14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, October 2, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 , =! 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 2 16--Femaie Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted 18--Male or Female | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT GIRL tor lunch counter. Apply to Modern | HELPER or seprentics for furnace. and Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| 'fig. 9 sineeeenaee a RESPONSIBLE WOMAN, rouled, ii|nura of your time. Wile Box 2, Ox TEACHER days a week, two school-aged children;jawa Times. UR Lol able to drive an advantages Alex 8°88. rHmEE TO FOUR ambliious men heed: 4 Accountants Building Trades Instruction Rug-Upholstery Service , ' & P CHECKER for ory_cowrina Gani As fo. odd fo aus aaite Sit. 'Tretning October 3rd WOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charier|YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-|PIANO LESSONS -- Vicinily Rossiand|CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re-| sel .\ hewtian Clason' In Beet red. Wen icateeawe eee oe | St. Leo's Separate Schoo! Accountants, phemgg | Baap Bulid-|neys built and repaired. ti in-|Road East. Telephone 728-8695 after é)styled. Free estimate. See our material y r + gas linings in-| 'ast. Telep a 4 " ; y y fete king ent Oshawa,|stalied; roofs repaired, Free estimates, |p.m. for recovering. Dalton Uphoistering, 75) . work. Aae Torre are 38 ate lag aes Rage taps edt _ Brooklin, Apply arlo, 1. Hopkin "CAs (720297. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,|Charies Street, 723-7212, = | a J aoe phone Canadian| ply Harold Watson, No. 2 Highway West, ej DOPP HE. Beadle, CA) C. Lukow, CA. a Room Papered, '$8 and "up. Bungalows} Tap, R.A.D. Ballet, Highland. Register CHESTERFIELDS " and oid chairs, re ( Tire' Whitby. 668-502, Phone 623-5093. J. F eR AND painted, reasonable prices, Also, inside . Oshaw. 'entre, veces e new. Get the 3 a ° 4 } a x Ehoneres Leeatiecier Uicinise TARA Inewres ail prieek leceor only, TEETHT.[ oe - Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe 8, Call ial -- - ) te a gion ge hppa lage obs ed BROOKLIN 655-4566 ' ee 64 King Street East,|Geo. Golding. 728-6451. Free estimates. pesty, y possible. Herwig $t ." ns Honey wee WANG A metorlas mchae. LEARN TO DRIVE id Si a soa core for two girls, inettine Food igs Pony Ontario, 20--Room and Board 1TH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co.,|!ank installations, all materials 'included. ot the Sales and Service ye i in Whitby. fon 18M rane for" Folly! witTsy _ Rowen and 'board if m ie ut Tas a "Gonawa cl Frank Brink, Hampton 263-2710, Oshawa Driving School GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer| HE : , Hours 848 40.6 Bam. * nity 668-3415, [experienced on 402 and also 604 experi-| oY. yp <i 0890; Whitby, 668-4 pee egy ets waa rc reasonable rates, standard and |washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call er SA cocteann M NEED extra money? $50 and more, can p baatel, Fer _proerecsies pt en oe ea Fepairs, 728-0394. Al a i¢ cars, : 3 "o gg0R Anis Act, leasily be earned by showing our ""iriends |@PE1Y in writing with "ful details of|and board . -- experience to and Sian, Chartered Ac-jrepairs. 728-0394. All type ' i SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service CUSTOM oF PUTTING R' ¥ : to for gentlemen, eountants, 114 King Street East, painting, lathing, Professional Instructors, on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street! A PIECE oF 40AST IM4KE BOWL . : is ret Se a ag oP necessary. |&*! 325, _ Oshawa: "Tiroes. veo Babe ar wri pe aodress,: Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA; G. in J. C, Dingler, 728-0091 West, Whitby, 668-2563. 