ae a . | 23--Wanted To Rent |25--Aportments 25--Apartments 27--Reol Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Reol Estate For Sale [27--Real Estate For Solé rok cme rome cae Sa e Ww ANTED TO RENT The Viscount -- henson rom Alan ier LIST AND MOVE & p [- N G U D F bb aac 29 Automobiles For Sole |32--Articles for Sale é : Alax, 942-0187. pb iy ik eh ag hk coer WITH THE CHECKERBOARD + 9162, BEL AIR pees with c door hardtop, |, auto~ : 6 room Split-tevel detached, fawn mower, Space heater, pane stove, frig., ete. wan Goat ' 4 : New buildng, modern two able 1s. : solid brick, car port, paved pgs 'i nat ees ac ie ee BOLAHOOD REALTY LTD. | seve, utr ienasconed, de- | mate, radi, power steering. | Visrtor: Set pillow: & hand able. For informtion see su- Private bath, floors, sy lg nt win B R @) T H E R S ( sherx-$0 uh eppracieiall oge. | unit, 21" RCA Televish perintendent Apt. 111. Scr it as oe. Set ' 723-1121 Liverpool Rd. and No. 401} lelephone 728-2939 | Westminster Chime Clock, . THE DIPLOMAT ° [utamuaa meson warimeet sos] WSURANCE = 219 SOUTHLAWN LOOKING FOIR THE Pickering 839-3366 oe Lowe Reten baht alga 340 Marland Ave. ~ epaulets -- MORTGAGES THIS WEEKEND You will Por te of mo- | EXCLUSIVE, ean sicroom home wii|bucket ee ee eae atte | Cabin ai glasses (blond ; 2 pin. 10 6-p.m. terials, and workmanship, in |toom, Apply 117 Oshawe Boulevard. south, | belts, ma fer wineebletd or wena ngdes| finish), Cedar chest (needs - : 26--Rooms For Rent : : Anytime 4 7 building site SITE Beautiful Ranch Bungalow on this large brick ond stone |e "4 sie, Xie 5 pam TASS or 404 Ste hate ene Deltox Rug: after 5 pam. Al TRACTIVELY Offices or apartment building Ravine Lot. ranch 'bungalow built for on. |excelient condition, Northwest location, a Le FURNISHED ROOMS] occoted next to City Hall, Lot executive. Many features Large landscaped lot, paved driveway! naryon Fo Bm Cieleaiat Bie, $100 - One Bedroom Apt. 75 x 166, zoned R4, clean FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE such 'as electric heating, 2° . |many extras. Telephone 725-182. owner. All extras, Owner leaving country. Telephone 725.2995 ° 4 Available in private tgs 6 room bungalow 'with gorage ALSO OPEN FOR OFFERS -- egpatr ~~ MARMGRY BOND NORTH: Seltinss 1 Soseenene 7-709. THAV > Ayailable Sept, Ist 109 Cray- Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. a , generous entrance hall, Q red,| 140 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, A-1 Se ee | RDN | ome aunshne, $28 | A. WEINBERGER | 4 brcteoms, tinahed vecreo: [ice Seaton" tnt "S'"G|aennn cor mien ee Toomer] | Wwe payee ont Apt, 2, Pe Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 Realtor Won rece wilt: Ber a Wall-e8° lianas Deel beOe, j72- en RDLEY CaSN cadile Wornoa SELL FOR LESS 668-5934 728-8671 or 723-3398. ce complete kitchen in base- ESTATE SALE -- $10,000 cash, #room| 195? CHEVROLET 4-door, saddle tan, new B 725-8851 ment makes this home just |yeliow brick home. Large rooms gould be branes, waite wall lies new cen, very) . Buying and selling used fur- or URGENT. Older house with three or four 'whet you have been looking |converted to an income property. Clean. $795 or nearest offer. niture and applionces, able . 4 required by quiet respect Eastern & Chartered Trust Co, NO. 2 HIGHWAY for. Located on Westdale St. tna be nie ore, 10 sae sors | 1958 CHEVROLET. ¢ "eylinder, soem. saley § Creek Furniture -- family of five. Reasonable Refer- 723-7370, ences if needed. Telephone 724-214. ier Vee Ge ties LIGHT housekeeping room. Retrigerator| ACREAGE $21,000.00 KINGSMERE in the North West area. Let 722-9052 evenings. Paul Ristow ta 1955 PONTIAC ~édoor seden, atandard|_1OV2 --7: Sat emation's| 481-3443 Pernt mer Hg Bl edb Telephone. 