9 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Reel Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, September 28,1964 19 26--Rooms For Rent . 27--Real Estate For Sale for Apply 25 27---Reel Estate For Sale 25---Apartments SINGLE R Division Street. OXFORD PARK | TOWERS One Block from G.M. South Plant 86 APARTMENTS One, Two and Three Bedroom Immediate Possession i Balconies, Elevator Service Fully Equipped Kitchen Broadloomed Corridors Swimming Pool Take advantage of choice lo- cation by making deposit on lease now Exclusive Agents GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa OPEN HOUSE From 6 to 7 evenings SEE MODEL SUITE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Immediate possession. Craydon Rd., Whitby intendent Apt. 2 668-5934 EASTERN AND CHARTERED TRUST CO. Property Management Division 1901 Yonge St., Toronto. 481-3443 109 Super- TWO-BEDROOM apartments in new building, with broadioom in living and dining room. Bullt-in ranges, refrigera- tors. Free laundry facilities. Cai! 725-9328 FIVE-ROOM ground floor apartment, completely re-decorated. Adults only, Must be quiet, 723-6833 after 6.30 p.m. TWO BEDROOM apartments, retriger- ator, ranges, draperies, FM radio, Inter- com. Laundry facilities, Apply 291 Mer. land Avenue, Apt. 104 or Telephone 728. 9094, WHITBY --- Two - bedroom apartment available October ist. Centra! location. After 6.30. p.m. telephone Whitby, 668: 5258. ONE-, TWO-BEDROOM apartment in apariment building, al! conveniences Ample parking facilities, adults only October first and immediate possession 165 Verdun Road THREE-ROOM, self - contained ment. Heavy wiring, Phone 726-0976 DIVISION STREET, 15 -- Self-contained room apartment, refrigerator and range. Adults only, $85. monthly. Avail able October |. Also f com apartment, partly furnished, suitable for two ladies Available October 1. $60. monthly. Phone 728-4525. 26--Rooms For "Rent ATTRACTIVELY _ FURNISHED ROOMS Avoilable in private home. | apart private entrance. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 GIBBONS STREET -- Private home, ove furnished bedrooms. Gentieman ers, $9. weekly. Telephone 725-5794. | DEAN AVENUE, nicely urnished i clean and quiet. Suitable for lady. Phone 728-4597. CHURCH STREET, 174 -- Single and @ouble room furnished, private entrance, Sn YF ACTIVE REALTY LTD, CELINA STREET, 55 -- Furnished single room for gentleman, $10. Phone 728-4403. | UNFURNISHED three-room apartment, suitable for couple only. Will furnish to LOOKING for something unusual and Very | hard central, Available after October 8. Tele-/Classified is the answer. sive too, Just dial 723-3492 today. sult four nurses or reliable girls phone 728-5026. Whitby 668-3976, COLBORNE EAST -- One large com- pletely furnished room, r refr' erator, ness women. Phone 723-1612. FURNISHED light housekeeping Apply Summer Street. SINGLE ROOM, cooking rene Whitey ABST: LARGE double, single beds, suit two gentiemen, o Phone after 5 or hill Blvd. 27--Real Estate For Sale room. Gentlemen. Cen- rally located. Board optional. Telephone sink and dishes. Suit one busi- 138 ing. Suitable for gentleman or lady. Tele friends or brothers. Saturday, 728-1439 or 76 Rose H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 EAST END Five room bungalow with o room to spare. This home ideally located for access to buses, schools and shopping. Fireplace added feoture, well landscaped. NORTH END Are you interested in a good house situated in on ideal neighborhood? If $0, call now. This home is a two storey with 7 rooms -- new oil fur- noce -- newly decorated -- fireplace and garage. Oh yes, the terms ore redsonable, NORTH END Family home close to schools. Two storey--with four bed- rooms which ore real roomy. Two bathrooms -- attached gorage -- large living and dining area -- spacious kit- chen. 1400 sq. ft. in. all. Priced right for the person who knows 'value BUILDING LOTS Choice lots for sale in Broe- mor Gardens, Fully serviced, limited In number, For further information, call: 723-3788 723-3770 | 723-7335 | 728-8254. | John Kitchen Loreen 'Kellett Syd Goodfeliow Chas. Smith SUBURBAN LIVING Nash Road near Courtice Road. Nice 3 bedroom home. Lots of cupboards, oi! heat, double garage, large lot, new- ly decorated, near schools. Now vacant. Reasonable with low down payment. Telephone owner, 725-2539 WILSON ROAD NORTH 2,bedroom apartment.. Elec- trically heated. Immediate possession. $125 per month. Pay your own hydro only. CALL 728-5157 REALTOR 48 Simcoe