40 BRING Out THE FLAYOR OF 4oxord ABALLIX 1% |Our exctting, full-color catalogue makes! REQUIRED -- two mechanics skilled in Apply above Burrows, CA. 728-7554, 283 Jarvis Street, 24 hours dally, 723-6603, OSHAWA AND WHITBY 4KE LIQUOR. Mouth ste SIZE OFA |Ii easy to get plenty of orders. Send n0lai{ phases of heavy truck, repair. Must] ROOM AND BOARD for three ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Oshawa, OSHAWA ROOFING and sheet metal - Surveyors money Write "tee for Christmas cardsinave Class "A" licence. Also, one metal] metal wilting, to hare, close to tn ; iT eet, Suite 4, Oshawa, E | roval and free catalogue, Monarch| finishing man, Class "B" licence. et re een "lfor all types of roofing. Experienced DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, NEM, Wl erga on appeal mk. tree pre gene Rigen gS ng id Ontario. Telephone 723-' 7 or 728-3438, i i i y } ADDED BY DEGREES LEONARD JAMES BROOKS. | Chartered) [i,t oa re-built, roofing Learn sogtiohacett prints. WW Ontario Sect, Tas 3682. ape ' Synanen WE 'o prowuct. au ead aati we awa, aoe eee sre 'oom & -- Werte bal i ee oe % . x ' ys Two. rivers, route work, ye ete nd 205W, Oshawa ShOP-| sng repairs, sidewalks and stoops. F. Mc-| For a secure profitable and |. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land : CAVITIES 'ANT one "pen "AND BOA ie Coe: Taree iam, n RR 3, Oshawa. 655-3061. independent future. "'Hair- surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East, Phone 7 brobcveg ie gad ch Apply won ree Pexlsr0 weekly. Write Box 238, BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service| Eon TRENCHING and dressers are made, not born', |725-6881. DOG FLEAS AXD CAT FLEAS ARE 66 PERCEXK DUMMY + SXPURIENCED WAITRESS vied oy SacIVEEY MAAN for foal oll rote, pond tit ST i complete septic Complete bookKeeoing service, 184 BOnd!rany installations, all materials included. SEPARATE SPECIES, But ZACK WiLL learn . ant, 5 B wil furnace . ---------- a ont on niture. CAREER SCHOOLS |Trade Schools a wengpdimaainn = eaLiabee = oe tor aaa ba Fy fence B4 Be hpely 238 22Offices, Stores, Storage Barristers ee frvorengel CUSTOM BUILT for wil OF HAIRDRESSING | Ta oe sitting; live In, 720-5706. cowraacr taLRS in setts STORE FOR rent, Shopping Centre, nest MeBiBBO and BASTEL sarris J: , . teacher: |Genera lors, suitable for restaur: se ge ge AE gga gS jo vay fom ae tenho lel ae ne) 7 eee Toronto 2 ATTENTION 5: -Kariar's Calin 1 ]--nAdticles: Fei Rew | OREABIONAL separtunlty tr 5 interview ; arretar. (Varley store, atc. ae zealignt financial intario MEN -- nau | tts mer surveys.|turer. Basic mai an le, Write : jon Gallup Poll consut a bive ft morgage, 37 King. Sreet East rd llamps for ny. rom Ih your home Cone : nat floor), 728-7336. ¢. McGibbon,| work our specialty. Satisfaction guaran- CEDAR POSTS, poles, ra CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church| Use of car d worklacy required. iy ner Fon 709 The Oshawa Times. ont for office, beg e it dustry, ample parking facilitl Cordove and 720-3296, HH] P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. H | Whitewash- required. Apply Maney 10 ican. omer' ws king sive] Quality Carpentry DRIVING Heavy Equipr nent | eng ag geen ar ag 12--Articles Wanted Pag ngs nl aiore'a7 Coline 'rest, REAL ESTATE . |Resd-zm2tet.72s-ots0 end Zant East, Oshawa 728-6232. nae and General Repairs |fence rows. Don Mountioy and Lorne| BiANO -- Used, in good condition. Tele |Oshawa, 728-0662, Operators Tragunne. Phone 7289871. ____.| phone 723-4275, rd SALESMAN STORE FOR RENT JAMES MACDONALG, BA, | Ee, S Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pui ices on rec rooms; ; A het commer Balas Kia! 2 2ocard foo, celing. ond CHOOL Are in demard for bull- (&A%,0" he al anat pic Pas WANTED -- man, i woud cana.) SAT ESLADY 25-40 est, awa, Ontario. lent parking z. | |Fur F 33-C-64, available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. wall tiles, arborite etc. Sotis- Lieoin to Drive 1964 Models | dozers, 'scrapers, rotor |Fur Ferm Licence 3 __| 728-7616, | - ti -- school education, neot managerial ability, for Reo MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Solr] foction guaranteed. graders, draglines, back- (6--Auction __|PIANo Wore sobanon Tae an, Bb Abahiry steady employ- Estate Broker's Office, best proximately 350 sq. ft. Loca- Sle. seis King street East 9.11071' H. MCKOY 725-8576 PICKUP SERVICE hoes, and shovels. If you oe ~~ | Oshawa 1 '| ment, Vacotion 'with poy, location in town. Write: tion Simcoe South opposite A . ROAD TESTS ARRANGED F ' SEES sieges ajunctecbacounssaaiin ' | ditions. 