and nd exchange used j furni- [er = anything you have. The City ing Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street bry 723-1671. "| BOX TRAILER, size 6 x 9. Asking $45 or | best offer. Telephone Whitby 668-4993. CITIZEN BAND 2-WAY RADIO Part sales and service Hallicrafter Dealer --In loving memory by wife Mary. HANCE -- in loving memory of a dear father, f. » Who pas: Love's remembrance outiasts 'all, And though the years be many or few, AM are filled with remembrance of you. --Sedly missed by Gaughter Vera. HANCE -- In loving memory of a dear Harold away October 3, 199. In my heart a memory is kept For @ grandpa | respected and will never forget. remembered by grandson, POGSON -- In memory of a _ mother, Leata who passed | yy October 3, 1963, wnat we could give if we ou say, ing son, Wentworth East, 725-1181. $ ALLCASH $ clean cers, or trucks we leal up or down. Liens paid NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 146 BROCK ST. NARTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car?" Sell your used car to Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer ond "SAVE"' | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 _ peseed | 31 ---Automobile Repair | TRANSMISSION specialists, transmis sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. EXPERT brake service and front end suspension alignment. 226 Celine Street. Call 723-4233. OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert carburetor and auto electric service. 222 King West, 728-0817. nile,|32--Articles for Sale it To us she has not gone away, Nor has travelled far, Just en POGSON -- In loving memory of a dear, mother, oe Pogson, who passed away October 3, 1963. What would we give if we covid say "Helio Mom" in the same old way. To hear your voice, see your smite, To sit with you and chat awhile, $o you who have @ mother, Cherish her with e, inow the hearteche chair. by i aes! --Lovingly Luelie end son-in-lew Joe. an ae -- In loving memory of a) and Martha | mother Sherigen, who passed away October 4 ihere is @ sad but sweet remembrance, | There is a memory fond and true; There. is 4 token of affection, Mother, And a heartache still for you, Evelyn end Roland, FREE -- Your furnace parts guaranteed) and replaced "free". Furnace cleaned and 24 hour service 'free', when you purchase "White Rose' fuel oil from); Western Ol! Company, _ 725-1212. FRIGIDAIRE electric range » and refrig- erator, console radio, mantel radio, an- tenna with rotor, antique pictures. Priced |for quick sale, Apply between 5 and 6 .m. 506 Dundas Street West, Whitby, | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying or selling used fur- niture ond appliances. Call Valley Creek Furn'ture 16% Bond W.--728- 4401 For . . . Evergreens, Shade Trees, flowering shrubs, fer- tilizer, etc. Visit your local | garden centre | J. A. Janssen and Sons Ltd. 843 KING $7. W. 728-9429 "Garden Centre & Landccape tors" DOC'S SPEED AND CUSTOM 1600 King St. E. 728-7781 24 Hour Towing WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER Texaco Furnace Fuel Oil and Stove Oil FREE Burner Ser- . vice. "blue coal'. - Cannel Coal, Semet-Solvay Coke, Wood. BUILDING SUPPLIES. SAWDONS" (Whitby) LIMIT- ED. 244 Brock St. $. Whitby 668-3524. ------y---___--_----- Tone Craft Paint £ Co: 19 BOND W., = 723-4922 100's rolls orisotted poper Reg. up to $1.95. Sale price 59c All Paints 20% Discount (Formerly Preston' Preston's) _ : 33--Market Basket PEARS 'large ¢ size, ¢ eating o or r preserving. |50 cents six quart basket. Pallock Or- |chards, 1 mile North, Whitby No, 12 Highway, east side, | TOMATOES, "$1 bushel; } cucumbers, ae ty hamper. Pick your own. Scott's Farm, ly Road, north to the end of pave ment. Turn left, ana house on north side. BARTLET PEARS. W. T. Cox, 1% miles north of Bowmanville Boys' Training School, Bowmanville, 623-2267. TOMATOES -- Pick your own! "Bring containers. Also corn, 25¢ per basket, $1 bushel. Wm. Sacks, Thornton Road South. First house South of Hydro Sub- Station (West side). us,| this SIZES 10-18 Whether you do any of the new "disc" or not, desi by Gothe with APPLES: Cortland, | Sweets, and Spys. Wholesale prices. | Bring containers. Ya mile south of Taun- fon on Townline Road, Glenosha Farms. 