Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1964, p. 7

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PES pepe iepe, No Push Buttons Can Ever Replace A Good Secretary By ROBERTA ROESCH What 'are the job fields of to- morrow with the greatest prom- ise for women? ' For the present view of to- morrow's promise, we have some thoughts today from em- emia Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 " ployment authority James Pair, now president of the National Employment Association, a non- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 2,1964 7 profit organization comprised of $50 private personnel agencies throughout the country. "At the moment women are) represented in every one of the} 479 individual occupations listed in the census," says Pair, who operates 13 successful private employment agencies within a 25-mile radius of Atlanta, Ga., his hometown. "And in the fu-| ture, many new occupations not' even imagined now, will doubt-| lessly come into being for' women. "But as far as the foresee-| PLAN EARLY FALL WEDDING place at 2 o'clock in the af- | ternoon in St. George's Mem- | Miss Judith Irene Saunders will become the bride of Mr. Garry Dennis Boddy, on Sat- urday, September 26, accord- ing to an announcement made today. The wedding is to take furniture polish with a cloth, buff with a lamb's wool shoe buffer. Pl stare. 7-10 "The shortage is particularly) WIFE PRESERVER | For a-beautiful--sheen, apply. soft \culty in picking up scholarships) surface, SEA PRESSURE At. 400 feet below the sea's the pressure is 176 pounds a square inch. orial Church, Miss Saunders, the. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Saunders, Oshawa, | is a graduate of the Atkinson | School of Nursing, Toronto Western Hospital, class of '64, | and is on the staff there, Mr. Boddy is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boddy, Oshawa. | FOR THE FINEST IN | Treat Pile Rug Like a Poodle.: . Owners of poodles or other|in a long-napped surface. long-haired dogs are best equip- ped to care for those. deep-pile|the rug area or accent rugs made with given a good shaking, This usu- should be lai gently, rinse and ally straightens out the fibres/in an Between brushings or wheneverllaundering by hand, rub time doesn't permit them, thejpile rug (not the dog) should bejout excess water . Try to hang the » accessible place. such . rover the. shower rod where At the first sign of soiling,jcan be shaken several times. undered| Whatever method is either by hand or mechanically, |always give the rug a -- orlon acrylic fibre. Like thejusing tepid water and a mild|brushing when bone dry poodle, the rug should be groom-|detergent. Use a low tempera- store its ed frequently with a wire brush.iture if tumble drying. When'and rich color. 9 Custom Made DRAPES SEE M.& C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 able future goes, the good sec-| retary who knows shorthand will, be the woman most critically needed in the job market place. No machine can give the hu- ~|man responses of tact, intuition patience, memory, organization| and facillty for detail that a good secretary gives." OTHER OPPORTUNITIES In addition to the need for, /good secretaries, there will also be a emand for good typists.) |particularly in the insurance} MR, AND MRS. CLARENCE 8S, THOMPSON field, says Pair. And another} ae jneed that's likely to continue for | the immediate future is for W 1] Kn B ki C | PERSONALS more key punch operators, ac- e own TOO. In oup e countants, bookkeepers and op- jerators of office machines. | ] Oth A . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith,|. For the college - educated 6. e rate t nniversary Crerar avenue, entertained at}woman, there's a wide field an 18th wedding anniversary| waiting ng! pe pie yrnye Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' §.|son, the former Pearl Oliver, m - thle Kr jstatistical analysts and for tech- Thompson, Brooklin, celebrated) ¥4S born in' Little Britain, ed Bate ig gaa nicians rae in data pro- i i : y arried|y,.. es ; ssing equipment, their golden wedding recently lagi Pos ett married Mrs. Taylor, Linden street. The Cnanar raat needs, there's at a family dinner party at the) jr. Thompson, prior to re-(CVening was spent playing|ine well - known shortage of Guild Inn in Scarborough. At-|tirement, was manager of the|/24™es and dancing, followed by teachers," Pair goes on 'and tending the dinner were the|Canadian Bank of Commerce in refreshments. right now there's nothing to in- couple's son, Clarence, his-wife|Brooklin and since then has| Mrs, Victor. Sands, Long) dicate an early.