Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Sep 1964, p. 3

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Quebec's Run Vote QUEBEC (CP) --~Politicians are holding their wetted fing- ers to the political breezes waft- ing out of two rural ridings where provincial byelections are to be held Oct, 5. The byeiections are regarded as the first real test of the Lib- eral government's popularity since a snan general election in 1962 consolidated the party's position in the legislature. In one riding -- Dorchester-- there may also be some indi- cation of the Ralliement des Creditistes' popularity in the provincial field, ' There are four byelections Oct. 5, but it is the rural rid- ings, Dorchester and Matane, where discontent is said to be rumbling, that people who study trends will watch parti- cularly, Farmers are reported dis- turbed about dropping reven- ues and increasing school taxes, In June, 10,000 of them massed) in front of the legislature in) the largest protest march ever held in the provincial capital.) ends in functional dual cx- haust outlets, Oldsmobile F-85 models for 1965 have. been changed in many areas, Com- letely new are the 'gril'e, headlamps, front fenders and bumper and the hood. Rear size Oldsmobiles, the 1965 Starfire is completely new, with a distinctive tapering roofline, The Starfire differs from other Olsmobite models too, in the design of both front and rear end, and in its secific side molding which REGULAR SIZE Olds- mobiles for 1965 have com- pletely new, restyled, roomier bodies, on a totally new chassis, and are powered by a recently developed 425 cubic inch engine, Like all 1965 full- end design is also new. 1965 Oldsmobiles Have A Totally New Chassis Mpg gt | Mechanical advancements in legislation cutting real estate) restyled , roomier bodies, on @ Another interesting | | the 1965 ¥-85 models'include a|'@xes of farmers by 25 per) interior|!arger carburetor in the 2-barrel|""' totally new chassis, and areifeature is a sporty-looking|Jetfire Rocket engine for in-/ RELIEF SAID TEMPORARY | porty j powered by a recently de-\hench-type front seat with a creased performance, along) But farm spokesmen say. this veloped 425-cubic-inch engine. (center arm-rest section. When with revised. body mounts,| was only--temporary. relief be-! A néw Turbo HydraMatic|this is dropped, the seat takes|Springs and rear suspensions) cause farmers. are taxed for' transmission provides thejon a bucket seat appearance, for smoother ride and improved thelr land as well as their smoothest, most instantaneously! The new type seat is standard andling. payee vtiey pel ge org aN responsive performance in Olds-|jn Delta 88 Holiday Sedans and THREE CUTLASS MODELS toons ths 'al Ay ig 1es ome than their neighbors in mobile history. Holiday Coupes, and in all 98 'The ¥.85 is available in three the villages, : ' The increasingly popular Olds-| models with the exception of the exciting Cutlass models, the) One byelection has been held mobile F-85 models have been Luxury Sedan and the Town)Cutlass Coupe, Cutlass Holiday|since the 1962 general election. caer m ney 4 yd Comm |Sedan, Coupe and Cutlass Convertible,It elected Revenue Minister pletely new are the grille, head-) ao all powered by the ultra-high\Eric Kierans in the Montreal) lamps, front fenders and bump-|ENGINE LARGER _in,compression Cutlass V-8 engine.|riding of Notre-Dame-de-Grace, er and the hood. The rear end, The new Super Rocket engine In addition to the Cutlasses _ - design is also new including the|is bigger and more dita ong other body styles include a rear bumper and tail lamps. A of a caomte-re ald: fe 4 eg ind standard Club Coupe, four-door} newly designed side chrome Engine isp igen id vet sedan and station wagon, a v-6! treatment adds greatly to the increased by 8 per cent, and ye | smartly different look of all F-85[engine weight has been reduced substantially, models, ' i Teamed with the new Turbo} NEW DELUXE SERIES Hydra-Matic transmission, the| Oldsmobile is also introducing|Super Rocket's performance is a new deluxe series of thelexceptional. It-will greatly en- ig gand "4 -- the Delta 88. harice the outstanding reputa- The styling ef new Olds-|\tion Oldsmobile has already Coupe than the flag proposa mobiles includes curved side earned in this field. -- me i. 