5 3 snd. VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, No ; ; Dual Control Cors ie Os couahane bent AUCTION "SALE SHAW Gent ote ceria Good. | OK ate, OMAWA Times | Auslelde Moves: Ty mumer faries, "Bank of | Commerce Buliding, 5 Repairs & Remodeling Licensed Instructor delay ; enquire now The undersigned ixationger AUTO WRECKING CO, starting salory. Write for : ; imeoe Street North, wa, i : Automati d Standard vo $ will sell by public auction for i interview to r ° T. K. Creighton, QC; or" residences:| Garages, sidewalks, -- cup- 4 chemin | Write giving name, add- the excutor of the estate of dat ges aes wae ies pert LOCAL MAN 725-5132 G. K. Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Mur- fs i Ben Sd; iC. Victor, 985 boards, doors, patios, carports, Oshawa 728- 6934 | | ress and telephone num- Mr. A, J. Tompkins in village and metals, etc, bought BOX 417. ome emi ty uaaas 'ante: doch, 7115. Mortgages and Agreements of Sale| tiled walls and floors. No bi of Hampton, i ob: too Il for the | ber, Open Saturday all day, Phone f | store, Na- Se nae Weveriicnox WiL| Wiserd of Odds Free esti- -|Money To Loon NATIONAL SCHOCL OF | ON SATURDAY, OCT. 3rd 725.2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. a senile roanaoer of cote einen | OPFICE SEAL rene bf gah Op ata saearire mates, 725-9103. __| PAYMENTS TOO mIGH? if you have HEAVY EQUIPMENT the household effects, includ- Ie XPERIENCED over 110 years. Write for : QC; G. §. Boychyn, QC, W. A, Hillman] Capt good credit I'll lend you up to $5,000. to OPERATION ing living room, bedroom ond | dente Opportunities E baad AVAILA LE: BA, LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB.) * artage ee [et Barings a, elt a less for ea 5 kitchen, furniture, dishes THE TERRACE RESTAURANT, \ Whitby. BOX 604 Office: 725-1177, Residence: 723-4326,|V, J' CARTAGE. Furniture moving. phone Foray 'aV-aee le purpose. Tele- icles inwited cooking utensils, bedding, $5,500 or best offer. Exclusive chicken COUNTANT 725-4604; Whitby 668-1761. NHA and other) All types of cleaning. Fully insured. Ree | : | ed di cd ---------|_ stoves and many other art- | "ecipe. Delivery service in operation. A OSHAWA TIMES P soe first mortgage funds avaliable. sonable. 725-9843 or 725-6880. | Mortgages ITV--Radio Repairs icles, Property 'sold Showing steady increase. Call Mr. Charl- , In Times Building MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE,| ' , ton, 668-2056, : ' required SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notarles.|Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully! MOR Tenee MONEY WANTED -- First CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re- Sale at 1:30 -- Terms Cash 8UILDER'Ss SUPPLY and hardware, EXPERIENCED fo joan. Henry Block, 26 Kinglequipped and insured. 728- 3661. igage money for Subdivision de-|pairs. All work guaranteed. 511 Dean servicing Oshawa and Toronto district, 1 CONTACT lo Strest, East, 723-4697. Residence: Dial) ~---- veaeteent Short term up to 10 per cent |Avenve. _Telephone 725-0500. 723-4029. en |LALONDE, 'ail types of carfoge. Bay jmerest. Phone Summerland Securities, |-------- | Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer |$20st,. "ign or partnership. "Phone For Appointment GREER AND KELLY, Barrister soir "Ce neat le | 725-2560. TV SERVICE \7--Trailers " | EMERENCY SALE. Beauly shop, $8 P ACCOUNTANT Ee Li WILSON citors, etc. 114 King Street Ea: Dial Dentistry PRIVATE and corporate monies for "ail| | Equipped with three dryers, three Loon PHONE 728-7527 lea AT THE TIMES require 423-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,| |mortgages; mortgages and agreement of DAY OR EVENING 1961 CHEVROLET hailf-ton truck with| ing chairs, two style chairs, three sta-| QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, Sas BCI,| BIALEK, DR. C. B. -- Dental Surgeon,|sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Mur- attached camper, Sleeps four..One own-| tion dresserette with mirror, shampoo 728-5832. 