720430. Consisting of a six room re- peta you this fine home | Reallor, bad aie = shill, good motor, good body. Asking $28. E | - ; = 'oom jen after 4. Smit rolleble. temily 723-9967. a ee ee OR oe de oe ee GARDENS MUST BE BRON asians Tiles bathe rectee leer ay require 'three bed-| wHiTBY, Tul' Foor leroe| gentleman, parking space. Telephone] > acres of level 'land. Very UST BE SOLD Mion room, large Kitchen. Recently decor pel DRECTO wan. BveOri:. (eee three months.| rooms, furnished. or "unfurnished. Front| 723-1800 close to wa, Reasonable 6 puserides atom Well Kept brick bungalow ated throughout. Private, Telephone 48 power steering. Good condition. $85 or} and. rear. entrance. Parking, heated.| FURNISHED room. Genilemen preferred, terms on a mortgage. , } an with 3 bedrooms, and 4 pc. ak Phone Collect Toronto 447-8189. Apply 118 Division Street. Call Mr. Ed, Drumm ot 728- bathroom, recreation roont on TOTAL PRICE. Low downpayment,| 7s, fo mapterinag ll 2door, 6 standard, ing' Street Wes.) 7209181 : Seber by tomy evar exc | TWO FURNISHED rooms with privale|FURNISHED room, suil two gentlemen.) 5123 or 725-9345. PRESENT partially finishe, Good sized |Enlgy country living. Seven-room sul Ig¢sp, Whitby, 623-7222. condi WweDbin GON, se 13 2 complete with 7120-2916. bath, new neha, eee, hospital Neer a", General Motors. aa J Be NEWCASTLE fenced lot. ie room drapes from Oshawa, Available September n] 1988. BUICK hardiop, new transmission, roe offer. (cgi Sectinae dasronaiics 'adult couple, no familys| Telephone 728-4265. 723-1878: after. 6 p.m. $12 500 17 new homes consisting of yr Ho included. Full price {Phone Little Britain 87. mee mi oi os He roe 723-9382. . wants to rent house In Whitby or Oshawe. Wo -RogM furnished apartment, range, |CLEAN room to rent, near North GM, , splits, bungalows ond two spoke Mae itn lates tar poe Ramey, alla Soke Meee Coleen a "wee wre ie inaction spartans ent. sie, 4 TikaeSEDROOM mot and comin ample parking. Telephone |parking. Telephone 723-7917. =» =§ | ares wih 4 ig bungo- orien one wryieed Bay Bo FOR THE LARGE Pee CLs wits lai Goon, Rolanee oa ey *fgoage rack. Excel LI thontes eich Satnriee e BLOOR AND SIMCOE. Two furnished) low and carport. Home in ing ity o wa, easy terms. Apply Sam Manette, Tele-|Port Perry, 985-2816 after p.m, sliver tea, sacrifice. Teleph tepaaerress Sehete "Good arfe cee, |TWO-ROOM, furnished" apartment. ~Suit|bedrooms with kitchen, | Private fieet;| spotless condition, Modern Every home features o built Seach FAY 4 [Boone eee cere 1959 FORD, automatic, coach, Sa eae sae a Telephone collect Coboconk, 3682. an or elderly couple. Telephone 'woiligag ladies or two gen sie le beth with vanity, electric, in stove and oven, complete pesca EL rn Bg TRADE your Rresent home, la or er oh body. re-built motor, radio, Cheap forlcathedral treint G ---- i i i @ new home built by 'on-|quick sale. Telephone 725-8863, been dry clea i 728-7443, heat. Just listed. Be the first decorating as well as N.H.A. x 255 ft, There are mony |siruction on Wikson Reed' North. Colll<ouciar--aiaay jakee This Tevely i Wil sentfice"t toed. Brana WHITBY -- Affracti a ; 4 Hy ; 24--Houses For Rent ti death pal "hes "tase teas. JARVIS STREET, 271: One large furnish| 0 inspect and make an offer. financing. For more informa- features that will delight |S: 0. Hyman, Real Estate. 