Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Sep 1964, p. 14

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|28---Real Estate Wanted WILL YOU HELP We are selling our proper- ties, faster than' we can se- cure new. listings. If you wish to sell, or know of anyone who does want to sell, Call: 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South acress from Post Office WHERE PROPERTY IS SOLD NOT JUST LISTED Tg THe osHawa TIMES, Fridey, September 18, 1964 _ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued From Page 21) BIRTHS <i ; -- Lionel and Eileen (nee ) thank God for the sate arrival their first son, no Ee ctanatlng ok O28. On 4, 5 Bowman Mamora Hospital. A for Kellf and Kathy, With si thanks to-Dr.-A. 8, Sylvester. - 27--Real Estate For Sale Special Offer 82 ACRES | AJAX AREA Situoted on paved road next to sub-division. We are of- fering this choice location at $650 per ocre, WHY NOT CALL NOW? Ask For NORM WOOD W. J. NORRIS REALTOR RRELL -- Mr. and Mrs, Leonard 1 ore 'al of @ son, a} Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. tus and 4th floor staff. DEATHS ' YORYDEN, Margaret the Villa Private Nursing Hospital, ill, Ontario on Thursday, Septem- 17, 1964, Margaret Miller, beloved Of the late William A. Dryden, and ld of Mary (Mrs. H. A. Willis), Belifountain, Jean (Mrs. R. J. Leamen) Jeaside and John of Brooklin; in her year. Resting at the Robinson Fu- 'av' Chapel, Brooklin, Service in the pel on Saturday, September 19 at 2.30 . Interment Baptist Cemetery, 7th ion, -Fownship of Whitby. 'poucerr, Joseph Willard Af Scarborough, Ontario, on Monday, Sep- AJAX ta 7, 1964, dear husband of Leah ne, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. o ° TOOT YOUR pour Doucette, dear brother of George, | 942 3364 oes OWN HORN 1 mite i eirge wants! GRA WELL SHORE LOTS | awa. Rested at Fleming Brothers Funeral Lake Avenue West, Carleton Place, New subdivision, Coe Hill area, good roads, hydro, ex- | ie, 'an Friday noon. Funera| was held at St, James Anglican Church, Thursday, cellent fishing. Wonderful | wooded lots, very scenic, tember 10, at 2 p.m. interment was ing St. James Cemetery. Paved Highways to property, 2 cottages open for inspec- tion. Lots from $15.50 per tt. Contact E. W. Tout, R.R. 3 'Coe Hill Phone Bancroft 469 W 1 J. A. Willoughby and Sons Ltd., Realtors FARM WANTED within 25 miles of Osh- awa, Up to $12,000 cash, Please give details and location in reply, Private. Apply to Box number 1020 Oshawa Times, Whitby. 29--Automobiles For Sale | GET THAT NEW CAR NOW WITH | A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED Soli LAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ' EGGLETON, Faith Elane : Oy General Hospital on Thurs- day, September 17, 1964, Faith Eggleton, a four days, beloved daughter of) Afmold and Cherryann Eggleton of 202) CBot Street, dear sister of Pennylyn and) ert. Resting at the Gerrow Funeral t, 390 King Street West for service USthe chapel on Saturday at 10.30 a.m./ Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. | KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-589] Cars bought and 'sold Liens paid off Trade up or down _Always top quolity ~ TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS PALL, Jonn wittiam At_Oshawa General Hospital, Oshawa, on Watinesday noon, September 16, 1964, Jahn William Hall, beloved husband of ida May Valleau, dear father of Helen) -- (irs. Wm. Amey), Bath, Ont.; Arthui EAUTIFULLY located stor ah Jose, California and Bruce of Osh,|in North End. Exira ieroe living pl tario; in his 90th year. Funeral service with broadioom, hollywood kitchen with the Ross Junes Funeral Home, breakfast bar and adjoining dining room essa, Ontario, on Saturday, September with sliding glass doors leading to stone 1% 11 a.m. Interment White Church Ceme- patio, Three bedrooms, professionally tery, Morven, Ontario. finished mohagany panelied recreation |room. Close fo Sunset Heights School. |$17,900. 725-2804, ir ' sTOMLINSON, Frank WN. A® Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thursday, Sepfember 17, 1964, Frank NICE HOME with small apartment in south end of Oshawa. Spotiessiy clean. Témiinson of 78 King Street West, Bow- Manville, in his 83rd year, beloved hus- band of Florence Sykes, dear father of Ns, J. Lenz (Greta) of Georgetown, Cecij-of Belleville, William of Orono, Sid, Edgar and Clarence of Bowmanvile. Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Fu- a Home. Funera service 2 o'cock,| Saturday afternoon, Interment Bowman-| ville Cemetery. - ' edo garage, paved drive | | Extra large garden, garage, low down payment. Carries monthly payments, $80. McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285, HURON STREET. Seven room bungalow. }Oil heated. Close to schools. $12,000, Tele- Iphone after 4 for appointment. 726-4439. NEW LARGE five-room bungalow 'with in North East Area, extra large lot, comes com- (All Makes and Modéls) CALL 725-6553 _14 Albert St. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 = Res. 725-5574 1958 FORD FAIRLANE 500. Price $650; jplete with broadioom, TV Tower, etc. A real buy at $14,400. with trms. Owner jwill hold first mortgag. For infomation year, beloved widower of Ann Davis: (call, Wes. Elliott at 728-0581, Carl Olsen,| |Reator, 723-1133. + father of Mrs. H. Olrvent. (Jose-| cose 722 1133. . ne), Mrs. M. Smith (Minnie), Toronto;|ONE THOUSAND DOWN -- Lake shore INACOTT, Richard Fairview Lodge on Wednesday, Sep- ry 16, 1964, Richard Winacott, in his SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS W., WHITBY 668-5893 Your Authorized Dealer For Ford's Family of Fine Products 1958 METEOR FORDOR SEDAN Tutone blue and blue, econ- omical, 6 cylinder engine, and radio. Clean throughouf, $795 1958 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Tutone tan and white, equip- ped with radio and rear seat speaker. A clean economical cor, $795 1958 EDSEL CORSAIR 4 DOOR HARDTOP Smart white ond blue finish, V-8 engine, automatic trans- " mission, radio, deep tread whitewalls.. Locally owned - new car trade-in, A-1 con- dition. $895 1959, MONARCH 29--Automobiles For Sale | 29---Automobiles For Sale 29----Automobiles For Sale |29---Automobiles For Sale 132--Articles for Sele |32--Articles for Sole VISIT THE "BIG LOT' FOR THE BEST 'HOT PRICED' USED CARS WE MUST CLEAR OUT THE MAJORITY OF OUR 80 CAR STOCK .. . AS THEY ARE HAMPERING CONSTRUCTION No Reasonable Offer Refused ! SEDANS - 1959 OLDSMOBILE A lovely looking sedan finished in smort India Ivory, Complete with automatic trans- mission, power. steering and brakes, plus errr 9605 WAS $1195. 1963 CHEVROLET 1959 CHEVROLET Finished in a smart combina- 2 DOOR SEDAN tion of red 'ona ivory. Com- plete with radio, WAS $1945 WAS $995 NOW $1795 $645 1958 CHEVROLET: 1961 OLDSMOBILE DELUXE SEDAN This sedon has automatic transmission, power steering with radio. In good shape. ond brakes plus radio, Smart WAS $895 NOW finish of Silver Grey ond $575 WAS $1985 NOW COMPACTS ' NOW complete LUCERNE 4 DOOR SEDAN Raven black with white ac- cent stripe, V-8 engine, auto- motic transmission, radio, ond whitewalls. Fully guar- anteed, $995 1960 RILEY 4 DOOR SEDAN Re-finished in Oxford blue, equipped with 4 speed trans- mission, radio,- A-1 condi- tion, $895 1960 METEOR FORDOR SEDAN Original tutone tan and white, finish, economical 6 cylinder, engine, automatic transmission and radio, Low mileage, one owner, original throughout. $1295 +, Arthur and Melrose, all of Oshawa cottage, spacious, five rooms, sleeps six, son and Everett, both of Hampton.'boat, motor. Bill Irvine, 728-2868, Keith Mt, Winacott is resting at the perey roe Realtor. i Funeral Chapel, 390 King Sreet West) gaping 09 eae for service in the chapel on Saturday,/ ' September 19, at 2 p.m. Interment Union} cemetery. 1958 Pontiac 6 cylinder standard $650; \1957 Ford 6 cylinder, automatic, . q Telehpone 725-8332. ideal for club, antique i95g shop, all log house, barn, large under-| radio, Thee Uh |ground root house, good potato and ae is |Strawberry soil, enough lumber, puip ahd - "~~ LOCKE'S FLORISTS \cedar to pay. for it, location Millbridge.|1954 PONTIAC é-cylinder 2door deluxe| Large duck pond and creek and choice "@dio, four new tires. Good body and Funeral arrangements and |seer country. For very little we will/Paint. $425. 