Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Sep 1964, p. 13

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AESNS 1 ci edo ponple nang ge he ON MENSA LE ET GLENS D ELI LD LILA DLA LAM! SO IG Dae ees mip we aU wa ayes aig Em caper Dee ~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, September 12, 1964 13 COLORFUL HORSES Cruelty to Animals. Each of the GUILDFORD, England (CP)| MONTREAL (CP) -- pen ber pe ey no A giant carp weighing 56|city's caleche - 'pulling horse: /sles, @ tourist attraction here, now are rting bright red received a covering with the bi- pounds has been found dead in| yin ae aes eT ingual inscription: "Loaned for a Surrey lake, Now fishermen) society for the Prevention of'my comfort by the SPCA." are hoping for an even greater jJated that only British labor British ships must be used. FISH STORY " and| REVIVE INDUSTRY IPSWICH, England (CP) -- A proposal has been made to re- vive the oyster industry in the (River Deben in Suffolk as a fishery covering two areas with a total area poy Enel 200 acres,|catch in these waters. The carp The ministry of agriculture, inlis the biggest ever found in 1 " losing Eli's greedy and immoral sons are slain when the Philistines wage vic- torious war on Israel and capture the Ark of the Covenant.--I Samuel 3, 4 The Ark brings misfortune to the Philistines, destroying their god, smiting them with tumors. They re- turn it to Israel with rich gifts.-- I Samuel 5. Samuel assembles a repentant Israel at Mizpah. The Philistines attack and are defeated with God's help.-- GOLDEN TEXT: Proverbs 3:5, 6. accepting the proposal, stipu- Britain. I Samuel 6, 7, 'Anarchic Period Ended By Samuel - By R. H. RAMSEY The book of Judges ends in an era of violence, anarchy and confusion. Israel was sur- rounded by enemies who, from time to time, made life miser- able for them, enslaving many. Religious life was at a low ebb; the nation was in danger of permanent subjugation and its identity as God's chosen people. Only through a great leader could faithfulness to God be restored, enemies subdued and the whole moral tone of the people cleansed an lifted up. The man who was to serve in this capacity was Sam- uel, the last of the judges. ' The story opens with the ac- count of the somewhat miracu- lous conception of Samuel by Hannah. During an annual sac- rifice at the Temple, this un- happy woman, one of the two wives of Elkanah, cries to the Lord because she is barren. If the Lord: will give her a son, she promises to dedicate him to God GRANTS PRAYER can The Lord grants Hannah's prayer, and in due time she tri- umphantly presents the infant Samuel to Eli. Then follows Hannah's famous hymn of praise, a song of thanksgiving and confidence. in the Lord, which has been likened to th Magnificat of Mary (Luke 1:46- 55). Hannah leaves Samuel in the temple of Shiloh and the old 'priest brings him up in the service of the Lord. Historians present us with an appealing of Samuel doing every thing to keep God's; 'his age and capabilities. Each year when Hannah came to the tem- ple to make sacrifice, she brought her son a coat which she made bigger and bigger as he grew to be a man. Eli had two grown sons who, because they were descended from Aaron, were his successors to the priesthood. Through their .Jemerods, or tumors, a charac- capture thé Ark of the Coven- ant. Hearing of the double dis- aster, Eli falls dead and Samuel succeeds him as judge of Is- rael, In everything we have seen of Samuel's life thus far, God has been obeyed and Samuel's conscience is void of offense to God and man. With the roots of his life firmly established, one can expect a mature life, strength, character, wisdom in hours of crisis, and power in delivering the Word of God. All Golden Text: "Trust in the) | GODS A-BEGGING Lord with all thine heart; and) 1ONDON (CP)--There 'are no lean not unto thine own under-|more gods at Covent Garden. standing. In all thy ways ack-|The gallery at the Royal Opera nowledge Him, and He shall|House, with its cramped, back- CARRIES BIG LOAD The Canso airplane is 'capa- ble of carrying more than three tons of water when called upon BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV. G. A. CARROLL, Pastor Mr, R. Smerage, Director of Music Mr. G. Bateman, Leader Res. 728-2426 Church 728-2931 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE MESSAGE -- LIFE A BUBBLE OR AN EGG SPECIAL MUSIC -- DUETS -- SOLOS 11:00 A.M. COMMUNION SERVICE 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL TUES. 7:30 C.A. -- VESPER SERVICE A PORTRAIT OF CHRIST FROM PROPHECY TO HIS SECOND RETURN THURS. 