728-6908. CORN, 25¢ dozen; Spanish onions, 5c each. Pick your own (corn, onions), Bring containers. bushel, 25c. é-quart basket. Beets, bushel, 50c. 6-quart basket. W. Eymann, Ve-mile east of Nichol's Garage, Courtice. Go north to first corner. 34--Lost and Found LOST: Smati white German pup, 12 weeks eld. Child's pet. Area of Brock and Colborne Streets, Whitby. Re ward. 668-3444. LOST Two female Beagle pups, vicin- ity Martin Road, Baseline, Bowman- ville, Sunday evening. Answers to Brownie sleeves. The typical the long line and ruffles is the new fashion created to give exciting movement even to walking. The Original of Printed Pattern A563 is made of clinging black crepe with Jace ruffles and satin ribbon trim. Kor less formality sew your . version 'with short dise dress is black, of crepe or faille and its "mobility charms the beholder Printed Pattern A563 is available in Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14,16, 18. Size 16 2% yards and Blackie, Bowmanville 623-2410, Re werd, y 39-inch fabric; € yds. 54-inch PRINTED PATTERN FASHION SWING - DISC DRESS lace. Send ONE DOLLAR for Printed Pattern A563. to Pattern Department, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, On- tario. Ontario -residents add 3 cents sales tax. Please print, plainly Your Name, Ad- dress, Style Number and Size. Announcing the Premiere Edition of our Couture Pattern Collection -- 57 of the world's most beautiful designer orig- finals plus 50 cents FREE COUPON to apply to any One Dollar pattern. Send 50 cents right now for Couture Collection 10. Next. Week -- | Watch for a Prominent De- signer Pattern by Helga. OBITUARIES and Mrs. Norman PMG Se! hon mosngat Oshawa; two maga Frankford and Morley of Oshawa and six grandchil- A Armstrong Oct. Home at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. Interment will be in the Sol: diers' Plot, Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev. A. Wooilcock, padre of Branch S Royal Cana- dian Legion. will conduct the services. GORDON OSBORNE BLOW Seriously ill for the past year) Gordon Osborne Blow, 311 Ade- laide avenue east, today at the Oshawa General Hospital. He was in his 61st year. Born in Oshawa Aug. 8, 1904, the deceased was a son of late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blow. He was married in St. George's Memoria! Anglican Church, Osh- awa, Dec. 22, 1926. A veteran of the First World War, Mr. Blow enlisted with the 14th Battery, RCA, at Cobourg and went overseas with the unit. During his five years' of overseas: service he also served | with the 34th Field Regiment, | Mr. Blow, prior to his retire- | ment in 1954, was an employee of General Motors in the cuting and sewing department for 27 years. A former member of Local | 222, UAW and the Sons of UI- ecg Flute Band, the deceased }was also a- member of "Branch |43, Royal Canadian Legion and lof Unit 42, Canadian Corps. : As-| sociation. | He is survived by his wife, the} former Mabel Standley; three | daughters, Mrs. George Hard- ing (Marion), Oshawa; Mrs.} Thomas Thornton (Vera), Don) Mills and Mrs. Harry Snow| | Wilma), Oshawa. Also surviving are two sisters, | Mrs. Roy Mann (Rhea), Oshawa Hint Hellyer Warns Firms OTTAWA (CP) -- Informed sources said Friday Defence Minister Hellyer has given the Canadian aircraft industry a blunt warning not to put pres- sure on his department to buy the jet plane which the industry wants to build. They said the warning is the in frankest given the 'industry since former. prime minister|'M€ Diefenbaker cancelled the Ar- row interceptor in 1959 and pre- cedés the meeting of the Air Industries Association at Que- bec City Monday. Sources said the industry--in effect, Canadair Limited, Mont- real, and its subcontractors-- wants to build the American Phantom jet plane, probably the most expensive of all the planes being considered by. the | department. But the defence department,| faced with the problem of buy- ing new aircraft and naval) ships at the same time, is said) to believe that it can make do with »a much less expensive! plane. Informants said Mr. Hellyer jwas waning the industry not to try to push him into buying a plane he doesn't want--or| he' uy