Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Sep 1964, p. 2

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| | | \ q 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 14, 1964 Parley Opens Hydro Entente o By JOE RIGERT BLAINE , Wash, operation River development project. - Prime Minister Pearson and President Johnson will join for' ceremonies marking the final : ratification of the Canadian- U.S. Columbia River treaty. The two countries will reap handsome benefits from the agreement--four new dams in the upper reaches of the Co- Jumbia basin, millions of hydro- electric kilowatts and substan- tial flood-control gains, It will mean the final stage - in harnessing the . Columbia along its 1,214 miles course) from the Canadian rockies to « the Pacific Ocean, Studies and talks began in 1944, The United States ratified the! basic treaty in 1961, But the proposal ran into} © trouble in Canada over two key) issues--whether Canada should| temporarily sell its share of power to the U.S. and the price it should receive, APPROVE TREATY The two countries finally| reached a compromise and the) (AP)--The meeting of the Canadian and _ United States heads of govern- ment here Wednesday will sig- "nal the start of neighborly co- : on a vast Columbia Canadian government approved the treaty in June. The treaty calls for Canada to build three storage dams on her side of the border at the 'Mica, Arrow Lakes and Duncan sites, with completion dates set for 1968, 1969 and 1973. The three dams will even out the flow 'of the river throughout the year, reducing the threat of floods and enabling 11 main Co- lumbia River dams in the U.S. to produce an additional 2,800,- 000 kilowatts of power. Canada will finance the dams by selling her half of the treaty- power generated in the U.S, for 30 years for a lump sum of $253,929,534 (U.S.). She also will receive $64,400,000 (U.S.) a d- vance cash from the U.S. gov- ernment for flood control ben- efits in the United States. A combine of Pacific North- west utilities, incorporated as the Columbia Storage Power Exchange, has sold $314,000,000 in revenue bonds to buy the power. The corporation will pay off the bonds by reselling the power to its members and other utilities, ALLOWS DAM The treaty also allows the U.S. to build Libby Dam on the Kootenai River in Montana, a major tributary of the Colum- i Canada's approval was THIS needed because it will back wa-| Air Group iter 42 miles across the border) into Canada, Miss America of 1965--22- year-old Vonda Kay Van Canada will also gain other Dyke, of Phoenix, Ariz., gives BEAUTY'S NO DUMMY Saturday where the former Miss Arizona copped the title from 49 other beauties in the "1S AMAZED _ WEATHER FORECAST benefits, The Mica project will generate 2,000,000 kilowatts of electricity and make it feasible to build three other downstream Found 1963 Maotic oar ste tee cays 4 BOGOTA, Columbia. (CP)--|, The large increase of power Sir William P. Hildred, direc-|for the U.S, will result in < tor-general of the International|!east a temporary surplus for Air Transport Association, to-|the Pacific Northwest, Most of day described 1963 as a "'hectic|!t is planned for sale in the year" for the airline industry|Pacific Southwest, over a trans- but one that saw growth rates|mission hookup approved this "broadly maintained" and the|year by Congress. general financial picture im- | rg more aircraft on deel Ford UAW Men by member airlines, he did not ': expect "the industry as a whole Pass Pact Bids | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Ford| to be out of the woods for a few years yet." | Sir William's annual reportjof Canada workers, to the general meeting of|of Local 200, United Auto Work. IATA's 105 - member airlinesjers (CLC), Sunday endorsed| was one of cautious optimism.jcontract amendments which Text of the 26-page report was|are (> be submitted in com- released to the press in ad-|pany - union negotiations to be- vance of delivery. : igin in Toronto Sept. 30, Sir William said preliminary) New demands call for more! estimates indicate that mem-|paid holidays, longer vacations, ber airlines will show a 1963lincreased medical benefits and operating profit of $165,000,000.|improved working conditions in| This is based on estimates|the plants. showing ~perating revenues of H R 4 Bi $7,125,000,000 and operating ex.