Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Sep 1964, p. 16

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ik c r te y . . zi eigen EM REESE GD OO a sO ee 00 OW a COO A LEGGE EEG AE EY AES GE CAEN MENG ROCA DOSS DT alah fiat il ay 9 eg ew te OE PLEA POET 16 a = aiisiaiaaiin ween| LOoday's Toronto Stock Market Listings - ~ ae . TORONTO 11 AM, STOCKS ... 2 TINet ' Net rae) : Net - oy oma er 0 ; Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge High Low a.m. Ch'ge Sales Highlowa.m. Ch'ge (Quotations in cents unless marked $.| Freiman 100 $5% 5% 5% + %| Shop City 200 315 31S 315 --15 jegus S$ 45 15 N-Kelore 200 14 4 M+ t, xd---Ex-di --Ex.| Gen Bake ee Siat B 5' pr 100 $1914 1914 i914 -- Ve "4 a 3) «O13 lot, xd---Ex-dividend, xr--E x ' * ; Ge et f rigina, Xw--Ex-warrants. Net change Is gg ee ie 105 preeedgende pr "an sdb ik hd 15 15% 1514 +: 14 "ae ie ae f ious board-lot closi le. n Nt en ee ae G L Power 710 $23% Suptst ¢ 100 455 455 455 --5 1 7: ' GN Cap B w 400 46 - Texaco 50. $592 9% : $16% +1. INDUSTRIALS Gr Weg G ° 150 817% Texaco pr 65 390 9 99 +2 5000 12% 1 A $13% 4 Tor-Dom Bk 90 $69% 69% 1 1 + Ye +" 11 Net ? Tower wis 200 pe Donald: 8 w+ i Stock Sales High Low a.m. Cn'ge T Fin A 1985 $13'4 800 390 380 380 al Abitibi 200 $1514 154 15% -- Me Tr Can PL 42 $a El Sol _ 153500 + Abit pr $25% 25% 25% -- Ve 50 $57 7 Tr C PL ris 3580 51 50 " Ackind 425 425 425 +25 BAdciosa! | 180 Alta Gas $332 33% 34-- % y. Trans PPL 260 Alg Cen $35 5 3s 184 Un Gas 130 $24% 24% Algoma $737% 300. 295 29: Versafood 475 Alumini $315 HBC $16%: 16% | Versatile 200 Genex 30000 ies Dees Alum 1 pr 235 $22 21% a ae hy ated ss $00 109 109 109 45 Anthes A 30 $28 27a ' Aros a ts 16 16 oN AY Westfair 5 $38 838 $11% 11% 14% -- Arg B pr 50 $52 52% 52!2'--- Vs $512 51% Wstn 6 pr 10 $107 107% 107% » me » Ara C P pr 250 $13% 13% 13/%4-- % S64% 6% West A wis 99 975 i be 595 595 $95 +90 Atlan Ace 250 $17, 17) 17, -- Me} gt $23 22% Wood J 26 $12% 12% 12 70 1S 115 --§ Atl Sugar 325 $174 17% 17% + %| [nland G@ pr $202 20% % | Zenith 100 420 420 420 365 360 360 S$ Atl Sug A 250 $24 24% 24% Inlend 1 0 Ae 78 2 750 74 750 --S Bank Mont 165 $68% 684 68% IM new 21 $475 475 ° L $264 264 264--~ Va Bank NS 200 $76%4 76% 76% + Vo| [Mt Nickel 280 $852 B51 854 : Ol S y $6214 69 ? Bath P 225 $224 22% 22% ae 1375 $28 28% 28% i pen 144 Beav Lum _ 15 $442 Ada Ada are a bo ss cee alae ay ag Sat envi 2000 2 epeeiag Ang U Dev 1000 23 23 23 Joburke 41000. 31 33 gag8883 BBSéau= gowns RES a8 Sass sez He ade ldeaas g Hy 3 383885 eared scene e8iesiuceSicckers Sesheaud sBsesSeceSscceensanbSS Bell Phone 2978 $57 57 S7a--- | Bicks 200913 13 13+ a) IE | Be ae 80s) Bate 4000 8% 8 8h sere py Brazil 321 350 350 350 ine rf 225 $134 "s Calvert 1000 28828 Jonsmith 8100 BA Oil 425 $35Ve 35%e 35% + Val ne OY A 2125 $13% 13% 13%+.%) Camerina 100 295 295 re he 2h 2, Mat BC Forest 400 $3) 31 31 +! iar ee 200 $8% 8% 8% C Delhi 100 lomiey i 132 «130 «1374 Bruck B 100 $114 11" 11% Beit iw 300 320 320 320 +10) € High cr 500 iL Dureult ras 4 4 4 --3 Burns 750. $132 138 13% Bt vets c 410 420 418 420 +5 | 500 C $11% 1% Wet Ve Cabol 150 36 36 36 | Kelly wts 200 140 140 140 --15| 430 x 200 820 82% 820 +5 Cal Pow 105 $744 744 74a -- 14| Labatt 728 $20% 20% 20% 4 100 Im 15 15 Cai P_ Sor 25$103 103 103 | Lafarge A 1000 $11%4 11% 1144 Medal 400 535 525 50 +10 Can Cem 200 $4614 46.4 46\% | LOnt Cem 100 315 315. 