728-6286, for|Chevroiet impala, No rust woe = Ten aaree house on lake, Thickson |tion room. Private entrance, TV antennae,|@d front room. immediate possession Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at 728- tion phone 728-6286 avery manber BE tha tamil more particulars. this cer, 4s It has not been driven In Pa: $30. Plies Tanne 'Eesy", with nk. | September 1. References. Apply R.|Paved parking. $110. Adults preferred.|Call 725-6384 or apply in person. 5123 or 725-2217. fern 'the Vase tealvueaa hg BRAND NEW Senda bedrooms, apack|last yeor. Everything on this car, Include] =o =-rone Toes Richardson, 300 Wellington Street, King- | Telephone 728-2633, SINGLE ROOM with cooking facilities, eo Te, ene it~ lous living and dining room, attached|ing the motor, is in superb condition, pent RATOR, very good condition, ston, 546-9058. 15100 PER MONTH, Onebedroom apari-|Svitable one or two gentlemen. Immediate) chen to the 48 ft. panelled | garage, many extras. Call Keith Peters,|Must be sold by August 22, Enquire at/Apply 25 Grenfell Street. FIVE ROO HOUSE Bt Bowmanville' 47 |ment with free parking. Electronically|possession. Apply 310 Rossland West, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED rec, room. The owners have |Realtor, 725-4162. once. 200 Bond Street West. . Twin continental beds, 397, complete monthly. Telephone Hampton 263-2569. |heated. Above the new Windsor Plaza.|Whitby 668-5149. as 101 Simcoe Street North added storms and screens even' |GiFFORD STREET, 736 -- Storey end|1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 4 door, 4|¥' Used only two. monthe, ee a ning rallcl Guide Realty. Limited, Realtors, 16 Sim-/CHURCH STREET 174 -- Double room.| REAL ESTATE LIMITED on the basement, triple pier- {halt house, large garage, close to alllstandard,, whitewalls, radio, washers, Teleohone sess. Whitby, cast Peer nion Reade Ws baths, oil |2e_street South, 723-1121. Two single beds, furnished. Suitable for) OPEN EVERY EVENING on winddws. fl Schools, lot 50' x 150', private sale ,$1500,|$650. or best offer, 668-2098, TELEVISION Tower ory Tar garege. Suitable one or two fami-|ONE-BEDROOM apartment in modern|2 brothers or friends. Private entrance. | son indows uorescent down, Carry like rent, $80, monthly. |j90--~copyaip nem rey Toman, [turer 1 channel' a *. Tae Sei empton 2622439 after six. |bullding, stove, refrigerator, washing fa-|Apply above address. LARGE barn for sale, located nine-tenths| lighting over double stainless 725-6792. fade tee lon. 31.650, {Stalled and pa experts 'wit. cilities, adults only, Tele/FURWISHED room for rent in ulti ownaane Orla. tor CUI cle. Wiote hox a} sink, fan and hood over stove, ies ROOM brick bungalow, east of| Telephone 723-9052, "" '|10 years: experience, $50, Trio Television, hi 668-3591, LOT -- 71 x 306, very|ridiculous for quick sale. Write Box 504, fae . . T 728-5143, 25-~Apartments phone fe home, Apply 574 Crerar Avenue after Sinesititul, on paved road, full' price|Oshawa Times. This fine home is located out [Wilson Road South. Close to sch00ls| ia) cimveri © sedan, 7,000 miles. Auio- FIVE ROOM APARTMENT, laundry|P.m. $3,000 Open for offers with 'ow 'down of the city where taxes are _ {$4000 down. Take over private mortgage, |matic, radio, optional engine, Call 728-|C1CVCLE -- repairs, Winter storame, 8 R facilities, parking, stove, refrigerator,|s6UTH END -- Large nicely furnished|payment or would consider trade-in on|tOT -- 96 feet x 200 feet on EXzabeth lower. Asking $18,500.00 'of $9,500 at 62 per cent. Write Box "5540 atter 6. also used bicycles, dss Charles Strevt, Apartments O Rent |sioz.50 'monthly. References required. bedroom for gentleman, $7. weekly, 723|Oshawa property with additional down|Crescent. Price $3,200. Telephone Whitby : i] , "UV. Oshawa Times, o