'a ilialeecunsien, Olds pln nd ton Ha sell meee window glass and new roofs in| The new transmission 18 an-) oii, will produce 19 models|Hays will start the week by The regular size 1965 Olds-jin the Jetstars, the Dynamic |se Sports Coupe, and a deluxe four- door sedan and station wagon. New this year for the V-46 Sports Coupe and the Cutlass) Sports Coupe and the. Holiday! OTTAWA (CP)--For the first| Coupe is a bench seat, Bucket|time in a month the House of seats may bégordered as an Op-|Commons today will debate tion on the Cutlass Holiday|government legislation other | Varied Debate Menu Ousts Flag Monotony Rulers Gauntlet The opposition Union Nationale did not contest the seat, But the Union Nationale will have candidates in' all four by- elections, In addition to Dorchester, and Matane, the byelection ridings are' Saguenay Verdun. All but Dorchester elected Liberals in 1962. In' the Dorchester contest, Bernard Dumont, former Social Credit member of Parliament and Montreal|7 for Bellechasse, has announced|y he will be an independent Cred- itiste, vow TO ENTER The Creditistes have vowed to enter provincial politics, but not until the next general elec- tion, expected in 1966, The can-; didature of Mr. Dumont, one of the party's top organizers, is seen as a means of sounding out reaction, Claude Wagner, appointed so- licitor general earlier this month, is Liberal candidate in Verdun, a Montreal suburb, Premier Lesage is not ex-| pected to appear on the hust- i his office says. ings, The province's new election) law will be in operation for the} first time. .In addition to stiffer |penalties for infractions, if pro- vides part payment of some) candidates' campaign expenses) and puts tighter limits on elec- tion. spending And, under the law, 18-year- lolds will yote for the first time. | Standing in the 95-seat assem- bly is Liberals 59, Union Na- tionale 30, Independent one, va- cant five. The fifth vacancy was created by the recent res- ignation of Cultural Affairs Minister Georges Lapalme. --A bill implementing recom. mendations of the royal com- mission on transportation, It will change certain freight rates and government subsi- dies, and create an agency to} . | will ALL NEW OUTSIDE from the massive twin grille back through the dynamic new roofline styling; all new beneath with a steadier, wider track chassis, Pontiac for '65 sets the pace in its field, The sturdy elegance of the deeper grille and full wraparound front bumper is backed up by a new perimeter ' THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 14,1964 3 frame, tread is more than two inches wider in_front and more than three inches in the rear. New torque box con- struction, new Full Coil sus- pension, wider stance rear Springs and shock absorbers give Pontiac '65 a more stable ride and improved handiing. A new larger and flatter windshield blends with the sweeping roofline. New Opinion Polls Favor Victory For Laborites -- {position Labor party is running well ahead of the ruling Con- _|servatives as the likely winner in Britain's forthcoming gen- ' jeral election, says the latest wheel trim covers and hub caps blend in with body con- tours. Curved side windows slim down the roof and give added room, This is the 1965 Parisienne Custom Sport ' Coupe which has a concealed centre gas filler and is avail- ablé with Sport Top material. In the Parisienne, Lauven- tian and Strato Chief series there are 14 models. "Big Car" Styling Is New Pontiac Feature The new 1965 Pontiacs have| been entirely redesigned to point up the low-riding "big car' styling traditional with) Pontiac, General Motors Canada announced today. A massive look has been given to the front and rear profiles and this year's models have a longer side sil houette, The 1965 Pontiac is also a car with so many options and|transmissions are standard for choices available that the owner virtually gets a custom-built automobile. There are 40 models avail- able in Canada in 11 series, Up front, the traditional Pontiac twin-grille is now deep- full wraparound front bumper} to emphasize the extra width and give a massive effect. LARGER WINDSHIELD and Parisienne models -- take|t either the standatd 140-hp Astro-Six 230 or a choice of} of five V8 engines. The five are|emphasize ; the 195-hp Strato Flash -283, the|up-front massive styling in the|Stones 250-hp and 300-hp Astro-Flame 327, and the 340-hp and. 400-hp Super Flame 409s. Three - speed Synchro~- Mesh | all models, Powerglide .optional for all but the 409, 400 hp engine. | | transmission is optional for all four larger V8 engines. 