Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1964, p. 4

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------ 4 THE OOHAWA TIMES, Tosdey, September 29, 1964 HOUSING FOR B.C.'s The Indians in Ahousaht village on Flores Island, mid- way up the west coast of Van- couver Island, live in a limbo of negatives and frustration. The village once earned a liv- ing from fishing, but the sai- mon have disappeared, cod have been over-fished, clams SHOW-OFF FEELS INFERIOR have died off, the sea otter is gone and the .inhabitatnts are not allowed to shoot the seal. There is no. ferry to take Security In Gangs By KATHY CHRISTL and MARTIN 6INGLETON 1 have spoken of the danger S| their superior; the one from a lower- class home, insecure. If the family Mves in the city, a greater stress is usually on etiquette; rural areas tend to not accent this to such a great degree. Many European families, upon entering North |America, continue to keep, up old-world customs and grown adult would. For exam-) ple, if a teenager starts to drink, he may wish to show off and prove he or she is a grown man or mature woman so bad- ly, that he may drink to excess and either get violently sick or do something while drunk that may get him into serious trouble. UNTOUCHABLES it AJAX AJAX (Staff) -- Land south of Bayly street and east of Monarch avenue has been pro-|{ posed as the site of a new arena in Ajax, town council learned last mght. The information was contain- ed in @ unanimous report of the arena fact-finding committee. Committee chainman William Parish told council the commit- tee sent questionaires to 65) very arenas and had received 25 re-| diss plies; visited arenas in Whitby, Markham and Streetsville; and) sent 330 questionaires to Ajax fhhome-owners, of which only 68 had been completed and retumn- ed Mr. Parish invited council to sit with his committee in case thes wanted more information. The proposed site of the arena, he said, was decided during a meeting with the board "Those who want the arena most must give until it hurts," said the report, lanning| The committee suggested that seccusteadles jthe central campaign committee | would need four to six months Mayor H, M. Smith told com-|o¢ planning and preparation be- mittee he wanted) tore it approaches . the council to have a week to look/for money, The actual cam- over the 20-page report. | paign, once it reaches the public PRELIMINARY STUDY seal tame last no longer than six: Councillor R. J. Wright asked) : : ; ' ic meetii The report also showed that |the magor if a public iN | ince 1960 no arena had been| Sata te oncastios. ie ac \constructed for less than $180,-| Smith said he believed sa pre-, liminary study by council would | 999,900 COST \gerve a better purpose. The report showed that an | 'The report showed that out of|ayerage arena having the fol-| the 68 questionaires that were|lowing facilities would _ cost! returned, 26 home-owners said)about $200,000: concrete block | ithat tney would give no money| wails, wood roof and frame, 24 \to an arena, 23 said they would) feet by 120 feet outside dimen-| give $50 towards an arena 11|sions, 190 feet by 85 feet 'vr | would give $100, one would give|surface seating capacity of 840 g $150, four would give $200, two|(on one side), five chaning nsanity | would give $300 and one would|rooms, snack bar, smaill office 'contribute less than $50. and a refrigeration plant. TORONTO (CP) -- A jury; The committee came to the| The committee also suggested Monday decided in 20 minutes|conciusion that, applying the|that the possibility of a steel that a woman charged with) questionaire result to. the Ajax|arena be further looked into. stabbing a Roman Catholic nun|population, the total amount) Out of the 25 arenas that re- and setting fire to a policeman| people would be willing to give|plied to the questionaires, 12) was not guilty because she is them off the island. A section of the village in the picture attests to their severe condi- tions. (CP Photo) Firebug Plea Brings Verdict Arena Fact-Finders Report To Council The survey also showed that an arena in Ajax would have to operate from nine to 11 hours public| daily at least from October to April, * | A Flavoured Wine "SERVE COLD ON THE ROCKS OR WITH YOUR FAVOURITE MIX" reported an operating profit. Of] District Train Service Stops -- CLEVELAND (AP) -- The in committee fext year for its 0 work in 40 countries. A teewe ohare of the budget will