|, Henry Renaud, president of pensesof $6,960,000,000. the local and president of the Sir William said low fares|C@nadian national Ford bar- will continue to open up new gaining council, said a major} target is more equalized pay areas to mass air travel but he s i } doubted whether airlines could|between Canadian and United! States workers, At present a afford further reductions. . : differential exists of. 40-50 cents an hour for the assembly line worker and up to $1.40 an hour! for skilled craftsmen. | nected with travel are going ne | Bible Toting He said prices have yet "I am amazed at the way that airlines are being con- stantly told they must reduce fares when at the very same time all other elements con- all over the world on such travel esentials as hotel! rooms, meals, sightseeing tours) tips and even bags. "The greed and cynicism of Beauty Wins : | ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) Suitcases and/vonda Kay Van Dyke, a relig-| ious 21-year-old Arizona beauty, ' : 8 d Miss America of| many of the suppliers of basic| as tha elements to travel know no| reaches ga en bounds. I can only forecast that| Oh with aca rown-eyed tion and that the travelling pub-| ed Basing a ready smile, she} lic will spurn those who are|/@d been chosen only hours ear-| gouging them at the present | time." | lier as Miss Congeniality by the} other contestants. | At e end of 1963, IATA). Vonda carries a Bible with members had 3,075 aircraft injher and has -appeared with their operating flects, consist-\evangelist Billy Graham, For there will be a day of retribu-jher talent specialty, she per- ing of 789 jets, 614 turboprops, formed a ventiloquism act and 1,643 piston aircraft and 29 he}-| sang icopters. The total represented! She stands five a reduction of three per centlinches ) frem the previous' year. ' : feet six weighs 124 pounds and measures 36-24-36, Cloudy Periods, Slightly Cooler jd | 'a wink at same time her ven- annual contest, The Arizona | triloquist dummy, Kurley Q, State University senior used | winks in Atlantie City, N.J., the ventriloquism act in her 'Duty To Discuss Danger To Queen FREDERICTON (CP)--Mich- ael Wardell, publisher of. the Fredericton Gleaner, said in a/them. statement published in his| "Threats on her life have newspaper Saturday it is the/been made and warnings is- duty of public information me-|sued," he said, | dia to discuss possible agitation) "The attitude of organized! and danger to the Queen and/groups has already created op- is already growing bitterness and misunderstanding between membersjher planned visit to Quebec in/position to the Queen's visit on) has October. a scale that makes an intoler-| Mr. Wardell, in an earlier'able affront to her. broadcast carried on a CBC na-| "This alone makes it essen- tional radio network, warned of/tial that the Royal visit shall] possible dangers to the Queen.|not take place at this time.| He said in his published state- ment that Prime Minister Pear-|\Queen would be received in a son had described his earlier/manner befitting her dignity,"'| words as "extravagant and ex- he 'said treme." Mr. Wardell said "whatever| The British-born newspaper;may be the embarrassment of man, who Also publishes the|cancelling the visit now, it monthly Atlantic Advocate,| would be little compared to the came to Cahada in 1950. He had| shame and obloquy which would been vice-chairman of the Bea-|result from her public humilia- verbrook newspapers in. Brit-|tion here in Canada." ain, ag Oa a In his statement, he said "the question at once arises, it is im-| proper for the media of public! MH MH information: to discuss the sub- Derails Freight ject? FORT FRANCES, Ont. (CP) "I have no doubt about the/A- broken 'axle caused 43 cars Snapped Axle not only their right, it is 'heir/train to be derailed 60 milés} " Mr. Wardell said. east of here Sunday. oe : No injuries were reported as| AFFECTS QUEEN the cars' cargo of grain spilled uty, ..\itively LEAF, BUT MAYBE oR agg a NOT THREE OTTAWA (CP) -- "We're go- ing to have a new flag by Christmas,' a confident Prime Minister Pearson predicted Sun- day night in a nation-wide tel- evieion radio interview. Parliament will approve a new flag based on the maple leaf emblem, although it might within six weeks with a sub- stantial degree of unanimity. Mr. Pearson was interviewed by Norman DePoe, CBC Ot- tawa correspondent, and Vin- cent Prince, editorial writer for the strikebound Montreal La Presse, in a 30-minute recorded program broadcast by the Eng- lish and French TV and radio networks of the CBC, The same two journalists were scheduled to interview Op- position Leader Diefenbaker in, a similar half-hour special pro- gram tonight, set a i nile tals lth atin aie aaa Mr. Pearson indicated that a design showing a single maple leaf or other variations on the maple leaf theme would be ac- ceptable to the government if such a design received wide support in the flag committee. WON'T INSIST He also indicated that theln government members on the committee will complete ratification of a com- panion government not insist on garding the Union Jack. This proposal calls for recog- nition of the Union Jack as the|! Zi. ; al| increase the number of Liberal| talent presentation. Her per- | sonal statistics are: Five feet, | six inches tall, weighs 124 and the other measurements are | 36-24-36, | --(APP Wirephoto) | Throat Cut, Man Found Dead In Car ST, THOMAS, Ont, (CP)--Al- phonse Martin Cote, a 46-year- old bachelor from Guelph, was found dead in his car, his throat slashed with what police believe was a hunting knife, about 13 miles northeast of here