Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Sep 1964, p. 7

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MOSCOW (AP)--The citizens persing light into simple colors. of Krasnodar in Russia recently|A century ago people in the : : z - GREEN SUN ee te group of Guides be CO}HCH, | TREAT YOURSELF TO ? AN ENJOYABLE EVENING = |" Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-8474 AT THE CANADIANA! Only 20 minutes from Oshowa . . . the luxurious Conadi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 14, 1964 7 wolsemes 0. with sophisticated elegance, Dine in the nie iz cent glass-encircled dining.room . . . enjoy delicious inen- tol and Canadian dishes, Afterwards . . . relax in the intimate UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Rhea ternal aoc Nitrates J soon! HOLY CROSS WA tional period. Mrs, Wilson reed'¢ / LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT. The members of Holy Cross|"Faith of The Youth". Psalm 27), the Women's Auxiliary held their|was read in unison. "A Question ie meeting recently in the Parish)and Answer on the New Curricu- gq ve C d H ay Ie re seeing quoted by Mrs, Oscar), Wis a n a I a |] a ie pres » Mrs, A. 1.|Morrison, Hanson presided. The Reverend) "1¢ You Ask Me -- Youth GRADUATES ; ug | MOTOR HOTEL M, J. Darby opened the meet\Needs More Than 'Education', ~=@ at Kennedy Rd. Agincourt, Ont. iad Pee dak ee an pong by voi coung, was| Miss Elizabeth Carrol Right on Hwy. 401 , q read by Mrs. C i Campbell, daughter of Mr. Tel, 291-1171 Code minutes, and Miss Mary Fitz-| Mrs, Violetta Burdge sang and Mrs, Neil Campbell, Mary ec ays ag gave the financial re- cMy Friend' ra "Just al street, Oshawa, graduated d oser Wa th Thee'. Mrs.) from the Schoo! of Nursing, Mrs. Leo Karnath stated shelwitson read 'God Builds No| Hospital for Sick Children, Mr . it. c Dabs pat be Churches", Toronto, last Wednesday even- : A + e Partese) stot pg ly 'i9|_ Mrs. Bland announced coming) ing in the 78th annual gradu- |7 Vag ouch of Paris articles of dlotht Sy sah t tolevents and dates as follows:| ation exercises held in con- |7) ' y, i base ing were sent tOlPoast of the Seven Tables",| vocation Hall, Miss Campbell fe f \ n our awoke to a green sun. Tass re-jsame northern Caucusus area ports the phenomenon was|saw a wine-colored sun. ® oO i " FIR ge ge ee September 24; The Regional] is a graduate of Donevan |7 Bridal Gowns @ Bridesmaids Gowns © | Head Pieces @ Veils @ Crinolines @ Frank Hoar for helping to pack Presbyterial in Pickering United Collegiate. these articles for shipment. Also|Church, October 27, bazaar,|~ ee 1 Wa .\¥\ Ladies' Formals and Semi-Formals @ 35 articles were given locally, |November 18; UCW Sunday,) NAME CHANGED EO tes) iy? Mink Stoles @ Mink Shrugs Pees: Mrs, Patterson, Mrs, Dennis| November 22. te aie ee ; , f McAuley and Mrs. Frank Shep- Plans were made for the Art| When poe ; is ee ae g , aly © White Fox Furs @ aa pard volunteered to help in the|Crafts Hobby display to be held| Fa, bamburger iat re-| yg iY S ~~ KE R' &S Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor|Qctober 6 in the Lower Centen-| vamed Salisbury Steak, after | dei. argeants Rentals L this month, nial Hall, oe agin Father Darby suggested that| Refreshments were served by) (he 10th century British Suit/ia) {Sima Us. WA 469 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 The Catholic Women's League|Mrs. Bruce Wilson, Mrs, Cecil : ie can 1 hg p be organized in the parish this|Tindall, Mrs. Oscar Morrison|2 NEWLY MARRIED HAPPINESS Fall, and jt was unanimouslyjand Mrs, G. A, Wilson. : s is oe are agreed by the members to do ? announcements Mrs. N. Mc- : ; 4 the late Mrs, (5%,,The work of the members eee ree vowing of seat led in song, and| First Baptist Church was Jamaica, an e late MTS. | will continue as usual until the e. September meeting Ol Mrs, Envoy John Dixon offered] the setting recently for the Thompson, The bridegroom is | owy jg organized jthe Faithful Unit 2 of King prayer, Psalm 66, was read by| marriage of Albertha Regina the son of the late Mr. and |") : \Street UCW was held in thelire. William Allison, | Thompson, to Clinton Me- Mrs, Benajmin McLaughlin, | Refreshments were served bYichurch lounge recently 'with| 1. on I At 'both of Oshawa. The Reverend Frank Swack- Mrs,.4L J. Lyons and Mrs.inrg w. g, Trainer reading a|. Mrs. Charles Langfield gave a AENEN, aloes ticiated Adam Chaplinski. The next) 'im ¢ 8 8) very interesting talk on her re- The bride is the daughter of hammer officiated. = == | tt ne held October 6,|P0e™ The Song Was Yours". | \on¢ trip to England Mr, Stanley Thompson, --Mary's Studio | 8 ' '| Mrs. Harold Buckler led in 7: ; Babacth, RE toate 'a ~| KING STREET UCW NO. 1 |the devotional period, Two we Male -- Lobggaie ee : Alice Jackson Unit 1 of King|hymns were sung. The twenty-|) Phage eo A 7 on nae From Upper Cana a l age Street UCW held its September|third psalm was read in unison.