~~ 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 24, 1964 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings There's So Much TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS Stock sft Hien ta aim. ht Stock Sales (his Uni on Coen Exquisite 20 $7 Revelstoke ms2 12 2 Net . Exquite A w 100 125 125 a +5 | Rothmen 215 819% 19% 19% Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Falcon 29 $774 77% 7" Am Leduc 2000 11 11 oN --h& ; " la + %q| Royal Bank 750 $76% 76% 764 -- Ve fiom Fe aka as | St Maurie 0 wou ow an aos an ars SPECIAL SAVINGS Mfg Lod 350 fal Ba 200 $2186 184 196 2 | al 1 Scot 100 Calvert 500 2 2 iy aes sine. cat 222°! ON FANCY GOODS! 1230 100 500 330 100 410 410 410 +5 435 $25% 25% 25% + Ve 820 cai ae ge or eee % 2 »| Polyfoam Slabs NC f Ye Stattord 750 430 430 430 16 + Steel Can 6516 $25% 25% 2 + % é | 200 $10% 10% 10% -- Ys) Siotest ord $3 a ' 3 alt Specially Low Priced! 0 | oe a phe state ij 9 9 9 'amb! $22% 221 msii2 m2 212 +2,| tonpom Bk "36% ayy 10 sa We aul oP Doel. ae Mwah + 6) | _ . " -- 1 er. Con 4a Ve % { ; 7160 $3% 23% 23% WT CPE oiaisa. @n @ a1 | Pete ! Approx. size... 24 x 72 x 2" thick. Excellent 275 365 365 Trans-Mt 330 2 for numerous upholstering jobs --- chair pads, 9 9 9 + we Py rf ' arene. Foe ee "Ang : cots, cushions, etc. Gray in colour , . . resists fal 7. Ry = SudsbuBesssereune f E2333 ng Pe re . Intar Int Nicke! 2023 $8812 88% 88% iin Gas 100 24% | Int Util 100 $2714 27% 374--%4' Y Gas B 25 9 | 59 +3%| Spooner 5700 " ; é ; int Util pr | z10 thie i oe A 150. $90 discolouring and is non ---- | inter Dis "109 2 Walk GW 900 % --%) | inter PL 769 =| Wenesh Th 155 A 200 65 55 EATON inane St Se ae me) Wein kar ia ne ine | Wot | Vy Westfair pr 37 Ma -- TMs | ' H Ms! 'Jockey C 100 lata Pactio' sas "7 MINES Special Price, Jot by Weston A 300 17% -- Ve ; each .......s.0de0. | 3 Kelsey W 1125 $11" 1h -- Vs Weston B 1950 W+ Ys} Ang Rovyn 4000 6 68 68 + Labatt 125 $20% 20% 20%%--"s "West A wis 251 945 | 'Ansil 5000 14' 144 14 | Lafarge z50 310 10 =610 White Pass 100 $10%4 10% 10% | Atlin-Ruf «et MA ae ed Lafarge A 100 Ve ---% one meaner Se ae } LOnt Cem 1450 370 «370 a tao RF fo en | Shredded Foamed Rubber be a4 -- " For stuffing cushioris or children's toys and erat, ; "TIS AUTUMN-- | various other uses. Non-allergenic, foamed Lhd, rubber pieces packed in bags weighing 344 3484 3484 00 $15% 15% 15 approx, 1-Ib, MassF 1250 $272 27V2 27¥% After the usual summer lull, many stocks 540 yo MEPC 0 AM | come to life in the fall, and become strong a MEPC. rt 4900 27 25°27 42 5 EATON market performers all winter. So that you : : VV Pe os s 2g g Bs BRSRBsus 15% 15%e+ | Met Stores 200 $9% 9% 9% ' Special Price, M2 Ma -- Ve} Met Store p » $22 22% (22% -- Va| can best take advantage of an active market, | 2b 67% 6& --2 | Molson B $35% 35% 35% -- %| ' : ; | lags We Roce. aoe. Ml 6M why not bring your list of stocks in to us Montex 1625 $107% 10% 10% + Yel ' Montex wts 100 725. +25 | for review. Moore Ws a 55% 5594 ~ Ya) ee ee | Morse B 200 9", Nat Contain fa 5Va 32 | | ' . Nat Drug le 13% + Yo! . see fal Tee M Ya 284 + V2 r r Bee | ite ' --xl]] BARCLAY & CRAWFORD __ |} Decorator Hassocks 40 40 40 Noranda 48¥4-- Ye Choose from two shapes . . . round, approx. 450 450 450 Ogilvie M4 1AM 14% -- Ya} Business Established 1902 h $245 2458 2458 Pac Pete 1296 + Ya! 14" jn diam, or square, approx, 14" square; Gea | pee Pete: : Tate both are approx. 10" high Attractive two tone 4 Me Mg 20V4 20% Ye : < 1 e E St po i+ | Sone 7 37 King Street East, Oshawa fp eters _ Clearance of Sewing Machines colours . , . brown, green, turquoise, wine or 7 sy a od ichhold Va 'y Oe, . eh 1 Os somes eacabtl bsclioat rb _---- Fall wardrobe. Portable and console models -- whichever you select it should = aaa help make your sewing tasks a pleasure and produce a gratifying job ! Shop early ! 5 Only... Viking Twin Needle Automatic Zig-Zag ratenien, - 149; 95 EATON Special Price, each Textu red Cotton 3 Only... Domestic Straight Stitch Portables, EATON Special Price, each ack Fr aseéer eeeeceee om Dentaremen tenn 129.95 - Much Below Usual Price! EATON Special Price, each is ys e Only . . . Domestic Automatic Zig- re Consoles, 169 95 stores -- se ed -- polyfoam and : EATON Special Price, each ' : t t t } 1304" eqarece pecan A ob Re sae : Only . . . Viking Straight Stitch Portables, ' 89 gy $25¥e 25 Pow Corp $14%4 144 $172 17% 17% -- Ye) Premium 700 225 ms | Telephone: 723-3423 ivory. $492 492 49'%2-- 2] Price Bros 985 $48 : Specially Low Priced! 