725-5555. ' nt for all |make house liveable. Good road. Price| 1959 oe $ $2,800. $200 down, $50 monthly. Call Fri-| inal . day evening or come down on weekend. I OSHAWA SHOPPING Getler wee. able. Telephone 728-5352 evenings. CENTRE nist 1957 METEOR, clean, two-tone, 8, auto- PRIVATE SALE -- 769 Easigien Drive, i 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE ranch bungalow, lot 51' x 175', fully land- Linden cee et a el ay 728-6555 |scaped and . fenced, paved driveway, --_ a se OS he |newly decorated, aluminum storms and Aste PONIAE Parisienne, four-speed pt Se a jal tr sion, 'ositraction. j Kindness beyond Price, yet ion. 327 cu. in. Within. reach of all _GERROW ' RUNERAL HOME | down payment required, 725-0658, £390 KING STREET. WEST HELEPHONE 728-6226 V8 "automatic, coach, | new whitewall tires, windshield | washers. Two snow tires. Call 728-0197, HILLMAN deluxe sedan, 28,000 orig- miles. Excellent condition. Reason- PRIVATE. Five-room brick bungalow on : i corner jot, across from school, large kit- 1955 PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, 8 cylinder, ichen and. livingroom, plus fireplace. S'andard, custom radio, good tires. $350 Paved drive and fenced-in yard. Dial Or best offer accepted. Telephone Whitby 668-5019. 668-5295. BUNGALOW, § rooms brick, finighed rec|'957 TR3, new convertible top, plus two |room, $13,500. Only $1,000 down. Your|©OVers, overdrive, 4 new tires, very good |chance. U. Jones Realtor 725-6412. jshape. Telephone 725-0432. |EIGHT-ROOM brick, all conveniences,|'957 OLDSMOBILE super 88, 4-door hard- b is only $10,000; also six-room brick bunga-|'0P, automatic power brakes, power . low, only $12,900. W. McAuley, Reaitar,|Steering. Excellent condition, Price $595. %, 28 Prince Street, 723-2512 or Whitby|Phone 725-7887. sIN MEMORIAM 668-5765, se a ___.|1958 BUICK good condition. $650 or best 2 BOWMANVILLE, Queen Street, two Offer. Must sell owner eaving country. | ~ storey, four-bedroom brick, oil furnace,|!5!6 Dufferin St., Port Whitby. | GOES ix: in end. thatch 4 deat iy spree rndiead lot. Telephone Bowman-\1959 BUICK hardtop, excellent condition. nuabard: Stenley Gates, who passed away |< P z: oH and take' over payments, Whitby, Sectember 18, 1962. WHITBY, $1,000 down, six-room brick, |668-8246 after 6.30 p.m lemernbrance is a golden chain Hurry, call "Bill" Horner at 723-5157./1949 MONARCH -- Ideal for customizing, Death tries to break but all in vain; Active Realty Limited. z $69.95. 1957 Zephyr six, real economy To have, to love, and then to part, |VACANT. lot, corner of Park Road North C@r, new transmission, paint job. $495. or Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart.|and Ridgway overlooking golf course, 1igjbest offer. Whitby, 36] Rosedale Drive,! Bi Years may wipe out many things|feet on Park by SO feet. Apply Harris,| 60-407. he Saare ak woke. ieiey Gate jHarris_and Wallace, 725-3569. 1954 CHEVROLET, A-] mechanically, new When we two. were together. |TRADE your present 'nome, ior or car on| tres. Phone 723-4150. | --Sadly missed by wife Madeline. j@ New home built by Hogenboom Con-|1958 PONTIAC, Safari wagon, 8-cylinder struction on Wilson Road North. Call\s625 or best offer. 725-1053. METCALFE -- In loving memory of a 5: D. Hyman, Real Estate. 728-6286, for ie - o_o Si dear mother, Mrs.' Margaret (Greta) Met- More particulars. 1962 rey comet station wagon, A- calle wha passed away September 18, pRIVATE SALE -- $13,909. Threabed= Sort $1,900 or best offer. Cal 1960% . room bungalow, 6 per cent NHA mort-| -- - gage, $97. monthly, principal, interest;| 1964 PONTIAC Custom Sport convertible, taxes. 