}6--Legal 33-----Morket Basket 33--Market Basket SPACE HEATER with thermostat con- trol and circulating heat fan. Also two ton oil B ir and stove pipes. Aepiy at Gas Pork Road South, Onhaws. EBWDITIONEO. To televisions, ions, $29 and 'ators and Rage ty 'care 424 King $' chrome and two-piece aay ceatlion, Telephone after 7 p.m. 723-3004, $20; follets, basins, sinks, ); pressure sys | fittings, boats, . Harry Chinn, BABY CARRIAGE, goed condi tone bive, white lining, chrome trim, perf me orice $22, Whitby 660- iter, in eed precy gg Nopht ae Re Rosemere ot tele phone 728-0339. GAS SPACE HEATER, mediun medion ni sine; ~ ges range, jat, four-bu Both very condition. "Telaphone Ta. 6% King St, East, 3rd . 33--Market Basket 7 PEARS, W. T. Cox, x, 1 miles pr Bowmanville Boys' Training School, Bowmanville, ¢ 673-7267. Aaa INS -- Dressed, oven ready, SVs ios, sn om $2.50 each delivered. Telephone! 7: 4 in OMATOE = Pick your "own! Bring z ' Sc per basket, $1 bushel. cks,. Thornton Road South. First acl Socks of Hydro Sub-Station sae side). janish onions, | CORN, 25c - dozen; Spi Spanish| ee ee north to Ist corner, 35--Swap $--Swap ond Barter WiLL TRADE 1959 Chevrolet for % ton] pick-up. Telephone 725-0949. | er 36--Legal 3 oe NOTICE TO" y to be heard. Metro Market Gold Slips TORONTO (CP)--Industrials scored minor gains and golds dropped on index in profit- taking during moderate trading 'on the stock market Wednes- day. Speculative action im- proved toward the close but |nevertheless remained dull. The 10-stock gold index fell 65 to 146.07 in profit4aking after Tuesday's record-breaking rise to 146.72. Many major pro- ducers had minor losses. Bank of Montreal advanced 1% to 69% and Nova Scotia 14% to 78% to lead the pack. Cana- dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce was ahead a point to 68% Licensing District No, 7 TAKE _ NOTICE Royal Canadian Legion North Pickering, Ontario No. 483 of the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Boord of Ontario to be held et the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, 217 MURRAY STREET, in the CITY OF PETER Hin __ the COUNTY OF PETERBOR- OUGH on Fri the Sixteenth day of OCTOBER 1964, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock os S.T. in the forenoon for the suance of a CLUB LICENCE (RESTRICTED) thot The OPEN YEAR Tri-County Farmers Co-Op Market North Simcoe at Millwork Building Supply ROUND EVERY FRIDAY 12 TO 8 P.M. Starting next week every to 2 P.M. SATURDAY 9 Fresh fruits, flowers, vegetables, chickens, etc, Lots of real home-made baking, excellent mild, medium and old cheddar cheese. CHICAGO (AP) -- Donald _ |Jaquet, the weaker of Siamese seit, El cated. Hoodie h year - si The Sensational mother, died Wednesday night. * : A hospital spokesman said Don-| ald died of complications based | DEL-FIVE on @ congenital heart ailment PLUS in, he other" twin, ronwia,) ERIG MERCURY remained in critical condition, | Dancing 9 p.m. till 1 but the spokesman said "he| Admission , 1.75 was holding his own." LAKES GALORE Finland has more than 60,000 lakes. F RIDAY| Gd ol ee NOW Showing! 