7:00 P.M. FAMILY NIGHT IBLE STUDY FOR ADULTS WITH BIBLE CLUB FOR CHILDREN for forest fire-fighting. direct thy paths." -- Proverbs!less' benches, has been elimin- 36, 36. ated in alterations to the 106- year-old theater. Hear BROTHER BILLY HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd, South GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST 230 Gibbons Street Over WHLD RADIO 1270 K.C. Niagara Falls, N.¥. 9:30 a.m. Daily SIMGQE PENTECOST AL CHURCH 245 Simcoe St. S. Pastor: REV. GEORGE C. SMITH THIS SUNDAY AT SIMCOE STREET... 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT Pastor Wm. Lewis 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School ! | | ! | 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP "00 P.M EVENING SERVICE | ALL ARE WELCOME 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M "WHERE ARE: YOU GOING" DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE these traits marked the subse- quent years of Samuel. In order that Israel might learn a lesson before being brought into a new era of bless- ing, and that the Philistines might learn He is infinitely greater than any false god, God permitted the capture of the Ark. Though a major disaster to Israel, it brought only mis- fortune to the Philistines. First, the statue of their god Dagon is found mysteriously fallen and broken. Then they are smitten with a plague of teristic symptom of the Oriental plague. Terrified, they return A Religion for Today's World CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ANGLICAN MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN, H, D, CLEVERDON -- PHONE 725-5795 Assistant: The Rev. J. D. Osborne -- Phone 728-0732 CHURCH OFFICE TEL. 728-8251 8:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 9:30 A.M. & 11;00.A.M,--CHURCH SCHOOLS 1:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER Sermon -- The Rector Nursery Care at 11:00 a.m. Service 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Sermon -- The Rev. J, D, Osborne 1 the Ark to Israel, accompanied by rich gifts. There it rested for 20 years, a period in which no religious work was done, when the -national life of Israel was at a low ebb. Now Samuel assembles the tribes at Mispah, marking the second great religious revival in the Bible. Samuel's prayers as- sured the Lord that the heart of His people was again His; and implored Him to.again re- store His repentant, sorrowful people to the Promised Land. When the Philistines fall upon Lea nna ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. The Reverend Conon F. G Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R. G: Brooks -- Assistant SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th -- TRINITY XVI 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 13:0 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER--Installation of General Committee for Stewardship Mission 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER AA Conernosnts of the Church School begin this Sundey morning at 11:00 a.m. Nursery Facilities ovailable ot the 11.00 a.m. Service : -------- ict --_------ assembly, -- with God's help, subdue them. Thereafter Samuel judges Is- rael--apparently in peace and prosperity--for many years. Flax for famous Irish Inien, manufactured in Northern Ire- land, now is imported because farmers prefer to raise dairy and beef cattle. FREE METHODIST CHURCH frie St., off Simcoe S$. Minister: Rev. C. M. Bright (Next efter Bloor $t.) Phone: '725-3872 In the language of our time To the people of our time Concerning problems of our time To Unitarians, ail doctrine and belief must stand the test of enlightened reason. While not discarding the tested truths of tradition, it keeps abreast of modern knowledge. Pushing aside the veils of creed and dogma, Unitarians enlist the support of education and science that man may better understand and cooperate with his fellow man UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP C.R.A. Building 100 Gibb St. 11:00 A.M, "ARGUMENTS WITH A MYSTIC" Guest Specker: © Mr, €. Braunlich 11:00 A.M. School of Religion BIBLE CLASSES 11:00 A.M.--WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE @ PASTOR GEORGE SMITH SPEAKS @ MUSIC BY THE QUARTET AND CHOIR The Church . . . Where Happy People Bid You Welcome KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 611 KING STREET WEST 728-5371 E. Howard Kerr, Pastor 9:45 AM, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL Badk to School and Bock to Sunday Schoo! 11:00 A.M. COMMUNION SERVICE inspiring Worship Service for All Christions 7:00 P.M. Office EVANGELISTIC RALLY First Great Indoor Rally After Summer Drive-in Church Services You will enjoy Good Music, Inspiring Singing Challenging Gospel Message THE PASTOR SPEAKING AT ALL SERVICES A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO YOU 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A:M.