561 Shakespeare, 728-6503. Power equipped, low mileage, excellent | iiatrianltaa ode ~------~---= | condition, Call 725-7867, UXBRIDGE -- six-room house, gas heat, -- me Sn Tis SETAE pes all conveniences, double garage, \4-acre| 1959 FORD, two-door, custom. In good lot, $8500. cash. Uxbridge 852-2000. Condition. $600. Phone Ajax 942-6255 BEAUTIFUL one and a half storey, six 1956 CHEVROLET Nomad station wagon, And only God knows why room home, Central Park Bivd., south automatic, radio, two-tone, extras, Apply --Always remembered oy, husband Bill) close to King. Immaculate condition, 281 Oshawa Blvd. North. daughters. Doris, Rosemarie and sons-in- priceg to sell. Ask for ppointment Arthur! i969 FORD G. le, 6cyli gute [ iy alaxie, écylinder, auto- law Leonard and George. Weinberger Realtor 725-6851, matic, $1,000 cash or will accept trade. WILLIAMS -- Treasured memories of 10 ACRES, good soil rolling land, good Whitby, 668-4612. zy our dear baby boy, Troy, who passed building site, water, $4,800. on Lynn- 1959 CHEVROLET, custom interior, 6-cyl- 1 ! God saw you getting weary, So He did what He thought best, He came and stood beside you And whispered "Come and 'rest' You wished no one a last farewell, Nor even said goodbye, You had gone before we knew It, tomatic. Good i asking 1960 M R MONTCAL OR HARDTOP Gleaming black finish with contrasting interior, V-8 en- gine, and automatic trans- mission,' Fully gouranteed. $1495 1960 FORD 2 DOOR SEDAN Economical 6 cylinder engine and radio, low mileage, one owner, New car trade. Ori- gino! throughout, Economy and comfort combined. $1095 1961 FALCON 4 DOOR SEDAN Smart aqua green and white finish. equipped with automa- tic-transmission, A-1 value, $1395 961 Ford Galaxie! 4 DOOR SEDAN Smart fieldstone tan with matching interior, equipped with V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio, power brakes, power steering, white- walls and discs. This locally owned automobile is imma- culate throughout and mech- anically A-1 $1745 1962 FAIRLANE TWO DOOR SEDAN Original ton finish, V-8 en- gine, standard transmission, guaranteed A-1. $1495 LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS 36 MONTHS TO PAY OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS wW., WHITBY trade. 728-6747, 1957 two-door hardtop Plymouth, $200 as S. Apply 136 Brock Street.East [1964 OLDSMOBILE Super 88. Fuil power jequipment, radio, new car condition and) warranty 14,000. miles, 668-3743 Whitby. away Poecigend three. me yet ee bo Road. Mr, M. Freek, Whitby, es Big cd bar-grille, spotlights, God * im 'home, it was Hil will, odd ae es [Wheel iscs, fender skirts, radio, rear Within our 'hearts, he liveth still, 1 NEED older type tome how,for cash |SPeaker. $600. Whitby 668-8016 after 6. buyer; and also have a buyer for large 1963 RAMBLER Ambassador V-8, "two Karen 'sng! Corey. me __|income home. Call Bil! Johnston, 728-106, \ door, standard transmission with over- MONUMENTS -- MARKERS Schofield-Aker Limite. drive, radio, belts, back-up lights, 19,000 - |serhi-detached bungalow. Storms andj@fter 6 p.m. $2,195. ALS screens. Full price $10,600, Phone Ajax'1953 MG, TD, Sports car, white, good . MEMORI 942-5807, Private. icondition. Best offer. After 4 p.m. éall 152 SIMCOE ST. S. Iment, 3-bed: ed brick bungalow, | wer rece aga Free ment, 3-bedroom fi ri +|1964. CHEVROLET , a OSHAWA |large jiving room, modern kitchen, tiled'327 . 300 HP, Lie. Tawa one. OFFICE bath, treed lot, attached garage and car- so4g, 728-6627 | Sena RNT TY NNN ---------iduced. To see, photie Henry Stinson a N Why MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL | 725-0243. Car! Olsen Realtor eae aida gal engin sean 9t l ewo. OM 20 4 vy Department |TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, all conven-lditference. Condition and year must be ith vate. for cash. | Street stallations advisable now. vt ta oot |Street. . Aft » telephone 725-9576. - ----aan Wm, Greenhalgh mor. will {After 5 telephone 7259570 |1958 PONTIAC tour door, coll ot your Convenience. on |HOUSE ON LAKE -- Large living room, conditiar. Must Sell idinette, Beautiful view. Lot 300 feet x 76 _ ---- cai for courteous memorio! pork: feet 6 inches, $10,500. Phone 725-1534, sac Cote Cay tenes ee information, 723-2633, |GOWMANVILLE. Very central, excep-|Diai 263-235). ij : living room and dining room, two bath- rooms: Newly decorated. Act fast on this other extras. Good condition, $200. Take) lone. Only $14,800, terms. W. Frank Real Over Payments, 487 Bloor East. | FIVE ACRES for rent or sale in Picker-|'ires, very good condition. Call 728-1650) ling. For further-information cali 668-6210, | after 6 pam. LAWSON -- I would like fo thank all /gyiLDING LOT on Elizabeth Crescent.|1956 PONTIAC, excellent mechanical con-| visits and good wishes during my se 2159. offer. 