315 Mill City $000 30. 30 30 +1 7 7 Wow Can Cem pr 74 $28 '28 28 | LOnt Cem p 225 813% 13% 13% Nat Pete 300 man Fndry xd 250 $38 37% 37% -- V4) 000 SS SS 8S +t | at Cont 100 88 le 1% > Brew 360 $10% 10-- 10% -- Ye} : $21%4 21% 214+ %) Numac 2400 Malartic i Wa B ALA w 450 140 140 140 | $172 17a '7\a Fanon 1200 Maralgo 0. 124 he B AI B w. 200 130 120 130 --10) 450 ' 425 440. +15 | Petrol 1000 Marchant 4100 184 1 Chem -w 100 830 830 830 +5 2! $16%4 16¥2 16% | Place 1000 Marcon 2000 | ¢ Curt W 300 55 55 55 ol 325 $22% 22% 22% + Vs Prairie Oil 1900 MckKen 1000 | Prod z10 430 43 430 Lobe 220 $82 3's Bla | Provo Gas 2000 Mentor 2000 FOUND RESPONSIBLE IN DEATH CF Prod 2pr 25 $48Ve 48Ve 48% oe oy pede fy Scurry Rain. 100 $15% 15% 15% Metal Mines 800 $682 6814 68% -- Ve ape ate $11% 10% I+ Ys! Soooner 2000 152 We 15 i 300 i i i i . 1 1 yy 5 32 . Four of the men found crim-. raid on a Montreal firearms shooting Thursday, Left to que Delisle, 26, and. Gilles | ¢ 2 Ae MW vt 1 M Leat Mill Le bode aah an i Teck Corp 700 $50 535 550 | + " Triad Oj! 4500 245° 240 240 Nally responsible in the death store Saturday are sen' at right are Marcel Tardif, 22; Brunet, 28. i 00 $3786 375% 3758 Mass-F 5665 $29% 29% 297% + G Calas. 1000 257 257 257 ' ye i $362 3612 361 MEPC 100° 320, 320 32 Un Reet P 1000.30 30 30 -- '| 277 Sales to 11 a.m: 1,001,000. S38 = ses Sz8s s8essees z bess. seed ss "3 +11 +% +4 tescke$ seed Bs 5se8SEsk 3 3 S828 = 4 Pye : . i) (anita. ACP Wirepho! | 320 of Leslie MacWilliams in a the coroner's inquest into the Edmond Guenette, 20; Cyria (CP Wirephoio) SRS no aun ik 6 | Mex LP z1 $12' 12% 12% Vandes joo00 «5M 4 A Si Clairtone 200 $5% 5% 5%-- Ye! Molson A. 800 35° + W Decalta 2000 212 210 212 7 5 ome | Conduits 250 $62 6% 612 | reali wis ae Con Bidg prz25 $8% 8% 8% joere 4 . | Con M § 2289 $38% 373 1 Morse A 100 $13% 13 13% MBIDEXTROUS PITCH Car. Truck co hey va is AS oe, 4 teen Be a ae MINES r] 5 Ve AT AT' + Con Gas n 430 $12% 12% 12% Noranda 25 $47¥e 47% 47% + 'f S i Coronation 100 $514 514 $¥% Nor Phone 100 $10% 107% 107% + Accra 500 19 «19. $ ; : cares 250 $126 12% 12 NW Ufil pr 725 $83 83.83 Akaitcho 1100 69 49 / e a es ar Crush int 150 $119 1196 11% -- Yet NOF-Tar---Ch--275- 400-00 A Am Moly 750 150' 145 4 lt? n German a 1X Crane "A ou aa ao | ROE pals w oT 78 ang, Rawr ee fo i | r nm AT sh z c B 2 43 3 3 Pac Pete w 60 720 720 3 Ansi} 7000 164 16 \ j Du ® June Re eae es ae Peel \Elder 100 $7 7% Atlin-Ruf 2000 8 «8 8+ MA Tender EAT"N 4 4 i Tin | Dist' Sea Santas ah at Pembina 750 $8% 8% 8% B-Duq 1000 20% 20% 20% --2¥2| ' rage é i' g D hitdee $a) 820% om 50% --- ve POW Corp 475 $1234 12% 12° + Ys Bethim 900 745 740 3 TRUE-TRIM BEEF 2 | Dom Elect 500 $12. 12 12 -- 14) Price Bros 110 $45% sya 45¥4 Bibis 5500 23% 23 A. fas die le oO ] 1Cc8 ] \ usiness | OTTAWA. (CP)--Sales of new}. Dotasco 260 $23 23% 73°%--15| QN Gas pc adel Re a i Be ci Me Cag ot ' . passenger cars and commer- Deas sisce ited am sda 17% + Me an oe paper dil a! be +2 pion! Beet the a ee ay 12 KING E.