Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1964, p. 16

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'6 TH SOUW A THNMEHL Poy, September 38. 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 --s « 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12--Articles Wanted 16----Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wan' rien , | SHAW BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] ™ Qo We es | ue: | SOS and metals, etc; bought oe rs el all doy, Phone FOX'S AND - -- 89 BLOOR E. | Oshawa Shéppi t Building Trades Instruction *_12lumbing and Heating \ i Te nena GER wented, Capechy 13 orlBARW pis pend =: = '6 CLERK-CADET ; : ; A HIGHLY-PAID FUTURE [ALL PLUMBING and heating suppiles.| -- - : t Z Telephone finest tine of Christmas cards. Wraps, | Repairs & Remodeling | in juno few month, you |itemene za Maco St amit Lay ste 113 puniness Opportunitie' Seiten husrtat aitane tats] OSHAWA POLICE. con have a highly-paid career, 4 DEPARTMENT 9 + |Simcoe Street South, ; /) LANDIS SHOE REPAIR equipment, gels ' soe Gn tg eo Wil WESORDONTA:, O08 I Toei ab coals wa Teneo for sale. For' particulars, toh *|sireet 'East, Mamsiion' 'Onterie. Appi YAUK, FRIEDLANDER AN --Z5: tiled walls "a floors, No chonce fo create something [hoy ang used melerials, Ressoneble rete, 4 pnonville 6anaver, oa las " Ast vadigg for the following Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trustees} | f beautiful every doy of your estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. : a COOK in small country positions with the Oshawa $n. Bankrumicy, " a Street East) jobs are too small for the life. Payl Pogue Beauty f SCRAPS. FOR SALE: Valuable corner property,/'0°M. Telephone Coboconk i Police Department will be Wikeid: ok Odds Fien eatl: Regen teh: ging 4 h Servi store, equipment, King and Gibbons, Res-leipi¢ received up to and Including ITH, Ri ATERS and Co.| motes, 725-9103. pg ot ich Rug-Upholstery Service F tonable down payment Boer ty Ree IGIRLS, earn excellent commission ona eHL, Ww and : a hair-stylist, cosmetician, | |morigage. Open for offers. Telephone], top quality nylon y hosiery to your r_Srlonas Ten a. igen 4 fants, 728-7527 : YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-| salon monager, Your talent is H 7 i 14 4 723-2742, prices foe Sinai,' ™Ineys: Built and repaired; gas linings | developed under personal United 'Rent-Alls LUNCH counter and 'grill for sale, x. Taba tn pt Toromo 12, Ontarie,| Be obtoined at the office of neys stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates,' Guidance. No advonced edu- F sohdine ond retina | Hi} : allent business at | 333 Simcoe Street EXPERIENCED senior "wocouniing clerk| tM? Chief of Police, |! for pions wun aro = Ac-| 723-2997, cation required, Call or write: j R nd Upholet / South, or phone 728-4391 before six. So accounting Renald R_D. Wilson, CA; G. ITY CA RY, custom bullt PAUL POGUE BEAUTY ing, Rug a ery \ $10,000, FULL PRICE, Sacrifice due tolottice. red. Location| POLICE CONSTABLE 728-7554, kitchens, and renroames floors and alt SCHOOLS LIMITED, shampooing, Automobile Up- | s ? health. Restaurant banquet loce-| Whitby, Irantporiet 's #1! Quolifications required:-- ae nae eee Oshawa, tn 'pus Queranteed." 72548576." 2237 Yonge St., Toronto « holstery Shampooing, Auto as we ' lad peanny ' bent aan weekly opportunity a pedi in Be 's eta 1, British Subject, Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. = [NEW AND OLD roofing ani _chimneys| Telephone 487-2107; or engine steaming, Complete wrt ony ' 1 USED FORT, Hab ye Mpa aga Bd Bil vine Paes Il modern conveniences, ito of 'chit| 2+ Between the oges of at LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered|and i hee Contractors, tele) 249 Queens Avenue, London, maintenance Service. Free MADE. OF LEON RELIEF OF PAIN Keith Peters, Realtor. or ee ee shore nina ond 30 years, . 