go to sip port refugee and migrant work in such places Austria, France, Jordan, Lébanon, One railwayman in the distfict| da: said only four trains, two freight ROTHERING YOU D KIDNEY & BLADDER WITT'S PILI Announce New Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids ... and repair damaged tissue. A renowned résearch institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ing and discomfort in minutes and speeds up héaling of the injured, inflamed tissues. One hemorrhoidal case history after another reported "very strik- ing improvemént." Pain was promptly and gently relieved . . . actuai réduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. Athotig thesé case histories were a variety of hemotrhoidal condi- tions, Relief even occurred in cases of long standing, and most im- portant of all, fesults were so thorough that this improvement was maintained over a period of many months, This was accomplished with new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment ren -- tory form called ial" addition to actually shrink in iB H lubricates and makes élithination less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which 1 & principal cause ** of hemorrhoids, Just ask yout druggist for Pre- paration H Su; ies Or Pre- Paration H Ointment (with a special applicator). Satisfaction guarariteed or yous Money refunded. insane. | The same jury decided last) |week that Mrs. Frances Sousa, { \ Sunday a ZN spend a record $2,577,189 in the traditions. Or a person may wheedle and|35, was sane enough to stand This may severely affect the| coax his father into lending -him |trial. | teenager, and he may become|the family car for the night,) she was charged. with wound- rebellious at these old-fashioned) only to find that his son does|ing Mother Monica, superior of ways. If the family belongs to| not want to pay for gas and Oil.|the Carmelite Orphanage in one of the so-called "prohi-jor possibly repaiits, or, mUCH|poronto, last April. Instead of bitive"' or "thou-shalnot" relig-| worse, he may become involved | entering a plea to the charge ions which forbid the use of| in @ serious auto crash through) ving Sousa had said: "I'm @ cosmetics, and ban such enter-|racing, with property damage] tire maniac " | tainment as pictures, dancing,| and injuries resulting. Mote. M ba sented iMea:| and so forth, the teenager is| One common problem involv- Senene c pera be al har 6. quite likely to again become) ing teenagers and their parents er -- » the bo pg requent-}rebellious and to break some|is that the parents want to know|W2ere her seven - year - old of these rules to go along with| who their children's friends are.|d@ughter lived and the mother the crowd. |The parent has every right to| Superior felt a sharp blow on And that is one of the worst| know with whom their sons and/her back @s they passed on the problems of teenage life -- for| daughters are with. stains. When she fell, another the adolescent who consents to| It is their right and their re-/pun an to her eid. The mun talk, act, and dress like every-|sponsibility, because the par-\Said Mrs, Sousa was trying to one else -- is not only in serious| ents are still responsible for the|Set. fire to Mother Monica's danger of losing his or her|behavior of their adolescents,|tobe with @ cigarette lighter vy (which may quite \riends should be introduced to|that wouldn't work. possibly carry over into later| parents as soon as possible. But) Mrs. Sousa was arrested at years), but also is likely to|this, however, does not mean|her home later and the police- find it quite difficult to say|that the parents have a right to| man who arrested her, Const. "no" when his friends offer him|interfere with their friends'|Thomas Steel said she set fire cigarettes, alcohol, or narcotics, | lives. to him three times on the way or to mefuse a date that involves! If. the parents are critical of|from her home to the police heavy drinking or necking. jour friends, in most cases it 18|\station. He said she threw fa- 5 jbecause they are concerned|cial tissue soaked with lighter FREEDOM about our welfare. Some par-|fiuid between his back end the| ' ar es soe o. the ents, unfortunately, are only to0|car seat and set them elight. leenager ay is to Nave {ree-\ready to find UY ith their 5 dom. 