8.5:1 for the six-cylinder engine to 11.1 for the 409. CAMSHAFT IMPROVED Is The|° er and combines with a newl|compression ratio varies from} 14 | twin lamps he dramatic sweep of the roof- line, _ Increased length. and distinc- ive Pontiac front-end styling the eye-appeal 'big car' look for Tempest The Le Mans series now in- cludes a 4-Door Sedan along) with the Sport Coupe, two-door) Coupe and Convertible. The ex- {panded lineup of 12 models in- cludes four-door sedan, 'sport coupes, Convertible and The four-speed Synchro-Mesh| station wagon, and the Tem-| pest four-door sedan, two-door the Tempest Custom two-door an oupe and station wagon. vertical flank the The 1965 Tempest is 3.1 inches} nger with a 206.1-inch length, on a 115-inch wheelbase, mounted head- slightly re- New Li io 1 lished "ax od lpdagess poll publ The date of the election was expected to be announced early this week, with Oct. 15 most J \strongly tipped as the polling day A public opinion poll pub- lished in the Conservative Sun- day Telegraph shows a clear lead for Labor over Prime Min- ister Dougls-Home's Conserva- tives. i ; But government supporters found their spirits rising when this. particular poll, which alone of three separate newspaper polls shows the Conservatives trailing, said Sunday Labor's lead had been reduced to five per cent from a 6% - per- cent lead recorded 10 days be- fore, The two other polls' last es- timates credited Conservatives with a modest lead, ATTACK EMBASSY ; BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- A |mob of. students attacked the British Embassy Saturday with and small explosives. iOne of the more powerful ' of |the explosives broke several windows. The demonstrators were demanding that Britain turn over the Falkland Island group in the South Atlantic to Argentina, They fled before po- lice arrived, Just A Minute... Europe on $5.00 a day CALL DONALD TRAVEL 668-3304 - all body styles. Full-size con-/other first for Oldsmobile. It is|/) 1045. including 4 Jetstar 88's.|iaunching a proposal to raise control railway branch - line The six cylinder engine has|cessed Tempest split grille. vertible models: will, for the|equipped with a variable vane first time, use a glass rear win-|for alert performance at every driving speed and for the elim- Series identification through-|jnation of part-throttle ae, Hydra- more pronounced than ever, In|Matic's dual range feature for| downhill dow, out Oldsmobile's entire line isishift, It retains the addition to side molding and|added ornamentation differ ences) braking. among the 88's, for example,| Other mec safety in day Coupes are of tapering de-/the famous G sign. ifor increased rigidity spectacular, This full-size sports| provement in stability, ear has its own rear quarter,| Front and rear suspensions front, and rear end design andjhave been completely re-design- i im s for better ride and handling. as a side mol@ing giving|/The rear suspension change has the appearance of external ex-|resulted in a % inch reduction haust pipes ending in functional] in the height of the rear tunnel. dual outlets in the extreme rear| eRAKE WIDTH INCREASED quarters. A For greater passenger com-| The wholly new chassis also ludes, on most models, wider fort in the 1965 line of full-size|inc Oldsmobiles, most of the impor-|front brakes for greater safety, tant interior dimensions have|©n 98 models, brake width has been increased, This is especial-/been increased on all four ly true of shoulder room which|wheels. : is nearly four inches greater. | Oldsmobile's Vista - Cruisers, with their new interior and ex- MORE LUGGAGE CAPACITY | terior 1965 