205W, Oshawa --Shop-|phone Telephone 439-0101 estimates. FEATHERS 1% Kg CHIMUAHUA, female, four months old. | Quebec, ary: laggy Height ®t , Suite . ss ping Center. 725-9959. © __|ROOM papered, $8 and up. Bungalows * SAKA cruz LESSER OCTOPUS Registerd, Telephone Hampton BITES Feauieaa wi ; : . :| WAITRESSES required--a to 11 shit' onc ona Bre > atl 4, ene weight 16 5, BOB CLANCY'S Service. | painted, prices. Also, inside ls CHANGES COLOR WITH COBRA VEXHOM, Sema conn gar Oo wert rem abr oo va) © ONTARIO CALS TAEOOOe | a andzing marion nas] [SHBG Recoware, ad ule p11 nm. 7 em } ston 5 stare Maslov bgt 8 "agp goes DRIVING CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re- (Fy Pome frat tn Wel tn cn Der Car ne Donan Sehr. Cave. for tae siban, some. hou vf Minimum education -- y HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing « styled, Free estimate. See our matzria' 4 y th gra Barristers eavestroughing, carpentry "work, painting or re-covering. Dalton ing, 75 outright sale. 2. Harris, 112 Simcoe onions acme fo be arranged. 'alter ne grade, in TAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB,|8nd genera! repairs. All work guaranteed. SC OO Charles Street, 723-7212, ; L : Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub-|P- Nellis, 336 Bruce Street. 728-2061. H L REUPHOLSTERING ty suse. Ruel: 2--~Personal 3--Hunting MORTGAGE COMPANY for sale. Earn- GXCECLENT 5 sori for < carer 0 4 C ERK CADET 'Mc, The Commercial Building, 286 King' T iid ire cinners Se eae -- ings at about 9 per cent. Telephone 725-/Your own, 9s Beauty oe Sr! Qualifications required:--- West, ar Ontario. Client parking|ALt TYPES buliding repairs, "| Leorn to Drive 1964 Models |lished 17 years. Complete range ofsmater ART/S GUN REPAIR, 18 Bond Street| ssp part-time. Training period w i new and repaired, sidewalk and concrete jails. Workmanship guaranteed five years. REGU LARITY West, Oshawa, Rifles, pistols, wf ment for interested person, ba Elliott, Mole pire antennae lel sno repairs. 728-0394, All type remoldelling. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses 4 , 725-9442. pn & a doet oN trl - PICK-UP SERVICE ee fe is - ancient and modern, bought, sold, Traded E 1 t Ww. ft d ao . MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll "3 'ath re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa A PROBLEM? repaired, 728-9731. Hours 9to 9; Saturday] 4--Emp loymen ante PART-TIME help wanteds approdmate-| 3 cltors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds|ROOFING; painting, lathing, insula be ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Uphostering Company, 287 Deen Aves. Soge lene aw CLERK pene ne ed, approximate available. 36% King Street East, 723-1107,|Specializing in re-roofing, J. C. Dingler, « 725-0311, ' | /EXPERIENCED LAW CLERK reay rés\ly per week 4 Apply. In ar " 7 283 Jarvis Street, 24 hours dally, 723-6603. Dual Contro! 'Cer --------| For easy, natural regularity, |FoR SALE: large aluminum bus. Suit-/Position with solicitor in Whitby... Good Fish and Chip, treet] 4 pars tg gg 2 0g Pa nage dal ar j A f . |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re- try delicious NABISCO 100% able for hunters comp, No motor. 728.2181, references, Write Box 412, The "Oshawe West, loan. Office 14¥e King StreetlosHAWA ROOFING and sheet meta! Licensed Instructor | covered like new, Get the best for less at 725-0150 and 728-3296 e, NEED oxire Thoney?'450 end more, can 5 6 ; Typist, . Between the ages of 17% and 20 years, . Minimum height -- § ft. . 