- 25--Apartments 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For -- 27--Recl Estate For Sele FOR RENT $85.00 PER MONTH 4 room, 2 bedroom. apart- ment on 2nd floor, College Ave. Separate stool and basin, share bath with owner. No children, abstainers only. Call GUIDE REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST, S. 723-1121 Apartments To Rent 1 and 2 bedrodm apartments "mow being completed. Occu- pancy from Sept. 15. Range so a 0 drapes, hot ond cold r, Elevator. Inter- com service. Apply 349 Mar- lend. 728-1544, TuREE-n0om apartment, _ on and cold water, inside pl lesil tor workin OWE. AND TWO-BEDROOM searimests, hot ani cold water, elevator and intercom serv-| 321 Mariend) ranges, refrigerators, drapes, ice. Apply Superintendent, Avenue, 723-4368. FURNISHED 3room veniences, and oe couple October 1. Telephone 725-1754, eo ry couple cs seas boarders. Brougham vicin! hone 649-2509. apartment, all con- private entrance, parking, cen- tral location, $25 weekly. Whilby 668-3242. TURE Roo ROOM self-contained apartment, refrigerator,private entrance. preferred. Occupancy 26---Rooms For Rent . ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS | Available in private home Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | €LBAN room to ren near North GM,| parking. Telephone 72. FURNISHED room ee rent in quiet . Apply 574 Crerar Avenue after 6) COMPLETELY furnished rooms Yor rent. Gentlemen only. Apply 25 Division St. COMFORTABLY furnished bedroom, sult- for a gentleman. Apply 177 wat 'Street East ONE furnished room, woman preferred: | also 2 unfurnished rooms, witHin walk- be A Pig ne of Oshawa Shopping Centre; | . 728-3690. | ine STREET EAST -- Spacious furnish- ed housekeeping room, single beds, sult ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 NORTH-WEST 3 Bedroom tug Brick Bunga- low close to all schools ond Oshowa Shopping Centre. You moy have immediate possession on this immaculate home, Owner asking $15,- 500. 98 ACRES Only 1$ minutes from Osh- ewo on poved Highway. Good buildings, brand new barn. Owner. asking $400 per Acre. Call today. HOME AND 1 ACRE OF LAND This home has all modern conveniences, well land- scoped "Gnd treed lot with Bar-B-Q in the back yard. There is o gorage and i barn: on the premises. is property has 5 registered lots that may be sold now. Call us today. 6 ROOMS Only $1,900 Down. This: is @ handyman's opportunity to acquire a large home. Cen- METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 VARIETY STORE AND HARDWARE Thriving business in good lo- cation, showing excellent return, Store also 'includes modern 5 room apartment, above. The extremely rapid prove your down payment of investment, JULIANA DRIVE Distinctive 6 room split with attached garage, finished rec, room, extra large kitchen, Electrically heated. Early pos- sessiors on this gem. BERNHARD CRESC. 4 bedrooms -- extra wash- room, large living room, fam- ily sized kitchen with loads of cupboards, separate din- ing room, carport, Close to schools, shopping. Early pos- session. SOMERVILLE AVE. Asking $13,900 with $2 down--5 room rug brick galow on a really gooa sized trally locatéd to town and available immediately. A | little paint and it looks like | new. List price only $11,- | Ralph Vickery Steve Zurba Bill Horner Doug Wilson Steve Lehan Guy Bell Dorothy Wood . Bob 'Johnston Pouline Beal Hertha Kirk 48 Simcoe Street, across from Post Office | For professidnal real estate services, GO ACTIVE List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED | | | | | | South, | lot. See it now and make your offer before its too late. 7 ROOMS New furnace -- overlooking park ond ravine. Home in good shape, extra large lot. R-3 zoning, suitable for apartment block. Asking $11,000 with reasonable down payment. OPEN' EVENIGS 'TIL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Joe Mago Ken Hann Jack Osborne Dick Borriage KEITH PETERS growth of this city shouldé $10,000.00 to be a sound, Bob Johnston 28 ACRE "HOBBY FARM 1% storey brick home in im- maculate condition with oll conveniences, nicely --land- good barn suitable ir cattle or horses, sh tong cleaner, new garage im- plement shed, fourteen miles to Oshawa. Price $21,500 with $7,000 down. PRINCE ALBERT 3° bedroom brick bungalow bes all ey orwergaroed , garage, pave: rive, locatbal on nicely landscaped lot, town water, Excéptional value ot $13, 900.00 with $3,500 10 down, COUNTRY HOME 3 bedroom <brick bungalow on Highway No. 7 and No. 12, $14,500 with terms, Large beef and ely forms. available. Phone collect. George S. Stone PORT PERRY 985-2632 Representative for -H, KEITH LTD., \,_ REALTOR ' $500 BONUS | We are taking orders for | | homes to be built this | | winter under the govern- | ment bonus plan. | DON'T WAIT FOR INCREASE IN PRICES BUY NOW AND SAVE (FULL, DOWN) | To One N.H.A. Mortgage | $13,990 FULL PRICE | 3 and 4 bedrooms, storms, screens, fully decorated, col- ored bathroom fixtures, elec- tric heat available, twin sinks, hollywood kitchens, lot sodded front and rear, trees, choice of coiors throughout, CUIDE Realty Ltd. 723-112) A REAL GEM 6 month old split level brick home with aluminum siding, with. double attached garage, . forced air oil heating, con- tains 8 rooms, large kitchen, living room comfortably broadloomed, also the hall, Separate dining area, '4 lovely bedrooms, @ truly exciting home for anyone who 'wants to be on © quiet street in the suburbs, Mom will be so proud to entertain in her at- tractive living room with so much. wall space for arrang- ing the furniture, Drive out todoy or call us. NORTH END OF CITY Happy family you will be when you see this smart bric! bungalow, containing 3 good sized bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled both with vanity, living room, modern 'kitchen. Close to schools and churches, . also near shopping, treat your- telves to a home before the children start school. Full price $14,500.00. ----------| THINKING OF BUILDING We have some vacant land 66 ft. frontage x 162', North side, 128' x 72'. on the south. Let us build a home of your choice. Asking $2,- 200.00. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ~ well established 1V busi- ness, consists of stock, equip- ment, appliances, has been servicing wide area outside of city. Don't miss this chance to 'become your own boss, Asking $8,000.00. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A MILLIONAIRE to buy this 2 bedroom bun- golow. Modern sized kitchen and large living room. Alu- minum doors with awning in front and venetian blinds in all rooms, low taxes, side- A 27--Reat Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sole c) LTD. 723-2265 ONE OWNER three bedroom bungalow in perfect condition throughout, Asking $13,500. and carries for only 9.00 monthly ns 'Bow is gut by wat long. Yours with $3000. down. Call now. NICE BUNGALOW high quality and besutiful condition in a 5 room bunge- low. You'll' like the large kitchen and attractive brick exterior trimmed with stone.' He work for you to do. Even « paved drive. Listed | | $14, 500. Call for details. FINALLY LISTED 6 Year old attractive 3 bed- room brick bungolow with reat: Nice south area neor south _ plont, sia 900. Call yous OWNER BUILT Good sound 3 bedroom brick bungalow on La Solle Avenue, Only 7 years. old. Listed $16,500. You'll want to see this one. Call now for ap- pointment, SPACIOUS For the person that likes country' atmosphere close to the city we have this roomy brick 3 bedroom bungalow. This 1392 sq. ft. home is ona lot with 93 ft. frontage ond carries for $99.00 mo. in- cluding, taxes. Beoutifully landscaped grounds with potio and wading pool com- plete the enjoyment this home con offer you. ~~ BROOKSIDE ACRES Six room brick bungalow with attached garage in om orea of prestige homes on ao nicely landscaped lot 60 -x 115', 6% mortgage. Call for more details SCHOFIELD-AKER Rorely. will you. find such: > Listed "LIST AND MOVE, WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS --~ REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- ~-- MORTGAGES -- BROOKLIN $8,500.00 29--Automopiies For Sale . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 26, 3 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trode up or down, Liens pid off. _ DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 <---Autemaiia For Sale "1200 DUNDAS WHITBY -- 6 bias big broad Yet lad V8, auto- matic, ri » 25,000 . Condition, $2,600. Telephone tt aaa 1958 AUSTIN ibe ag Moat Sys wire /| wheels, spotless ins! , okeyed). by local mechanic. 8 Student. t sell. 728-3978 atetr 6. 6 room, 2. storey family home central, bathroom, ed home, large lot, open to offers, Reasonable down pay- ment, Call Mr. Jack Apple- by at 728-5123 or 723- 3398. SPECIAL Attractive 5 yr. old 3 bed- room in spotless "condition. Down payment $2,700.00 monthly payments of only $95.00 including toxes, One N.H.A. mortgage ot 6% interest for balance. Selling below cost, Be sure to spect and make an offer. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. LAW ST. $17,500.00 Six room ranch brick bun- galow with attached garage. Fireplace, wall to wall broad- lom in living room, dining room and hallway. 'Finished recreation room with 2 piece both. Large professionally landscaped lot with shrubs and trees, Substantial down poyment "required, | Inspect this excellent home by call- ing Mr. Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5123 or 728-5205. ST, CHRISTOPHER SCHOOL AREA Very clean 3 bedroom bun- golow -- Hollywood kitchen, Asking $13,900.00 with sub- stantial down payment. Call Mr._Ed Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening 1936 CHEVROLET COACH, 1955 Buick sedan, Parts for sale or will sell complete. Make offer. Days only, 728-9286 or |------~___ 725-8555. 1958 Pepe "LIMITED," power equip- ped. Summer and potty tires, Best offer, 725-8166,. 1958 CHEVROLET, in ened condition. Dial Bowmanville ~ 623-3786. 1959 FORD STATIONWAGON, brand new paint job, new tires. Les running order. After 5, telephone 728-71 I! Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 . 14 Albert St. ~~ BUYIN OR SLING -- TED CAMPIN ~~ MOTORS. 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA ~ Gust East of Wilson Road) Res. 725-5574» 1957 FORD, 2 door, 6 ina perfect condition, cae Must be sold at best offer. Dia} 668-5126. 1958 PONTIAC, 4 door, 6 cylinder, siand- ard transmission, A-1 condition, Private,| CU Must be sold for best offer. Dial 668-5126. 1958 MORRIS Oxford, excellent condition. 601 a, Street West, Whitby, Dial (belts, mats, -- glass. After venson Road Noctn 723-4494 283 V8, standard lent condition, shift. Call Ajax 942-6616 after 6 p.m. 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible' custom sport V-8, brakes, whitewalls, back-up- lights, eld washers, P.m., 725-1676 or 494 Ste bod "VOLKSWAGEN, radio. a Sacrifice for cash. 70 220 Jonmstan Avenue, aici G00d|1958 PONTIAC four door, automatic, Goad condition. Must sell immediately asking $550. 725-4398, 1964 CORVAIR Monza Sport coupe, yel- tow, black frim, low mileage. Raely Ma Mohawk Street, Oshawa. 1962 PONTIAC aricanba hardtop, power |} brakes and steering, radio and other ac- Cessories. 725-2291. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian, door, A-1 conditjon, $850. Apply 94 Sherwood' Ave- nue, Oshawa. 1953 PONTIAC, good running condition, radio. For further particulars telephone! ; 728 6158. 1958 PONTIAC Chieftain station wagon, 4-door Bs dt oil 900d condition. | ; '$800. ate ORD mn truck sone Veton truck, Body good, mechanically Al, Good tires. Daily fens: ¥ >jportation, Bowmanville, 623-3976, |1961 MGA, recent vaive | job, @ Condition, pinta By sel low mileage, radio. Telephone 7: excellent |r walls, radio. 