Whitby, Call 668-5685, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments _|Baby welcome. Call after 6 p.m., 728-2949, |1359 |payment. Arthur Weinberger Realtor, 725-| 668-5718. SUBURBAN RANCHER} |agAUuTiFUL FARM, near Por! Parry.larenagra seed cendiion, Shee! ton cank |BUY AND SBLL, furniture mon Nang completed. Occu-. TEC iweun end' entrance, ne | [FURNISHED rooms for Fen and, board ae TWO-BEDROOM house, low taxes. in| On a large deep lot. with Jon neree rolling lens, Included 20: A6eet} ae, 833 Centre Street' North, Whitby, Pretty rurnre a orton son." v 1" Sovth nera jofors. # % . U we bush. w, farm 4 rity pancy from Sept. 15th. Range | near south GM. Apply 645 Oxtord Street. [Serr y, Ner282, |COUNTRY LIVING, close to Oshawa,|2hotiess condition ye on sacha Sin double garage, a red brick [buildings and large house. Very reason- jai RE Se eon RR eS : _-- T Ane large lot for sale, Telephone 728-0929, bungalow with 3 bedrooms bie. O for offer. Small down ment|1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re- able, Open fer. Small down payment! re CrusraRFTOLB BED: wine, first class 5866. 2 eee wee FURNISHED room, suitable for lady. let home. . 203 Chadburn. Phone refrigerator, drapes, hot and CLARKE STREET 10 Tween an ng Ea en |neat 7-room home on nearly 2acre lot, aT water, Elevator. Inter- . oR FURN jose to Nor! Owner must sell, Sacrifice, Call Bob|/ BUILDING LOT 50 x 142 ft. Available im- nm ; i wired. Arthur Weinber Realtor,|stored, new battery, licence, $550. ai per Povgruh F ted Ma, |nighed bachelor apartment, stove, lang hospital, bus stop at door. APPIY 240|stevenson at 720-6386. 5. D, Hyman Real|mediately. Reasonable. Apply #49 Byron . id , re bothroom with col-': |reaue Ger Realtor) rive away. Apply Howard Motors, Kent|Condition. Telephone 728- fond. 798 15 Pd frigerator_and TV, 728-3420. _ Division Street, Oshawa, . ----=_| Estate Ltd. 'Street North. Telephone 668-5681. oured fixtures and vanity, liv- WiGhELC jon Tide yond Boa, | Street North, Whitby, TRADE-IN salei Three, twobrush and. = ; PLEASANT living accommodations for|égmpLETELY furnished rooms for rent.| : ing room has good wall crea Waiter Tureen cal oe acl Mat. |1958 PONTIAC four door, aulometic. Good|@rs* also fine used vacuum, all. in 4 for furhiture arranging, sepor- |g. M. Freek, Whitby, 668-4781, Must sell asking) condition. From $16, up, Telephenp 72> conptarety FURNISHED " basement single girl, preferably ,iehoal teacher OF!Gentiemen only. Apply 25 Division | apartment, in new home, parking and/nurse. Share house with business woman, 7 na ate dining area. This h i oa $550. 7 725-4398 6956. laundry _facilities, eI to. South GM,jroom of your own. Phone Whitby 668-8749, COMFORTABLY furnished bedroom, sul + ome iS | iss ACRE bee cattle tarms with 'ast 2 . py Aen brond new, 1250 sq. ft. of running trout stream, Il-room bri¢k|USED CAR parts, spindles to make fralt |GAS SPACE heater, Coleman, large, cid adults. Telephone 728-4! evenings or week-ends. able for a gentleman better living at a full price |house. Price $16,000, Terms, Call Hamp-|ers: also used tires. 509 Bloor Street Eas! two years old. 839-2420, of $17,500.00, ton 263-2021. after 4 723-2281, . SPACE HEATER, Seigler, ia DOCS AUTO SPEED end Custon, new|92!. tank, lines, pipes. Sa Oi] eae rte sehrseeee | | | --Real Estate For Sale $500 NOW! aaah ee Pp E N =| =. S E 27--Ree | | ye ndrhr debe LOCATION two. baroome and beau "racreain location st 1600 King Street Bast "for SiMe med es jampton 263-2368, : e commercial lot . Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, |your speed equipment, accessories ggg Sa ad mpers, lids and Order your home for the Winter Works Program. | 127 ft. with brick building Sivise Beverley" Sire a foam, TE. ond parte, Open ally #07 24° hour T0¥-| bosket | | We still have.a few of these |income, $225. Phone 723-1764, 962 FORD See: roving, automatic.| Brookiin 655-3814, { from os 44 P.M. ONTACT: | Where the toxes are lower. 5 Rooms Cc They are worth considering if 28--Real Estate Wanted 623-2903. in @ fine residential area, Street South, Oshawa. BE SURE TO SEE Active | Over 50 homes to be built. Bungalows, Duplexes. in this fine downtown loca- |storey, modern thravghout, Call Rolende| 2S SuORSOT ca suite, 'a aaa ee $1,000, Will accept 1 Apartment size ranges, 2 door, 6 cylinder, weg frigerators, » GE, Gibson $128.88 up, Mook |. This bungalow may be pur. | le is ies | 86 APARTMENTS chased with a very low down | 67 King St. East. 725-1186 and in perfect condition a 2 |1 NEED three- end four-bedroom homes. ia, PONTIAE can 6 Boing wie Sencitien, aN between 1042 | tion. Priced at $43,000. Tierney, 725-5207, Keith Peters Reaitor.|1956 DODGE, half-ton pick-up, very 900d! §59. Telephone Whitby 685-3814, Your choice of built-in ranges, walk-out basements. eit he lots available in the Thick- |sUNGALOW -- six-room "ranch Hylel trade, Dial ey oaecas 668-4612. BUYING or selling furniture or fs ou are buildi FORD, a eae. W T L A M S 0 N this year. pula ali vadnlarl WE NEED 2- and bedroom homes, We condition. Private. Must be sold at best)Cal's, 424 King- West. 728-9191, One, two and three bedrooms. Early possession. payment. Try $1500.00 bedroom bungalow with 3 pc, |! have cast and me Poe-ioeer Seno-|4580. 720-9286. DINING ROOM sale 9 pe Gh wa " bath, Aluminum storms and |shases, Call 6 oo i987 stationwagon, perfect 'condition|1¥ 900d | condition, her' bee Street East. | FOR SALE or exchange, triplex in Peter- Apply Ag or Phe, THN RANGE, General Electric ough botan, THE MODEL SUITES ae ewes | Three locations: East, West, South. son Rd, area these lots are patio, br large ine PONTIAC Paihfinder etapa wen. Call Simer, Hampton Cd OXFORD PARK TOWERS This home very central. Lo- have buyers waiting, some cash, @nd/ offer. Dial 668-5126. 1964 ALSTATE scooter, in 728-5157 and ask for Mr. Guy Bell. Active wa ranamission Al wate.|Sonable, Whitby be sold for BUILDING LOT borough for Oshawa property. Monthly ton Road, Hampton, 26%: inch size, like new, Open this week- end TAB-OIS7 | just outside of the city Man ry Possession. Prva der, stenderd. sraltion' Best 'fter OLD GUW ee ine Faas. very good 1 Block from G.M. South Plant | cated on a lot 42 x 120. | $1,000 DOWN some with large down payments. Phone) oo Soteige 7 door, 6 eyiinder, 'wand | |condition. 'Purchased in April, Very 'ree p ' me | Taxes only $154.00 per year. REAL ESTATE LTD. | PAYMENT Realty Limited, Realtors, 48 Simcoe best offer. Dial bonsine, coat -- Taye tae Te brown ' ; s ' down. Balconies, elevator service, fully equipped kitchen, tosughast ¢ ahinder stenéand trans-| Call 7200009 cat 6.20 oN mission, $895. cash or $100, and take| Fi screens, modern kitchen. Per- ; 2 to 10 acres fect. for. retired: couple of . |SMALL ACREAGE wanted 2 t0 10 pct ake broadloom corridor, swimming pool. ; res Take advantage of choice location by making NORTH-WEST AREA «| small family. Toes $117, |stats encatktving bent offer lover payments of $0, monthly, ewing|brown co deposit on lease now. 3 bedroom brick bungalow | close to bus route and pork. --|cash_or_terms. ier" enavwoUe sen oo et cs evan," excel os ene ear eat deed lot eotty ee with | ill pot obeesp& Sane chen as $3000 Hires. Excellent body, $550. or bast