THE FIRST TRIAL WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 Quartet Gets 13 Years For Violence Holdup - Products After some 16 hours of testi- mony, examination and sum- mary, a 12-man jury took less than. 40 minutes to acquit a Beaverton youth. of three charges here yesterday. Robert William "Billy" Walker walked from Ontario County's new courtroom a free man, when the jury decided that charges of break, enter and Uxbridge Concrete Four young Toronto men;months indefinite for what Mag-| Company. each received heavy jail terms/istrate Jermyn called "a lesser at Whitby yesterday when they|part in the crime", This was| Victim of the robbery with appeared for 'sentence on a his first criminal conviction. violence. charge was William robbery with violence charge. | Styles, Morgan and Graham| Paterson who was tied up after The men were all convicted'each received their sentences|he found the four men inside last week of tying up a 65-year-| again for two further break,|the Country Club, | old man at the Whitby Golf andjenter and theft offences. The| After they had tied him up Country Club, robbing him ri sentences are to run concurrent] they removed his wallet and |with Intent didn't apply to him. Over the last. two days, Walker, 19, was the focal point of the first trial of any nature $20. from his wallet and .a|with their sentences for the|took $20. in cash. From the/peiq in the County's new quar- from the Club owned by Toronto hockey-broad- caster Foster Hewitt. Reilly, who was the principal Family Monuments Gi Created To Individual Requirements theft (2), and break and enter Accused Acquitted In History-Making Case Crown witness, pleaded guilty to the charge on Feb. 12 and was given six months. He claimed that, after con- suming a large amount of beer Christmas Eve and morning, he THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 16,1964 & GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 Dorothy Melrose -- Nick Van Den Broek Clare Shank -- Ike Perry In his charge, Judge Alex Hall explained that Reilly was an accomplice, and that convic- tion on the evidence of an ac- complice was "dangerous". and Walker did the job, and WHITBY 4 APARTMENTS $22,500., CLEAN brought the loot back to the Reilly home on Victor.a street. His brother Michael, 10, cor- roborated. The accused agreed that he} had gone to Reilly's home, and/ had. spent the night there. He denied taking part in any rob- bery, and claimed the first-time he saw the loot was in the morn- { ng. | He told the Court that pari iwas subject to hallucinations when he got drunk. | Reilly, the Court learned, was illiterate, and with a limited education (Grade 5). opener. One of the cottages was|= ENTS from Whitby Council: eral Assembly Fourth Degree, | bers Knights of Columbus, and Mrs.| Grand Knight F. Madigin, Dep- Canzi Toronto over|uty Grand Knight Harold the weekend to attend the ban-| Forbes, Fraternal Chairman H. quet and ball as part of the| Waters, Chancellor and District | One-Stop | DECORATING SHOP Wallpeper and Murels Custom Draperies Broadioom and Rugs C.1.L. Points and Varnishes Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER ond well kept older style aportment house in central Whitby location with about $3,400. gross yearly income is offered for sole first time in about eight years. Owner hos made money here and is turning over a well mortgaged operation to some lucky investor. Lot size 72 136. heating plont, separote meters etc. Owner will take back mortgage on reosonoble terms, Call us for appointment to see. . 