amndelagine ter aaet ck came ie Mee } 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 17, 1964 asin arene LOdays Stock By Toronte Stock Exchange--Sept. 17 | iniand Gas 100 $8% 8% 8% 32--Articles for Sale 33--Market Basket ---- - fee Se eras. Island G pr 140 $20 20 20 DINING-ROOM suite, piece HOOKER'S, CORN -- Pick yourself er| rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change Is} IBM new 159460 460 460 +5 other household rticies, col 90 3917 ready picked, % mile south of Columbus.| from previous board-lot closing sale)! int wickel 2145 $87' 87/2 8714 after 6 p.m. : : | Int Uti 150 $27% 21% 27% -- Va y é eAb om wn aw ria_lo ay few not won| INDUSTRIALS = wr, ee es *"! Special Selling Continues... SAVE 44% to 50% 'ALMATEX' PAINTS SCUBA DIVING culflt, complete, Just to the end of pavement, First farm to the 1 wet | te ee da y ie. left. { y! z Va like new, Telephone 723-6044. - Stock Sales High Low a.m.Ch'ge| inv Syn A 200 $13'2 13% 13/2 j Choice of 11 Finishes Interior and E Abitibi 100 $14% 14% 14 -- a HART metal skils, poles, boots, size §./s eee ee eed "ALMATEX' WEATHER-TESTED HOUSE PAINTS asc 1 5 4 Alta G 120 $34 3 Jeffersn xd 1350 $82 82 82--%% Just fike new, Telephone Wm. Sack, Thornton Road a Gee 300 3408 os 05 5 3 - Reg. 9.50 GAL.! 2 Gols. 10. Reg. 2.90 QT.! . 2 Qts. 3.18 po for 50 EATON Special Price, for im : sp 4 Alg Cen ¢ ; house south of hydro sub-station. Aion Er) 4 $10 10 10 ? - ! EATON Special Price, 3----Market Basket ers from 43c; mind 55ci| Alumini 285 $3 35% 5% halves. dic; cut and. wrapped tor freezer| Alum 4% pr 175 $436 are 150 11% 1% 118 + Ve a OR TRIM PAINTS keg: nae Ore ou .m, Thurs-| Anthes A 4 . 1.5 4 eg. f 65 between 4 and 6 p.m. Thurs 720 317% 1613 60 355 360 +5 ' 4 : EATON Special Price, 2 for 12,90 EATON Special Pricg 2 for 3 free. Apply |day. 725-3223, s é ELBERTA -- eos a7. 4| Lonetons" 300 '36% ou 63s ACRYLIC LATEX HOUSE PAINT--WHITE 36% ' ° 34--Lost and Found $24 Lakeland wt 100 375 375 375 j Reg. 10.00 GAd.! Gals. Reg. 3,15 QT.! ts. Soe 1 Sees Wien PEACHES |LOST -- Black kitten, male, 3 months 5 $2508 5/4 25 iy wae to se 164 16 hus EATON ial Price, for L) EATON i for | bpend a " in Z Y é old, white markings, under chin. Vichy) Beay us 8 Lav Fm |S) $a p PRIMER--FOR USE WITH ACRYLIC LATEX HOUSE PAINT je of Byron ing y). «! Levy . 00 od |. 10,00 .: le 15. - . PRUNE GLASSES, school girl's, lost between ao Lh Weel oe ee ee / EATON Speciel Price, 2 tor 11:00 CATON Socciol Price for 3.40 , i --%™) Levy B pr [James Street and Masse ime, || BA ON x30 $27 14m 26% © | Loco A 0 "ALMAPLEX" (ACRYLIC LATEX) "PROTECTION PAINT" panscirsnirabanaihl : Pack B 150 $17% 1% LobCo B 350 ; ' Reg. 9.50 GAL.! 2 Gals. 10.50 Reg. 2.90 QT.! 2 Qts. 3.15 PLU MS 3 a BC. Phone 1 50 54534 ie 65% Loeb M . . iy EATON Special Price, for EATON Specie! Price, for | 6--Leg aclaren 4 7s --"seic Ee ROBINSON JR Thickson| BOPH 42 pr 210 $2, 92 = 92 Maclaren B 725 j ? 630--CLEAR SEALER Fo nae eaniity, Ontetio, wih! Burne 325 sia MB PR 455 33 + Ve p Reg. 8.10 GAL.! So! 9.10 Reg. 2.50 QT.! 2% 9.75 SHOPPING nat 'be responsible Yor am 'corr! EP Eoary 350 $304 Me ee Wil 23 5 ' yt : EATON Special Price, & for 8 EATON Special Price, for &e ry c) tracted in my name, us Mi ger geek Can Malt mn 200 $21 Mass-F 915. $28% y NO. 1099 ONE-COAT EXTERIOR 'SUPER' WHITE SELF-CLEANING a after this ae Sept ete "| CSL new 35 330% fa | MEPC rts . 