Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1964, p. 23

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ERGs Pa Mp wees ose Ge f Bs 27--Real Estate For Sale (27--Rect Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER| wnt NOM, WITH THE CHECKERBOARD LTD. 723-2265 /BOLAHOOD WANT SOMETHING BROTHERS This comfortable storey ond a of ae See half home has a lot of extras -- Insurance -- such as extra bath, potio, -- Mactgages -- ocr mane and ooh, $2,008 ow taxes ond only, $2, BROOKSIDE ACRES down. A .. Call fo . prs ela 'a et $4200 DOWN Six room ranch brick bunge- low with attoched garage and NORTH EAST Brick colonial "style bungalow fireplace, 1300 sq. feet of living oreo, One N.H.A with three very attractive mortgage for balonce. Best bedrooms off centre half plan. Lots of beautiful mahogany value on todoys market. Call Mr. Irwin Cruikshanks now rds and trim thr \- Petpet $3,500 Sa ot 728-5123 or 728-5205. PICKERING PARK ROAD NORTH 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 2, 1964'- 23 27--Reai Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale H. MILLEN 6 SUITE | APARTMENT: REAL ESTATE LTD. | 9 BAGOT ST. ELGIN STREET ' $15,000.00 DOWN 728-1679 NORTH END All_ Happy Tenants, income $585.00 monthly, . Kitchen Seeing is believing. Come out, Mr. and. Mrs. ton Buyer. heve built in ranges, 'hot bbw heating system. Paved See what you get for your an $17,245.00--o ranch 50,000. care 'Bill Millen py W. T. LAMSON . * bungelow with attoched gar- "age, full sized séparate din- Reol Estate Ltd. 725-1186 ing room, kitchen with natur- PRIVATE -- Rossmere Street, six-roon al birch cupboards, tiled 4 pc. bath, 3 bedrooms, louvered Harve. tread toh; cious te Public, deparate ' /Schools, Substantial down payment doors, Pty Far, fully de- ° e ; corated, extras, See it today you could be moving 27----Reol Estate for Sele GUIDE REALTY LWD. 723112) JUST OUTSYDE OF CITY" 3 bedroom home with many features that will irtterest the - housewife. Big kitchen with very well designed «upboards, which include a lazy susan. Counter top is different and original, large living room with corner winciow, also swing doors leadigig to the front holl, 3. pe. bathroom 26--Rooms For Rent THREE ROOM . FURNISHED ACCOMODATION for 2 school bp yee private bath, laundry and housekeep- ing done, lovely surroundings. Phone 725-5342 ROOM FOR RENT -- gentleman, ab- stainer. 728-2529. 27---Real Estate For Sale CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 NORTH WEST--Just listed, priced to sell, split level feo~ turing large: attractive living room and dining room, mod- ern kitchen with plenty of cupboards, plus 3 size bedrooms, 4 piece bath, at- tached garage, oi} heating, large lot located on quiet re- sidential street. Asking $18,- 900. Terms. Owner will hold Ist Mortgage - for balance. For to see phorie Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725- 0243. FIRST TIME OFFERED--Old- er two storey brick home in 22 Offices, Stores, Storage Orrict SPACE AVAILABLE '410 sq. feet Apply corner King and Albert . Street. OXFORD PARK TOWERS One Block from G.M. Plant 86 APARTMENTS , One, Two and Three Bedroom August 15th possession - Balconies, Elevator Service nto Equipped Kitchen d corridors Swimming Pool Take advantage of choice lo- cation by making deposit on lease now. Exclusive Agents GUIDE REALTY LIMITED WHITBY -- Offices for rent for professional use. Ample parking facilities. Apply 292 King Street West, Oshawa. 725-2734 pve fe STREET EAST, 23 -- furnished) for gentleman, privil- ome close we vane Apply after 4) - p.m., above addi THREE unfurnished rooms, heat, lights telephone, $65. ris Apply 42 Buckingham or 728-4147. RK RD. $., 1 balla * parking RITSON ROAD SOUTH: store with livi Fe ee a ~ Room Fe Rent for space. Telephone 23--Wanted To Rent WANTED 1% of 2 storey homes, cen- tral for genuine cash buyer. FaRTERES room for gy a a2 Nassau Street or TWO BRIGHT, furnished rooms home. Singly or in suite. Kitchen day oo . Central location. mcg lee able. convenience. Apply Box sor Sone Quired," Telephone 728-8278, WHITBY -- Private sale,, $3200, down $13,500, full Tpcoahesroam |bungalow, carte for ' 1133, evenings 725-0243. Cort Olsen, Realtor, 299 King St. W., Oshawa WANTED -- in Oshawa, three-bedroom @ lease, references. Tele- house, will tak phone 723-9066" MIDDLEAGED woman wishes three-room apartment in Christian:-home by October Ist. Abstainer. Centrally located. 