(ee eee oe meee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 16,1964 33 Zoday's Stock Market TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS 11 Net é The Canadian P; » Sales HighLowa.m.Ch'ge| Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| 250 $21% 21% 21% Cam Mines 1000 22 22 22 +2 160 $8% 8% 6% 89 66 666 CG 25 $402 #2 M2-- Va 135 811%. 11% 11% A 1000 23 ; xw--Ex-warrants, Net change is previous board-lot closing sale,) 175 $32% 32 se 32% 4 | } 6 i 1965 $12 11% 11%--% bees, INDUSTRIAL ee oe at ef S 100 $25% 25% 25% 1 +i | 4 Mass- 1770 $28% 26% 28% -- 1G Sales Low a.m. Ch' = ¢c 390 390 390 | : pao on VTE rn 7 *e ome ote 2000 13 «13')«13 -- Mal : . : ' i j i i a = ae 0 Con Negus 470 $15 158 5 1300. 390 390 390 C Red Pop aie m6) 3% 35 C Regcourt i" 334% U4 1 ' 2 £ RE: eo ig sis | ts ess tod ends Saturda t September 19 ¢ 1000 275 270 270 | Rena no m a 7 400 $55 5s Saat $15% 15% 15% | now in progr $0 come in 0 ay atest n s a u y nl ep em er : in 8 8 5 500 Ap Ed Crowpat 82 8h Bat le : be Nat Drug xd 250 12M 12% Giace 10% 10¥2 10% ; Meranda eee ore) Deering b MAI +% : Be , : Ovilvie 175 14% + We] Beet torn ae 8 EX LAX SPECIAL ; Oshawa A 100 301% + YA) Denison $6 16 16 = as bow Corp 38 $1me 13 13% + wl Dicknan 2. 2 2 | Grab One wo 15 Dome" ab a0 it i +, Chocolated Loxative 36's. SUGG. LIST 87c 100 Duvan QN Gas 333 $108 10% 10% El $i 82 8% bh ry | - ee, ' | aN Su or Too sit 4) a} F Mar ous 2 | SPECIAL ag 2+ a 3,2. | MODESS 1.47 | While They Last ! e . +%% y Genex $134 13% 13% Giant YK $50% 50% 50% W779 $20: We la 00 660 650 650 --I bee . r 7% 78 + el Con 38 138 13 a Feminine Napkins 48's SUGG, LIST 1.85 $78 350 345 350 +8 $12). W% Guif L $36% 16% 36% pyeramey ? Gunnar 685 (685 685 BC Forest $314 3% N% S184 186 $27% 272 27% ace ha Haga Hastings 395 395 (395 5 | ; # 'ow Hollinger UJ U 5 BCPh 414° 56 100 100 Shell | wis 600 Ney a Hud Bay 220 $70% 70% 70a | ON E-A-DAY 100's 250's : i Bruck A 25 $25 25 25 --Ve| Shop Save we ale a0 Int Helium 43 Ml 142 42 | 4.49 8.75 ) Bruck B NN" 11% psoas a aha nite + val Jacobus 5 1 =I . le Burns Ve V3V%e 13% impsons a "4 H 2 +1 * | "Burrard A $8 Slater Steel $19% 19% 1996 + ¥6) Joliet WY Multiple Vitamins ., Value "df Value g 3% B% sia A wis 75 775 715 --10| Jonsmith , y 20 8 tham $29% 29% 292 4 oe 2M -- Val St Pav $134 134 13% rag pace SPECIAL 9% 9%2-- 4) Steel Can 2087 $25%s 25% 2512 Kilemsbe SB 835 10% 10% aD ae a ote L_ Dufauit $12%2 12% 124+ Ve 200 $50 --% Ya 60% | Lake Ling Tage ee 7 50 50 | ¥ o & 125 125 --S i Gon = oe uf get Vd Alans | Shave Cream 7-oz., REG. 89c | V4 32 32 ah ae 2000 16 16 16 Tr C PL rts 1440 0 6 $6712 67% 67% Tranetat "325 20% 20% + u| nn Mh | SPECIAL Mae tia lie -- we] Trans PPL 19050 #% 8% -- Ws ; a9 4a 19 | by WAMPOLE 15 | ' popular products 0 4 40 --5 | ¥ Corp A >. 