728-4714, stay in hospital. Special thansk to Drs.) --~<-=<inn--eeeverens | 198§--METEOR SEDAN, new motor job, Sorenoe ~ ic age oy Local 222 and sf og Real Estate Wonted $695, original mileage 49,000, 728-1955. | |900d condition, best offer, Telephone 728- URGENT }3150; nights 725-9971. | . |LEAVING COUNTRY. Best cash offer by CLASSIFIED Hows pure oe Mcgee Wednesday, 1960 Meteor é-cylinder stan-| ADS eteonie lights. Good clean condition. } ilable approximately September 26th. goroge up to 2 blocks east or val west of Simcoe St. North Dunbarton. S504. May be small, but they are Please call WALTER MITTLER jradio, must sell, no reasonable offer refused, would consider trade. For further, ee ee ee information. Telephone 726-4803. longer needed household LIMITED |automatic, excellent condition, Will accept 1 Telephone Now Arena aging 16 Simcoe St. South ' - Ever remembered, Mummy, Daddy. Se RIMAR $1,000 DOWN. Three-bedroom solid brick Miles. Excellent condition, Phone 728-7065 | NORTH -- $15,900. reasonable down pay-| 723-6225. EVENINGS -1 t. Desirable location. Price just re ~ -- pce 723-1002. : Sch. Fa eee: OE : 1/1960 HILLMAN convertible, A-l, _w Enquiries tor this years in-. jiences, heavy wiring, oil heat, modern|comparable. Phone 725-8782. 159 Guelph ; i3-bedrooms, «piece bath, large kitchen gsco. A this oreany other pertient need $550, Telephone 725-4078. E - two-st ick, large . ae --. shai ees | fionat seven-room two-storey bric! arg {0d BALEGN, Foals lok malemoey Than | CARD OF THANKS =" Ltd., Bawmanyille, 623-3393. 11955, METEOR V8 automatic, new| my friends and relatives for their cards, >> teet x 200 feet .Call after 6 p.m. 725- Gition, fair body. Must sell $175 or best on - | Bill Lawson, 260 Horon, | --------- ~-------- 1957 DODGE two-door hardtop, V8, radio, | dard shift, cutom radio, rear speaker,| preferred. Also 2 bed and |19%62 CHEVROLET Bel 'Air, automatic, giants, powerful too, when it GUI DE REALTY 1962 VALIANT 4-door sedan deluxe, radio,| items. See for yourself, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens pid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH ig 723-942) eS "os. 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne, 6 standard. 4 door sedan, radio, whitewalls, windshield wash- ers. 'Whitby 668-2998 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South | ed way down low to sell fast. | WAS $1895 11960 VOLKSWAGEN $1895 1963 CORVAIR This smart looking coupe is pric- AY 1964 CHEVELLE 2-door with radio, windshield washers, complete with NEW. CAR WARRANTY, WAS $2864 = NOW $2275 1962 ACADIAN Sedan, equipped with radio. WAS. $1675 NOW $1495 Was $1875 1962 CORVAIR Coupe, finished in attroctive red and white colour combin- WAS $1745 NOW $1395 1962 FORD FALCON This sedan comes equipped +h WAS $1 NOW nm radio, 545 $1395 CONVERTIBLES 1963 CHEVROLET This. convertible looks ond octs just like new. V-8 engine automatic transmission, pow- er steering and brakes plus WAS $3175 NOW $2965 1957 PONTIAC Lots of good miles left in this sherp Has 'auto- matic transmission, WAS $675 NOW $545 STATION WAGONS 1962 CHEVROLET A smart looking Station Wagon with 2-tone finish. WAS $1995 NOW 1961. PONTIAC A-door wagon complete with NOW 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne Convertible with automatic transmission, pow- er steering, power brokes and radio, What a beaut! WAS $3195 NOW $2945 1962 CHEVY II The compact convertible with lots of "get-up-and-go"'. Bucket seats, automatic transmission and radio WAS $1995 Now $1695 195 1962 ENVOY This compact Station Wagon is finished in white with red NOW WAS $1145 NOW $895 1963 CHEVROLET A 4-door station wagon com- plete with automatic trans- mission. Just like buying a new one! WAS $2745 NOW $2495 445 convertible, automatic transmission, $1695 for BUS) 5» the entire family. WAS $1095 NOW $795 SPORTS CARS Complete with automatic trans- mission and radio. Sharp ! WAS $1635 1962 MINI COOPER 1960 M.G.A, A smart little bomb complete Try this one for pep! Com- with transportable radio. plete with radio, NOW WAS $1145 NOW WAS $895 $995 $695 AS IS SPECIALS 1957 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP Complete with automatic transmission and radio, Good motor, 1956 CHEVROLET 1957 PONTIAC : Sedan 2-door $195 $235 1957 PLYMOUTH 1956 PLYMOUTH $75 2-door, needs motor job. 1955 CHEVROLET Sedan . . . good condition. 