725-9786. WANTED TO RENT. Urgent. Two or three-bedroom house or apartment to rent in Oshawa, by responsible couple. References. Reasonable Four children. rent. THREE- OR FOUR-BEDROOM home in inity. References if desired. 668-4552 between 9 a! or vicinity Telephone Whitby 5 p.m. REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshowa ~Apartments - To Rent 1 and 2 bedroom apartments now being completed. Occu- pancy from Sept.' 15. Renge refrigerator, drapes, hot and cold water. Elevator. Inter- com gh ad Apply 349 Mar- land. 728-1544 $10 weekly. | 67 FURNISHED room, suitable for gentle- man, no excessive drinking. Vacent Aug- ust 28. Telephone 728-3687. DIVISION STREET, 87 -- two furnished bedrooms, single or double. Central toca- tion. No ge Day working business Times, Whitby. ROOMS FOR RENT. $3, $5 and $6 nightly Queens Hotel Oshawa Ltd. Simcoe North, 723-7012. home, ing able for teacher, ebstainer. 725-2124. FURNISHED BEDROOM in ciean private U leman, suit Sipe Telephone 'Or 340 Marland, Apt. 2 CONGENIAL FEMALE under 30 fo share apartment with ged "ae ada 725-7173 27--Real Estate For Scale TRUST OPFICER, Guaranty would like fo share furnished apart ment with one or two other young men. Telephone 728-1653. Trust, WANTED -- Professional engineer re- fou bedroom house 4 is 7 from hospital. 723-9990. TWO-ROOM -- are clean, livingroom, kitchen combined. Working couple or two nurses. Two blocks with balcony, in apartment bulld! dren. 723-5433 or 725-2857. room, corner. apartment, rth floor, stove, refrigerator. No chil- ing, quires three or four October 15. References. 24----Houses For Rent jfurnished apartment, Telephone 726-6504. SANDRA STREET 15 --. Cozy three-room television aerial, private bathroom. Couple's only please. NEW three-bedroom low for rent. Box 219, Oshawa Times. six-room split-level bunge! East end location, $130. monthly. 30-day possession, Write Private entrance, children welcome, THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, _ bulll-in dishwasher, broadioom, fully tiled bath- room. Close to schools ee shopping. $135. monthly. Whitby, 668-49 THREE ROOM aoutae at et couple Bloor For more information call at Street East. three- or five-room apartments. p.m., telephone 723-3595. PORT PERRY, mee ororng apartment, monthly. Available immediately. Brook- tin, 655-4659 LOVELY large unfurnished two- Very central. Residential. Reasonable. After 7 $50 and TWO-ROOM basement apartment, be gag Elderly lady or gentleman. 187. fur- 725- 25--Apartments LUXURIOUS LIVING SEE THE VISCOUNT 300 Grenfell Featuring large moster bed- room with walk in closets, broadioomed corridors, im- pressive lobby, beoutifully landscaped lawns, immediate occupancy, For rental infor- mation see supt. at THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave., Apt. 728-4283 WHITBY -- One-bedroom apartment. frigerator, stove included. Immediate cupancy. Dial 468-8130. THREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen, parking, close to downtown hospital. Telephone 728-0445. sink, duty stove, refrigerator, tion School. Telephone 725-3856. THREE } unturnished rooms, fight a heat, five minutes from Ajax and Pi "unfurnished, private bath, private entrance, modern FURNISHED basement apartment, heavy private bath. Suit schooj teacher. Near Corona- ering. Should have car. Child welcome. -|Alax 942-0187. Re ot. and and ick. 