styling appointments, The design of these 1965\are available in standard and models has also permitted Olds-|custom versions of the 2-scater mobile to increase luggage|and the 4%-seater. In 3-seat capacity in the trunk by up to|models, the rear seat faces for- 3.9 cubic feet, In. addition, for| ward, fewer stops during modern turn-| With their fresh new styling, pike travel, fuel capacity has|the ingenious vista roof, and been boosted to 20,5 gallons. jover a hundred cubic feet: of Oldsmobile's 98 models for,cargo space, the Oldsmobile 1965 are more elegantly luxur-|Vista-Cruiser combines the ad- ious than ever -- the most dis-|vantages. of uniquely glamorous tinctive cars in Oldsmobile's|appearance and practical utility. history. The 98's have their own| Interiors, too, are new and rear quarters, bumpers, grille,|different in both materials and side styling motifs and _ roof-| appointments. lines. Not only do the roof de-| The high-performing . Jetfire signs differ from any other|/Rocket V-8 engines are avail- Oldsmobile, but they also varylable on all F-85 models. The between body styles. best bet for the buyer interested Instrument panels for 1965|in low initial cost and economy} have been beautifully designed,|of operation is the Oldsmobile again with series identification Economy V-6 engine. Either en- in mind, Panels in the 98's are|gine may be teamed with the of walnut grain; simulated|smooth and highly responsive _ black leather in the Starfire|Jetaway automatic transmis- models; and brushed aluminum sion, Church May Alter Conference Areas ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. -- The| Quebec Privince would become General Council of The' United|a separate conference, and Church of Canada is consider-|Ottawa would join a new unit ing a recommendation thatjincluding Dundas - Grenville, would bring major changes in|Glengarry, Belleville, Kingston the geographical structure ofjand Renfrew, the church in Ontario and! 4 new conference would be Quebec. lereated covering Toronto areas After a study of political pro-jeast of Yonge Street, Cobourg blems and population trends, alrindsay, Oshawa and. Peter. special commission suggested) porough. Thus the present Bay to the council' at its twenty-/of Quinte Conference would be first biennial meeting that @lsniit between the new Ottawa bp agnge veer gga hs area conference and the other set up. to meet the particular| yo. : . pln gh the chorch ih that" Toronto area conference. province. Other changes would| include a north-south split along) Yonge Street, of Toronto Con-|¢/ ference and formation of a new), : |Simcoe, Muskoka, North Bay conference including Sudbury), es sey ait Aleonin. Temiskaming, Cochrane, Sud- The conference is the first/OUTY and Algoma. The - latter : % : lisse ior" two would be taken from Ham- --. =. a Council. "The itton and- London Conferences, conferences are split into pres-|"esPeclvely. byteries and the presbyteries into indivi At present, the Quebec section|Metropolitan Toronto and the of the church is included injeconomic changes were making the Montreal ~- Ottawa Confer-|geographical boundaries in the enct, but difficulties have beenjarea meaningless. For _ this encountered in conference bus-jreason, i.e., the erratic nature iness because of differing tradi-/of the expansion--creation 0° a/ tions and laws in Ontario and,separate Metro Conference Quebec, If General Council ac-|would be meaningless in a few cepted the recommendation, |years, the report said, would include the areas of To- ronto Conference west of Yonge Dufferin, Peel, Gray The commission report said ' hanica] design the roofs on the Jetstar 88 and|changes for Oldsmobile custom- Dynamic 88 and Delta 88 Holi-jer benefit include a re-design of uard Beam frame/ and) The Starfire roof is even more/ground clearance and for im- dual congregations).