3 wiPsten Zoalie Cea TowerInG Over THE GREATEST! and Toronto- Dominion %4 to 69%. Royal was the lone dis- senter, dropping % to 76%. The banks' strength was attributed by observers to the mews that Canadian ownership of banks and financial institutions is to be encouraged by government. Power Corp. sparked a rising financial issues group by gain- ing % to 14% after touching a new high of 1414. Canada Per- point to 74, Eastern and Char- tered Trust % to 51, Industrial Acceptance %4 to 23% and Lau-| rentide Finance % to 16%. For the sale and consumption of beer end wine with meals ond beer without meols in an establishment classified os @ club, for the following premises: In the Building known as The Royal Canadian Legion North Pickeri Township Ontario No. 483, located on part of Lot 18 on the 8th Concession in the Township of Pickering in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, Any person resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writ- ing shall be filed with MR. H. J. BROWNE the Registrar of the licensing district,, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd., E., Toronto 2, Ont:, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is not react strongly to Tuesday's news that the board of transport commissioners is to establish a) special committee to examine | the permissive level of the) finm's profit. The stock fell % to 57%4, but was down as much as a point during the session. The speculative list was dull aid generally sagging prices. The senior base metals list was strong and established new) index highs throughout the day.| DATED at Gloremont this 18th day of September, 1964. H. James Curtis, President, Claremont, 4 4 CREDITORS AND OTHERS Bell Telephone apparently did 4 it is unlikely that you will experience in a lifetime all that you: will Dwarring Tit paves NOW PLAYING BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:30 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK T HE CARPETBAGGERS In TECHNICOLOR with CARROLL BAKER - ELIZABETH ASHLEY - antembee PHONE 725-5833 ARCHIE MOORE GEORGE PEPPARD - ALAN LADD BOB CUMMINGS - MARTHA HYER - LEW AYERS Block East of Liverpool Road Ph. 668-2692 NOW ...2 Great Comedy Hits ROBERT GOULET © SANDRA DEE Peco COMING EVENTS ANDY WILLIAMS in IN THE ESTATE OF LESLIE WIROSTAK late of the City of Oshawa, | in the County of Ontario, Labourer Creditors ond others hoving claims against the above Es- tote are required to send full particulars of such claim to the undersigned Executor on SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT (King St, E.--one block east of city limits--Opposite 'Bad Boys") FRIDAY -- SEPTEMBER 25th $1200.00 IN PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 20--$20 GAMES--20 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 "I'D RATHER BE RICH" color --alro-- TONY CURTIS @ GARY MERRILL "THE GREAT IMPOSTER" each evening from 7:30 (ine. Sundays) 1908800866880 6 @* 900000000 oF t ___ Asher Penndher Production © A UNNERSAL PICTURE « COLOR vp Show Times ' NOW 1:45 - 3:35 PLAYING ! 5:35 - 7:25 9:25. Last PHONE 723-2843 Com shor 910. LRT LENCE WETRGOLOWYAL AER A LAMRENCE WENGAREN PRODUCION s } Unni sae lO USS rhe UnsinkaBle * HANK WILLIAMS JR. * BILL ANDERSON * BOBBY BARE * MELBA MONTGOMERY MASSEY HALL ,,. (Toronto) = sav, sepT, 26 RESERVED SEATS $2.50 & $2.00 at MASSEY WALL * WANDA JACKSON or before the 3ist day of * GRANDPA JONES October, A.D. 1964 ofter which dote the Estate's as- sets will be distributed, hov- ing regord only to the claims 2--$250 JACKPOTS--2 5--$30 SPECIALS--5 JACKPOT NOS, 52 and 54 ADMISSION $1.00 NO CHILDREN PLEASE KINGSIDE PARK DANCE OSHAWA AIRPORT ORVEL SELLECK'S ORCHESTRA | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1964 $3.50 PER COUPLE DOOR PRIZES Can a girl from Leadville find fun, i romance and happiness with £20,000, 000? you BE TI EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! TONIGHT ONLY An" OF Blood They love only for blood! BARBARA Rh sree A ADULT pia Bes: SENS RE mesa. LAAN LAST DAY TOTALSCOPE poly AWOOLNER BROS, janie RICHARD BURION