eB BP ettgcagted cg et 2 REE ON OS ~~ bd : i ig ; A Serta. berate 19, 1964 Pe : ; HIRES GIRLS f The London Tourist Board Is, turing pretty, multi-lingual girls" fo guide tourists to ] centres and sightseeing tours. | LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare been cancelled as officers some of the members will the Convention in was anounced. evening is plan- ned for October 20, with two other Auxiliaries as guests. Aux- iliary members and their hus- bands were invited to attend the mixed darts evening on October UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, held its weekly meeling with 'the president, Mrs. Norman Me- Boys' Club Volunteer Workers Praised At Welfare Meeting Mr. H. W. MeNeill, director|camp i . From May to of Simcoe Hali, paid a special|/August 7,640 articles of used tribute to the volunteer workers)clothing were given out, pre- who had given 175 hours per|scriptions filled and meal tickets month to the Boys' Club, during|issued. presented also supplied the summer, He his The fall _Mrs.'Erie Jacklin read the report at the first general meet- ing of the season of the Women's Welfare League, held this week with Mrs. A. P. Fulton presid- ing. Mrs. A. C, Clifford, reporting for the welfare committee re- quested clothing for children and Leaving Cleaners In Child's Reach Is Inviting Sorrow Are you a cleaning product label reader? If there's a tod- dier in the house, the answer is probably yes. Unfortunately many labels call for a chemist's interpretatior. of the mysterious and unpronounceable ingredi- ents listed. In such cases, play it safe. Remember, anything The committee tickets and school supplies for students; arranged the purchase) 77 of shoes and clothing for teen- agers; issued 15 meal tickets to the police station; supplied gro- iceries to approximately 55 fam- ilies and rendered many other services to the needy. ' Mrs, Len Davey read the Crippled Children's School and Treatment Centre Report: the Centre operated until the last school day in June with a clos- ing party for the children, The play-schoo] program was direct- ed by Miss Lynn Avery and assisted by Miss Kathi Avery, Miss Debbie Bennett, volunteer |workers, The children enjoyed outings and picnics to various parks in the city. Captain Adrian Claus of the Oshawa Fire Department, better known to the children and staff as "Dusty", kindly arranged pony rides at jthe school one afternoon, and Evers, presiding. bazaar will be held on Novem- ber 24, and conveners of booths, auditors report and all books were found correct. who require needlework or knit- ting to be done, were asked to bring these goods in, so that work may be commenced. Donations also of material, wool and anything saleable, were asked for. The meeting for Sepiember 29: WINE VALLE Y The Moselle Valley in France, centre of a vast wine - making area, first grew grapes when they were introduced to the area by the Romans. 3 MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Ses Hoir Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 ie SEE SUNNY SPAIN PLUS AIR ' Ae wo oe oe es MAIL TODAY FOR FREE BROCHURES = = oe picid ONLY *12 A DAY Canadian Pacific Airlines Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario Please send me free brochure on 3 Spain Tours. : reachable, which often includes|on another, the children cruised areas you consider beyond/the waters at Lakeview Park in FARE EAGER FOR PLAY ents are Mrs, Karl Wrubel and Mr. and Mrs, John A. Cardinal and great-grandmother is Mrs. William Cardinal, alj of Oshawa, NAME....ccvscsvescsecccsovevscscvcveceses ADDRESS. ....cocccscocemsccssscsrecovecves {october 21; Joy, Brougham, Oc- |tober 26, and Sunshine Lodge in- |stallations will be held on Oc-| seererevese MY TRAVEL AGENT IS....s..s000erre0eee See eeeerereeeserseoeseneeeee tober 19. AO ee ee eeenenereenecereseeeeeeeenseeeeeenennes Swim and soak up the sun on the Costa del Sol. See the wonders of Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Granada .. . quaint Mediterranean villages and graceful towns like Cordoba. Visit gypsy caves for flamenco dancing ... bodegas In Jerez for wine tasting. 