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For|doch and Victor. (See "Barristers.") 728-5286 er. Low mileage. Good condition. 725-7867|basin and chair, children's high chair, jetc. C. Smith, Newtonville, 2283, Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, | Wellington Street West, Toronto. , sorted Some_evening armcetiremaitisinesinodi astedo, Se ot Norman 723- print reading an as: a a His : H: | teed. 728-7898 or "Lad ONT A RIO 17 to 49 cording to size. Cedar trees for hedges,|aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412|\ required. Write Canadian son Facts Ltd. te alex. 942-6500. FOR RENT -- new buliding, 1600 3q. ff. jOSEP' Licensed, good producer with Occupancy October Ist. Ap- | HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barrister, Soli- appointment, 728-5842 or, Res. 728-8441. | = Bhat hace desk. Call batween 7 and 16 gin arn sate aT, 717 | Dressmaking Ist Time In or OSHAWA. Eaves eee DENTAL Tee oy |WINDSOR PLAZA Bullding, 86 King Street East, UNS, ammunition, decoys, camping sup-|MORTGAGE COMPANY for sale. Earn- Piper tg Rh gt a PB lat ed LC pled Np What RAR bat esc 15 Year _ELECTRONICS _ les, Best prices In town, Budget terms. |20G0 #t about 9 per cent. Telephone 725- ASSISTANT PHONE 728-7527 There are a few stores va- we $. Hyman, QC: Herbert $, Hyman, nending al enable accion: a Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street' West, Beaute Hate cant at this 12 store devel ' A fs Me eeeian jephone ae | is 12 store develop- Building Trades DRESSMAKING -- ali kinds of ladies'| ond Mortgages | [FoR SALA. daca eueneen. Bod. 'Sul 14-- Employment Wanted Experienced preferred but not ment with bank on location. uirding wear. High quality 'work. Call 668-8463, | SOUTH. END 1. V. | 2181, 725-0150 and 728-3296. WILL DO babysitting. Evenings end some| necessary. Appliconts please Would you like to operate in EOTTAGERS, Bancroft fi en: Manto Mrs. Vooglarvy, 1110 Henry -- Street,| CORONATION |ART'S GUN REPAIR, 18 Bond Sireat|2fternoons. Telephone 668-3721 anytime. state oge, marital status, LICENCED this up and coming Shopping fence, docks, insoleting, tihng, y- T.V. Towers and Aerial Service |West, Oshawa, Rifles, shotguns, pistols,| SENIOR CLERK desires: office position.| present and previous occupa- Plaza? For more information ac. walt for spring? Have It ready |oRessMaKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, ee ancient and m if i i Why 3 A - D 7 | jodern, bought, sold, traded,|Several years' experience accounti it Call for spring opening. J. rast. 32 Maple) siterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a Investment Co. Ltd. and repoir. repaired, 728-9731, Hours 9to 9; Saturday] line, Telephone 728-9687. ne) = lan ond -aeueationyt0 MECHANIC po Avenue, Cardiff, Bancroft 238 ___|specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 688-2372, | The foremost Canadian Pub- ED. PARE PROP, Isto 6 9687, : HOME IMPROVEMENTS, rahi 5 and ee | ie Go tn aan Re 480 Phillip Murray ee f _________| GENERAL CLERK, five years' bookkeep- BOX 340 dec trick Huet: Good wend estroughing, carpentry work painting | E fe t ¢. &o, , 9 S Pp ing experience, some typing, desires Goo: ing sel Gan! tiestn All work guarmnieale | introduces. long - term 15 728-6879 a--osummer roperties office position. Telephone 728-9687. OSHAWA TIMES conditions and steady employ- P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street. 