a under the sink shreds foodjplumbing contractor. He is fully SALES i aste into small particles and|qualified to help you select the) HALIFAX (CP) -- Assets of vishes them down the drainjkitchen plan that-will meet your|the publicly owned Nova Scotia -- 'fore the waste has a chance|needs and at the same time| Power Commission have near'y » spoil, Food scraps, even|make the most economical usc|qoubled in the last 10 years. The eat bones, are shredded,jr' -nace and existing piping. |commission's electricity 'sales ie rancerned. refrigerator an? cupboards will be on one side « A Housewite's Kitchen =" vite mesac: Is Centre Of Her World viernes, J4A . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, September 19, 1964 7 Power Tools 2-Bedroom Unit _| Require Care Power. tools for the home ped with a retractable spra. Could Be Answer » Changing trends in_population growth have already had a marked effect on residential construction in Canada and the U.S.-Both counties find them- selves in a situation which on the surface dictates that multi- 'y housing, with an em- on apartment dwellings, will be in heavy demand for the next few years. Young adults and persons ranging in age from 45 to 64 are the groups which will grow rapidly in the 60's and, ac- cording to economists, the need for apartment accommodation is 'most appa' ditions prevail. Builders have taken note of the economists reports and recently placed heavy emphasis on this phase of construction. rent when these con- |conservative and luxury _two- bedroom home. In encouraging such construction the tendency to overbuild multi-family' hous- ing could be curbed in many areas, : The two-bedroom unit was purposely discouraged in the early 50's in order to get hous- ing more suitable to the grow- ing families. Population trends would now seem to indicate that mortgage sources should again give serious consideration of the two-bedroom house. Such a decision would help to create a more balanced market, in which the young family progress from a relatively in- expensive small home to the three or four-bedroom house vacated by couples moving up to the convenience of a more workshop are a real boon to the handyman -- but they can also be very dangerous if they are not handled with care. : Here are some tips to help in getting the most value from |power tools, while playing safe: BEFORE BEGINNING WORK: --Make sure that stationary tools are mounted securely on firm bases. Mark all switches so that power can be switched on and off quickly. --Keep belts on motors shorts as possible, out of the way or covered with a guard. --All tools which will make splinters or sparks should have guards--g: with them built in. --Run tools only on 'voltages specified by the manufacturer. --Ground portable tools at the frame with a grounding wire or at the plug by a 3-wire con- ductor. WHILE OPERATING TOOLS: 'ood power pools come Every housewife deserves 4 kitchen which provides her with what is newest in convenience and efficiency. A great deal of to carry out her responstbili- ties under the most favoratt: conditions, Studies have revealed, the Canadian Institute of Plumb- her time and a great deal of her work in keeping house for her family involves her pres- ence in the kitchen. It is only} fair then that she be allowed ing and Heating says, that the average housewife in a family of four will cover 24,000 city blocks or 3,000 miles annually doing the household chores. And it's a safe assumption that a majority of these miles will be walked off in the kitchen. As the kitchen represents the centre lof her world, its design and ylanning should be done with an oye to making every square foot count in order to save millions lof steps and much unnecessary work, great care. Kitchen sinks are available in durable porcelain stainless steel. tection, --If tool begins the cause. Do not have your face too close to the work -- goggles or a guard are good insurance prs- overheating, stop using it and check to find set into a ceramic tile or plastic- type counter, topped off with a ultimate convenience. ~ With the sink as the focal jpoint, refrigerator, range and on iron or steel and in lustrous Porcelain sinks are available in a wide variety of attractive colors. Ideally you should have a large double-bow! sink that is modern single lever faucet for frxture which makes easier thc cleaning 'of vegetables and of dish washing. And, of course, there is no reed today to put up with the accumulation of kitchen wastes in a sack or pail and the daily task of taking it to another con- A garbage disposal unit instal. ent kitchen, contact your local! round and pulverized et the lick of a switch. Since year, and. there's no need to} shape trudge oiltside in weather to the garbage can. ning for modernizing your pres-|beer-can opene' crack. Announcement To ALL BUILDERS and HOME OWNERS Mr. Clare McCullough, President and General Mana- i¢ increased inclement/the crack is wider at the top| than at the bottom. This can be} (bv nine per cent in However, these conditions facing us suggest that we should also look to more realistic forms of single-family dwellings. In expensive two-bedroom unit in' 7 keeping with their financial), <qo9m house, the government means. could do much to establish this In addition to encouragement|healthy. market condition by AFTER USING TOOLS: 'cupboards should be arranged --Clean up equipment after each|for easiest access from the job. he 'heart of things.". This is often many instances the particular --Keep tools lubricated. jaccomplished on a "work-flow" requirement of the young fam- through more lenient . aititude|making NHA type _financing|--Lock tools into off position|on "production line" basis. That ily and the parents, who again with mortgage loans for the two-lavailable for existing housing. before making repairs. means, where food preparation find themselves alone as a re-|-- NN --- nec nnn ne me ete "===: PRECAST CONCRETE up and leaving home, may not) is an important part of all building projects, Oshawa district con- ger of McCullough Lumber and Building Supplies, -- takes this opportunity to announce the following new appointments. be an apartment dwelling. E. R. Alexander, president of the National House Builders! Association recently suggested the two-bedroom house - - al- most a forgotten type of con-) struction in today's residential building - - could be most useful! to meet the needs of these age groups. Certainly the two-bed- room unit proved to be popu-| lar following the Second World) War when young newlyweds' meeded inexpensive housing. | This same type of small home could provide the privacy for establishing a young family and an opportunity for them to build up equity against the time when they require more spacious living accommodation. For the parents of a grown family accustomed to the pri- vacy and convenience of their gown home, the move to an apartment simply because their accommodation is now too spacious and difficult to main- tain, may not be the ideal solu- tion, Usually such families en- joy good incomes and increased} spending power at this stage in| life. Many of these couples! would prefer a luxury two-) bedroom home to apartment} living. This type of home is| hard to find in Canada today. - | The NHBA president said) there is a market for both. the' tractors save time and are always assured of consistent quality with these precast concrete products -- DURA STEPS RAILINGS WELL TILE CATCH BASINS CUSTOM PRECASTING SEPTIC. TANKS COLORED PATIO WALK SLABS DRIVEWAY CURB PARKING BUMPERS Lipredivle Dk { CONCRETE PRODUCTS LID. | 655-3311 MEMBERS OF OSHAWA BUILDERS' ASSOCIATION GLENN HUGHES Outside Operations Manager Glenn hes spent 7 yeors with McCullough Lumber. His con- stent endeaveur to do his very best for both customer end company hes made this promotion possible. CARL JOHANSEN nisl <Mishale Manager FRANK SLEEP Office and Credit M Mr. Sleep has spent 19 years in the building supply business. His valued experence will be of great benefit te you, the customer, Dissalt dici P Sales Manager You'll find Al's experience in the building field can reolly help you. Look to him fer assistance, he'll be only too pleased te be of service. Mr. Johensen, @ new member eof McCulloughs steff, brings with him seven years of thorough experience in the retail lumber industry. "A Customer Is The Most | Important Person In Our Business" Plenty of Free Parking OPEN DAILY Tam. + 6 pm. LUMBER COMPANY, tro. G 128 OEY Cyplite (ine. of BUILDING MATERIALS 1270 SIMCOE ST. NORTH * OSHAWA, ONTARIO rmstrong | omes MANOR HOMES COMPANY PICKERING 942-2401 TORONTO 924-3686 House This Weekend at Kingsmere Gardens --SEE THESE 1964 MODEL HOMES NOW!