87 ADMIRAL RD., AJAX $11,500, three bedroom brick bungolow on quiet clean streat in bustling Ajax is being offered at csensible price for a quick sale. This 10 year old home is tastefully decorated and in good state of repair, Suggest your own down poyment ond let us arrange @ deal while this opportunity lasts. a NEAR SEPARATE & PUBLIC SCHOOL on Warden -- Wilson St., Whitby. You will be pleasantly surprised to see the interior of this 3 bedroom brick bungalow with finished recreation foom and fourth bedroom in high, dry basement. Some touch ups needed on outside which owner will do for interested purchaser, et surroundings ond large 65 by 135 lot. Full price $14,500, TRADE OR SELL -- $15,900, Owner is looking for any reasonable deal and will accept older home in @ trade in Whitby or Oshowo, His interest in this home is about $3,800. If you have @ clean home priced $10,000 to $12,000 and wish to hove @ nearly mew 3 bedroom split level with attached garage, wolkout basement, recreation room, 4 piece with vanity bathroom, Hollywood kitchen ete. Coll us and let us work out the details, This could be just whet you have been ing for, WHITBY BRICK AND STONE -- $14,900, On Annes Street neor ali schools on spacious 65° x 150' lot with fireplace in fiving room, desirable dining room and 3 bedrooms oll tastefully decorated, This is a solid down to earth fomily home built by © conscious builder about 8 yeors ago. Excellent garage, storms, screens, etc. Try $3,000 down here, WHERE LISTINGS ARE ADVERTISED AND MERCHANDISED 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 BOWLERS WANTED Monday Mixed League If interested Contact Mrs. Bev Childs: 668-5278 Mrs. Clara Rowden: 668-2651 JUNIOR BOWLERS Register now for coming sea- son. Bowling starts Oct, 3. CALL County Bowl 668-2651 Decor Centre Ltd. 12 KING E., OSHAWA | Or Cheryl Sackett -- 668-2773 "Open Friday Evening x J Till 9 P.M. Truly the Sweater Sensation of the year at K-Mart. Come see thif fabulous range of fine quality Fall Sweaters in an infinite varie ty of styles and colours. A complete range of sizes to choos from. And note the price! Your choice of any 2 Sweaters for on ONE - $5.00. Or if you like, you can purchase one for only $2.77. AK or NEST sae | 19 Peameal COTTAGE ROLLS DON'T WAIT! QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED AT THI LOW PRICE THEY WON'T LAST VERY LONG, | further $290. robbery with violence charge. | premises $290. was taken from} toy. premises. | The two additional charges|where it lay on a cabinet top.| fe was charged jointly with Francis Graham, 31, received|were break, enter and theft at) Mr. Paterson was not badly|dwin "Ted? Reilly, 20, of a five-year jail sentence at the|the Reach Road Golf Club and|treated during the robbery and/Beaverton on Dec. 27, 1963, for Kingston Penitentiary for his|break, enter and theft at the! received no injuries. entering three cottages on Lake part in the robbery. The court ig Simcoe and réfnoving a toaster, was told he had 12 previous! e ' a radio and an electric can- criminal convictions, two of} = for robberies with. vio-| Councillors Play lence, | , Allan Morgan, 24, was jailed e e 'or four years at Kingston. He,!| M ] ( th Magistrate Jermyn commented, usica airs fad 'nine previous criminal con- : : victions going back to 1956. Ontario County 'Council | north against the south -- be Nathaniel Grosse, -- 22, re-| Played musical chairs yester- | abolished and that in the spirit ceived a three-year sentence.| day morning--without music. |of good friendship the mem- | He had six previous convic- The 32 members of the | bers be mixed in their new tions, five of them for theft. | prion GA petit bo ne | chamber. | st of the four, Walter! move 0 me tad council | 'The other members of coum- Pond 3. was sentenced to 12| chambers on ga Pay cil thought that this was a | montis reformatory and six| 274 were faced with sat fine idea and the names of | oy as SOS ce OR a OC aL gl ot cn idaga to seat | 31) the reeves and deputy- | a | in two} s J In the old building on Centre tote ok ego og gle and | | n now street, members from 'the the south in the other. | northern sections of the | County sat on one side of the One name was drawn from i room, and those from the | each hat in rotation and the |= e ew p south on the other. members now sit in friendly, Whitby's Deputy Reeve, | shoulder to shoulder, agree- George Brooks, suggested