On ae hee aie eae tete ee be el al MAKE PAYMENT | HOUSEHOLD HINT OTTAWA (CP) Canada| If you must store your {ron- Wednesday repaid $50,000,000 to|ing board in a utility closet, Monetary'keep it clean by "'slipcovering" | Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 \ Course In Advanced Welding Sponsored by the Advisory Vocational Committee of the Oshawa Board of Education, in cooperation with the & Welding Institute of Canade, Mon., Oct. 5, through Fri,, Oct, 9, 1964 @ AFTERNOON COURSE United Auto Workers Hall 44 Bond St. East, Oshawe, Ontario @ EVENING COURSE R. $. McLaughlin Vocational & Collegiate Institute Stevenson Road North, Oshawa, Ontorie APPLY AT ABOVE LOCATIONS -- NO CHARGE Pst (By Men's & Boys' 100% SCHUSS NYLON REVERSIBLE SKI JACKETS ridley. _--_--_--_--_------ = oo sleeves. Their headdresses were} vised the shower gifts and Miss|home of Mrs. Brough on Shelly draped chiffon pillboxes andjCarol Saunders was in chargejavenue. She attended Teachers' lege in Toronto; Col- taught at ll _ by a leading Canadian manufacturer BURNS JEWELLERS LTD. Moving Sale Selection of MEN'S and LADIES' WATCHES 70 90% ws. BURNS JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING WEST MEN'S SKI JACKET -- Water repellent Reg. 17.95 and wind resistant. Quilted on one side, Target plain on the other. Heavy duty front gue) zipper with zipper pockets. Knitted storm eufis, roll-away hood. Black to Red or 1 77 Electric Blue to Black. Sizes 36-44. 'each Reg. 11.95 Target BOYS' SKI JACKET -- Two coats in one! Quilted and plain sides. Zipper front and mipper pockets. Knitted storm cuffs. ¢,19) 98 each roll-away hood in collar. Red to Black, Electric Blue to Black, Black to Red. Sizes 8-18. WANTED! --~ Thirty, friendly, || fun loving couples to learn the new modern style of dancing. night through the Fall Winter (shift work no problem). | If interested call 725-2744 or | 623-2237. CLEARANCE OF BOYS' COTTON KNITS Due to a well-known turer's overmakes of ity cotton knits we are offer you these fantastic ings! shirts and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Octoher 2,1964 7 * . Showers, Parties, Trousseau Tea | LILLIAN MAE MARSH Honor Miss Judith Saunders ' SCHOOL OF DANCING Miss Judith Saunders, ger wate opened, dainty refresh- D.E.A., M.D.A. to her marriage last Saturday|ments ps ty nt A ' + cbs y 4 ide-| Miss Margaret Tweedy and! 'oe cro : _ mol Papen Meow ingene Joan Burrit were hostesses; LORNA McGILL HANCOCK Ballet, ap, , ch c, y bee oe ee lat a personal shower in Toronto} Pre-School, Kinderance, Character parties. . |for classmates of the Class at Aa Mrs. Lioyd Saunders ster." Atkinson School of Nursing,| Club Anticipates AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. atined at a trousseau tea for|Toronto Western Hospital. ~ ' Hey her daughter, assisted by the! Neighbors and former neigh- Official Visit } INFORMATION 723-7253 prospective bridegroom's ™0-/pors of Miss Saunders gathered| - { . = ther, Mrs. Norman Boddy. at the hame of Mrs. John Mat-| ()f Tts Tt, Governor | Pouring tea in the aftggnoon thews, Oshawa houleva#i south. : were Mrs. wey Saunders,|Gifts for the panies nd kit-| Members of the Oshawa randmother of the bride-ta-he;|chen were heautifully arrang- ' sa : Mrs. Howard Saunders, Toron-\ed under a decorated umbrene (Cane of the Pilot < wh Inter-) to; Mrs, Lloyd Rorabeck andiand the bride-to-be was later | Mationad are preparing to wel- Mrs. Douglas Edwards. Serv-|presented with a card table and|come the lieutenant-governor of ing were Mrs. Vincent Genge, chair set. district 17, Lorna McGill Han- c. pages soa i ar govt . Miss Alison Keay and Miss|ceck, on her official visit next - arr : Tweedy an rs. Robert|Sharon Gomme entertained at Tuesday. TO RESIDE IN CALGARY Brandt. a miscellaneous shower at the gent has made her --Aldsworth Photography | In the evening those pouring/home of Mrs. Albert Keay,/ home in Ottawa since 1944. She |tea were Mrs. Jules Perrault,|Saguenay street, where manyjis a charter member and past 'Mrs. Gordon Brough, Mrs. Johnjof Miss Saunder's high school|president of the Ottawa Pilot Barbara Workman Becomes \Matthews and Miss Mabel Car-|friends showered her . with|Club. The former Lorna McGill, penter. Serving in the evening gifts, she was born at Janetville, near MH M4 were Mrs. Ted Colbourne, Mrs.