[new atmosnheres for them. Well,jalway# give interest and «-new| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 19, 1964 9A jon Change of Color e of the quickest ways to/look of dimension. | l F ili to be seekin i is-| : a re! r er a ml es ig something reminis-| These same statistics disclose Bathroom Queue ae er eS lesscaantl . Tecal po gg ies g cent of the solid family home.of|the larger family requirements - , | phe | yesteryear; a house that. per- of NHA home buyers. Some 31 jis with color. |room? Then i or. on ers | ? your choice could 3 ; : , e | When the change of color is|be bold floral panels or an ex-| x4 {Raps provides the tranquility of er cent of purchasers had three é eC ; x |the past as compared with the ? purchase Can Be Avoided Many of us have the urgejcombined with a pattern, the citing old fashioned balloon) par pansion pefhices = corres ae oe aves, einai te aaa to be creative these days. Welresults can truly be spectacu-| ; As a result many areas in Can-|compared with 12 per cent in ' | For the bath, powder room) : : / start thinking in terms of new|lar. More and more home-| 5 kitchen, where the wall, Larger families and a desire|galows across Canada. Last pata Prscie th 1950. Whether for present conveni- run to make sure the home you) |, makers are discovering that} i A j ; : ' ' jalsithings--new ways to plant our |space is apt 'to be limited,'t9- more spacious living quar-|year, that ratio. was cut to one 7 . Aware of these requirements, is & Be interes: noes Wiens uur cos nd years of gardens, of changes that willjthey themselves can createjthere are smaller mura) 'de-| ya A ati ai |the residential construction in- dustry has responded. by provid- ; ; } i demand by|two-storey, home for every ten tics. family, adequate bath-| ' : s 'wonderful new atmospheres,|signs--what could capture the/t@rs are sparking a A Soa techies acs Pe a dg Path wo 28 nas ee -- easily and inexpensively|imagination more, say in the|home buyers for four and five oy eae Peon Phenom Statistics for National Housing ing these larger homes at e- paige hiivan ie thes e What" MRE atyle anal" our rooms. |-- they have discovered ready/bathroom, than four feet of/bedroom houses, 'according f0)°1 0. that the two-store house Act }oans bear out the buyer's duced down. payments as com- tant ace ee pape lps ~ No doubt you have felt, over|pasted wallpaper murals. |personable little birds playing/the National! House Builders| > tripled 4 1 nai rd requirements for. more space.|nared with housing in. the 50's. day, The trend throughout Can-/ appearence. \the last few months, that some| Design-wise, wallpaper mu-|in the tall bamboo. Association. ties as compared to the pre ite, average house built in 1963) -- ---- ada is toward a minimum of 1') 'To assist the home buyer in| ' rooms have grown\fals offer tremendous variety.| So if the season is urging) More two-storey . houses are ou prota P Pre-lcontained a floor area of 1,204) ' bathrooms in three-bedroom | -ecognizing the best quality and|°% YOu re |When you'd. like to enjoy ajyou to create a fresh new look|being sold today than has been| 8 ' |sa. {{., compared to 1,189 sq. ft.| HOWARD'S ' homes and for two full bath-| ost serviceable materials, the|stale with familiarity -- that! oom with a view you can se-\in your house, take a trip tojthe case for a number of years, RETURN TO PAST in the previous year. In fact,| : rooms at least where there are|Canadian Institute of Plumbing|you really would like to create|ject from the designs that givelthe wallpaper store and seek|In housing, as in clothing styles, If we are turning the clock|37.6 per cent of NHA financed | DRAPERIES. four or more bedrooms. People| ang Heating offers a few hints) ___. |serenity through their quietiout the new murals, They'll/the clock is being turned back./back when it comes to the size homes in 1963 contained more for - are demanding greater convenl-| on what to look for. Bathtubs of ~ ms country scenes,' or from de-|provide you with decorative, Two years ago, house builders|of homes, 'the same comment than 1,200 sq. ft. of floor area, CUSTOM DRAPERIES ence and an end to "bathroom! the highest quality, for instance,|iron or enamelled steel withisigns that provide dramaticlinspiration to mateh yourlconstructed one two - storey|can be made regarding exterior/compared with 31.6 per cent in| queue" during the rush hours. jare made of enamelled cast|quality in the order mamed. vistas. A scenic mural. will'neatest notions. {dwelling for every. sixteen bun- designs. The home buyer seems! 1962. In contrast to a past dayjiron. In recent years enamelled) ,jtchen sinks are available | oo when plumbing fixtures (tubs,| steel] tubs are available and)in enamelled cast iron, enamel- basins, toilets, etc.) and fittings|make a very attractive appear-|jaq stee] and, more recently, (taps, faucets, showers etc.)) ance, istainless steel which is popular , P ' og were taken for granted, manu-! vitreous china is. standard|with many housewives for ap- : i ; facturers now offer a wide with all toilet. combinations| pearance and easy-to-clean char-| > : choice in items of equipment.