that | ment around their parabaloid 9 | this minor Civil Ward -- the | tables. as Pumps: | | The night Robert Samuel Arm WHITBY PERSONALS strong knocked down and de molished: a pair of gas pumps Faithful Navigator Frankj His installing team was com- Se sintainn kak: tappeses, | CATS! of Monsignor Bench Gen-| prised of the following mem- Magistrate Harry Jermyn was told at Whitby yesterday. Armstrong, of the Queensway, Toronto, pleaded guilty to fail-| d " . e = 'fined. $50 Mo eee ete or' 1e| proceedings in connection with Warden Morgan O'Connor, D. days. And for an additional of-|the Exemplification of the McGinnis and Past Grand fence of driving with no oper-| Fourth Degree of ad ae Knight Frank Canzi. s licence he 'was fined $25|Champlain Province under the : aa or five jays. : direction of the Worthy Master| Mr. and Mrs, John Clark, 402 Acting Crown Attorney John) Adrian Tellier at the Westbury Gilbert street east, are cele-j Humphreys told the court that/Hotel, Accompanying them| Drating their 22nd wedding anni- Armstrong was seen driving a|were: Sir Knights E. McAree,| VCrSary today, Wednesday, Sept. truck that was towing a van. /F. McAree, L. Weekes, F. Law- 16, Their friends wish them & Witnesses saw the truck col: less, J. Bolahood, F. Shine, J.|€Very happiness. Hde with the gas pumps as it|/Smyth, W. Saccoccio, F. Madi-| , passed through the forecourt of| gin' g. Bonfordi, T., Lannigai| "s°ve™ £0" Of Mr. and Mrs. the Texaco Station on Highway| with their wives and escorts. | RUSS Wilde, is celebrating -his 2. | Along with the party were initi-/fourth birthday today, Sept. 16. The gas pumps were'demolish-|ates, W. Lavalley, H.Whorms,/His friends wish him many ed by the collision and both' Koenen and C. Mal Femia\happy returns of the day. conan fire, and their wives. | A general police alert was put out to stop the tow truck. This) was later found on a_ service station lot at Highland Creek. | Giving evidence Armstrong} said that he was amazed when| told he had done the damage.| collision, | of District No. 4, John Blair, Sarnia, nephew of District Deputy James Smyth Mr. and Mrs..Thomas Linton, Knights of| Whitby, is celebrating his birth- Columbus, travelled to Lindsay] day today. Relatives and friends recently to instal the newly) Wish him a happy birthday. Lindsay He had not been aware of the| Council No. 1124 of the Knights her 19th birthday, Sept. 14. To elected officers of of Columbus. Mann Hostilities ~~ |was tentertained to dinner. Miss Anne Avis celebrated FREEZER celebrate the occasion Miss Avis Mrs. Madelen Coway and her daughter, Miss Wonneda Coway, o FRESH SPRING LAMB @ LEG of LAMB... 79° LOIN CHOPS _.,. 89° LB. u 49: are celebrating their birthday today, Sept. 16. Frineds extend their best wishes on this double occasion. Faith Baptist Church Wom- o-,en's Missionary Society is _re- Resume Tonight By CLIFF GORDON way of pickups for the game te , Mis 7 There will be action galore at|night. One thing we do know is) SUming its activities Thursday, the Whitby arena tonight when|that there are a couple of fel-| Sept. 17 at 8 p.m. in the Sun- You William Murphy, alias Wil- ¢ OR MAY BE LEFT ° BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 Recommended AS Adult PLUS -- Second Feature Attraction Entertainment COMEDY SCREAM the Vancouver Carlings, West-|lows on the reserve list that day school auditorium with elec. ern Canada Champions hook up|were higher scorers than any tion of officers presided over by with the Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse|man on the Brooklin team the|Mrs. Dale Milburn. The meet- Club, the Eastern Canadalother night. This doesn't mean,|ing will be in the charge off Champs in the second game of|however, that they are better|President Mrs. Roy Fallow. / the Castrol Oils-sponsored Mann|players. Don Arthurs was. the| members are urged to attend. Cup finals. iscoring champion of the Sr. aes a sarees Re Brooklin won the first game of|league this year and Cy| 7 the