Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Sep 1964, p. 11

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{ ; oe be mbet 3, 1964 Guides and Brownies have been . huadhawciir cee emecsetents : be Port Perry summer camping at various) CONTRACT BRIDGE F F ANY OF (ou r ites. Barbara Webster and Pat- By B. JAY BECKER YOUR MOTHER IS JUST MISSING, | 1 5 y 8B. i : ricia Healey spent, two weeks at Goan se Aan |rwcorer sees || ELE VISION LOG [Youth Groups | tm "*iconie: "ioinrton ep acerca, page : \ PHONE ~ 2 ME WUSTNT GNE UP HOPE*/ | CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto ete gy pd ene Ki : i\ WGR-TV Channel 2~Buffalo | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo Attend Camp venture Camp, north of Gode-| Rast dealer, | \ -- a \ ; WKBW-TV Channel 7~Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester "Ay telh: ChtAdeies nets A Penning? ve eae a Re N¢ * ? yy = 6 am) sta . Ua ® : . to .. CKVR- hannel 3--3arrie| BY 7 rl Scout Cadet P, 5 eer \ 2 N . py, C gp 5 CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto TV C wees 3B PORT PERRY A weskendlig: OME : iu | THURSDAY EVE, | 9:00 A.M. 4-To Tell The Truth camp was held recently at the) Some 36 Port Perry and Scu- 2 "AN ' A> eral 3G / 5:00 P.M. | 7--Jack Lalanne Show 3:30 PLM, former George Stone Park,.gog Girl. Guides accompanied Pie x ' . Per age ob | acipbaeve's: Piaynioes Bir tek ptyiy a north of Greenbank, by some|by their leaders, recently went » j Tike Douglas Show | g"Movie Matinee members of the 1st Port Perry|by bus to Camp Adelaide, Hali- ANSWER Re. 4 8--Superman cy : Fe late Mledets) Msi iB a Cub Pack "B' with Cubmaster|burton, iF * 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford i B nies and their S THE ¢ 2--Huckieberry Hound 4:00 PLM, Gordon Goode and assistant} Eighteen Brow! ' aa! iS THE SAM 4 5:30 P.M, ge: Be ie fami) par 11 Movie Cubmasters, Charles Reesor andjleaders spent the weekend -in iN 1am Ke Sapacad | 9--Mickey Mouse Club m 0 Agel | '@2-Make Room For | &--The match Geme {Howard Hall. the Lodge. on this same camp $The 'Rinteman | _ Daddy ar ieatimaster ae The boys were able to hold/site in Haliburton, tne Sie | Ga Natlonal Senos | Beer 'Storm poets ata camp fire party, | HYDROFOIL SERVICE 7 7 eT van aur Per 410 OM A vote of thanks was extend-| GUERNSEY, Channel Islands TNL HE ORT : § 2--Today, 1964 9~TV Bingo 9--Kiddo ed to B Pack by the chairman|(CP)--Britain's first grat BUT... BUT WHY DON'T) NEAR THE TOF... 6:18 PM. $-2--Word for Word - | $2 -Vecation Time of the group committee, Donald|nel hydrofoil licence has been YOU CUT THE ROPE, /Z WANT HIM 70 i 4-Headline News 7--Price Is Right a Pome. = {Murray and chairman of the/granted to Condor Ltd, By INT 89 STINGAREE 7 ae ae ye A 6:30 PM. oy oes ae FRIDAY mveNine |Scout Council, Gerald Nelson. |Guernsey. A trip from ine Ai HE HIT 6 p. 11-9-4-4-3-2--News) Weather ne 5:00 P.M. GIRLS CAMP . |Devon, to France will cost) Opening lead--king of hearts, 'haer And Sperts gdneiond U--Family Theatre A number of Port Perryiabout £8. The declarer does not see the 7--Hi Pat - 7--Highway Patrol ot Love Lucy knives Opposing hands, but he can % ry 7--Message + -Superman many times force the defend- intiey Brinkley coe Meco ae ieee" ~-- CROSSWORD ho i exactly what cards 7:00 P.M. 2--Magilia Gorilla Take a case like this one, "ne South is in three no- Sports 2--The Rifleman 6. Pierces, . TY I pomb and West leads a heart, 8-2--Jeopard ? i see Masterson piensa ae pase savihe Poon ag P| mE Declarer takes the ace, but is 2--Bishop Sheen 6--Girl Talk é--Hollywood and the dagger 8, Hint 3 MOM lsudre ee ae, at tis point te ie bik 4--Pete and Giadys oe 11, Metal tag 4. Know: 21 We judge how he will eventually Ha Houston nee ge sh renth bay cae siete