Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Sep 1964, p. 7

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ea SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH WOMEN, UNIT 1, PLAN ANNUAL TEA Simcoe Street United Church Women to be held at the home of Mrs. A. Drummond White, Simcoe street north, Mrs, C. M. Elliott, left, is convener of the annual "Autumn Tea" sponsored by the Phoebe Scammell Unit of on Thursday, September 17; 1964. Seen with her from left to right are Mrs. C. O. Miller, president; Mrs. White, ; Ee a Bs Z 258 es RS In the movies last night she wanted me to kiss her so I fin- ally did--to keep her quiet. Well my aunt and uncle were sitting behind us and I didn't know it --until this morning when I heard plenty from my father. | Don't ¢ll me to break up with this girl. I have already thought of it and I've decided I don't want to. Any other sug- gestions?--No Name Please you Dear perecieiles Since don't want to break up with the girl youll just have to take how she made the mistake. I offered to bring the guy over and prove it to her but she said. ""Don's bother -- Sandy. the hostese and Mrs. L. T. Savage, co-convener. --Oshawa Times Photo COIMCH, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-8474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, September 12,1964 7 Gloria Joy, John Baldwin Married In Peterborough Northminster United Church,|Soles, sister of the bride, was in Peterborough, was the settinglyellow. The bridesmaids were for the wedding of Gloria Diane| Miss Linda Joy, sister of the Joy to John Irven Baldwin last|bride, in turquoise, and Miss Saturday. The bride is the|Lynn Trude, in ice blue. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spaf-| Miss Tammy Lyons, Oshawa, ford L. Joy, and the bride-\a cousin of the bridegroom's, grooms' parents are Mr. and)was flower girl wearing a baby Mrs: John H. Baldwin, The Reverend E. Gilmour {pink full-skirted dress trimmed ith white lace and white ac- Smith officiated. Wedding music|cessories. She carried a white was played by Mrs, Ross Moore. basket of pink and white chry- The soloist was Mrs. Frank/santhemums. Buller, Oshawa, the' bride's} The bridesmaids carried cas- aunt. |cades of white chrysanthemums The bride chose a full length|with ribbons and streamers to gown of Alencon lace and nylon|match their gowns. Students Converge On Stratford | Of the total number of stu- |dents expected during the next three. weeks, at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival 10,365 | will represent the Toronto area, while 1,074 will attend from Kit- jchener-Waterloo and 2,484 from |Hamilton and Burlington. An- jother 2,118 will arrive from Mi- chigan and 2,798 from New York State. | Other cities represented in-| point east, the bride chose a yellow suit with black accessor- ies and a white orchid corsage. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. |Baldwin will live at 416 Stewart \Street, Apt. 6, Peterborough. Dear Sandy: I can't under- stand why she doesnt believe you, Today the girls look like boys an dthe boys don't look like their fathers anymore . . . they look like their mothers. I hope Peggy. will reconsider. She sounds like a fine person and it would be a shame to lose her when you are innocent of the charge. your chances and hope this kiss- ing miss doesn't land you both in the hospital--or worse. clude London, Windsor, Sarnia, Belleville, Peterborough, Mont- real and, Niagara Falls, Ont. Fifty-two students from the On- tario School for the Blind. in Brantford will attend a_perfor- mance of "King Lear" on Sept- ember 14. For the September 26 performance of 'Richard II", WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, fun loving couples to learn the new d style of 'square dancing. Every: Wednesday ee teats eet er (shift work no > If interested call 725-2744 or 623-2237. F ul a - a iB o 2 = BS li is 3 8 2 i & e _ "< 8 bad g & z reck P it E 5 ' '¢ nf g COIFFURES > ° remarry. Ive been patient fo time, Ann, and I'm anything to make Can it be that Im self?