--723-3633 oe : ; oer cial vehicles rose 7.9 per cent Dor, Tar aay $23¥ 23% 23% | -Romfield B 800 205 ' 205 105 Camtlo 500 145 145 (145 | . \By HENRY S. BRADSHER | The Western Allies have had a| Western Allies is that former|;, June. to 73.775 units from| Com Text 225 $8% 85% 28% Rothman 140 $15% 15% 15% + | Camp Chib 100 415 | . ASCOW (AP) -- During his!long-standing policy of keeping|German territory to the east Of) ¢9 369 in June last year, the) Du Pont 100 $544 54 54 --%4| Royal Bank 210 $78% 78 78 -- vw C Austral $000 WEEK = END SPE TAL | se v ' veaks Emco 200 $19 '18% 19 + %) StL Corp 110 $21% 21% 21% Cc Dyno 500 8 8 3 ' ni, | - F | titan sath i : forthcoming trip to West Ger-|such credits down to five year/the Oder 'Neisse--which now iS|huyreay of statistics renorted) Emp Lite 135365 365 365 Salada 25 $12¥4 12% i Captain 1500 many, Premier Khrushchev is/terms or less, but the French/part of Poland and the Soviet) phursday. Falcon 200 $7434 745% 74% --- %| Sec Cap C 500 $6 bY 6+ Ve). Capsiar 100 $12 | NO. 1 -- ORONO CREAMERY _xpectedgo. make strong pitches! are reported ready to jump the|Union--is theoretically German) Value of the sales was up 11.1) Fed, Grain 30 e900 RAR Tl a ad a ag pL 4 "-- s . A . d Cd 25$183 183 18 - 2 4 190 19% ib-Kay 5 .On two fronts. traces. territory and that its fate must per cent to $235,.600.000 from wh , Shell | wts 760 620 620 620 Coch will 200 95 295 295 | BU Y I ER 5 @ Shop Save 12140 $14% 14% 14% C Marben 2200 215 210 215 us. 4 The first is political and would) West Germany, on the other|be negotiated at whatever con-| $919,119.00. ? vr ¥ involve promoting 'the Krem-|hand, remains under closer U.S.|ference produces a peace treaty, In the January - June period H _lin's long cherished plan for a} control and its trade negotiators with a unified Germany. sales were up 14.5 per cent in Wheat Shipped Segond World War peace treaty| would be under. strong pressure! x : ;| vol d 17.8 per cent it ' ve oe Nevertheless, despite this)Volume and 1/.5 | n . * T ie would formalize the divi-/not to grant long-term credits. cose uanan aver de Bouts and| Value over the first half of 1963 [o Aid Pakistan su vere HE OSHAWA | ' C ¢ [sion of Germany. | *Diplomatic observers in Bonn| p 5 There were 413,621 vehicles sold ai a |France, a spokesman for the} *' "o he West German government/also noted that Khrushchev's|west German forgign ministry|With a value of $1,328,613,000 CHATHAM (CP) -- The On- SHOPPING CENTRE ld not agree to any such'yisit was announced at a time lcompared with 361,244 units tarig w . : ty, but Khrushchev may at-|of a further cooling in French- prc ga eel lager de $1,127,966,000 in the same ree page een mee | SIRLOIN & WING pt to make his proposals/West German relations. Presi-|icn't expected to have any ef- 1963 period. se z oy re tempting by moving over|dent de Gaulle's Second World/fect on French-German rela-| June sales of new passenger day it has sold 821,300 bushels of HAS MODERN OFFICE SPACE cars were up 7.4 per cent to Ontario wheat for shipment to FOR RENT & FREEZER SPECIAL e the economic front and of- War anniversary message (0/4; ' tions. 