aaa a a E viet h = ' 8-2--Say When Frontier Doctor lace 6. One ofa On & ; Let's say he plays the queen daira, Funtstones Tsoriide te 2--Today, 1964 12, Piece of "ship's ; wee Ep atem \of clubs and loses the: finesse scanin Pracinet 4--News; Weather; vihoebe ie furniture personnel . ESGEMEIROisme |t the king. Back comes a club ] 8:00 P.M. | Sports piace diel bet aah hogy < Stone ee Cesterday's anew (Which South takes with the CT dina | Popeye's Party | 6130 PLM ru! . Black, . Before esterday"s Answer jiack West discardi WHERE gonat : : B PiCTRE par well ae 12:18 P.M, ["4-43---Newsy Weathers | 14, Bower viscous 27. Fathers , South now co gk gett < xd 1 ; m ISN'T WORTH = | > PRICE! =-- ; 63--Vacation Playhouse | 4 speaker of The House 15. Observe substance affect. . 35, Pen-name tricks -- three spades, a heart, a n jdiamond and two clubs -- and Il--Route 66 1i--The Buccaneers OE ga Sike PL LS lia! Alt 16, Humor 8.Fr. priest 29, Disturb- of Lamb ag er Vast ee aheeh aideke S4 Chinti 38. Chests can build up an eighth trick by Affairs 18, Female 9. Severe ance 36. 8-2-Dr,_ Kildare ith Uncle Bobb 19, Contests at 10.Withered 33. Full of 39, Succor leading a heart, His ninth trick 7--My Three Sons | aniher LB aristen By Bipkiey Indianapolis 17, A pre tidings: 40. Beverages {Presumably will have to come 63--Erlc Sykes | Consequences yo | 06 bak 21, Withdraw servative colloq. 42, Metallic |from spades, but he has no way 'eve ome | EMME IatNe ipihione from 19. Skating $4, Inside of rock yet of knowing how the spades 7--Jimmy Dean | 4--Search for Tomorrow 8--Honeymooners business areas the hand 44, Cuckoo are divided or how to play the fae) vay | 74-News, Weather; peo oad am = Gi BTS 1 suit so-as to obtain a fourth 12:45 P.M, | ports plan| spade trick. 9:30 P.M. ; 4--People Are Funn 9--Let's Sing Out Eire cat ok 3-Wapon train" mone 73 | In an effort to lear more #-2--New Christy 1:00 P.M, --Fractur ickers abou ie nand, Sou ays a Minstrels pier Sey aia 39. Coronet . H : id tn rt f East 63--Music Stand | gcManinee idiiecial | $0, Miserable: 4 ey vn at trick four, Has 10:00 P.M. 7--Afternoon Show | 9--Movie | sl. takes the eight with the jack 11 -Steve Allen 4--Meet the Millers | &-2--International $1, Sounded, and returns a club to the ace, §--Jack Paar 3--Cartoons Showtime asa t West discarding another heart. 82--Kratt Theatre 2--Divorce Court 1--Destry pleased cat Now declarer plays the ten of --Maveri | é | * "4 4 hag $3--Alfred Hitchcock |, aol eat | SoPh. Geeit Acventore | 82. Atractic hearts, East discarding a club, Hour {ilove The) Bob tangle Y West takes it with the queen sly NaGee cawee biel eee | hie etal 34, Vitality - and returns a heart to the jack 11:00 P.M, ene | 9--Movie ¥ » . 19-9-8-7-6-4--2--Newsy 2:00 P.M. 11--Combat oT ae East discarding a diamond. Sports 11---Mid-Day Matinee sere dai Al ata » EXclameae When declarer now cashes 1:19 P.M. Seanenanl? "Theatre . 's sender the ace of diamonds and West 9--Metro Final Ste voune 6:20 P.M. ree shows out, South has all. the in- éViewpoint | 9--Andy Griffith 43, Rowed formati h ds t 2:30 P.M. ree 45, Fibbers TMSUOn Ne Bees 10. BEES - 11:20 P.M, Ser rt ar : the contract, He learns from 7-4--Late Show { 8-2--The Doctors | 7--Burke's Law 46. Kind of . . A 11:90 PAM. | 7--Day In Court | 63--The Defenders linen this play that West started with W--Music faeries iad hee thread four spades, which is all he 9--Late Show : | 9:00 P.M, 47.C i needs to know to guarantee four 6--Feature Showcase 3:00 P.M. | cgarberes P ion Movie | *--theaihe suena able: Brit. spade tricks. 