|that the -population increase in'. models, three Delta 88's, Starfires and five 98's. ers, Oldsmobile _is total of 32 different models, Dieppe Worthwhile -- Butler By RALPH SHAW LONDON (Reuters) -- More than two decades later, an his- torian's verdict of the contro- versial Dieppe raid of Aug. 19, 1942 is that it was worthwhile --despite its lack of success and its heavy toll. The verdict James Butler, | is that of | who gives World War, just published by ery office, Butler, modern history /University, says the assault, although far from successful, paid high dividends in the form of lesons that were put to good at use when the time came for the; |B--Mrs C MeNellen and L Maloney Entry actual invasion of Nazi-held Eu- rope, The idea for the raid came from Prime Minister Winston ;Churchill, who saw it--as did jthe military planners--as a pre- | liminary to an invasion. |MOSTLY CANADIAN The "experiment" was larg- ely a Canadian effort--a job for "Canadian. troops who had long been chafing in England at their role of defending the is- ! the Jetstar I, four Dynamic 88)lending limits under the Farm two'Improvements Loans Act, | It is the first time MPs hacv Counting the four Vista-Cruis-\tackled non - offering ajlegislation since Aug. 11 when flag government they passed the new federal- provincial taxation arrange- ments, With the flag issue sent to aj} special house committee, this is the government's intended schedule for this week: ~The farm loans bill, raises total lending capacity by $100,000,000 to $500,000,000 and increases the: maximum amount of individual loans to $15,000 from $7,500, It abandonments, --The redistribution bill, which bogged down after sec- ond reading last spring. The Conservatives object to "ground rules' provided for the 10 independent commis- sions that would revamp fed- eral constituency boundaries in each province, --Mr, Hays' proposal to set up farm - machinery syndicates. He has not yet introduced the measure, but has indicated it would authorize the govern- ment to buy farm imple- ments and rent them to farm- ers, WOODBINE ENTRIES TUESDAY, September 15 FIRST RACE -- Purse $1900, ($5000) Claiming, Two-year-old maidens, foaled in Canada, 6 Furlongs. Sir|Spicy Favour, No Boy 118 his |Strong Willed, Gubbins 118 La Rougette, No Boy A-115 opinion in Volume ILI of the Of-!champagne Lili, Robinson 118 ficial History of the Secon d{Jammy Doll, Gubbins 115 \Cedargal, No Boy 115 Daredri, Parnell 115 the British government station |music Festival, No Boy A-118 |Kirn Maiden, Ditttach 115 ju profesor emeritus of|¢ Cambridge|Hot Ribs, Davidson 118 et's Scawt, Gormez 118 reek Tar, Fitzsimmons 115 Also Eligible: Bunty's Ace, Webley, XXX108; Dear Maggie, No Boy, 115; Bun sel, No Boy. 115; Silk n' Saphires, Tur- cotte, X-110; Sophiara, No Boy, B-115; Lucky Deal, No Boy, B-118 A--S and C Goodman and Newtondale Entry SECOND RACE Purse $1900, ($2500) Claiming. Three-year-olds and up, foaled in Canada, 7 Furlongs Eltoro The Great, No Boy 122 Von Rich, Walsh 122 Grifter, Gomez 115 Armadan, No Boy 113 Secret Star, No Boy 115 Friend Willie, Robinson 115 Sgt, Bricker, Harris X112 New Flight, Parsons X109 Dezory, Cuthbertson XXX104 Bonnie Flare, Leblanc 116 Cluny Miss, Harrison 119 Our Interview, No Boy 115 Purse $2200 ($5000) foaled In Can: THIRD RACE Claiming, . Two-year-olds, land without an opportunity of|ada. 6 Furiongs getting at the Germans," Of the 6,000 troops, 5,000 were- Canadians, commandos and some 50 Amer- ican Rangers also took part. The force landed against H much stiffer opposition had been expected and only about one out of eight attacks jon German strongpoints was completely succesful, Some 68 per cent of the Canadians and nearly 20 per cent of the com: mandos became casualties "Air casualties were also heavy--106 aircraft of which 88 were fighters--and, contrary to jbelief at the time, much heay- jer than those inflicted on the jenemy,"" Butler records. {PROVED POINT "The raid had proved, how- ever, that the German Air |Force could be provoked into \throwing all its available re- {Sources into the air by a coastal A fourth new conference)" Mis <4 | Other lessons included ' the need for overwhelming fire support, the necessity of form- jing permanent. naval forces and the need to carry out an asault on a wide: front | "The lessons proved their. ya: lue when the time came 'in June, 1944," Butler says. JEWEL THIEVES STRIKE - NICE, France (AP)--Riviera jewel thieves stole $20,000 worth of jewels in two second-storey raids during the weekend, po- lice reported. Brussels lawyer Jan-Louis Merckx reported the| toss of jewels valued at $14.000.