2 54220 216 216 ag U Corp pr 29% 29% -- Va} 9 06 206 : H H "aos ; | Versafood oss a8 a) a | Relief for constipation 20 oz., SUGG. LIST 1.50 in shopping bag '37% 7 | Walk GW 36% 36ye ate + V8) Manoka MS Webb Knp 3B as M 1 archant Westcoast 17% 1%-- Marc " ee eo Westee! 1% 1% ERIT | 18 , Mattgmi $15' 15% 15+ 8 . | W Pacific 16a 6 Mcintyre $5824 58% 58% G Liquid 24-oz. or Tablets 80's 4 44 e White P $99 Zenih 5 aad aS | Ne Uren ae TT Multiple Vitamin IRON TONIC SUGG, LIST 5.49 each Bromo-Seltzer, | on 9 halt tad 130-130-1902 Pp ° ' eac romo-Seltzer, | ounce Pte whee 6 88.004 04h on Sn 9% 19% OILS eee a j SPE Lilly Tincture Merthiolate, 30. co. ..4 005+ + cere rts $1244 12% 12% 200 370 970° 370 New Cal 16 10 10 --5 " KLEEN EX CIAL Baby's Own Soap. se a yl Pigg | Ang U Dev 2000 2 2 2 1 Newconex eee eee erent teense 50006 6 6 Neonex wits 97 305 * $1% 11% 1% 4 : $55 900, 5 900 N Kelore Lentheric Tweed Cologne, 2 02. .....sse.2se000%? 45 425 425 | 1400 139 «138 «(138 Newnor 2: 5 1§: 18 +1 N h. * * Mo 4m 40 +101 © Giye'Cr 2608 24 24 24 Nisto lorth-Rite Ball Point Refill, blue -+.......++++s00- $632 63% 632+ %! C Homestd 800 97 97 Norbeau 130 130 | . ; 2190 $70% 70% 70% | € West P4900 135 135 135 Norlartic 10 --¥ S (By Sylvania) 1.D.A. Paper Napkins, 60's . ' 1 4 i : : 097 $244 240% 24% ee iat moe Norpax ' 4 8 Ss 1.D.A.. Economy Letter-size Writing Pad ........++.. 7235 1 | 180 590 N > Goldert Cc 100 $18%» 18¥% 18M -- "4 Verge 1285 North Can i 40,60 or 100 watt REG. 28c each ..... for g 100 $22 ~22 --%| Murphy 200 jorthgate Anacin Analgesic Tablets, 12's ..-+......e0% teens Numac 100 $4914 4914 494 -- V4 1000 78 «78 «678 ay S77 717 hey 55 58S f ; f PI $2 " - . . ° * Seerd (Us) 15 s604 st 614 | brainie oll Yan as 5 5 +18 ot af Gis | The modern antiseptic for First Aid use. SUGG. LiST 1.50 Solo Safety Tip Oabby Pings {8 <6 sey. srr ners esos. ame "First CN Bk 25 $129% 129% 1297 cee ees ns 218 Polyethylene Decanter, 64 OZ. .ssssseeerettevsee. 496 West. A wis MeKen 124 124 12% Micrin Orel Antiseptic, 7 ounce .........5000008%" $18 Alminex 16 H I Cc C R 0 ab ce A lelen Curtis Creme Rinse, 4 02. ......eeeeteeveees Sie ws mn + 9 eH aid a egy "7 Soft, Strong, Disposable c 00 $12% 12% 12% Fargo 00 300 300 300 Normetal Bor Pond's Moisture Base, 55 OZ. .....seeeceesevceet? $Dom----Ter 1975-32214 22 = 8 NCO._pr 210 $56 56 c | +e ' seme Ty vis 170 125, 120 125 +8 | NOMS Moy agg teh N48 ; | SPECTROCI hi by Squibb SPECIAL Coricidin Throat Lozenges, 10's .......s+ssesseeee 796 y of T 2 3 Dy-Sil Tablets, for stomach distress, 12's ++.......4, e 100 $10%4 10% 10% + % ee 1 0 9 95 9S +2 Ba tu Ban] eta Meat ob ae vin toe es" | GILLETTE Stainless