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 ~ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED room for rent in pe Apply 574 Crerar Avenue ster é quiet erry furnished town. Ti TWO LARGE My furnished feos entrance, Ben to jailable Apply 708 Carnegie A\ MAPLE GROVE -- 4 duplex, four 'igerator, ample parking, 5, monthly. Tele rooms with refr eee phone 728-5824, rooms, bus}, Adults only room for close to north plant and down 723-9895, TWO ROOMS completely furnished, = housekeeping, and television, man only. $15 weekly. 725-5227. including refrigerator, central. One gentie- for basement three - room apartment, private bathroom, entrance and drive. Suit couple only. Telephone 728-6424. COMPLETELY furnished rooms Gentlemen only. Apply 25 Division rent. St. fo North plant. Call 728-3405. BROCK STREET EAST 151 -- Room for two. Light housekeeping facilities. Close THREE - ROOM basement apartment, preg and refrigerator, on bus line. Avail- immediately. rent. Reasonable davis. 725-1615. , central. Telephone 725-1224. CLEAN, large room in private home. Board optional. Suit gentleman, parking After 6 fel legse $15 weekly. 728-1534, FURNISHED room with kitchen privi- lephone OSHAWA TIMES. PATTERNS RE-SALES IN AJAX $14,600 full price, lorge 3 bedroom brick bungalow, fea- turing aluminum storms and screens, built-in range and oven, vanity bathroom, paved drive, professionally landscap- ed lot, plus mony extras. NHA re-sale. Immediate pos- session. $12,800 selling far below cost. Carries, $91. monthly, with taxes, large 5 room bun- galow on corner lot, finished rec, room, beautifully land- scaped property. Possession tomorrow. $15,395 only 2 years old, well planned side split level NHA RE-SALE. Spacious bed- rooms, Hollywood _ kitchen, separate dining room, large lot, immaculate condition, featuring aluminum storms, screens, plus, plus, plus. Im- mediate possession. $10,600 very large 3 bed- room NHA re-sale, reduced far below cost for quick sale. Beautiful grounds loaded with extras. Carries $82 monthly with faxes. $15,900 well planned split level with carport, featuring finished rec. room, storms and screens, only 18 months. old. Owner «transferred, Will con- sider all offers. Immediate possession. $750 Full Down -- large 3 bedroom bungalow tastefully decorated, close to schools and shopping immediate pos- session. SEE AND SAVE THE GRIFFIN WAY SAVE $500 We are taking orders under the winter works program on the Armstrong built homes in Ajax, with late posses- sions. Priced from' $14,300 with $990 full down, one N.H.A. mortgage, featuring storms and screens, built-in / gange and oven, vanity bath- rooms, valance boxes, plus many extras too numerous to mention. Models open from excellent condition located on Oshawo Blvd. North, Contains newly modernized kitchen, full dining room, living room, and 3 bedrooms up, has pav- ed drive and gorage, low taxes. Won't last jong at $10,800. Terms can be ar- ranged. Call Russ Lucas ot 723-1133, evenings 725- 7982. CHOICE EAST END LOCA- TION -- One year old five room brick bungalow with carport and walkout bose- ment. Has Hollywood type kitchen, fully decorated, nice- ly landscaped and fenced-in lot. Asking price $15,800 with terms. Call Jim Brady at 723-1133, evenings 728- 0483. POPLAR ST.--A lovely six room red brick bungalow just one year old, attached gar- age. Here is on opportunity to buy an exceptionally good home that is priced right at only $15,000 for someone with a substantial down pay- ment. Located in the east end on poved street, reasonable taxes. See this for value. Call Wes. Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. NORTH -- $15,900 with terms for 3 bedroom red brick bungalow featuring large liv- ing room, tiled bath, large treed lot, attached garage. Close to schools, etc. Must be sold. Te see phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, even- ing 725-0243. 