15 days for less than $12 a day. Includes first class ac- commodation, ground trarisportation, sightseeing, guide, all meals. Plan now. You fly to Madrid on a swift Super DC-8 Jet Empress. Round trip 21-day jet economy fare, Toronto- -- Madrid; only $409.60. Send coupon, call your TRAVEL AGENT or Canadian Pacific. EM6-7531. ~ ee , --_------ eo = aa a EN TE ToD EG SWE SE ae ee et ee Ne eee Se Ge mE EE vast seme co tome exe ae reach, will be picked up and Dusty's- motorboat. On another A FRIENDLY LIT TLE FELLOW popped into the mouth for sam-joccasion he provided food for an} Always ready for a romp is |pling, as can be attested to by|afternoon cook-out at the school.) Richard Karl Wrubel who will the one-year-old son of Mr. all of Oshawa. His agreat- | Poison Control Centres around/for the Clubs and Program Com-| Richard is the son of Mr. and and Mrs. Jack Wilson, Ross- grandparents are Mre Walter |the country receive daily from! mittee, stated that the summer! Mrs, Bruno' Joseph Wrubel, proud grandparents are Mr. Cooper, both of Oshawa. Poison Control Centres can gen-|of Miss Parker, Mrs. Taylor and|---- and Mrs, Cecil Rowden dnd --Ireland Studio jerally recommend an emer. Mr. Walsh, had had a record) 7 ge Ree SEE antidote providing|attendance. Miss Marlene Good- mother ) | LODGES AND just what it was little Johnny|valuable volunteer help, Treats SOCIETIES Now, there are three ways|facilities of the play-school were! Reports were recieved from to play it safe, any one of which{much enjoyed by the children) \the following conveners for the you should put into immediate|who spent the summer in the SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE coming dessert luncheon and dren home from school, more 1,835 in the attendance over the; sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. day afternoon in the Masonic comings and goings, more con-|same period last year. 299 held its Nmst meeting of the|Temple, Centre street: General supervise the toddlers. |report of the activities suggest-|1O0F lodge rooms, with Nob'e|C0-conveners, tea room, Sister First, you can keep all clean-|¢d that 'due to the increase in/Grand, Sister Elsie McKee pre-|Ann Coakwell; aprons, Sister Indl gpa at the suMMeT | siding, assisted by Sister Mary|Mable Parsons; country store high enough so that even if the} a ' - : canal! fry clambers up on .a/given to extending the play/Grand Sister Francis Comelius.|work, Sister Jenny Perry; touch beyond the reach of busy lttle| dren not Se cesaes wean aoe and. the Mag of the on a teat taealge rns fim nd ry f iph-|tt ' silcky Osa, os y Woods; hands, the school for holiday high-|'TY was hg Ee ae, Sister Elsie Keays; home ' i , le 201" ondence were have your husband put a lock) 'The Boys' Club program con-\C@Tds and corresp agee (Peasurer, Sister Flora Purdie. | on the cabinet in which you gen-|tinued during the summer with|"ead by Sister Victoria Magee| je tn ctants at 1.00 p.m.t! ou're building a new home or|supervised by Mr. Muzeen and|Several sisters were ill and that > Di } installing a ay kitchen, providejthe Resource Rangers made|Sister Mabel Parsons was SON cigaitt' Hea mona aout for a special lockable cabinet. |field trips under the direction|fined to the Oshawa General): wy ms me » i Elsie McK i | member to keep it locked. |July and August, the morning| Sister Estelle Sims gave tha ve gs le No. 7. il Your third alternative and the|periods at the pool were used/financial statement and the CP pong ste! 'oon reported |] one that will give you the great-|for children's Red Cross Swim-lreport by. Sister Edna Huband,|°" the recent United Nations | i slean-|completed in July, the other in|pital beds, three wnesl chairs|dents from across Canada and) using potentially harmful clean-|completed in July, the other in -- aa aciker available, {Sponsored by the Oddfellows and Dilan omineted . |Rebekahs, the first on July 1} Thomas Richard Wilson is Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson, |the number of frantic calls the) Mrs. W. H. Shaw, reporting) be one year old tomorrow. land road west, Whitby. His Rowden and Mr. William |mothers. Fortunately, thesejplay school, under the direction; Taylor avenue. His grandpar- gency i is able to determine/win, a high-school student, gave ate. jwere provided on Fridays. The practice, for with the older chil- city, There was an increase of| NO. 222 bazaar to be held on Wednes- fusion, there's jess time to} Mr. McNeWl giving a funther|fai; and winter