_ NEW FROM RAMBLER FOR 65! 3 GREAT CARS 1. Want a compact? The 1965 Rambler american & is the lowest-priced Canadian-built car " % ~ : i J ie ; W , What a beautiful buy! The'65 Rambler American sails by gas pumps with the greatest of ease'and sticks its handsome nose in the air at excessive repair bills. After all, it's the lowest-priced Canadian-built car in every model--2 and 4 door sedans, wagons, hardtops, convertibles. @ But the-'65 Rambler American doesn't act its price. It's the neatest-handling, quickest-moving compact you'll ever drive. Get the brand-new 155 h.p. Torque Command engine, the six that performs like a full-fledged eight. Touch the accelerator. You've got a surprise in store. You get fast, responsive, eight cylinder action on a six cylinder budget. The new 7-Main Bearing crankshaft with eight coun- Sat a aap "Wisi? "330 4 Door Sedan terweights gives you the smoothest, most vibration-free operation of your life. (If you prefer, pick a gas-saving 90 or 125 h.p. six) a Options? A carload! Start with automatic transmission, reclining seats and improved adjustable headrests, then work your way through the complete, tempting list. And don't forget unbeatable Rambler value. No other compact offers you secure, rattle-free Single Unit Construction with Uniside; Deep-Dip Rustproofing; Ceramic-Armoured Muffler; Double Safety Brakes; Double Door Seals. m With all these reasons, why delay seeing your Rambler Dealer? You could be driving your very own 1965 Rambler American in the model of your choice tomorrow! Rep 2. Want something bigger? The fast new Rambler Classic for '65 has a powerful new six, plus more luggage space, more people space OPAL AYE. ear Rr RT Ly Meet: the completely re-styled Rambler Classic, proof that a family-minded car can be exciting. Take your pick of great engines for rousing performance. Start with revolutionary Torque Command, the best-performing new six on the market today. It's an amazing six that acts like an eight! In the 65 Classic, it will deliver brilliantly responsive performance. Its new 7-Main Bearing crankshaft with eight counterweights gives an unbelievably smooth, vibrationless ride. Get Torque Command with 128, or 145-155 h.p. m If you're a V8 man, the Classic 198 h.p. V8 takes a back seat to no other comparable V8 in swift-moving performance. It's solid, responsive, reliable, m Inside the '65 Classic, you'll find more people space. Luxurious interiors have been re-designed to give you more x 5 oP Rt me eee ce a teeter ger ae ' prt ; tie aa wet (ae & » Su es ge 7 e | We; x e +. * dey Ay fg. ¥ ie ts ap ae Ww oe t, ig "% Me! «i ** . br? > > me f 4 *y , el Be ra, iA ae tt - "S Oe, ae ae mer 770 4 Door Sedan foot-room, leg-room, elbow-room. Even though it's bigger than ever Inside, the Classic remains delightfully easy to handle. You'll find more luggage space, too--designed to suit big-family requirements. m@ And you get these exclusive Rambler quality features: rugged, rattle-free Single Unit Construction with Uniside; Deep-Dip Rustproofing; Ceramic-Armoured Muffler; Double Safety Brakes; Acoustical Ceiling. @ With powerful new 6 and V8 performance, plus more people space, more luggage space, and a great new range of power options and features, the bigger, completely re-styled Rambler Classic is more than ever Canada's best car value in every model--sedans, wagons, hardtops. Test drive the fast new Rambler Classic at your neighbourhood Rambler Dealer's,