Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1964, p. 9

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I OOS BE 4 BROOKLIN UNITED Mr. and Mrs, John Dryden of Church was the setting recent- Maple Shade, Brooklin, and f Ml gM cage aes Robert James Porter, son of Orwell E. Carrington and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth C. Shortt, all of Oshawa. --Hornsby Studio MISS CAROL Dawn Carring- ton became the bride of Ralph Glenn Shortt in a ceremony in Westminster United Church, recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. KEEP IN TRIM CHILD GUIDANCE Violence Seen By GAKRY C, MYERS, Ph.D. Livtle children, from two to six, the nation over, spend hours daily before the TV set, viewing programs of gore and horror -- slugging, stabbing, shooting--a dozen or more mur- ders a day, Many of these youngsters be- lieve that what 'they see is really happening. Often it seems as real to them as i they were watching persons tor- turing or being tortured, per- sons murdering or being mur- dered, These little children must sup- pose such violence can't be wrong or their parents wouldn't let them witness it on TV, nor would the broadcasting compa- nies put on such programs, These youngsters must often wish they were strong enough and could stab, slug or shoot well enough to make sure they could punish. or destroy with their hands anyone who didn't jet them have their way. How often the young viewer wishes he were the slugger, stabber, shooter, How seldom Mr, and Mrs. James Courtney Porter of Oshawa. --Cadieux Studio, Stouffville Can Harm Young Child On TV. seldom give the matter any thought. BELONG TO PUBLIC Those who perpetrate these programs of violence control the air waves, which really be- jong to the public. : Not only do they continue with these programs 50 attrac- tive to young children, but they brainwash 'the public into be- lieving these programs can't be harmful to children, - As part of the public, most persons who lead in moral and spiritual eucation seem also to have been brainwashed, When have you heard or read srom leaders in secular or re- Higious education a true de- nouncement of the prevalence of violence on TV? How often have you heard them con- demned from the pulpit or by leaders of education? So, the average parents of young children are very little concemed, They usually think of TV as a baby sitter. When a youngster gets underfoot, they may say, "Go turn on the TV," The more gory and violent a THE STARS SAY does he put himself in the place} | By ESTRELLITA jof the person slugged, stabb | \or shot, How frequently he must} Yesterday's planetary restric-|say to himself, 'Wait till I get tions, where personal relation-|Dig enough to do that." | ships are concemed, will lift by/,. 7) 7 | noon on Sunday. Advised, there-|ROWS -- fore, is tact in the early hours.) yi14 , . Te te Roya hhc id Late day influences are exceed-|\ 4) Tom [Wo 10 six, viewing | ; : a "4; (the many programs of violence ingly generous, favor practi- i | | at -~,\on TV, suffers or feels . any |cally any interest or activity) ain. in his imaginati ith which you choose to pursue. pen, P go pear ee | |the tortured or murdered per-} |FOR THE BIRTHDAY json? Does he experience com-) | I¢ tomorrow is your birthds jpassion? How can he keep from lyour horoscope. fodieutes 'thai growing calloused to the suffer- you should make excellent|/"85 % others? headway in job matters during| the coming year; also some monetary gains -- especially in child enjoying hours and hours) of violence on TV think tlfe/ November, the late-December- child knows it is snot really late-March period, and in June|"@Pbening, Does he? His par-| and September of next year, |¢N!S would not think of having) | Valuable social contacts badlcaubing wander or Poi te Ces te alaaee ay pay |kind of human torture, Yet they| ' ay» Yithink nothing of letting him} and-or August. Best periods for|yiew such on TV--hour atter| May and August. | Often they watch with him. You may have to guard/As nearly as I can find out, against emotional stress forjyoung children of missioneries) brief periods in mid-December\and Sunday school teachers) jto look upon possible irritations|children of other parents. and obstacles in your path) Yet ministers, rabbis, Sunday) merely as challenges to be met|school teachers and missionar- --and conquered. ies devote their efforts to teach- Look for a good business op-jing love, kindness and compas- portunity in late December and,|sion to children and adults. if you are engaged in creative) Consider how brief are the work, put forth your best efforts periods during which young during the balance of this|children are exposed to such month, in