Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Sep 1964, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Séptember 12, 1964 SPORT FROM BRITAIN Annual Grouse Hunt Lures Top Shooters © By DOUG MAR6GHALL August week potting about on LONDON (CP)--The trouble} moors. And for those lacking with being a certified th .the necessary social connec- bred 100-per-cent all-British red 0s, moor owners will enter- grouse is that their life ex-/tain paying guests for anything pectancy is almost nil. between 100 and 300 guineas a If the cold wet March weather! Week---$315 to $945--plus the doesn't kill them, as it. did} Cost. of cartridges. many a fledglinc grouse chick) More than 100- Americans this year, then e massed shot! have flown over to do their bit in keeping down the British ag - art cortatily) rouse population this year, de- PROOF, POSITIVE PROOF! BAD BOY In the four months after each! Aug. 12, celebrated as The) Glorious Twelfth among 4 sporting and well-heeled section, of Britain's social elite, more than 2,000,000 grouse are mas- sacred over the moors of York- shire, Northumberland, Lanca- shire and the Scottish High- lands, | The red grouse, found only) in Britain, is a harmless heather - eating bird about 15 inches long and weighing about 22 ounces, Its hereditary) fate is that it is good to eat) and in flight -- skimming six feet above the ground at blurring 50 miles an hour--it presents the shooting man with a supremely difficult target. An average shot mignt hit one bird in a covey of six; it takes an expert to pick off a lone grouse. Currently the best shot in Britain is the Duke of spite reports that fewer birds than ever are available for slaughter, and an influx of shooting men arrive daily from France, Belgium and Germany Whether the sportsmen pay for their pleasure or shoot for free, none would dare violate he code and appear on the moor underdressed and ill- equipped. A complete outfit, 'n- volving shooting suit, deer- stalker hat and a double-barrel 12-hore shotgun, can cost the novice anything from £104 to Grouse shooting, like its blood brother fox hunting, is a sport that leaves the mass of Britons cold, Proletarian writers wax sarcastic every. time Aug. 12! comes round. A_ picture of! Prime Minister Sir Alec Doug-| las-Home, gun in hand, peering} through a. clump of gorse,} moved one left-wing edi'or to} HAS NO COMPETITION BRAND NEW RCAVICTOR New Vista Stereo FM RCA VICTOR | | |94 98 102 106 108 STEREO-ORTHOPHONIC HIGH FIDELITY with AM/FM RADIO : 8 e 9 i oN Js Ome POSTON POLL OFF BASS BALANC ts) s So E LOUDNESS TUNING FUNCTION * Lee 2 o o Oo 2 : &(): & % OS nd @STe°60 Moe Dg & KONO PHONG AM Fm Roxburghe who downed 250 exclaim | | brace--500 birds--in one day. That ridiculous figure in} Yet to be beaten is. Lord knickerbockers murdering obse-) , j mn Walsingham's 1888 record of dulous grouse: secs aie 7 COMPARTMENT 535 brace in a day's outing But as long as and men L IGHT | DIAMOND NEEDLE Once the sporting relaxation Moors and . grouse of tweedy squires in sleepy, With enough money to shoot al shires. grouse shooting has re-|them, the sport is likely to re- cently become . big business.| main as lucratively fashionable ~otti as ever ia, a pie ante. The only consolation for the 000) a year from grouse. grouse is that, come Septem- i ber the guns will also be SPEND ONE WEEK trained on the poor partridge Everybody who is anybody and on Oct. | the pheasant be strives to spend at least one|comes the prime target. With This Purchase WORLD FAMOUS DUAL CHANGER TENNIS STARS Shakespeare Family Holds Many Records By STUART LAKE ers, said in an interview that OTTAWA (CP) -- Insurance/he's had a barrel of fun from man Bill Shakespeare of Hali- tennis fax remembers when he used The family, already a close- to crawl out of bed about. six knit one, has been drawn closer o'clock on summer mornings together by the game. and take his youngsters to @ Their father says there's no nearby tennis court for lessons.\trick in developing champions His coaching days now arejin tennis or in any other game just about over. He cheerfully) "The big thing is patience." admits his 17 - year - old son, It's also important to start . Barry, who is Canada's second-/them in the chosen sport at an ranked junior, can lick him) early age. He began his young- with ease sters when they were five Judy, 20, Donna, 13, and Billy "'But don't depend on some- Ir., 11, also are a. delight tone else to do the job. Why their father and coach'as they|Should a stranger take a deep prance about: the courts play- interest in your kids? ing a superior brand of tennis.