Stee! Blad PrCrA E --n" Bese | ieee ose hy yeas ---- TOT. Unispher 3000 +1 a --Y ] 4 435 --5 a '6 $m elk Se Congo. Ian 240260260 100 215 210 215 plus FREE Heads Up Hair Dressing 1.38 value VERY LIMITED SUPPLY 10 $100¥2 100% 100'2 | Un Reef P 100 35 #35 «35 ae W 630 620 620 +8 aa Ee oa Se 23 | E 3 134 te DESER Zn ou [ae ares im 's Y T FLOWER 8-or. ] i 3 16-oz, | 7 9 Only one to a Customer Siow 10 ie MINES wo 7 |] Hand and Body Lotion 2.50 valuel o B ug 4.00 value Bo No phone orders please Y y Acad U 3500 ¥ 305 305 ° aii sh cad Uren 3500 Grab bags on sale starting Thursday, Sept. 17 10% + Ye 6-3 3 $520 Accra 25 6462 fiat ie 1 TONI SPECIAL 100 775-775 = 775. +18 | 923% 23% 23% 5 775 = 775 '8% 179 18% 18% 18% 23 «224 23 8% 8% $872 87% ae mye ee rd ¥ i H P. 128% 283 Ansii auze 4 94 305 $0934 994 Area 500 172 172 172, +1. | Violam an ome Permanent SUGG, LIST 2.00 $35 A Arcadia 17% 17% 17a Ya] West Mines 510 330 330 100 $1342 134 134 Atl © Cop Tz 110 110 --s | Willroy 1000 158 $13% 13% 13% Atlin-Ruf | MOS: SARE A Wiltsey Tt Fe ee SPECIAL 3 2 «623 Bankeno 18s 10 ie--%| Yale Lead 1% 11% %4+1 35 45 45 +5 Bary Expl 4 M4 (4 Yk Bear MS. 142 «(144 Zulapa wo 7 WW ee eT ie Ne es the clear hai 3 oo te 760 755 760 Sales to 1) a.m.: 743,000. | gir cream 3-oz. tube, SUGG. LIST 79c 7 Ot te Bee ith 1d lle We FOREIGN TRADING 4 8 th-- th 4 14 1300 340 $13 13. 1ae4 Vel Stool Con 100 $25% 25% 25% -- Me SPECIAL 750 4000 «18% 18a 182+ Va) Salada Fds 200 ig 12% 2%+ VW $00 Mo 340 $8 8% 8 ee ime Sines to Ww Yo 1) toe ow @ 2S it es sad es tender skin-dce. SUGG, LIST 1.29... 99c TOILET TISSUE eee ae age Public School, Teenag e VAPOMASTER Automatic - Electric 577 MINERAL OIL . y LDA: Heavy Grede Be Section Results At Fair VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER SUGG. LIST 6.95 . we IDASAL TABLETS 1D. Fall 5 79° nace chen tt ia aa fa SAVE on SUAVE SACCHARIN TABLETS 'Ras'es sz" 69¢ And teenage section results at)Ron Bolan, Marleah Malcolm, the Cartwright Fair follow: | Nancy Stinson. |Wotten, Debbie Swain. ' | Grade 6 Crafts -- Nancy| Five Ears of Corn -- John) ; me Punic Sow0OL. itl gl, MIB var Sa! natu otal] SUAVE HAIR SPRAY 12%er, Seos.un 2» QQE fF WAX PAPER te sze'teas.!°"".. 28° 2. 55° Camp Kathy Hart, Hal Mc. | Mountjoy, Carol Werry. |Larmer, Leanne Dorrell. _ Reg. yp ME Gc. si cone rok fahon 4 | Grade 4 Crafts -- Betty Keul,| Two Watermelon -- Tom Wot- Mahon, Lauraine Warner. ' ' ati 'Joseph Wilamson, Barbara|ten, Norma Wotten. | Grade 2 Printing -- Kathy|spvans, Steven Mermchishin. on SUAVE SHAMPOO 12-0z., Sugg. List 99¢ .. Cc Keuning, Theresa Warren, Terry; Grades: § und 6 Map -- Lor-|P RANTS, FLOWERS : | | Powder Puff Asters -- Mari-| When purchasing any one of these two Suave products