wn lOHN GILGUDS H Am lef= fe vi RKS®:"' Starts Today ! a Pa ea" OL THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION CLASSES iu) EWENING CLASSES |=: = er Meee T REFERENCE The Oshawa Board of Education is keenly interested in the educational needsof all of our citizens, To meet the requirements of those who are not in the regular school programme, a special night school or adult school has beencarried on for a number of years for those interested in upgrading their education, acquiring new skills, or learning an art or craft, Detailed information may be obtained on registration nights at the schools listed. A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE DAY SCHOOL This is the largest. amount of money ever offered ot a Super Cor Bingo in the Peterborough Memorial Centre | FERNHILL PARK GES ee THURSDAY, SEPT. 24th-7 P.M. Home Baking, Bingo, Fish Pond, Ete Free Treats for Children with Memberships HOLY CROSS BINGO FREE ADMISSION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th 20 REGULAR GAMES -- 18 Games at $10. ea | Game at $30.00.-- 1 Game at $50.00 SPECIAL JACKPOT $210 in 56 Nos., $20.00 Consolation: PLUS: $10.00 each horizontal line. SHARE. - the - WEALTH Regular Jackpot $200 in 52 Nos. $20.00 Consolation _GOOD PARKING _8: 00 P. M NO CHILDREN PLEASE DANCE 50-50 TEEN SOCIAL CLUB Dress Cone aa 8:30 to 11:30 100 Gibb Street SILVERTONES FINAL PERFORMANCE Next Week Featuring "THE SCEPTORS" __ | | GRADE 13 COURSES These classes are now in progress. For further information consult the appropriate school, See left. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION COURSES FOR DEGREE CREDIT AT M.C.V.1. AUTO MECHANICS - ADVANCED gg 1 - Friday nights - fortnightly - beginning September arena GaarracekioN Enalh 9 Friday nights - fortnightly ~ bepnning Sep DRAFTING (MECHANICAL) - BASIC 1... Ree trey wren tror-o || act Ye Phil h « Saturday mornings - fortnightly - beginnin dio }e Senteber 19. 'ng bas te oat Ne hos ri ayeoun? Service fe QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. REFRIGERATION, BASIC & INTERMEDIATE. Wad. OTHER COURSES Toe WELDING . BASIC WELDING - ADVANCED In co-operation with the bie Board other subjects may be of ADVANCED TECHNICAL Evening Courses Theory courses, requiring Grade 12 or equivalent, now in progress. For further information consult the school Monday and Thursday, Night O'NEILL C. & V. I. ALGEBRA. - 12 ALGEBRA - ART BOOKKEEPING BUSINESS MACHINES DRESSMAKING - ADVANCED FRENCH - FRENCH - GEOMETRY - GEOMETRY - : MUSIC - INSTRUMENTAL OFFICE PRACTICE PHYSICAL EDUCATION PRACTICAL DRESS DESIGN SEWING McLAUGHLIN C, & V. I. TECHNICAL COURSES AUTO MECHANICS . BASIC .. AUTO MECHANICS - INTERMEDIATE 13 STENOGRAPHY - STENOGRAPHY - TRIGONOMETRY - I I I I I "If I I I I 1 | | | | | rypinG - Basic I I | | I l I I I | I | I BASIC Bari ADVANCED ... 13 B® Ge RH 2 Re go RM ge g Le Le Lo Ko Fe Le Ko Qe go go TYPING - ADVANCED CENTRAL C. I. ENGLISH - BASIC ENGLISH - INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH - ADVANCED .. ENGLISH - PRACTICAL .... ENGLISH - 13 MILLINERY District High School red provided there is =Z ra oe sufficient enrolment. CREDIT CARDS Credit cards will be issued to students who meet the re- quired standard of proficiency. GENERAL INTEREST COURSES INTERIOR DECORATING FAL TERM) MUSIC INSTRUMENTAL) PERSONAL: DEVELOPMENT (WINTER TERM) MERCHANDISING COMMERCIAL FOOD PREPARATION GOURMET FOODS RETRAINING OF THE UNEMPLOYED Classes start in November. For information and courses Hebi It the Notional Empl. Office: VOICE IMPROVEMENT DATED at Homilton, : this 14th day of September