--Doc Dear Doc: If the ting the dead hand on the mar- riage you should talk this out with the three of them, at once. If this not the case, and the LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Cer Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Heir Stylist HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 728-4 NU - WAY RUG onet dgstitute of Tug "Sioonens 41 students will travel to Strat- ford from Edegwood High Schooi in Pittsburg, Pa, The highlight of the: students' visits~is the informal question- answer period at the conclusion of each performance. A leading}} . member of the cast, stepping out of character, will comment on the play, explain some of th unusual aspects of the theatre itself and then answer ques- tions from the student audience. Dear Ann Landers: I can't ou ae THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE INVITES ... All Service Clubs,Church Groups, Ladies' Auxiliary Fall Fashions For Boys & Girls Choose from rack after rock of the lotest styles from in- fonts to size 14. Charge ond Budget Accounts Invited. vJo "The Best Costs Less At' UINIG OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE to raise funds for their own good cause at our Fall Bazaar Sept. 24, 1964 For Further Porticulars Contact Administration Office 728-6231 i 4 ge! NOW RENTING © 65 LUXURIOUS SUITES tulle with a portrait neckline} The best man was Mr. Jack © PENTHOUSES d lily-point sleeves. The full|/Lyons, Oshawa, and the ushers shict bad of net edged with|were Mr. Wayne Joy, headdress was of hand-| For made satin orange blossoms and|church hall the bride's mother lily of the valley, edged with net|recetved, wearing a mulberry laurel leaves and held an elbow|jacket dress of peau de soie with length scalloped illusion veil:\a flowered ce. Her acces- She carried a cascade of redjsories were white and she wore roses. and white chrysanthe:|a corsage of white sweetheart mums. roses. The bridegroom's mother The attendants were gownedjassisted, wearing an elfin blue r alike in short chiffon over taf-|lace sheath with jacket and blue|§. feta gowns with round necklines|and white accessories. She wore end bell shaped skirts. The mat-ja pink sweetheart rose corage. ron of honor, Mrs. Kenneth| Leaying on a wedding trip to for those Autumn Ml Jreland stupio 21 ATHOL ST. W. © INDOOR PARKING Completion date - @pprox. Sept. 30, 1964 RENTAL INFORMATION By Appointment Only Phone 723-1712 or 728-2911 GeEORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH; OSHAWA had Enjoy Distingeee, Presti Living « « « In Surroundings Beyond Compare" 723-3680 ww AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC Make your next home a MEDALLION ALL-ELECTRIC HOME. Enjoy the custom-comfort of electric heating... the decorator touch of planned lighting... full housepower...the convenience of major appliance wiring... and super-fast electric water heating. For information, call: your hydr LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY oe : OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-Operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . COMMISSION PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PHONE 668-5878 PHONE 942-0500 PHONE 942-2930 THE KIWANIS CLUB of OSHAWA Ine, PRESENTS Its Eleventh Annual . rene | ADVENTURE SERIES STARTING ON MONDAY, OCT. 5th at the ) CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM SIMCOE ST, SOUTH You'll see world famous ploces, photographed in brilliant motion picture color by World Famous trevellers who will APPEAR IN PERSON and give @ running commentary on the sights thet will unfold through the magic lens of the camera. Don't miss a single trevelogue for beauty, thrills and excitement at its best! Enjoy the Magnificent Color Film Stories of Such Enchanting - Lands and Areas As... @ THE CARIBBEAN -- @ THE ARCTIC e@ EAST & WEST |. BERLIN | @ INDIA e@ THE BIBLE LANDS e THE BALKANS © GUATEMALA SEASON TICKETS es Tickets may be obtained from any of the Kiwanis Club ef Oshawa. Hurry! Only @ limited ber of tickets evailabl 6 MONDAY NIGHTS ~-- Oct. 5th, Nov. 9th, Nov. 30th -- 1964 P @ 0 0 Jan. 25th, Mar. Ist, Mar. 29th -- 1965 STUDENTS ... % PRICE General Admission for each Travelogue 1.00 -- Students 50¢ hh

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