series 10-8 at the Whitby|Coombes was runner-up. They) Strin Of arena on Monday night and sur-|both sat out the first game. It) g prised the Carlings team as well|could be that manager Morton as many of the so-called ex-jalong, a a agree pe C = ge Srawford an i ipond are Brooklin played a fine, fast,|going to use these fellows as} onvictions clean game and gave the fel-|aces in the bag if the goings get) lows from the Westra little more | tough, One thing we feel is that} than they had bargained for. It|it is going to be hard for any of} un 0 127 was the "pickups" that proved|the fellows who did not: play on) the scoring punch for the Brook-| Monday night to crack the start-| lin team as Ron. Roy of St.|ing lineup for tonight's game. It Catharines and Bobby Allan ofjis tough to break up a winning liam Palmer, notched his Peterborough each chipped in| combination. ge 127th police conviction at with three goals each. | In regard to the Western) Whithy Magistrate's Court Pat Baker in goal for the|team, they are fast and big.) yesterday. Brooklin team made several They have a good shift and can Murphy, of no fixed abode, fine saves, especially in the|be tricky. One thing we noticed; was jailed for three months first period. He did however|is that they use their shoulders| after admitting an offence of make one mistake in the early|a lot of the time in blocking the being drunk in a public place. | part of the first period as he players coming in on goal. They| "You have the longest rec- | got caught out of his net and the|slash more than we expected to} ord I have ever seen," Mag- | visitors scored easily, Fromjsee them do, as we always| istrate Harry Jermyn told here in it was different. understood they were very clean) him, "Clemency is wasted on Many of the fans could mot players. They are however not) you.' figure out why the periods unbeatable as the Brooklin team Acting Crown Attorney John seemed so short, but in all Cana-|proved here on Monay night.| Humphreys told the court that dian Lacrosse Association|So fans, if you want to see the| pelice were called to Brock | games the game is four 15-min-/best in Sr. Lacrosse in Canada, street north late on the eve- ute periods. Here in the Hast/better be at the Whitby arena) ning of Sept. 12 after a com- we play three 20-minute periods, |tonight in good time as the V an-| plaint. : just like hockey. couver Carlings and Brooklin Murphy,:77 years old, was It is not known just who the/hook up in the second game of; found hanging on to a pole Brooklin team will use in the|the Mann Cup finals. quite unable to stand without assistance, He was taken to Whitby PD and after being | charged with drunkenness in a public place was lodged for | the night. At the beginning of the case Murphy complained at his be- ing given an alias by the police in their official charge. "IT can't have two names," he told Magistrate Jermyn. His point, however, was ig- nored. Explaining the offence he | sald that he had been drink- ing "too fast" and it just "caught up with me", "You have been in and out -of prison for the last ten | years,' Magistrate Jermyn | commented as he passed | sentence, CHOI FOR & 308 DUNDAS ST. W. > 79° ent Inspected nteed -- B-4633 TEED ENTS Authorized by law for the investment of Trust Funds INTEREST IS PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY TO ACCUMULATE AND: COMPOUND HALF-YEARLY $1,000 grows to $1,295.70 in 5 years Ask for our Guaranteed Investment Folder Best Place To Invest OWEN SOUND MEAFORD ORILLIA CANNINGTON WHITBY LINDSAY PETERBOROUGH BELLEVILLE KINGSTON \ WHITBY os SPECIAL BEEF Hind Quarters J3 Shoulder Chops .,. 69° STEW CUTS 3... 1.00 ANY ONE ITEM... 2 Ibs. Polish Sausage 3 Ibs. Veal Patties Lean Sliced SIDE BACON CUT AND WRAPPED FREE!! SKINLESS WIENERS 2 » 89° '» 1.89 e LBs. 4 lbs. "rv Sausage l i] 0 0 Ready-to-Eat CLUB STYLE C HAM -- ib PEAMEAL BACON END CUTS BY THE a 69° CENTRE soot 893 e THURSDAY ONLY e FRESH KILLED LB. ONLY 12 KING ST. E. 723-3633