Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1964, p. 8

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bi | rH cmnsWA THE Tey tent 21964) UCW Protesting |CHILD GUIDANCE cnet teninent (cour, Legalized Lotteries Roly-Poly Infant And _ + adds 0 repli pemaetaneal ° . ' : apparent restraint, but also Tired Wives Seek BP a ola ome hse 'L: often nibbled on other high-al- Church Many Chinned Child oe Orie feeds Reroes eEBNs app evening, cially while viewing TV. Escape From Mates Mrs. Hobert Shetild, the pres-/By GARRY C. MYERS, PLD-lor lollipop-to make a child etop|_ Some of them spent exces > PI 8. Some parents, and many|Tying an good. j The members and guests-were|grandparents, highly prize the| Also some children--5, 8 or 14|*t- Dear Ann Landers: Your re-jfor eight years, She not only|welcomed, Mrs. Ralph Jewell,|roly-poly baby and the many-/--who don't have good outlets} In my judgment, merely to) wife| pi; treasurer, gave the financial re-|chinned child. Most pedaitric- r dogg ee and 4 eneray sad fool diagnose the obese child as emo- port from June 1 to September|ians don't. 'We simply don't; lon't get the attention, love meais but she kept the grocery); _ want babies to be fat any-|and understanding they crave to bill down. Her kitchen was im-| 1+ was decided to send a letter|more," one of them said re-|have, and being unsble to give maculate. to the local mem f : reasons for such feelings, may) omen, like my-| This woman asked for two|ment, the fesereble "Micheal gered babies may mean obese|**"? "I'm hungry," and eat, ay Age -- month's sick leave because she|Starr, protesting the legalization| adults, we are told. Besides,|"™o™e When frustrated. | bn Al aga help, Ann needed surgery. We hired an-|°% FF we geese in Canada. In-| obesity in babies doesn't neces- -- the Bay org gy oven been married 21 years other cook to take over in her write, as well chad: ety sarily indicate goed autrition in child wanes to eat ae moar it : them. ' still undress in the closet: |absence. Three of the girls from the so often because he is emotion- This has nothing whatever to do} 'The substitute cook is doing|Explorer group, who had attend.| Some baby doctors are ac-laiy disturbed, she may give upi| with a warped mind or falselner pest but she doesn't com-|¢d camp this summer, portray-|'¥ally epee ner oe her attempt to limit his intake! modesty. It is purely a matter pare with the other woman, Six|*¢ # typical day in camp and children (those who are ight for|°!, Calories and heave a sigh of of needing my rest. d : ended with the singing of taps,|Per cent over desired weight for! -elie¢ feeling she has no further! = 8 5 E. RSEEESEE spt ce prebes My husband can fall into bed|Months have passed and every/phose taking part __were| their age and frame) on reduc-| a noncipilities for his weight, half dead but if I should re-|time we ask the substitute to|stephanie and Natalie Salmers,|ing diets, using partly-skimmed|" 59 often, perhaps, the expert September 26 move my stockings in his pres-|leave she tells us the job meansjand Patty Gulenchyn. They| milk, lean meat and gelatin des-/work< only with the obese child : he suddenly springs back}ne, whole life and we can't do|Wete assisted by their leader, serts, directly, and not with the par- 5 = ; that to her. Mrs. Nicholas Gulenchyn. Of babies and adults, most/ents, to correct his emotional (- ; ' rn We have a good marriage, . |. Mrs. Gordon Magee reported|physicians agree that only ajdisturbances. This expert may ; s 8°| In the meantime our regular] i. old, clean nylons were still] very small percentage are over-|eyven warn parents to let up on four fine children and this 'is ; © ; 7 ins firet dima I've had w wiite cap ead segfiegi agg Bisse mers needed, in Korea. The visiting] weight bonnes "{ glandular ms their efforts to limit the obese to Ann Landers. Will you please! se committees of the different units| balance. They )ust consume too}child's intake of calories. | fe 2 pert yd afraid Number Twolwere asked to keep track of/many calories. : I've seen a few cases of these; Why ge through get in our corner? We need/coo, might bump herself off if) /<.. * --JUST TIRED | A ree their visits. It was announced obese children who are under a we fire her. The publicity would| + stamps were still needed, |FOUR FACTS another winter : zens of 'ible. - i essed . b . cane a they share|wrong, and' what shall we do|., 1H New study for the coming] Studies reported from Mt. Si- , with an old furnace when you cian Pur suet arom tans cae year will be on Brazil and Trini-|nai Hospital and Development LADIES! éah. have: a llend abe. one an he lof ° exhausted wives did not| RE : : dad, Information on this was on|Clinic of New York City show fictig | our 5-year Payment, Plan at ; va seem to be motivated by pru- Dear Lot: Your big mistake the bulletin board. that: 1. Parents of fat children| No Baby Sitter, a rate you can aford. dishness. So--I give all of you mon a ba ee are The unit announcements werejoften are fat _themselves, with| No Car Fare | : the green light on NO light if) vo 2 ee © ith herl?