63.02 ie? Ganimaroial 4 ' 3,081 units. Commercial ve- Pakistan as part of a Canadian ring lucrative trade deals Khrushchev earlier this week ee lepends heavily on exports, andiofficials of the West German),. ' : Sal ; se \ eve deals with the vast mar-| government. diplomatic observers here in)---------- ial food and aid program fi- Ample Free Parking -- Easily accessable. : OF = of the Soviet Union. al-| To them, the tone of the de tg ee had at nanced from Colombo Plan CONTACT | . : eS a are Sie "|mind something more than jus P I] P ' z t rays have tempted Ruhr indus-/Gaulle message seemed unus la vague hope for improvement 0 resages funds PRES otrialists ually cordial. Some West Ger-|)) lations. The wheat will be delivered)| Oshawa Shopping Centre er Administration Office 170 Bay Street, Toronto § But diplomatic observers injman officials fear de Gaulle Li l between Sept. 10 and 20 the Y Bonn Thursday night were say-|might further modify his sup- It was noted that during his) J] era weep, board cia, NO price was an-j| 728-6231 362-7731 "CUT AND WRAPPED PREE"' ': ~ A As for the 'visit's efféct on} pict ; 1 : Ly "=, The West German economy|caused some uneasiness among)... hicles were up 11.3 per cent tO gover i : H d |Soviet-West German relations,| 19 694 units. government gift under the spe 400 - 600 sq. feet -- air conditioning available. in War ers 5 iag-the prospect of a:y mdjor|port of the Allied position on the|current visit to Czechoslovakia, nounced : a 'f greement with Khrushchev is|Berlin question and the German|Khrushchev had unexpected MPs Jittery pau ald eee wery slight roblem in general. conferences with the foreign Ye : s ministers of Poland, Hungary, | Ki ut S TRADE CREDITS? DIFFERS WITH ALLIES , A a ' They did voice some appre-| De Gaulle: already has dif-/and Bulgaria. This led to im-| TORONTO (CP) -- The Tele- 'hension that Khrushchev might/fered with Britain and the mediate speculation that he) gram says in an Ottawa story o AS RS try to play West Germany off|United States on the German|might be consulting them about/that a private poll taken by a ; a "against France on the question| question. In 1959, he advocated|some Possible switch in the! group of Liberals showing that of trade with the Soviet Union.|that the Western Allies--and|Kremlin's policy toward Ger-'the Liberal government could France, in order to get Soviet|West Germany--agree to accept) many. win a majority of 'seats in Par- orders for expensive chemical/the Oder Neisse Line as the) Details for the visit must still liament if an election is called factories, is reported to be/eastern boundary of a unified/be arranged. It is expected that|this fall is "'causng new (elec- ready to grant the Russians)Germany. _ |the visit will come after the U.S, tion) jitters among MPs." long-term credits. The official position of \he| presidential election Nov. 3 The newspaper says the poll, pa eae toay PRR WS = taken after the start of the flag |debate, gives the Liberals a a: ; i Liberals 2 Two-Face Block Trade Speculatives tim sn" "9 e government now : ; 198 of the 365 seats. Conserva-| Takes Cash From Stone Reiavenated (6.5.0 3 oe ys | cratic Party 17, the Creditistes * NORTH VANCOUVER (CP) with different types of facings, On Metro Mart oly cd ge gl mere company here is turning two-) and hope to gross $25,000 to 230,-; i i : onto. Keit aoay : ae Cociness into money, pro-i@00 a month. | TORONTO (CP)--The stock], 18 Toronto, Keith Davey, na. -sducing concrete blocks -- with "We will operate on a 'ane market Thursday had its third) hursday night that the poll "two different faces shift basis at present with|ay of higher prices and good Wak dal