| Mrs. Lloyd Rorabeck, aunt of|Lindsay, where she attended ' Bride of Dr. Stanley Cassin Gordon Rahme, and the Missesithe future bridgeroom, enter-| Collegiate and the music studio Janet and Carol Rorabeck. As- tained at a miscellaneous show- Lad i pe a - oo She The marriage of Barbara|Bruce Smith of Richmond Hill,| sisting in the kitchen were Mrs. er at her home on Ritson road/Dtain her ARCT degree at Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,|They wore gowns of chocolate| Wilfred Baker, Mrs. James 'north. She was assisted by her| 15 5° took post graduate train- 4 rown, pure silk chiffon on|Keay, Mrs. George Murless and two daughters Janet and Carol. ing at the Royal Conservatory, Loyd C. Workman of Oshawa, sheath lines with divided, flow-\Mrs. Henry Etmanski. Mrs. Gordon Brough, aunt of Toronto for two years under and Dr. Stanley Bernard Cas-|ing overskirts, edged with pure| Miss. Linda Boddy was injthe bride-to-be and Mrs. Alan| Ernest sad (piano) P vig can sin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray-|silk to complement the deepjchange of the wedding gifts,|Dickson, were co-hostesses peat er chen ibe gh ce mond Cassin of Corunna, On-|shell necklines and elbow-length|Miss Margaret Tweedy super-ja miscellaneous shower at the Sludked pipe organ uncer Mure tario, was solemnized last Sat- urday morning in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Gregory|their flowers were yellow chry-\of the trousseau room. The bridal party was enter- ney . the Great santhemums with accents of, Mrs, Jules Perrault, aunt of rained at the home of the pros- dei pe Pangea vend Monsignor Paul Dwyer offi-jorange and gold wheat stalks inthe future bridegroom, held aipective bridegroom's parents, lesen one = ciated and Mrs. William Kins-|stylized fall bouquets. miscellaneous shower at her/Mr, and Mrs. Norman Boddy,!tarna McGill Hancock resign: I man sang "Salve Regina',, Mr. John MacDonald Keyes,/home on Roxborough avenue.|Oshawa boulevard north, follow-| oq from teaching and was ap- 'Ave Maria", "Panis Angeli-|Toronto acted as best man and|After the many lovely gifts'ing the wedding rehearsal. pointed Ottawa representative cus' and "Blessed Be Thisjushering were Mr. Roy. Cassin) ----~------ - har the: Raval Conmarvaicny 'of Day", yg godt pas or-land Mr. Herman Cassin, both * : |Music, Toronto, a post she stilt | anist, Mr. Jack Driscoll. jof Corruna, and Mr. Charles M M F B at ul R : rates in marriage by her|Root, Oshawa. 1SS ary Tances OUITIe Len pil Renae pol father, the bride wore a floor-| A reception was held in- the . lghe is well-known and highly Jength gown of white silk faille\Oshawa Golf and Country Club F ted At B id ] p rt regarded in both Ottawa and §j on empire lines, extending to and later Dr. and Mrs, Cassin e 1g a a 1es Toronto. Aine front with back fullness|left for the Pocono Mountains, 1 accented by a large how. Deli-/Pennsylvania. For going away, Miss Mary Frances Bourrie,/her home on Bernard crescent cate appliques enhanced the|the bride donned a camel hair|whose marriage to Mr. William|and was attended by relatives) SOCIAL NOTICE I softly moulded bodice and el-|suit with tie belt, a high, match-/David Frolick is to take place'of the prospective bridegroom. bow-length sleeves and were re-jing, up-turned brimmed hat,/tomorrow at St. Gregory the A presentation of crystal : " r] peated on the pillbox head-|trimmed with grosgrain ribbon|Great Roman Catholic Church,|stemware along with numerous' ENGAGEMENT dress, beaded with pearls andjand matching accessories has been honored at several pantry shelf items were given) Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mce- crystals, securing her shoulder-| Dr. and Mrs. Cassin will take| showers. to the bride-elect at a. shower|Mullen, Janetville, wish to an- length veil of silk illusion. oe residence at 915, 17 Street! 4 personal shower, given injheld by Mrs. Payl Lawrence,/nounce the engagement of their carried a fonmal bouquet of/North-East, Calgary, Alberta. 'toronto by Miss Peggy Bower, assisted by Mrs. Frank Maher.