St. South farsreached ad in It's inexpen- to find A OSHAWA TIM ES PATTERNS | CROCHET JACKET | _ By ALICE BROOKS . . Look forward to winter with| this colorful easy-crochet jacket made of squares 4% inch squares such easy pickup} work! Collar, bands in single| crochet, Pattern 7000; direction sizes 32-34; 8 incl THIRTY-FIVE for please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft) Dept., Oshawa, Ontarto. Ontario} residents add 1c sales tax. Print) plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME, ADDRESS First time! 3 TERNS in. big 1965} Needlecraft Cata de- of flower Jacket CENTS (coins)} this pattern no stamps PAT- 200 PRINTED_PATTERN PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Newly-weds, young execu- tives, this five yeor old model home in oa prestige orea is eagerly awaiting your inspec- tion. Step into the 14 x 21 foot living room and visual- ize the exciting furniture or- rangements. Look into the three bedrooms just right for the growing family, Follow through to the modern kit- chen pleasantly surprising in size and extro features. There is much more included in the asking price of $18,- 500. To inspect call Ear! Salt- er ot 728-9474 or 723-3052 evenings, $500 DOWN Places you in this 2-storey, 7-room house. A little repair and decorating will give you many years of comfortable, economic living. Taxes only $162.00. Hurry! Call Tom Huzaor at 728-9474 or 728- 5422 evenings. INCOME 7 room duplex in North-west area, 2 self-contained aport- ments which rent for $125.00 monthly. _ $2;500 down will buy this money- maker. For more details call George Koornneef at 728- 9474 or 723-2859 evenings. RENTING? Why when for $1,000 down you. can move into this 6 room brick home. Nice sized kitchen, living room and din- ing room on first floor, three bedrooms ond bath up, Com- plete with garage. Toxes only $190.00. Call Earl Salter at 728-9474 or 723-3052 after six, 3-6 PLEXES 2 yeors old, exceptionally well built, fully leased ond showing excellent return, Must be sold together to sat- isfy. partnership, Asking $10,- 000 down per unit. For fur- ther information call Tom Huzor at 728-9474 or 728- 5422 evenings. 3 ACRES Of excellent vacont land fronting on the corner of 2 streets, Located within the city in @ fast developing area Owner leaving country. Open to offers! Call Tom Huzor at 728-9474 or 728-5422 even- ings. HAVE.A PEEK At this 5 room modern bun- golow in south-east area, mahogony trimmed kitchen, built-in stove ond oven, large lot. Moy be purchased for $14,500. Call George Koorn- neef ot 728-9474 or 723- 2859 evenings. PAUL RISTOW.LTD. Realtor Financial Trade Bldg, 187 King St. E, TO SIZE 481 By ANNE ADAMS" Smooth, smooth, smooth -- ithen, side pleats kick up a flurry as you turn! Most slimming line you can choose, and smart in printed linen, crepe. Printed Pattern 4977: en's Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46. 48. Size 36 requires 3% yards 39-inch fabric. _ FIFTY CENTS (50c) in' coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern, Ontario residents add 2 sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Wom-| YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCES -- ~-- MORTGAGES -- HERE IT |S Beoutiful well cared for 6 room brick bungalow, spot- less, only 9 yrs. old, lond- scaped, large lot with patio and asphalt drive. 3 bed rooms. Close to school and bus. Many extras, Asking only $14,900 with large down- payment. Call. Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398 FAMILY MAN'S SPECIAL $10,500 full price, 6 room 1¥ storey home. Large rooms, oil heat, lot 30' x 267', low taxes, Down poy- ment only $1,500 -- with monthly payments less than rent. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217. ATHOL ST. FOUR BEDROOMS One of the finest 2 storey homes that we have had the pleasure to offer. Natural original trim throughout, Spacious living room with fireplace, separate dining room. Modern kitchen and bathroom. Recreation room complete with bor. Nicely landsccaped grounds with gorage. Be sure to inspect this fine home. Coll Mr, Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- $123 or 728-5205. BROCK ST. $1,300.00 DOWN 6 room brick home. Asking only $10,600. Now leased at $100 per month. A very good investment. Call E, Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725- 9345, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening PRIVATE, Custom built six room bun- aalow with finished basement and: bar. On: large well lond- scaped lot, Attached garage Aluminum storms and screens. 