Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Sep 1964, p. 19

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Today's Toronto Stock Market 1 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Alte Gas 225 $33% 33% 19% Cen n37 7 Alumint 84 831% 31% 31% 10 $101%4 101% 1014 + % 1000 $1744 17% 174+ % $19% 13% 13% 20353 5353 3 $25 35 75 $174 17% 174 $68% 6% A--V $7%6 76% $2 nn $57'4 57% 57% $194 13% 13% $534 7 $354 $30% "4 $15 250 $13% 1480 225 25 $46% 600 nu c 3050 $1 CB Aim A 300 $ Cc BAIA w ii10 CF Prod 2pr 25 C Found pr 225 CGE pr 51 Cdn G Inv 270 38 $42% 42% 4a--~ Ve '$12 12% 12% Eddy Mitch Exquisite pr Faicon Fam Play 4 1 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $15 14% 14% ageus ws | a z ee $18% 18% 18% 10% 10% +" '§ nN Net _ , Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 250 $10% " + $15%4 15% 54+ 500 $13% 132 13+ Ve 0s 6 211 $105¥4 104 104 100 aM 725 $114 11% 11% 390 $174 174 17% 700 95 9S 95 200 $7 1% 7% 900 $18 18 18 0 305 300 300 180 $16Ve 16% 164e-- Ve 35$212 212 212 200 $51% Si%e 51% 400 $13% 13% 1% 675 $22% 27% 227% -- Ve 2756 38% 8% B'a+ ve 190 $19% 19% W-- 22$472 472 472 540 $85%e 85Ye 85Va-- Ve 120 $286% 20% 746 $857%e 88% 887% 1055 $13% 138 13%-- 150 420 420 426 210 $20% 20% 20% 200 $114 11% 114--% 300 320 320 320 250 $17%4 17% 17% 275 $24¥a 24¥a 24a 1050 430 430 430 + - 270 $124 12% 12% 150 $22 22 2 850 38% of Ba-- Ve 1000 $11¥e 11% li"e+ 325 $32% 32% 32% + % $174 17% 17% Wstn 4% pr $944 942 94 West A wis 154 960 960 960 OILS 1) Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Am Leduc 1000 114 11% 114--% 2% 23 295 241 20 €30 ly 400 550 $45 Provo Gas South U Mid-West Molson B Montex Mont Loco Nat Drug Nat Trust Noranda NO NGas Ont Store | Oshawa A | Pac Pete | Pac Pete w 200 | Pow Corp 250 QN Gas QN Gas Revelstoke 28 $25Ve 500 36% Spooner 350 $ Triad Oil 125 $10Ve 725 $24'A a 168 $46% 210 $22% 1000 7700 16 124 100 $15% 15% 15% 000 2 | 900 $55 $55 535 +15 | 40 210 210 210 +3 wm o8s tt 8 +8 273 $1% 1 ia MINES $12% 12% 12% 1 Net 225 $10% 10% 10% Btock Sales HighLowa.m. Ch'ge i ull +1 . $11% 11% 11% + Ve] Acad Uran 4500 7% ™ $14%@ 142 14a -- | Agnico $00 +2 $10% 10% 10% | A Am Moly 800 151 +1 $16 15% 16 | Ang Rovyn $100 SI SI +1 nm 7 | Ansit 34000 17% 18% 17 +1 12% 1242+ W| Atlin-Ruf 2000 5 | "4 126 +6 +% -- '| | Yan Can cd 1400 300 270 8 100 745 14500 24 15% 15% 154---V 1% 1% 11% 19% 1914 19% + | r $00: 32 222 625 620 620 Bount Exp. Shell | wis 1 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge us us 418 46 Stock Sales Camfio 300 Camp .Chib 2700 Cdn Keeley n 32 Cc Malart 2000 Cdn Sup O11 1200 20 Cayzor 500 24 Cheskirk 9 4 290 82 0 Tm! Chester Coch Wil} Conigas Con-Key Cc Bellek Cc Brewis Fen is 15 5 Con Gillies ™m Th Th 210 «210 210 360 360 «360 1 eae age 3 1 149 (149 Mend n-' $16e 16% 164+ 12% 12% 12 "4A 4 4 55 85 SS 9 9 9 $17 16% 16%4--% 8% 8% 8 +3 +1 -I =) GF Mining Guif L Gunnar Hard Rock 1% 11% 114 Hastings 370 350 350 Heath 350 «350 High-Bell 75 715 715 Hud Bay Int Helium Jaye Exp) Joburke Jonsmith Joutel Kerr Add K Anacon Lab Min L Dufauit -- Va --15 --15 --10 m 1 ua 142 ee | 0 2 2% 25 Wa +1" 13% 13% 134 +1 705 700 700 --S 127 13 127 +4 $33%4 3% 39% $11% 11% 11%--% 23 +1 +5 +" --10 o 6 M +2 1% 11% 14%4--% 1% 134 134+ %4 162 182 182 --3 11% 11% 11% 815% 15a 15% | + 2 { | nn --w +3 Marchant Marcon Mattgmi McMar Min-Ore Monete Net Expl | Nealon New Ath New Cal 126 | 16¥e +112) 10 % 2% 120 «112:«15 «+7 |was held in McIntosh-Anderson OBITUARIES |Funeral Chapel, Monday, Sept. |7th at 2 p.m. Mr. Warren died in \Oshawa General Hospital, Fri- MRS. REGINALD W. BELL The death of Mrs. Reginald W. Bell, occurred Saturday in Oshawa General Hospital, fol- lowing a short illness. She re- sided at 300 Mary street. Born in London, Ont., a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young. She was edu- cated in London and Montreal. She married Reginald W. Bell, June 28, 1921, in Detroit and lived in Oshawa ever since. A member of King Street United Church and the Cheerfull Givers Group. During World War One