---MORNING WORSHIP greed and. immoral. conduct, they brought shame and dis- grace to the religious practices of Israel. An unnamed man of God eame to Eli, rebuking him for hot discipling his sons or dis- missing them from the priest- hood. He foretold that Eli's line would be cut off from the priest- hood for their worldliness, Then God called young Samuel, re- yealing to him the coming de- struction of Eli's sons for their fniquities. PROPHECIES FULFILLED The prophecies are fulfilled when the Philistines wage war LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE ' HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M Guest Speaker--Rev. W. J. Stonehouse Area Superintendent) 7:00 P.M.--THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR Wed.--8:00 p.m.--Prayer and Bible Study A Warm Welcome Awaits You J 7 on the Israelites. Eli's sons are) slain the day the Philistines HARMONY Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., 8.0., Minister ; ni Ross Metcalt A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10.00 A.M. School for School children 11:00 A.M, Kindergarten and Tiny Tots 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP. Mr. Ernest Fellows in eg A Hearty Welcome to All ~ GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Vicor Edward Nelson, Assistant SUNDAY SERVICES oge 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. WED. CHURCH SCHOOL 7:40 P.M, WED. WORSHIP SERVICE UNITED CHURCH | nr SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th CKLB -- DIAL 1350 : | | | TO SERVE GOD! | RALLY DAY GUEST SPEAKERS: DR. & MRS. || EVERITT SARGEANT || who are leaving to attend the Sal- ! vation Army Training College, To-~ ronto. Farewell Services ot 11 A.M, 2 P.M. (Sunday School) and 7 P.M, 6:15 P.M--OPEN AIR SIMCOE SOUTH 2:30 P.M. TUES. -- Home League 8:00 P. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" |! ee | Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis Corps Officers 133 Simeoe South | "ss FREE METHODIST CHURCH | 1042 Rossland Rd. W. East of Garrard PASTOR--MR. ROBERT BUCHANAN 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--"THE MISSION OF THE MESSIAH" 7:00 P.M.--REV. STONEHOUSE, Superintendent 8:00 P.M.--WEDNESDAY---PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY |. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 1 FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, SUNDAY SCHOOL --- 11:00 A.M. | 11:00 A.M. "SUBSTANCE" Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M Reading Room Houts, Tues. 1:00-4:00 P.M. Excepting Holidays Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sunday The Baha'i World Faith THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH | (Four blocks from King) | Minister Rev. G. W. C. Brett, B.A. 454 Bader Ave. 728-6122 Musica! Director Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, ST. PAUL'S KING ST. E. & WILSON Interim - Moderator REV. D, R. SINCLAIR, B.A. 492 Masson St. 728-9178 Mr, Frank Walter Organist and Choirmoster ST. LUKE'S Rossland Rd. W. at Nipigon Minister REV. BD. R. SINCLAIR, B.A. 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 9:45 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. RALLY DAY SERVICE Paren er. & Children will worship THEME: "These Words Thine Heart' No Evening Service during the Summer. Come and Worship With Us Shalt Be In 9:30 A.M. The Church i Rally Day Program: : ras 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP REV. FRANK SLATTERY of Dipton, New Zealand 11:00 A.M PUBLIC WORSHIP "In the Beginning, God." Congregational yer pist J following th i forship All Cordieny Invites. e Service of FIRST REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A., BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD MISS JUDITH DAVISON, Bac. Mus. 11:00 A.M. Communion of the Lord's Supper 7:00 P.M. Characteristics of a Christian (6) Believers 9:45 -- Bible School for the Whole Family Nursery and Jr. Church at 11:00 A.M. Wisdom is the glory of man, not ignor- ance; light, not darkness; it is a good thing to turn one's face toward God. For further Information write: OSHAWA BAHA"! COMMUNITY SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO 11 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA SUNDAY, Message Bearers: Mrs. 2:30 P.M.--HEALING CIRCLE 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE CIRCLE ADDRESS--REV. O. PERRY . Craig and Mrs. Hurn oll of T SEPT, 13 'oronto. ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Place of Worship: DR. S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A.,M.Th. 10:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP Nursery care provided during morning worship 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE Tune into CKLB at 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr, Ref. Churches in the Oshawa-area) and at 9:15 P.M. (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL | BAPTIST CHURCH Corner "Evangeline & Philip Murray Postor: REV, ERNEST WINTER 9:45 A.M, - BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00. and 7:00 P.M. REV. E. WINTER WEDNESDAY, 7:45 p.m BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER A WELCOME .FOR ALL CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Pastor--REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE Catvary Baptist @e ae di ' bits 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 -A.M.--""ABOUNDING LOVE" -- The Christian's Privilege 7:00 P.M.--"THE HOLY SPIRIT" -- ~The Christian's Possession 7 P.M. SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO Wednesday, 7:45 P.M. -- Bible Study and Prayer Saturday, 8:00 P.M. -- Prayer Meeting Albert Street United Church (Albert St. ond Olive Ave) MINISTER: REV. ALBERT E. LARKE Orgonist-Choirleader: 'Mrs, C. A, NAYLOR, A.7.C.M==R.M.T. ~ 'SUNDAY, SEPT, 13th THE REV. S. J. HILLIER, Guest Minister iad SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL RESUMES RALLY DAY Little Children Cored For In Nursery anaS=ESaumEeaeaeaeaeapaeaeEeaEaeaeeeee WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Floyd & Rosehill Blvd. (Just north of the Oshawa Shopping Centre) Minister: Rey. Frank H. Ward, B.A. Interim Organist: Elizabeth B, Ward, M.A., L.L.C.M. 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM SERMON: "MAKING MEN WHOLE". 11:00 A.M.--Open Session of the Church Sunday School Nursery care for infants during the service EVERYONE IS WELCOME CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner .King and Centre St, REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster 11:00 A.M.-- MORNING WORSHIP "WHICH WAY IS UP?" The Oshawa Seo Cadets (Drake) will Parade Sunday School reopens for the Fall term. iidren-4 - 18 ot 9:45 Ch {f you are looking for ao Church Home, you will be made welcome et Centre Street. Care provided for small children during service. Plenty of Parking at Centre Street. The Friendly Family Church ot the Centre of the City. St Andrew's United Church - SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister; THE REV. JOHN F, G. MORRIS, B.A., &.7.M.,, Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. HOME COMING SUNDAY SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL RESUMES 9:30 A.M.--Senior, Intermediate. ond Junior 11:00 A.M.--Primary, Kindergarten and Nursery Promotion Ceremony in Church et 12:00 Noon 11:00 A.M, -- MORNING WORSHIP "CHRISTIANITY IS FOR ADULTS" (on introduction to our New Curriculum) "We con't teach a faith we do not five, We can't live o faith we do not know." Small children are cared for in our Cradle Room during Service | King St. United Church 129 KING STREET EAST . L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr. Ernest Fellows Student Assistant Mr. Rhyddid Willams Cholr Director and Organist BABY CRECHE 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. "THE LIGHT OF THE St. John 8:12-20 Solo: "The Altor of Prayer" (Smith) Mrs. Rhyddid Willioms Anthem: "Seek Ye The Lord' (Roberts) Soloist: Mr, Fred Denshom , ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH WORLD" SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church In the heart of the city with the World on Its heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, B,A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M. "THE GOSPEL WE TEACH" RALLY DAY AND SUNDAY SCHOOL PROMOTION SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL A.M.---Youth Department Promotion Exercises A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten and Primary Departments Infant Care NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH] (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV. H. A, MELLOW B.A, ORGANIST -- MR. J, R. ROBERTSON A.R.C.T. DEACONESS--MISS SHIRLEY M, McKEE CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS: 9:30 A.M.--Primary: 6, 7, & 8 Years. : Juniors: 9, 16, & 11 Years. Intermediates & Seniors: 9, 10, 11 Years and over. 10.45 A.M»w--Beginners: 3 Years. Kindergarten: 4 to 5 Years. Primary: 6, 7, & 8 Years. 11:00 A.M.--SERMON: "WHY" Mr. Metiow will be in charge of the Service. BABYSITTER SERVICE BY COME DOUBLE CLUB 12:55 NOON--Friendly Cat -- Rev. John Porter NO EVENING SERVICE > 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE Wednesday, 8 p.m. Mid-week Fellowship a

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