Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1964, p. 19

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1a Aa Aa OR a AMS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 25,1964 1@ 4 UCW Units Today' s Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange |~iise somos ae maneua A Id Meetings TOR ¥ 1) Net Net n Net} LONDON (CP) -- Transistor} Scotland Yard, after j 0 a ee Stock Sales HighLowa.m. Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. tire ; Sales High Low am, Ch'pe Stock Sales High Low a.m. cies Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge , ) Yard, 74 years oem Pree as 585 6 1:6, Bureke 646 330 300 380° 4101 W Sur? 1 pert radios now are forbidden in Lon-|on the Thames embankment in 'BLACKSTOCK -- All dnits of Toronto Stock Exchange~Sept. 25 Fam Play 100 $20%4 20% 20% Belleterre m6 6 Orcha' si Eu + ise 8% 8% ; : UCW met during the Sek: | (Guetetione in, conte velees manned 8.1 gue " 'asee Ww owe | ame" = 209 $40% Seco 3300 223. 200 220 ago 167 M46, 16) +1, |den's eight Royal Parks. The ba/ London, is to move to more spar fanna'e met at the howe oi| Tos! twee sbcercdviden areY| GL aper 8 an mM WM -- Yi! 'Race aay "lo ta ip 12 | plese' fen "ta tin ton t6| Shep RD 6S) 4s as 235 2h Stee et eee ee ee ee os r XW x-warrants. it je is 2% | a a i i Sa Gdewtod. With hen| Wen erated omnel Cougs) ¢ haewar im a ee Bralorne a5 a5 as 6 ; ng ns as =$"| Tomb 1sh0 " m2 3 1300 ; residents nearby. minal-catching staff. i i - 'orbr' ' attending. ' Hard Carp A 100 $17% 17% 17% = | 000 ue ae Lah ' 65 45 +3 - 210 $74 7" 7 | Camp Chib° 2100 475 47: pd oo ponte ioe 10% 10% Tribag 11900 177 7 -2 Sales fo 11 a.m.: 1,080,000, ial The Candace unit met at the INDUSTRIALS 10 $101 © The ie Mee te ae 1m 12a 9 9 93 --2 --_ ~ of Mrs. Gordon Pa > " B ine 18% 184 Cam Mines 750 20 at 00 25 23 FOREIGN TRADING Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| 'ome 3 Austral 500 7 7? 2 200 oe a. pra asset Abitibi 200 $14% 14% 10% i tol C Dyno 200 133 bl By ly aed «4.8 Deerhorn 1900 61 41 and the SHEAS Hs % Saat" we : lees = he Granduc 200 715 715 715 +10 Alta Gas 120 $33% 33% 33% i 168 $15% 15% 15% Can-Eri 1 i Y Ma 2 900 70 ~ 880 M 300 y 0000 i 5000 21 202 Wie 2 4 90 900 90) --S | Husky 1000 $10'% 10% ppt veda a2 A an 3h tk et a K U] Hyd 8 871% ai 7% EW Y Cen $4134 41% AIM m-- Va Sherritt: 2200 460 460 460 +5 '500 Hf 1900 232 i mu 3 Husky B pr 200 $52/2 S2¥2 52V Cassiar 200 $11%4 tim tise + "% Siscoe 360 KING ST, W. ' $744 74 744+ Val imp Ol 265 $52%% 52% . 4 Imp Tob pr 310 $64 6% ; tess for the Dorcas unit. to ou ou ul hecee" 1810 $23% 23% : ae | Mrs. W. ba eigacod gave a fine) Ana a i. ~~ --10 | IBM new 15 $465 as - 2 pl | (below CKLB) | | explanation of and led a dis- $174. 174 174 mc zie on 7 4 3 +5 . i y M Int Nickel 4760 $90 49" : cussion on the first chapter' of pr $00 $13¥2 13'2 13'2-- "| Inter PL «395 $89% 89% , Ae The Sensational SAT., SEPT. 26th * "God and His Purpose." ' $17% 17% 17% Inv Syn 200 $13% 13% 13% . " 15a + Ve ' sve "e ua + %) imp Tob 150 $14% 14% 1 "| | 1 Sugar TS aise | deed inv. Syn A 1100 $13% 13%. 