240 11 i 4 My ¥ HOUSE PAINT CENTRE MARKET |winout my written consent. C. Brew 900 $10% | Mex LP 22 $13 4 J Reg. 10.55 GAL.! Gals. Reg. 3.50 QT.! ts, se aa GORGOH ART boomandia| Sass tw" te Me tee ee , ExFon scocea Price, 2 cor" WUsBE -- EXtonecetes price, 2 for Ou Friday Stall No. 5 |witt not be responsibie for any debts con- $21% | Molson, A 39M NO. 599 "ALMATEX" "SUPER" WHITE GLOSS ENAMEL tier this. dete, September 15) 1964, with 311% 1124+ Ye. Moore ate 5 § am j Reg. 13.75 GAL.! 2 Gols. 13 1 Reg, 3.85 QT.! 2 Qts. 3.86 H FUZZEN out my written consent.--Mr. €. J. Gor-| ¢ 30 $20% 20% 20% | Nat Drug 1" | 4 j EATON Special Price, 7 5 EATON Specie! Piles, : C. 2). SORE on $52%6 52% S26 + %) Norande ah "ALMATEX" PLASTIC FLOOR FINISH a |i; DAVID ROBINSON, will not be respon- é y tue es, j Reg. 9.50 GAL. is. Reg. 2.90 QT. ; cn | Bee gig ate Fa NS LP cit ee. ae ye EATON Special Price, 2 tor 10.00 EATON Secctel Price, © fee 3.15 Fruitgrower lsible for any debts contracted in my Chamesil 316 (6 -- | % ie fter this date, 2 | Ogilvie ' va a 4 r name by anyone on or & 1% 71% 27% 17 j 'adieawey! WIGN-OLOSS PLASTIC. FHUGN ENAMEL Reg. 3.45 QT.! JORDAN STATION 4 written] Chrysler 116 $71% | Ont Steet 2 4 eek a September "5 /td Robinson, wo Cubers| cairtone | 260 $74.74 74 + 4] Oshawa A 8, Bn . j Ag Fong ot 49-10 22 3.70 Fae id's reek. ae wameats 4 busi | noes | Col Cell 120 $11% 11% 1136+ 4] pe swt A the ts j "Gye 4 ; EATON Special Price, for . EATON Special Price, for oes, red or green, a Pee 4 nv eg B99 + Va V4 13% 13 4 "3 " | UGLAS A. GALLOHER, 76 Co! ?} Con MS 1401 $39% 3994 la Pow Corp 3 ii i d i ; Spanish ofions, 5c. Bring containers. Sinai East, Oshawa, will not be respon-| Con Paper 175 $41% 4134 41% --'%| premium 100 200 200 2 i " Wy P VALMATEX INTERIOR FINISHES IN MATCHING COLOURS Pick your own corn, tomatoes, onions |<ible for any debts contracted in mY) Con Gas nm 1070 $12¥2 12% 12%-- Ya pro Bid P 1003785 3755. 3755 | j SUPER SATIN" LATEX BASE PAINT Carrots, 25 cents basket, $1 bushel. W\oame, by anyone, on or atfer this date.| Cosmos 435 $13 13° 13 + %| QN.Gas 280 $10% 10% 10% + | ; Reg. 9.10 GAL.! Sols. 10,10 Reg. 2.70 QT.! 2% 9.95 Eymann, half-mile east | of | Nichols| September 16, 1964, without my wrilten! Crain RL 210 QN Gas pr 858142 142, 142 ee j 4 EATON Special Price, for EATON Speciol Price, for Ge Garage, Courtice. Go north to irst cornet |Consent. -- Douglas Galloher. Crestbrk 200 Reichhold 100 $27%% 27% 27% 4 vere OES j i ; ne a BARTLET PEARS, W. T.Cox, 1/8 miles|---- | Crush Int 900 $1184 1184 11% 4%) Robertson 100 $16Y4 164 14's PA a rd ali bea Bole esp ban ets Ps if anville Boys' Training Cygnus A 250 4. Rob 2 pr 250 $18 4 i ig: eg. 9. of is. eg. 2. f 4 Schoo! "neumandiie: 623-2267, 33--Morket Basket Cygnus pr 250 $22% 22% 22% Réckwell 100 $57 57 57 + % 4 f A EATON Special Price, 2 far 10.10 EATON Special Price, 2 f 2,95 psoedat ss . PAGE Eee CEE Delta B pr 50$125 125 125 Romfield 8 195 195 195 hy fi : bs oe ey i Dist Seag 425 $642 642 6412+ 2) Rothman 960 $19% 19% 19% -- Ve PRET Cs PICTURE KOTE" SEMI-GLOSS 1060 $132 13% at % 37% 7 «7 Ms : Reg. 9.50 GAL.! Soh. 19,50 Reg. 2.90 QT.! 2% 