10 ins. F (eveus weight -- 160) 7: Ens osha, benscatt jelly og : mien. ees Automatic and Standard |Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simeoe §, Call] BRAN. It's $9 good-tasting | - lcaniaee "NURSE | requires position, |easily be earned by showing our fabulous IN and BASTEDO, Barristers,|workmen. 728-6507 or 728-6451, Free estimates. becouse it's the only bran Summer Properties | >#v sitting by day, or companion or light|Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends = 9a-- Pp housekeeping, live in. Town of Whitby|and neighbors, No experience necessery.| 6. Minimum education -- MmcOiBB ST san SO Solicitors, Clients' funds available f0'lreRRANA PAVING CO. Specializing in cereal! flavored with fruit first mortgage. 37 King Street East (3rd HI Os! h ee |RE-UPHOLSTER and refinish your for) ree y | us lephone Ti 1060 belt img rgb ole gro floor). 728-7336, Charles C. McGlbbon,| Oriveways, Frotng prteig Pca antl snawa 728 6934 |niture by J. and J. Custom Furniture.| juices! Rely on bran's bulk for | For Sale or Rent |Pr erred, Telephone one : iy A thecal pear = pg ee 11th grade. Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. are --------|Free estimates, Whitby, 668-5753 or| gentle, natural regularity. ; Neal oes Write today for Christmas cards Emondson a Se ~ REGISTER NOW 64-5376, | Gor delicious NABISCO 100% WASABA, novseoening,coiges leat 15--Agents Wanted on approval and free catalogue, Monarch Evelyn M. Found, ------ Sona , |among shady evergreens, right on the) eRneHTON. "BRYNAN, MURDOCH For lessons in the. following: |- a | BRAN at your grocer's today! beach. All conveniences, Facilities inziude| Card Co., Dept, 16, 217 Cannon, Hamil- Secy. Board of and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| Cartage Piono Accordion -- Saxa- «|Sales and Service | ~ _ |steam- bath and shower house, eine we. WIN A TV ton Police Commissioners. taries. Bank of Commerce sap 5 is 'ee is | '° -- ak oe ----|horseshoes, badminton, volleyball, bese' R OMAN to take care of four Sunes Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; |JOHN'S BF ic hla AND Rachel phone Trumpet: Clari GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer LEN PULLAN ~ Ipath smal! games. Openings fiom August MAKE EXTRA MONEY RELIABLE WOMAN te jMonday to Fri- T. K. Creighton, QC; or f rates. Fully; net -- Popular Piono, washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call }15 on, Rates reduced in September. day. After 6, telephone 726-7845 for par- G. K. Drynan, Qc, THASSH: GL. Mur. equipped vie} Ninaured. Teil. |For further information on -- |728-1742. (ENGLISH TAILOR) |Write Surfside Village, New Wasege bn Mey CHARTERED doch, QC, 723-4768; J. Victor, 985- LA LONDE, all types types of cartage. Bay lessons ond rental instru- N E Beach or phone Elmvale, /38-R4, Win a portable TV set, while you URE eT SIIKIT So cae Gar Was eke 7115, Mortgages and Areca of Sale) Ridges, 639-4191. ments coll Septic Service CUSTOM TAILORING |STURGEON LAKE, Bobcaygeon, co!-| make extra money. No experience See as antares Well housekeeping bought and sold, emer Eee, WILSON ond LEE LTD. Seca nT oT pNP Re pEECESrEDCeT ot BRITISH WORSTEDS faces for rent 'from August 8th, $45 and] necessary, Sell exciting top-volue "|quties, live in, private room, new home. ACCOUNTANT HUMPHREYS. , ov a cleaned, 1$55 kly, All inside conveniences. Dia' Permanent ition, Port Perry MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King|Dentistry _ eee MUSIC STORE on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chesinui Street SUIT & DRESS |023 Pv ra dae ig = a bi sce Progressive 'group' of - come L le ef i Humphreys, 7 tN, 5- 47 1, Whitby, 668-2563. Street, East, Oshawa 8. D. Humehreyt/ Tay on. ¢. B, -- ~ Dental Surgeon,| 87 Simcoe Si 725-4706 __|West y, ALTERATIONS |BASS LAKE (Steenburg), near Bancroft,| pour buy on sight, Write for |17----Male Help Wanted panies in the Graphic Art treet North, Oshawa. For sins ! reys, BA, LLB.