offer, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Lorge well landscaped lot. monthly payments, basemen ent, Call Earl Salter at rab Meda Porilivn on eatin rae ity. GUIDE REALTY LTD dine tacos Wee ro | QUIET LIVING | lce"e te ere |e sain ining r pos . ' itor, 187 King Stree u I. : Large kitchen area, Broad- | this weekend -- 2 until 6 p.m. wih serecnod enact ake. -- : 30--Automobiles Wanted |FRinie unk bea and Splece bedroom 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA loom throughout dining room, | loom in living room with floor |29---Automobiles For Sale CARS WANTED Sead ete ake eee living room and master bed- | to ceiling stone fireplace. VOLVO room. This home close to St. Kitchen built in he Buying a New Car? ORIGINAL orchids fn bloom ~ | e ' "a --d ting for. 723 112] Christopher's school. Owner B Al VV Al | y oe pe b d- "sla - Wei sped SCS Sell your used oot fp to i dl ecorating weddings, parites, be period 8 oy board space, ¥4 acre lot ¢ Toe me RECO ; ia NDITIONED | ; be divided for another build. | GARAGE i Cat Dosler and "SAVE Singer Console, $39. Portable, $29. | COMMERCIAL ing lot located in the friendly | General Repair and TED CAMPIN MOTORS bh PR oan, pee ean ' Se | village of Prince Albert with Auto-Electric: Seryice 723-4494 Res, 725-5574|Simcve Street South, 728-2391. OSH AW A Tl MES p ATTERNS Tile pronerty toveted sions yo One complete home and 4 new models town water ond sidewalks. Rien hae - ALL ASH - $i TERS, adders, cashiers, duplk | 4 f : ; ; : Bus, stores and schoo! are oll Bnav. 6 See cators, cheque writers, comptemeterss avs: eatneen Bing and Bond nearing completion, for your inspection. just @ couple of blocks away. SPOT CASH ~ . clean cars. or trucks we - /file, furniture. We fav soll Se ae Streets. This property has an Big f ho : ; ATTENTION deal up or down, Liens paid te Py Fi PRINTED PATTERN: | fretwuigéte "ts "wenderai | All built by KASSINGER 3 bekcos nich. eepiiew. (re oft Karat, Rohan no business opportunity today by | with double ttached garage. Good clean cars. Trade up or NICOLS MOTORS LTD. (ahd awnings, _ curtains, a calling us without delay Master bedroom is tt down, Liens pid off. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH waitin Mr elineke 75-198, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS large, living room hos jane DODD MOTOR SALES Across from Royal Hotel wala mi ink, ab wig wi eta, Lenstd corn 4 AJAX SPECIAL Hipage Be rgpriei dining 314 PARK RD. SOUTH WHITBY: 668-3331 maeltrd Lid ena Grea, icient modem kit- 723-9421 OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson "street, want teas fo for bb g eS sR! 5 728-2807. Asking only $12,500.00 for e chen. Panelled this 4 room bungalow. In- S h | Ak with fireplace in Beare KELLY DISNEY wrecking. Telephone 725-21 t 107. cludes wall to wall broadioom | | e ok 4 Located close to downtown, USED CAR LTD. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars in the living room; 4 piece C O eC | -Asking $18,500.00, 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST _|for_wrecking. Highest prices pald. 20/33_-Market Basket ONE oe pg eadiggorg cry - | For full particulars call WHITBY -- 668-5891 ; LY grown beans, corn, F anes | ~ feet. Taxes only $175.00 per 723-2265 723-2265 Julie FOE Ss teh : es ae 31---Automobile Repoir {fines new wee srg anor | year. Inspect this property jo oe oe 9 pec vale kg Trade up or down carooreer 'and auto elec servic, 2 croft: Oruenkc "Gardin: Ser vaeny) eam Sade Wick Hcthe. Kiik e er 728-5561 Sioa Se seme eh Ml Poutine Back Hehe Kirk | arena Faas re a eae eee ele | oy into = |suspension a le tg alg A Sieve ube | Leon Monitius 