season in the|Convener, Sister Irene Willis; | ng supplies on a shelf that's eo fo, Regt consideration be/srea in the absence of Vice|Sister Elda Howard; fancy chair or stool, they'll still be/#"ea. He emphasized that chil)" 7 944. onendd according to|@nd take, Sister May Skea; Your second alternative is tojjights, {Aken baking, Sister Marie - Elliot; | erally keep your supplies; or if|such activities as canoe trips|Sister May Skea reported thatland the bazaar will be opened "4 si N ; | Of course, you'll have to re-jof Mr. Norman Gray. During Hospital. son. and Noble .. Grand, Sister' | est sensé of security is to forego|ming Classes. One group was|stated that there are eight hos- tour of two bus loads of stu-) unani-| and the second on July 7, were FINGER SAVER clothes. Seal one end of the ers for the duration of the taste- August. The afternoons were for everything phase. Fall back on|children's recreational] swim- Me es eS I) SA? Bm! RAY YU EG PAHO, IR et OSL Sen EN a EY me ase Next time hot dogs or filled leave the rolis are served, try placing the bun in a piece of foil so that the added garnish will not spill out over fingers and foil securely an other end open so that it can be pulled back as the bun is | eaten, such safe and reliable cleaning ming on @ pay as you swim laids as soap and baking soda. basis. The swimming pool was You'll be surprised at how much|available to adults in the eve- lish with the|ning..On Friday evening the } |you can accomp mously for the coming year are: Noble Grand, Sister Francis Cornelius; Vice Grand, Sister Dorothy Hawley; secretary, Sis- UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES SIMCOE STREET UCW (Lenore Unit) A potluck supper was the highlight of the evening when the members of the Lenore Unit of Simcoe Street United Church women held their September meeting. The president, Mrs. H. V. Myers, welcomed the members back and 'business | for a wedding and for a trous- \neau tea on October 3. } A new and novel project in} the way of a "Koffee Klatsch" and Bake sale will be held on \October 7, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the respective |homes of Mrs. S. D. Calhoun jand Mrs. H. V. Myers . Coffee and doughnuts will be served jand there will be a delicatessen and home baking table. | The next meeting will be on October 13 with Mrs. Raiph Lang's group in charge. latter. A good product, makes it unique among ers, | for general cleaning, and dry as | less scourer, It can even be) | used clean-} to shine your copper.) Sprinkle a half a cut lemon with) dry soda and rub over the Sur-jome without sharing food and|tober 6; Easter, Pickering, Oc-| face of pots, molds or what-'qrink and hospitality, accord-\tober 8; Kenoven, Brooklin, Oc-| wooL LEADS THE PARADE ever needs a brightening. Flatiing to custom in that region of|tober 13; Welcome, Stouffville,| silver, too, except for piecesithe U.S.S.R. with cemented-on handles or| ornate pieces with darkened| backgrounds 'for contrast, can) be shined with baking soda. | Just place silver in an 'alumi-/ num foil-lined enamel pan of which|pool was open to family groups, t can be used in solution Mrs, J. M. Macleod, Mrs. C. H. sweetening an d/Vipond, and Mrs. 8, F. Donnelly a scratch-|served coffee. ter Victoria Magee; treasurers, Sister Luella Pine and Sister Marie Elliot; trustee, Sister Myrtle Bonnetta, bi : Invitations to attend the in- stallation of officers were re- UKRAINIAN HOSPITALITY [ceived from the following No one visits a Ukrainian|lodges: White Dove, Ajax, Oc- At the close of the meeting, {October 15; Benoven, Whitb |met and entertained in Oshawa, making their headquarters 'at the Hotel Genosha, enroute to New York. A vote of thanks was given) [to Sister May Skea for conven-| ling the strawberry tea at the) last meeting. Lodge closed in) 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshawa -- Whitby -- Brooklin WHITBY P HONE 668-3304 |the usual' manner, The next| |meeting will be held on Monday jevening, October 21 at 8.00 p.m. | British wool in tact 1s all im-| |portant this. year. Wools and 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE P HONE 723-9441 |jerseys, fine and heavy tweeds,/ | fine crepes in slender styles and ibrilliant. color combinations| jearry the autumn collection. | |Main colors are pinks, crimson] NU-WAY RUG boiling water, add silver and | jand aubergine, seasonal greens} For Personolized Travel Arrangements--See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL plans for the fall activites were) WHITE COLLAR WORKERS three-isblespcons of: soda and discussed over cups of coffee. | Fifty . tive per cent of U.S.