11:30 A.M, ms 9--Movie 6:30 P.M, &--My --Little Margie 11---Musicale é--Mr, Piper AOROSS DOWN -6--News, Weather 9--Toronto Today 3--Huckleberry Hound 1, Laughs at a VAT ee REE * 7 MICKEY MOUSE HENRY FRIDAY Me bi | E West obviously started with 8:00 A.M. pire Hospital | 9190 PM. . seven hearts, since East showed 4--<Captain Kangaroo ° '3--Summerama N--Petticoat Junction out on the second heart: lead. West also started with one dia- mond and one club, having shown out on the second lead of = TW : Z ms each of these suits. He there- OH, GEE, ZERO, 1 SoRRy-) Ll far Dag Ff ee ; ' 4 : . fore must have started with : TO VISIT BARSEVILLE-- ' LosiNe / WITHOUT. . precisely four spades, NOT NOW = So South plays a spade to the a A queen and a spade back to the Dis ace, followed by another spade. When West "plays low, South finesses the ten with 100 per cent assurance that it will win the trick, Tomorrow: Overealling a pre- empt. Fair Numbers Increase At 'N THE LONE RANGE! Blackstock THE rR WHIRLS AND FIRES AT A By MRS. OLGA HILL FIRE GONG» ++ BLACKSTOCK -- The rece.. ; fair, the church supper and the evening entertainment all had larger attendances than last year. The fair began with a parade which formed at the high school grounds and proceeded up to the south gate of the Agricultural grounds, The parade was com- posed of several decorated fldats, business floats, decor- ated cars, decorated bicycles; farm equipment; W Bar L Ri- ders; 25 or more antique autos and some clowns. Following are the prizes of wan,iT isnt 4 2 parade: EXACTLY A PARTY,,.| | FEW NEIGHBORS IN FOR ae Best decorated float: 1st, oF j|Richard Van Camp; 2nd., John Carnaghan. ; Business floats: 1st, Hoskin"s Store; 2nd, Pine Ridge Service Centre. g| Decorated autos: ist, The Z \Beadles; 2nd, Cleopatra; « 3rd, Mae Shortridge. Decorated bike, girls: Ist, Joanne Ballingall; 2nd, Judy Felstead. Decorated bike, boys: 1st," Ross Trewin; 2nd, Tod Martyn. Clowns: Ist, Beth Dunsmore; 2nd, Janet MacLaughlin, Bike races, boys 12 (Hoskin Special): 1st, David Fallis; 2nd, : (remit eae, fh teomen oe eee D EMWI { BAS : FOUR Woe ' ; Faves orm cant ANY KIND OF TROUBLE. is 4 _Z Hi : Boys: 1st, Ron Martyn; 2nd, BEFORE, MR, MOORE? \ FIGURED IT WAS SIMPLER y! | 2 Rein Bonsma (Boys 12 to 15). CARTOONS gage net 'TO GET ANOTHER CAR Z | == : i ioe (re THANEOLD ONE. ae i Pbk HELP PLAN ROADS s t) » ALDERSHOT, England (CP) Motorists in: Hampshire wil] be given prepaid postcards and asked to send details of their journey. The scheme is part of a £12,000 survey designed to help the county council plan new roads, SALLY'S SALLIES ee me ue acidosis DR.BUNION i AND $0, DAGWOOD-- | A ] TT wey, wy CHIROPODIST Pp | ] A IN APPRECIATION OF 4/| ° i 4 ek T--| Nour many vears ) MRC eRe, T THINK I'LL GET WAND AM 700 TIRED ALL EMPLOYEES OF VALUED SERVICE, | T GOME JARS OF TO EVEN CHEW/ OF DITHERS I PRESENT You 7. ' / WRONG | AND COMPANY, THIS BEAUTIFULLY PLEASE GATHER M iz THE PRESENTATION il. J =e LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SECRET AGENT X9 RABBIT!' J Ws LI'l. ABNER THE LONE RANGER (STRAWBERRY. cecasola | 1 eatcaigare <TR PHOOEY? = fi RASPRERRTD ie oe "1 Fs, ORatT/~ } ' a [eet DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER PO YOU THINK THERE'S EIGHT YOU FIXE? SANPWICHES, LEMONADE, ENOUGH 7 PICKLES, OLIVES, AND FOUR BAGS OF POTATO CHIPS! JULIET JONES © King Features Syntica § fe » i ,: 4 4 £ fer td é 7. ° 7 a " ce - ~ ed - bcd me * bed a a - he aos " " es ball "a oe * * a - oe -- a " w on Bd 'to a . re oad e oe * 7 bl bol - » » +s a 1 bad & _ ~ S Ct co be i » on Co _ oh - 2 * 4 be » te + # ® * e € » - id oo ~~ oe ee » o te * * * " oe - < ind o Lad * ae ~ Bed - _ 7 ~ » " a - a ee i 1904 GRANDMA King Features Sywdioata, Ine, 1 kd rights reserved "Can I-tell now when it's going to rain?" King Features Syndicat. Tne, 1964. World rights reserved. jp eres serves. "-- Pes Ea ~ RRORNNNRISS NeT

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