668-8841 4 BEDROOMS Or. WHY PAY RENT dition and only five years old. DREAM HOME Examine this to-night. $1,500 Down --- three fine bedrooms. A livingroom, where you ond a well designed, lorge kitchen. This is a split level home aluminum storms and screens, all included. : JONES & DOUGAN REAL 'ESTATE BROKERS ° WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 668-8841 Where Homes Are Sold ; LUPIN DRIVE -- WHITBY $2,900 Down and $88.40 monthly will buy this beautifully decorated. six-r6om bungalow, featuring mony, mony extras, This is not just @ house, it is a lovely home that you should 0 before you buy. Call to-night and save tox dollars -- all improvements are in, and poid $1,000 Down for this 5-room bungalew with @ recreation room. This home is in fine cons $20,500. We con't tell you, we hove to show you, just whet oe beautiful home this Is. Six Rooms. The living room is 15' x 27' with indirect lighting, valance boxes, fireploce, cathe- dral ceiling, three good bedrooms, 4-piece tiled both with vonity, dream kitchen and room, walk-out basement, and we could keep going on the powder room and still: more. WELL LOCATED IN WHITBY dining- would be proud to entertain ond a dandy. Patio, piano, Call JONES & DOUGAN the Brokers, for personal attention. 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY central location steam heating plant, Full price $33,500. 3.5 ACRES -- OSHAWA APT particulars. On Cochrane Street, Whitby may be the land investment you for the full value potential of this property. GIBBONS ST. OSHAWA sunporch, as low as $1,500. considered. close to public, separate and High Schools. ; portant matter of where your home. should be built. and the children will enjoy the natural setting too. than $20,000 with nearly 1400 sq. ft. of this fine wood finished home is: thot you can settle here, let by 24 living room, spacious kitchen, handy utility room for payment. BUILDING LOT IN WHITBY next spring. On close in Warden Wilson Averue with 65' x 135' lot, forced and 2: piece wash room, very impressive recreation: room and o quick sale needs a new location to save long daily drives. and enjoy that warm, satisfying feeling that home ownership dential area in Whitby. VISIT OUR. BEACONSFIELD HOMES Custom Built by Robert McEwan, these fine tradi- tional homes are beautifully designed and finished first crace materia, 3 bed.ooms, tul: dining room, 3 bathrooms, fireplace, kitchen and family room -- teakwood cupboards. A DRIVE SOUTH ONNATHOL ST., WHITBY - for inspection OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-5853 or afternoons and evenings only 668-8981 TWELVE-ROOM house, containing one|BOWMANVILLE. Very central, excep- four-room self-contained apartment, large|tional seven-room two-storey brick, large lot, two driveways, central. For further !lving room and dining room, two bath- information write Box 327 Oshawa Times, "00ms. Newly decorated. Act fast on this fi ld as ah _.jone Only $14,800, terms. W. Frank Real FIVE-ROOM brick oungaiow, eas! ot | Estate Ltd., Bowmanville, 623-3393. Wilson Road South. Close {0 Sschodis.\qpqng -- eight-room house, oil fur- dining room and three bedrooms must be seen to be appreciated. Call u: to see today. Full price $19,500 with a minimum of $3500 down, EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR FAMILY HOME On Palace' Street, Whitby, walking distance to centre of town for. the whole family. 3 spacious bedrooms, dining room, living room and a roomy kitchen. This larger modern brick home with: 60'.x 142' lot may be just what you ore looking for with recreation room in basement and other interesting features. Full price $14,900 with e@round $3,000 down GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE DIAL 668-8831 Dorothy Melrose -- Nick Van Den Broek Clare Shank -- Ike Perry WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING On 68 by 162 corner lot could be utilized for any 'other church group wishing te hove a Possibly o ladge hall or some commercial venture wishing an economicel headquarters would snap up this solid brick 88 year old building. Property is well kept with 2 washrooms, kitchen, Sunday School room and some class rooms. ». SITE On Taunton Road E. near Simcoe N. Build 125 to 130 units in this strategic location ond wotch your investment grow. Watch for our sign on this property and coll us for further 5,000 SCOTCH PINE, 8 ACRES On Thickson Road: Full price $12,000. Buy for the future here