Ne PS Sy ty Mg deeee ek GAA RE NO OENENE / 9g THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, August 26, 1964 Million Reds 'At Funeral -- Of Togliatti _ ROME ers)--The Italian Communist@party, biggest in the Wester® world, staged ai massive display of Tuesday night at the funeral of bg leader Palmiyo Togli- a Communist sources estimated 1,000,000 people turned gut for the funeral procession of the 71- party chief who died the Crimea where he was vacationing last week. ' Churches along the route in| central Rome were closed. there was no official explana- tion, but informed 'sources said} this was '"'a_ silent protest, against an atheist funeral 'pro-j]_. cession of such dimensions in]" the heart of Christian Rome." Court Fines itor $1. For Assault SARNIA. (CP. -- John T. Fullerton, editor of the weekly Sarnia Gazette, was fined $1 when he was convicted in court Tuesday on an assault charge involving International .Typo- graphical Union (CLC. pickets in front of the strike-bound Ga- zette building. At the same time, Magistrate William Pearson also ordered a dog removell from the picket line after Marcel Saddy, Ga- - gette publisher, claimed the ani- mal was intimidating non-strik- ing employees. Fullerton was charged with : : ! assaulting Eugene Boley June } ; : ' - 4 : ' '95 as he picketed the newspa- . : Mihai rt 5 ee § 3 : oe per plant where Local 837 is on : : i d ' ' ie = { e rae ' : ae LADIES strike, secking a first contract j te : ; with management. / f : ; ' ' : Boley said Fullerton drove his ; oa } ' 3 ' Qj ear towards him, striking a i . 5; - fle ob feat : yet : LL SLI PS placard he was carrying. : : : PA A : : i Rayon Celosuede* full slips with shadow panel, lace trim Magistrate Pearson ad- : til Sept. 3 joint : ' ) \ sa journed until Sep a j : i ris 5 : : : ertund Bodice and excuh betray alte shonvaal Gan: ' 3 } der straps. White, pink, blue colours. Sizes 32 to' 42, charge against pickets Roy Hal- ford and Harold Kaul for as- : i saulting John Cribben, an ap- } - L he prentice employed by the Ga- . ; rette. : : The publisher called police : LADIES' Q ef \ K-DAY C Tuesday because he thought the SKI JACKETS UILTED CORDANA : SPECI AL me bo bb evimgoig yoy These are Manufacturer's 1964 Fall Samples. WOOL SU ITS a - [ere | Set tee oe to DUSTERS side the building with its mas- ey eee ' ; DUSTERS § . ter, Paul Larson. 3 Piece Doubl , i ' $ .99 and $ 99 Fol ne a Kale Wost Suits in' paper Dusters with Bondicell filler, one potch . | shades. An assortment of sizes for your pocket, 34 length sleeves and collar with First Quality 'Made in Canada' dusters with 3 Deaths In BS. lace trim. Pink and blue colours. Sizes assorted prints, Sizes S-M-L. selection. Reg. 18.50 value. S-M-L. SPECIAL SPECIAL health department official said) Tuesday the drug Dornwal, be- Heved to have caused at least) three deaths in the United States, was never released on Canadian market. ihe official was commenting am es ; acon ' ' Ma . . Seb dee nad boo ot 'smerian K-MART IS OPEN DAILY char; by angles oo ok ; ' verse effect of the drug, also fe 10 A.M. TO ife) P.M. fj Boe bn OTTAWA (CP)--A federal sie $ 4 99 SPECIAL Linked To Dru MISSES , BAYES: Barred tn Canada 7 sage oh cing K-DAY "1 4 54 Koay § 3 Sg ko § 2 Zi : : known by the generic name amphemidone, which was with- gi from the U.S. market in ' LADIES' 1961. It had gone onto the market Mi " in April, 1960, under directions US ES limiting treatment to three months. First Quality 'Made in Can- " ada' White Cotton Tailored Man Dies After packaged blouses with long sleeves. Hospital Release, Sizes Inquest Called ned : TORONTO (CP--Chief Coro- ner Dr. Morton Shulman Tues- day ordered an inquest in the death of 20-year-old Robert Irons, who was released from hospital after an auto accident and died suddenly Monday. An autopsy indicated the youth had suffered fractured ribs. in the accident. The frac- tured: ribs resulted in laceration of his liver and he died of shock and internal hemorrhages. Dr. Shulman said he would endeavor to find out at the in- quest if the liver injury had .. occurred before or after he was released from hospital. He was taken to hospital after his car crashed into a pole here eg 6, and was released Aug. Audley Family | | | > "a Visit England | \ U Ni P 4 ie S tars will be back in the pulpit this Sunday. There 'will be no Church service or Sunday -- Sept. 6. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Middle- _-- | ord Wiper U.S.A., - recentiy ' Hi-Bulk ie | : visited wi r. and Mrs, Frank a -- . Wied wind pea eg . A. large selection of Tweeds, : wcrin and other relatives, s. Solid col- = Corduroy, and Plain Wool Fabric month visit with her son-in-law , si Pore . t : : : mnths wih ber soninda oe ec & Jumpers. A wide assortment of William Woodward, and family, ; é : ! Wiliam Wood " colours to choose from. Sizes eal? Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin, Dianne, Lynda, Keith, and Miss mabe oes elt Dae Carter recently visited at , . char the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Miller, Coldwater. ; Congratulations to Anne and : = Harold Guthrie, Gregory, Dar- ee ee on on No. 2 Highway between Oshawa and Whitby Fair with exhibits in the calves