December, January|teaching as compared to the But the parents of the young - president, Mins, Robert Gal- \Mrs. Mansell Gerow and Mrs.) romance; late December, April, hour, day after day.: ig and mid-April, but this you can|yiew programs of gore and hor-|the Thank Offering Boxes do if you will relax, and resolve|ror on TV about as much as\handed in at the October meet- | |be held September 30 in the church hall vener for the bridge. Regular Exercise Helps und next June, They should pay off handsomely. : A child born on this day will be markedly inventive and practical, but may be a. little longer periods they are exposed to just the opposite on TV. I can't unerstand how Sun- day school teachers, ministers, missionaries and rabbis can go program, the more likely he is to turn it on. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. What proportion of deaths during the adolescent period} are cause byaccidents? | A. Half of them, according} to the American Academy of| Pediatrics. NAOMI WA | The members of the Naomi} WA of Christ Church held their first meeting of the fail season j ast week in the church lounge, | 9 stata a THE BETHSABEE This cocktail frock in black 7 Jace and organza worn with Edward Powell. | hat covered in black organdie It was announced that the! is called the Bethsabee by Mens Club of Christ Church Jacques Heim who is showing will be sponsoring a musical) jt jn the fall and winter Paris evening put on by the Schneider shows Choir on Friday, October 23 at) :30 p.m, at the McLaughlin) Collegiate and anyone interes- ted was asked to contact Mrs,| °°! Mansell Gerow. jer if after wrapping them, you pin opened the meeting with) prayer. Reports were read by) HOUSEHOLD HINT Picnic sandwiches stay fresh- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Seprember 19, 1964. 9| PMA CLUB Pleasant \P The first meeting of the|M y Afternoon |?.™- y, in oe with the presidemt, Mrs. George! V. Lee presiding. The attend-| ance was good and it was hoped | See will be celebrating 1 i event. , i Favorite hymns were sung) her . New members will) be cordially received and chil- dren are welcome. j Refreshments were served by, Mrs, Melville Bradley and Mrs.' Electrolysis Removes worts, moles and | superfiuous hair, Over 15 Yeors' Experience MARIE MURDUFF a PHONE 723-4641 For appointment en these deter TITLES & EDITING FOR YOUR HOME MOVIES PREE BROCHURE WRITE VERDREY PICTURES 6OX 66, ISLINGTON, ONT, emmineel This is a bulb & Vv This beautiful flower came from that vod A A miracle? Not at all here's how to doit... ® Just dig a hole ~ dr in a bulb, right side hs No ae ~ P |seal the edges of the wax paper Mrs Peter Francis asked that with a hot iron. | The House Plans for the annual bridge to, of Flaire COIFFURES ing. were discussed, Mrs. Gordon White is the con-) Prop.: BOB BUZMINSKI Refreshments were served. for those Autumn 723-6901 - 9 Bond St, E. || Add a few handfuls of Ls earth, water... o\. Walk away whistling sd Ns Suddenly itsSpring J ! Daffodils often beat the robin in announcing Spring. Their golden beauty ~seemingly so fragile--defies winter's final blasts. Then there are tulips. They range in color from pure white to almost black, from soft. To Stabilize Weight By IDA JEAN KAIN ity is the tonic that keeps you| The dieter's dilemma is that}S9lNs. | pounds will not stay off! One Add a trio of isometric exer- perplexed daughter of Eve cises to tone the chin muscles writes... . and the triceps on the backs of "Two years ago, with the heip|the upper arms. Dieting can't on kidding themselves that est pink to deepest purple. They add special brilliance to any garden, And hyacinths. You can't mistake their fragrance. It's the very breath of Springtime. White, yellow, red, pink, blue~hyacinths eon, light up the area wherever they are. Dutch flower bulbs: so simple to grow; so easy to care 4 y for and so inexpensive, For the best, be sure they're marked "Imported from Holland." Ly ur i Netherlands Flower-bulb Institute, Inc., 29 Broadway, New York 6, N.Y, %«® too susceptible to flattery. ¥ their influence for goodness can DAY AFTER TOMORROW win over the influence for evil With the advent of the fu!}}on TV. moon on Monday, there are the) Why, moreover, do these usual warnings and the usualapostles of goodness suppose good auguries. \their teaching can, minute for of pills and a 1,000 calorie diet,|Store Up the sag, or banish a) Admonition: curb emotional-/minute, be as powerful as TV's 1 reduced from 185 to 159|Spare tire. Stretch up and holdiism and avoid extremes, the|teaching of violence? How can pounds. I am five feet, five the stretch--sidebend and you)tendency during this lunar pe-|they be so smug? Well, they| inches, with a large frame.