® follows: Astra unit, nearly|distorted eating problems; 2./ | Phone 725 3581 today. farewell kiss along wil €T/ new sale, October 2, and bazaar,|Mothers tend to stuff the infant MR. BERNARD | rou dig the way it is at your) ja, cheque at the end of eight November 18; Lenore unit, cof-|and young child with food: 3.) + Leoding Toronto Salons @ Z po ee 3 BOWMANVILLE WEDDING © (dear Aor: & tend tod me." er two. wesks masic ee I amd bake sale, Ociober|fome' parents of abet bales] "Eternces Har Sot" | Lut key Vet, his wife used to undress in the soe : y ; : . ' ss a and tell Cook Number One the) The Oshawa Presbyterial will|these youngsters don't eat Sandra Gwen Chaskavich Mrs. Harry Hughes, all of sorcagnog Teeth Uivertigated| TaCmee mat is out and t0jbe held at Pickering United|enough food; 4.' Some mothers] HOME | eee kee Mesenier Bowmeuily, Ths compte $* (15 diacovered she hed a friead| 70% ONE __jChureh, October 27, with ses-|use food as a reward--a cookie] APPOINTMENTS || Hughes were united in mat- residing in Minneapolis, Minn- |i," there, Any comment?) * [sions wt. 1,80 p.m. amd 7.15. psa. | eee wie | 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA Begg = a St, John's esota, where the bridegroom |_poxy | | SHEEP SHOWER The Reverend Catto will be the.) pacie giving the introduc 728 9317 \ 725-3581 ie aaa The wtde "el Pagar a is in training for the Boston Dear Fox: Yes. Twenty-three! SWAN RIVER, Man. (CP)--|€ g spe ; that. the|tion and Miss Hazel Barry, Miss| = é 6 Mrs, A, L. Pyne, a familiar fig-| + meeting will be on Novem-|Agnes Strickland, Mrs. Phillip|= -- ure at many of Manitoba's) a with a ee Harry Coote-|Perry and Miss Gladys Frise groom is the son of Mr. and --Ireland Studio |gir| 15--not beautiful; but aver-|COUntY op has been strowing| mith of the Board of World|@ealing with the stewardship of ogee ~--~lagedooking, with a better than|Sheep for 25 years. The wif¢-Oflir:sions, as speaker. jtime, talents, prayer and |average figure. jan Aebville, ab., sheep ie | Baby care is scheduled as fol-|™oney. ( )s é |she said she will continue show- ; ; : 4 "Th I went with a 164year-old boy! F daonti '|laws: Unit 4, September; Unit 9,) Mr. Robert Henry wong. 3 ie Fred :. Jones, hawa, W i) lfor two months, We were get- rd ag -- --_ 7am unl October; and Unit 8, November. |Lord Is My Shepherd" and ' in ting along great, then last night/2° "8 vocaage guess! An executive meeting was|the Garden", accompanied by Shirley Blocksidge At Trenton out of a clear blue sky hesheeP,and fairs are in ™Y caiied for October 5 at 7.30 p.m.|Mrs. TC. Worden. y said, "I think we'd better break IA _| The theme of the program rs. Frank Oss was double-ring : li sult wavy bine\™ before we get into trouble."| lwas stewardship, with Mrs.icharge of the devotional period. In a ceremony in,piece linen su ue} lon Diteal Araneta cetera dM Nal OIE ales OOM delta tres hCatec A a . ; . ss | was dumbfounded, : There} King Street United Church, ra white i pris ee no reason for him to be| ' Blocksidge became the bride of|white carnations as the couple|Worried about such a thing. We) s | COMING SOON a Frederick Lloyd Jones, The|left on their wedding trip to Old|Mave Never even necked. | @ & bride és the daughter of Mr.| Orchard Beach, Maine. | 1 cried for about two hours) | Ps ° Albert John Block-| Mr, and Mrs. Jones are mak- last night, and I am crying} ; } 4 a ing their home at 543 Mary again today as I write this let-| "ter. It can't be that he wanted) ay apes wsar from Toronto,|!@ break up for the reason he| Claws. Trenton Colborne, gave. Please help me _ figure} Carey 2 Place, Casiseton, Mor.|this out.--RIVER OF TEARS } | | . t Dear River: If he had told) --. ee rece you he wanted to break up be-| WIFE PRESERVER Glen Miller, Stirling. and Hillier.