| youngest daughter, Jean Fliza white Fijii chrysanthemums. Guests attended the wedding| was attended by friends of Following the rehearsal to-|beth, to Mr. William Howard Mrs. Charles Root was her|from Toronto, London, Sarnia,|in¢ pride-to-be with whom she|Night, the bridal party will be|/Bradley, son of Mr, and Mrs. sister's matron of honor and/Corunna, Montreal and Detroit,|:-ained at St. Michael's Hos-\entertained at the home of the Howard Bradley, Bowmanville the other attendant was Mrs.'Michigan. pital me prospective bridegroom's par-|The marriage is to take place ----e Miss Claire Tierney, assisted gals, Mr. and ee Bpierig sip nel oh Part by her mother, Mrs. Bernard £ Tolick, Central ar oule- pea n Yelverton Unite |Tierney and her sister Miss|0@%@ Fe ocoodnaie Jamice Tierney, was hostess at! ja kitchen shower held at her home on Colborne street east.) An added attraction featured a) bride and bridegroom decorat- ed with useful kitchen items. Mrs. Martin Hanley and Miss Marilyn Barrett were co-host-| esses at a linen shower at the! home of Mrs. Hanley. Greeting : the guests were the Misses; = Janice and Joanne Tobin, cos-| WIFE tumed as a bride and bride- groom. Hot dishes. will be easier to A miscellaneous shower was handle if placed in the oven |given by Mrs. John Hutchuk atlin larger pan. 1] al A | | i For The Finest North American and European Style Meets and Pastries CONTINENTAL WAIST PANTS Real neat with side tahe. I 1 al wih for pec fold Bark, as hea 9 fancy checks. Sizes 10-18. 17 § Value! @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT @ 2 Locetions: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1111 es HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Phillip Wayne Crosson is | pne year old today. He is the | of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin rosson, Walnut street, Whit- by and grandson of Mr. and d Mr. and Mrs. David Cros- ion, Humtsvilhe, Ontario. ostesses Honor ~ Barbara Workman Prior To Wedding Parties aml showers honored Miss Barbara Workman, prior to her marriage to Dr. Stanley Cassin. A kitchen shower was given at the home of Mrs. Leon. | ard Glover with co-hostess Mrs F. C. Piper, and Mrs. A. Drum mond White and Mrs. Lawrence Hastings gave a china shower at the home of the former Mrs. Delbert Burnie and her daughter, Mrs. Garth Douglas held a miscellaneous shower at Mrs. Douglas' home on Marland avemue and Mrs. William Bois- goin gave a linen shower. Bathroom accessories were presented to the bride-elect at a shower held at the home of Mrs. Robert Morrison and Mr. Daniel Riordan, Simcoe street north, gave a cocktail party for the effianced pair. Following the rehearsal, the bridal party was entertained at the home of the bride's par- ents Mr) and Mrs. L. C. Work- man, Glenmanor drive A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East ' 723-2721 DOWNTOWN 12 SIMCOE ST, N. 728.5487 WAYNE I \ __OSHAWA-RECREATION-CENTRE Fall and Winter Programme For Youth Antron' and Cotton SKI PANTS Boys' quilt-lined ski pants are water repellent and wind resistant. Wear-re- sistant double knees, ad- justable shoulder straps and elastic instep straps. Guaranteed machine wash- able. Assorted deep, lux- urious colors, Sizes 4-6X. Target Sale 77 Special! pair SYNCHRONIZED SWIM CLUB (16 and under) BALLET SCHOOL (8-12 years) PHILOSOPHER'S ACADEMY (Grades 12 and 13) FIGURE SKATING CLINIC (8-12 years) SKIING CLINIC (16 years and under) JUDO CLUB(16 years and under) GYMNASTICS (over 16 years of age) RECORD CLUB (16 and under) CAMPING CLUB (14 to 16) WOODWORK CLUB (16 and under) AUTO MECHANICS CLUB (16 years and over) OSHAWA STUDENT TRAVEL CLUB (grades 7. and BOYS' BAND (16 and under) Interested parties in any of the ebove activities are asked to contact the O.R.C. Where there is sufficient registration and interest shown in na of the above mentioned eetivities the ©.R.C. will provide an instructor, and those facilities deemed necessary to the programme of your choice. : suis yutoaV | the vibrant look in sweaters the finest in Alpaca type stitch in Pullover and Cardigan. New fall shades for 1965 grey, blue brown, green, maroon, black. Sizes 34 to 46. rrom 12.95 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO INTEREST @ NO CARRYING CHARGES 'OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to.9 p.m. Thursday and Friday 36 King East Opén to 9 P.M. Friday *Reg'd TM. Walker's Target Sale is a Family Affair! Wacker's 8) cave STORE HOURS: Daily 9:30 «.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday 9:30 te 9 p.m. | PHONE 728-4626 Please contact the O.R.C, 725-1111, or write to the O.R.C., 100 GIBB STREET no later than October 10th.