Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1964, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 9, 1964 THANK HEAVEN, FOR LITTLE GIRLS, GROWING SWEETER DAY BY DAY po Pigs apr ietenarateaieda sceemmesineieetinimane: <x. @oungsters' learn' about from |safety experts at school, calls for the use of a familiar house- Fire Precautions NEWS IN BRIEF hold product--baking' soda. | Poured liberally on a blaze, this versatile household product creates carbon dioxide gas which promptly smothers the ignited fat. Keep a canister of it within easy reach of the range so that, if it is needed, you won't have to grope for it among your kitchen shelf staples. LABEL IT BIG f And label the canister "bak-| On the Range In the Kitchen Unfortunately, almost every homemaker at one time or an- other, has to fight a fire while cooking. Since such fires are poten- tially dangerous, it is good to how to prevent the out- break of a blaze, how to limit its spread and how to extin- guish it. The best advice for prevent- a MeVie, who came to Canada as named Good Citizen of the Year by the Native Sons of British Columbia. Mrs. McVie worked for the Red Cross and kept open house to all three services dur-! jing the two wars. GOOD CITIZEN. NYMED VICTORIA (CP)--Mrs. Annie war bride in 1919, has been SIGN CONTRACT the two countries. British banks LONDON (AP) -- A Btitish/have agreed to lend the Rus- firm signed a°£30,000,000 ($90,-| Sians £24,000,000 for 15 years to |000,000) contract with the So-|Purchase the factory and the viet Union Monday to build in|British government, is under- " Siberia a huge polyester fibre factory in deal.in trading history between writing the contact, signed by Polyspinners Limited of Brt- an and the Russian purchasing agency, V-O Techmashimport, the biggest single SELF-DECORATING { BRIXHAM, England (CP)--|f ing soda" or "fire" in. big red/This Devon harbor town is to ing the cooking process. such as curtains Ing a fat-fed fire is never to leave fat foods unattended dur- To prevent spreading, should the fat catch fire, the range should have adequate clearance from the woodwork and from other combustible materials id dish tow- els, This, of coufse, should be) letters for further quick identi-|introduce a 'do - it - yourseif" fication. decorating scheme for council There's a ,very definite plus|house tenants. New 'tenants will to using baking soda as a be given a week's free rent and kitchen fire extinguisher. Since|4 Supply of paint. it is a regular cooking ingre- HOMES FOR HANDICAPPED | dient, it won't harm food ard! ' i he LEYTON, England (CP) -- can be simply rinsed' off once Six busgsiows 8641 84 tor the fire is extinguished. Iphysically handicapped pereant L For The Finest North American and Meets, and cath on | ITZ 22! @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT e Locetions: DOWNTOWN 12 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1114 728.5487 A few words of warning: are to be included in a munic- taken care of when the range is! ; i installed. Never put water on a fat fire jipal redevelopment scheme All stoves should be kept! Water has a lower boiling point/here in Essex. scrupulously clean, for a fat-\than fat. This will. cause che nae " spattered range is fodder for|tire to spread atid the dat th a adleigh fire, The range should be kept) ' LANGLEY, England (CP)--A in good repair. |Spatter,,so you'll be more ap! milk made from plants "with- But once a fire has started, to get burned, out the intervention of a cow" what's the best method for ex:| Always turn the heat off im-jhas been produced here by a re- tinguishing it? | mediately. Using a pot holder,|search firm in Buckingham- \draw the pan away fr the|Shire. The milk is said to be EXTINGUISHERS NEEDED | source of feat "The. handles of tasty and nourishing. detigndl ry ee most modern utensils are not 7; apt to catch fire, but many of guisher and every member Of] thom quickly get too hot to LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare ANEW NAME . . . NEW OWNERSHIP ANTONIO'S COIFFURE NOW KNOWN AS HAIR STYLING 136 Simcoe South 728-9651 Mrs, Csaky (Bobby) and steff will be only too pleased to help you select the hair style best suited to your personolity, the household, from youngster) touch to oldster, should be trained to pm ; use it, It's a good idea to attach pnt) But human and mechanical| holders via tape or ribbon to! thn iia LISA ANN CAMILLE