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East $17,990. -- Brand new - going fast, 3 bedrooms, tiled both with vanity, spacious living and dining rooms, val- ences, attached garage, ex- cellent location, $2500. DOWN. Don't be too late for 30 day possession. $15,500. -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 1 block off Simcoe St. N. with recrea- tion room, awnings, patio and nicely landscaped and treed lot. TRY AN OFFER on this ronch bungalow with lerge kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bath with vanity, hot wat- ter' oit heating, twindow window, nicely landscaped lot, wonderful view overlook- ing the city. with vanity, also a family room. All nicely decorated situated on a lodge lot. A walkout basement 'with patio. fenced around for privacy. close to schools ajnd church, Phone us now. JUST LISTED 1% storey home 'on a quiet street, contains 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, segrarate din- ing room,» 3 pei. bathroom with sliding doors eon the bath. Broadioom on sbairs, nicely decorated, fruit cellar, in basement, The geirden is well kept with a hedge around the front and a large pine tree in the back garctzn. A home to be seen. NORTH WEST AREA Brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 3 pc. bathroom, living room, kitchen, divides! gag ee ready for panelling. clean home. Askitng $14, Soo: WHITBY 20 acres of vacamit land, zon- ed for apartmerut: buildings. Sewers and water* handy. Ask- ing $4,000.00 peer acre. TRI-LEVEL 7 ROOMS The owner of this fine home is going into am apartment, and can give very good terms. Contains a natutral fireplace in the living roonm also a fani- ily room for the youngsters, @ separate dining area, 4 pc. bath and 3 good! sized bed- rooms. This hore should be seen give us a ccill today. THICKSONS RD. N. We still hove: a few lots available in the "Thickson Rd. Elizabeth Cresc area, These lots are outside t#re city where the taxes are loyver, they. are worth consideriry3 if you ore building a new home this year. FULL PRICK $13,800 6 room brick bungalow on a large lot, 3 god sized bed- rooms and 4 pct, bath. Large living room and separate din- ing area. 2 finished rooms in basement. A veury good buy, ATTENSTION 4 bedrooms, is. quite an at- traction to a large family. We hove a bricik bungalow in a quiet area,: of the city, contains a spacious kitchen with 4 pc, beithroom, floor are spotlessly clean and nicely decorated, als} a 24 ft. re- creation room in basement. Back yard is giood sized, and also a large wegetable plot. Close to shopiping plaza, and bus route. Figll price. $13,- 500.00. COUNTRY HOME Bungalow containing 5 rooms, Older 7 room. storey brick home in immaculate condition throughout. Many desirable features include hot water heating, wall to wall broad- loom, open fireplace in living room and large dining room. Gan be yours with $3,500 down and an open mortgage for the balance. Call to-night for further details ALLAN ST., WHITBY Two bedroom bungalow with large dining and living rooms, plus 3 room apartment. Large corner lot completely fenced, pave drive and garage. Listed $13,900. Cali us to-night. LISTINGS We are running low on list- ings and urgently need your home now. Are you thinking of selling? We have waiting cosh and term buyers. Call us to-day. No sale--no charge. INVESTMENT Well built four unit motel and living quarter' on Hwy, No. 12, just north of Whitby. Lots of room for expansion on the 8 acres of land. Owner wishes to retire. Call us now for details. NICE BUNGALOW Rraely will you find such high quality and beautiful condi- tion in'a 5 room bungalow. You'll like the large kitchen and attractive brick exterior trimmed with stone. No work for you to do, Even has a paved drive. Listed $14,500. Call for details, COMPACT AND Beautiful tri-level home on 3 acres of land. Four bedrooms, Barrymore broadioom. Three bathrooms, creek, many, mony other fine feotures. All offers considered. For more information call Mr. Charles Rankine ot 728-5123, 728- 3682. BEAU VALLEY JUST LISTED Here's one every one will wont. Attractive 6 room bungolow with otteched gar- age. Ultra modern kitchen, dining room, spacious living room, 3 bedrooms, beautiful rec, room with Swedish fire- place, plus mony other ex- tras, Priced to sell ot $23,- 500. Be the first to inspect and make an offer. Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. ATHOL ST. EAST One of the finest 2 storey homes, that we have hod the pleasure to offer for sale. Natural gumwood ~~ trim throughout. Very spacious living room for your enter- taining, separate spacious dining room, completely mo- dernized kitchen and bath- room. tiled with vanity. Rec roorn complete with bor, Be the first to make an. offer on this exceptional home. Call Mr. Ed Drumm right now ot 728-5123 or 725-9345. 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening MR. EXECUTIVE $21,900 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED CENTRAL This small home hos two nice bedrooms, attractive' living room and kitchen. Lots of garden area and convenient to everything. Best of all, it corries for only $65.00 month. A small down pay- ment gives you a home you con be proud of. $13,500 FULL PRICE is WHITBY "This tole Brick three bedroom home hos had exceptional care and only 6 years old. Recreation room facilities plus walkout basement. Profession- ally landscaped and even has ; Mss Carries for $98 RAVINE SETTING House with a difference. If you like things that are just a. little different, not just a run of the mill home. Then be sure to see this 2000 sq. ft. home custom built by the owner who is an architect. Home features living room 25 x 17 with exposed beams and huge hearty fireplace. Three master size bedrooms, METCALF AO King St. E. Dial 728-4678 NORTH END 5% room bungalow only 5 years old in a setting you would sure be proud of. This is a ranch brick bungalow, with a double attached gar- age, paved drive, hot water with oil heating, L-shoped liv- ing and dining room, 3 bed- rooms broadloom, utility room and a lovely lot. Priced at only $21,000 for appoint- ment to see this, call today, LA SALLE AVE. gelow situated close to Boys' club. This bungalow consists of 3 good sized bedrooms, large kitchen, separate living room, private drive and locat- ed in a well built-up area. This home is 'well worth a look. REAL ESTATE LTD. $13,500--5 room brick bun- tomorrow. Attractive three bedroom split level, attached gorage with large living room, dining room, beautiful kitchen with lots. of cupboards, 4 pc. tiled both and vanity. Full 'tase- ment. Price $17,950.00 with $4,133.00 down. Just $18,550.00 for a beou- tiful two storey home, large living room, family dining room, provincial kitchen, ceramic tiled bath with van- ity as well as 2 pe. powder room. Attached garage, fully decorated, immediate posses- sion, This split level home is sell- ing for only $16,350.00 with $3,104.00 down. One NHA mortgage 614% interest. Three good size bedrooms-- spacious modern kitchen with plenty of cupboards. Large living room, seporote dining room, 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity. Basement paint- ed and nicely laid out for family room. Joe Crawford Loreen Kellet Phyliss Jobb Sid Goodfellow Chas. Smith John Kitchen 723-1021 723-3770 723-3240 723-7335 728-8254 723-3788 COMMERCIAL 2700 sq ft. brick building on a lot with 300 ft. front- age. The cost to wreck this building was $48,108.66 plus the cost of the land. Selling price to-day $34,500. with terms or $32,000. Cash, Call 723-2333 82 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH After 6 p.m. call: John Sandy +++s 725-8010 Ed Disney ..3.. 728-6954 ED. DISNEY REALTOR Large rec-room. Built-In breakfast nook. ange Soneey te with patio. 668-5002, tnreeploca bath, $7,000. * i 8602. - : Y RIDGES, $1,000 mortgage carries for + close Carries less than rent. PRIVATE -- New gleted Fhe carport, bathrooms, pee ge very lanee Xt kitchen, wainut boards, built-in stove and fan. ideal for Se Pl family, $18,500. Owner transferred, LOT -- Very scenic, 75' x 100', In city. pee. pay raveee close to all conveniences. wo KEONDON fouse, low taxes, in spotless condition. ie J retired couple, nae md lot for sale. Call 728-0929. W 5-ROOM clay-brick, bungalow, on sil bullt, block garage, Pe nage chen, divided basement. Many extr: Excellent location. Apply 588 Giidden Avenue, FIVE-ROOM brick