3.15 . for Oe Dom Elect Royal Bank i Dofasco 207 $245 24% 24%-- Ye} Royalite pr 100, $25% 25% 25% EATON Special Price, for EATON Special Price, Dom Glass 250 $16% 16% 1634+ Ve! St Maurice 1000 37 WY 37 Doseo 200 $1834 18% 18% | Salada 300 $114 11% 11% | EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 PHONE 725-7373 Dom Stores 330 $22 22 2 --%| Scot Lid pr 100 $20% 20% 20% Doro Text 90 $994 29% 29%-- | Shell Can 227 $18% 18% 187% Du Pont 50 $54% 544 54%4--%| Shell 1 pr 50002745 2745 2745 E Ch Tr ris 902°120 115 115 --S | Shell | wis 900 660 660 660 --5 : 725 $78 78 78 Shop Save 175 $15% 15% 1544+ Ve 2130 $19% 19% 19% Silverwd A 14% 14% | 100 $62 62 Simpsons 245% 245% -- 4) FPE-Pion A 300 $10% 10% 10% Slater Steel fa 194 19a + Va F Fraser 200 $31%4 31% A St Pav 100 13% 13% I 140 SIMCOE el SOUTH Freiman 500 $5% 5% | Steel Can 692 25% 25% + Ve oy ea aes G L Power 227 $244 24% Switson 100 230 230 230 --5 | Gr Weg G 255 $18% 18% 18% | Tor-Dom Bk 100 $69 68% 68% -- "| Greyhnd 100 $13% 13% 134+ % T Fin A 655 4% 4%-- Ve! PHONE 728-1 17] Hardee a 8 8 8 br | Transair 250 275 (275 | ° . f fish delicacies. COD, HADDOCK, SOLE Hower or Seosi 1010)" + 5] Tr an PL my sty we Su "| Specially Priced to Clear! | ki id is! lelicacies. A ' ' lome 7 Ye 17% + Ye} Trans-Mt 585 M4 20% 20% -- Ve! dent OYSTERS, SMOKED FILLET, SHRIMPS, | Home S, m2 sit ws Trans | PPL me PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) ' ' 'i HBC 1955 $16% 16% 1642--%| Un G . : ' ea "DOWN EAST BOLOGNA", SALT BEEF, SALT Husky 20 S10 104 104 Versatile, xa 2 i met HW Choose from an exceptional range of lamps suitable for bedroom, hall or living room. Bases are made of wood; SPARE RIBS, DULSE. All kinds of Newfoundland ine oy rey pd ae ER ue. Hea, 0 a a clear, coloured glass; or glass with delicate floral rnotifs. All have complimentary shades. Many are one-of- Products. inn ie. a a eee 2 Ue ee a-kind, shop early if you are wanting pairs! SORRY -- NO DELIVERY | ¢ BEV. PARKER: Proprietor B | | EATON SPECIAL PRICE, EACH ....., 3.95 o ¢ 2.95 NG E VENTS 0 ITUARIES | EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 377 COMI | MRS. WILLIAM A, DRYDEN three brothers, Clarence and | The death of a Brooklin resi-| Aldon, Oro Station, Geoffrey of Ajax also survive. SCUBA DIVING | NKSGIVING ident, Mrs, Margaret Dryden,| niche i EGIN THA occurred today at the Villa} Mr. Morrison is at the Gerrow ASSES B Private Nursing Home, Thorn-| Funeral Home for a service in Be SEPT 24th TOUR hill. She was in her 88th year the chapel, Friday, Sept. 18. At The Boys Club October 9th to 12 and had been in failing health) " The service will be conducted Pe Pon, od ae cecied, for some months. |by Rev. S.C. H. Atkinson of Register with Don Cronfield INCLUSIVE | Mrs. Dryden was the former) Toronto, former pastor of Albert 9 |Margaret Miller, daughter of|Street United Church, assisted RANFIELD | the e iam a ary) ev. E ers. Intermen feo S ALES See oni poe ad ilter Pyle 'ore will be he Bh ni Far at Claremont. 