sbapemtty eect a tae Ale ae a netnahaitaatina esta St ee i ati dies doen ibadini til citidadite cient ante th ee ae ' peng Bae ii aio oe Be git rege go a BG pita, on manila nin Sp iviicinidonk pgm Bt 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 4, 1964 'Solina Teachers 5 Discuss Program By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA--The superintendents and teachers of the Sunday School recently attended meet- ings at Hampton where they atoni received further instruction on : a methods of teaching the New Curriculum. Mrs. Wes Yellowlees and Mrs. e Burney Hooey attended the Sets A Canadian training school for leaders at E Agricultural office in Bowman- t ville, in preparation for this S$ d d é V | : year's project "The 'Club girl an ar oO a ue n stands on guard." Many from this community attended the recent Blackstock Fair. - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, of Kedron, visited recently with Mrs. J. Black and Mr. and Mrs. || TROUSER Ross Pearson and family, Woodstock. j 6 rf : | School 'will be 4 vn yg POETRY WITH CHAINSAW | : ' o. |church service at 10.45 a.m. These two pictures are from 97 at the entrance to Kelow- Commerce. The top picture an album made up by the per- na, B.C. He signed the al- shows how the scene looked son who took a chain saw {0 bum 'Poetic Carpenter" and before he went to work. Be- Ad four billboards along Highway sent it to the Chamber of low is the scene today. | Simcoe Hall ONLY AT EATON'S! HITLER GOES TO TRIAL CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S | Choose from an excellent selec- tion of handsomely styled suits 'Voices Of Dead' Recorded SCHOOL and TREATMENT | for Fall and Winter '64. Fine quality all-wool flannels, all - By TERENCE DAVIDSON _ tensions which cause trouble injthey would appear on tape be- CENTRE | wool worsteds and "Terylene"- STOCKHOLM (Reuters)--|the world could be banished, ling recorded in a room where) d : b p Aolf Hitler is to "go on trial") He says he stumbled on his|people were conversing' nor-| | and = wool blends in muted in Munich this summer--or at|discovery by accident in 1959,)mally. Sometimes they would) Is ] : on least his "ghost voice" is. when he round, septetions break into radio programs Will Re-open on Tuesday, Sept. Sth | checks and plains. Expertly tail- To be more precise, a_re- voices on tape after he hadjwhich Juergenson was record-| ' 4 cently taped 46 ose sy which|€en recording bird songs at/ing on Lena's instructions. } ored . . . natural shoulder or purports to contain the ghost|Nysund. Now he claims to have iden- ' FOR INFORMATION | tailored styles. New season He then found that a spirit voice of the dead dictator, is to tified about 140 different spirit 7 7. a j icity |contact nameq Lena was guid- SP TELEPHONE 728-7525 | h f medium - be checked for its authenticity. sey aggro: Ringe lear tol voices, tatladias tists ot dead' shades o ediu grey, char ag ecru slg vase oi make recordings. Sometimes|relations and friends. ------ | coal, dark brown, blue or olive genson, a 6l-year-old artist | 18 : livia in an iGth-contery: manor green. Sizes 36 to 46 in regular, house among the woods and tall, short and stout models. lakes at Nysund, in southwest- | ern Sweden. " | He claims to be a medium! PE, i A Bers . through whom the dead try to| : } t : EATONIA Value, communicate with the living.| : * Fen ee 8 > j He has been fighting for years) "" 2a Le | 9. and 3-piece against scepticism about his t im. eT Nt \ Y ia | suits, each The "judge," at the forth- . 3 A coming "'trial".will be West Germany's well - known Max re % 2 | Planck Institute. Professor i age p, } } Hans Bender of Freiburg Uni- Bases, La "-- : oe versity has invited Juergenson mas } i ( , & to go to the institute's Munich laboratories for tests. : Se 7A) (20 TO TEST RECORDS ° ---- ' ra 2 . Th : Juergenson, now a natural- | me ; Ae : @ ized Swede, will go to the : ' : : el ie laboratories, located not far eee ee ae ey eo ie / ee pn cr pe By ch ste ; gy Pa ; EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT; 229 i ' : ; by " PHONE 725-7373 career. He will take with him recordings made in the last five years which, he spe ar ty 4 clude the ghost voices of Hitler y fo jm. + j bv) Albert Einstein and many other! ee LX Np | See the excellent range of new well-known people. ---- Loy 2 ig } : é ' Among the 100 tapes which| o ee | | AVE D Sat f fall stylings in men's clothing . .. Juergenson has accumulated is) rs ; # } 5 fi a | ape i one in which an elderly man,| UY, AGS a | 4 éy~,| |. and more are arriving daily at speaking German with a rasp-| a : Kat J yg NS | ms accent, can hast mut-| | tering: "Someone has to ac:) ae EATON'S cept the guilt. . aR SMALL BOYS... OR ANYTHING Juergenson believes this is| the spirit of Hitler reflecting on) | his actions on 'earth and try-| ac himself to poster- WITH A CASCADE 40 YOU NEED NEVER RUN OUT OF HOT WATER AGAIN "You or I can say that this is like Hitler's voice, but we onli : oy ae , ae It's electric. It's safe. It's dependable. | >. ey ay "COPELAND" intend to spend at least two} a, TAA a Ou It's low cost. | ' ELECTRIC weeks in Munich this summer and there the vibrations of the ; As your needs increase, so does Cascade | voice on my tape can be J thi 40's output. Tt can produce hot water : . checked ifi -- vis- j @ Bias 4 : . : it aly e amit teins 4) y 4 S new Jectricall I I a d This good quality frypan cleaner will help loosen baked-on grease from Hitler's speech which are : NORMAL USE DEMANDS! And no known to. be genuine. This will make an objective check posel- ; approved matter how much hot water you use, ble." : . : ? Juergenson declares that the j t you save with Hydro's low rates. | dead wate neg Ellipse nd | Cascade 40 is flameless, clean, silent, that death is not to be feared.| J water eati | 1g » with a ten year guarantee on the tank. He believes that if everyone re-| | Have an approved Cascade 40 Electric | d this, f the fea > A : : | eee ee li Water Heating Appliance installed in | | ae app ance your home. | | Scientists Eye ae y x | ak pt ssancaneceeresceetsoceereonecceeceeceezeczneg | , EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE 728-7373 Pesticide ---- | , APPROVED Poisonings ' oa The new Cascade 40 Water : ' pe? ve j . . shi -- ' \_ CHICAGO (AP) -- Scientists) | : ; teases mse dict Now's the Time to Get the Home Workshop Organized Are launching new studies to through the sesublnal solearés i oe ee y e and resources of Ontario Hydro For Those Winter Projects ! to°human health from chemical j warfare against insects and e and electrical manufacturers. woe | : DWARE SUNDRIES 'en or 11 communities are he- é ee rs pagaegnagreges ing selected for analysis of po- we : PEE XE ee tential hazards from _ wide, spread use of pesticides, Dr. i H. F. Kraybill of the U.S. pub- ; For details, call "Tecomaster" Tool Boxes NAIL WHEEL ane health service said Thurs- = yo iT | Pp hyd ro . Only at EATON'S ! Sturdy metal frame which can be attached Excessive doses of potent Good quality metal with a bright red enamel finish. Sturdily construct- to the wall or workbench. Sixteen glass poisons used on farms and or- ed with reinforced corners, strong hinges and side divided: trays. y ; ; chards and lawns, can sicken : Five sizes . . . one. to suit almost every handyman's needs. jars to hold a multitude of nails, screws, or kill. Small amounts are : : washers and other 'small. items. Each jar found in food plants and ani- EATON Prices: : i lb mals, or in air or water sna | Aporox. 134% x 6x 5", ) 98 screws into its own metal base. 3 79 spraying is done. 4 ' h Dr. Kraybill told a sympo-| " Approx. 14x 6x 62", 3.15 sium of the American Chemi- sis cal Society that'the studies will| ; NAIL BAR cover areas of 500 to 2,000 peo-| | § awd ul lic i i ies ommission, one Approx. 4 25 ple or more, where heavy woth 30 a Sturdy metal frame . . . attach to the wall spraying is done. Persons en-| Approx. e. ' : gaged directly in handling or : i le Caine Mh | & 95 or workbench. Eight glass jars for nuts, using insecticides will be com- -- dd 8 95 frypans, skillets, waffle makers, rotisseries, grills, deep fat 'fryers, stoves, ovens or almost anything made of metal or with an-framel finish, Easy to use... just apply, let stand and then wash it off. Approx. 8-oz. 4a .00 can. Each . MRR OLE eiserric trypan CLEANER 4 BOCK S355. sc dee ewe ch naces bolts, screws, nails, etc. pared with those not closely ex- posed. , 'WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . 668-5878] Each study will last a mini ' : a ATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 PHONE 725-7373 mum of fre vet" _____ A AX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION . . . 942-0500 SMALL KINGDOM ote ait etmin"s: PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . . . 942-2930 EATON'S Open Tonight (Friday) Until 9 tory with the visit of David andl ingstone im 1851. atid ie