ote ad PE DS gE ag y so PIN in on en one gg ng net gt eat gt COE et lh hen pe yf sili diies sited SN Pe er yet ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September +, 1964 17 ---- veteg rhe. Ue ond Live GIA LEARNS THAT A CHINESE Mh slide wuss ches ian 120 Pa Rea | Saree | TELEVISION LOG ss. Pete. te ve Waeto we SNPHOON, AND 5 , AND THEY HAVE DROPPED SIGHT Final © This is The Lite Sauna Aneeen SINC ING SPOTTED IN MACAO, i @2--Saturday Ni a 7T--U.S, Ni Ri Be het ~CHCH-TY Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronto Fg Sochurch kervicn | &3-Country The Movies 7 WGR-TV Channel 2~Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buftalo| ¢-Nion Metre bag ee ee WKBW-TV Channel 7--Butfalo WROC-TV Channel $--Rochester ie tak.- ue CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie P+eLote Show 7--Mind Over Myth _ |!1--Sunday Movie - 9--Twin Bil) Theatre FRIDAY EVENING | 32---News and Sports | 2--Football 1:00 PM. pa ie AR . Padlaneaie ad 5:00 Pim. 1:90 PM, 2:30 PM, 4--Fred Astaire Theatre | 8~The Christophers 6--World "a Sport yi a ; KE N--Family Theatre 7-4--Late Show nig > i 12:39 AM. "eo NOON + -Syniay Piaynause XN / -- pg 4 2 ariel sce Matinee 11:30 PAM 7~lop 'Star Bowling 4--Tight Rope M1--Oral Roberts . 2:30 PLM. EKS GO BY, HARRY SPARROW AND GOOL : jiyfpy, 7--The Early Show N--Late. Show ee SUNDAY ee ARE REPORTED SEEN ON THE STREETS OF MACAO ; pi i ~ " 4 i 4--Riverboat 9--Arrest and Trial 9:00 A.M. roid z 3:00 PLM, : "as . 2--Magilla Gorilla ¢---fremiere Theatre 3:00 PLM, 4--Popeye's Playnouse 7--My Little Margie : 6:30 PLM, 3--Movie 2--Football 2--Cartoons is World of Sport Farr i urn 3:30. P.M, 9:30 AM. %-The Anewer 2:20 P.M, ry 100 A.M, N--Sir Lasretat N--En France 12:15 PM 7--The Deputy ae | oe [ooo errata Pepe] inant" on Parte | Hear of Sm - 10 P, argo. | 4:00 P.M. : "! 12:30 P.M. 4:00 #.M BY D065 / IF HE WANTS A SHOOT OLT, 4-Hollywood and the 8:30 A.M. |11-9--Wrestling 10:00 A.M, \l--Love That N--En France TLL GIVE IT TO HIM / " Stars J~Farm ana' Home Hour! 6--Baseball 1i--Htalian Journal &--The Bible 4--News With Van Miller! 5 iy 4 63--Country Calendar 3--Frontier Doctor 3---Supermen | 4:00 ae ers . North ¥ P.M, 2--Today, 1964 oe Ai, | eR owling ag sng Ba Ml 1 Pi. 6:18 PLM. 1--Storytime with 5:08 PLM. 2--Children's Gospel Hour N--Tiny Tat Time 4--Headline News Bill cere ; ean Will Travel |' 10:30 A.M. ) * 4--P t Carniv: 6130 P.M, Pan 0 The abt 6-3--20-20 Documentary N--En France 90 4--Adventures of eee Ne? Weather; 9:30 AM. William Tell port: H 7--Highway Patrol fie Pane | "ee. CROSSWORD uM 7 --Publi | : pean ala Publi¢ +-Fleld Trip with By Mish yh Jury 4:45 PLM. i cores Cas 'Film 'Pealire : 5 \ mucin bag wx i i MORKE RST ABs! Vein be 10:00 A.M aos tags pga Py cn iebil , Asmau uiciad #-2--Huntley - Brinkley peabiyesys SATURDAY EVE, 1, Wife of b k of lizard ste ny = | 2:00 PLM, N--Continental Miniature 9--Album TV 4--Travel PIR IUINIE BBA Iie eaiOiks 7:00 P.M, eh 6:00 P.M. Osiris: 16. gy MM. 9--Movie 8-2--Hector Heatheote lee ae 8--Honeymooners | 7--Heckle and Jeckle --Early Show 4--Quick Draw McGraw 6--Countrytime- RAI 7-4--News, Weather, seis aah 4--Wrestling ; asic and it would ng ry ne ond ign 3--Mr, and Mrs, North a mm |sition to overcall with a fou 4-People Are Funny --111--Ciub 11 Dance Party! 