she served with the British Em- bassy in Washington D.C., and with the Imperial Munitions Board in Ottawa. She is survived by her hus- band and a brother Vernon E. treal. the MclIntosh-An- derson Funeral Home for & service in the chapel, Tuesday, Sept. 8th, at 2 p.m. Rev. L. W. Herbert, minister King Street United Church, will conduct the service and interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. MRS. JAMES BROOKS The death of Mrs. James Brooks occurred at her home, 243 Gibbons street, suddenly to- day. She was in her 77th year. Born in London, England, a @aughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles French, she came ' to Canada in 1907 and has lived in Oshawa for 45 years. She married James Brooks, Oct. 10, 1911 in Toronto, and was an active member of St. George's Memorial Anglican Church, and a member of the Women's Auxiliary. For 1 years she was secretary of the Dorcas Society. Her main inter- ests were her home, family and garden. ' Mrs. Brooks is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Fred Smith (Edith) of Lindsay, Mrs. S. T. Hopkins (Eileen) of Oshawa, and a sis- ter Mrs. David Leech (Edith), Oshawa; a brother, Sidney French, London, England, and three grandchildren. Resting at the MclIntosh- "Anderson Funeral] Home for a service in St. George's Anglican Church, Thursday, Sept. 10, at 2 p.m, Canon F. G. Ongley, rec- tor of St. George's Anglican Church will conduct the service and interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. MRS. MARGARET M. EVANS Mrs. Margaret Mina Evans, of Hillsdale Manor, died at the Oshawa General Hospital, Sun- day, Sept. 6, after a short ill- ness. She was in her 92nd year. The daughter of the late Mr. 5 and Jack Male. day, Sept. 4th. "orig gl gM aga Se bert Rev. R. G. Brooks, curate of ; re. tei St. George's Anglican Church, ~ - One arecensed. by (conducted the service. Inter- . | , her husband, the late Dr. Joseph ass Sauce" Peter's Ceme M. 'Mitchell in 1048. Pallbearers ; wer Herb Mrs. Mitchell was an adhreent|/ ip an = Art Leaming, Vern } . , of, Grace Latheran Church, 20/Wison, Ray stone Joreph Par Uroia isons and William Baillie. She is survived by a son, Ivan) Mitchell, Oshawa; three grand-| children, Donald, Eric, and Ron-) ald, all of Oshawa, and 11 great-| | grandchildren. Congo Rebels Resting at the Fawcett Fu- Form Republic neral Home, Collingwood, for a} LEOPOLDVILLE (Reuter's) service in the chapel, Thursday,/The formation by rebel forces Sept.10 , at 2 p.m. Rev. P. F./of a People's Republic of The Fiess, minister of Grace Luther-|Congo was announced Monday an Church, Oshawa, will con-jas delegates from throughout duct the service. Interment will! Africa met in Ethiopia to dis- be in Collingwood Cemetery. |cuss settlement of The Congo |problem. FUNERAL OF MRS. EDITH A. BURDEN radio broadcast from the rebel- The memorial. service forjheld city of Stanleyville an- Mrs, Edith Alice Burden, who|nounced the new government, died at the family residence, 59|headed by Christopher Gbenye, Highland avenue, Oshawa, inja minister in the 1960 Congo- her 67th year, was held at the|lese government formed by the Armstrong Funeral Chapel Mon-|late Patrice Lumumba, the for- day, Sept. 7, at 2 p.m. mer Belgian Congo's first pre- Rev. R. A. Sharp, rector of|mier. St. Matthews Anglican Church,| The broadcast named Gaston conducted the service. Inter-|Soumialot, rebel leader in ment was in Oshawa Union|North Katanga and Kuvu, .as Cemetery. jdefence minister and Francois Honorary pallbearers were: |Sabiti, a minister in the first James Brooks, Arthur Male,|government formed after inde- Walter Burden, and Edward/|pendence in Orientale province, Thompson. as minister of public works. Active pallbearers were:|. It also claimed that the left- George Parkin, Smith McCul-|ist rebel forces controlled three- lough, Paul Hetherington, Leon. | quarters of the strife - ridden ard Witterick, Gordon Witterick| Country, but observers here saw the claim as a gross exagger- | Reliable sources here said