|112 Simcoe Stree , INVISIBLE MENDIN three-bedroom cottage, lakefront, hydro, panies: im iter BA, LLB; J. D. Humphrey: 723-4326, 778-5842 or Res. 728-8441, ZE METHOD Surveyors G {forsepest Good hunting, fishing, swim-| free colour catalogue and samples require ambitious newly qual- Office: 725-1177. , 'ount 725-4604 Whitby 668-1761. NHA and other VAN AND FLEISCHMANN, 10-12 PRINCE ST, ee ae offer, cash or terms.! on approval. Special money-making CREDIT ified chortered ace ant, lon for Churches, Clubs, Schools, for new position, combining NE nai -- SaAnTT sar ert) L SES | nto Ontario Sirevt, 7255652. | 728-5311 x 24, 411 MANNING at sie ts; dresses, prints, 11 Ontario Stree t Homer-Warren Co., Dept. 24, : responsibili for fi ial OHA a |RESEMAKING -- Saucon RIVING SCHOOL, - semen of one company Money io an. "Henry Block, 26. King|allerations, slip Creare Wramer o-Sar | | FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontar's 'and | |%e Marine Equipment | Clendenan Ave., Toronto. M AN AGER statements of one company, Street East, 723-4697. Dial/@ specialty. Mrs. Toms, Ll Telephone 728-0881 Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Prone! URGENT jie FOOT moulded plywood boat, with together with cost, budgeting 18 H.P, Johnson, windshield and controls, ond systems studies through- 3 AKING -- all kinds of ladies' 725-6881. i GREER AND Katy, Barristers, Soll- pear quallty work. Call - 668-8463, Standard Rates ep Will Barbara' Ann: McMillan |? life-jackets, Asking $500 or best offer:| 16. Female Help Wanted Thoroughly experienced for out the group, East. Dial Voogiarv, 1110 Henry Street.) "TEA Bh) +A npIVEe or a4 know! |728-1056, = ------ : pg wy pa "g Greer, ayhtiby, me LEARN TO DRIVE Trade Schools ._ eet whersaeoar, Weed sone "THE BLUE CHIP," 2 tt zabin cruiser, ING 6 large locai retail compony. Pill alg Mle gps Bi mvs 6, Jas a368; Terence V. Kelly, Bar ech, Tavies Tam THRIFTY | Alferations, bine. a ed ae ATTENTION 723-4659 on on urgent mat- [fully equipped, $0 H.P. Evinrude motor, EXPAND Apply stating age, experience advancement, rivi erator, achometer. 0c HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barrister, Soli-|rates. For appointment telephone 728-1823.) 4... niig rates, standard ond MEN ifs horas, Port Perry or call 725-9581. K@ @ AL and solary expected, Referen- Please reply giving personal citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times automatic cars. ' arr - ------------ siimaanueesie yep ces may be required, resume to: Buliding, 86 King Street Bast, 723-1)2)-/ Exterminators Professional Instructors, 7 to 49 REOPENING | 1 ]__Articles F wer. | Saas, San Se? eter home| PRESTO 738-0091" 4 'Eauioment| ART CLASSES: mers COMPANY | wrITE BOX: 323 BOX 244, = PEST CONTROL _--|__OSHAWA_AND wuitay | M@aVvy EQUIP In bil painting. Leoin te point RENTALS Under new management re- OSHAWA TIMES OSHAWA TIMES Building Trades Fleas, Roaches, Bed Bugs, Lie tal an MARSH, D:E.A. Dancing Operators your own pictures, Reasonable OF ALL KINDS quires these women:-- od ! Beetles, Moths, Mice, Rots, | school, Kinderdance, Srideysr Saturdays, H t rates, For information 1, Experienced Book- CEMENT WORK etc. Masonic Temple, 723-7283, Are in demand for bull __ Phone 728-2434 REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- keeper-Typist 3 YOUNG MEN | SALES REPRESENTATIVE WALKS, STOOPS, Homes, factories, apartments, PIANO, classi ler, -| dozers, scrapers, rotor |__ massaging belts, rowing ma- a ' ' FLOORS, CURBS and Nauwion." Phone Don [mation cored Wattle foes, 0 Ne graders, draglines, back- Rewoval of oF tu superfluous hair, --~| chines, bike exercisers -- all 2. For Packaging in 16 TO 2) Casuality Insurance PATIOS Well established Casualty Mount Street, Oshawa, 725-4587. $6 per month