728-2061. YEAR - OPEN - Second -- -- For Sale or Rent HOMEWORK required by qualified book-| ment for a sincere mon, No LTD: TERRAWA PAVING CO. Soecielizing 'in PRESTO mortgages. Borrow what you |SCUGOG LAKE cottege, two bedrooms, |Keeper, and secretary. For information| a oe ee -- i driveways, pation, parking lots. Al PEST CONTROL need on the security of your TV TOWERS ving "ice Eicat eee Garage, {Call 723-5644, or after 6 p.m., 728-1801. cake \Realtors 16 Simcoe St. $. teed rs, Free. esti- nae H k . rll ; : ; boc led yea home Repay in small ey oy ee Me ei 16-ahemale Help Wanted PRESSER 723- 1121 mates. Call 7235841. To. avrelog A vad og monthly payments over 10 ' eee Nestleton, 986-4894. hit ial J POWELL aq i ' " to 15 years, and Antenna Re air __....| ROOM AND BOARD fo lady In exchange Must be rienced for é etc. Pp | BASS LAKE (Steenberg), near "Bancroft, | for light household duties. For particu- us experi CEMENT WORK Homes, factories, apartments, For full details, call three-bedroom 'cottage, iivdre tornished. [ters fatephorie 7258132. Bry. Cladnina, Appl POWELL TRANSPORT 23--Wanted " To R Rent WALKS, STOOPS seaurents, Phone Don |723-2265, (after hours 725-3376) Best offer, Cash or terms. Alax 942-0105.|sany SITTER, middieaged preferred, Y. ring, APPly WANTED: Threebadroom house, Oshawe y d j | WASAGA, hi it ed four children while moth- and vicinity, reasonable rent. Ret RLGORS ces ond | How oar SCHOFIELD-AKER | TRIO WAKO, wrasre ogee awn oi rch at RADIANT WHITBY, ONT. Fat Retreree PATIOS 3 ee . beach, All conveniences, Facilities include] 728-1498, ieee IROOM, seid oat. Limited TELEVISION |steam-bath and shower house, ping-Pond.|CooK in small country hotel dining CLEANERS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS) ment wanted by adults. Sate | |horseshoes, badminton, volleyball, base- B. McLEAN 360 King St, West pall, small games. Openings from August|"00m. Telephone Coboconk 454-3301, diate possession, T 4 LAWN RENOVATION, including 9 sere-| z 5 Rates reduced In September.| RELIABLE n fo baby sit week-days Oshawa S ing Centre required for Phone 725-5946 tion, thatching, fertilizing, seeding, fa | 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA Write" Surfside Village, 'New. Wasega| october 13.10 20, Garrard Rossland ares. ane Senne men 24--Houses for Rent weeds, Insect and fungus control. General] |Beach or phone Elmvale, 738-R4. Telephone 725-8023 after 5.30. Phone 725-1023 canvassing teams THREE-BEDROOM "hom home, "caloatorey broadioom. : Mortgage. Mone | | Cans Chea SES i brick; garage Centrally Classified Rates arts, weiter Port 4 = yt lable y 728-51 43 [STURGEON CARE, bebcayaor pearl CARY Wy Cela | we wale -- for Globe and Mail poi Lease 'required. Adults sin log $120. monthly. Call 725-77: eeshgc i bi ti ARE incl dace Snare _|$55 weekly, All Inside conveniences, Dial| works, Vicinity of Wilson South area. 732. WORD ADS PL AND -- | 623-2262 ___.|$_day_week, Call after five. 728-3762, CLERK- TYPIST Eorn $10 - $15 weekly, FIVE-ROOM farm house. Avaliable im oo = mediately. Apply halfmile east of Alex Cash---1 Insertion of 24 words $1.08 [reasonably We do any size garden, lot, Secotive. weartiomn of 94" treide' Sis Taan086 'or 'otter eras. a Low Interest 7 TOWERS '9¢--Marine | Equipment GIRLS AND WOMEN Working evenings and on Base additional words 2c each, & consecy- |$OD, top quality, prompt delivery. Free) Valuation, Arranged | |BOAT, 16 laos fibreglass, 4 win shield, To handle accounts receivable Saturdoys of Your Choice, S-ROOM A x house, re ra located ie insertions 2 je Ie ! teer| heel, jorsepower Evinr 5 j ild- 'age, ol eat, tional words tbe gach tr (estimates. Telephone -- - = sda RESIDENTIAL Economy and {Slectria start, $850, Bowmenville 623-2116, Part time ond full time tele- ond a Poa te CALL Telephone 725-4289, -- Charge -- 10 ber cent additional | Pon telephone Brooklin 6553104" CITY AND DISTRICT Deluxe [28 He "EVINRUDE electric start motor,, Phone work. Your choice of Hipage a A i aac MODERN three-bedroom brick ranch charge if not paid within 7 days : 1,300-Ib, Tee-Nee trailer, spare wheel, 17, hours, Excellent remuneration, ing experience ry. 725-4473 home, attached garage. Good nelghbor- 'Method of counting -- Less then 24 |BAY r RIDGES nursery | sod, Gelivered, SUMMER PROPERTIES Priced to