585 _Atho! Street East, PRIVATE. bucket seats, power equipped, immacu- late. One caret Lari. Arter 6, tele 1964 VOL USED CAR port, spindies ers: after 4, re a281. fo make Walk also used tires, 509 Bloor Sirest Bast 1964 LAURENTIAN sedan, windshield washers, automatic, - 1963 Parisienne Map eek cag v8; 957 CHEVROLET sedan, , automatic, radio, good tires, excellent body, al Chevrolet, radio, top condition. at «1 gt New fires Tele phone 72! i 961 CHEVROLET BelAlr sedan, eden, Feri der, automatic, windshield wi ear speaker, thirty-seven zioseod re 3 | deluxe, radio, wind inal miles, 723-3588. 1957 PONTIAC ane green, perfect con- dition, tachometer, radio, new Firestone 500 tires. Telephone 725-2228. 1958 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, automatic, 2-door Biscayne. Very clean, Call 725-5685. 1963 L@ SABRE Buick hardtop, Dipio- mat blue, Low mileage, One owner. All extras. Owner-leaying country. Telephone shield washers. Whitby 668-8061 afer «. 1964 PONTIAC PARISI€N top, power steering, power, tric washers, back-up lights, radio, rear speaker, shade delite glass windshield. V8 automatic, 750x14 whitewalls, padded dash, 9,600 miles, Very good condition. NNE 2-door ha elec. azure esque Cen be 728-9783. jafter 5 p.m. 958 CHEVROLET standa rd cevlinder. Good color. 723-4229 | | REALTORS | walk and paved road, unbe- lievable-only $8,900.00. BUILDING LOT Let us build you a home on this lovely lot just outside of Roads, sidewalks, curbs, sewers and water in ond pre- paid by builder. Located in Whitby or 1987 CHEVROLET, t-door, 6 rose with white top. Excellent condition. $650. Bowmanville 623-7222. 1960 MGA 1600 deluxe, red, spoke wheels, Soft top, tonneau. cover, radio, 31,000 miles, luggage rack. Excellent condition. Port Perry, 985-2816 after 6.30 p.m. bed hgh or couple, five minutes down-| elephone 723-5453. maar END -- Room or room and | board. Own room, close to bus. Woman preferred. Call after 7, 723-5700. ROOMS FOR RENT. $3, 85 and $6 nightly 1959 BISCAYNE, standard © 6, owner, all new tires, windshield w Asking price \. Telephone 728-7818. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, perfect con dition. Will let go for payments, wk" | PRIVATE SALE 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW CHOICE NORTH AREA Three bedroom home with 2 baths and finished rec. room is situated on well landscaped REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 King Street East OSHAWA BLVD. N. PRIVATE $10 weekly. Queens Hotel Oshawa Ltd | 67 Simcoe North, 723-7012. FURNISHED «room, suitable for iady. Phone | Quiet home: 203 Chadburn, ~ 72-7370. PARK RD. $., 109, gentieman, parking space. 723-1830. Room To Reni for| Telephone | TWO furnished rooms (kitchen and bed. | room), very central, free parking, sult quiet gentiemen. Apply 2) Colborne Street) West, Oshawa. NEAR K-MART, furnished room for rent,| \in ge home, parking facilities. Tele phone 7: ONE Or bedroom with kitchen on private floor. Suit one iady, location Lng and Simcoe Streets, Telephone Lal FURNISHED ROOMS si MODERN SIX ROOM 2 STOREY BRICK in northend. Well landscaped , lot, Close to schools and shop- | ping. Aluminum storms and | screens. 725-3020 |TWO-STOREY brick. home, vicinity of [Rison Road School. Ideal family home nd only $1,000 down and balance in one| nortan Call Earj Salter at 728-9474 or | for gentlemen, | 723-3052 evenings. Pau' 2istow Limited, | ingle. beds, parking "facilities. Apply 136/187 7_King Street East, Brock Street East or telephone 723-9348. hers sewn TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, newly ¢ orated. Sink In kinchegt garage, trance. 728-2489. Suit clean, qui¢i;.reliable coupie. 'age, semi-private en-| ACRES, Concession 4, side road 20-31, Township, school one mile, Mt, | M, Freek, Whitby, 668-478), | | | BUILDING lot ATHOL STREET BAST -- Clean, furnish-| |frees and chain link fence. 75 by 200, with sige Clos: bedroom in quiet home. Gentleman|schools, churches and Shopping Centre| ed "only. Abst Abstainer. Telephone 725-2124. TARGE, CLEAN, bright room, central,|FOUR-BEDROOM, storey jet horne, suit gentleman; parking|frame house with garage. Large lot, low |taxes and monthly payments of. only $75.