Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1964, p. 10

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--. 5 Sh a NE Nee eS ye eer 8 ee 10 ™ OSHAWA 1 TIMES, V Wednesdey, | August 36, 1964 | -On Long Motoring Trips Avoid) Foodstuff That Spoils Quickly On motoring trips Amiorel Koad begin. iad a Bg yg summer vacations and tl e, cere' as out the rest of. the year, there} and coffee, stop for a sandwich fare three things you have to|in mid-morning, and take a beware of in your driver's' fliet: light luncheon of cold meats, Hamburgs, custards and } un-|/eggs, fish, or cheese. pasteurized milk. #| same procedure should be Motorists should beware of|f wed through with a mid- roadside food stands, accord- gene and a light Coane: vitor in with ° ia! At least one salad should be 'ard to hamburgs and cus-\eaten each day. fards, which rapidly go bad and EAT LIGHTLY . ; a The man or woman behind cause severe food poisoning in warm, weather. If the appear- the wheel does not get normal ance of the place gives you exercise in a day' driving, and any doubts as to its cleanli-| lighter foods than usual are re- ness, pass it up for the next one along the way. quired. As well as warding off slugginess through overeating, five or six stops a day for light "UNSAFE MILK | gnacks gives the driver a chance Surprising as this may souna|to relax and get a little exer- "to most people, pecentenien of milk is compulsory in only| two provinces: Ontario and Sas-| \ katchewan, cise. A good notion is to carry a couple of chocolate bars in the love: compartment. 'g When driving through the" ehocolate. bars are a good other eight provinces, make source of instant energy, since sure that the milk you are serv: ed is pasteurized, particularly cae ed _ where children are involved. In- out-of-the-way areas, it is wise to bring along your own canned or powdered milk. helps ward off driving fatigue on long trips. WOMEN IN ROMANIA In Romania, women outnum- tent converts) | WE TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT OF TIRE BUYING--THE PRICE YOU SEE IS THE PRICE YOU PAY - SUPER STRENGTH Ordinary milk that is suspect)per men by 400,000 in a total can be pasteurized by boiling /population of 19,000,000. and c6oling it. 2 On long trips, heavy meals taken many hours apart can cause sleepiness and slugginess behind the wheel, making the driver more accident-prone. It.is much better to eat light meals, more frequently, than you normally would. On a long day's drive, you WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, fun loving couples to learn the new modern style of squere dancing. Every Wednesdey night through the Fall and Winter (shift work no problem), If interetsed call 725-2744 or 623-2237. 100% DUPONT NYLON TIRES! THESE TIRES GUARANTEED BY K-MART AGAINST ALL ROAD HAZARDS SUPER STRENGTH POUND FOR POUND -- STRONGER THAN STEEL! EVERY TIRE BRAND NEW! NOT ECONOMY GRADE TIRES Myyranrt reprisal tact BUT FULL 2A-MONTH QUALITY GRADE 90 Black Tube Type QUALITY GRADE MANY FOREIGN CARS Buick Cadillae Chevrolet Chrysler Comet Corvair DeSoto Dodge Pontiae 2 tr 13.90 2 113.90 2 tr 7.90 2 so 11.90 2 1 19.90 2 ir 19.90 2 tor 19.90 Falcon Ford Hudson Mereury Nash Oldsmobile Packard Plymouth Rambler Valiant Studebaker Edsel Vauxholl All Prices Black Tube-Type -- Tubeless and Whitewalls slightly higher. ea ee ene, Aaa say "Charge It" WITH YOUR K-MART CREDIT: CARD 600x 13.... 520x13.... 650x13.... STRAINED APPLE JUICE IMTAMINIZED 560x15.... 670x15.... 750x14.... 600x16.... K-MART'S 3-WAY GUARANTEED INSURANCE 1. Guerenteed insurance against all road hexerds including stone bruises, broken gless, pune- tures, blowouts, sidewalk seraping and rim cuts. 5 "Refresher courses" ih Wile for your baby * | 2 7 y y | ¢ ; } ' ee . canter insurance against defects in workmanship for the life of the tire gee en the reguler retail poy less trade-in, pro-rated over Piidaeen for the yoy used, Five wonderful freshets of flavour, designed to please your baby. That's the good word on Gerber Fruit Juices. Made from choice, sun-sweetened fruit, they're delightfully mild, | delectably good. What's more, all are excellent dietary sources of Vitamin C ... needed for sound gums and body tissues. All are carefully strained for easy feeding from bottle or cup. Your choice of Orange Juice, Apple Juice and 3 flavour-crossed combinations: Orange-Apple, Orange-Banana and Orange-Pineapple. Gerber Juices, like all Gerber Baby Foods, are prepared under the watchful eyes of specialists who work solely in the interest of better infant nutrition. All are quality-controlled according to the strict standards which have made Gerber famous. Babies are our business e--Our only business! ¢= Gerber Baby Foods WAGARA FALLS, CAHADA ANY SIZE Any 6 or 12 Volt. New Exclu- sive with Silver Cobalt added for instont starts. Full 2 year Guarantee. Installed Free in K-DAY SPECIAL BATTERY SALE Sizes to fit off Chey., Pontiae, Dodge, Plymouth, Ford and Meteor. 1 00} $ Exchange HEAVY DUTY MUFFLERS! All Ford, Meteor, Chevy, Pontiac and Plymouth '49-'63. Life Time Guer- antee. Single Exhaust. Similer savings on oll Mufflers and Pipes ot K-mort. K-DAY SPECIAL AT FREE 15 minute installation, BRAKE Service SPECIAL! Here's what we do: @install Bonded lining on ell four wheels e@Completely adjust breikes te secure full contect ¢ @Repack front wheel beorings eGuorantee our Brake job for 30,000 miles eCheck all lines and cylinders ALL FOR:ONLY 154 + Yas Second Shock Only 99c With the purchase of the first' Shock for only ~ $9 .66 Fully G Type. Pin Type. d. Original Equi; F RONT END ALIGNMENT FREE with the purchase of any Front End ports your car may require. @ . Loose, worn front end ports ere dangerous. @ We specialize in front end re- building. | @ Firm estimates given. @ Drive 'in today for your free front end safety inspection, All work dons by Licensed Specialists.

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