Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Sep 1964, p. 24

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2A THE COHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 10, 1964 | E ATO N' S Big Savings on Stoves, Refrigerators, TV, Stereo, Washers, Dryers vee Clearance of Appliances CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN THE OUTDOOR SHOP...FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! -- PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY--(PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS) REFRIGERATOR- FREEZERS @ One Only. Frigidaire Imperial, 14 cu, ft., frost-free, 2-door, refrigerator: freezer combination. Model FPI14TC64 Reg. Each 549.95 speciaL, each 479.95 @ One Only. Philco, 12 cu. ft., frost-free, 2-door, refrigerator-freezer combina- tion. Model T2RD36 Reg. Each 369.95 SPECIAL, each 319.95 @ 2 only Viking, 13 cu. ft., frost-free, re- frigerator-freezer combination. 2- door styling with 143 Ib. top compart- ment freezer. Model 1364F Reg. Each 349.95 SPECIAL, each 299,95 @ 2Zonly. Viking, 13 cu. ft., frost-free, re- frigerator-freezer combination. Model 6413FX SPECIAL, each 299.95 @ One only. Westinghouse 14 cu. ft. Refrigera- tor-freezer Combination. Model RLD31. Reg., Each 339.95 ! sPECIAL, each 289,95 @ One only. Viking, 20 cu. ft., 2-door, refrigerator-freezer combination. Ap- prox. 10 cu. ft. capacity in each com- partment Model 2060D SPECIAL, each 289.95 @ One only. Viking, 2-door, frost-free, refrigerator-freezer combination. 12 cu, ft. capacity, with top compartment freezer. Model 1264F Reg. Each 329.95 SPECIAL, each 299.95 @ One only. Viking 11 cu. ft. refrigera- tor-freezer combination, with 50 Ib. capacity freezer Automatic defrost in refrigerator section. Model 1164T Reg. Each 259.95 SPECIAL, each 219.95 @ One only. Viking 9 cu. ft. refrigerator- freezer combination. 35 lb. capacity freezer, automatic defrost in refrig- erator section. Model 964T Reg. Each 239.95 SPECIAL, each 209.95 APPLIANCES, EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP AUTOMATIC WASHERS @ One only. Viking automatic washing machine with 6 programmed wash cycles, automatic bleach dispenser, suds saver, and 10 |b. cap- acity tub. Model W63D. Reg., Each 299.95 SPECIAL, wath 239.95 @ One only. Frigidaire Imperial automatic wash- ing machine, model WC1C64. 6 programmed wash cycles, 2-speed, and 12 |b. capacity tub. Reg., Each 399.95 SPECIAL, each 949 95 @ One only. Viking deluxe automatic washing machine, model W64J2NS. 6 programmed wash cycles, 2-speed. 12 lb, capacity tub. Reg., Each 269.95 SPECIAL, each 239.95 @ One only. Viking automatic washing machine, model W64F1NS, 2-temperature, 2-cycle sel- ection, 12 lb. capacity tub. Reg., Each 229.95 special, each 209,95 @ One only. Viking automatic washer, model W64FXINS. 2-cycle, 2-temperature selection, 12-Ib: capacity tub. special, each 199,95 AUTOMATIC DRYERS @ One only. Frigidaire Imperial automatic elec- tric dryer. 6 temperature selection with sprink- ler cycle, Model DCIFC64, No venting re- quired. Reg., Each 319.95 SPECIAL, each 279.95 @ One only, Viking automatic electric clothes dryer, model 600DY2, Features infinite heat control and 90-minute timer. SPECIAL, each 129,95 3-WAY HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTRES @ One only. Viking 3-way home entertainment centre, model TRPSE626. Features 23" tele- vision, A.M. F. M. radio, Garrard autoslim changer, and 4 matched speakers. Contempor- ary styling in mahogany veneers. Reg., Each 499.50 special, each 439.50 @ One only. Viking 3-way home entertainment centre, model TRPSE626, Features 23", 19- tube power transformer-operated TV, A.M. F.M. radio, Garrard type AT6 record changer, and 6 matched speakers. Contemporary sty!- ing in walnut veneers, Reg., Each 649.00 special, each 559 OQ APPLIANCES, EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP WRINGER WASHER @-.2 only. Viking wringer washer. Has a 10 |b. capacity tub, a tim- er, and a pump, SPECIAL, Each 99.95 FLOOR POLISHERS Clearance of floor model and dem- onstrator floor polishers, All com- plete with polishing brushes and buf- fing pads. Reg,, Each 27.95 to 51.88 SPECIAL, Each 19.95 0 39.88 VACUUM CLEANERS Clearance of. floor model and dem- onstrator vacuum cleaners. All com- plete with attachments. Reg., Each 49.95 to 89.95 SPECIAL, Each 39.95 io 69.95 UPRIGHT FREEZER One only. Viking 14 cu. ft. upright freezer, mode! V6414, Approx. 494 lb. storage capacity. Reg,, Each 239.95 SPECIAL, Each 209.95 CHEST FREEZER 2 only, Viking 21 cu, ft. chest freez- ers. Up to 735 Ib. storage capacity. 