|°2US€ you were nine feet tall" Keep sponges fresh by soaking aes pea i had two heads would you from time to time in salt water. feel better? What difference). H |does the reason make? The boy Touch of Variety wanted out--so accept it. and] WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, ; stop crying already. Your letter|| fun loving couples to learn the gown of pure silk organza over In The Lunch Box jtooked as it you had dropped it] mew modern style of square fashioned with in the bathtub. dancing. Every Wednesday taffeta was : Air : sabrine neckline, lily-point Has Health Value Dear Ann Landers: Can you} oo ae a yg post - sleeves and a French empire : help a group of fraternity broth- inter (shift work no problem). waistline with a pointed yoke) To keep your family active)...» | A or ad call 725-2744 or from which fell a deep, unpress-|and healthy, pack them a lunch) Our cook did a wonderful job| 2237, ed inverted pleat. Appliques of)that is as appetizing and nour-|------------ - a Boe 'lishing as the meals that you serve at home.Sandwiches, the A major tem in most lunch} fall Fashions boxes, should contain a gener- For Boys & Girls ous portion of protein-rich fill- ing, such as cheese, eggs, pea- Choose from rack after rack nut butter, and meats, for body) of the lates styles from in- building. is : "| fants to size 14, Charge ond Peanut butter, the specialty|} Budget Accounts Invited. % of school boys, is an economical! i os source of protein and can be, The Best Costs Less At varied in so mamy ways. Top! md --~ : peanut butter sandwicnes with{ Y| 10 lu | (J E Ends Sat. Oct. 3rd." -| slices of crisply cooked bacon) Don't Miss This Family Affair! It was announced Bruins National Hoc ke y |skidoo. | League farm team. Dear Ann Landers; I am a, FULEERESER EDU EDERDDIECL OT SATEEEEEOIL i : A Starts This Thurs; Sept. 24th. or crumble bits of dacer in peanut butter before spreading. OSHAWA Pickle relish, drained and. com. st: see bined with peanut butter makes aan errr bow-trimmed waists.|a zesty filling for whole wheat! matching floral head-jbread. Crisp . lettuce leaves.) Their dresses were misty with veils of| packed separately, can be pop- silk illusion. The maid of honor|ped into this sandwich just be- carried a crescent cascade. of|fore eating. bironze chrysanthemums and) Annie and peanut butter sand- the bridesmaids carried similar) wiches are special treats this bouquets in yellow. season with fresh Ontario The best man was Mr. Mur-|apples at their best: For four ray Cathmoir, Oshawa, and ush-|sandwiches, blend 2-8 cup of eting were Mr. Robert Miles.|peanut butter.and 1-3 eup of Oshawa, and Mr. Stanley Wot |applesauce until smooth. Stir in 5 Seti OT eB EPTEMBER SALE The bride and bridegoom were|pared apple and 4 slices of piped from the church by Mr.|crumbled crisp bacon. The Crawford McCreath. The recep-|apple pieces remain crisp and tion was held in the Balmoral|this filling stores well in the ,|freezer from one to two weeks. - e | For desert, what is better a Sh i Continues All This Week! Hinen duster lined with navy|Fruit carries well and pro- blue and white surah to match|vides plenty of vitamins and her dress, navy blue accesso-|minerals so necessary for Ties, and a corsage of white/health. Apples, pears and chrysanthemums. The bride-| grapes taste even better with : groom's mother assisted wear-|wedges of Ontario cheddar ! ! ing a champagne sheath of| cheese. For variety, pack slices ' Sears lace over poe -- of. Swiss, Brick or blue cheese. accessories "|Cheese has a high satiety value 6age bronze cheysdinhe- which means that your family . mums. ; will not be hungry by mid- The bride donned a_ three-'afterncon. ON |. McLaughlin Coal & Supplies |) Cosmetics -- Vitamins -- Cough and Cold Prepar- | peur ogc nn. cz, || ations -- National Brand Drug Items -- Films ---}) Se : asier 24-Hour Delivery Service : : -- With our Fleet of -- Stationery -- Electric Appliances -- Sundries and | AT LAST! the bra girls were designed for! | RADIO-CONTROLLED Everyday Drug Store Needs. DELIVERY TRUCKS! ! | . ALL-DAY DELIVERY : i Budget Plan - Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery j Oh the comfort, the elegance, the love- what-it-does-for-me feeling of Petal Burst's Stretch Strap! No wender. Petal "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat' | DOWNTOWN OSH AWA -OSHAWA Burst designers know what's right for you in a bra. They choose no-shrink _6 KING STREET EAST : jene lace and Lycra' for shaping. ME STRETCH STRAP TELEPHONE 723-348] J | 723-3143 . SHOPPING CENTRE Deviga cage sine bare tate ® . curl. You've never worn a bra like this! : We ( , t o 110 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA

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