| in qui facilities. Telephone 725-8169. Apply 17 Garrard Road, } and a halt before school opens. Call| BUILT & SOLD--More Start- ed, Don't wait, call today and be a new home owner in North Oshawe--schools, bus, prepaid services--price | in- cludes all storms and screens, 2 aluminum doors, coloured fixtures, ceramic tile, clay brick, with only $2000 down. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE $4.008:00 DOWN Situated near Cedardale School, 3 bedrooms plus din- ing room. Forced air oil heat- ing, taxes only $172 annual- ly 10 year term for the bol- ance. Phone Bill Millor 725- 1186 or 725-2557 W. T. LAMSON Ajax Dial 942-0221 or 942-4261 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. KINGSMERE GARDENS 6 ARMSTRONG and SONS| PRESENT 17 new 'homes consisting of splits, bungalows and two stories on serviced lots over- looking the City of Oshawa. Every home features a built in stove and oven, complete decorating as well as N.H.A. financing. For more informa- tion phone 728-6286. 'S. D. HYMAN the city 75' x 200'. Asking $3,500.00. CUSTOM BUILT 5 year cid brick bungalow with paved driveway, very nicely decorated, 2 bedrooms, living room, dining area, kit- chen, 4 pc. tiled bath, lots of cupboard space and clothes closets, fruit cellor, Elevated front lawn nicely landscaped. Full price $18,900.00. | SPACIOUS IS THE WORD for this home in excellent condition with double garage situated on a large lot with three maple trees in the back and two in the front lovely garden with TV tower and rotar control. Features of the house include large kitchen, living room, 4 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, built up floor in rec. room, lots of' closet spacé, laundry shute from up- stairs to washing area, Back and front porch. Full price $17,500.00. grounds. Attached garage, paved drive, All this for. $4,000 down. INVESTMENT ° Well built four unit motel and liying quorters on Hwy, 12 just north of Whitby. Lots of room for expansion on the Bacres of land. Own- er wishes to retire. Call us now for details. NEW HOMES Four new "specs" nearing completion in Beau Valley. Each one different. Call to- night. We will be happy to discuss them with you, FOR RENT Store on Bond St.. E. with good sto 'space ot rear, rage Call us for details if inter- ested, OPEN DAILY For full particulars coll 723-2265 and sun porch, awnings, garage, eluminum large Jot. moving out of city. 27 BURK STREET 723-4945 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re-| = stored, new battery, licence, $550, and drive away. Apely Howard Motors, Kent Street North, Whitby. DOC'S AUTO SPEED and Custon, radio. Phone ing to university, 723-5886 % excellent collect at 985-271 after 6 p.m, 984 CHEVROLET 7 aedan,, geod condition, 987 CHEVROLET, Robertson 1 new location at 1600 King Street East for|$!50- cash. Telephone your speed auto accessories equipment, au' and parts, Open daily 9-10; 24 hour 728-778). tow: 30---Automobiles Wanted Ing. 10 ACRES NORTH WHITBY Owner will consider trade of . car, boat, home, second mor- _ tgage. Asking price $5,500, Call Bill Millar 725-1186, W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD, $1,500 DOWN, 7-room brick home in best | ore ition, Inside and out, garage, paved 1957 PLYMOUTH, like new, Inside and out. Sacrifice! $550. Apply 127 Park Road South, 725-8540. 1955 BUICK hardtop, A-1. condition, new paint job; also lawn mower sharpening machine. Telephone 728-9217. 1959 PONTIAC Laurentian, rebuilt, 6, "\solid lifters, floor shift, 15' wheels, fend- er skirts, caps, radio, other extras, Wil! consider trade. 723-1225. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid ff, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 1954 MERCURY 'é-ton. truck. dition, Radio, nearly new tires, wi swan for car or sell for best offer, Telephone jdrive. Only $12,500. Call Jack Appleby, | 668-507) | + Bolahood _Bros. Ltd. "| S-Actennéhiles Wanted (Continued on Page 30) bri | excellent condition, Northaweat jextras. Telephone 728-1457. in location, |large landscaped tot, paved drive, Many 50-ACRE farm on paved road near Black- |Stock. Brick house, pressure |bathroom with stool, small barn, |price only $9800. J. J. system, Full Van Herwerden, COMING EVENTS NOVEL BINGO OSHAWA {George Koornneet at 728-9474 or 723-2859 | REAL ESTATE LTD. REAL ESTATE LIMITED | jevenings. Paul Ristow Limited, 187 King | INCOME HOME, Private. Separate en-/Stree! East. - 67 KING ST. E. OSHAWA | silicates frances. Close to Catholoc and 'high, |TWO-BEDROOM. house, iow 100 ) ACRE beef cattle tarm, with fast taxe: S0-ACRE . form with eleven. room brick running trout stream, l1-room brick! me a Se irimpetions canaitin. Shee in good yeeit, $9,800. Terms. house. Price $16,000. Terms. Call Hamp- i" TIMES PATTERNS mera RA R. JONES Real Estate Broker |Realtor, 741 King, | Oshawa, 723- 447), Telephone' WE WOULD BE PROUD TO SHOW This 4 yeor old brick and clapboard 2 storey home, contains 3 bedrooms, living room, separate dining area, 4 pc, tiled bath, The floors ere oak, and broadloom. Kit- chen has built in range, lazy susans, and breakfast nook, walk in cupboards in all bed- Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 rooms, awning on front porch, garden contains raspberries 360 King St. West Free Parking and strawberries, tool shed, | | This one should be seen. Ask- | Bowman & Gibson ing $17,500.00. FOR LARGE FAMILY A 2% storey home with pav- ed driveway, 4 bedrooms, REALTOR HARMONY ROAD NORTH. Spacious 5 145 BROCK ST, SOUTH oo diel loeDA large lot with recree room. ma WHITBY |Call- Bob Stevenson a 720-6286... D. PHONE 668-5823 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Charles Chaytor . 723-7996 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown ... 725-3867 Bill Johnston ... 728-1066 Steve Macko ... -5868 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Margaret Lee ... 723-2894 Allan Thompson . 728-2870 Reg. Aker 725-0201 THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert ond Jackson Sts.) Pine $6, $12, $20. doubled or tripled $170. IN JACKPOTS Door Prize $15 27--Real Estate For Sale LIONS CLUB. BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos. 53 and 50 JUBILEE PAVILION : FREE: ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted PONTYPOOL: 20 20 miles from Oshawa, 7 large rooms, all conveniences, furnished. $500 down, $50 monthly. 33 Duundurn ia Toronto' 10, Telephone LE ped ans RPE Ce Ce ORT SCOT al ET FIVE-ROOM brick. bungalow, east of Wilson Road South, Close {@ schoois,| $4,000 down. Take over private mortgage, jOf $9,500 at 6¥@ per cent. Write Box 138, | Oshawa Times, |MONEY MAKING duplexes, triplexes, japartments, trades or straight purchase. For private interview, Mr. Campbell, 725- 1015. Investment Department, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. Want-Ads Dont' Cost -They Pay TRADE your present Miygivad lot or car Lend a new fiome built by Con struction on Wilson Road North. |S. D, Hyman, Real Estate, 726-6286, |More particulars, Call for COMFORTABLE 5 ROOMS $1,200 down will put you into this practical eosy hungalow , with large living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath and a dandy bright kitchen."You also~ will find. a good recreation room, asphalt drive, back yard all fenced and on top of all this only one block from school end three blocks from shopping. You just connot miss this buy, Call Mr. Jones at 668-8841 now, 3 pc. bath, also a 2 pc. walk- out basement, would be glad to drive you there to see it today, For BLACKSTOCK 99th ANNUAL all tair SATURDAY, AUGUST 29th Starting 12 Noon large living room and kitchen, Hyman Real Estate Ltd. NEWCASTLE on Highway No. 2. Spot- less 4-room cozy bungalow, nice lot. Only $6,000. Very low taxes. Reasonable down payment. Phone 725-2539. LOT -- 96 feet x 200 feet on Elizabeth perce Price $3,200. Telephone Whitby | 668-5718 |For SALE -- Double cottage at West Beach, Bowmanville. Will accept car as down payment or trade on property in Oshawa. 