italien On orivre of the One is grey concrete, the seven men to a_ shift," said volume this week, with specu-); 40.3) headavarters) He would "other chipped granite, marble,/Reynolds, who with Pigeon | lative activity strong. nol comment farther The Lite or polished river stones bonded} holds the same position in their Most speculative issues made|era) federation and the caucus "to concrete for an attractive other business venture, Coast) gains. Quonto turned in the! organization said in Ottawa building material Laminated Timbers Ltd. highest volume--479,350 shares)Thursday that they have not Using a $75,000 machine de- -He reports good response --and climbed two cents to 12%/ done any recent -surveys of the signed by Facemaster Block Co. from builders and architects,/ cents. Consolidated Marbenor| kind mentioned by the paper. Ltd. makes regulation - sized and predicts a $1,000,000 a year) Was the largest gainer--ahead) -The Telegram says the poll| concrete blocks at the rate of market for the product in B.C |40 cents. to $2.10 in only light was undertaken by a private re-| 180. per hour within two years. volume. |search organization, at the re- = The blocks give builders ben-- The machine, fully automatic) Leitch rose 10 cents to $5.20) quest of a group of Liberals, in- efits of concrete plus decorative and weighing about 15% tons, is after a sharp fall Wednesday|cluding some MPs and _ sena- * possibilities of stone simple to operate and maintain, while Highland - Bell dropped|tors. "% Chuck Reynolds, president of he said. five cents to $7.55. Raglan lost} It states that the poll shows Facemaster, and Vice - Presi-:--------- --|15 cents to $1.27 in heavy trad-|that the Liberals in Quebec . dent Henri Pigeon, both of Van- |ing, and Genex rose three cents| would gain 18 seats. In Ontario} couver, hold a franchise to sell Stocks Probe |to 37 cents. El Sol was up 1%|they would lose 12. The. party| the blocks in British Columbia, | cents to 844 cents in heavy trad-|would pick up seats on the) Washington, Oregon and Cali- ing. Prairies but there would be lit-| -fornia. Plants in Seattle and Asks Brokers The senior base metals list) tle change in the Atlantic prov-| _ San Francisco are planned was strong. Cominco and Fal-|inces, the paper says. | erecta -, Chennels Construction Com- . conbridge both climbed % to hee ee pany of St. Boniface, Man., has) or tance 37% and 75 respectively, while . machine and International Nickel gained % . African ordered a similar , | ' hold a franchise to sell the) joRonto (cp) -- John R.\8! 854 and Hudson Bay Min- blocks in cpl Viggo ona on Kmber, chairman of the On-| ing % at 69. B ks U Reynolds sai 390 000 blocks| t@tio Securities Commission, Golds were the strongest met- ac p pyders at present for 300, said Thursday night that alljals. Dome rose 5g to 34 and i stockbrokers in Ontario have) Hollinger % to 2614 Apartheid DIVIDENDS been asked by the commission) The industrial index rose .52 for information / _ game (fa 159.68, ee con es PRESTON, Ont. (CP)--An of- ie . of shares of Windfall Oils and|dex .52 to 149.07. Golds rose .53 fficial of the South Africa - - By THE CANADIAN PRESS (Mines Limited, in the accounts|{o 133.42, base metals .28 to/hassy in Ottawa, delending 'his Canada Steamship Lines Ltd., of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Camp-/67.19 and western oils 1.11 to\country's racial segregation §9 cents. Oct. 15, record Sept.