13% -- V4 EL VE Mrs, S. Van Camp read a See ae 4 -- a it. ind 190 877 ; aT D -Fl = 4) {TL ind 725 $22%4 22% "4s letter from her daughter Doreen $26 2644 2670 + Ve or "rl © © +1 PLUS written Aug. 30 exactly two 0 $11% 11% 1% + 10 $578 5% years from when she arrived in| Bel! Phone 3551 $58 57% 58 +) Lab: $20'2 204 Bw ow ERIC MERCURY Hop SAT.--DAVE CLAYTON Brazil 177 345 445345 375 365 THOMAS and the Sheas 220 $1?" 172 114 3 7B ¢ : Doncing 9 p.m, till 1 nity $36% 36% 36% ie 500 $6% 6% : Pas ho dad ata m ate i Sn an a 38 rm 'a a" Admission 1.75 THIS WEEK - AS USUAL SUN. SOCIAL CLUB . le Va si" S Mrs. Neil Malcolm was hos- 100 8110. 110,110, + %6) Lay F sowe 1300 4m As 4 eee 0.20 a ae DRESS Shirt & Tle Co. as $20% 20% 20% Lelond % % 2% " DRESS:--Shi id Ti tess for twelve members and| can cem pr 102 $774 29% 7% fo ism 1514 15% Si he isn ie ADMISSION 75¢ @ ESS: ene Te ; Coming the JOQUERS two visitors of the Esther unit.) Cabo! 0 32. 32 2 Levy © or $212 21% 21% Giant YK - 100 $13% 13% 13% -- is 685 $40 13% 14a t+ % ve BV; wie a at Vite. IR ; the LINCOLNAIRES (Oct. 3) Groups were formed and| Csi new $90 $3114 31 3M + M4 ae ne Gian Uren woe Ge Te LE ie OCT. 10:--Miss Red Feather ... and Soon 0 . udied ae Can Perrn = 210! $74% 742 74¥a $00 49% 491 3 0 pg hig oe eee which| © Re a 9 1 Sime wt Wm Me $12 11% a eer cen ye Jetf and The Continentals all b pose, aiter Brew A p 105 $50%a me 50% -- Va $34% 3414 Sbstinas d d 5 e rought their findings for a r $5 210 210 sMediusner ak sie a Roun an quar ee a $12% 12% i | $154 15% 15 , 7 general discussion. | 185 180 185 , tise soe a + | Ud Bey : 0 gE s vie" ae coe | rn Se Hi iad aa aC eo oe Jacobus 7000158 15k ISA -- 9 | OSHAWA n $ onig ced: egiona ally at cot WO sist ae: Jelex 3000 17--«W7 . 350 390 --5. bts " Claremont, Oct. 29; The UCW| © Founs 150 s5u 45% oo $34 34 3 -- %4| Jomarnith 12900 2624 | ial te es ok BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 Sunday church service Sept. 27,| C.Found.pr m5 sia Ine Wie ; ala dae dy a ve ek» 723-497 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK | K Anacon 100 136 136 when Miss Hyacinth Boothe, a| ¢ imp Bk ¢ 110 $68 68 668 Mates wis 00 GS G8 OS | vik min $0 18 18 OB | TONIGHT VAN JOHNSON TONY RANDALL dence damioce wily) Een' mp nee i iy | Rew uta as | in ane m= SEPT. 26 AT |] 50.50 TEEN SOCIAL CLUB |ivtjynyeme =| THE BRASS AND falelelelalelalalaial ciL 150 | Morse B 575 $10 10 +" cour 7 meeting Sept. 29; and a special, ¢ Marc so 470 40 44 Nat Drie 285:$13 i Leconte aie ate " " CPR 32: Ve 54a SAe + Vo 5 $10) - vie aan tt : - ' in the Recreation Cet "Oe cree, meat ATM) hen" Bates ie es) fore, oer 2s 8 2 Club Camelot Driny Conen--tenaion, S198 40 11129 ecreation Centre Oct.) cwn cpr m5 sie 16% 14 | Ocean Cem 300 $19 Maun 000". SV: 1a 1 100 Gibb Street LOVER e | Saeco' 5000 9m 9% e+ | ag oem ate Mcintyre 190 $94 4 A+ MN aaa oe d ie tn Ont Steel pr | MeKen 0 12 2 2 = ighway No. 2, just wes I : Ye 16% 16% * Y, | Chemcell oe ie cae Gas > | ON. See ee ee ee Ire | Mentor 50 40V Ae 40Ve $114 Town Line SILVERTONES FINAL PERFORMAN rys | Pac Pete 1392 $12% 12% 12% Merrill 0 8 8 oe RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Clairtone 990 $7 oe Oe Pow