with good terms. WHITBY LOT -- 175 BY 500 & HOUSE On Cochrane Street North may be the land value you have been waiting for, Home is mod- est. 1% storey Johns Mansville siding, three bedroom type with room on either side of house for lots. An ambitious builder may find he can have permission to make a new street here and hove further lots for good homes. Full price $18,900 with good terms. LOT 175 BY 500 WITH 3 BEDROOM HOUSE -- 1% STOREY have been waiting for, This Cochrane St. N. property was formeriy purchased under V.L.A. and owner is tired of waiting INCOME Home possibility with 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, linoleum covered floors, hot woter heating, large garage. This is an older style home suitable for one lorge family or can be rented out as a separate bachelor apartment and smaller living quarters for retired couple, or young couple starting out wishing low cost living. Full price $12,700 with down payment OSHAWA RAVINE LOTS -- CREEK i I th Cit ces, underground telephone and Hydro Coble, very Are being offered for sale wi ity servi: Pat iak a ts as we Ke Your home will be worth more here im- WHY MOVE EVERY FEW YEARS FOR A CHANGE buy a ranch style heavy white clapboard home with attached garage for less pengyhe sr Ph rd i rh living space plus a 100 by 165 ft. lot in one of the best areas of North West Whitby near modern schools. This executive custom designed 1 storey home is designed and built of some of the finest materials with heavy insulation throughout making the total yearly heating cost obout $125.00. The advantage of owning your immagination run wild with interesting changes of color every three or. four years insteod of the conservative cold brick home thet never changes. Never worry about the lobour of painting here as the low ranch style lends itself well to easy reaching without cumbersome ladders, etc., the owner can paint one side each year in about 5 hours. The cosy, open fireplace, in fact lorge 12 washer ond dryer, separate s for an appointment $2950 50 ft. lot x 143' on residential Street in Town, Buy now and build before prices go up WHITBY NEAR SEPARATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOL air oi! heating (4 piece bath extra bedroom in basement. Thé other 3 Kedrooms are a fair size, the bathroom has the proper ceramic tile finish and the decorotion is clean and appealing. The exterior of the home needs some inagination but the possibilities are interesting. Full price $14,500, Inspect and make your offer for 87 ADMIRAL ST., AJAX. ONLY $11,500 3 bedroom bungalow on quiet street in immaculate condition with bright living room, proctical kitchen and many extras to make living more comfortable. You can't go wrong here-at-this-fow- prices No" reasonable down payment turned down as Schoot TF eacher-owner--- HOW MANY HOMES CAN YOU BUY FOR $12,500 and have 3 good size bedrooms, family size kitchen plus dining room area and large living room.. This sleeper is going to make someone hoppy with the 60' lot, recreation room, outisde patio, barbecue pit etc. The monthly payment is only $103.00 which includes taxes, interest and principal. Move in this comfortable brick home before: the cool breezes blow brings. This is a fine resi- $500 BONUS We are taking orders for homes to be built this winter under the government bonus plan in Ajax. Don't wait for increase in prices. Buy now and save. $640 (Full Down) To one 64%4% N.H.A. Mortgage $14,340. FULL PRICE 3. and 4 bedrooms - Storms and screens, exhaust fan, fully decorated with choice of colors throughout. Stain- less twin sinks, hollywood kitchens. Electric heat, car- ports and attached garages also available. For eorly possession we hove only four homes in Whitby with garages priced from $14,790. with only $1590 down, Phone now for your appointment DIAL 942-0221 or 942-4261 |VARIETY STORE doing good Open every day but Christmas. South | Couple lable. Call Jack: Sheriff, GUIDE REALTY LTD. REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 COUNTRY LIVING 7 room ranch bungalow with 4 bedrooms, Hollywood kit- chen, triple windows, for comfort, recreation room, large country lot, paved roads, we feel this is an ex- cellent buy for only $17,- 900.00 which gives you 1,- 546 sq. ft. of living space. HURRY, call now to inspect this beoutiful stone and brick home only a short distance from Oshawo. : APPLE HILL Choice location on Court for the attractive stone and brick 5 room bungalow, with large kitchen, 3 good bedrooms, portly