li i fe ig Fie 17 :aah BAD PORTABLE HAS N TELEVISIONS | ! SAT 6 } 720-4668-69 | Awmnun catiner NO PAYMENTS | LF, CIRCUIT BREAKER, $ LOCATION MON 71.97 'THE DEC! iE Wes Laulk KING ST. Other PORTABLE $8925 88 EAST TELEVISIONS & =. Bia Ab: Automatic Electric CLOTHES q > (pss JUST PAST ' DRYER TOWNE 2-Pe. BEDROOM SUITES » 1 3" 728-4658-59 tilt mirrors, beautifully styled. | = Brand New-Famous Make 8 ass 23 Televisions 58 ELECTRIC §=-- ss OQ? TAPE RECORDER VACUUM 8 4 = CLEANERS LARGE Family Size 88 REFRIGERATOR ° 39° SMOOTH TOP ; 49" CONTINENTAL BED && | FROST-FREE © 2-DOOR § 88 REFRIGERATOR FREEZER INGLIS Automatic Electric '7 7 8" DISHWASHER STEREO 7 9 8° | COMBINATION $ FM/AM RADIO CONSOLE MODEL ELECTRIC : 88 MOFFAT RANGES CHESTERFIELDS FREE DELIVERY i ei i ii i i i wir i Fi) ay i g u + 3s 4 ° | a3 : j ER8F i & 3a29) g73°sRS FIRST GRADE CHARCOAL 5-LB. BAG i < i $ saziry BRSES Ez *iiley. grind' g 2 fabeeed es ae ; i Hf - lt rs #715 3": a DOWN ONLY tie 23" PHILCO: = ] COMPACT LOWBOY ALBERT STREET LEAGUE Hh man for the evening wes wien with @ triple of 668 (267, Art Allman was next with 644 (78, 911); M. Morrison 619 (261, 212); M. Mear- nien 261; 8. Hurst 239; E. Holland 231; W. Pike 21; €. Jecklin 225; c. 2; $. Grey 218, 206; Ane 217; P. 12; G. ler 3 F. Clark 2 Maund: I, --For Greater Contrast @ 24-Tube Function @ Automatic Gein Con- trol for Better Fringe Ares Picture © ® Advanced Automatic Pleture Pilot ---- Per- fects Picture Contrast 5-YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE ALL CONTROLS OUT FRONT] ==: PHILCO'S AIR-COOLED CHASSIS IS... 20,000 VOLTS OF REGULATED PICTURE POWER. MARCONI [cite nyt ina g bagtet t 23 E oi i i : ate Eo ol "Be a *aBBs 875 vot Fines g-855 1 >o ~ Beg By te TELEVISION RECORD PLAYER 23" TELEVISION AM-FM RADIO of Comvectalre Cealing, Astomatic Record Changer, Powr Beaster, oid twin, 4-Spend ba i Changer,' | > } ih} ae 16_ markers respectively. xd me chs ||| 1 eee 88 Thomas was high en the night followed Jack : $25 STEREO RECORDS | WITH SWING-OUT THIS CHASSIS PURCHASE OSHAWA WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED TEN-PIN LEAGUE CANS t 77 Complete POWER TRANSFORMER HAND-WIRED CHASSIS With Lid 14 Gallon CAPACITY WITH TRADE '> DOWN ONL N hid sur aon : SUPERB' WASI ee jenda Thomson 438, Marge Bernes 457, Berb Kirkham 445, Shirley Bowens 536 end Twile Wileon 426. @LENHOLME SCHOOL LEAGUE Our top bowler this week was Alen 'Armstrong, with @ score of 210 end close a ee ee ee ore Senior Boys -- Alen Armstrong 210, Jon Lee 190, John Carson 180, Rendy Mc Arthur 165, Carlo Dejong 150, Ross Ray- craft 125, Philip Tipton 105, John Bexter 100 and Weyne Vennor 85. Senior Girls -- Linde Harding 180, Sheryn Sheyan 160, Carson ebsent, Christine Straszewski 160, Keren O'Boyle 140, Mary Polacok 110 end Chris- Tine CSRUSH 95. Intermediate Boys -- Stanley Welch 170, Billy Nichols 155, John Witson 150, Ricky Peyton 125, David O'Boyle 125, Brien Bernier 100, Bobby ings oo, J ACTION Polityka 50 and AWichael Si wiry The exeuparve olityke . LADIES' MAJOR "A" LEAGUE FULL-TIME ONLY New bowler shows the way. Way to 90 LINT FILTER "Maude". Come on giris, let's follow her! ca beer ga see 7 ond ordnance 7s! This te The Only Foll-Thes aaah. $s toe), Joan Ropers Yor (264) ana| | Permanent Lint Filter That§ gr: Mavis Taylor 703 (266). 65) and over -- Joyoe Beli 699, Mabel Moss 686, Bev Gutsole 685, Marg Ford 78, Joale Westlake 446, \ebate King 454, LADIES MAJOR "B" LEAGUE High Triples -- Violet, Waskin 465 (351, 485) cathy Jay 628 (255, 205), and Rose Stovin 608 (22% 191). den 268, Shirley Kelynko 240, Neide Thompson 235, Elteen Anderson 232, Helen Trott 229, Vere Szik- szay 225, Isobel Hubbell 223 and Dot Mc mi. gre -- Ella Long 78, Vere Kalynko 87, Mary McKnight 9%. : Points Teken -- White's 3, Seyweil's 1 Mitchell's 3, Burn's 1; Bint's 4 Hender- son's 0; Horne's Esso 2 and Olsen's Real Estate 2; Nesbitt's 3 and Motor City }. Team Standing -- White's 10, Bint's % Mitchell's, Seywell's end Nesbitt's % Horne's Esso end Olsen's & Henderson's 5, Burn's and Motor City 2. LADIES! Afternoon Leagues Now Forming Oshawa Plaza Bidg. . King end Stevenson $£E OUR AD ON LADIES PAGE FOR DETAILS 12-LB. TUB ~/HAGI-HATIC AGITATOR 1 FREE-FLOW DRAINING fe THOROUGH RINSES wet rit oes FULLY AUTOMATIC INGLIS WASHERS ll