ia 3 THEOSHAWA TIMES, , September 2, 1964 Newfoundland Rushing Work On Its Roads By JAMES H. HUSSEY Canadian Press Correspondent rived 133 eet PEE TEE Sa he See % ak Taree tag on roads this summeyr.alo than was spent al'ogether the 4% centuries hefween Jéhr. Cabot's discovery of the island y i pr its: union with Canada in : y TENDERNESS)" SPECIAL! PREDRESSED SWIFT'S PREMIUM finus. LB. i 000--much of it from the fed- eral government's national fish- TURKEYS PREDRESSED » devel t r -- is ' ery development program be SPECIAL! LOBLAWS "TWIN PACK" fe}! PKG, : "Grade "A" 6 to 10 Ibs. going in shares of $25,000 AT A LOWER PRICE! 44-BiS. C PKG. SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM the Baie d'Espoir area began $200,000 for improvement of; fishing ports. Wharves under construction at Charlottetown on Bonavista Bay and at bas manville on Notre Dame Bay will be used to load pulpwood! speciai! HOSTESS BISCUITS DraNT indless SIDE BACON *: in June. Preliminary work in- 1-LB ry . volved building accommodation aaa JAR. SPECIAL! HICKORY SMOKED for engineers who be ~~ s Sh ' rr kf ae roduce elec- : ai tr the sodvar ont, corneme! maeee SPECIAL! KENT opsy S$ rran urters ----| SHREDDED a BONELESS 2 67 SPECIALY SLICED s . ' Declining U.K. WHEAT... CHICKEN .... ° Shopsy's BOLOGNA... = 39: tater rad SPECIAL! LOBLAWS 'KITCHEN PRIDE Red Pitted on Tins ¢ agrees: oo ea *The tempo of co'siruction on roads, harbors. and buildings has been at an ali-time high this summer as the Atlantic province works to. rediice the isolation of lonely outporis and raise living standards. Total; 1964 construction sp2iding will approach an estimated $225.- 000,000 compared witn $138.- 508,000 five years eariier. The $47,000,000 assigned toy road building and improvement is more than double the $22,- 500,000 spent for the same pur- pose last year. In the year be- fore joining Canada, Newfound- land spent $3,650,000 on roads. Provincial Finance . Minister E. S. Spencer says the total spent on roads in Newfound- land by all governments in all years before 1949 was $36,000,- 000. In the 15 years since, $215,- 189,000 has been spent en roads and the minister says this has given 150,000 people in 600 set- tlements an alternative to the sea as a means to travel. IMPROVE HARBORS This summer's project in- volves building 205 miles of new road, 40 bridges, 11 over- passes, 135 miles of paving and 50 miles of rebuilding. Despite the attention to in- land communication, the prime role' of the sea in Newfound- land's life is emphasized by building activity --mainly) wharves and breakwaters -- in big harbors» and dozens of tiny ports. Largest single expenditure is $1,000,000 for completion by Oc- tober of the $18,500,000 St. John's hafbor improvement project begun in 1957. Elsewhere, at least $10,000,- if not completely satisfied: a * be with any fresh meat: Also Available A Limited Supply of Regul Se PRICES EFFECTIVE and a $280,000 wharf at St. Al- SEPT, 2, 3, 4, § ban's on Baie d'Espoir is the nucleus of facilities that will form a national harbor. Work on a. hydro + eleciric power development project in FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! NOW AT THEIR BEST! Cantaloupes SWEET, JUICY BEAUTIES FROM CALIFORNIA! FINEST AVAILABLE! Seediess GRAPES ... 2 33. SWEET PLUM - PEACH COMBINATION i . yr BQ Hc NECTARINES ......... a ey br GREEN PEPPERS Plus 100 Gallons of SUNOCO gasoline 1965. with each car EXTRA LARGE SIZE 27's BACH c 1-LB. PKG ~ 18-02 PKGS. 7-O2: TINS es 'g PKG. SPECIAL! FROZEN SOMBRERO Crange 4 on Tins Juice Trade Helped tayr By Drinkers | SYRUP ............ 978% By DOUG MARSHALL LONDON (CP) -- Canadians who sneak that extra finger of scotch whisky before dinner are | heiping to treat one of the Brit- || ish economy's chronic ailments --declining exports. Trade figures for July show exxports dropped by £16,000,000. The news generated alarm in Westminster, where the Con- servative government is touting continued prosperity as its prin- # cinal election slogan, and genu- ine confusion in financial cir- cies. "The figures are puzzling," said a spokesman for. the Fed- eration of British Industries "They are inconsistent with ex- pectations shown by our recent survey and can't be reconciled with the buoyancy of business activity and employment." Subsequent analysis has failed to. clear up the. mystery but most commentators take the view that at the root of it all is the lack of initiative shown by many British export- ing firms. Edward Heath, head of the government's trade department, believes one solution is to in- crease sales of cars and whisky, aiready two of Britain's biggest . Pie won OO CHERRIES ... ) LAURENTIAN ONE EACH WEEK GET YOUR BINGO CARDS AT + LOBLAWS OR SUNOCO! WHE- = THER YOU PLAY BINGO OR "4 NOT; DEPOSIT Y OU R BINGO © CARDS AT YOUR LOBLAW % STORE WITH YOUR NAME® AND ADDRESS ON THE BACK =} CFT QO coms MON. FRI, | 98 sont cu weet 2 10:30 TO 11 A.M. ASH $500 EACH WEEK WATCH TV. SHOW FOR PLAY- « ING RULES. LUCKY GREEN STAMPS export earners. British car firms, he told re- porters, could do more in Eu- rope, particularly in countries outside the European Common Market. : pO BETTER IN CANADA "As for whisky," he said, "Ll fee] we ought to be able to do) even better than before in Canada, whose government changed the duty arrangements in our favor in its last budget." In any case, critics are de- mending a~complete overtiaul| of Britain's exporting machin 8 one of many hints that a major change may be in orde: was revealed when the West- minster Chamber of Commerce had to cancel its trade mission to Texas because no one would rt it. oaExporters, defending them-) selves, say they lose many or-| ders because the British govern-| ment's financial restrictions| prevent them from aifering| credit terms: as goo das those of their competitors, They say what is needed is 4 central corporation handling ex port fimancing with _ the same goeed and co-operation as the} Export Import Bank in mi United Gtates. 