early Sunday, A charge of ¢gapital murder been laid against Peter Schneider, 17, of Toronto. The teen-ager was picked up by two provincial police con- stables on routine patrol as he was walking along a road about There is no possibility that the/four miles from the abandoned} car containing Cote's body. Police subsequently found the| car in South Dorchester Town- ship. They said Cote was killed in Yarmouth Township about a mile west of Highway 74, The two points are about four miles apart Cote, an employee of Omark Industries of Guelph, was pos: identified by company officials. His body was found lying on the floor of the front ny on the passenger's side. Sgt Thomas OPP, said police be- lieve Mr. Cote picked up a hitchhiker somewhere west of awhile some- the way to Bel- hiker stopped where along mont. "This is a matter that pri-lalong the right-of-way, marily affects the Queen, It af-| The derailment was expected| fects the relations between Can-|to affect only one passenger| ada and Britain. It affects the|train on the branch line, No relations between the French+'33 from Port Arthur to Winni- speaking people of Quebec and|peg. The CNR said this unit those of the other provinces of would end its run today at Ati-| NEED Mortgage Money? McGIL Real Estate Broker ~ Canada at a time when there|kokan, 100 miles east of here.| Those who have it say it's great: Forecasts issued by the Tor- onto weather office at 5:30 a.m. | Synopsis: Cold air will reach southern Ontario early Tues- Lake Huron, Georgian Bay Winds southwest 15 to 20 be-| coming north 20 to 25 by mid- hight, increasing cloudiness to. day. It will be accompanied by| day. 1 a A aaa and ee Eee tae 08 tarie Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|coming north 20 Tesatay more Lake Huron, Lake Ontario. Ni-|ing, sunny today and cloudy to- agara, southern Georgian Bay,/night. : southern Haliburton region s,} : Windsor, London, Hamilton, Forecast Temperatures Toronto: Variable cloudiness|Low tonight, high Tuesday: and cooler Tuesday. Winds|Windsor ... 50 north 20 to 25. St. Thomas. ' Northern Haliburton, north-\London . ern Georgian Bay, Timagami,|/Kitchener .... Algoma regions, North Bay,| Mount Forest Subury, Killaloe: A few show.| youn Forest..... ers late this afternoon or eve- | Hanvilton Adecaenty ning. Tuesday variable cloudi-| ts nr ness and cooler, Winds north 20|/5'. Catharines....°' 5 to 25 tonight. | Teronto * White River, Cochrane, west. Peterborough ern James Bay regions: Tues-/ Trenton day variable cloudiness and | Kingston . very cool, Winds north 20 to 25/ Killaloe .... this afternoon, see eeee |Muskoka , TORONTO (CP) -- Marine) 301" Bay. forecasts issued by the weather|* office at 8:30 a.m., valid until/Eariton 11 a.m, EDT? Tuesday: Sault Ste. Marie... Lake Superior: Winds north|Kapuskasing ..,.. fo northeast, 25 to 30, becom-| White River ing northwest 20 tonight, vari-/Moosonee ... able cloudiness. |Timmins ~ eae BELL'S BUSINESS INTER Executive Command Post describes it best. Here's how it puts you in charge: The intercom part gives you direct access. to your key people (up to 17 of them). One oush of a button--you're there. (They don't have to do anything; when they answer you. their voice does the switching !) They can reach you equally fast. If you don't "want to be disturbed, a little lever gives you your own calls, call, you can ho side or outside privacy. Mike and speaker, of course, are beautifully sensitive. You can move about your office, or have a group there to talk and listen--every- body will get every word. Then the same set is hooked up to your qutside lines--up to 11 if you need them, You can make BELL ; the intercom--in fact, as you can see, there isn't much by way of voice communication in- Interphone won't do. Our reps will be glad to tell you all about it. ia appointment, just call your local Bell AND = evap WHERE THIS COMES FROM: Remember --Business Interphone Is just one of the complete cammunlatins services for bsinss fram Bel. | structive debate." symbol of Canada's ties with the Crown and the Common-| | wealth, "If the committee feels there should be another symbol... . that would be satisfactory." (Some opposition MPs, not- ably Leon Balcer, the Conserv- atives' Quebec leader, have suggested that the Red Ensign be recognized as the Common- wealth symbol, instead of the Union Jack.) Flag By Xmas, Pearson Says tee remains << agree on recomme! + He blamed the Conservatives for lack of agreement to streamline procedure, : He said work is continuing the preparation of the Canada Pension Plan. Mr, Pearson d the Con- --tvcnnseentacnsn servatives of holding up the flag resolution and other legis- lation with "unnecessary, ob- But he added that the 26th Parliament had passed more laws than most people realized He repeated 'his warning that the government will propose changes in the rules of proce- PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR 728-9474 187 King St. Eost dure if the procedure commit- ee 72 a ae Fred Rawlins, of the St.