suit your budget 11. cedarstrip boat, $800, cash, Phone Knowledge of contractors and hood. Rent will include stove, words counts as 24 words, each word, |!aid, peat loam. Pate ae | Whitby 668-6725, | i terms an asset. washing machine: and drapes. Call Inifial, figure or. abbreviation counts |839-3020 or 839-2272. VACANT LAND TERMS ARRANGED u --| PHONE 723-5441 pind bosch 6 any Patrick 6. agg 108 Col- id ne , G as one word; phone number counts |FRE® to trim? Call "Slim". Or cut them : | ' j 4. % words ree estimates, 725-5118 or 728-0610, Members Ontaria HA iMARI NE "STORAGE. AV RM week, Reply in, confidence in IMMEDIATE eoRNIgHED eval BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- NURSERY and fleld sod, cut dally, sand Mortgage Brokers,Association | own handwriting. is ISHED two ie ni x tar Ms bus popper ---- | For small to medium sized ~-- | Roland's Steak House BOX 403 EMPLOYMENT __|Iine. telephone. 7254 Ser nensahe | SUMMERLAND | "sei cieeone sr ct EXPERIENCED ee FOR A ee aes nF aoy ' PRESTO. SECURITIES 798-8] 20 CALL 728-0624 WAITRESSES -- |17--Male Help Wanted SEWING MACHINE | sins: aoiv st t7 Eine Aver IN MEMORIAMS uexn « rs, for route work. CABIN furnished all | facilities, Ap Aprly $2.00 for the first 38 words ands srilihe waged LIMITED Full ond Port Time ioe eek Se ec MECHANIC Seat See itahe Coat ohway athe $90. weekly. Write Box 238 Oshawa No. 2. Va mile past Bad Boy. Tel Sarce te cans idl Lie nes Bn a A ge Well 'Drilline Di agar | 11 Articles. "For. Rent Apply In Person iL jd. makes se Pee 'Must have thorough know- 76h ie, as ne pald within 7 days ddl bo , 112 Simcoe St; North ds iling-- igging ._ ENTERTAINING <cfifly to one hundred 1626 SIMCOE ST. N. ledge of Singer Mochines CAEPE OF THANE TELEPHONE 725-9871 | Cohewe, Onterlo - 725-3568 [estan nic wm" Racer aasrocelaing posolet Gohewe, Tame Sip fer Bat |-- . TRUCK DRIVER 111, 147 end 300 including | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ¢ S ion oh mf ' re S, eK ngs, j i Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 648-2809 |Cacilition, bar, kitchen parking. Res-| TOYS, FUN $$$ For cleaning plant. Steady gauges and fixtures. Please 2 a 3 --- A BEDROOM $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se eas Omo' each thereafter, with 25¢ additional Money To Loan sonable rates, 723-2140. position, Good working con- apply Conadian | Aut tii charge If not paid within 7 days capers lhe I1--Wo Col ; Trim, 271 MacKenzie Ave- | MERION KENTUCKY é men's olumn WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Ww look for lodies ditions. Salary and commis- + ' HOMES COMING EVENTS | PERMANENTS Go oeani i hines, sick room. supplies. e are looking for lo : 'tina. 4 nue, Ajax, Ontario. coped ny ean BLUE GRASS MORTGAGE [retire vie 'uni "Paeom | anWbuare Be | who "want" to Vearm entre | son. Apply n own wrt n FOR RENT + 20 'ds and Se each thi li ristm 4 wii ODS LOANS eg ids, gowns evenings, September, October BOX 420 942-4160 SacriGN ALA -- . ' : = cal crinline"heogeces. vel and November. OSHAWA TIMES From $99.50 Monthly Moreys--for-tirst-mortge ~"SLASES eat ae ' sae ea $ how $2.10 per inch per insertion, INSPECTION = Interest ot 7% oe are Cea to paint your on vat Adda ell digg, URE hl loot a ~ We will train you as a party == We're poey to s' off the 1 "ALLGREEN Open: Mortgages tures, Reasonable rates. For informerion| dishes, cutlery, glosses, demonstrator to sell a full Eaton's pa DEADLINES | NURSERY SOD GROWERS | No bonus phone 728-2334 | tables, chairs, church runn- line of toys and gifts. 