| made in' Canada and offers the| acteristic, | om a aoa . Fittings offer many varieties of| most in long service and ease| Faucets or taps for both kitch-| d is an | = design and fixtures have added (+ cleaning. Flushing actions for en and bathroom come in an| color to their selection of styles|toiets have undergone man y|aimost infinite variety of types} and sizes. Bathrooms can be andi a-actic changes and improve-land styles including the easily-| e often are, as attractive aS ANY) ments and care should be taken' operated single lever type. The) room in the home lto get the best for reliable oper-| range of prices is a wide one but esi ne 0 QUALITY FOREMOST ation over a long period of a good quality is the most eco-) ane | 4 : v lily, paying off Above all quality in plumb-| Years jnomical eventualls ing facilities is important. It is} Washbasins are made either|in more years of trouble--free | more economical! in the long of vitreous china, enamelled cast service MILL-BUILT WILL HELP YOU PLAN and oe ES BUILD o Handsome ITS FALL PLANTING TIME | REC-ROOM FREE GARDENING ADVICE | Come in with your garden problems and we will help Ps SUPPLYIN G ALL LABOUR solve them. We have listed just a few items here, but you will find a complete line at our very attractive AY AND MATERIALS : Pa sales station. We invite you to drop in any time ; i : 7 KEEP YOUR CAR EVERGREENS O21 THIS OFFER FOR AS: LOW AS Be | LOOKING LIKE NEW Upright varieties for corners and bare walls: Silver Juni- A from Canadian Gypsum Ce., in it AND HEDGES Java Teak, Club Walnut or é q ; Scandia Surfwood. SU Shceslon' Hosoy "Lonets Weesing ana. wens, \@eE | A FULL 12' x 20' SIZE Birch, Mountain Ash, English Red Hawthorne, 1 240 8q. ft. of 080 gauge Vinyl ne \ | Asbestos Floor Tiles. Your choice NG DOWN PAYMENT Canaert Jun (green), Mountbatten Jun (bluish), Jop- ae . cnese Yew, Pyramidal Rete 7 " somes pes ites tl a, | INCLUDES i "7 t ind to fi its: er Juniper | q 4 R : ige dey or groan), Hota Jn (lve) Andere Jum (purple), | THESE MATERIALS - \ we vatiety of Evergredns, Come in sella PO 1EShests of either . . . Random ge 5 V-grooved 4' x 7' Lauan Mehog- oN any PREFINISHED penelling or a 4 i" 'SH ADE TREES > fabulous. ULTRA-WALL panels For fast and slow growing, for low and tall hedges. Large and ak S0:amsuel colar. small sizes. No doubt you will find here what you need. Amur q| UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY River, Privet Vulgare Privet Red Barberry, Chinese Elm, Ever- Hs 240 sq. ft. of 12 x 12" Acoustie reen Cedar, etc. f i + ' , ncaa I fib Ceiling Tiles. Your choice of 4 The price shown here is for the average installation and.may > different patterns. be slightly lower or higher depending on your needs and re- - rreieaniaoteeasianbiatta quirements, PLANT BULBS NOW! \' & 2, 10" x "10" Flush. Ceiling Lights, lovely bronze or chrome : e For Early Spring Blooming finish, All Top Sizes. All the new varieties. Dutch Tulips, ' 7 FREE op PEW NOTet es. KIMPe NEUTER 1 Lauan. Mahogany Entrance "Tei 8 Daffodils, Hycinths, Narcissus, Crocus, Colchicums. Door plus hardware. , ESTIMATES Mahogany Trim Finishing Mat- FERTILIZER and -- OE e : | SPECIAL ECONOMY . m 3 } 6 Electrical Outlets, including 3 g GRASS SEED QRS: | 4 f 6 ttecric! outan | FREE GARAGES Use fertilizer NOW to ensure a good lawn next spring. Se- f = ia | ' : PLANNING . aoe by maar Super- ig be | Complete Installation by Skilled eS Includes These Features: een and Greenfield Craltemen : gs Rag BJ Rovers Been s d Red ned q x . ished . 4 ply ae yaa (yy Xi "hephalt Shinglea : 4 Roof Rafters 24" 0.C. @ . i All Labor and Materials Fully - : ae on Roel ve as 7' Steel Canadiana Door © Set on Plant Shrubs NOW Gucranteed by "MILL-BUILT" ; ; : ' 11 Concrete Blocks, Ae ee @ Division of Millwork and Build- 12' x 20° no many Kin n r some very inter ing ones are: ing Supplies Led, x COMPLETELY feotu Payments Arranged To Suit Your Budget Butterfly-bush, Golden-Vicary, Silverleat-Dogwood, Winged: Euonymous, Flowering Almond, P. G. Hydranges. ERRECTED 20' x 20' Garage with all the ves of above plus ss choice of Cottage or Gable Roof and | side déor, 5786 Pe } COMPLETELY ERRECTED 5 RUNDLE =?) [| Now AVAILABLE Through "MmLL-BuILT" §@[*[=yai@| NO DOWN PAYMENT GARDEN CENTRE | Whether you are adding on a new 'addition to your home, making nisveiinety iene te me a aia alterations, or re-designing your kitchen, bathroom or attic LIMITED i, | you can rely on MILL-BUILT to give you the service and satisfac- 1015 KING ST. EAST P tion you expect Yi | , , 7A5-653\ OSHAWA = ge KITCHEN ATTIC BATHROOMS | has PHONE , | "gad your kitehen complete. --_ Br rice dle sag pe car including 'ceremie Hine, He SH, ] . <4 728-6291 + we supply new fixtures, ete, We arrange fo- * Ask for a "'Mill-Built" Representative labor, materials and We supply febor and mater- ber, provide materials end Bn A FREEESTIMATES *"enee ESTIMATES FREE ESTIMATES = "MILL-BUILT" . . , A Division of | 1279 SIMCOE NORTH : Hh 3 1S & BUILDING a? ), eX Vim , Ke? 1D 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. IS aha) Sa ae | FRI. till 9 P.M. aha Ada