F. | sions . M M ff will P : actor 5.9871 |PIANO Lt Vicinity Rossland hoes, and shovels. If you ee ee ian PLUMBER'S TOOLS, -- pipe { Insurance Company requires B. McLEAN a ' men full-time position for Phone 725-5946 Gardening and Supplies |Reed East. Telephone 728-8695 afters, Ed by top instructors right Foabeig" Oct, 13 and 14, cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- Good salary with benefits, To train os assistant field hone Genosha Hotel on these managers with leading broad- costing and publishing com- Oshawa District. Age limit 25 to 40 years with good en eee cn the equipment. Don't pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ; : q : dotes for appointment. tek bibe tiranding. dies Good working conditions. 7 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,| delay --- enquire. now. ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat rooting.) "'CGRASS TIME [Tap, R.A.D. Ballet, Highland. | Register Write giving ner inl add- ELECTROLYSIS toilet auger, Apply in person pany. Above average earn- educational background, Sal- PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT --~ ings, to successful applicants. mi 7236 4641 _ \ | " Neo at Slane. oried plus generous com.- . Construction. RR 3, 7254037, ah WN" GRASS MIX ress and telephone num- | _ 143-4 stepladders, aluminum exten: ; t appearance ond pleos Gon TRUNCHINGond--conpicia eae Vaan mene MIX Mortgages ber: |PERMANENTS on Page Hair.| sion ladders, ladder jacks, ATLAS TAG CO ant personolity a must. For ene Company ear pro- and complet: = a, F tank Installations, all meteriels. Included. SUPERFINE GRASS MIX : NATIONAL SCHOOL OF - |sressing. 396 Pine "Avenue, 'Feleprone| steel scaffolding compressors, appointment eal meee rer re] cares | 1 Time In Conedc. | HEAVY EQUIPMENT [ier | ee ae a ae ee Teel oi rai tar FM) oiviDUAL GRASS SEED 15 Year OPERATION iy ie site S| provers Torches »_ONT. . Box 202, Oshawa Times x lal donk Oe | BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- PLASTERING, new and repairs, stucco, Pah ne ond Mortgages os Out of town enquiries invited, ALL PERSONS Interested ir ry 1 persuading! cement mixers, finishing tro- TOYS, FUN $ $ $ 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. TEXAS'OI CO A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-3420. the council to authorize the Police De.| Wels, wheel barrows, electric TURF SPECIAL 10-6-4 acd ; alice Di PEAT MOSS CORONATION | TY¥=Redio Repairs iain on rent acy eat | horror: Gyca'yereerlock | We ore looking for. lies | EXPERIENCED MIDDLE | ,, WORTH UP TO ifi H. Stainton, 14 "Mel. ts 3 Y in r x Classified Rates Me LO aa yy Investment Co. Ltd. awe, Telephone 728-6486" VS" O8h- Oats peer Sraidicn seed Christmas money by working AGED_AUTOMOTIVE $12,000 WORD ADS sens SMITH The: foramnoat Canadion. Pub- TV TOWERS scaffolding, pel fs gpl nrg evenings, September, October TRIMMER Need mon over 40 for Osh- Pine te | ecction of 24 words $1.08 lic Co. in the field, now 3--Pets & Livestock silane Regatta Bieang tig ond November. STEADY EMPLOYMENT ewo area. Toke short auto 16 Celina - 723 1139__ introduces long - term 15 and Antenna Repair |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| ing jacks, mortar mixers, We will train you as @ party a Cotes aay, Sone We baaitiers af Mk were oi, caer YEAR - OPEN - Second p training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad,| mortar boxes, chain hoist, demonstrator to sell a. full APPLY IN PERSON we _ owners, Write foal words 18 each . sacs TOP SOIL =e FILL mortgages. Borrow what you Liddle _| miter saw, electric plane, tar- line of toys and gifts. WILSON BATTERY leum, 534 N. aig need on the security of your DACHSHUND puppies, registered, red paulins, sand blaster, power -- 10 7 Itlonal y ! é Charge ber