A.D. TYRONE WAYNE KALINOVITCH EXECUTOR by His Solicitor 36 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontorio, NOTICE kv TO CREDITORS Ail Seats $2.00 ALBERT G. BUOTT All Seats $1.50 Creditors and others having STUDENTS Albert G, Buott, late of the BRING THIS SPECIAL 2 PRICE PASS $1.00 Tex Included City of Oshawa, are request- to the FREE LIST SUSPENDED! : ay TROFILM ce tee | - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th Distvinned by WARNER BROS, the Estate's assets will be dis- KINSMEN SUPER ? CAR on Broadway through tributed, having regard only the miracie of CTRONOVI ceived, | . Ont SION Dated this 10th day of B | N ( (> | A Thomas H. fei B.A., "| | 86 King St. East, | Solicitor for the ' * Administratrx. | Peterborough Memorial Centre $1] 000 in Prizes including | ; | OSHAWA JAYCEES card) -1964 Ford Deluxe Sedan or $2000 Cash. B | N G 0 | $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1700 Big Snowball (56 nos.) | games. $450 Special games, Many Free and Valuable Prizes 20 games at $20, 5 games oat $30 -- $150 Jackpot NUMBERS 50 and 55 Eorly Bird Game SCUBA DIVING CLASSES BEGIN At The Boys Club Aqua lungs and air supplied. CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES CALL 723-2284 ~~ NOVEL PINGO. at ST..GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Mav be doubled or trioled $150 IN JACKPOTS SQUARE DANCE instruction ai Wood- view Park commencing Friday evening, thot hove then been received 1964. GORDON G, LANDEG IN THE ESTATE OF Matinees 2 P.M. LUNCH, REFRESHMENTS AND 9 P.M, claims against the Estate of (Matinees Only) ed to send full particulars of | _ : _ ATHEA 30, 1964, after which dote Exactly as to claims that have been re- i | September, 1964 | Oshawa, Ontario. AT THE | 1965 PLYMOUTH (this will be played on. the same $900.00 Small Snowball (51 nos.) Plus $600 regular TO-NIGHT | 2 - $250 Jackpots THUR. SEPT. 24th Register with Don Cranfield 331 PARK ROAD S$ THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 Game $6, $12, $20 Door Prize $15 September 25; 8.30 p.m. All interested cordiatily invited. ST. LUKE'S Presbyterian Women, annual Autumn tea Saturday, Septernber 26, 2.30- 5 wenn @t Craigstone, 1070 Rossland Road ba Classes Normally Held Between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. FEES: Other classes will be offered if tifteen' or more applications are received. DONEVAN C. I, ART - 13 BIOLOGY - 13, CHEMISTRY - CHEMISTRY © 13 DRESSMAKING - ADVANCED . GEOGRAPHY - 13 HISTORY - 13 SPANISH - 11 - TYPING - BASIC Re Qe Ro Ro Re Ro Ge LO ROLE Be K go Ro go go $10.00 per course to be paid at time of enrolment; no refunds at end of term. Material fees will be charged in some subjects, a Dad late from the office? Serve him CHICKEN IN THE DELIVER ROUGH 728-7321 TTTTTTFETTYWM PFTTTz £<<<¢<e¢ER £fe<e<e< REGISTER in person at the eppropriate O'NEILL COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE -- 301 Simcoe Street Nowth Telephone 728-7531 CENTRAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE -- 240 Simcoe Street South Telephone 723-4678 DR. F. J. DONEVAN COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE -- Harmony Road South Telephone 728-7315 R. §. McLAUGHLIN COLLEGIATE AND VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE-_-570 Stevenson Rd. N, Telephone 728-9407 G. K. DRYNAN, Q.C., Chairman B OA R D '@) F E D U CAT : @] N, OS Hi AWA J. R, BACKUS, Business Adminstrator iii eel age hg ag ill dm Ca a A lh AT pin Spordyed mp RE CIS seo school Tuesday, October 13 or Wednes- day, October 14. Classes ~ pied October 19 00 p.m. i . ma