-solution: of this and family from Edmonton,|served the Township of Whitby|Island, New York, and Virginia | Problem. Alberta; their daughter Gwen,|in various capacities. Both|/Beach, Virginia, has returned) : : Mrs. T. F. Tedder and Mr.|have taken an active interest/home after spending two weeks|'rucial in teaching the handi- Tedder, Willowdale;, and the|in community affairs and for|yisiting her parents and grand-|capped, and specialized teach- couple's otler son John, his)many years provided leader-|parents at the home of Mr./&!S for the deaf, dumb, blind) wife and four children from|ship for the music in Brookliniand Mrs. W. H. J. Harmer,|@nd_ mentally retarded are so} Ottawa; and Mrs. Reginald|United Church. Mr. Thompson/Rossland road west. While here|S0rely needed that many girls) Bailey, Edmonton. is treasurer and Past Master of/Mrs. Sands visited other mem.-|With an affinity for teaching in Mr, Thompson was born in|Mount Zion Lodge, No. 39,'bers of the family in Toronto|these areas will have little diffi-| Sunderland and Mrs. Thomp-|AF and AM. and Barrie and was the guest| : Fg ie of her sister, Miss Shirley|to help with their training. They| : : Harmer in Hull, Quebec, where|Will have only to indicate their) Flexible Give-And-Take Miss Harmer was performing|interest and they'll be surprised in the Executive Penthouse|@t the help they can get. | 5 4 Room of the Duvernay Motor|_As far as jobs in manage- n rine tretc r1c Hotel ment, though, James Pair. pre- ; | : \dicts a -- view. i By ELEANOR ROSS, jextension is most likely to be| Mf. and Mrs. James Wall-) "The going for women' 0p With all the enthusiasm is, oematietnble ina wide variety| Work: Market avenue, have re-|management jobs will continue stretch fabrics on the part of|of "east to west" stretchable|'urned from a vacation in to be relatively tough," he ob- the consumer, the sabatiar the/garments such as slacks, walk-|- iami, leaving just a few hours|serves. 'It may be a reflection manufacturer and the fabric|ing shorts, skirts jackets. How-|efore hurricane Cleo struck. Onjof masculine insecurity. But at developer, "stretch" is stilljever, a stretch allowance of 4g their way home they stopped in|the same time, it just isn't omething ef an unknown qi J-/to 60 per cent is desirable in| Washington, D.C., to do some likely that prevailing attitudes ' g EA GURY catiod tensiebed slack |sight-seeing in the Capitol. about women 'in administrative i i 'apicgae acti ; |jobs will change radically in the Like a racehorse with some! It seems that stretch fabrics} Last Thursday, thirty - seven|near future. proven performance and a great)must be dyed and finishedmembers of the Woodview| PREROGATIVES WAIVED deal more promise, stretch is|meticulously, so that even the|Senior Citizens Club boarded a\' "Women will certainly ad- not always predictable--not yet|color and the special finishes)chartered bus for. the Canadian yance in corporate business,"' he Pra but increasingly 'in-|ysed will stretch-with the fibres.|National Exhibition, spending|<aid. "But it will be at the ex- resting. the there. The club is a ivi thet : There are many problems in-/ OTHER CONDITIONS ee whe ae Bieng Pistia act Me: a bg their pre volved in developing this fabric, There is a variety of other Friday afternoon at 2.00 p.m. fe an they'll Meee te with trend and most consumers can't|Conditions to be met. Since'the Woodview Park Clubhouse.