331 PARK ROAD S. In 1903 she married William MRS, JOHN KELLY CALL 723-2264 _ nity A. Dryden at Ashburn. He pre-| MADOC--The funeral of Mrs. OSHAWA JAYCEES -- COLMER deceased her in 1949. Margaret Kelly of 161 King TRAVEL SERVICE Mrs. Dryden made her home street east, Oshawa, was held | F jat Maple Shade Farm, Brook-\9n Mond: Gant: B | N G 0 Bowmanville 623-326 ae ___|lin, following her marriage. She|yadoc Baca yack jem LAKE VISTA |was an adherent of Brooklin\aucteq by Rev. E. W. Jerry TO-NIGHT | |United Church and was a mem-|ascisted by Rev. W. H. Stoddart, | a | PARK ASSOC. ber of the United Church' "interment was. in. Frankford games o , 59 ; | ' Cemetery t $30 -- $150 Jackpot | She is survived by two daugh- ve : "2 » $250 Jackpots FALL DANCE ters, Mrs, H. A. Willis (Mary)| Mrs, Kelly, who had been in | | tember 19 of Belfountain, and Mrs. R, J.|failing health for a umber of, NUMBERS 52 and 57 Soturdoy, ry Leumi (Jean) of Leaside, Aj semie died at the eae Mem y | son, John, of Brooklin, eight/0ma! Hospital on Saturday. e Early Bird Game OSHAWA AIRPORT pio and. two' great-\was in her 74th year. RED BARN $3 Per Couple grandchildren also survive. _ Born and educated in Madoc Tickets available ot door | The remains are at the Robin- township she was the daughter potas -- ------|son Funeral Chapel, Brooklin,/of the late Mr, and Mrs. . Alex DANCING NOVEL eer 45. (RE the funeral "a in theMorton. She has lived in the THURSDA : apel Sept. A ev. . C.lOsh i > pas g | ans, GEORGE'S HALL |Sohnston, of Thornhill Baptist|two years and. previous to thal KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS | eer ad Copa ie Church, will conduct the service|in Madoc. Saturday, Sept. 19th | Mowe doubled or toied |St"Brogelt United Onurch. |gisnaarg Church "in" Madoc, he ha ome bl $200 IN JACKPOTS | Interment will follow in the) survivi re a son. William 8 P.M : 5 " Surviving are : | : et Pee RS Old Lenape ces tog Dv Osborne of Trenton 'and five} Music by ae per ee Seventh Concession o' itDY | daughters, Mrs. T, (Bessie) For-| BOB SPENCER AND | Sunnyside Park Township. estell of Madoc; Mrs. C. (Helen) | TRA } i\Clark of Frankford; Mrs. H.} aoe aes CLOSING MERVIN J. W. MORRISON | (Mabel) Smith of Madoc; Mrs. Sat. Sept. 19th The death of Mervin John|Mary Doughty of Oshawa an d Wesley Morrison occurred in|Mrs, A, (Laura) Carr of Tren- ing, | Oshawa General Hospital, Tues- | en for "childrens day, 'Sept. 15. He "had. been i Aigo surviving are a brother, | YOU NG MEN'S . 7° i BIRO) thle Con ak woning om mnen e Madoc Township! : -/ : , H @) LY C R 0 Ss B | N G @) [avenue and he was in his SiN Holloway and as. Mabel ALL WOOL : Special Purchase! FREE ADMISSION fee ee ee ee CONTINENTAL SLACKS _____Insulfoam Insulated Reversible Nylon-and-Cotton Sponsored by THE ACADIAN CLUB OF OSHAWA Refreshments -- Adm, $1.50_ Born in Lindsay, a son of the grandchildren also survive. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th |late Mr, and Mrs. Jack Morri-- Mrs. Kelly had been twice GAMES 3 Go asi 0. ao ison, he married the former) married and was predeceased | : , | s 20 REGULAR G oe nes : }Mona Hurlbert in 1929 in Osh- by both husbands, first by Sam} : - M : re- | e ij S j n i 1 Game at $30.00 -- 1 Game at gone jawa, Osborne and secondly by John Fine a wi is lasting good looks ie vac e IAL JACKPOT $200.00 in OS., Mr. Morrison was employed Kelly. tention, Expertly tailored with trim. plain-front, New 4 ie $20.00 Consolation: in General Motors maintenance eas COE Y f Oli Much Below Usual Price! BR gee le Ansa