| Madame Rosali Ricci told po-| lice her villa was robbed of} precious stones valued at $6,000 | asault! } | $ | terling Scholar, Davidson A-122 Andrea Inez, Fitzsimmons 116 nearly|chopstick, Maxwell 119 British|So War, Dittfach 119 Select Sin, Herris X11) The Rodent, No Boy 116 Revelling, Harris X14 unty's Triomphe, McGovern 119 mokey Blue, Walsh 119 than! Miss Warlou, Shuk 116 Moon Base, No Boy 122 Gunmetal Pete, Parsons X114 Also Eligible: Ssucy Question, Harrison, 119; Scotty K., No Boy, 119; Bulpawati, Turcotte, X111; Valecrest Lady, No Boy, 114; Bella Contessa, Walsh, 116; Blue Week, Davidson, A-116. A--Staftord Farms Entry FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2000 ($2500) Claiming. Three-year-olds, One and one jsixteenth Miles. Dandier, Oittfach 117 Barleycorn, No Boy 117 Small Eckie, Fitzsimmons 122 | Tarapaca, Parsons X106 Big Boots, Harris X109 Drifted, Dittfach 108 Hereforall, Harrison 117 | | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2700, "Black| Rock' Allowances, Three-year-old fillies. About One Mile on turf course, Prime Princess, Steve XXX105 Windlesham, No Boy A-113 Miss Armedam, Gordon 115 Green Goddess, McComb 118 Menette, No Boy 113 Mountain Dawn, Cuthbertson XXX108 Centores, No Boy A-118 A--Windfields Farm Entry QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2500 ($10,000) \Claiming, Three-year-olds. and up. 6 Fur-, longs. | Bala Roman; Fitzsimmons 114 River Bully, No Boy 1) Your County, Turcotte X11! Out Of Pocket, Fitzsimmons 116 Payola, Dittfach 116 Shook 2nd, Maxwell 116 New Member, Parsons X113 Recourse, Harrison 119 | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2900.) "Greater Toronto Business Men's Assn! Inc.' Allowances, Three-year-olds and up, | foaled in Canada, 6 Furiongs, Windkin, Gomez 116 | Top Toggery, No Boy 116 Winisteo, Dittfach 119 | Gay Pageant, Harrison 12) Tres Suave, Hale 12) Brother Leo, Potts 123 Ontario Holiday, Shuk 113 Winisteo 119 EIGHTR. RACE -- Purse $2400 ($6000) | Claiming, Threeyear-olds and up, 1% Miles on Marshall turf course, Laf'n Bid, Shuk 112 Admiral Armbro, Dittfach 119 Rococo Rogue, McComb 117 entry. | All Strato Chief, Laurentian The windshield is larger) (1448.1 square sedans) and flatter, It blendsja with Pontiac's dynamic swept-back roofline and curved side windows. The sweeping lines of glass and metal flow back to a sturdy rear design, The '65 Pontiac line is wider than before. The wheel track is 2.2 inches wider in the front and 3.1 inches greater in the rear, Pontiac's all-new chassis in- corporates a new perimeter frame with torque box con- struction, a new Full Coil sus- new new 'pension system and wider-tread tires to provide improved road- ability and handling. Other chassis highlights: New strut rod independent front sus- pension; wider stance rear springs and shock absorbers; new four-link rear suspension for optional engine models in- cluding the Safari; relay steer- ing linkage mounted behind the front wheels; new optional in- tegral-type power steering, Hub caps and wheel trim covers have been redesigned. There is a concealed centre gas jfiller for sedans and coupes./longer, lower silhouette. |The radiator support panel isidistinctive Pontiac. deep twin- lrubber mounted now and the/grille and wraparound bumper windshield and rear windows are adhesively sealed. LONGER AND WIDER The '65 Pontiac is longer (1.6 inches) at 214.6 inches on a 119-inch wheelbase; and wider |(4 inches) at 79.6 inches. Leg!|zontal jroom is increased by up to 1.2) along the length of the car high- byY/light the 1965 long, low styling. inches and shoulder room 3.5 inches front and 3.2 inches rear, The front tunnel is 25 per|- cent narrower and the rear tunnel 27 per cent slimmer for more foot room. Inside, there is a new in- strument panel and cluster and front doors are larger for easier Seventeen exterior colours, 15 of them new, are available along with a wide variety oi trims and there is a new optional Sport Top material for Sports Coupes and Sport Sedans, an improved camshaft this year) large-diameter single) new | and an optional dual) jexhaust jexhaust. Other engine highlights are new cylinder heads, a quiet one- piece propeller shaft, Salisbury |type rear axle with special jheavy-duty components for V8 engine options, | The clutch pedal and con- tals have been redesigned with 'a larger clutch for the 409 Y8.