9 superman . Balai! |card suit 3--Wagon Train 9--Toastmaster Junior E 2--Fractured Flickers Auction | 6:30 Pm. 22, Seize 2,. Pass. It would be highly KIL} ; | ©2--Firepall XL-5 | 9--Theatre Neen =i) |dangerous to make any other 1:30 PM. om! 1 13, Clan-like 3 24, Capital ¢Aiie Many gi ms schicas group of Yesterday's Answer |Call at this point. The missing #-2--International "Playhouse 2--Billiard Champions 14. sans: Norway 37. Find fault hee oe rom ty gp - ? Showtime 11:00 AM, 4:45 PM. in, 27. A help with in partner's hand, but, un 7--Destry %--Carteen Party $4-68-News) Weetnery | 28 Out, 29, Encoun- 38, Dingles becomes clear where it is, the &-On The Scene =| '¢-2--Dennis The Menace Sports as hay tered 42. Peel best policy is silence. 4--The Great Adventure | ACartoons ae Fal Pi taoecd 30.Girl'sname 45, Shield 3. Three notrump. This may 6:00 P.M. ] " -- . - Eski . a 4 Rin Tin Tin itorhe "Dive King ne: |. apa = 31, Eskimo 46. boric seem radical, but it is probably 11--Combat 11:30 A.M. 6-3--Hancock Borerey ' weight: the winning bid in the long run. 63--A Place For Every-| 7--Matty's Funnies | 4-UB Round Table Panel rhea . India Other possible bids are three thing | 4-Roy Rogers 2 -Dragnet 38. Vapor: 48. Narrow des (which is ultra-conserva- | $--Fury comb. form spades (w s ultra-conse 4:30 P.M. ; - beets ps Blunder : tive), double (which is inde- wane Gein sdiienia" "tacthe 'ievtenent | 26, African cisive and may not solve the Johures te 7--Bugs Bunny /---Hootenanny lake problem at all), or four spades 63--The Defenders $--Robin Hood ¢--The Saint 28. The plural (which is decisive but may not 4-Route 66 army King cea cee of iambus : work as well as three no- 9:00 PAM. 12:30 P.M. | 82. Back talk: trump). |11--John Bradshaw bd goa Partner does not need much MICKEY MOUSE 81 al. --Donna Reed I Saeaee Where . eer 34. Floating to produce nine tricks at no- 9:30 PLM. | 7--American Bandstand |, 4. ' rere biacd A te trump, but needs a pretty good 11--Petticoat. Junction 6--Mr. Magoo . Translated hand to make ten tricks at id Ni--Jamboree 9 4--Cartoons #2--Joey Bishop from cipher 1- Welk Sh = 1:00 P.M. 63 Beverly Hilbilies | 89. Until: spades. However, there are Right 5 6-3--Teles« The Defend: hort. quite a few hands partner can BABY 1 @ >) Hight Ze "Hobby Time with | "™* peony 40. Topaz have which would make game 10:00 P.M, Jane Gray oe humming- in spades and fail in notrump, . > 11--Steve Allen Te aaeiine sina hy Score Movies bird so the main problem is to esti- ¢ CRAWL Walesa IN i T L I T 4--Twilight Zone 9--The Outer Limits 4--Rural Review 9:30 P.M. 41. Breach mate which type of hand part- 8-2--Jack Paar La aNCAA Reopalt wrestling 43. Perform ner will be dealt more fre- 7--Fight ot The Week | 1:15 P.M, | 7Hollywood Palace 44, quently. é--The N | 4--Farming 'Tips pie Playh j A Sa aiticick steve jummer Playhouse 47. Stately 4. Four diamonds. The cuebid 5 The Untoocheoles 1:30 PLM. | 10:00 P.M. a beng to force partner to choose the 108 PM Pag ot 4--Gunsmoke ko. Asiass trump suit is easily the best bid I 11-6-7-6-4-3-2--News; 2--Football 10:20 P.M. ; . with this hand. Four diamonds I Weather Sports ae hk Bockbuater a ae > is a big bid, strongly invitation- 1:18 PLM. a ai al to m4 eo o£. iis %--Metro Final (onexpe 7 Program m dhe ut oe aa ro 2 eet'ee tere me $--Viewpoint #-Theetre reer ent 9-4 5. Four spades. The choice lies between three or four spades, : elther of which might turn out : we Be get Pag sary you : i to bet your Phil and Cara have rs - live en 4 ™ PERHAPS THERES SOMETHING IN trailed Slick into Central Terminal na rt that 1s poy feat. Hp a IT I SHOULD SEE j cross Fire/ / ; tor is how often you would lose } a game by bidding only three spades, Nobody really knows the answer to this, so maybe the solution is that you should bid either three or four, depending on how you feel at the moment. TomorroW: The tell-tale. clue. Auto Makers Accelerate Plant Lines A " F{\\ RUN, SLM) RUN WHILE THAT ; FURST 1M EAE? THAN DOM : Bi SMOKE HIDES US FROM THE MASKED ; Y GETTING THAT TORONTO (CP) -- Canada's EAI | ; MAN / Ow car makers swung into high ; ' WHO STARTED | |\gear this week with a schedule gr THE FIRE / calling for production of 7,707 "| |cars compared with 4,502 cars produced in the week ending Aug. 29. For the year to date, $92,168 cars have come off the assem- bly lines and 74,993 trucks, for | total production of 467,161 ve- hicles, At the same time last year, 394,133 vehicles had been produced consisting of 330,600 cars and 63,533 trucks. Figures released by the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers' Associa- ee, a eae IDN'T KNOW, : AND LAST WEEK san a te eee scheduled for Ford cere en pene ; 1 BOUSHT OUT AS FAST AST CouLD! week are scheduled for Ford J.P. GUSHERTON! | and Chrysler Corp. plants. Ford has scheduled 2,005 cars and 521 trucks compared with last week's production of 1,142 cars and 400 trucks, Chrysler will turn out 2,280 cars compared with 1,018 cars last week, Truck production will be 290 against last week's 292. General Motors, the world's largest vehicle maker, will have 2,910 cars rolling off the lines"" and 950 trucks against las week's 1,890 cars and 1,168 trucks, International Harvester truck " : production will be almost un- THIS OUGHT JI NEVER changed with 190 scheduled 'TO GIVE YOU A LEARNED against 191 turned out last LOTOF FREEDOM, / TO DRIVE, \iae week. © King Foams Syudicnts, ime, 1964. Wenll aghts mowved HUH? WHATS THI6 PAPER DOING HERE ¢ I DIDN'T BRING IT HOME-- SECRET AGENT <9 LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER YOU'LL HAVE TO sifitacees HOW DO YOU LIKE IT? THEY COME BACK > k 1 ee SWORE ON A STACK OF BIBLES LATER. : : re, IT WAS DRIVEN BY AN OLD LADY'WHO NEVER PUSHED ise IT AT MORE FHAN 25 ; MILES PER HOUR, en -- --_ 'ea DOUBLE BILL Y STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Sweden's national bank found two identical 10-kroner notes and both are genuine. A bank spokesman said the notes were a one - in - a - billion chance, printed on the government's presses. rate, ine., 1964, Weed sights reserved. JULIET JONES © King Festures Syndic IT'S VERY BAA YA Sod ; ae ee SALLY'S SALLIES - THEN T tf vouVvEe GOT TLAT Ah ONG al T ---- T's UT) '4 -- " T -- YOUVE GOT THAT WRONG +! I WONDER IF THAT'S | TI X KNOW IT ++] [WHY wouLo 7 | WHEN YOUR CLOCK TN WHY EVERYTHING HAS }| ma c : -- Ey) , [sity I Know i i we occ )\ "| lig Stow, YOURE s/f | \"ween te conmeene/ Vy wraren ire bce | i WY onc orose rv cers AND) W/V Wo ey WG at F. UTHAT WAY ON OSS \ LATE BEFC 7 : \ FOR ME J \F/ *\e AND SOFT, Vw G ONE OF THOSE TV SETS AND ~~! Bae eerie cee | [Nou peg) SU ALL DAY NOVO a Vek 4 V "Gl | ( rut eee How rr is For ry LY [<3 HouR ro} \ vy S| | Sage é : SNOOZIN' P ni -- € ae rs ot BR is 5 6 2. ! ' cS | ws lene © King Featares Syndicate, Ine. 1964. W CHAS, KUAN _ GRANDMA @ King Feateses Syedioain, ine 1964. World rights ve.