|)) | Salvation yon Training | meeting with the members of|/A reading was given by Mrs. E. College in Toronto with a black Come Pioneer F , ily Reci es Mrs. Leslie Booth's group in|J. Goodman, Mrs. bgt read hand bie : am p charge of the worship service.|a message from the UCW book. : Frank Bulle ' p Mrs. F r closed in ; eres Mrs. Elmer Randall opened| Minutes were read and thel prayer, then the fellowship A century and a half ago,jutes. Tie in cheese cloth bag one|the meeting with a poem My;treasurer's report given . The) pony gor d te travellers suffering the long. |teaspoon autmeg: and one tea-|Purpose'. The Scripture and alroll call was taken and geven<|ErOUe serves tee, E dusty and bone-bumping stage-|spoon of cloves. Drop or hang short story 'The Dedicated|teen members were present. | coach drive from Cornwall to|bag in cider to about 24 hours. Garden" were read by Mrs.|The members had made thirty] WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, Prescott in what was then the|To Serve William Bradbury. lone hospital calls and twenty} fun loving couples to learn the colony of Upper Canada, found| Bring slowly to. a boil, take Mrs, Thomas Scott gave an|home calls on the sick and shut] new. moder style of square both rest and a hot meal at ajto table in the warmed jugs. If/interesting talk on Dorothy|ins since the last meeting. pe org pag Po bal pa | pretty two-storey white inn situ-jthe mixtare is too sweet, add| Clarke Wilson's book 'Take My| Plans for the unit were made! --, 2 gel ge oo ated on the shore of the St.)more lemon |Hands", It is the remarkable|to assist at the "Feast of thell If interested. call 725°2744 o ig Sea ~¢'3 and known 85) - gunay.co.MEETING |St0ty of 'Dr. Mary Verghas".|seven Tables", which is to bel] 623-2237. el se ae: eggdeng ve BREAD Mrs. Douglas Redpath pre-|held in the Centennial Hall, Sep) | mmm | Today, the stagecoach still : sided for the business part of|tember 24 | passes the inn's front door but|5 cup of water, the meeting and read a poem : orry of | the travellers who enjoy its] Lukewarm "The Best Path', There were Refreshments were served by| original quaintness and delicious|2 teaspoons of salt twelve home and twenty-one|Mts: Buckler and her commit- F ALSE TEETH JEWELLERS LTD. meals are more likely to have/2 envelopes active dry yeast/hospital calls recorded. Mem- tee, Slipping or Irritating? ginved by fast and streamlined|12 or 13 cups whole-wheat flour|bers were reminded of 'The SA HOME LEAGUE Kon J ob lldt automobiles. 'Add galt to 4% cups lukewarm|Feast of The Seven Tables" on| 'The regular Home. League] tects sipping, ' old and re , Sprinkle Wie 'on re-|September 24, and the UCW| meetin cee lod thie Wook "by| wees Mat er wonbiing are going somewhere ir ur : i 4 % cup full. Allow yeast|bazaar November 18. The next/Mrs, William James, starting frinxle his pleasant powder 'evtee ¢ , : 5 to stand for 10 minutes, stir,| meeting is October 6, with Miss)with the favorite chorus sing-| Temarkable sense of added comfort MOVING SOON b= ge as it was in the mid-jadd rest of water. Isla Barker's group taking theling, prayer was offered by Mrs. Sead ete DOLIg raven tore | TO 4 1800's and is one of the most Mix about 12 cups of flour to;worship service and Mrs./penjamin McNawl, remember.) 