2-dosr fe) $95 We Have Been Selling and Servicing Automobiles For Residents of OSHAWA AND AREA over 40 years. loads of room NOW 1957 FORD You can find a convenient Financing and Purchasing Plan in our 3-Way Purchase Plan. O.K, USED CARS AND TRUCKS are our Specialty GUARANTEED WARRANTY Is Our Protection for YOU ONTARIO Oshawa 728-092) 1947 DODGE coupe. very good condition. | New motor and transmission, $150. 104° Olive Avenue, 725-0317. + nl 1954 PONTIAC, good motor, 4 new tires, $3,950, Call iradio, fair body, dependable, Phone 728- 0741, MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-6501 1962 PONTIAC Acadian Seaumont con- vertible. Only 14,700 miles. Guaranteed. Black with rea interior, whitewalls and wheel discs, radio, automatic, padded dash, This car is . absolutely like new. Private. Would consider tr: 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-door, automaitc, new fires, all equipment. One) owner, Very good condition. Telephone 728-8464, 3 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, sun-roof, ex- cellent condition. After 5 evenings phone 725-0784. 1959 CHEVROLET, Brookwood station wagon, new paint. Will accept trade or best cash offer, Call 725-8132. 1990 MODEL A Ford coupe, partial stored. Telephone after 6 p.m. 728-7 SHHARP! 1963 White Parisenne conver- tible, fully equipped. Big motor. Original owner. Must sell. 728-0741 or 668-8385 after 7. RUTHERFORD'S CHROME CLEARANCE Friday & Saturday Only ODD TABLES Chrome and: bronze, va arborite tops; 30" x 54" some 36" x 60" ,. . reg. vaues to 69.00. CASH & CARRY 11.88 © ODD CHAIRS Chrome ond_ bronze. values to 16.95, CASH & CARRY 2.88 iy re a ae rious 1954 CHEVROLET, body in good condi- ey tion. Motor good. Telephone 725-3028. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian six-cylinder. Many extras; exceptional _ condition, $1050. May be seen at 275 Poplar Street, 723-1225, 1958 DODGE. Good body. Rebuilt motor, four months ago. Rod knock, Best offer, Whitby 668-2042. 1954 SUNBEAM Alpine (collector's item). Needs work, Best offer. Telephone Whitby 668-2922. 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re stored, new battery, licence, $550. and |drive away. Apply. Howard Motors, Kent Street North, Whitby. USED car parts, spindles to make tra {Also used fires, 509 Bloor Street) E efter 4, 723-2281, |1953 INTERNATIONAL half-ton pick up, |A-1. mechanically. Must sell this week! | Dial 723-6793. |1961 THUNDERBIRD, hardtop, radio, power equipped, perfect condition, Must sell, Private. Dial 668-5152, 1954 MONARCH, new paint job. Body in j900d condition, Will sell for $50, Phone | 725-0821. 1957 CHEVROLET two-door, standard, two tone, snew paint, new front tires, new reg. 5-Pce, and 7+Pce, DINETTE SUITES Choice of chrome or bronze finish. Some with large tobles. Reg. values from 59.50 to 149.50. CLEARANCE 28.88 to 77.88 - |PIANO, for sa |O1L TANK, 250 galion, like new. For In" ha Bowmanville 623-5760: formation telephone je. In good condition. Tele phone 72: NINE-PIECE oak diningroom suite, good condition, $75; box trailer complete with hitch, $35; girl's medium bleycle, $15. Telephone 72-7054, NE PIEER Ce: jood condi * green fo with pad; antique bed; lady's char- coal coat. Dial SEVEN piece set of drums. Séonire bigs. Used once. Like new. Telephone ee BUYING or selling furniture or appli err Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695, USED TELEVISION, 17-inch console, $60. Apply after 7 evenings, 761 Beaupre Ave- nue, Oshawa. SHOTGUN, Browning auioload, 12 gauge and Remini 2 hte ood '. Both in encalisat condition, Telephone 726-6183, FOR SALE or trade, &string Fender elec tric guitar on boat motor or car, ete, Phone Bowmanville 623-5063. SPACE HEATER, Duo Therm, automatle oil. + offer. 725-S588. cloth coat, Best WOMAN'S muskrat jacket; brown coat; plaid suit, 12; girls' dresses, skirt, 10 to 12. Excellent condition. offer. 