start pushing back. SECOND TO JAPAN In 1963, Britain completed the | | building of 228 ships, a total of| |1,822,000 tons, second only to Japan. COMING EVENTS Favreau Favors stern Monopoly Law Industrials By JOHN BELANGER | Canadian Press Staff Writer | The stock market adopted a | stand.pat attitude this week. The 80-stock industrial index jreached a high at the 2:00 p.m. compilation Tuesday, when it lrose to 165.39. The 114 - stock TSE index, a composite of fa- vored issues, also attained 4: high at that time of 154.43. The base metals index, made up of 15 stocks, Poggi sev- eral highs through the week and touched the last one--71.03--at 1:00 p.m. Thursday. What little corporate news there was, was Loblaw | reported higher earnings for the first nine months of the year. |Loblaw A closed at 9%, ahead |1%, and the B issue at 91, LA "Canadian Breweries reported | RUMMAGE cto ae gad Street Church, | Tueday, October at 12.30 p.m. Eest) Unit. P j Women's Club Dessert Bridge, UAW Hell, Monday, October 5, 7.30 p.m. Tickets at door $1 or | phone 725-3357. BI INGO AWA, HALL SATURDAY, OCT. 3 7:30 P.M. |20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF om $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH 10 Turkeys os door prizes | THANKSGIVING TOUR | SYRACUSE N.Y. | LEAVING FRI. EVE., OCT. 9th RETURNING MON. EVE, OCT. 12th Transportation Supplied to and from Oshawa. COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE BOWMANVILLE 623-3265 DANCE MODERN AND SQUARE THORNTON'S COMMUNITY HALL SATURDAY, OCT. 3rd AT 8 P.M. (off King St. West, 1 block on Thorntons Rd. N. The Old School House ADMISSION $1.00 BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, OCT. 3 7.30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted RUNDLE PARK "WAYS. & MEANS" HARVEST MOON DANCE TO BE HELD AT WOODVIEW CLUBHOUSE (Cadillac Ave. North) SAT., OCT. 3rd, 8:30 p.m. _ Admission Ticket Gives You 1 -- $150, ADMISSION $1.00 RED BARN Chi ~2--$250 Jackpotr-Nos;-50-and-55--= ry WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO - MONDAY, OCT. 5th Free Chshed On Door Prize JACKPOT Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 REGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS, OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 -- EXTRA BUSES NORTH OSHA'WA Idren under 16 not admitted $150 Jackpot -- $ $50 Ful 5 -- $30 Games: 2 20 -- $20 - EXTRA FREE ADMISSION FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST, WEST TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK he line plus -- $250 Jackpots Jackpots JACKPOT NOS. 57 AND 58 EARLY BIRD GAMES BUSES -- 7;30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS Children under 16 not allowed. REGULAR JACKPOT -- $ GOOD PARKING NO CHILDREN, PLEASE SHARE THE WEALTH Sicedae BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST.. GERTRUDE'S. AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL . FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE 20 REG. GAMES -- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL -- $140 IN 56 Nos. $20 Con. PLUS $10 EACH HORIZONTAL LINE 100:in 55 Nos. $20 Con. EXTRA BUS SERVICE ADM. 75c PER TICKET | bad news--lower earnings for lie third 'quarter--but showed ino effect. 'heavily and closed at 104, | changed. |PERFORMED WELL | Most industrial formed | groups per- well. chemicals and textiles and util- ities were especially favored. Greater Winnipeg, Gas, In- land Natural Gas, Loblaw A and B, Shop and Save, Great Lakes Paper, CPR and Chem- cell reached highs. Trading in two issues was suspended because it didn't file issued by the Quebec securities commission, the TSE said. generally higher prices. North- ern Canada had a 33-cent gain to $1.80 after touching a high early in the week of $2.30. Rag- lan rose 26 cents. The senior base metais list presented an improved picture. Mattagami Lake and Noranda were two stocks, that shared in this improvement, both 1% to 16% and 49 respectively. Inco and Falconbridge reached highs during the week and closed with advantages of % and % respectively to 91% and 78%. COMINCO GAINS Cominco gained 1% to 40% and |Craigmont %4 to 163%, but Lake |Dufault--due to begin produc tion Oct. 16--lost 1% to 12%. Trading in