'The path from immaturity| eenager's friends because of | TM jtity's Gécteton | mesne - por roc A a their dtess, their talk, their| MPs. boner teeta yey dn: independence is en not @/ mariners, and 80 on. ldetinte period. a a _geaane ed ee a a ea in ee 3 i 594 g28¢ + Hf ik no able from} | bureau of statistics give this | picture for tie 1963-64 crop) year: | The flour mills ground 111,-) 675,000 bushels of wheat and) produced 50,105,000 hundred-| weight of flour and 813,000 tons! of millfeed Flour exports almost doubled They were the equivalent of 54,387,877 bushels of wheat dir . ting the year compared with 27,- One unwelcome type of teen-| religions, Progressing even fur- ATHENS (AP) Queen 265,254 @ year earlier. age personality is the show off}ther through the school system,|Mother Frederika has told Pre-| About 40 per cent of the or loudmouth.. This person|the boy or girl (who will bymier George Papandneou she 1963-64 flour exports went -- to tha@kes a point of using loud/now be entering high school/Wwill not leave Greece and|Russia, its purchases totalling talk in front of other people. He;and probably be in the early|doesn't want a proposed $100,-'21,800,205 bushels | ig constantly showing off in the) teens) learns new material that 000-a-year personal pension. Another 6,987,773 bushels of presence of other people, espe-| keeps pace with today's modern,, The palace released a letter| wheat in the form of flour went cially girts. high-paced society. from the Queen Monday after|to Cuba as part of the Soviet This type of behavior results, The teenager at this point is press' reports that. King Paul's order. in not the making of friends|secing the parent-son relation-|widow, who was queen 'for 17)" but their loss. Such @ person|ship undergo its first signs of)years, would be asked to retire| actually feels inferior to his|strain. A new image has taken|to her family's estate in Ads-| friends, amd, in order to coverjover that of the parents, and/tria after the Greek parliament! this up, achmilly develops ajhigh school-teacher, relative, or voted her the pension, ; superiority com possibly an older friend. Frederika was often accuse Parents cannot (usualky) helpjof exerting undue influence dur- smooth one. The teenager! 'This is a very bad policy to , friends, his relationships with | follow and it could very easily | .|is parents, his problems, his|teaq to serious family prob-| - special talents, his pastimes,|jems, What may happen is that| Mills Mark _|the people he admires and]ihe son or daughter may end| well-to-do ssmen, In such|future, all tend to be factorsidea for all concerned. Best Year the security|that pull us either one way or Jn the German Army, an en-| @* the other. listed man had to wait for two| \INCE War As the adolescent --becomes| weeks if he had a complaint i older, he finds that his relation-|against another soldier, 'The OTTAWA (CP) °--Canadian NARCOTICS ships with bis parents are not)iqea behind this was that in flour mills have closed the position whereby he may eéasily|rather involved. There are sev-'e¢omplaint and withdraw it if} mp ole : nA : obtain liquor, literature, andjeral underlying causes that) he «9 desired. This was a very FE aig the big Russian ar.) even naféotics. The last is be-| should be explained. wise rule and I would unge pet-\or's ney yh a a Mg | coming more and more com-| When the child is in the infant) ents to try it also. vse Det CAR & capachy dur. mon attiong the homes of the|and early childhood stages of} | make it a policy never to me Fad it ig 9 -- pt -middle . 3s @specially | life depends almost entirely| jydge any aT des A dust dae rate for we previ- poll yong ag igen gga N i ap ¥| judge anyone until I get to know] oy. year was 70 per cent. the teenager what he will do|To the young child, his parents! Facts can be greatly distorted, 7°" that began Aug. 1 are tit | ; with such material. are actually heroes aiid thus we! changed, and exaggerated, often uncertain. -------Parenis-may-olten_ask. "Why get__the term __"hero-image"" with tragic results _to_the pe is tt that teenagers 'look, talk, which means simply one son involved. Snap decisions jig and act like evenyone else?") person looks upon another with|made on the spur of the mo- 1gu The answer is that, in a group, a great deal of awe and re-| ment are the is very often insecure) because however, hie meets other chil- . everyone is the same. dren of the same age. From) YU@ON ejects Any breaking away from its) playing with these children, he; rules, is frowned 'upon. Since learns of their families and en- ¢ k 1) . the teenager is beginning to go vironmefit. Later, the child ree. ension at himself and become more enters school and, through fur ' .