723-1121 Call 723-4233. _ testi Durties aires Weak, Whileye é ; } Jean Peacock 725-4330 'TRANSMISSION specials transmissions | 668-4675, Doug Wilson Ralph Vickery | cath Gift' 728-0768 | CAR AND TRUCK | |ae cn ety cuss Wm Sines Merl sr Laapa aha aod Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 RENTALS watch, 48 Simcoe Street, South | 1 icin nk teh rea pes from Post Office hiched teas 733-7183 eae 32--Articles for Sele 715-148 bid FABULOUS LosT: "Laas os wristwatch, ster> For professional. real estate | = fre teeoone 1963 scacsiie" i a TT of shows Fa i ir Perens ag oi . : "3 wa Fa services, GO ACTIVE, List b | Anthony Siblock. 725-4362 [matic power beeken poser Sieg, MA RESS phone 728-8559. r your home with ACTIVE Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 |adio end white walls, $1995. Alex 942. SALE oo : ig 4006, : 36--Legal REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS | : GUIDE REALTY LTD. =~ tomous brand | | Realtors 16 Simcoe Lig Ss. door, Vas automatic ow mieege 956 SERTA - on LAKESHORE A\ $500 BONUS SEE THEM THIS WEEKEND | 6 ROOM BUN ae Oe site WRECKERS LIMITED We are taking orders for | UNGALOW UNS CORVETTE, Bleck St WATS f05. "PRICES SUA SLASHE NOTICE is hereby given that homes to be built this | y) > i | WITH GARAGE Four' speed | transmission, $4:200. Tele. $27'00 pee . 'Cae winter under the govern- ment bonus plan. $1000,00 DOWN Se PEL oka ee te eae WILSON Boted. shows this Sth DON'T WAIT FOR Situated near Cedardale machine, Telephone 726-9217, r FURNITURE'S day of August Wes, : INCREASE IN PRICES B F D R @) @) M | School, 3 bedrooms plus din- _ |1962 CHEV Bel Air sedan, radio, auto- Preble) SHEER ELEGANC:: m! BUY NOW AND SAVE. | : ing room. Forced air oll heats nae ieee ean aa Mattress Poloce pres ing, taxes only $172 annual ly 10 year term for the bol- |1957 TRIUMPH, TR3, overdrive, wind- 20 Church Street, Oshowa by ACE SOR $490 | HOMES Fe esr ek (Sean gm Stra Lag | " is, Vi +: Sheer luxury! See how grace- (FULL DOWN) GG y Feu-aeer" init FAIRLANE 60, "31480, cath. For| mental. Telephone 723-486 after 6 p.m. (Cointinued on Page 14) fully the _pineapple border L - \ To One N.H.A. Mortagage FOR RENT | W. T. LAMSON Information call 725-1668. frames these lacy doilies eB | $13,990 FULL PRICE | REAL ESTATE LTD, fre PoRn, caeaiey ewviont, Wt 96----Legel 36--Legal 3 and 4 bedrooms, storms, From $95.50 Monthly | 67 KING ST. E, OSHAWA |$!50:_ DODGE Regent, 1957, standard. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA Elegant -- easy! Use these to| 9) ' a ' Screens, fully decorated, col- | 2 or Phone Ajax 942-5166, show accessories, or as luncheon KITCHEN, PARTY? | We're ready to show off the best home rental values in all 1957 T.R .3, second car. immaculate con- set. Pattern 7201: crochet direc- By ANNE ADAMS _|_fric heat available: twin sinks, | Metro. Eorlfest selection will esture best locations fecing the | LET'S TRADE _ |aton o0'mis. nines seaee| NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING tions, doilies 20 x 33 and 10. 22) Gay bows 'n' binding swav| as kitchens, lot -- | fake and bay. Private beach facilities for tenant's families. y oes _-- overdrive, radio, 782-4268 . ee t i 953 , lent dition. Ni i inches in No. 30. jo age a of an efficient) oe is el ng cyanea NOTE: For the first time you can enjoy a rental saving a and radio, Best offer. raetete f70-aN be stbge ei that the Council of The antag ag of the ie Cot THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) Whip up Rew lllgdlngy meee, Sears: cut | MEN YO Oe ee REFRIGERATOR ial hi usta bel Yes Telephone 720-471 44, Sepnaptone: 1364 at 30 Bye ta Care