maenny east of Wilson Road South. to schools, $4,000 down. Take over ovine mortgage, of $9,500 at 6¥e per cent. Write Box 138, Times. |Oshawa SSUNTRY LIVIND neal CONTES Ga COUNTRY rl fp ols near Courtice on home with basement id Estate Limited. $11,000 FULL PRICE for frame bungalow with gar down. Call Bill Swarbrick a' Real Estate Limited. FIVE-ROOM ranch bongaey, Ly Ba at- ished rec Be Hymen this sae Only $1 8. D, fb alowed locat Real Estate Limited. SOUTHLAWN, 101--Three-bedroom brick bungalow. Hardwood and hog Owner, 725-2599," pod Bong ll Big h.mj ea brick nn Toure "Price. $16,000. "Terms. call Hamp ton 263-2021, MOVE gong eh gy Beautiful execu- tive pgs hg home, 3 FB nnchawaygph ea Beautifully landscaped. Ideal 'emily home. $23,900. 728-3893. HAMPTON two-storey --_elght-room house on large lot, 99" x 175', $6,800. Call W. Frank, Real Estate 'Limited, Bowman- ville, 623-3393. BRAND NEW Zanc-4 ous Ilving and dining room, attached garage, many extras. Call Keith Peters, Realtor, 725-4162, PRIVATE sale. 70 Eestoion a Drive, Rieck feet, | landscal and fia ae driveway, newly Secorated, aluminum storms and Swa payment required, 725-0658, 11 ROOM HOME OPPOSITE KINGSWAY COLLEGE this large dwelli ae leis 'Lot SIZ. x > LAR 725-1186 or 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. ASKING nes a 00 -- for - 150'. PHONE BILL MIL- LOTS -- Buwilders terms or bea " east end location. Mr. Camp- = 725-1015, oe oseph Bosco Realtor, 728 10 ACRES, cece 7, side road 3-31, 'ownship,, school one mile, Mr. hi thn Whitby, Seba. & RES near Bi A Hall ef S. Bayan Reel Eatete 728-6286. Limited, 28--Real Estote Wanted {NEED three. and four-bedroom homes. | have cash and time payment cai Bit Johnston, 726106 "Schotteld> 29--Automobiles For "Sale 9 AM, to 10 P.M. daily. SEE AND SAVE WITH H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER AJAX 942-3310 ANYTIME ATTRACTIVE BUILDING LOT Low taxes, country living, near schools, churches, shop- 67 KING ST, EAST 2 4-pc. baths. We are open to offers on this home, So hurry and see this home this evening. exceptionally low taxes, the garden inclu¢ies fruit trees and grape vires, a new fur- nace. Pressure Pump, Full price $9,000,500. HOUSE FOR THE LARGER, FAMILY 2 storey brick home, with at- tached garage, 5 years old with 2 finish:d rooms in the basement. Sitwsated on a good sized lot. Located in the North West area. ie! to shopping. DOWNTOW'N LOCATION Large commercial lot 48 x VO Senvice SALES AN JAKE and BILL'S. GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 . BUYING OR 'SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING 'ST, -- OSHAWA QWust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 - ; fend $1,000. DOWN, three-bedroom, een motor new Treen batter: detached bungalow, complete with) aiso 1955 Dodge, a nice clean car, 725-5079, Storms, screens, $10,600. Private. AleX! 9:-CueyROLET 49 -- Acl condition. . 'Must sell. Mile 623-3552 after 6.30, BROOKLIN -- NORTH AREA $13,900 -- 5 room, 1% storey home in excellent con- ition, private paved drive, 2 bedroom home close to churches and transportation. Well situated separate dini room, large living room, coul have a third bedroom, why not take a look. NORTH WEST $13,900 in this north end location is a very nice 5 room bungalow, 3 bedrooms, pri- vate poved drive, not too far from shopping and bus, close to schools. Let us show you this home. NEW HOMES in prices from $17,- | PRINTED PATTERN 100 ACRE FARM -- Large with stanchions and water bowls, 6 room home with 3 piece bath, good im- plement shed, some good bush. Call 728-7828 for ap- pointment. HARMONY dea a Ht La Sro0m bun- galow on ith room, Clean m neat. A satan 'Must b be sold. Call Bob Stevenson at $s. DB. Hyman Real Estate Limited, SPOTLESS 9-room brick home on Brock Street. Terriffic income home. A real money maker near the North. plant. Good down payment. required. Murray Boyle, 723-4270; Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. THREE apartment dwelling, 3 kitchens, 3 baths. Terriffic location within walking distance to downtown. $15,900. with terms, Elmer Fredin, 725-2753; Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. TRADE your pie gd home, lot or car on @ new home built Hi 'one struction on Wilson Road...North. Call S. D. Hyman, Real Estate. 