ask for a Record order coupon. It tells. Peck, Len Dean. : " : "| lrane Turner, Linda Mountjoy, * Grade 3 Printing -- Rehard| Kay Porrll, Donna Swain. Joy: liyn Duff. you how to get a 4.20 value on @ Columbia High Fidelity L.P. Record for only 1.50, T : Miller, Darlene Malcolm, Ken-| G,ades 5 and 6 Painting on|_ Giant Asters -- John Latner, mon h's neth Crawford, Leslie Wright. | Gjass--Lorraine Turner, Donna| avid Larmer, Janis Dorrell. ; Grade 1 Art -- Cindy Van\cwain, Denise Forrest, Garry|,Fompom Dahlia -- | Marilyn Giant Savings on Johnson's LARGE Sizes supply oTevererets Camp, Dennis Malcolm, Patti {Duff Neil McLaughlin, Tom ee A Rohrer. Gettins, Murray Archibald. ae |Wotten. . i F tm», Grades 4, 5 and 6 Scrap Book! « ' | A : + Grade 2 Art -- Marie Van) 2 p. aig Cactus Dahlia--Tom Wotten B BY POWD R : Camp, Chery! Wright, Kathie) eal ig ee saree Marilyn Duff, Carol Werry. ' : E 10-oz., SUGG. LIST 98¢ 89 Gunter, Billy Clement. \Turner, Carol Werry, Janet) piiox -- Leslie Wright, Lor-§| Guards your baby against diaper rash. eas: Cc Mt *G slie Wri Churchill, ; S / "§ : Grade 3 Art -- Leslie Wright, Grade 8 General Events --|aine Turner, Cheryl Wright. | BABY : OIL M x ave 10-02., SUGG. LIST 98¢ ] 09 pS " ' e INi4 enneth Crawford, Kathie Jack- x Lorraine Clement. Karen Camp- Snapdragon -- Heather Dor-|f son, Bob Beacock. : rell, Linda M joy i * Grades 1 and 2 Crafts' -- pot Joan Horton, Bonnie Mal- eitinins ag Dis vg er Helps keep infant skin soft, smooth Cynthia Snyder, Roddy Camp-\°OM. ~ Shortridge, Gai neta. | ony ) "a rrr Sais rag {8 ge, Gail Bonnetta. i bell, Kathie Gunter and Theresa Grade 7 Writing -- Carol Wot-\" yy, colds -- 'rie T '4 H \ Hl ; Wetken, Felt hamotd bawity- gin cane riekt Psy tig! Bode SHAMPOO for children SUGG. LIST 1.29 1 eed AND * Grades 1 and 2 Constructon--|McDonnald, Harry Shemilt, Cos sy "Shortyi © pure, so mild, it can't irritate eyes - 8- Debora' Colins, Douglas John-| Grade 8 Writing -- Ellen Cant Ware Bon warding ag . ' yes - 8-oz. ° ti M | NE RAL ston, Brian Tomchishim, Kathy Farle, Joan Ho t ot Judy| "Zinnias -- Linda Mountjoy : =) TABLETS or 3 Weaving Jeoffrey Corleright Public School| tty! Ween, Lene Wee he | ' * "rade ° ee Vickccae Ct = n | Child's. sic' 0 * i Fier Douglas Mappin, Darlene|Essay Contest -- Karen Camp-lment 'of flowers Allee Ann| the lowest price we've ever offered Malcolm, Barbara Wheeler ibell, Lorraine Turner, Carol); * Grades 1 and 2 Plasticine|Werry, Gail Malcolm Crema, sokan, Meee a 'model of a vegetable -- Dale| Grade 7 Art -- Guy Bonnetta,) Boys' Collection of Leaves --| McQuade, Susan Thompson,|Robbie Mairs, Gail Hart, Carol parry Werry, David and John Roddy Campbell and Kathy)Wotten. \Larmer, Bll Shortridge. | Hart. | Grade 