725-6679. McCLARY RANGE, In good conditions also Lioyd 'baby carriage, color i 9215, HEAT RECLAIMER -- "Gauth," com plete $30. Apply 849 Mary Street, after 6 p.m. TYPEWRITERS, addres, cashiers, dupll- cators, cheque writers, comptometers, files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, serv- ice. Largest stock, budget terms. New and old. Low overhead, low price. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. BED CHESTERFIELD, wine; also tuxedo size 42, with accessories, Telephone 725-8566. °, GENERAL ELECTRIC TV deluxe, 21 inch. Only two years old. $165. Telephone -- Whitby 668-3820. brake linings, clean, no rust. $685. Tele- phone 728-7464, | 1954 FORD "% ton truck, A-1, good tires, newly refinished, new parts, daily transportation. | Bowmanville 623-3976. |1961 OLDSMOBILE, automatic, power mechanically many Phone RUTHERFORD'S | 156 Simcoe St, South | A-1 shape. Can be seen 5 to 8 p.m, at 1327 Albert Street. | OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. | {1958 BUICK convertible, power brakes a Pee ea and steering, automatic, radio, all NeW PIANOS from Japan. Tested approved tires, good top. Asking $850. Can be fi-| ang bought by the Royal Conservatory nanced, Telephone 723-9736. " _|of Music in Toronto. Lloyd Edwards Piano 1952 STUDEBAKER, écylinder, running|House Ltd., 72 Haytor St. (one block from lorder, sradio, plates. $60, Telephone Ajax} Eaton's College Store), Toronto 363-0219. | aa-146d, FENDER Jazz Bass guitar, Fender Bass- 1964 PONTIAC, Strato Chief, automatic,|man Piggyback amplifier, six months) |turquoise with white wall tires, mileage old. Must sell, Telephone 725-8158, CHINA cabinet, large size, thirty-six years old, carved, inlaid, walnut; also wringer- washer, Coffield, hardly used; complete Lionel electric train set; % bed, also single, with mattresses. Evenings, 725-9854. LEAVING COUNTRY, must sell chair, chesterfield, foam rubber cushions; re- frigerator, large; folding baby crib; rang- ette with oven clock and timer; coffee table; birds, cages; metal bed with mat- tress; General Electric coffee percolator; baby rocker, stroller, high chair, etc. Any reasonable offers accepted. 1516 Dufferin Street, Port Whitby. HART metal skiis, poles, boots, Just. like new, Telephone 723 SCUBA DIVING ovifit, com like new, Telephone 723-6044. jlent condition. Telephone Whitby ee: | 1958 PONTIAC, two-door, reconditioned | |motor. €xcellent condition, Telephone} Whitby 668-8739. | just over 2,000. 723-7292. EVENTS 1955 FORD dump truck, carries FPCV 253 Gibb Sfreet or phone 728-6186 after 6 p.m. | 1964 IMPALA 'Super Sports, $wo-door | |hardtop, power, steering, brakes, radio,| eight cylinder, 'new car condition, Low mileage. Private. 728-3737. ae 1959 PONTIAC radio, rear speaker In) excellent condition, Would consider older car as trade. CIRCLE 8 SQUARE DANCE Beginners Every Monday night' 8 to 10:30 p.m. October to April 30--Automobiles Wanted _ ~~ CARS WANTED DANCING KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Saturday, Sept. 19th 8 P.M. Music by BOB SPENCER AND Buying a New-Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 _ $ ALLCASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or: down. Liens poid NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, NARTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 [LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 Wentworth East, 725-1181. OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck- ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. HIS ORCHESTRA Sponsored by THE ACADIAN CLUB OF OSHAWA Refreshments _-- Adm, $1.50 BINGO U.A.W.A, HALL SATURDAY, SEPT. 19th ' 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES $10 A GAME . 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH ~ LAKE VISTA PARK ASSOC. FALL DANCE Soturday, September 19 9 P.M. Phone or write immediately, MRS. E, J. REED 735 MASSON ST. 725-5595 723-7993 'ORANGE TEMPLE SAT., SEPT. \19 7.30 P.M. 20 Games --. $8 Share the Wealth 4--$40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted RADIO PARK DANCE SAT, SEPT. 19th Royal Canadian Legion Hall $2 PER COUPLE Dancing 9 to 12 "SCUBA DIVING CLASSES BEGIN THUR. SEPT. 24th At The Boys Club Aqua lungs and oir supplied, Register ARET Cranfield CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD S, Jackpot 51 Nos, $110 CALL 723-2284 Jackpots ond Share the Wealth HOLY CROSS BINGO FREE ADMISSION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th 20 REGULAR GAMES -- 18 Games at $10. eo. 1 Gome at $30.00 -- 1 Game at $50.00 ~ SPECIAL JACKPOT $200.00 in 56° Nos., $20.00 Consolation: PLUS $10.00 each horizontal line. SHARE - the - WEALTH _ . Regular Jackpot $200 in 51 Nos. $20.00 Consolation GOOD PARKING _ 8:00 P.M. __NO CHILDREN PLEASE De. ae SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT (King St. E.