728-6286, more pai Jars. For full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 728-2870 723-7996 723-1358 725-3867 728-1066 728-5868 728-2233 723-2894 NEW two storey brick with attached garage in North end. 2 bathrooms, b-oad- looms in. living and dining rooms. $1,500. down with easy terms. Mr. Skinner, 728- 4900; Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. IMMEDIATE possession. Act fast for this very clean bungalow with large kitchen and three large bedrooms, Garage and fruit trees. East end near public and ping centre. |separate schools. Asking $1,500. down and $10,900. full price, John Gravelle, 728- 0594; Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377, Call 728-1165 ba yg brick bungalow, large rec 127 ft. witln brick building, rive ' : ; 1" $12.70, full price Pace FaRCTRT ron, Battie, Yt Be Week ce Son hear fine location, Full price $43,- Bill McFeeters 725-1726 hig COME, Be ons re eS. Street East. 'Telephone 725284" | 000.00 . drive from Geuioun 'Oshewe. Further EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room nome 360 Bol Maha West noire Information anytime from Walter Wittler,|two bathrooms and beaut'fu pelle Bi $1,00¢) DOWN : ree 9 b00" lectric. and oil heat, = 5 room bungpalow, 3 pe, bath ges and cor ports, 3 and eph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, and modern, kitchen, newly $500 BONUS 4 bedrooms all services pre- poid, Some for posses- M ET C LF decorated, -fectures storms We. aoe teliinn Sadie: doe ready po: doors, Ideal for th Hl sion, for further nga fomily dc soled: bcuitas" hi oe 0g fod pte bot isbn for a trade on REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E., Oshawa Dial 728-4678 pren in Ajax. Don't wait for baad today. increase in prices. Buy now OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE DON'T BE CAUGHT WITHOUT SOME LOTS on ee Diol 728-4678 $640 (Full Down) Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Plan now for the government Winter Works Bonus Plan-- Secure your lots now in Downsview Park--only 15 lots presently To one 644% N.H.A. Dick Barriage Joe Mage available, but more opening up. soon, Special builders terms Mortgage $14,390 FULL PRICE available also and we will also accept conditional offers relative to the implementation of the Winter. Works Incentive Bonus Plan, 3 and 4 bedrooms - Storms and screens, exhaust fan, Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Ltd. 40. KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-4678 VISIT OUR BEACONSFIELD HOMES fess twin sinks, hollywood kitchens. Electric heat, car- ports and also available. For early Possession we have Custom Built by Robert McEwan, these fine tradi- tional homes are beautifully designed and finished, first grade materials, 4 bedrooms, full dining room, 3 bathrooms, fireplace, kitchen and family room -- teakwood cupboards. only four a in ris ag pei $14 790 with -- $1590 DRIVE. SOUTH ON ATHOL ST., WHITBY for inspection OLIVE. HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St: E:, Whitby 668-5853 afternoons & evenings only 668-8981 t Allan Thompson Charles Chaytor Marg Hall Irene Brown Bill Johnston Steve Macko Maible Boudreau Margaret Lee Reg. Aker 725-0201 semi- ' od me ec 29----Automobiles For Sale raled firoughovt. Private, Tekphene 6551" Continued oo Pace 34) COMING EVENTS OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes ; ! Jackpot Nos. 54 and 51 COUNTRY CLUB JUBILEE ; PAVILION re ee FREE ADMISSION Buffet, Refreshments, Door Prizes Children Under 16 Not Admitted $2.50 per person NOVEL PINGO bia may be obtained THURSDAY EVENINGS Zz 45 calling Whitby . at ST. GEORGE'S HA\ 668-4404 (Albert and Jackson Sn) Maree $12, $20. NEED extra help this summer? Just dia) 723-3492 to place the Oshawa Times