8 Poster -- Lorraine)/TRENS * Grades 1 and 2 Plasticine|Clement, Bonnie Malcolm, Udo; Boys' Screwdriver -- Ray CAPSULES - j 49 2 f 9 mode] of an animal -- John|Gobkes, Dianne Taylor. |Mountjoy. ' i : e s 100 S. C, or Cc Cathcart, Murray Archibald, | Baking, Bran Muffins -- Beth) wooden Bowl -- David Bal-| David Felstead and Ken Earle. |Dunsmore. llingall. * Grade 3 Booklet on Social) Snap Shot Collection -- Joan) Mode} Plane or Car -- Brian Studies -- Denise Edgerton,|Horton, Betty Stinson, Francis/punsmore, Ray Mountjoy. 5 pound bag 12 x 12 in. Barbara Wheeler, Ken Craw-|Frayer, Gail Hart. Character Animal Model -- Economy Brand Vi 4 . M m Jord and Darlene Malcolm. ~ | Science Note Book -- J Ji E | y Oo S D S b . Grade 4 Writing -- Neil Mc-|Horton, Betty. Hicks, or oo a a Seeaoer, BATH EPSOM ' sit ur f tore uring epte er ? TERRY Jaughlin, Sharon Grey, Debbie|Brown, Linda Fallis, ik i ' ih Thompson, Susan Bolan, | Vegrabey ate of fve. wary |ann Wert, Judy Swain." | eBMTA SALT Sale Week For More Savings To You. | FACE * Grade 5 Writing --_ Trixie|potatoes -- Janis Dorrell, Heath-| paint By Number nee CRYSTALS = CLOTH Ruma, Susan McCall, Mareahler Dorre!1, Leanne Dorrell,/swain, Ann Werry, Dianne Tay- Crystals Malcolm, Janet, Churchill. Debby Swain. ior. " i Th A S ill 0 150 I T Hf Super Special ere re ti ver tems 0 Super Special } : per op a fag" Deseniere, Linda ny pend oe, Seen Oe: Bradburn, Ann Werry Rr : ountjoy, Lorraine lurner, "ene § orreli, aro ' Shir Seay iw . oer g ' Ee es Pe lta e dan! 44c | Choose From. Here's Big Savings. | 2/25c¢ " Grade 6 Writing -- Tore Gob-| Late Potatoes -- Leanne Dor- Wool Suit Tailored -- Mary! zon, Wayne Scott, Sharon Grey, | Carrots -- Debby Swain, Le-| shorts and Slacks -- Ann) rry Jackson, janne Dorrell, Norma Wotten,/werry, Judy Swain, Sharon! a Sg SANE REI itn ech ese RE ee * Grade 5 Art -- Valere Frew, | Lois Wright, ' \Larmer. Ron Bolan, Marleah Malcolnt,| Tomatoes -- Norma Wotten,) Angel Food -- Sharon Larmer, OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU Wayne Forest. iGuy Bonetta. B * Grade 6 Art -- Donna Swain,| Beets -- Linda Mountjoy, thew Etc t pie ieee Bradburn ) . 5 ' a 9 . 5 y Carol Werry, Jim Clement, Kayjald Wright, Eleanor Wright,| latry : ; K a h iI Pp il J yi C d k art afr weet: sumer] Karn's itchell's owell's amieson's eCordick's aw's ** Grade 4 Crafts--Rickie Map-| Two Pumpkin. -- Dona'd mer, Ann Werry ie ST. EAST 9 SIMCOE ST. N, 352 SIMCOE ST. N 241 KING ST. EAST 360 WILSON RD, S 120. in, Barbara Evans, Darlene|Wright, Linda Mountjoy, Tom Maple Cream -- Sharon Lar- 723-4621 723-3431 725-4734 25-1165 _ Bie gual riens, Ricky Cambell, | Wotten, jmer, Dianne Taylor, | 725-1169 725-8711 aS 725-3525 { '