aj | Dallas Plans Kennedy Plaza! | DALLAS (AP) -- Dallas has jearmarked a full city block and {gathered more than $225,000 in lits move to erect a memorial to President John F. Kennedy, jslain by a sniper last Nov. 22 las he rode in a motorcade. | The block, within earshot of| the assassination site, will be| cleared of several small, un-| sightly buildings and converted to the John F. Kennedy Plazd, | an area of greenery around) which Mrs. Kennedy has asked) be a "modest and dignified"| marker, | Part of the $225,000 will go) for establishing the plaza and monument. The remainder will be given the Kennedy Library | in Boston, } BIG SHOW PERFORMER Ed Sullivan has performed) on his own TV show as singer, dancer, actor, circus clown, and) performed on Red _ Skelton's| show as a comedy character. | LADIES! | No Baby Sitter, | No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist | APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, | 728-9317 FUNERAL OF ROBERT KILLEN The memorial service for Robert Killen, 83 Adelaide ave- nue west, who died at Hampton, | Ont., Wednesday, Sept. 2, in his 76th year, was held in the Arm- strong Funeral Chapel Saturday, Sept. 5, at 2 p.m. Rev. Charles Catto and Rev. Rackshaw conducted the service. Interment was in Zion Cemetery. g Honorary pallbearers were: Wesley Cameron, Joe McCam- mond, Russell Stainton, Russell Perkins, Arthur Stainton, David Hutcheon and Samuel Lee. Active pallbearers were:| Harry Poloz, Jerry Glaspell,| Fred Cameron, Hans Geis-| berger, Sr., Frank Pascoe and! Ross Stainton. FUNERAL OF please change to ' CORRECTION TELEPHONE BOOK phone number on page 100 of the new book is incorrect. For prompt service 725-3581 MRS. DOREEN MAY WARNE The memorial service for Mrs. Doreen May Warne, 368 Park road south, who died at the Osh- and Mrs. Simon Willison, she|awa General Hospital Thursday, | was born at Ayr, Ont., in 1872.|Sept. 3, in her 2ist year, was | She married George Evans injheld in the Armstrong Funeral) London, Ont., in 1911, and since) Chapel Saturday, Sept. 5, at 1 then has lived in Windsor and/P.m. Oshawa. | Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon,) She was a member of Christ) rector of Christ Memorial Angli- Memorial Anglican Church. can Church, conducted the ser-| She was predeceased by her)vice. Interment was in Oshawa husband George Evans in 1929.| Union Cemetery. Mrs. Evans is survived by The pallbearers were Douglas, .one daughter, Mrs. A.°G. Me-|Bullied, James Hinkson, Wil-} harry (Gretta) of Windsor, and.liam Hinkson, Roy Saunders, | one son, Allan, of Oshawa. She|Bud Kemp and Paul Dale. is also survived by three grand- poe children, Dr. R. A. Meharry of eacnet Et ta cots Windsor, Mrs. Donald Weir va - ns : . : The funeral service for Henry (Judith) of Mono Mills, andiw warren 157 Coll John Evans of Oshawa. : d onege avenue, She is resting at the McIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home for ser- vice today at 3.30 p.m. Arch- deacon H. D. Cleverdon, rector of Christ Memorial Anglican Church, will cogduct the serv- ice. Interment will be in Osh-) aWa Union Cemetery. MRS. ABIGAIL G. MITCHELL RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING 728-4681 Fender EAT'N TRUE-TRIMBEEF 12 KING E, + 723-3633 @ WEDNESDAY SPECIALS e TENDER CUBE STEAKS ». 79: Jimey Burgers o: tyc @ FREEZER SPECIAL @ NU-WAY RUG CLEANING 174 Mary St. OSHAWA The death of Mrs. Abigail} Grace Mitchell occurred in Osh- awa General Hospital, Monday, Sept. 7. For the last five years she has lived with her son J. Ivan. Mitchell, 317 Windsor street, and was in her 85th year. A. daughter of the late Mr.) Hind Quarters OF C BEEF Jo: "CUT AND WRA#PPED FREE' Listings | Rider Twenty Pounds Lighter UCLUELET, B.C. (CP) Buy a bike and get rid of the excess pounds. That's- the advice of Ronald George Woodman, 50, an Eng- lishman who proved it the hard way by cycling 4,600 miles across Canada to reach this town on the West Coast of Van- couver Island. Mr. Woodman, who until June 29 this year said he hadn't rid- den a bike further than the lo- cal pub near his home at Up- ton Scudamore, Warminster, England, averaged 75 miles a _ % day on his ride here. He started his trip weighing 200 pounds and lost 20 on the Nl Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge at 95 395 +5 Sales 100 Stock Newconex N Harri New Hosco N Kelore New Rouyn Nick Rim Nisto Norbeav Norlartic 1S 4% 18 "e 55 955 955 --S 6000 124 12% 12+. 