Cor 510 $14%e 14% 14% tal Ml i Ne es Seen Clairton w 850 335, 390 330 5, | eee Sa aig Hb 210 8 | ie A Oe Ie oy ee Mudle'b Next Week. Featuring TV Col Cell $11% 11% NW%e+ Ye) On Gas 170 $11 11% 11% Monete 700 128 138198 +, ui y 7 TRES" Pea | © Savings 2°«2:«202 | Revelstoke 125 $12 12 12 Nat Exp! 1500 14 19 14 Neil Matthews and His THE CE In Mounties Conduits ee Robertson 100 818 88 New: Alger 1500 Sih Se S'+ i R Con Baks $62 6h 6% | ethan 1500 $19 18% 18% -- New Cal 400 102 10 102 +1 || Ontario County Boys Con M §& 39% 39% Royal Bank 55. $764 76% 76% -- 4| New Hosco 2600 ag ho 305 | Cl Con Ger 7 ria ee %| sec ¢ Crp 100 86% - N_Rouyn = -- 23000 "art Con Gas an ' . N 1 Sb MH New Taky 200 35 34 34 +2 am own Corby vt 20 m " | st Maurice 200 rae ; fl on GE it rs ae By Admission $1.25 per person Coronation 4 md Norby 8000 133 133° (133 OTTAWA (CP A } Crush Int 1246 12% + % bf l pr pod soe 43 Noreneeal 100 378 378 375 --$ || @ Tables (for reservations coll (CP) -- An appar-| Cygnus A 45 425 425 | Shell Can. 720. $19% 19 Norpax 100 18 «ORO 728.8781) ent jumpiness by the RCMP as| Cygnus 8 40 430 490) | Shell | pr «200 :$27%% 27% 274 Northeal a0 71 7 TT | the Queen's . visit approaches| Palts Acc sae es +4 |. Simpsons 80 $2514 25% 23% Nor Con 100 1) 18 1 | I] @ Refreshments © Porking | : | Slater Steel 120 $19 19% 1914 lorthgate s 545 -- seemed to have infected secur-) 5 pridge $2012 201 20" | Slat A wts 1125 825 825 825 Opemiska 200.690 880 990 +10 U A W HALL ity guards at the United States) pom Elect $13% 13% 13% + ve) St Pav 100 $12% 12% 12% ----_--_---- - -- ome ° Embass uursda' Dofasco $25. Y Steel Can 597 $2578 2534 25% * Reese, meteing ames |OS SY aiisie | ee a a iTe Pee 11 4 1-} Dom Scot $) "a Switson 500 45 245 5 y % 12 cans who had been asked to} Dose ee Ve Mae ee eee A in-DOOR - ' at., ept, " p.m. to p.m. @ ADDED FEATURE ATTRACTION @ D Stores 925. $227 Tor-Dom Bk 74 $6 i + ¥ M " attend a press conference in| pom Ter 1010 ig mvs 'a+! Tor Iron A 176 $154 15% 15% OUT-DOOR Theale H STEWART the embassy held by U.S. spe-} Dom Text 75 $934 914 29% Tower 100 85 85 0s i uy: ae = ee i featuring GRANGER East Ch Tr 210 $50% 50% 50% T Fin A 615 $14th cial envoy Henry Cabot Lodge.) £°C, 'tr ris 7 108 105 Te Can PL 3205 $4 42 4% + 0 were asked by a marine ser-| exquite A w 200 14.10 140, 410) Tr c PL ri1sar2 67, oh M4 WARE moors § - ; - Yy fa 1 "Ve "A 1 is $ i Same ia ER CT 6 eee ae 1] KENT STEEL'S Orchestra || _"14¥5 « couor canroon An embassy spokesman said} silvs "M4 1" "i ; mH 6S ft ei : been epaivang,himeeif #0 eset aon on ae BPR ¢ = duously DIVIDENDS tin 'tn 'on | AM) LEN Ba asf $2 PER COUPLE ; $17% 17% 17% "Tea p The embassy is directly , mot ii oH a i . +h across Wellington Street from) Canadian Foundation Co. , @ tim 12% 1208 ve @ Open To The Publie @ Parliament. Hill where the|Ltd., common five cents, pid. ; | Sie ie 17% THAPOa HO a. at " RCMP threw a tight' screen|30 cents, Oct. 20, record Sept. $18% 18% 18% nS sea ble $962 962 964 or Prime Minister Pearson /30. é ednesday. ftom "ON 0M Inland Natural Gas Co. Ltd. The occasion was an inspec-| s 3| Woodwd A $26% 26% 264 + 96/6 tion by Mr. Pearson