1500 Extra al EXTRA STAMPS al BXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA (STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-07. TIN NORTH AMERICAN BUTTON MUSHROOMS 0} «COUPON EXPIRES SEPT 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25% BOTTLE OF 'TAPLETS Of Nasal MIST Vee, SQUEEZE BOTTLE DRISTAN 07 COUPON EXPIRES StPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16 FL. OZ, TIN FOR WOOD FLOORS VISTA O17 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 BOTTLE CARTON 10 FL, OZ. SIZE BOTTLES PEPSI-COLA O13 COUPON EXeyts sehr. 9 al a0 al EXTRA STAMPS Li EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF FOUR 71-0Z. PKGS. KRAFT DINNER 04 -- COUPON EXPIRES SePT. o WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-02, AERO TIN BRIDGEPORT SLUG-A-BUG O8 _ COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6{-OZ. AERO TIN SPRAY WAX TONE O12. COMPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25 FL. OZ. BOTTLE JEWEL PURE VEGETABLE OIL B16 COUPON EXPiReS SEPT. 9 EXTRA STAMPS of al ds EXTRA STAMPS LUCKY GREEN STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE |-GALLON CARTON TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM 05 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 8-07. PKGS. KRAFT DELUXE CHEESE SLICES 09 COUPON EXPiNts serT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE FAMILY SIZE TUBE DENTAL CREAM COLGATE O12 COUPON ExPines StrT.'9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO GIANT SIZE TIS CLEANSER AJAX O17 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. # al | EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS di WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-07. JAR PRIDE OF ARABIA INSTANT COFFEE 01 COUPON EXPIRES Serr. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14 FL. OZ. BOTTLE ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE 06 -- COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-18, TIN SHORTENING CRISCO 010 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT..% WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE KING SIZE PKG, DETERGENT DUZ O14 COUPON ExPiaes SEPT. WITH COUPON @ PURCHASE OF ONE 16-07. PKG. 1N SHELL BEAVER PEANUTS Ole "COUPON Exints SEPT. 9 EXTRA Ki EXTRA STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS di di WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. OZ. TIN FOR WOOD FLOORS VISTA COUPON EXPIRES StPT.9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-25 FT. ROLL REYNOLD'S ALUMINUM FOILWRAP O31 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. & WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. OZ, BTL. LIQUID DETERGENT IVORY 035 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 64 FLY OZ. BOTTLE CORONATION BREAKFAST ORANGE DRINK O1P, COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20-02. TIN PIE READY CHERRY PIE FILLING 013 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. ¢ EXTRA STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS wi) EXTRA STAMPS 2 EXTRA = STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-02. PKG. FARM HOUSE FROZEN ~ CHOCOLATE CAKE 027 COUPON Expines SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-8, PKG. ROSE COLOURED MARGARINE 032 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 FL. OZ. JAR McLAREN'S HOT. DOG RELISH 036 COUPON EXPIRES steT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 30 FL. OZ, BTL, LIQUID DETERGENT ' GAY 026. COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 FL. OZ. JAR AYLMER PURE STRAWBERRY JAM P24 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS dh i EXTRA STAMPS WITH-COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-07, 2's PKG. ORIGENA FROZEN PIZZA cher CHEESE 028 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. ® WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 250's PKG. WHITE SWAN SERVIETTES 032 COUPON EXPIRES StPT. % WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 8-0Z. PKGS. MAPLE LEAF SNACK BAR CHEESE 037 COUPON EXPines SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20 FL. OZ. JAR , OVENCROCK WITH PORK & MOLASSES CLARK'S BEANS 021 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 10 FL. OZ. TINS HEINZ TOMATO SOUP O25 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. # EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS ii EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 3 REGULAR SIZE BARS WOODBURY'S PINK BEAUTY SOAP 02% COUPON EXPIRES, SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY 3 PKGS. ROYAL INSTANT 034. COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. # a WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 28 FL. OZ. BOTTLE LIQUID CLEANER 038 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE } OZ. JAR INSTANT TEA 922 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15's PKGS.\ 9 INCH DUCHESS PLATES 026 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. ¢ Ki EXTRA STAMPS Ki EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS ki EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE TWO 11 FL. OZ. BOTTLES £0. SMITH KETCHUP 030 COUPON EXPIRES Sept. @ WITH TOUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO HEADS ONTARIO GROWN, FRESH CABBAGE 040 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO ONTARIO GROWN CELERY STALKS 039 COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWo HEADS ONTARIO GROWN LETTUCE O41 COUPON EXPIRES SrPT. 9% ONE QUART BOX ONTARIO PEACHES COUPON exrines ster. 9 Shopping Centre Store Now Open Wed., Thur. and Fri. Till 9:30 p.m. -- Downtown Stores Upen thur. and Fri. Till 9 p.m,