138 124 129 --11 | ride across the country. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuendey, September 8, 1964 ' 99 "I had 3% months' See and I thought I'd just ride around the Maritime prov- inces,'"' said Woodman, who ar- rived in Halifax in June with __|his bicycle, "But then I decided I might as well take a look at Canada." Canadian Nabbed | In Raid In U.S. CLEVELAND (AP) -- Secret Service agents arrested three men, one of them from Toronto, Saturday and confiscated $60,- 000 worth of bogus $20 bills in separate raids on two Cleve- land moteis. Wilmer K. Deckard, agent in change, 'said about $200,000 in counterfeit bills had been 360 $10'%4 10% 10% 7 %® D7 =I | ~ | Fall Fashions For Boys & Girls Choose from rack after rock of the latest styles from in- fants to size 14. Charge ond Budget Accounts Invited. + W! a 4a un" 3 a +i Zenmae 3% +14 Sales to 1) a.m,: 1,103,000, ti "The Best Costs Less At" YJO]UIN|GIAIGIE: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE turned out in a Cleveland print|Deckard said, were John J. ft lai Seiloed rns cad regular te a oe Charged with possession andjOhio, and William A. Ryan, 30, selling of counterfeit note s,!Toronto, Sy . FREE PICK-UP) & DELIVERY | © DEVELOPING © PRINTING @ ENLARGING BLACK & WHITE & COL i ' DIAL , 3 728-1331 or 728-1619 NO MORE Shrinking, flipping, "snow", or any form of poor picture performance . oe you'll eliminate it all when you move up to one of these transformer-powered TV sets by ELECTROHOME .. . WATCH YOUR FAVORITE GAME ON THE CLEAREST, SHARPEST PICTURE in television . . gigantic WAREHOUSE SALE is on right now... ELECTROHOME "HILTON" Modern 23" Console. ture Tube, 1 Stabilitron. Duradeil Finish on Cabinet. Trans- former powered 17 tube Centu- rion chassis. Direct Vision Pic- 5 PM. Speaker--front mounted. Preset fine tuning. Power Pacer. "Frome Grid" Vu-Matic Tuner. 20,000 Volts Picture Power. ONLY $269 WITH TRADE AREER IE TPE RON NS Electrohome "SERRANO" Contemporary 23" Kimcode Picture Tube. set Fine Tuning. Channel Indicator. Console. Tronsformer Powered 18 Tube ONLY Centurion Custom Chassis. 2 Stabilitrons. Speakers--1-8" x 4", 1-4" front mounted, Pre- Illuminated Vu-Matie Tuner, Keyed AGC and Power Pacer. Exclusive Duradeil Fin- ish. WITH TRADE . even better, SAVE MONEY at the some time, ELECTROHOME osk about full detoils at PARKWAY! The HILTON OUTSTANDING VALUES - FABULOUS SAVINGS - AT PARKWAY ! Electrohome "MONTEGO 40" Sponish. AM/FM Radio, Stereo former pushbutton control centre, Gar- , ford Type "A" Charger. Floate ing Céramic Cartridge. Speakers--2-10", 2-6", 2-4". Record 360° Speakers, Tape Jacks. Duradeil Finish, FM Radio, 40.4 watt, trons- 16 WAS $669 NOW ONLY > $599 SAVE $70 powered, chassis. "Micro-Track" Diomond . Stylus. storage. Provision for Satellites and, Remote Electrohome "CAPISTRANO" New Transisitional Styling. AM/FM Radio, FM Stereo Ra- dio. 20 watt, transformer pow- ered, chossis. 8 pushbutton control centre. Garrard Type "A" Changer. Floating Cera- mic 'Micro-Track" Cartridge, Diamond Stylus. Speakers -- 2-10", 4'4", Record Storage. Provision for 360° Satellites and Remote Speakers. Tape Jacks, , Duradeil Finish with Multiplex. WAS $499 NOW ONLY s419 SAVE $80 And Still More Sets To Choose From The CAPISTRANO @ 1 YEAR GUARANTEE ON PARTS & SERVICE @ 1.A.C. TERMS AVAILABLE YOUR COLOR 7; STORE PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE NORTH 723-3043 © OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. © WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL... OURSELVES

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