100 BOYS vate aniedly Select early for ek ABK | : oy ; | No charge for valuations WOULD LIKE RIDE to Toronto via Dan-| &'S: : Required to Sell the In Oshawa best {locations facing Lake | Townline N 14 mile north 0 Mortgages and Agreements [forth Avenue, arriving at 8.20. Telephone] SARGEANT'S RENTALS Commission, car, essential. and | | 5 p.m. day previous. Taunton Village 725-9674 purchased, es tea Rian S. 725-3338 No investment, deliveries: or GLOBE AND MAIL ie ay cpania Aor ah axe NOTE: AND FOUND, BIRTHS, | Moneys for second mortgages on special. Page "Hair. Solleetions. "Call now: Saturday Morning perienced For the first time onywhere LOST DEATHS " "ul Fost service. dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone ' i 9.30 a.m. day of publication, GRASS TIME M. F. SWARTZ | 725 aa68 RENTALS Oshawa 728-3608 ' Call 725-4473 Furniture Salesman agers Bee AP NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX ' Ags a y c : so Prizes plus commission Salary. and Commission. Range, Oven, Refrigerator . . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY i' 26% King St. £ R | of fl hai "PARKLAWN" GRASS MIX g of. tast emoval of superfluous hair, , c 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous, SUBURBAN GRASS MIX Oshawa, Ontario Marie Murduff will be in | OF ALL KINDS pire prota! deans elidel with 2 column or larger -- 10 a.m, day full ownership retained by previous SUPERFINE GRASS MIX 723-4697 Cee ete tee ies. «| REDUCING. EQUIPMENT -- FOR A ONE. GIRL REAL ESTATE ' cagesnsass me SMa tche* (iwial Seriees | See east" | twee me, | OREICE Eaton's of Canada | au te wet i baad ' 0 aay et publication: INDIVIDUAL GRASS SEED | DANCE MUSIC. -- Ro and § manic! ELECTR $6 month. Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE BUILDER 5 Ad el ttc SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Service. Recorded muse. for a oe TROL YSIS PLUMBER'S TOOLS, ----- pipe An experienced efficient sec- SALESMAN BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- soe EVERGREEN 6.9-6 ° sions. Earl Brown, 728-8334 723-4641 clugnind tods, Bloe vide tle Pichi lee aa pit ap WANTED DUNBARTON 839-1221 While every endeavour will be made TURF SPECIAL 10-6-4 PIANO, eed, pipe and electronic; (aa ee od, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- i ' ts lerigara Aabtion We be a ined hones dee me pod, pipe s, | 4 assume initiative, in day-to- 25----Apartments ; tha advertisers as soon as, possible PEAT MOSS A Hiddink, Hiddink, lax saris . | LEN PULLAN ee cae enreneny aie day operation, of o small, but Must be prepared to take EXPEDITER FURNISHED /epbriment fo rent. Tele we accept no liability in respect of POTTING SOIL a toilet aug busy advertising business. Reol Estate Course, pass phone 723-1671 los, or damage alleged to arise COOPER s MITH Optometrist (English. Tailor) PAINTERS. EQUIPMENT -- Must have ows ctensporte, | examination and be willing.to FOR PURCHASING ai ; i ae stepladders, aluminum exten- k, Appl ig A al Eottet ie ces tpg) STO TAN ORING | or eae aie dto | wah mene Wie ® Bowman & Gibson| AND FOLLOW-UP |i. desis wage ort © otherwise The T I! not be re- 723-4191 | i . vat steel scaffolding compressors, ? hone after 5.30 p.m., 7: Rtas SOU este tneies arin |_16 Celina ne "723-1139 = 7 an St, ord Dress Alterotions | Srey gun, Wolinaget stem: . |. Smmdened © own a : IDSON) "DEPARTMENT -- | stttcen- "acme "iia ay® an eco r | ' i r : i ailable November Instruction oueinn 2 : : ating [TO PRINCE St. 72nagit |) (Ue BOX 234 ora a Mioimum, of Grade 12 edu. |tininoumne re ui : , decorating, also Floor filing. | propane torcnes, 145 Brock St, $., Whitby ; : REGULATIONS LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A. Dancing|Eavestroughing and roofing. All work] -- ee ian BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cation with at least 2 years School, Ballet, Tap, "Acrobaile, Pre-|guaranteed. Call Lloyd "simpson 7 728-987 |3--Pets & livestock _ | cement mixers, finishing tro- OSHAWA TIMES | ee : previous 'experience required. LUXURIOUS LIVING j 4 } The Oshawa Times will not be re |School, 'Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays,| s , : i wels, wheel barrows, electric -----~ owen Company paid benefits in- sponsible for errors, in advertise. |Masonic Temple, 723-7253. | ments submitted other-wise than in [Personal Service LABRADOR Fagg BE peo virbrator, air compressor, jock PART TIME clude hospital, medical and writing, not for more than one inser- |MEND AND MAKE DO, H : i jousehold I F i i : ion of any advertisement, nor beyond | Eze METHOD personal linen repaired, Darning. andiient litter. Guaranteed Retrievers Rea-|. hammers, hand trowels, wate N URSERY National. esmodry will wsté- pension plon Please write 0: SEE THE VISCOUNT the price charge for a single inser- Invis-|sonably 'priced. Scopine Kennels.