| Once the youngsters are past Every August for the last] --s state in their seven years Shakespeare has| Sone the parent won't have: to loaded his car with little Shake-| ™@Ke ® special effort to inter- hem--such as getting u peares and made the trip here| oil, ine masters 8 & UP to enter them in the Canadian!" wy, aut have ve junior tennis championships _\them--they'll push you." To date the family record is five championships and numer. WON PROVINCIAL TITLE ous appearances in finals and; A native of England who! semi-finals. It'll be seven more Came to Canada in 1935, Shake- years before the youigest|speare was better than average Shakespeare outgrows the tour-|himself on the courts. He says nament so the record is almostihis big claim to athletic fame SEPARATE BASS ano TREBLE CONTROL 3O W PILOT LIGHT DIAL LIGHT FAMOUS RCA VICTOR 23" CONSOLE TELEVISION | New Vista Special Chassis delivers20,000 volts of picture power. NEW 1965 RCA VICTOR 19" PORTABLE TELEVISION Picture Stabilizer Circuits provide an elec- tronic barrier against interference Automatic Channel Equalizer (Keyed AGC) reduces 'flutter' and "fading" High Level Contrast Control gives wider contrast range without picture distortion ow § Aluminized Automatic Scene Control Circuits balance brightness and contrast as picture changes from light to dark scenes "Space Age" Copper-bended Circuits are precision-crafted, rugged end reliable, with LIFETIME GUARANTEE "Dark Heater" Tubes and Silicon Recti- fiers mean cooler operation, longer set life push Power Grid Tuner Spece Age Seoled * Cirevite 23" Dedp Foeus picture whe reduces Minety - nine reflections, makes for easy dusting cents extre for remote centro! feeture. WITH REMOTE CONTROL Whether you're In bed or sitting back relex- ing with a flick of a switch you can turn your set on, with a flick of a switch you can turn your set off -- automatically, SALE OPEN TILL 6:30 P.M. TO-NIGHT 9:30 P.M. MONDAY + SP SOCIO 6: SPEAKERS © FM/AM RADIO @ FAMOUS BRITISH RECORD CHANGER-- FOUR SPEED FULLY AUTOMATIO © PLUG IN JACK FOR EXTENSION SPEAKERS @ 36 TUBE FUNCTIONS @ SOLID wood VENEER CABI- NET, WALKUT- GRAIN FINISH SEEEE RT FURNITURE BUYS 39" Cont. Beds "irrin:..." 42-88 3-Pc. Bedroom Suites 118-88 2-Pc. Chesterf'ld ".;.." 158-°° Bunk Beds 36" "2." 86-88 Scandi Chairs 28.88 Pole 'Lamps 6-88 bee 4 £4 44 "oy gt 2. fer Ls CLEP AS Soest o ¥ | SESSORITELIEELEILS J O4SSEPEBIEOLEG EES f /s, PHILA LOLS LICL LG LES GLEOL OATES F PEMGIOIL EE? ths hth te BI 27 Uy, f lf 4 By Skier SLIDING PANEL PROTECTS CONTROLS FROM BUSY FINGERS shelve temporarily its plans for| Toronto Maple Leafs have the a new $500,000 year-round skat-|most exhibition games, 17,: in-, ing rink. Club president Roy|cluding nine against NHI, op Haines says the project, which position would also house a curling Boston Bruins a $25 FREE Stereo Records With This Stereo SSSI NS London of the country's top tennis-play He's concerned about Can- now 55 and\tennis play until it pays more| Manager of the youngsters are to continue im-} courts Over Fullmer :**:" 5° The victory made Tiger's rec the bout. nounced Friday that its six Dick Tiger, pursuing & CON-/the United States where the down the curtain on 20 years Of/NHT, teams play American was in command throughout/Professional Hockey League up : : {Pittsburgh AHL and Memphis against other opposition. Cana-! OSHAWA early training, has had to\/LEAFS HAVE MOS Teo Clear 728-4659 rink. swimming pool and sum- Ont., and Detroit Red Wing bound to improve was winning the tennis cham ing families {ada's dismal showings in Davis Nova -Scotia attention to its young talent Board of Insurance Underwrit proving, athletic scholarships! Their father's pet peeve ™<# "Our fellows were told early| The Fight - of - the - Week } oronto Leafs | network television series, ended | i E hibi . , ord 49-13-3. Fullmer's record is X 1 ition Tilts clubs will play a total of 58 stantly running opponent, WOn|NHT, does not operate Fight - of - the - Week tele-/Hockey League teams. There! e the dull match. Fullmer, 162%,| Detroit Red Wings also have} TUESDAY |CPHL farm clubs. Montreal Ca-| Skating Club, where world fa-| dens training camp is at M eee Free Delivery Which means the Shake. Pionship of Newfoundland some Cup play and believes the coun ENJOYS GAME "The junior developmen pro-| . . 1c ger are needed," he says the player who makes a fuss} that they'd be hauled off the series, the longest continuous on a drab note owing to Full- Schedule Most M-10-3 MONTREAL (CP) -- The Na CLEVELAND (AP) -- Fot-!pre-season exhibition games, 29 a unanimous decision over Don jy 9; games NHL clubs will! vised ntatches are four games between clubs| kept his distance and frus-ithree games in which they play'| SHELVES PLANS nadiens play four intra-squad| mous Canadian figure skater) ».9) PHONE launched unless the club in- have 13 exhibition games sched ' luled. y , speares could claim to be one Years ago try won't be a threat in worid Shakespeare gram is excellent but if the} Easily Wins =." 0 court if they took up this play- | mer's reluctance to scrap Only 1,796 turned out to watch tional Hockey League an mer middlewefght champion|of them in cities of Canada and| Fullmer Friday night, ringing meet each other. In another 13.| Tiger, 164%, from Nigeria,jof the NHL and the Central trated Tiger's efforts to mix it/, combined' team from. their! a KING ST. EAST OTTAWA (CP) -- The Minto games in-addition to 10 games| Barbara Ann Scott received her' | creases itg membership,

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