finished rec. room, ex- tra bedroom in basement, well landscaped and hedged lot. A real GEM.at only $14,- 500.00 with $2,500.00 down, Taxes only 299.00. SEE this lovely home tonight. LOTS We have many lots in various districts --- in the city and surrounding areas -- priced from $1,800.00 GOOD DUPLEX 2 storey, modern, rented on 2nd floor, ground floor for new owner if desired with immediate possession. Cen- trally located and priced to sell, ALBERT STREET Older type home, with apart- ment for an income, contains two kitchens, three good sized bedrooms downstairs, 2 upstairs. Close to schools ond churches, Is large with exceptionally good vegetable plot for the home growers. Close to downtown, Asking $11,500.00. EARLY POSSESSION 3 bedroom brick bungalow in quiet residential area 'over- looking City of Oshawa. Sell- ing below reproduction cost at only $14,200.00. INDUSTRIALLY ZONED This .property has a large older home, well 'maintained with 2 kitchens, 'new forced oir oil heating, over-sized gorage where auto repairs or ony other small industry could be carried on. KING WEST COMMERCIAL Investors opportunity in this choice location near the shop- ping centre. 4 bedroom brick home with large garage, prop- erty can easily be converted into a business and still lots of room for living quorters, RANCH BUNGALOW Attached garage, completely stoned, all round, with extra large irregular shaped lot, well landscaped, 1600 sq: ft. of excellent living spoce in the N.E. area, asking price-- $16,800.00, BLOOR STREET EAST $9,600.00 FULL PRICE for this 4 room 'bungalow with hot water heating and good size lot. Excellent for young retired couple FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE Good 5 room, 2 bedroom brick bungalow with garage in nice condition, situated on 0 lorge lot near Simcoe ond Rossland Rd. Please phone for appointment, $10,900.00 FULL PRICE 5 room brick home in N.W. area, Home clear owner will take $1,500 down one mort- gauge for the balance. BROADVIEW "8 room split level with double attached garage only 6 months old. L-shaped living and dining area and family size kitchen plus breakfast room with patio doors lead- ing out to the large back yord,, 4 bedrooms. Call now to see this one. CENTRALLY LOCATED Attractive 3 bedroom home, minutes from North G.M. plont, large kitchen, seporate dining room, situated on a well landscaped lot. OPEN DAILY 9 am Jeon Peacock Roy Flintoff Nick Siblock Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Walter Mittier Kenneth C. Toms Richard A. Young Lloyd G. Corson Anthony Siblock Leon Manitius Lucos Peacock Edith Gifford 725-4330 725-5701 728-0208 728-5581 728-7083 723-1121 723-7183 723-2537 725-4362 728-8068 725-4330 728-4768 For Full Porticulars Call GUIDE REALTY LTD, 723-1121 @nd. Iliness forces . sale, $2,600. two-year 27--Real Estate For Sale 27---Real Estate For Sale ae 29 NEW N.H.A.. HOMES FOR FALL POSSESSION (Hillsdale Terrace East of Ritson) RANCLIFFE. "DEVELOPMENTS. LTD. Seven 1965 Models PRICED FROM $15,950 LESS $500 WINTER BONUS DOWN PAYMENTS FROM $1,790 Less $500 winter bonus Bungolows, split levels, 2 storeys, gorages, carports. ranges and ovens, storms ond screens and many other built-in extras. DIRECTIONS:--From Ritson Roed go East on Rossland one block, Follow Griffin signs South to Soles Office. OPEN 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY Exclusive Agents H.GR1d FEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER TELEPHONE 723-6431 BEST BUY IN WHITBY - AJAX & OSHAWA GOLD MEDALLION HOME AT BELOW COST 15,900 1200 sq. ft., 3 bedroom clay brick rancher, paved drive and carport, completely stormed and screened, built-in G.E. wall oven and range, total electric heating, sliding patio doors, Hollywood type kitchen. Only $2000 down to one N.H.A. mortgage. Call Cy Preece 942-4261 or 728-9335 evenings, MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. to 9 p.m. 725-3454 . business. Private Sale OF COMMERCIAL ZONE PROPERTY 4 BEDROOM . BUNGALOW Must Be Seen to. be Appreciated! Spacious kitchen, large living room, with divided dining area, study, two finished rooms in the basement, attached garage. Well landscaped grounds. Home only 8 years old. Located on Highway No. 2 be- tween Oshawa and Whitby. ASKING PRICE $21,900 WITH $5,000 DOWN For Further Information Telephone WHITBY METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 NORTH AREA __ 5 room bungalow with 2 extra bedrooms in basement plus rec room with bor. Broadioom in fiving