chorter, Ger dy ; f " i radio, elep! : . By sewers and water in ond pre . , or we'll arrange them in your low monthly payments with td Hall, Oshewo, Intends to pass by-laws to close up the following for this pattern (no stamps,jeveryday, parties, gifts. It's) paid by builder full ownership retained by the tenant | Down Payment on @ new [i959 CHEVROLET 4door, standard trans. mission, new brakes, whitewall tires, good) Parts of highways: please) to Alice Brooks, care of quick to cut, easy-sew Located i F ; : ed We Rea or | home built by Hogenboom |moort, clean throughout. $900. 728-5674, The Oshawa Times, Neelecraft| | Printed Pattern 4525: Misses' Y DIRECTIONS | if 1900 CHEVROLET impala convertibie, That part of Loring Street which lies "abi of Shakespeare Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario|,-°G0 Size only. Requires 15% Dial 942- Po 942-42 1| Go East on Highway 401 to Liverpool Rd. (interchange 64). Construction 9n Wilson Rood |white and red interior, 348 motor, Excel- Avenue as shown on Registered Plon 674 Tests AA Se sales tax. Pri yards 35-inch. a or 2-426 Turn South to-the BP Service Station. Turn Right on Service > lent condition, Telephone Whitby 663-8989, residen ¢ sales tax. Print} FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins! 1 Rood and: follow 'ue: lane North 1987 STANDARD "Triumph Ten." tour- Thot part of Dunkirk Avenue om 167 which lies between ion plainly PATTERN NUMBER,|(no 'stamps, please) for tha REAL ESTATE LTD door, radio, $250, Call 668-8136, Deon Avenue and Lomond Street, : pattern. Ont idents ad i V4, } i i oa rem fe sales tax Print plainly SIZEs| 1 ACRES BAY SHORE HEIGHTS S. D. HYMAN, [EGR Sm." isPas! Zot pa furan 167 ih te Bran First time! 3 FREE PAT- | i EI NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE! ; TERNS in big, exciting 1965|NUMBER. NORTH WHITBY | -- Model Suites Open 10 A.M. -- 10 P.M. Daily | 728-6286 jit PONTIAC Parisienne, 200r "heré| AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent Needlecraft Catalog! 200 designs| Send order to ANNE ADAMs,| Owner will consider trade of : SO-ACRE f ed shift, Call Alax 942-6616 after 6 p.m. -- smart stoles, jackets, hats,|Cae of The. Oshawa Times,| C0" bost, home, second mor- Phone Builder 839-1221 - |stock. Brick" house, pressure. system (i936 FORD Fairlane, converiibie, Va| OnY person who claims thot his land wil 13d preduically toys, afghans, linens, every.| Shawa, Ontario, Patiem Dept) ofp 'Milar 725-1186. | Scene mole, cate a paten| by he blew ond who opie fo be heard . . a y e rare . a i * 4 f, iden, | conditi e orn 4, Mf NEW! 300 sparkling designs, Te, , CONSOLIDATED BUILDING CORPORATION |Reaitor, 741 King, "Gahawa. Tek ined CHGVELLE dea beac high per] OATED AT OSHAWA THIS 15th DAY OF AUGUST, 0.0, 1868 thing! Send 25c. 5 exciti ¢ " W.T : 15 exciting fashion and fabric LAMSON y 1723-4471. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16/features plus coupon for ONE|___REAL_ ESTATE LTD. Canada's Largest Builders iehay "Meine acc: Theme Pe dtigalen as incites tak. pe os pa fi L. R. Barrand, Esq, complete quilt patterns--pieced| FREE PATTERN--any one you|NEWCASTLE on Highway No. 2. Spot- japartments, trades or straight palkg 1963 BISCAYNE Chevrolet, 6cylinder, and applique for beginners, €X-jchoose! Send for new Fall.|'e8s 4room cozy pungaiow, nice jot. Only |For private interview, Mr. Campbell, 725|standard, under warranty, seventeen $6,000, ae 1018. Investment Department, Josephithousand miles, $1895. Werry's Sheil perts. Seng 60¢ now. Winter Pattern Catalog, S0c. pavmaet, Phone Tasasi. me iter. Service, Highway 115, Newcastle, 987-4446