725-8132. full particulars call 723-1121 |Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Leo Manitius 723-1121 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 John Hutchuk 723-9266 Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Richard Young 723-7183 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Municipal parking at rear, SEP BOSCO Realtor 728-7377 833 SIMCOE ST. S. BIG VALUE LOW PRICE COMMERCIAL SITE Dundas Street West, Lot 136' x 314', ideal location for gorage, service station, motel or ony business pertaining to Highwoy traffic, BROOKLIN $1,000.00 down, five room stucco home, 2 bedrooms, new 3 piece bath, furnace, garage, extra iarge jot, plenty of shade. List price $11,500. OSHAWA 3 bedroom split level, 4 pe. bath, completed. rec-room 25' x We laundry room, paved drive, aluminum storms, screens, many other extras, Home must be seen to be ap- precioted. List price es - 500. NICE HOME with small apartment, Ir south end of Oshawa, spotlessly clean, large garden, garage, low down payment with principal and interest $80 per month, McGill F Real Estate ite Broker, 728-4285. LOT = Very ry scenic, 7 75° x 100', in city. city. Fully serviced, close to alj conveniences. Phone 725-2987. ATHOL STREET, OFFICE SPACE Two rooms, broadloom floors, private washroom, newly decor- ated, daily jonitor service, cluded, Coll 668-8842, telephone answering service all in- : me Whitoy. Two storey dwelling with four bedrooms. Large lot. This 12-year-old home has much to offer the average family. Asking $2,500 down to one mortgage. Call Patrick G. McDaniel Realtor, 108 Colborne Street, Whitby. 688-2311. * COUNTRY LIVING, close to Oshawa, neat 7-room home on nearly 2-acre lot. Owner must sell. Sacrifice, Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. $. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd. BRAND NEW 3-and-4 bedrooms, ous living and dining room, attached garage, many extras. Call Keith Peters, Realtor, 725-4162. 28--Real Estate Wanted WANTED TO BUY by private party, four- or five-roorn house, in Northminster Church area. No agents, please, Write Box 218, Oshawa Times. 29---Automobiles, For Sale GIANT PARADE _ ANTIQUE) AUTO CAVALCADE and FLOATS W bar L RIDERS SHOW of PEDIGREED LIVESTOCK HORSES and HORSE RACING RODEO and KIDDIES RIDES INVESTMENT $4,000 DOWN $20,000 will buy this property on Brock St. North, Whitby. Across the road from the new A. & P. food market. There is now an income of $200 per month ond this location is without © doubt one of the best in Whitby os it hos the heavy troffie of No. 12 highway as well as the customers to the A. & P. store and the Bank of Nova Scotia. Just imagine the business © store would do in this location, Inquire now,. 668-8841, spacl- JACKET COAT By ALICE BROOKS Send daughter smartly to schoo! in this jacket or coat of cozy knitting worsted. Knit from collar down on cireular néedle -- jacket, coat WHITBY Duplex -- older building in excellent condition, separate entrances, hot water heating, full sunporch. Owner: could live here for'$] per day with NEW SKIRTING are each one piece, including sleeves, Pattern 7204: ° direc- tions sizes 4:6; 8-10 included. | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this. pattern (no stamps, By ANNE ADAMS Fashion's newest skirting is a front wrap with buttops on.the double and a spirited swing. Marvelous shape with bulky STOP LOOKING See the best values in town Two storey 1,400 sq. ft. home with eattached garage for $18,- 450 with $3,247 down.