9? gave midge eae non-acid). unique and romantic restaurants! make a dough which can be|Booth's group serving refresh-|; "| Get FAS at any drug counter, . I sic shut-in | BO I se arias at fens bns men, A el a Na a eae rnd 20 SIMCOE NORT ecipes Wwere/Knead dough until smooth,|enjoyed with refreshments be-| The minutes , brought to Willard's by the/should be soft but mot sticky, -|ing served by members of Mrs. ers. Georka Beaid Be Pe J | hotel's manageress, Mrs.) Place dough in greased bowl,|Murton Walter's group. IMajor Fred Lewis gave the Frances Durant, whose husband| et rise | FOR THE FINEST IN owned the inn for seventeen|cloce for about am hour, |, KING STREET UCW 9 All Present Stock years prior to the construction| shape into four round loaves, The theme for the devotional L ADIES ! : Custom Made of the Seaway. and place on greased pans, |! Unit 9 King Street United DR APES CLEARING UP TO HOT SPICED CIDER \Cover and again let. rise in a|Church Women for September No Baby Sitter, : Serve etl warm place until doubled. Pe andl iy Need More No Car Fare : M SEE one quart cider | Bake in moderately hot oven} ; 3 cinnamon sticks (390 degrees) for about 40 min-| Mrs. Robert Bland opened the MR, BERNARD »&6, Dry Goods GY Allow to simmer for 30 min-!utes, meeting with prayer. MT8.11 64 | ssding Torohto Salons || & Draperies REG. ---vwwwwwwwmum | Theodore Wilkins read the min- Experienced Heir Stylist ' utes and called the roll, Mrs. 74 CELINA STREET ' a 4 \Earl Luke reported 75 hospital PHONE 723-7827 @ Shop Today @ Cita Barer jcalls and 30 home calls had been made. The treasurer's re- APPOINTMENTS STRETCH STRAP port was given by Mrs, Edward Sills. | PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, = isdisseiecinilas Mrs. Bruce Wilson and her| 728-9317 : e committee presented the devo- by Ay , Z RQ Os a Stntle for YOu. <. | A farm boy was attending his first Fashion begins with your undergarments, And day of high schoo! and was writing |} what a beautiful beginning is yours when you @ short essay on what he hed done that day before coming to slip into the new 'Petal Burst' by Wonder-Bra. class, "a ee ale Such blissful comfort . . . beautiful fit! Controls teacher. "You mean ate." but never confines. From the freedom-giving fal. . . mebby it was eight | \d et,' said the boy. comfort of its Lycra® stretch straps that never Ate or 'et... either one reminds {! curl... its pellon under cup supports .... toits me that we all spill food on our silky smooth cotton, you'll like everything clothing at one time or another. "ety nerurelly, this reminds me to || 4 6 i | , | vo tell you that we're experts when it | P a poo to shorn removing ma er an about it. Wouldn't you like to slip into s $s from your clothing. I'd just 3 ita to cad that wien this hep: *Petal-Burst' right now and see yourself trans- pens it's wise to get your gar- || formed into a fashion figure? ment to the cleaner as quickly as posible, 'Mebby" ut | FOR EASY PURCHASE. OF | White only. only © STERLING SILVER FLATWARE Sisest @ ENGLISH BONE CHINA Soo sn38: $ © FINE HAND-CUT CRYSTAL Coup, S88. A RECENT WEDDING Mature Women! § waeine . Enjoy "Gracious Living" now! This offer to purchase place On Saturday, September 5, Mr. Posteraro, The bride was | LEARN TYPEWRITING ] settings of flatware, china and crystal is available for a : in St. Gregory the Great attended by Mrs, John Apple- | | limited time only. Y k : SHOPPING IS CONVENIENT ON A WALKER'S Roman Catholic Church, Sue io, and the best man was | IN 24 DAYS | 5: e only. You may take up to two years, with no _ : ""PLAN" ACCOUNT Lanes Apoleton wat united in ate, Prank Mazzotta, Follow. ATTENDING MORNING CLASSES | carrying charges to complete payments. Do not miss the The bride is the daughter of ing a honeymoon in Ottawa, | opportunity to take advantage of this special "Homemaker" WwW. ° Ge BAe, Maines ow | SPECIAL MORNING Plan. Offer expres yi aa Bo Sn oll y la "Mary's Studio | - TYPING CLASSES | @ 'aie ~ ~~ Warne, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY S 9:00 A.M. -- 11:00 A.M. Se ptember 30th LILLIAN MAE MARSH pana -- No AM | | : ) START MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SCHOOL OF DANCING atsastornmnenrtinae ag hAGT | THE CANADIAN OSHAWA' Saeed Ca Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Daily 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pre-School, Kinderance, Character SCHOOL OF BUSINESS é SHOPPING CENTRE Thursday and Friday 9:30 to 9 p.m. AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. 524 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 728 708] Zana | | INFORMATION 723-7253 OSHAWA . | PHONE 728-4626

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