golds showed none of the sparkle and few of the price changes in evidence the previous week. Mcintyre Porcupine advanced 1% to 60%, Bralorne 35 cents to | May Force Wage Floor OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Min- ister MacEachen said Friday the government is considering a legislative amendment that _| would force all firms working on federal contracts to comply wwith the proposed federal labor 'code which sets a $1.25. mini- mum' hourly wage The bill to create the labor code was introduced in the Commons Thursday by Mr. |MacEachen. It would cover only 556,000 workers in indus- |tries under federal jurisdiction, less than nine per cent of the working force But the amendment now un- ider study would extend the | code's coverage to thousands of | additional workers in firms get- ting federal contracts. There was: no firm estimate of the number involved, but it could run to more than 100,000 in a year. Mr. MacEachen said in an in- terview the proposal is for an | amendment to the Canada Fair | Wages and Hours of Work Act. |This act, which has been in force since 1935, applies to all workers on federal contracts. If scch an amendment is made, a firm applying for a government contract woquld have to prove first that its workers. were getting the pay and hours - of - work standards set out by the code. In addition to the $1.25-an- hour minimum, the labor code provides for a 'standard 40-hour week, eight-hour day, overtime pay at time-and-a-half and/ing seven paid ~~ holidays.| maj The stock traded| . un-jume was 1,175,451 Ods,|trials fell 5.4 to 155.4, The speculative list showed Stock Mart Stands Pat; Hit High $4.60, Dickenson 15 cents to but Dome Home B was na % oon Hudson's Bay lost % to 15%. On index at Toronto, indus- '| trials advanced .29 to 165:03 and the TSE index .33 to 164.13. Golds gained 1.20 to. 146.59, base metals .75 to 70.93 and Western oils .04 to 95.71. Volume at Toronto was 17,- up| 054,848 shares compared with 17,802,253 the previous week. To- tal value of transactions was $54,592,223 compared with $66,- with 1,347,739. Volume of min- ing shares was 4,374,163 com- pared with 3,557,779; On index at Montreal, indus- utilities 2.8 to 142.8, papers 3.5 to 142.1 and the composite index 4.3 to 150.8. Banks rose 1.5 to 132.5, Dock Damage Not Malicious QUEBEC (CP) -- Port au- clarifica-| thorities said Friday damage to waterfront property at Wolfe's Cove, where the royal yacht Britannia will tie up we raghie week, was light and probably caused by smelt fishermen. Q. P. Larochelle, director of maintenance for the docks, said nothing was written either on the docks or on the wooden guards that cover the cement. Earlier, it was reported. that several FLQ initials -- standing for the terrorist Front de Lib- ahead|eration Quebecois -- were painted on the quay. But this was later discovered to be not the case. MD's Colleges Check Cost Of Education LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Ca- Ata "press conference follow- ing a closed session of the as- sociation's annual conference, Dr. McCreary, Dean of the Uni- versity of British Columbia medical school, the studies will justify the costs and eens g find financing for some of the many areas, other than teaching medical under- graduates, that medical schools -- with teaching and serv- ice ears and faculty members of the 13 Camadian medical col- leges and heads of Canadian teaching hospitals are attend- ing the conference at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario. Ottawa Favors Peace-Keeping Parley Here OTTAWA (CP)--Initial reac tion to the Canadian govern- ment's proposal for an interna- tional meeting here Nov..2 to exchange technical information on United Nations peacekeep- ing operations has been gener- ally favorable, external affairs -- sources said Fri- Though External Affairs Min. ister Martin announced the date of the meeting Sept. 25, no. formal invitations have yet been sent out. officials Instead, Canadian have been sounding out a num- ber of countries on whether they would favor such a meet- ing, which would be confined to nations with UN peacekeep- xperience, except for the wers,

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