room, dining room and bedrooms. Located on a large lot 68' x 100° and landscaped to per- fection, Just listed at $17,- 000 with down payment to be. arranged. "Call now for further information and ap- pointment to inspect, JULIANA DRIVE 6 rooms, garage, finished ree room. electrically » heated home to be decorated to purchaser's choice of colors. Fourth bedroom could be fin- ished with minimum of ex- pense. Let us show you this gem now, DUPLEX Large 10 room brick home near downtown, Two apart- ments with separate entrance, meters etc. Presently earn- ing $165 monthly, could be much more. Asking only $17,500. $6500 -- $500 DOWN Well 'cored for bungalow in quiet street, taxes only $120 Ideal for couple. BUILDERS We have the lots, all ser- viced and réody to build on Winter Works. Mortgages ore now available for you so act quickly" while they lost. 668-3769 JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 $500 DOWN 6 room home with garage. Large living room 'and kit- chen, $10,900 full price, NORTH END 9 room brick home neor G.M. North plant, Neat as a pin! Asking $14,000. RAVINE LOTS On quiet court in East end, COUNTRY SPLIT LEVEL Quiet Picturesque 'country setting surrounds this. me- "rNEAR-SHOPPING-GENTRE- dium split level with gerage, . . Huge kitchen and separate dining room. $17,900 with terms, Sally Wallace John Gravelle Murray Boyle Elmer Fredin Skinner Joe Crawford Neil Campbell 725-6297 728-0594 723-4270 725-2753 728-4900 « 723-1021 725-1015 1-ROOM. brick fh double garage, hot close to separate, public and high and bus service. Apply 24 Street. tess home with sunporch, water heating, oj) furs hace, mostly aluminum storm window: Se schools irbanks alii 20 ACRES, 2-storey brick house, some conveniences, implement shed, Sell or trade. Price $7,500. Low down Payment, Hampton 263-2021. seme ecplgretoreintial inna a 53 ACRES. Large barn. ----$------___. house. Good Spring creek. Very private, Minutes from t Oshawa, Don -Stradeski Realtor, 726-8423. 10 ACRES, good soll, rolling | good ry ad water, $4,800. oh cynnbtooe ari oad, Mr. M eg Freek, Whitby MYERS STREET, 881: Soli | ' jolid brick, eight. |room house, hot. water heat, two show. si jhardwood upstairs, tile downstairs, Apply |beore & p.m. : (Continued on Page 20) Send order to ANNE ADAMS, by care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- "NeNS;'tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. everything! Send 25c. NEW! 300 sparkling designs, DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 5 exciting fashion and fabric : ey features plus coupon for ONE complete quilt patterns--pieced|rRer PATTERN -- any. one and applique, for beginners, €x-|yod choose! Send for new Fall- perts. Send 60c now. | Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c $4,000 down, Take over private mortgage, | nace. bath, of $9,500 af 64 per cant. Write Box 138,/"8c# bath, garage, on iarge lot. Good Urhawe Times. <1 gute tot sear ephaals, Seine fon = oy S ; mus ; etic IMMEDIATE possession. Three bedrooms, | session. Full aking price nly $10,000. ad pl a bt Belly Pax | Now ue Senetruction in North East fiiher Giese Atnol" Street, D&r80". MeGil| 'Real Estate Broker, Savantage of the ie' Wars bees on heat, 2 bethroome, colored 'ixturesr bathe Whitby 7 } 428: homes. Josep! 08CO| |, q ' . We ee ' Realtor. 720-7377. [ural Reid stone front,' a0 fhe Kar eerrelone: room brick bungalow, attached garace, nes SALE or purchase réntal, 1,700 square|PROMISE your enilaren a pet? \Well,|!y s0dded. $19,700 full price, available large lot, broadioom. Close to public, EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room nome with| feet, new luxurious four-bedroom bunge-|you'll find just the right one offered in|October 31. Cali Jack Sheriff for further Separate schools. Substantial down pay-|two bathrooms and beaut'ful recreation|iow. Greenwood near Pickering. Most|Pets" in Classified. to Classifica-|details. S: D, Hyman Real Estate Lim- ment. By appointment 725-8223, room. Apply 117 Oshawe Boulevard South. eceni¢ iocation. Telephone 942-1109, tee 8 son. 'ted' 728-6286. Trades accepted, . OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. Get your winter building pro- grom under way now, Call us to-night. OPEN EVENINGS 'TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Dick Barriage Joe Maga Ken Hann Jack Osborne ohnston ' sens smart stoles, jackets, | Real Estate Limited, 728-6286, hats, toys, Henry Street, Whitby 668-2698 PRIVATE, 435 Rossmere Street -- Six afghans,