|°*" zip off that spare. iriod, Benefits: Inspiration and|™ . Slowly and insidiously the|, =xercise js the best way to' stimulation of original ideas inj pounds eased back on : _, and take advantage of the natural re-|those creatively or intellect- last April the pointer' on the|SPonses of the body to burn fuellyally engaged. scales hit the 185 pound mark \for energy. It helps you hold the) I am back to the doctor; pills| Weightline and lifts your spirits,|FOR THE BIRTHDAY and dieting, and my weight is too. If Monday is your birthay, | ' Bs once again at 150. your poteecnns, jacicaten that Electric heatin ELIMINATE " now is this.| you can make this new year in| gatas | ras, ches ie os your Me 'tn oustanding eae | : ; you push forward with confi-| : dieting? Must I live on 1,000! toronto guests attending the|immediate present i THE FLAME rovides peng a day a oe If mi Blomme-Westnutt wedding re- Co-arainte all your effort : eee p a new how do I do it? One other prob-| cently in St. Gregory the Great|ince the results which yo' Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Blomme, Mr | cybstantial--will have a fine ef-| Henry Blomme, Mr. and Mrs./fect on your program for 1965. | Jerry Davies, Mr. and Mrs.| Look for especially good op-; 3 Qreland stuvio In. your Home, Church or Studio 21 ATHOL ST, W, 723-3680 terrible. I have flabby upper arms, a wattled chin, and a bit of a spare tire to diet off before back on again as soon as 1 quit) dence and foresight as of the lem, my friends tell me I look Roman Catholic Church were:|achieve -- and they should be| t d d f f t « h h ti I quit, Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. There is only one way out of your dilemma, and that is to plan ways to burn more calor- ies. In this sit-down civilization a basic problem is how to be well nourished, satisfy appetite and control weight. Your prob- lem is not one of too much food but of too little exercise. A small amount of regular exer- cise will help to stabilize your weight and improve your looks. Let's face it . ... the "easy" way of reducing with pills and no-exercise results in a dra'vn, depleted look, It's against na- ture. RESTORE BLOOM Why not restore the bloom with a daily walk in the fresh air? At this season, walking is a joy ... get out and see how autumn is coming along. In walking a mile in about 20 min- utes you will burn 85 calories, In a 30-minute walk a day, you can fend off as much as 10 pounds which might otherwise pile on in a single year. Equally important, walking is a tonic measure. ' If- you would rather swim, or dance, or ride a bike... . fine. Select the exercise that 'you enjoy most, for physical activ- WIFE PRESERVER Use a wire js "se gy Mg You roast more at a_ time; they're juicier because skins aren't Donald Pryce, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-'nortunities to advance in No- liam Scully, Mr. and Mrs. G.|yember, the late - Decemper- Jurgeneit, Mr. and Mrs. J.jjate-March period, next June | Nolan, Mr and Mrs. C, Stevens,|.nq September. Miss Iris Morrison, Miss Diane personal relationships w 111 Stevens, Mr. and Mrs, A. Towns u)¢, be governed by good! send, Mr. and Mrs, . Allan); snects and, except for brief) Blomme, Mrs, Alice Bodnr,/erigds of stress in mid-Decem-| and Mr. Frank Bieminte. ber an. mid-April, which Guests from out « of - town)C4" avoid through alertness,| attending the Blomme-Westnutt comestic and social interest wedding recently were: Mr. and should prosper. Mrs. Jack Childs, Kingston; Mr.) Best periods for and Mrs. - Gerry . Goldberg, |late December, next April, May} Downsview: Mr, and Mrs, W. F,,and August; for travel: next} Fuller and Miss Judy Fuller,|Januaty, May, July and-or Au Orchard Lake, Michigan; Mrs./gust. | E. Pryce, Willowdale; Mr and | Mrs. Claude Morrison, Brooklin; |be endowed with a great love Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown, and of home and family and could) Miss Sheila Brown, Bowman-|succeéd at any occupation in-| ville; and Mr, and Mrs. Leslie/volving meticulous attention to Dobos, Port Hope detail, PLUMBERS Examinations for journeymen and | master plumbers certificates will be | held at Oshawa City Hall, on Friday, September 25th at 7:00 P.M. Applications to sit must be submitted by 5:00 P.M. Tuesday, September 22nd, 1964. HENRY CHAPMAN Secretary, Plumbers Examining Board you | romance: j A child born on this day will ... cannot create dust, soot or dirt of any kind. It's revolutionizing modern living and is within every family's means. For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . TELEPHONE 668-5878 TELEPHONE 942-0500 TELEPHONE 942-2930

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