gail [department ist 2 years. A STANDARD TUBE season colours for campus wear, in Grey, Olive, - : member of Albert Street Unite Wek ae " " ; From one of Canada's leading sportswear makers, men's and young men's tailored SHARE - the - WEALTH Church. APPOINTMENT Brown, and Charcoal, Waist sizes from 28" to 34". ae leisure jackets of shower-proofed nylon-and-cotton! Features er bene along Regular Jackpot $200 in 51 Nos. $20.00 Consolation He is survived by his wife; a ce edges and slash pockets, 28" jumbo zipper, button cuffs, adjustable side tabs. Self-collar, knitted collar-ond-cuff styles in the group. Plain weaves in shades of 0 P.M NO CHILDREN PLEASE | son, Roger, of Oshawa. _ | ee mom . NYSIDE PARK oe | velma "ila a: Mrs. J. Wat e ' blue-olive reversing to putty, loden green to cactus, black to putty, brown to SUN | (Velma), Midland; Mrs. J. Wat- Pp one can te ony oe gee © ee @ second style and colour choice. is Olive), T to, and Mrs. . : MONSTER BINGO UA" Roth (Frances), Toronto, and i | ' BAVOW Bobelel Poiek, OOO so sono ine 4864s 0 essa: CLUB CAMELOT ; " --one block east of city limits--Opposite "Bod Boys") 36_ Legal : : ' EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 332 PHONE 725-7373, & EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 429 PHONE 725-7373 - FRIDAY -- SEPTEMBER 18th $1200.00 IN PRIZES | NOTICE EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 ap ees Nnecmco, | M/A') | AUTUMN SALE OF FABRICS CONTINUES! $30 SPECIALS--5 | JaCKPOT NOS.. 51 - 53 | ALBERT G. BUOTT DOOR PRIZES MOMS FT| lame aosinat he Este ot \ 36" PRINTED COTTON FLANNELETTE 36" PRINTED COTTON CORDUROY NO CHILDREN PLEASE waning St. E. ---- Albert G. Buott, late of the . City of Oshawa, ore request- % MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE Prints upon prints! Colours ahd patterns to suit the sophisticate or the home- ed to send full particulars of 'tage ; A sturdy cotton weave--clearly printed and softly nopped, Colourful 'strijes, maker, Use them in casual clothes, or as decorator highlights. Choose from Lr ee notion : | such magrgg ohn -- | ; small and medium floral designs, conveniionals and nursery patterns. For adults poisleys, florals and geometrics in a wide colour range. Predominant colours ¢ Waa tale fag : W. H. MeNaught and children's sleepwear, crib sheets and many other uses. Basic shades incl'ude include royal blue, red, green, brown, gold-colour, turquoise, tan yellow, aqua, ; P , after which dote | pink, blue, green, yellow, wine, grey and red. * '59 pink, beige. Also leopard pattern in beige and brown, red and black, 29 : the Estate's assets will be dis- 'A tment of William H. Mc- A 4 « white and black. EATON Special Price, yard .....- tributed, having regard only Noah ba Manoath, Automotive EATON spool Price, yard . : : ee pe y to claims thet have been re- |Limited, Woodstock, Ontario, hos|| EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 PHONE 725.7373 FERNHILL PARK CLUBHOUSE | Sor' tom soy or Sacra Win" 3 September, 1964. Watson, 'the company's General F RIDAY SEPTEMBER 18th Thomas H. Greer, B.A. ~ -- ae Tet sa waake Rete at ea ltonatee Pt} ~~ EATON'S Open Tonight and Friday Until 9 P.M. ~ And Freeze-Out party str |Standard Tube's Automotive Divi : Admission 35¢ = sion, |