ofa guard| oe 5 25 Te 0 5, record 100 $13% 13% 13 ig of honor and band from _ the) OILS unlikely . i$ Royal 22nd Regiment of Que-| Manoir Industries Lid., com-| ,. bec which is celebrating the|mon three cents, Oct. 15, record] ag OR i Gd 50th anniversary of its found-| Oct, 2. Anchor 1000 16 1 | that you will ing. } Ang U Dev 1000 2 + | ' | oManl Lent, Gardens Ut, 8) 2% : experience Royal Canadian Legion Hal SHARK CATCHES 90 CENTRE ST. -- OSHAWA Penmans Ltd., common 45 op ol [ i FALMOUTH, England ela Nov. 16, record Oct. 15; P in a lifetime to the music of Shark anglers fishing from six|pfd. $1.50, Nov. 2, record Oct. 5.) mi 9 all that 0 ' u will | boats set a port record at this) guverwood Dairies Ltd., class 308 . y il @ Shirley Jones gow hig with a catch of| a 17% cents, class B 1714 cents,| N ; see IN. ss sharks. Jan. 2, 1965, record Nov. 30. Permo 1000 i ' peg Pen AND HIS ORCHESTRA DO YOU HAVE A | | ee eres THE CARPETBAGGERS SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th 4 +7 | f 9 to 12 @ $2.00 per couple 305 1 STORE Yen Con . at 4 In TECHNICOLOR with : : i ea ea | _ NOW Advocate, an uss | ELIZABETH ASHLEY - ARCHIE MOORE Do You Belong ? PLAYING ! OFFICE fast" oto "Navn te Neve #1 F . ' PHONE 723-2843 Sie a "te KS 3] 'Oshawa Little Theatre's 4 Atl C Cop GARAGE anes fo sia lathc sau '64 -- '65 Season WAREHOUSE ; af 3 Mee) Ae An all new height TO RENT... 7 - oF a Ir The joy-illed songfiled Get your subscription tickets at in fright and might! Complete Show 9:10, ¢ Am . Victor's Sports and Cycles, . nis story 0 erica' OWN 92 Simcoe St. N. or phone You Will Get Fast . howto-succeed gal... / 725-3254 OSU | 728-3614 'The living from miners shack 728-5840 and dead ACTION GLU 7 usaf, 10 Crarmpagne socely' | QNLY $3.00 FOR 3 PLAYS canoe ad with AXE NEE PC odes General Admission $1.25 |] TIM an orgy of ASHE SAVE 75¢ !! terror.in TIMES nha =| tgp' BLOOD. omme BROADWAY'S ¥ K: aanhiel CLASSIFIED ADS ROUSING, : : BARBARA STEELE: GEORGE RIVIERE ADULT ENTERTAIN ROLLICKING =. ' SUPERHUMAN sTR Business People.'On the Move" read The Oshawa Times regularly. | d ' SHOW... 8-65 ns { VERSUS SUPERNATURAC} avis end some of them ore frequently searching for places to establish @ new business or re-locote « rapidly expanding business. NOW ON THE < ccs aw , ' 7 That Shop, Store, Office, Warehouse, Storage Spoce or gorage é Block East of SCREEN! PANNVISION' METROGOLOR ' Sey erp! Road you have, now. sitting idle, can be offered to Paying Prospects NOW ...2 Great Comedy Hits ROBERT GOULET © SANDRA DEE ANDY WILLIAMS in "I'D RATHER BE RICH" color with @ Fast-Action, Inexpensive Times Classified. An almost 'new Classification, 22. Stores, Offices, Storage, will enable prospective tenants ond property owners to get in touch oe OAL aT FEATURE TONY CURTIS © GARY MERRILL TOM & JERRY ; couor carreon . | DAILY AT "THE GREAT IMPOSTER" : "Mouse Trouble" 6:55 i 9:20 each evening from 7:30 (ine, Sundays) FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE , --also-- OFFER YOUR VACANCIES NOW ! Telephone Times Classified Ads, 723-3492 5©9@O2808860628288 e

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