|ing to put as much if not more be expected to know them all./homemakers have been' encour- ; linto the job than their male col- But at least a little understand-|aged to demand the very best,| Out-of-town guests attending leagues." ing about some of them may|they expect stretch garments to the Heino-Smyth wedding last| vl help develop more patient and! appreciative shoppers. The range of stretch fabrics and their uses is already -so great, according to fabric ex- perts, that the average con- sumer doesn't know what the word "stretchable" really means in her individual life. How much should a stretch garment stretch--and in what direction? Since there are no} set industry standards at this point, there are no set answers WITH 'GIVE' TO SPARE In general, it is believed that more actual "give" than any garment made of it will require In other words, a margin for stretch is a margin for comfort and satisfaction. A series of test, made to try to dermine how much stretch jstretch differ, a stretch fabric should have) meet the same ments, |Davis, Barrie; Mr. washability, all asked for. Fortunately even|bury; Mrs. R. J. at this stage, all four can be Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. Otto had. Bjarnason, Peterborough; Mr. Another. bonus provided by|and Mrs. Harold McCulloch, performance|Saturday in St. Paul's United) standards as non-stretch gar-|Church, Ajax, were Mrs. George | and Mrs.} A minimum of shrinkage,.safe| Jack Skilling, Sudbury; Mr. and) no - iron conven- Mrs. J. J.. Henderson, Toronto; | dence, plus greater comfort are|Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smyth, Sud-| Smyth, St.| WANTED! --- Thirty, friendly, fun loving couples to learn the || new modern style of square dancing. night through the Fall and Winter (shift work no problem). If interested call 725-2744 or 623-2237. Every Wednesday |) FABRICS 3000 COLORS ~ TO CHOOSE FROM! By The Yard At HARLEIGH SUPPLIES (Oshawa Ltd.) Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3012 OY Ga00G00060 000080002 ' *, RRR RRR IOI OIOVOVNVOD0000-4 O00 HOdO000 ROQQRORORQO RRO 00Q00000 WODGDOGOOOOOIOO? 9000000000000 HOO0000000 FARO ROO OG DOODOOOOOOO000 7 stretch fabrics is imaginative|Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. Mal-| styling, especially in sports- colm Lewis, Bradford; Mrs. wear. In many instances, the/Elsie Biggans, Burwash, Mr. stretch fabric itself inspired the and Mrs. Frank Heino, Sudbury; design. and Miss Norma McKillop, Blen- While methods of attaining heim. the washability holds to a simple rule. If the basic fabric without stretch is| Cover cans of baking powder safe in suds--in tub or washer|tightly after using, say food --it will remain just as safely|specialists. On humid. summer and inexpensively launderable|days moisture reacts with. the despite the addition of a stretch baking powder causing it to, factor. lose some of its strength. KEEP POWDER DRY is needed in certain types of) found that more "east to west' stretch is re- quired across the back of a tailored suit and at the elbows than in other portions of the garment--and also that close- fittingqg garments need more "north to south" stretch than do garments that fit loosely. garments, A level of about 15 per cent) IMMUNIZATION WEEK Canada's Nationfl Immuniza- | ion Week this year will be ob- ved during the week of Sept | For The Finest North American and European Style Meats and Pastries LITZ I @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT @ 2 Locations: OSHAWA DOWNTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE 12 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-1111 y 128-5487 LINDA'S FASHION HAIRSTYLING takes pleasure in announcing that 3 SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE IS YOUR BEST BET: © TOMORROW -- @ FRIDAY @ SATURDAY (ONLY) ENTIRE NEW FALL STOCK REDUCED SUITS © COATS ® DRESSES SKIRTS @ SLIMS @ SWEATERS BLOUSES ® SHIRTS ® CAR COATS A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE SPECIAL GROUP PULLOVERS -- CARDIGANS 350 FROM REGULAR STOCK ON SALE % OFF ALL SALES FINAL PLEASE "MISS PEGGY" formerly of 'Peggy's . Beauty Salon", has JOINED OUR STAFF also 3 Top Stylists At Your Service ~---- FREE PARKING -- THURSDAY, SEPT. 3 -- 1:30 to 4:30; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. at ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST NORTH Regular ond new blood donors ore urgently requested to attend with or without-an WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA SEIGNEUR'S appointment, "Miss Peggy" With so many regular donors on Holidays there is a drastic shortage of Blood. CALL 728-7021 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 366 WILSON RD, S MEET THE NEEDS OF OUR PATIENTS IN SEPTEMBER OSHAWA

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