cont. edditiona SOD home -- Repay in small TRIO Saerneraored. Reasonable. Telephone! host hole auger, oscillating Commission, car, essential. SALES & SERVICE |_Worth, Texos. charge ¥ not paid within 7 days hI 0 Bowmanville 623-3430. Method of counting -- Less then 94 GRAVEL and SAND monthly payments over 1 sonders, disc sanders, belt No investment, deliveries or 641 CROMWELL AVENUE words counts as 24 words, each word, to 15 yeors. OODLES, Registered Sliver pu sired sanders, floor sanders, acety- collections, Call now: initial, figure er abbreviation counts TELEVISION male ane yt ga Phone' vasa atr| lene "welding outfits, "200 Osh 728-3608 WANTED psig pag ap shawa i r farge jepen- @s one word: phone number counts Phone For full details, call , - (af x ) p.m , elect Iders. 723-2265, (after hours 725-3376 | amp, electric welders Licereeit Meal" kelley: Melos pop rabid wig tegaei man for long established of- ticulars to 8 words 723-1161 | 171 BOND ST. £, OSHAWA. |SaMOYED-popx-7-weam aan ora 1 BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- | Z ' female, Papers If required. Excellent pet STAN S oe creping oot with 25e ad- OSHAWA SCHOFIELD AKER 728-5143 m7. apd ye alana isactise Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. AVON on ae Rap as BOX 1449 Limited ditional charge if not paid with- A TWO KITTENS, nicely marked. Free to| 223 King St. W., Oshawa NEED EXTRA MONEY--F: i BOWMANVILLE in 7 doys, G RDEN CENTRE 360 King St. West siete € " -------|good homes. Apply 266 Court' Street after | Enter off yp Sf durin CHRISTMAS? a _ aang Bowman gt Gibson [MARRIED MAN for dairy form, Must IN MEMORIAMS MERION KENTUCKY ---- | TV TOWERS tery RAWER ennals --~Raginiarea oad repo tatives earn $500 to $1,000 Whitby 145 Brock St. $ be experienced. Good salary and work: $2.00 for the first 35 words and se BLUE GRAS 'Mortgage Money -- German Shepherds, puppies. ahanatea| PHONE 723- "3224 during the Christmas selling /¢ARBER tor ambitious falawnie in| 8 Modern house. Clese te each thereafter, plus 12¢ per jine of Ss E d bloodlines. Stud services. Boarding. Quar-|-- - season now in full swing, We [Real Estate Broker's Office. Experience|<%:, APPIY Morris Segal, 731 Ansley verse 25¢ additional charge if not Available conomy an ter horses, foals. Trailer Ashburn' Brook.| Brides, Bridesmaids, ¢ gowns, con help you earn this kind |/n Real Estate preferred but not esen- Covet, "Oshawa, Phone 723-4181, ee oe S O D S Deluxe NN crinolines, headpieces veils, of money with Avon Wan tial, Write Box 550, Oshawa Times. MAN WANTED for office cleaning, semi CARDS OF THANKS Low Interest Pricad to sulk sour buddet GOLDEN LABRADOR PUPS, purebreds| ink stoles, white fox furs, : CLERK for retail hardware tore in 'Ajax.|retired preferred. Telephone ¥ $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se INSPECTION WELCOME males and females. Phone Hampton 263-| dishes, cutlery, glosses, © -MRS. M. LAMBERT Experience required, Apely In' pores Seuraar charge not bald within: 7 'days "ALLGREEN" Valuation, Arranged TERMS: ARRANGED [fica sarransa asain moms (chit "eles, chueh eunn- |. po BOK 2) COLUMBUS [tts -turemee Mit Seema Soar: paci-sime, Must have good character rt RESIDENTIAL , rt Si » Persi + Persian, and : < preferred. So pe kan aimsericerm ow im» | NURSERY SOD GROWERS | city ano DISTRICT OSHAWA TV [rennsien'coite cane, rst.) SARGEANT'S RENTALS |imn/BRetasen, "urd, Apy ig, pale weekly. Write 'Box 8 "outawa| Hoel Lenser, 27 King st Wot "first part and Sc each thereafter Townline N 1% mile north of SUMMER PROPERTIES FEMALE Toy Terrier, white with black) 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 | 728-0662. (Word Ads) Oe markings, 34 months old. Just had first/ ENTERTAINING LADY for two hours dal ord Ads: Taunton Village 725-9674 VACANT LAND SUPPLY LIMITED |Ratdiec""cait' 7 szas -_lpeonie?. Oahawg. Tanta" £ pre, cre ain te bond sive Game oe Snes taint S E R V | c: E S 7, A 7 | O N AUCTION SALES 'United | R t- 361 GIBBONS ST. FREE KITTENS, box trained, to goed quets, parties, "then nniversaries, beep Mochi fiveday week. Close to a sg ia Sar Sop 26 | snes Ont 798-8180 . \schomars Colmes annie ta or wo ee amex] SALESMAN REQUIRED Bich aatie al bc. DR charge ioti -- r' 'olumn CHAIRS, card and Caer tables, church|three girls (two schoo! age), live In or out, DEADLINES Unie: Seed and: Fasttibane Mortgage Brokers Association 5--Farmer's Colum ac liule nanith Clie Pee rah nie rather in hostel Poel desk sth WORD ADS SOLD AT COST ---- ----|CEDAR POSTS, poles, rails, sorted ac-|Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, in Whitby, 668 Excellent opportunity for energetic young man, cording to size. Cedar trees for hedges, -- 5 p.m. day previous. laio)) Mana Crea SU RLAN SOU | H-F END" | a Ah ADE rage t ae 2 haga WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, |WE Te aaa girls er women . n Grass Seed A D ee eee reducing machines, sick room to pack and tri Good rkin : ? AND FOUND, BIRTHS, 99¢ per pound MME L PRESTO FARM SERVICE -- Whitewash-| aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, Rete HB working conditions LOST H. fs ing, fly control; weeds--pasture, brush, | 71 for tal DEATHS Golden Vigoro Fettilizer, ete. SECU R ITI ES T.V, Towers and Aerial Service it Molt ee rience hd Box r details along with phone num- sede bie nat al orcas cebu UNITED RENT- -ALLS LIMITED ED: PARE PROP. Tregunna, Phone 725-9871. |12--Articles Wanted ee GED lady 10 Gare for two apply CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ; (Corner Wilson and Olive) 480 Phillip mgrrey CASH on the- spot! Highest prices paid PIANO wanted, repair worthy. Best price|children, one school age, between 7 ie ee oO, DIAL 728-5565 112 Simeoe St, North 728-6879 Pie Cee ieee Soe TMP Sas, ee Eebanon Horan wR om vey winen heed Norn Toe] TAAPERIAL OIL SERVICE CENTRE wera oe ------|_Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 |", sed GASH tor vour used gun Quick "confides | DISHWAEHER ona "bichon homer "soair CANCELLATIONS AND PRESTO re SERVICE 7--Trailers : Ieee eee wa seth" Ed Resiawren's Boor Sree) WAVERLY ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONT, ee ee : rt a LAWN SERVICES MORTGAGE -- Soe 1h, Rammer pec caatnce piety Oneettenition '12-Bgsinete. Gppertwslties|)-cSiubsabe Gimesaiiee cee y , 13--Busine 0 net il 80x NUMBER RENTAL -- te Satin. at illite, LOANS sewnats er cee ee ae re eee seinete _Cppertunities|2--Bainels Onpertwaities |." cy jcinivel tbe driveways, parking lot sagen or endeavour will be mad , ng lots, Se forward rapes Me box numbers te | vacant lots. Moneys for first mortgages OSHAWA Mia thee Whine cbann --_ SALESMAN he seven? ay tn teoet of | TELEPHONE 725-9871 Ltgg Ae ELECTRONICS 8--Hunting ARE YOU loss or damage alleged to arise No. ben Pe jolay In |80D, sad quality, prompt io us city TV TOWERS, antennas, also re- -- eeaierieen through either fallure or delay In g it oye, aulvery. oh No charge for valuations pairs. All work guaranteed. S11 Dean HUNTERS' SPECIAL; New genuine 8 _ Experience necessary. forwarding such replies, however jestimates. Tel 723-9910. lephon: man M. Model 98, 6-shot, caused whether by negligence or SARDURT ee with Gravely Rote) Mortgages and Agreements | Avenue. Telephone 725-0500, ritlea, 'Sarat New. 503 Short Lee. Entield Telephone for appointment, . -; otherwie the Tes wilt not be fe plow. Telephone 6, Brooklin 655-3104. purchased, Well Drilli Digi 10-shot, $16.90. New .303 British Jungle } gt cn nan : spons! LEN BOWLER -- Landscaping and gar.| Moneys for second mortgages of riming--vlesing Carbines, 10-shot, $27.50. New .30 calibre ws Hp M-1 carbine, semi-automatic, 15-shot, 20 days = pe i Age Id patio Fost ivi SWARTZ WELL by $89.50. re ne: ene bo Spgrnat he : i RUTH ERFORD rr ti jun case, REGULATIONS 'ofo-tilling, asphalt, lawns seeded, sodded, In 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut fime. 303 and 8mm ammunition, $9.00 : fertilized, power rolling, pruning, hedge 26% King St. E. ie 3 : : ATA II not be 9 ast Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. tional Fl : Iponsible for verrors, In advertise: |ery'aioce Teleshone' etree "Ue Gibien Carats : ~~ Bir tide ti iery. Merwe | 'Texaco Canada Ltd. is interested in a man who is willing to or- . | FURNITURE LTD. : subm ther-wis in in Bee ee -- --_ - ° i : 4 writing neh tor. more than one nar JOHN ORO UWE RL LANDEEAPING 723-4697 1--Women's Column GUNS, emmunition, decoys, camping sve-) -- Ganize and work hard to build his own furnace oil and wholesale 156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 4 le en te a Bac! le inser. evenings, 6 to 10, Fectlizing, "sede PRIVATE and corporate monies for all|PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-|Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. gasoline business in Peterborough. -- tion oy the advertisement a which jseeding, evergreens, trees, etc. mortgages; mortgages and agreement ofidressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Telephone} error: occurs hie DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE For\doch 'end Vicior. (Son "arrieers*) 725-5363. 1--Women's Column ROLAND'S S a ir di ' <4 ; A d The Oana Timer reserves the on a ce a The individual selected will run the Texaco Bulk Terminal. STEAK HOUSE Its proper classification BAY RIDGES, nursery sod, delivered,|P®Y.® per cent to 12 per cent, Telephone| N F | In the case of display advertisements, |iaid, peat loam. J. Atkinson, Pickering) 725-3560. require Times will not be held respon-. (839.3020 or 839-2272 igh potenti rni ini i tea ee Ss ee aes aor @ High potential earnings. for minimum investment ~ CHEF a TREE to trim? Call. "Slim"_ © Musical Services : ; i di Ponisers endeavour to fpreduce a |eOWn. Free ex Sia aid PIANO, reea, pipe and eieciron Exclusive imported fabrics for wedding @ Work for yourself in YOUR OWN BUSINESS WAITRESSES Pes y eer e \, ronics organ : : Mn ay ak covariant Witten and gravel Armatrong ys Farg|twing and repair, instruments appraised! GOWNS and cocktail dresses available at @ Financial Assistance (If necessary) full and part time, Experience Sry inaccuracies in any form phone 725.5864 A. Hiddink, Alax 942-1664, ' necessary.' Appl en re pon wala Shade Ween, "aivvba oar strongly reduced prices to make space for las ~ pply in person, ny advertisement cancelled before frees, "| Optometrist j @ Promotional Assistance and Training 162 pemncas oe : Meorns!F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, iii Simen| Winter stocks. 6 SIMCOE N.. greens, fresh Street North, Suite 4, Oshawa. Telephone CAREER OPPORTUNITY with ee AR wily WANT at Ca RENGVATION echoing --eooe| PHONE TEXACO CANADA LTD. AT 668-3211 OR 35) ambition and wing Weare ies rn a cae Direct n> han otc rong Sd i Painting and Decorating ILONA'S DRESS MAKING : ~ WRITE P.O, BOX 416. WHITBY rc St ee "ace oo and leads furnished Lawn Spray Service, phone 728-4974 for| PAINTING, ing, 723-3492 ----_|pthowe" Ciara, Aitcblcxarng, bor [Envariraing tng "roti. "Si 'was| 4412 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA ee Jmanvilie, Whitby, Port Hope area, 'querenteed, Call Lioyd Simpson 720-9876, _-- ceri, ii Cerge'and srnall oba,'L. and". Reoting| NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX." |R0W. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 7256122.| and

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