7s eas an = QN Gas 750 '$10% 10% 10% | ; 165 $22 "a 24 QN Gas pr 4591432143 143 + % wits ee 8 ea" we oe a EATON 3 29 : Six exceptional values ! Choose one of these talented machines to sew your 13%" square with sharp, knife edge. Colours of turquoise, orange, beige, olive green, red, i EATON Special Price, each . brown, blue, or. gold-colour in the group. : Only . . . Domestic 'Gaiety' Automatic Lig-Zog Consoles, 229 95 EATON Special Price, each .....cessetteceettereeces EATON f Special Price, : Ooch... cece eee @ 2 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 570 PHONE 725-7373 wo-rrouser : EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 224 PHONE 725-7373 » i | : t | i, NOTEWORTHY SAVINGS ON SulE Saie ) W ' CAMERAS AND EQUIPMENT . | - -S 8-MM. MOVIE REELS AND CANS annual fall sale ends at 6 p.m. on saturday y * TM | 200-0 22e: store plenticvels complete with plac cove: check the tailoring. inspect the new styles . oe | Nee : : N KODAK 'INSTAMATIC 100' CAMERA KIT Quick, easy picture toking for you with this Kodak camera and 126 Kodapeak demand to know why they're only $55 eee | ; : "Soltis : : : p : : film cartridge. Loads and unloods instantly--no threading necessary, Ropid- wind film advance; double exposure prevention, Built-in pop-up 'flash uses AG1 bulbs. Kit consists of camera, roll of Kodopak 126 black and white positively insist upon an extra pair of trousers , mi film, four AG] flash bulbs, two batteries, flash guard, (still only $55). fall "64 all wool worsteds in natural ame snsiimstio ioe eal a shoulders, executive models, etc... include new pin a No file thtedding, fo tusstig sth' alilodst Just qrop'ths eAlttidge into. Hip camera, and: you're ready to shoot black and white 'or colour snaps or slides. El Cc | fl bl checks, herringhones, pic an' pic. extensive size range. Double Woven Nylon Gloves and whe 126 cringe, for bulb end bts, Available Only at EATON'S! See Various lengths in a runes of popular ecleunt ! i KODAK 'READYMATIC 500' A. 3'%4-Button pours nine shirred cuffs .. . inseams ... in white, oo "2.25 | SLIDE PROJECTOR EATON Price, pair th--scall peri broide back of glove |. . in hee bese sor) ee aan, oped cut green, red, royal, gold Taree F/3.5 lens combines with brilliant 500-watt lamp to fill your screen with life, reg ular 75 mink. Sizes 6 to 8. EATON Price, peir s colour and excitement, Slide popping is reduced by built-in cooling system, (Not Illustrated) es 69.95 C. Shortie Length--scalloped cuffs with pearl-button and elastic at wrist... SSE EOE NSE RRS ee lee ny er val ue inseams . . . in white, black, beige, navy, brown or green. S 25 i 5 see SIE Don 0. AATON Free) pale ss Seok ea Jeet ALL ARE COVERED BY THE EATON GUARANTEE: "GOODS SATISFACTORY D, 8-Button Length--shirred cuff . . , inseams. .. in white, black, brown, Yi: OR MONEY: REFUNDED" gold-colour or navy. Sizes-6 to 8 EATON Price, pair ... see cos . 4 - f ) OW O I ; ly EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 202 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 512 PHONE 725-7373 Helena Rubinstein Compact Make-Up Liha a Pini le hurry! suit sale e nds Satur day @ p.m. Reg. 1,75; . . Discontinued Style Case! PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Heavenly Glow is, your new foundation ond ultra-fine powder in one, Resists Women's Flannelette Sleepwear streaking, caking or spilling, Protects your skin's natural moisture. Attrostive simulated tortoise shell compact with 24K gold jeweller's design. Handy mirror in Long and Shortie Gowns . . . come ina pretty floral pattern lid. Choose from eight shades . . . Rose Peach, Rose Glow, Soft Beige, Ivory Rachel, Size: Small Only: f Bronze, Deep Bronze, Peach Bloom or Mauresque. z Limited Quantity Special Price, each LEP 1 49 petted OSHAWA SHOPPING : CENTRE : sn sive saved aie 418 H essen 7287478 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 'sae CME Shop 'til 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday | EATON"S Open Tonight and Friday Until 9 P.M.