|seeks to be like, and, finally,|yp seeing the friend on the sly| bers of gangs are often sons of|tiis long-nange plans for the/anyway, which is not a good| Today, at school and abroad as close as they used to be.\two weeks the soldier would is 'if of ' the téetiager finds himself in a The answer to this problem is\ have time to reconsider hal ara A lai greatest year around the New York City area.jupon his parents for food,!them fairly well, and I never) It is entirely the decision of warmth, shelter, and affection.|jisten to hearsay or gossip. Prospects for the current) often wrong, the teenager feels secure (in aj spect. period of his or her life which) When the ghild gets older, dana more itdependent of his) ther contact with other children | A d R ti patents, he needs the sectitity he leans more of these differ n e irement of the "crowd." ent family backgrounds and THE ELEGANT NEW FORD GALAXIE 600 LTD 4-DOOR HARDTOP Certaim features Mhystrated or mentioned are optional st extra oxslt, This is the new LTD"...the most elegant FORD of all! | This new LTD is limited only by good taste... it is the ultimate in luxury in the elegant new FORDS. It is built only as a 4-Door Hardtop. And it begins with the delightful new features you'll find in the other new. FORDS. The incredibly silent interiors, where noise is hushed to a murmur. The smooth, limousine ride on soft coil-springs. The many new ' conveniences ... keys that fit either way up, an accelerator that adjusts to your foot, a swept-away instrument panel. To this elegance may be added an optional vinyl roof covering, giving it the chic of a convertible (with the comfort of a hardtop). LTD luxury touches include new Silent-Flo ventilation and courtesy-lights in all four doors. Luxurious upholsteries are fitted over deeply-padded seats, and special luxury trim is added... with wheel covers and roof-line mouldings. You'll know the new LTD by its distinctive. monogram on the side of the roof, But for an unforgettable introduction, your Ford Dealer will be pleased to arrange a Test Drive. Call him today. FIND SKIER OHAKUNE, N.Z. (CP)--Qa- nadian skier Shirley Pirrett, the |New Zealand slalom champion, jwas found by a search party ex- GUIDANCE _ | their teenage sons or daughters The state of your family's} with their homework. Many sub- guidance through your teenage years depends on many factors. These include such things as the size and wealth of the family, how concerned your parents are about you, how important thay are socially, the location of the family (city, suburbs or country), and your race, nation- lity and religion. lf the family is small, there ie usually a greater tendency to spoil the children; this és usual- ly true of the only child. The wealthy child may often fee! |jects have been greatily changed | since they went to school, and it is entirely possible that new subjects have been added: Thus,/the throne last March 'at his| |the young adolescent has lost |the pretensions of youth--name- lly, that his parents are all im |portant, and he is starting to make a new life.of his own DRUNK | Perhaps the worst fart a teenager's [privileges is that he. cannot manage them in the way that a! with ing: her husband's reign. Her) opponents feel that if she re- mains in Greece, she will also influence her 24-year-old son, King Constantine, who came to father's death HELPS INDUSTRY BLACKBURN, England (CP) To help Laneashire cotton tex tile firms beat a labor shortage in the mills; the cotton board taking on ddult|productivity centre here is tojof Tokyo, the world's langest hold a six-day course for weav- instructors. ing hausted but unharmed Monday after she had been missing for jsix hours on the upper slopes jof Mount Ruapehu. Mrs. Pir- jrett, who won. the slalom title on Mount Ruapehu last. week, became separated from other skiers while exploring near the summit of the 9,175-foot peak in the middle of North Island WORLD'S LARGEST TOKYO {AP)--The population leity, reached 10,629,525, as of lag. 1, } Test Drive a New World of Total Performance MUSTANG + FALCON * FAIRLANE «+ FORD * THUNDERBIRD SEAWAY MOTORS LIMITED 200 Dundas St. W., Whitby. Phone 668-5893 YOUR FORD DEALER ALSO INVITES YOU TO SEE THE WONDERFUL NEW FALCONS, FAIRLANES, MUSTANGS, Ano T-BIRDS a

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