way mceomr SSS Cool Weather Spoils Ont. Anglers Hopes TORONTO (CP) - Fishing| Kapuskasing -- Pickerel, pike prospects are dim for Ontarinjand muskellunge fair in Lake oa this week, with most|Nipissing. Pickere] good and| 2 ! i -|pike fair in Lake Noshonsing.| 7m All species poor in Lake Talon,| Latchford and Ti i, Pick-| 7% a erel fair in Ottawa River. Parry Sound -- Bass good in Se--2 2% 2 OF CANADA'S FINEST NYLON TIRES! Round Lake, Tea Lake and Bal- area Peksr BRAND NEW! FACTORY FRESH! LATEST 1963 PRODUCTION! good im all district waters. Lake trout excellent Quality - - ---- Guarantee - ----- Dependability Sudbury -- All species poor to -|fair because of inclement wea-| | ee ce NO TRADE-IN NEEDED! HEAVY DUTY | White River -- Pickerel and} 7 EAST : : ; y Kemptville -- Most species northern ome ied A bogey yo ' i. \ ™~ ie" generally fair throu A dis-| WanMOngisn anc © ™ o", ot. Pair fishing pod oi llakes. Lake trout good in Bay-| 7% bi SOO OO ff ay" ib files yt ' é system. Some good sessanah and Anaharea. 4 " +f» de . ? Q al es ia "Siucdott ont! - a ee + fe River at Carleton Place. | i PS {OLA f\ [ "7 Pembroke -- Bass poor and| ; y @ : i i lake trout and. most aer pag ». | Life Time Guarantee ir, zr % : j ; A ""WPweed -- Northern pike and] 4 - | Free 15 Minute Installation and large-mouth bass| ' y ly hi i fairly good in Mississaggon | i. . Pickerel and take trout ' | iy, ord, Meteor, evy, Lake, Pic i All Ford, M Ch CENTRAL and Pontiac, '49 - 63. Lake 8 -- 'Pike good in gti % ma | ONG : Severn gdh Cooks Bay ree A y " Choice: : Single Exhaust area, Some good rainbow trout! : ea i i our but most other species poor to! fair. i : poor in Rice Lake. Muskel- J a tires your choice lunge end bass fair to good and : : © fia pickerel poor in remainder of] i é os te 1964 Production of One poy ne y Rio past bin BP oe i ee ™ / : of Canada's Finest Tire good in Apsley Lake. Trout fair| gi : * Gees al Oo A Makers. fair. "Cherge It with Your K-mart Credit Card 6.70x15 5.60x14 al ges large Ps FREE 7.50x14 m om wer . Huron at Kettle Point. Muskel INSTALLATION 5.20x13 lunge and perch good on Lake \ 'cia St, Chair' Yellow pickerel good aw 20-MONTH Pag on lower Detroit River. J GUARANTEE epe 'YR -- PLAIN "4 Chapleaun -- All species fair . district or FILTER TIP Cochrane -- Fishing interests * : ae be ropping, conditions fair. ail CIGARETTES fF ¢ _ 30-MONTH GUARANTEE Gogama -- opectes |% : ¥, ok ----| a eam GET YOUR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT SIZES SNOW -- NYLON -- REGULAR -- SAVE NOW : PeON | aroas sinat sons sis FRONT END ALIGNMENT { DUAL TRACTION SNOW TIRES [RQOaeeeSEe MCCOaR een REGULAR TRACTION TIRES FREE 0 Tet resciase oF Any reer: gag 750x14 $11.88 560x15 $10.88 PARTS YOUR CAR MAY REQUIRE on ! L 14 $14, ; CARAGE D 0 0 RS & 6-RIBBED, RUGGED NYLON SNOW es ee ee eee 6-RIBBED NYLON SAWTOOTH @ Loose, worn front ends parts are dangerous me «CT IRES featuring greater road-gripping Tubeless oF Whitewalls 'Slightly More TREAD DESIGN provides safer starts ne : eg B action and extra quiet, smoother per- eis et and stops in any kind of weather. @ We specialize In front end rebuilding. & formance on dry pavements for more Say "Charge It" with Reinforced sidewalls-furnish extra pro- @ Firm estimates given. & enjoyable year round use, YOUR K-MART CREDIT CARD tection against blow-outs. @ Drive in today for your free front end safety inspection. @ All work done by Licensed Spe _ialists. 2. Guaranteed insurance against def 3. G d jon, Replace ment allowence based on the reguier retell priee, less trade-in, pro-rated over the gue- punetures, blow-oute, sidewalk end rim euts. treed. rentee period for the time used. KK RAY-O-FUR THROW COVER BATTERY , 2 ££ Regular 9.87 BOOSTER ' | an! nen heart Fanly Intclied Con ve | CABLE =) dry cleaned, Comes in 5 beautiful colors, : * . red, blue, gréen, grey and beige. Start your car even when your battery is dead. Just bring another car along side. Hook up 8 foot Sectional Steel Garage Doors a 4 v _ S 7 7 cables in seconds and off you go, Eesily operated doors that blend well with modern : ' bvinisctictacaks hae ith hardware. K-MART e ai: K-MART $1] 2 7 " arge "' Py 8 a7' Sectional Garage Door. 59. 40 B® speciat PRICE SPECIAL PRICE e ; « fog coe Now BRAKE SERVICE SPECIAL Deer hey cos now"... 62.60 | AUTO ROBES | BATTERY CHARGER | ENGINE HEATER Seat ae @ Completely adjust brakes to secure full contact, LIMITED QUANTITY AT THESE - § 23 8 "oon sid 55 @ Repack front wheel bearings. LOW PRICES -- HURRY! r ® battery charger services 6 a (Frost Plug Type) '4° @ Guarantee our Brake job for 30,000 miles. 1. Guerenteed insurance ageinst ell road he- zords, including stone bruises, broken @lens, In workmenship for the life of the tire e to 12 volt botteries. @ Check all lines and cylinders. Overhead Garage Doors & Steering Wheel Windshield Washers FOR ONLY . | 4 .88 Shop and Compare Top quelity ... complete with all hardware. : COVERS 5 7. § 4. ) 7 ENGINE HE AT ER this value. 8' x oy es 8 48.95 a ! Nylon Fur 9' ee 56.15 WINDSHIELD WASHER (Dip Stick Type) $ AT FOOT STAND TIRE PUMP . 20" Tire Pump with steel foot . stand and 114" seamless a | 67 a... aes aq Reversible CUSHION ""ANTI_FREEZE Soft» foam 'rubber cushions with Nylo Fur on one = $ T/ heavy gauge steel barrel, i aie acme ete = i gamit hare tes r y ? « ENGINE HEATER K-MART SPECIAL PRICE ... ASK ABOUT OUR H 6-MONTH DEFERRED | : WINDSHIELD EXTENSION CORD p STARTING FLUID -- I Snow and Ice Guard en od fae: aD) MILLWORK "GO" $7 1 4 69. Reg, $1.27 Value Building Suppli ees La wes SPECIAL 1279 Simcoe N, | 728-6291 OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. Fri. ti 9 PLM. HIGHWAY NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY