4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 24,1964 23 CONTRACT BRIDGE PANAZUELAL : TELEVISION LOG LONE BRONC RIDER _ jucation she plans to foliow the By B. JAY BECKER CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronta| PRINCE ALBERT, Sask.|rodeo circuit. She became inter-|(Tep | record-holder Gilde Ploy) WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Baffalo|(CP)--Audvey Morin, If, ie as ot ne an Annee ait per. ; tohi 'Anieele ' WKBW-TV Channel 7--Bulfalo WROC-TV Channel $Rochester|*™hewan's only female bronc|watehing an Am South dealer. rider, When she finishes her ed-jform three years ago. CFTO-TV Channel $--~Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie North-South vulnerable. THURSDAY EVE. 10:00 P.M. 12:00 NOON CROSSWORD ORTH 6:00 P.M, 9--Jack Parr $-2--Say When by N--Family Theatre si id Theatre oe 4 WD Bay 9--Five O'clock Matinee | 7--Dick Powell 6-Elwood Giover i ial .y Z j , 5 1 $~Superman $+3--The Roguet 4~-News; Weathers ACROSS "4. Set of id RIOTS IE] Pale iS | , : -Z 7--The Early Show 4--The Defenders Sports 1, Own boxes: Jap, LMIPIATT TTT INIT] EA iLL a | / 4--Five O'Clock Show 3-Popeye's Party 6. Wind- 46, Long stick RIVIR I MmOIS Mah Lae YA | 7 : F F 2--Hucklederry Hound ba gli 14, ee MEN, THE SMELL OF STALE RUM AND SWEAT, s ' E 6h, Pleo Sports 4--Speaker of The House clouds ee river wind: me Om ° 4 Maverick 11:18 PM, 12:30 PM. 9. Dry ee . amar t i : : 2--The Rifleman 9--Metro Final 'Tisai 10, French PP tod c PIL] ie eA N9-4-}-64-1--News, 12:18 PM. driven 47, German 6-Viewpoint $2-T | river Shoe 11:30 P.M. Conveusness 11, Scatters 2. Marshal Cheon win ves Miller] t4-Late Show J--Father Knows Gest 13, Another 8, Contend for J--National Velvet > Bit ac hl lad ad French 4, Character- HE MEANT TO KILL Sry Teng, Wes Wie Bowe river istic of . YOU... THATS R HIM 618 PM, Jeg yia AED oe 12145 PM. 15, Tuber: Edward CERTAIN / +--Heodline News 6--Gunsmoke 4-Guiding Light So, Am, Rex 19 THIS SOMETHING OLUTOF YOUR, 6:30 P.M, 3~Movie 3--Nws, Weather, Sports| 16, Eixcla- 5. Therefore PAST CATCHING UP WITH YOU7_ A) ee ween FRIDAY 1:00 PLM, mation 6. Cry of a 7 'hg A : 7--Highway Patrol 4:00 A.M, N--Lucky Score 17, Island frog rd 6--The Observer 4---Captain Kangaroo S--Matines of the 7. Least 45 PM 30 AM T--Afternoen Show Aleutians whole a 8 FM. $:30 AM, 4--Meet the Millers | nt = 62--Huntiey Brinkley Mi--Schnitzel House 3~Movie 18, Timid number : 7:00 P.M. i sale year 2--Divorce Court 19. Chess! 8, To pre- 9--The Munst 100 A, : 4 J j J 6--Litflest Hobo l--Schnitzel. House 130 PM noha actermine 7-6--News, Weather , 11--Matinee piece 11, Distress ports a--Blaytime with Uncle 4--as The World Turns 21, Iridium: signal 8 4~-Bat Masterson 7--Dialing For Dollars | 2:00 P.M, sym, T Tz 7 Te hope to catch the pact Moggad nc | 4-Popeye's Playhouse | 9Abracadabra 22, Paradise Y, way, or whether to te Pah [| S-Mike Covgies Sew | iromee eee 23, Father of 5 ace and then finesse the jac 120 PLM. | ed 0 ; A 9--The Outer Limits 9:30 A.M. | S-Leritis: Young i tan is: hoping thus to trap the damse! 8--Campaign Candidates |), 4 Alien Show 9:20 PAA. 24. Ny. y h of as This situation comes up with 'as Eee P j 7-~--The 'Flintstones 7--Father Knows Best A » ANym™Mpi ' fi and the 4 7 . é--Candiad Camera | 4---You and Your Family) 9---Four of a Kind Mi annoying frequency, 4 | $2--The Doctors aradi general rule is that declarer 4--The Munsters 10:00 A.M. 7--Day In Court Pp se Y, houl h 2--Daniel Boone iehuber ines |: ¢2veney arty 27, Loses, as should cash the A-K rather than &-2--Make Room For 3--Super Bingo moisture finesse. 8:00 ll--Fractured Flickers | c y a | 3:00 PLM. 20. Half ems . However, this is a mathemat- /~Donna Reed ' Awe ou a2) \\ is . Bini ia Bw | People in ycontlict 80. Genus of ical concept only and it should ae "TELEVISION -- SHE'S THE ONE ON THE \ \ 4--Perry Mason | 7--Generel" Hospital Py on not be permitted to override the AK .. WHERE VE i's LOTS a \{ PILL COMMERCIAL WHO : 6:30 PLM. | 3~Summerama 82, Close to tactical considerations that may SEEN HER \ > <i ) "TIME GETS AWFUL HEADACHES! U--Neked City, Senne eer Word. | S7te Tall the: truth 83, Under- arise in a particular hand, The ; a ar eatre low, 2--Dr._ Kildare | 7--Price Is Right 3:30 P.M, water W/) odds in favor of the drop are J=My Three Sone feel neta toress/ 11--Children's Program tree only slight to begin with, and it --Erie Syke A 9--\1s Your Move stump ; tea: e 63--Erle Sykes 11:00 A.M, Gavan Bort tay $4 Onan VA does not require any extra-ordi 9:00 P.M. j11--Scarlet Hill 7--Queen For A Day |nary circumstance for declarer 9--Zero One 9--James Beard Show | 43 Take Thirty 87.A float to veer from the mathematical 7--Bewitched | $2--Concentration 4--Edge of Night 89, Abraham's ode and ide to fi 6-3--The Defenders 7--Message birthplace s and decide to finesse, 4--Password | 4 The McCoys 4:00 PLM. 40. A blemish Here is a hand to illustrate 1:30 PLM, | 11:90 AM. 9--Mickey Mouse Club 41, A woody this point. West plays three N--Steve Allen Albert J, Steed $-The Match Geme- perennial 4 rounds of hearts and declarer i-4--Balleys of Bolboa | 9--Toronto. Today --Trallmaster $2-Hore! : 8-2--Jeopardy 63--R.C.M.P, Drame 42, Figured, = pea are -_ = -- 7--Peyton Place 7--Missing Links 4--Secret Storm linen fabric . fe ace of spades, 's dum- 3 Theatre 4--Pete and Gladys 2--Captai' Bob a P my with a diamond, and leads ee nee ee, ge 0 ey, eae the jack of spades, East follow- ing low. i A RUINED MAN? NOT JOHN A. MACDONAL Df At this point. South knows Wis REPUTATION SHATTERED, MACDONALD HE MAY AS WELL. | W FIVE YEARS HE'S ONCE MORE PRIME MINISTER) | that the contract is in the bag RESIGNS AS PRIME MINISTER, /873. QUIT HeLa s rr , provided he guesses correctly "ay oT erage whether or not to finesse. He has no sure thing either way but the odds--so far as making the contract is concerned -- strongly favor the finesse. If he decides to play low, as he should, he winds up with. ten tricks, If he chooses to go up with the king, he goes down one, Declarer should reason that if he plays the king and the queen does not fail, he will almost surely go down unless hé finds the diamonds divided 3-3. | But if he chooses to finesse instead, he makes the contrach reas not only when East has thé ee : i , ----" |queen, but also when West hag PICTURES ARE bag ; yay / : THATS WHEN = C4 % "Al |the queen, provided the dia I WOULDN'T WANT TO LIVE IN A HOME [7. ANY OTHER PRAL AND I'LL jee 44 4 ' " MY TROUBLES a "YG noite divided either 3-3 'GURE VERY THEA AND CLEAR 3 ONE HOUR, \OUR TROUBLES "AGH > are div r 3-3 of oe ASN Als WANT 1D SOUR raOcK TO Take OU { \ a SENOR | BEGIN, PHIL / BEGIN / i Pre. S24" Si] |4-2. In the latter ease, South t SB Plone Al AG can establish an extra diamoné trick by ruffing out the suit, using the nine of spades as av entry to cash the fifth diamond? NEWS IN BRIEF. P me | =C sae BERGS' BIRTHPLACE Thousands of icebergs break away each year from the 20 main glaciers on the west coast/ of Greenland and are reduced to about 400 by the time they She -- ane, ne, 1964. W Festuces: Syme SECRET AGENT X9 Sosy NICER IN THAR, NTS,N Meee te. QUICKLY, FRANK GEROW RIDES TO THE LONE / MIGHT, N&ED PROTECTION IN BuT we COULD oricais of "the 047 world ex- '& Or aba hae ALOR THE WANE? FNS Gi ik THEY CAN APY ORD r : MAY HAVE THE poe 70 BEAT 8/6 bate Lh ast Sie Caco ake rae more thar 0.600009 rian a TEETH, MEBBE THEW KIN BE. THET WAYS -- TO BE FIND OUT IF THEY CAN AFFOR! / ) oy . Y/ BUT FIRST, /4L . Site, 22 cent from Montreal i -- >> § To pov ee LIVES Bhs ro creer thal Cano aaa rwenrr-one! Pg a 1 oti \ CORPS ATTRACTS Founded in 1961, the U.S} Peace Corps attracts 5,009 vols unteers a month, but only one in every four applicants is in- vited to join. ' DIVERSE. USES The eucalyptus tree provides raw materials for such products as medicines, tanning liquids, solvents, fruit, sprays, paper, perfume and paint remover. , suai Bessie eh 7 " Pouce ORIGINS eusies WELL,VICKIE...ITS SORTA )] [/ trS A METHOD OF LETTING THE Sir Robert Peel, prime minis-) Ee Dar ww CAING CRAPS TY HARD TO EXPLAIN ...BUT TO DAY STAY UP LATE DURING SUMMER } | ter of EXngland, established the "cAVNG TAK? : eA PUT IT SIMPLY... 2] London police -- "peelers" or. ; ' : ; " heated en * named after him--in: 2 829. . GIVE MORE MILK Cows in the United States, which 60 years ago produced an' average of 3,600 pounds of milk; a year each, now give 7,545, A FOUR EFFORT THURGARTON, England, (CP)--A duck tried for days to' , |hatch out the last of her 10 eggs and failed. Inside the shell was! found an' old golf ball. "I think} the duck must have eaten the; ball and then. laid it with her other eggs," 'said: Susan Spur- THE SAME rell, who lives in this Norfolk vil- CAR...IT WAS . a lage. , THE SAME CAR...E f ), KNOW. ,.AND,,.AND TM AFRAID, ee ' : : SALLY'S SALLIES Features Syndicate, inc. 1964. World rights ronerved. THE LONE RANGER MUGGS AND SKEETER NE, T00/ AND IT'S A PLEASURE 10 WORK FOR SUCH A NICE Set FELLOW 'csaunee Syaduase, tag. 1964. Weald aghas seamreod. IT WAS NO DREAM, : LY f oH Fee : ff I SAW ITCOME OUT yp : F -- : ' } ' ™ OF THE GARAGE ae nT y . iS : é . BEHIND THIS VERY <\ MM itine 9. = " ' HOUSE, JULIE, Z KNOW IT WAS THE CAR! 7p mek -- , WHY ARE YOU ('M MAKING A SPEECH "mM SO NeRvous J" MAYBE I WOULDN'T WANT TO | ia nee soiiamscaiaiesinsuiamniieicl rosie » K OUR TV SET ISN*Y COME OVER AND | | YOU'D NEVER BE ABLE oF GRANDMA FALLG WORKING AT HOME, WAYCH TELEVISION] | TO HEAR ANY OF THE AGLEEP AND STARTS / A / WN a hy fh \ eget 60 I'M GONNA STOP] | AT MY HOUSE L_ PROGRAMGE... GNORING / a4 a el \ ze 'aly BY GRANDMA'S tak. "Aren't you gentlemen' carry- } ~ hte? ing the 'frozen' idea a bit too far?" WEARING YOUR/)AT THE BARBERS' BANQUET) |ABOUT IT, (M 'O BETTER GET ANY BLOOD FULL- DRESS TONIGHT, AND I WON'T | [SHAKING COME BACK ON YOUR SHIRT ) HAVE TIME TO-CHANGET ICIKE A TOMORROW "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week i 10 A.M, to 10 P.M. Kung Fantwne Symd-cutn tae, 1964 World sghte