was 10 months old when she gave, the photographer this flirta- tious smile. She is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Morley and Mr. and Mrs, Willi Holz, Ajax; great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Sawinski, Cornwall, Ontario, and Mrs. John Morton, Whitby. Lisa awa, and great grandparents, Mrs, Paraska Mykietyn of Passiac, New Jersey, and Mr. Archie Black, Mayfield, New York. Ireland Studio THIS ELFIN TWINKLE be- longs to Mary Elizabeth Col- leran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colleran, . Mary. street, Proud, parents are the was one year old on Monday, September 7. --Aldsworth Photography Norton, Lloyd street, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Norton, Oshawa, Reverend and Mrs, John Jacenty and Mr.. and Mrs. | HOUSEHOLD HINT Herbert Colleran, all of Osh- | Soak neglected paint brushes Family Budget Should Allow For Emergencies By JEAN SHARP TORONTO (CP)--If you are serious about starting a budget, begin by keeping a record of where your money goes for a E 43 month or so. A workable budget|2'ms hospitably, but a room is should be 'based realistically on|iust "a room, until cleverly that, and not on what you think|Chosen accessories accent the you should be spending. |fine points and make it look Use categories such as. food, lived gy seen ec "hago shelter, operating expenses, clo- a hoa i in Bai aaa thing, transportation, health,|'"e Nome: fur 8 ry. entertainment, savings and per-, Lamps are more handsome sonal allowance, and work out|and varied than ever before, in your own guidelines, based on|designs and forms to suit all take-home pay. A budget which/tastes and decor. is too finely detailed won't sur-| This year, attention is fo- 'ivve; loused on the wall, and it General percentages whichjis here that many accesso- dictate, for instance, that nojries bloom. Mirrors, plaques, more than one-quarter of your|shadow boxes, candle .sconces, income should go for housing,|wall planters, scrolls of wood are not as useful as they are|and metal, clocks, paintings -- thought 'to be. 'they are seen in great variety. "A budget is a highly per-| The decorator look of wall sonal thing," says Robert E |groupings that include many of Oliver of the Bank of Novajthese elements is the big rea- Scotia in Toronto. 'It helps you decide you are going to get the - : most vada for your money by er gonad pony oh ies spending it on things-you want.|/ oy Or tt sh A * ogg It shouldn't be restrictive or a|'T@ck 0}. it should also. ' nufsance'and' something 'dull, {cushion for emergencies an bs : * |unexpected spending. MAKE CHOICES @ Your responsibilities, your tivities a on of it terests and where you live will)... ' h determine your budget with! What you save is not so muc income level : a matter of income as it is a a ad e " ae 4jmatter. of attitude, In almost Once you have discoveredjevery income bracket there are where your money is actually|some who save and some who going, and whether you are pre-| are in debt. But don't say when pared to make any drastic! you are setting up a budget that change in your spending habits./ voy will save whatever is left a A e \left over." entertainment 'costs if you) if yo : : annot save any other would enjoy a television set/ kati y more. Do without a car or ex- gg veer tale "ar pensive furniture until you can) ank account nay help better afford a new house. | Be. Oliver cays' teveatedints Mr. Olver says interest cost| should wait until you have, a on M : argz€icushion, too. He suggests the accounts should be included | equivalent of three 'to six Using bor-| months salary in the bank, plus x or credit is aljife insurance, is enough cush- By ELEANOR ROSS Without accessories, a room jis like a plant without leaves, Carpeting gives color and iscope, the sofa offers comfort- able lounging, chairs extend Accent On Accessories Adds A 'Lived-In' Look ja harlequin background, jin hot vinegar. They'll come iclean and will be as pliable as new. failure must be taken into con-|@Prons so that, in the excite-| sideration. ment of a fat fire, you won'! If the home is without the|ave to hunt for one. conventional extinguisher, or if, ~~ there is one and it hasn't been FAMOUS EGGS recharged within the specified) Ukrainians are famous for time and is therefore useless, biti lita tisraie' | well, what then? |their Easter eggs; they use cat One method that is highly|hair brushes