2 baskets, 2 dividers, porcelain enam- elled interior. SPECIAL, Each 219.95 WATCH FOR MANY MORE EXCITING CLEARANCES... VALUABLE SAVINGS ... AS THE OUTDOOR SHOP FINISHES THE SUMMER SEASON ! APPLIANCES, EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP TELEVISION @ One only. Electrohome Chancellor 23' con- sole TV. Spanish styling in Swedish walnut veneers, Reg., Each 369,00 SPECIAL, each 399,00 @ One only. Viking 23" console TV, model TCE593, Contemporary styling in mahogany veneers, Reg., Each 339.00 special, each 289,00 @ One only, Viking 23' console TV, model TCE595. Deluxe 22 tube power transformer- operated chassis with 3 speakers. Contempor- ary styling in mahogany veneers. Reg., Each 389.95 SPECIAL, each 929,95 @ One only. Viking 23" console television. Mod- el TCE618. Contemporary styling in mahog- any veneers. Reg., Each 349.00 sPEcIAL, each 299 00 @ One only, 'Viking 23' console TV, model TCE617. French Provincial styling in burgan- dy fruitwood veneers. Reg., Each: 349.00 SPECIAL, each 279,00 GAS ANC ELECTRIC RANGES @ One only, Moffat Fiesta, Mode! 32)75, with chromium-plated front, and lazy susan base. Reg., Each 399.95 SPECIAL, exch 999,95 @ One only. Moffat Fiesta Deluxe, model 32J100W, with white front, lazy susan base, Reg., Each 499.95 SPECIAL, each 399.95 @ One only. Vikirg 30' Natural Gas Range. ~ Features rotisserie and automatic clock-con- ° trolled oven. Model GD30S. Reg., Each 249.95 special, each 219,95 @ One only. Viking 25" Notural Gas Range. Features rotisserie and automatic clock-cone trolled cen. Model GD25S, Reg., Each 229.95 SPECIAL, each 209.95 @ One only. Viking 23" console TV, model TCE693. Features 22 tube power transformer- operated chassis with 3 matched speakers. Contemporary styling in walnut veneers. Reg., Each 389.00 SPECIAL, each 309.00 STEREO-HI-FI COMBINATIONS ®@ One only. Electrohome 'Avanti' AM, FM stereo combination. Modern styling in walnut ven- eers, Features AM, FM radio, 4 matched speakers, Garrard autoslim changer. Reg., Each 339.00 SPECIAL, each 279,00 @ One only. Viking 21' deluxe automatic elec: tric range. Features timed rotisserie, clock. controlled oven, infinite broil control, and lift. off oven door. Model 214 NR. Reg., Each 199.95 SPECIAL, each 179,95 @ One only, Viking 30" deluxe automatic elec- tric range. Features timed rotisserie, infinite heat surface burners, cook and hold cycle, infinite broil control, fluorescent-lighted back. guard, porcelain enamelled recessed cooking -- top, plus mgny other features. Model 3045S. Reg., Each 319.95 SPECIAL, each 269.95 @ One only. Viking AM, FM stereo combination, model RCS638M: Features FM streo radio, Garrard type AT6 changer and 6 matched speakers. Contemporary styling in mahogany veneers, Reg., Each 479.00 SPECIAL, each 979.00 @ One only, Viking AM, FM stereo combination, Model RCS641M, Features 6 matched speak- ers, 40 watt output. Dual 1009 record chang- er, built-in stereo FM radio. Contemporary styling in mahogany veneers. Reg., Each 649.00 SPECIAL, each 559 OQ @ One only. Viking AM, FM "solid state' stereo combination, model RCS681M. Features fully transistorized chassis, Garrard type AT6 changer, 6 matched speakers, FM stereo radio, Contemporary styling in walnut veneers. Reg., Each 399.00 sPECIAL, each 959.00 @ One only. Viking AM, FM stereo combination, Model RCS633. Features 4 matched speakers, Garrard Autoslim record changer. Contempor- ary styling in walnut veneers. Reg., Each 319.00 "SPECIAL, each 239.00 SS. APPLIANCES, EATON'S OUTDOOR eg @ One only. Viking 21" standard electric range. Features 4 seven-heat rotary switches, porce- lain enamelled cooking top, lift-off oven door, Model 214A, ; Reg., Each 139.95 SPECIAL, cach 119.95 @ One only. Moffat 'Gourmet' 30' automatic electric range with eye-level broiling oven. Reg., Each 369.95 SPECIAL, each 319.95 @ One only. Viking 25' automatic electric range. Model 425X. Features automatic clock. controlled oven, 4 seven-heat rotary switches, lift-off oven door, removable oven racks, fluorescent-lighted backguard. SPECIAL, each 159.95 @ One only. Viking 30" automatic electric range, model 430X. Features automatic clock. controlled oven, removable oven racks, fluore- scent-lighted backguard, 4 seven-heat rotary switches, lift-off oven door. special, each | 79.95 APPLIANCES, EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP PLEASE SEE BACK OF THIS PAGE FOR MORE EXCITING NEWS FROM EATON'S 4:

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