-This home consists of large living room and a separate dining room. Kitchen large enough to satisfy most demanding housewife and a 2 pc. washroom ori Ist floor. This 3 bedroom brick "bun- golow with extra large rooms and finished basement, at- tached garage, cannot be re- placed at the low asking price of $15, 500. Owner leaving city. oll expenses paid. List price $14,500. PERRY STREET 8 room home, 4 bedrooms, 3 pce, bath, new furnace, full 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 2 DOOR Hardtop, . v-8 automatic, power steering and brokes, red and white. EVEN DANCE and ING OLD TYME FIDDLE CONTEST sunporch, pmved drive, and carport, large shaded lot, $12 100. downtown. List price LUPIN DRIVE New! 2 storey brick and frame home,' 4 bedrooms, 4 pce bath, completed rec-room 20' x 20', large lot, well land- scaped, close to shopping. List price $15,900. Four spacious bedrooms with more then necessary closet space, 4 pc. ceramic tile bathroom on the second floor. Basement ar- ranged and divided for recreation room. Completely decorated inside and out. North End location, SEEING IS BELIEVING Come out Mr, and Mrs, Home Buyer. See what you: get for your money. This split level home in good North end location is selling for only $16,350 with, $3,104 down, One N.H.A. mortgage 614% interest: Three goodsize bedrooms -- spacious modern kitchen with plenty of cupboards. Lorge living room, separate dining room, 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity. Basement painted ond nicely laid out for family room. Chas. Smith 728-8254 Loreen Kellett John Kitchen 723-3788 Phyliss Jubb 723-3240 Joe Crowford 723-1021 Sid Goodfellow 723-7335 H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 BAGOT ST. 728-1679 sweaters, easy jackets. Printed Pattern 4512: Misses Waist Sizes 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32. Size 28 takes. 2% yards 35-inch! fabric. | FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Ptint plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. - Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. NEW! 300 sparkling designs, 5 exciting fashion and fabric features plus coupon: for' ONE FREE PATTERN -- any one you choose! Send for new Fall- Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. Please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needle-| craft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, Ontario residents add Ic. sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE PAT- TERNS in-big, exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog! 200 de- signs -- smart stoles, jackets, hats, toys, afghans, linens, everything! Send 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--pieced and applique, for beginners, ex- perts. Send 60c. now. $10,900 $1500 down payment for this very clean bungalow with large kitchen and 3 very large bedrooms. Garage and fruit trees. In east end near public and separate schools. RAVINE LOTS Can. be sold separately or we can arrange to have a house built for you in this choice east location. Neil Campbell 725-1015 Murray Boyle 723-4270 Elmer Fredin 725-2753 John Gravelle 728-0594 Walter Mittler 728-7083 Doug. Skinner 728-4900 1964 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP V-8 automatic, 10,000 orl- | y OSHAWA JAYCEES mr **""" Woncter BINGO Thursday, Aug. 29th interior. DIAL 20 GA, AT, $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 BOWMANVILLE -- $150 JACKPOT 623-3854 $20 PER LINE PLUS $50°PER FULL'CARD VOLVO -- $250 JACKPOTS SALES AND SERVICE IACKPOt NOS. 51 and 56 JAKE: and BILL'S $10. PER LINE PLUS $200 PER FULL CARD IN 51 and 56 GARAGE NUMBERS, THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE General Repair and $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO-GAMES Auto-Electrié' Service EARLY BIRD GAME 448 Rite toad so RED BARN, OSHAWA apmission 3 723-3770 Tim Vibond Mrs, M.. Lee 668-4949 Ted Goates 655-4737 | | EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room nome weh| \two bathrooms and beaut'ful recreation room, Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, 668-8562 EXTRA' PRIZES IDOOR PRIZES