- 22) pumps, portable heaters, steel i telephone stating age, quali- A pg ack lett al ary Ible_mending. Telephone 728-1475. |Beech Street, Uxbridge, Ont. Telephone) scaffolding, electric generator, Ae olert aa en ih fications and porated 300 Grenfell | A their own business. ramset, power rollers, electric error occurs > ; The Oshawa Times reserves the rignt iemohig and Heating _ [BEAUTIFUL " baby budgies, ready | for| hammers, mosoanry saw, build- Those selected will be train- CANADIAN to classify advertising according to ALL iL PLUMBING 'and heating 'supp supplies. training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, ; ed in all phases of photo- Featuring large master bed- its proper classification » Herold H "lana Elgin East. '| ing jacks, mortar mixers, ' ppg ie Sessional' care eoturing larg OtSPhy e AUTOMOTIVE TRIM room with walk in closets, a | Pe path aah and & naan mortar boxes, chain hoist, " In the case of display advertisements, | Telephone 72 ] 2. ng ing, ss pried Abie f " pi e 8-088 | si coe Street South Cory | RA NCH Laced ~ Realstered| » miter saw, electric plane, tar- eer level. The, Times will not be held respon i : broadloomed_. corridors, e Y sible for more space than that' in Standard Rates ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, bloodlines. Stud services, Boarding, Quar-| paulins, sand blaster, power phd gs Wy ate en nl 274 Mackenzie Ave i lobb be tif it eg bth -- ae i 4 F and used materials, Reasonable rate, |tershorses, foals, Trailer Ashburn, Brook-| post hole auger, oscillating : PE V| R provided, no investment Her |. Ai : pressive lobby, beauntully Le taicine Joh BB Bl ei REGISTER NOW Estimate free, Dial 723-1191, J. Foley, _|lin 655-4662 |. sanders, disc sanders, belt Baroneat highly loewative JOXx, Ontario landscaped lawns, immediate ~ ' |ST, BERNARD, registered, female, - ; intor- tee cate Goes" iemyt | For lure inthe folowing: |Rua-Upholatery Service (Rasen uit" inties™ah "cal| orc fone son, oegh | cpeptuity yours to explore 942-4160 cceapeey, Fer coll contained therein Piano Accordion -- Saxa- |RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab-| 722180. émp,-electie weiieee Mornings Only in spare time, will not infer- |= mation sée supt. at Any advertisement cancelled before phone ---. Trumpet -- Clari- ipod veers. cance renge of r- |HOUNDS | for sale. Pups and running dogs. s y : fere wat present ie 18--Male or Female publication will be charged one day's net -- Popular Piano. u lorkmanship guaran ve years./1195 Wecker Drive. Telephone 725-8555, ; ; ar essential. tasertion Fas fear iKtormation és |Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses CHINUANUA, tomele, tour inc STAN S State qualifications and sal- - rn] : ___Help Wanted = THE DIPLOMAT |rebuil. Furniture refinished, shaw teguteret "tena, "four months ol. | Sh & Rentals Ltd, | or expected to: Call 759-9211 or write | YOUNG PIANIST interested In playing @ IT'S EASY TO PLACE A lessons and rental instru- |Uphalstering Company, 287 Deen Avenue, Sythe easonable for quick sale.| Sharpening entails Ltd. ' Whitehall, mixed program other than rock and roll, TIMES FAMILY WANT AD ments. call {725-0311 [sweater Bsc Saba lia tbcsat ' 223 King St. W.; Oshawa . ci Cid tae WILSON and LEE LTD, |RE-UPHOLSTER and refinish your fur: \$----Farmer's Column Enter off Burke St, during BOX 436 871 O'Connor Dr. MUSIC STORE ture by J. and J. Custom Furniture.| Toronto 13, Ont. Personal |s00d pay. aventuaiy re f ; eval : * road repairs, ' 723-3492 87 Simece St. N. 725-4706. Jassma es Wnt, STS ae (Ok SME Gebers Font - -DUONE Jae-0204 jOshawa Times interview will be arranged. 'trejbal, Mearns anv ae ims 340 Marland Ave., Apt. 11) 728-4283