joubled or tripled $180" IN JACKPOTS Classified Ad that will quickly bring you the dependable workers you want. Door Prize $15 OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thursday, Sept. 3rd 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 se AT Po. 1 -- $150 JACKPOT $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2--$250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 50 and 55 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD IN 50 and 55. NUMBERS. THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME BTR PRIZES RED BARN, OSHAWA apyustlio? ¥ '| For further particulars please call 1723-1121 Open daily from 9 a.m. to > p.m, Kenneth C. Yoms 723-1121 Steve Engleir 728-5581 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Maniti us 723-1121 Jeon Peacork 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Lloyd Corsory 723-2537 Richard Young 723-7183 Lucas Peaccsck 725-4330 Ernest Mue'fler 728-0208 Anthony Silglock © 725-4362 GUIDE REALTY LTD. Realtors 16 Simcoe St.:S. Municipal porking at rear PICKERING TOWNSHIP POLICE ASSOCIATION Third Annual DANCE ANNANDALE PRINCE ALBERT 4 SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING Town woter, built-in cup- boards and heavy wiring in eoch opartment. Hot water heoting. Beautifully landscap- ed lot. Surrounded by tall Maples. Close to Shopping. - Priced only $16,500. with $6,000 down. THREE BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW KIN¢SSMERE IN PRINCE ALBERT | Il conveniences, sp sdypivat IG. ARMSTIRONG and SONS i a s13s00° on ee 000. down. Coll George ie. . $ PRESENT MONTHLY $000 INCOME OF $235.00 985-2632 it! 3 apartments with separate Port Perry R fétive fer meters, situated on Park H. KEITH Road North, Forced oil heot- LTD. REALTOR 'ng, Fort ay $16,900.00 with $2,000.00 down or own- er will consider trade of land, small home, . mortgages first or second. INCOME Lesa en- trances. Close to Prestnolos " | ga Anderson Street, whitby, TRADE OR i a -- Three-bedroom bun- Hurry Phone Bill Millar galow, Cooksville ares, presently renting 120. Oshawa JIFFY JACKET By ALICE BROOKS Medium-weight, marvelous for all year ried Do this jacket in knitting worsted Jiffy-knit jacket in rib effect pattern-stitch, cables -- smart for «travel, office, home, vaca- tion. Pattern 7237: directions sizes 32-34; 36-38 included. THIRTY-FIVE. CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft] Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE PAT- TERNS in big, exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog!" 200 de- signs -- smart stoles, jackets, hats, toys, afghans, linens, ev ! Send 25c, DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--pieced and applique, for beginners, ex- perts. Send 60c now. SIZES 14%-24% FOR HALF-SIZES By ANNE ADAMS Perfect pick-me-up to revive |wilting spirits--this softly pleat- ed casua! that travels briskly from summer through fall. For Dacron, surah, broadcloth. Printed Pattern 4538: Half Sizes 1414, 1644, 184%, 2014, 2214, 244%. Size 16% requires 3% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print' plainly SIZE, NAME. ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care. of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept.,Oshawa , Ontario. NEW! 300 sparkling designs, 5 exciting fashion and fabric features plus coupon for ONE FREE PATTERN -- any one lyou choose! Send for new Fall- Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. GARDENS Phone now for your siiiiiaaet DIAL 942-0221 or 942-4261 OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. 17 new hpomes consisting of splits, bugigalows and two stories on, serviced lots over- looking thre City of Oshawa. Every horsie features a built in stove tind oven, complete decoratinyy as well as N.H.A. financing., For more informa- tion phoime 728-6286. S. D. HYMAN REAL ES3TATE LIMITED 725-1186° - 725-2557 imentniy, fer aimlier "in W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. area, 725-8501,

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