||et it sit for a few minutes. Then| Mrs. H. E. Kerr's Group was/women workers during the de-jrinse and polish dry. in charge of the meeting and| oq. 1950-60 were employed in| So, with baking soda, you Mrs. Kerr led the dewotional).5 called white collar occupa-|have an all-purpose cleanser, aj period. tions compared to 37 per cent|scourer, a silver and copper Mrs. Wallace Butler presen-\of working men, cleaner all in one safe package. ted the treasurer's report and}, ---- showed $725.00 had been sent to the United Church women. Mrs. Bruce Buck, catering convener, outkined the plans for catering jand browns, flashes of tangerine} OSHAWA'S MOST RELIABLE pees fot and lots of dramatic) By NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS, the largest broadioom BELONGS TO EVERYONE Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings--8-10 P.M. SEPT. 22nd-23rd. stains, returning them. to your floors fresh-air fresh 199 CENTRE ST. OSHAWA 57 KING STREET EAST PHONE 728-6201 f= OTHE OSHAWA > SHOPPING CENTRE INVITES ... All Service Clubs,Church Groups, Ladies' Auxiliary to raise funds for their own good cause ot our Fall Bazaar Sept. 24, 1964 For Further Porticulars Contact MON. Administration Office 728-6231 O.D.H.c«: SPECIALS OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY -- SATURDAY UNTIL 6 ond new looking. Using the most modern rug clean- ing equipment NU-WAY'S efficient methods keep prices low .. . for example a x 12' rug costs only $9.75. For fost 3 day service call now. 728-4681 NU - WAY RUG An Approved Member of the Netione! Institute of Rug Cleaners SJutta's 725-4521 Adults Only We Reserve The Right Allowed Specials To Limit Quantities | eas V7, Ve a Sane jERGEN'S LOTION HAND CARE. Compere et 1.19, Het a StttiaS "aa MON, MAIN FLOOR PHONE 723-7625 OSHAWA Y.W.C.A. Register Now For Your Activities WILLIAMS ICE BLUE AQUA VELVA After Shave Lotion 8-ox, size. Compare et 1.25. NO WHERE ELSE ONLY MAIN FLOOR HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET Reguler or herd to hold, Regular 1,96 value. NO WHERE ELSE ONLY MAIN. FLOOR BLUE RIBBON INSTANT COFFEE large 5-ox. jar, Compare at 98¢. FOR PRICE SAKE MON, 66° ONLY _MAIN_ FLOOR Giant Size 112-02, Decorated BEVERAGE GLASSES by Hozel Ware 3. smort decorator petterns te choose from. Compore at 29¢ each. FOR PRICE SAKE... . MON. ONLY FOR 2 8 LOWER LEVEL SLEEPING BAGS For the Outdoorsman end Hunters. Top quality, shower prooted cotton poplin outer shell; filled with 100% white cellacioud end 4" insulfoam lemineted to shell for winter warmth, Full eround zipper and worm flennel fining. Compere to 22,95. omy L299 e {erate | Teens: Leedership Training Y-Teen Club Record Hop Charm Course For Men and Women Beg. Bridge Adv. Bridge Curling For Women: Swimming Take-o-Break Millinery Adv, Dressmaking Basic Dressmaking Rendez-Vous ONLY WEN 32-Exposure Deal 35 mm Anscochrome 50 ASA COLOR FILM Processing included in' price. FOR PRICE SAKE, 32-Exposure DEAL. ony 2000 ONLY e MAIN FLOOR ane 1038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. Canadian Made Eterne-Seal BABY GOODS st pny Ra Mh ond ver. ....2/ 02" 4/TT1* 4/95¢ BABY PANTS FLOOR Waa $ i Copper Enamelling Ceramics Painting and Drawing Club 199 Saturday Night Dance (18-35) W \ For Children Swimming (8-12) Saturdey Morning Fun (girls 8-12) C5 7 $ FOR ONLY PRICE SAKE. LOWER LEVEL coor For Price Sake It's No Where Else vinyl, s-m-l-x!. MAIN : OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUS VT PVIVIVOIVOVOCOOOPMIEN NZ LES Registration for the Onterio Ladies' College Swimming Classes on Sept. 22 at 7 p.m. Registration for the Boys' Club swimming Classes on Sept. 23 et 7 p.m. , ins All swim fees must be poid when registering. All fees must be paid in odvance. Please remember to bring your Y membership cord. pos what it offers you, OPEN HOUSE--TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22, 23, from 8-10 p.m. The YWCA is assisted by the Greater Oshowa Community Chest' This is your opportunity to