Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Aug 1964, p. 4

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Fa, "TEN-TON Surgeon-Commander Derek Kidd climbs out of a ten-ton Sromesveriee chamber at To- ronto General Hospital after a demonstration yesterday. De- mands for such a chamber reached a peak in February, ANSWER 1963, when a_ construction worker who suffered the bends while working underground on a sewer project had to be rushed from Toronto to Buf- falo, N.Y., where the nearest chamber was situated. BOWMANVILLE ROTARY Minister Feels Wealth Is The U.S.'s Problem BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Why is Russia winning more friends in the world than the United States? Rev, Philip Romeril, from Blackstock, addressing Friday's Rotary club meeting here said wealth is the United States' problem. "Wealth tends to make one become a kind of outlaw and cut one's self off from others. That is what happened to the U.S. in the days after the First World War. "Now with the Marshall plan which provides economic aid to underdeveloped countries, and the personnel sent to these coun- tries by the U.S. tend to make the people of those countries feel inferior and thus the slogan "Yankee Go Home'. MAN - "America in her present state," Rev. Romeril continued, "ean be compared to the Roman) Empire in it's early stages. "The Romans protected their weaker neighbors in return for territories on which to establish Westminster OKs Maltese Plans On Independence LONDON (Reuters) -- The British government has ac- cepted the proposal of Malta Prime Minister Borg Olivier that 'the island become inde- pendent Sept, 21, the colonial office announced Friday, It was announced at Bucking- 'ham Palace that the Duke of 'Edinburgh will represent Queen Eliabeth at the independence celebrations, at the request of "Olivier. = Last week the Malta Labor "party led by Dom Mintoff said "that as a protest it would not "associate itself in any way with "the celebration which the Na- »tionalist government is prepar- "ing for the occasion. EARLY ENGINE -- The first industrial plant built "exclusively for the manufacture garrisons, The U.S, at present is employing the same tactics. She is providing protection to other countries in return for bases in these countries," the minister continued. "The old American Revolution slogan, 'No taxation without rep- resentation', is now shouted in these countries as 'No annihila- tion without representation' in other words, these countries want the U,S, either to pull their bases out of their territory or they want to have some say or control on the atomic weapons stored at the bases, "Russia, on the other hand, has her bases in satellite coun- tries which she controls, and therefore no outcry is ever heard against Russia." | WEEK'S NEWS IN REVIEW Fighting Threatens Shaky Cyprus Truce By BORIS MISKEW Press Staff Writer Battle resumes in Cyprus Py pon dies in Yalta ongo continues Roosevelt Park le The shaky truce in Cyprus 1 this was week as figh' resumed between Greek-Cypriots and Turkish- ypriots, A United Nations kes- man ¢aid the shooting Thurs- | eae about an hour near Ktima in southwest Cyprus but, he added, no a ties The ceasefire followed a Greek - Cypriot advance on Turkish positions two weeks ago and retaliatory air at- tacks by Turkish planes, In another sector of Cy- prus, a special UN force com- manded by Maj. John Bea- ment of Ottawa moved ewiftly into the northern outskirts of Nicosia, the capital, and tore down three sand-bagged Turk- ish-Cypriot positions overlook- ing the UN's Nicosia zone headquarters. Destruction of the posts was ordered by Gen, K, 8, Thimayya of India, the com- mander of the keeping force in the Mediter- ranean island. ISSUES WARNING External Affairs Minister Martin said in the House of Commons in Ottawa Tuesday that Canada has told Greece and Turkey that their Cana- dian-built Sabre jet fighters must not be used in