| bell and Mr. and Mrs. George 96.65. Volume was 3,887,000|policy,. said Thursday many A, MacMillan. shares compared with 3,972,000 people and countries prefer to 18. Canadian Food Products Ltd. Mr. Kimber said a letter was shares traded Wednesday. _ ignore realism at home and to a practise theory abroad. first pfd. 75 cents, iy pfd.| mailed Parte to every ing " "37% cents, Oct. 1, recor Sept.' stockbroker in Ontario. is common practice among Pa ads i becca ms An investigation is currently) Bond Mart Dull, pod who hgcsea Hough words anadian Ice Machine Co. ynder way into the market ac-| . . 'about racial equality to con- Ltd., class A 20 cents, common) tion of Windfall shares, which Trading Light demn apartheid, L. E. S. de _710 cents, Oct. 1, record Sept. 16-'ros0 to $5.70 from 56 cents and ie? ____{ Villiers, South African informa. Harding Carpets Ltd., com! then dropped to about 80 cents. 'TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- tion attache, said in a luncheon __mon 15 cents, class A 15 cents, Mr. Campbell, director of ad-| dian bond market was a dulljaddress to the Rotary Club Oct. 1, record Sept. 14 __ ministration of the OSC, was|@ffair Thursday with price/here | The Holden ye gaan "e suspended late last month after ai small and trading' 'As a South -African, I may Ltd., class A 15 cents, Nov. 2,| Attorney-General Arthur Wis- : : ask: Why do these men never record Oct. 9 hart said he received evidence; Day-to-day money was un-|back up their fine words with Jamaica Public Service LAd., that Mr. Campbell was involved|changed at 3% per cent andjfine examples at home?" 15 cents, Oct. 1, record Sept. 10 in matters relating to Windfall) supply was tight. The new issue) Mr. de Villiers, terming the Lake Ontario Portland - Ce- trading of '91-day treasury bills came' present an "era of meddlers ment Co. Ltd., 4744 cents, Oct. Mr. MacMillan is president of}out to yield 3.81 per cent com-|suggested that perhaps a guilty 1, record Sept. 15. , Windfall. pared with 3.80 per cent last!conscience lies behind manifes- National - Trust Co. Ltd., 14\- week. ; \tation of self-righteousness ge tan Ce: AUCTION RECORD it crane dae tente While) AIRLINE STRIKE ENDS Niagara ; : t : y i ANE § { ENDS 'ig, common 15 cents, class B) LONDON (CP)--A jewel sale long-term issues were down \% MANILA (AP) -- Philippine} 15 cents, Oct. 1, record Sept. 9, totalling. more than £6,000 at The new Hydro - Electric Air Lines resumed normal op Somerville Industries Lid.,/Sotheby's brought the. season's Power Commission of Ontario erations Friday with the settle pfd. 70 cents, Oct. 1, record total for the firm to £13,020,000.'514 per cent bond maturing Oc//ment of a three-day strike. A Sept. 15 'a world record for any pope bs 1, 1984 move slowly back-to-work agreement stipu-| Viceroy Manufacturing Co,|auction house, This was £2.0 M.- Provincial," municipal and lated that negotiations would | Ltd., common 1214 cents, Sept 000 more than Sotheby's previ- corporate bonds were quiet and|continue' between labor and 'a, fecord Sept. 11. jous record last year, about unchanged. jmanagement, |

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