| The side-fiif fuel tanks in the) Safari will heave a new capacity, of 20 Imperial Gallons. | Pontiac series and models available are the Parisienne) Custom Sport. Coupe and Con-| vertible; the Parisienne: Sport Sedan, Sport Coupe, Convertible, 4-Door Sedan and 4-Door Passenger Safari; 4-Door 9-Passenger Safari; and the Strato Chief 4-Door Sedan, 2-Door' Sedan and 4-Door 6- Passenger Safari. | The 1065 Pontiac Catalina, |\Star Chief, Bonneville and Grand Prix lines have all-new styling, also emphasizing a The are common to most of the wide variety of models and give them an impressive styling start. LONG, LOW STYLING low sill height and hori- sculptured body lines A A new larger windshield sets off FIRE KILLS 10 KASOTA, Minn, (AP) -- Ten children died in a farmhouse fire near this south-central Min- nesota hamlet Saturday night. Nine of the victims were chil- dren of Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Bowdish who had rented. the two-storey frame home just. out- side of the town about a week ago. The other victim was an orphan who lived with the fam- ily. Botjac, Fitzsimmons 114 Arctic Swirl, No Boy A-115 Free Trial, No Boy A-112 Recitatif, Harrison 115 Acouchi, Cuthbertson XXX105 A--T E King and & B Seedhouse Entry X---5 Ibs, AAC XX---7 Ibs. AAC XXX--10 Ibs, AAC POST TIME 2 P.M, 1964-1965 Dr. F. J. Centra Donevan C. |, Harmony Rd. S. Phone 728-7315 ART BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY GEOGRAPHY HISTORY SPANISH Mon, 'and Wed. evenings Phone 7 ENGLISH even of Mey. before opening night. FEES: $10.00 per course to be po funds ot end of term. REGISTER IN BOARD CF EDUCATION OSHAWA 240 Simcoe St. 5. LITERATURE Mon, and Wed. CLASSES will be held on one or more of four evenings, Mondays te Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. end will continue until the middie COURSES will be provided if 15 or more people register -- on oF THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES GRADE '3 10 1. O'Neil 301 Simcoe St. N. Phone 728-7531 ALGEBRA FRENCH GEOMETRY TRIGONOMETRY 23-4678 Tues and Thurs, ings evenings id at time of enroliment; Ne re- "NORM" FISHER'S © Meat Market : Ss Service S ign. Tues. and Wed. Specials A =) . BONELESS Sirloin Steak Ib, 59. ° FREEZER PERSON ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 or WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 0. p.m, to 9:00 p.m. G. K. DRYNAN, 0.C., Cheirman 1, R, BACKUS, Business Administrator Norm Fisher's 22 SIMCOE ST. NORTH © FRONT QUARTERS © HINDQUARTERS No charge for cutting, wrapping and freezing SPECIAL Meat Market PHONE 723-3732 4 : the Lauren-|& tian 4-Door Sedan, 2-Door Sedan|& 4-Door 6-Passenger Safari, and/& inches in the|while the Astro-Flame 327 has) Syypyynonnnoniiionooorovormmnnnn How Does OOOO AN TOU Ye The Population Explosion Affect You? The population is. still exploding, ond it's getting hard to find enough bedrooms for all families, This office still has~ quite ings of closets, cellar: ones, too. Cal We $s, attics, And TeTTLYLLyy of hand! imi "Over A Quarter Century LIMITED 360 KING WEST ALLUII000NNNNNNDODNDDDDDIODND SCHOFIELD- houses with the growing a few list- larger home' with bedrooms, some smaller i us for prompt, courteous help without obligation. Call now -- be- fore "the population explosion" gets out of Service" AKER 723-2265 09000000000000000000000000 i "Ty Lip om agg yet more far wear! Lower the cost of CAT-TEX scientific wonder SOLES by Cat's Paw shoe repair for all H ' the family's shoes! amazing cat-Tex Soles outwear leather over and over again. No wonder this wonder-working sole is a scientific triumph, Miles more wear lowers the cost drastically! See your Cat's Paw shoe repairer, now! And look for them on new shoes, too! By the makers of famous CAT'S PAW HEELS and SOLES

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