any Cyp- riot operations. Canada has supplied the two countries with Sabres under NATO's military assistance program on the condition that the jets be used to strengthen the alliance's capacity to de- ter aggression. eres Pee ate Beg Laks bate reac! Congolese counter-attack. has TA driven ds ng ada * SUD Col, Leonard Mulamba's reinforced by 150 men flown in by US, Air Force planes, .struck Thurs- day night at the rebel ring closing around them Mulamba's garrison of 800 men had been pushed into the European sector of Bur kavu, the last important city in the northeastern Congo not held by rebels, OPEN PARK Mrs. Lester B. Pearson, wife of the Canadian prime minister, and Mrs, Lyndon B. Johnson, wife of the U.S. president, officially opened the new Roosevelt Campo- bello International Park in Campobello Island, N.B., Thursday, The two women together cut the ribbon across the doorway of the 34-room "'cot- tage" which was the summer home of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The late pres- ident's son, Franklin D. Roos- evelt Jr,, took part in the ceremony. CONSULTS PROVINCES Prime Minister Pearson told the Commons Thursday that he has been in touch with all provincial premiers on a formula to amend the British North America Act in Canada on all matters which now have to be referred to the British Parliament. MAY PULL FORC Secretary-General U Thant of the United Nations ex- pressed hope Thursday for peace in Cyprus but added that unless the UN member- ship produces more than §2,- 000,000 soon to pay the costs he may have to pull out the UN force on the island. he estimated cost of the force for a six-month period ending next Sept. 26 is $12,- 730,000, said Thant, UN mem- bers have pledged only $10,- 000,000, SATURDAY'S THE rd BAND The prime minister said he could not make the proposed new formula public now but may be able to say more be- fore Sept, 1, the date of a' federal - provincial premier's conference is scheduled to open in Charlottetown, AGREEMENT SIGNED Ten countries and the Vati- can signed an agreement in Washington Thursday to Jaunch a globe-circling com- Phu Tue Thursday. TRUCK Thain CRASH real ard, Ont., a community east Ottawa. of Seven of the dead were sengers on the train w! was struck at a level cross- - The eighth was the truck iver. World briefs; Unemploy- ment in Britain has risen for the first time since January of the large number of -students who left school last morth, . . munications system using space satellites, The $200,000,000 project, in which Canada is participat- ing, is scheduled to get into world-wide operation in about three years, The first »atel- lite, to carry communications traffic between North Amer- ica and Europe, is to be launched early next year. MALAYSIAN CLASHES A Malaysian defence mints- try spokesman said in Kuala Lumpur Friday night that Malaysian security forces killed four Indonesian infiltra- tors and wounded several more in an engagement ear- lier in the day. One Malaysian was reported killed. More than 16 have been captured* since security-force operations began after the landing of about 40 armed g~. HORSE Wi) HOW my vs ! won Sunday, 2 P.M. AT THE OSHAWA 5-POINTS ARENA (LOCATED RITSON NORTH AND TAUNTON RD.) Competition Games On Horseback 2% Hour Show @ Free Entrance @ Refreshments EVERYONE WELCOME! AUG, 23, 2 P.M. men on the southwest coast of Malaya. COMMUNIST AMBUSH A Communist ambush in South Viet Nam Thursday night resulted in the death of four Americans, South Vietna- mese troops suffered heavy losses. he Americans were killed in Kien Hoa province south of SELLELEOOEE ES, | DANCE TONIGHT Old Time - Modern WITH THE NEW SOUND Jerry Reidt ADMISSION--$1.25 All o renege "THE QUICK GUN" ow IN COLOR -- Sterring AUDIE MURPHY Hydro $10,000,000, federal government $79,500, Company of 65 ° Corps de Ballet, Chorus & Orch Produced by Harald A. Hoglier SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES $1.25 to $4.00 BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M, -- 9 P.M, HELD OVER 2nd SMASH WEEK ALL RECORDS SHATTERED RED BARN ae" and His Orchestra Couples only -- Dancing 9 till 12 Reservetions 723-2143 --- 725-1348 TOGLIATT!I DIES Palmiro Togliatti, 71, leader of the Italian Communist party since 1926, died Friday at Yalta after suffering a brain hemorrhage in the Cri- mea eight days earlier while on a holiday. _ The death of Togliatti was EVENINGS 8 P.M. ALL SEATS $2.00 of internal combustion engines "was erected in Cologne, Ger- » many, in 1864. EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! TWO DAYS ONLY SEPT. 23 & 24 WITH TWO PERFORMANCES EACH DAY TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT BOX-OFFICE An ELECTRONOVISION Production ALEXANDER H. COHEN. Presents RICHARD nH SLID hamlet with the all-star cast of the hit Broadway play! Exactly as performed on Broadway through the miracle of (ELECTRONOVISION- MATINEES 2 P.M. ALL SEATS $1.50 ATHENTIOOLM warn os 'Te Pee h IN-DOOR "fale OUT-DOOR == " OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE 'STARTS SUNDAY! $ Starts Zormeorvow 3 , Expect Ateherat Ratan TECHNICOLOR® | Plus "NIGHT CREATURES" with PETER CUSHING FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS ! YOU'LL GO FOR A LAUGHTER RIDE WHEN YOU SEE... DIG UP YOUR FUNNYBONE AND TAKE IT TO SEB...» "In The Doghouse" -- STARRING -- LESLIE PHILLIPS PEGGY CUMMINS CABBY"" > STARRING ---- SIDNEY JAMES HATTIE JACQUES LAST TIMES TODAY Walt Disney's "BIG RED" in color plus -- "THE KETTLES IN WAIKIKI" poors 1:30 P.M, OPEN Bi LT a oO R a ey 'SATURDAYS Hear the Beatles on the original eound track album from United Artists Records! PHONE 723-2843 @ SION CHILDREN 14 AND OVE! f DOORS OPEN 12:45 --- SHOWTIME 1:15 3:25 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:25 SOUVENIR BEATLE BOOKS ON SALE $i,00 stent MSE A Pa Rr 4 aad PIPPI IA Ww Your HORN PHONE WwY FAST LAST TIMES TODAY: A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE JOIN the SLIM GORDON BUS TOUR WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA Labor Day Weekend Sept. 4-5-6 $28.95 includes bus fare, hotel accommodations, reserved seat: to the W.W.V.A, Jamboree; $12.00 will reserve your seat. Information and tickets: Slim's Corrall 728-6753 Oshawa Downey Cob 668-5855 Whitby Let's Get Rolling! Every Tuesday and Thursday 8 p.m. until 10:30 . Saturday e 8 p.m. until 11 p.m. WHITBY ARENA SATURDAY -- Roller Skating -- 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. MUSIC BY -- "THE SILVERTONES" TUES. and THURS. ONLY -- Roller Skating to the Live Organ Music of oe AT 6O- 60 GUY BANGIVA- DEMAREST: BLAIR - ~-wedhson.-n siney Regent BYE GAL! fn the new musical that's F wild as the wobble, bouncy as the pay al and key! CONTINUOUS DAILY! FEATURE AT... 1:30 3:20 - 5:25 - 7:25 - 9:30 LILA TREDWELL AT : THE OSHAWA "FAIR ag 9 FEATURES TODAY Now Showing .. . "THE LONG SHIP" Starring: Richard Widmark -- Sidney Portier -- PLUS -- "BYE BYE BIRDIE" Starring: Janet Leigh -- Bobby Rydell ed BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. (INC, SUNDAYS) AFTERNOON; 4 P.M, -- New Westminster and District Junior Concert Band From British Columbia -- 120 Pieces --- This Band originated in 1932, toured Canade in 1956 and 1960. The group has played at Disneyland and Marine Land in Los Angeles ond has won numerous owords at/the C.N.E. in Toronto. They ae ly on an educational tour that will terminate in Hali- fax, Mr. Fred Turner -- Band Leader. Shorthorns, Angus, Herefords, Light Horses, Light and Heavy Clydesdales, Commercial Horses, Holsteins. 4-H Club Activity Day, Jr. Farmers. 5:00 -- Parade of Prize Winning Stock. ETHNIC GROUP -- will appear. COOKING SCHOOL -- Consumers' Ges. SUTTON FIFE end DRUM BAND The HORSES ore et it again . . , RACING EVENING: Cooking School Finalists Old Tyme Fiddlers' Contest 8:30 --- Squore Dancing ENJOY THE FUN!

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