| Day or Night - 728-4285 || The leadership convention be- gins here Thursday and _ will) have 1,470 eligible delegates. | Mr. Neiman, who gp ten draft committee of 10 mem- bers in Toronto and 10 regional| chairmen avross the province said: "We have not talked with Mr. Templeton. He has left on a vacation and has gone into hiding. We don't even know |where he is," | Mr. Neiman said he hopes to persuade Mr, Templeton that he should reconsider his decision. However, he said if the com- mittee failed to convince Mr, Templeton before the conven- tion begins, he could still be nominated from the floor up to Friday night. | "We feel the ability of Mr. Templeton should not be lost to the Liberal party,' "Mr. Neiman said. 'We are dissatisfied with the role the Liberal party has played in the province, Weare going to get as many delegates as possible so we can force Mr. Templeton to accept the draft." The remaining contenders for the leadership are legislature 458 that the THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires from time to time, teachers for its evening programme, Applications are invited at the present time anyone i d, The followi are offered: GRADE 13 Art, Algebre, Biology, Chemistry, English, French, Geography, History, Spanish ADVANCED TECHNICAL Mechenics of M hal Electrical Mechenies, Physics, English, Che Mathematics, Drewing ADULT CLASSES GENERAL oh ago gg gh Soteh Geometry, Mute moking lish, nversational Fi Office Practice, Physica! Education, Sewing, Stenography T. yping Auto hank Pp Electricity, Electronics, Smell Motors, Sheet Metal, Welding di; Building Instruction, Drotting, not be the government's three- leaf design, the prime minister 'said, He was confident that the newly-created special commit- tee on the flag would recom- mend a 'distinctive design 150 Delegates Pledged -- TORONTO (CP) -- Clemens Toronto Dovercourt; Eddie Sar- Neiman, chairman of a draft-\gent, Grey North; 'Joseph Templeton committee, said Sun-|G ould, Toronto Bracondale; day that 150 delegates to the|/Robert Nixon, Brant; Victor Ontario Liberal party conven-|Copps, Mayor of Hamilton, and tion have committed their votes\|J. J. (Joe) Greene, member of to Charles Templeton, who an-|the House of Commons for Ren- nounced Friday he had with-|frew South. drawn 'trom the race for. pro vincial leadership . send ered Mr. Neiman, a Toronto Jaw-| M-F F yer and president of the York} actory West Liberal anputeal ty 'i at a press conference tha e| S$ k S | committee will try this week to| tri e 9een itted to Mr... BRANTFORD (CP)--Herbert pvc Se ecnar wren ah international representa- and newspaper executive who] tive of the United Auto Work- was defeated in the Toronto|°'s (CLC), said Sunday after a Riverdale byelection Thursday. closed door meeting with the negotiating committee of Local way things look there will be a strike at the Massey-Ferguson Limited com- bine plant here. He said the union has not heard from the company since the talks broke off last Friday. The union negotiating commit- tee will meet again today in an effort to set up the strike machinery if no agreement is reached, However, no strike date has been set, The union wants the 900 workers included in the Massey - Ferguson master con- tract which employees of other company plants have signed, | Management said the com- bine lant here is an assembly operation not a manufacturing plant and should not be in- cluded in the master contract. NEED A NEW... * OIL FURNACE? PERRY Day or night 723-3443 members Andrew Thompson, Interior Decorating, Music, Personal OD: Retell h ing, Resteuront Service, Home Making. | Anyone interested in teaching one or more of the above subjects should apply in writing, steting full perticulers te the 8B: Ad ministrater, Oshawe Boerd of Education, 555 Ressland Rd. West, G, K, DRYNAN, Q.C, R. Chairman Bus 'answer to the question. It is/of an east-bound CNR freight/Toronto and that he and the salt , BACKUS, | ° Buying a new car? Choose your own repayment plan... PHONE you can add others in on any Id an outside call while you use your office that the Business <i, s COMMUNICATIONS ' 1S OUR BUSINESS a $1,000.. $ 500..... $2,000... ..$175.81 $3,000... . .$263.72 Monthly instalment includes interest at 6% per annum plus service ~charge and cost of life insurance on the unpaid balance. 12 months $ 43.96 «oS 87.91 18 months $ 30.04 $ 60.07 $120.14 $180.21 = 24 months $ 23.09 30 months $ 18,92 36 months $16.14 $ 46.17 $ 92.34 $138.51 $ 37.83 $ 75.65 $113.48 $32.28 $64.56 $96.84 then see "The Bank" If you're in the market for a new car, give your nearest Toronto-Dominion Bank Manager a call. A low-cost Personal Loan from The Bank can put you behind the wheel of the car of your choice, ik iL TORONTO-DoMINION [EELULd Where neonle make the difference G. B, MILES, Manage KING & SIMCOE r W, R. SINGLETON, Manager KING ST, EAST, OSHAWA I, E. ERWIN, Menager 455 SIMCOE, SOUTH OSHAWA

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