to paint the shells recommended by the fire-fight-|with symbolic and geometric ing authorities, and which|designs. MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS @ SCALP TREAT- MENT e HIGH § 4 FASHION © . AIR wae, HAI mth COLOR ANTHONY fone? sal MRS. CSAKY (Bobby) PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, 728-9317 son for the plethora of wall ac- cessories. Planters are pre- sented in a variety of forms and shapes, some for wall ac- cessories, some for floor dis- play. j The indoor garden nook is a new inspiration, It uses living flowering plants for accent col- ors, and leafy plants for cool greenery. Many of the red clay potted plants are double-potted in glamorous outer containers. Brilliant ceramic ash trays, wooden ornaments, trays and vases of wood or metallic ma- terials, all with a wealth of de- sign motifs to fit every type of decor, bring a finished look to he room, Novelties include bead cur- tains which are no longer pro- fessional decorator items, but serve as room dividers. They are hung on windows by them- selves or superimposed. on flo- ral-patterned window shades or they hang in arched doorways There are lots of foam rubber throw pillows in coverings that include the vinyls and fake fur. The latter is also used in bed throws and rugs. The rug picture is strong and colorful, with 'much popularity in the tufted types. There are rugs treated to be mildew-proof, spill - proof, crush - proof and skid-proof--thanks to foam rub- ber backings. The Wild West comes into the home in the guise of much cow- hide upholstery, antlers as hat holders or wall ornaments, and leather, real or simulated. Window shades take on new and varied designs and treat- ments; printed, room-darkening| shades for the young set feature gay nursery characters against There are shades with danc- ing poodles in black and white with touches of red and green Shade - cloth valances, in- stalled on curtain rods, offer 2 variety of mix-match combina-) tions with decorative shades aby need a balanced det CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum 1 I. Pkg. MAPLE LEAF , PURE PORK SAUSAGE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR OVERI { Shits why hein PI pares OOP SO strained food far your baby Every 24 hours your baby may need more protein. practical idea tKyou can afford)ion to free some money for ir- it, know how mueff it is costing) yestment. | you, and don't overdo it If you are not certain how to your payments have begun to/organize your budget, there are take 20 to 25 per cent of your!hooks on the subject, you can take-home pay, you ought not)zet advice from banks, from to take on more some finance companies, and Mr. Oliver says any budget'from some social agencies lta AO QOL nigra ahr jo gone ge 'way. Placed waist high or knee deep. pleats help you look your liveliest, They await you in lithe variety here. BONELESS SIRLOIN STEAK ROAST While They Last SLICED BREAKFAST BACON 2 Ib. 79: HOME CURED PEAMEAL BACON @ End Cuts by the piece ..........5. Ib 69e @ Centre Cuts & Slices Lean Sliced COOKED HAM SKINLESS WIENERS TENDER ECONOMY STEAKS & Lean, Minced 2 te 1.00 Chuck Steak For That Old-Fashioied Boiled Dinner Try Our Delicious CORNED BEEF! HOUSEHOLD HINT Use lukewarm water for sprinkling clothes, It penetrates the fabric more quickly and evenly. Look over our variety of strained foods next time you're shopping. Heinz also prepares 2 other foods for baby: five excellent cereals and over 50 Junior Foods (for babies from 10 to 24 months). And vitamins. And minerals. And many other food elements. Obviously, one food cannot provide them all. Ib. 99e You'll find a complete line in 3 Ibs. 1.00 the baby food section of stores right across Canada. By varying the kinds of foods you serve you give your baby a greater variety of nutrients. Make your selection today We've vegetables, fruits, meats, meat dinners, desserts. & «++ @ small deposit will hold. BLACK'S LADIES WEAR LTD. And juices, custards, soups and eggs. Even spaghetti! Each has a different content of vitamins, minerals and protein. (Cut and Wrapped Free!!) © This Weék Only ! @ @ FREEZER SPECIAL @ FRONT QUARTERS | |b. 37¢ SIDES Ib, 45¢ =e f Norm Fisher's Meat Market 22 SIMCOE ST. NORTH = PHONE 723-3732 HEINZ BABY FOODS The good they do your baby now -- lasts a lifetime @ 72 Simcoe North -- 725-1912 Open Fri. Till 9 P.M

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