--one block eost of city limits--Opposite "Bad Boys') FRIDAY -- SEPTEMBER 18th $1200.00 IN PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAMES. AT 7:45 , 20--$20 GAMES--20 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 2--$250 JACKPOTS--2 5--$30 SPECIALS--5 JACKPOT NOS, 51-53 ~ ADMISSION $1.00 NO CHILDREN PLEASE FUCHRE ~ FERNHILL PARK CLUBHOUSE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th 8 P.M, SHARP 31 -~Automobile Repair TRANSMISSION specialists, transmissions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe North. \Phone 728-7339, = |OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert |carburetor and auto electric service, 222 |King West 728-0817. a |EXPERT brake service and front end |suspension alignment, 226 Celina Street. Call 723-4233, = . VOLKSWAGEN, Beautiful, spoke -. type Wheeltrim $7.50 a set including postage. Write for list of VW parts to Dept. Mo. Rotor Trading Co., Snowdon P.O, Box 62, {Montreal 29. 32--Articles for Sale __ | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16¥%2 Bond W.--728-4401 CITIZEN BAND 2-WAY RADIO Port sales and service H-llicrafter Dealer DOC'S SPEED AND CUSTOM 1600 King St. E. 728-7781 24 Hour Towing | OSHAWA 'AIRPORT $3 Per Couple Tickets available at door ~ Sunnyside Park CLOSING Sat., Sept. 19th Bingo, booths, home baking, aprons, Rides for children. ST. JOHN'S PARISH Corner Bloor EB, & Simcoe Every Fri. at 7:45 P.M, 20 Games $10 and $15. Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, Plastering materials wall- boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- ing. Tile 668-3524, SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuel and Builders Supplies 244 Brock St. §.. WHITBY, Ont, TYPEWRITER portable $40, like new. Also standard typewriter; adding |machine; cash register; office desk with chair. Telephone 723-4434. |$S DOWN buys any model Canadian- made bicycle. Alj sizes, all models, From $34.95. Domininn Tire, 48 .Bond Street!" West . FRIGIDAIRE electric range and refrig- erator, console radio, mantel radio, an- tenna with rotor, antique pictures. Prices| for quick sale. Apply between § and 6 - p.m. 506 Dundas Street West, W:.uy, Apt. 4. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and appll- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere. \Vve carry Resronic and Reverly maftress furniture lines. Your author-| ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West, 728-9191. WE BUY, sell and "exchang » used furni- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671, RANGE, 20-inch electric, 1959 model, all porcelain, new from storage. Will sell to highest bidder. Cal) 728-6882. FLOOR COVERINGS by the roll. Thou- sands of yards of colorful patterns, Out they go from 23c per ft. Wilson's Furni- ture, 20 Church Street. | BUY AND SELL -- Good used furalture| and appliances. One location only. Pretty's | Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. FREE -- "Your furnace parts guaranteed and replaced 'free', Furnace cleaned and 24 hour service "free, when you purchase "White Rose' fuel oll from Western Oil Company, 725-1212, BICYCLE (girl's), 24 inch wheel. Asking $17. Please telephone 723-9649. LLOYD carriage, converts to car bed, excellent condition, -sell cheap, $15. Apply 79 Banting Avenue. RADIAL SAW -- Rockwell 9 inch. Brand new, $250. Telephone Bowmanville, 623- 2555. ORDER ladies' ana gen's' crested bowl- ing shirts now. Team prices. Mercantile Dept. Store, Whitby P aza. DOOR PRIZES ANTIQUE settee, wing back arm chair, matching rocking chair, in gold brocade, Admission 35c And Freeze-Out Call Whitby 668-5432,

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