Be genes ee Persea pene re bee ye tM ap eo 1@. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, August 20, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 - BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY| Building Trades Gardening and Supplies Mortgages - CEMENT WORK GARDENS plowea with Gravely Roto' plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104. PRIVATE and corporation monies for all ind agreement of WALKS, STOOPS, FLOORS, CURBS, and PATIOS B. McLEAN Phone 725-5946 ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, rooting, Accountants Ac corte ting ses Seg Zamond TEOWARD "UAMES BROOKS, Chartered ost Oshawa Shop- Accounting service, 184 Bond , Res. 723-7605. ery TREE to trim? Call "Sim". Or cut ther down, Free estimates. 725-5118. doch 10 mortgages; ages ai sale purchased. Creighton, Dryngn, Mur- and Victor. (See "Barristers'). send, seeded, tillzed, Ln rolling, pruning, clipping, stock. Phone hedge lizers, trees, hedging, nurs- 728-7787. ter|Musical Services PIANO, reed, pipe and electronics ergen tuning and repair, instruments aporalsed A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. pengto Me Baved Trade Bulld- al uild-|chimneys, fireplaces, stoops. Street East, Oshawa,| : He CAL Gordon May, 728-0394, Instruction Optometrist 36 Simcoe Tele CARPENTER work, new, and repairs, Jay cement blocks, Telephone 728-7600, HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing and jaye » painting a P, Nellis, 336 Bruce Street. 728-2061. Cartage LA LONDE, aii types of cartage. Bay Ridges, 839-4191, V-J'S TRUCKING, any light trucking, cleaning basements, garages, etc, Open tor coeerentan Uauree. 725-7068. : No-| JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Osh- awa, Whitby, Reasonable rates. Fully i|equipped and insured, 728-3661. a. i G. . Goch, Ge, 723-4758; J. © Victor, 95-\Dentistry TIIS. Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought, and sold and arranged. ee Hi. GREER, BA, Barrister, | appointment 728-644), Bulising. %eKiop 'sires? Gast, 720420". Drapery | e r st, h H Morigees finds 'avellenle, Drapery I ei | MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, apenas and installations: 2 ro Solicitors. Clients' funds available for|'racks and venetian I. first mortgage, 37 King Street East (3rd| Whitby 666-9734, floor), 728-7336. Cheries C, McGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson. JosePH F. WANGAN, QE, Solicitor. money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers-Soll- citors, Noteries Public. eee ae --_ King Street East: 72107" DRESSMAKING -- ell kinds of ladies' HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HiLb-\ wear High quality work. Call 668-8463,| MAN, aap gt cron SAE Mrs, Voogiarv, 1110 Henry Street,| it, awe; FR. D. a | vg Ag Tac; W. A. Hiliman,| Whey. Exter 7, J.D, Humphreys, BA, LLB. : 72-4326, 725- 4604; Whitby 668-1761. ri --- third martgose funds avalioie. PRESTO PEST CONTROL pty Pp soa Alangp rong Fleas, Roaches, Bed Bugs, rristers, ; iat to loon, Henry Block, 26 King) Beetles, Moths, Mice, Rots, Street esidence: Dial) etc. | | BIALEK, OR. C.F. -- Dental " surgeon, 1112 Simeoe Street North, Oshawe. Dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. 1302 Dundas Street East, AK F. G. Gostlin, Whitby, 668-5085. AKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting speciality. Mrs? Toms, Whitby, 688-2372. i] | East, 723-4697. Ri : Homes, factories, apartments, "73-4029, WYMAN AND WYMAN, gle i aon n restaurants. hone roughing, carpentry 'al repairs. All work guaranteed. _ For} D ONTARIO DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cars Licensed Instructor Automatic and Standard | Oshawa 728-6934 | ~ TUTORING -- Announcing the opening of Academic. Tutoring College. Summer school soon to com- mence. All ages, grade, sub- jects, Reading, Math., Eng- lish, Science, etc., from stu- dent's own textbooks, private or group. ACADEMIC TUTORING COLLEGE CALL 723-6701 EZE METHOD Telephone 728-0881 Rate $3,75 Per Hour RIVING SCHOOL! F. BLACK, OD, 1: Street North, Sulte 4, Oshawa, phone: 723-4191. Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeling, new and used materials, Reasonable rates, Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING and heating suppilse.| Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd, \Plumbing Heating and Engineering, 255 acide treet South, |Rug-Upholstery Service AJAX AUTO UPHOLSTERY CENTRE Harwood North, Ajax (Next to Harwood Cleaners at rear.) | CALL 942-0301 a |REUPHOLSTER ond refinish your furnl- ture by J. and J. Custom Furniture, Free estimates. Whitby, 668-5753 or 668-5376. |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re re lcovered like new, Get the best for jess at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe $. Call 728-6451, Free estimates | | al a ue "ippets mavten AND RAISED THE FIRST NAVA, ORANGES x CALIFORNIA,AT RIVERSIDE IN 1873. 9 Pine Voome tales ten ree. 11--Articles For Rent 17--Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted RENT!!! New Besa brand professional UNITED RENT-ALLS fe rent most anything most job or occassion. 728-5565 Cor. Wilson Rd, S. & Olive Sei aoe hays Paopuee : 1 1% WA 2 Pn Wate ~|sonable rates, 723-2140. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospiatl beds, we'kers, machines, isck room supplies. Ald Rentais, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, ENTERTAINING -- fifty to one hundred people? CHAIRS, card and aisie runners. Cleve Fox Simcoe Street North. Call tapies, church Rentals, 412 72-1414, SALESMAN IMMEDIATE OPENING Are tired of look- 'ing for prospects and | chasing leads? Are you fed up trying to beat the competi- tion? Do you want to make more than a mere liv- BRIDES, bridesmaids it Crinolines, velis (P.! too) Garters 'ormais, semi-formals, All '9 Rentals and Sele. masda38- ing? . If $0, we have, vaconcies for 2 biti men 12--Articles Wanted dO 'WHERE THE WESPERUS WAS WRECKED 2 OM THE REEF oF MORMAN'S von HAR GLOUCESTER, MASS. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wonts Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. TV--Radio Repairs | TV SERVICE CALLS | Calls taken until 8 p.m. | TV ENTERPRISES aes a 723-3553 Well Drilling--Digging WELL b 9a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent MINDEN. Winterized cottage, big living room, kitchen with bullt-in cupboards, sink and good water, one bedroom, all hardwood floors. Store. room and wood shed attached, lot 206' frontage by 214' deep, fenced. No lakeshore, but jots of lakes accessible. No phone or hydro at present. Six miles north of Minden on Municipal road. tdeal for vacationing and weekends winter and summer. Full Price $2,000 or $500 down with terms to suit, Walter Ackerblade, Minden, Phone 514R32, PIANO -- desired tor use by smail girl. Outside appearance not lant. Rea- Sonably priced. Telephone 731, wanted, repair worthy. Ss wont to earn a minimum of $150 per week. We have quali- . fied appointments, supplied by our office daily and an exclusive product with abso- lutely no competition. Our sales program makes it pos- sible to close one out of three presentations. CALL MR. SANDERS Best price offered. Write Sebastian Hohmann, RR 1, Oshawa, 3--Business Opportunities, NOW RENTING -- 12-store Geisleorneri| Brand new fireproof' and | soundproof buliding, All electrically heated. Good parking facilities, Avaliable August 1. Food store, restauvrant and bank in this attractive plaza, For full detalis and rentals call Guide Realty Limited, Real- tors, 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121. yy in 30-inch file. W. Ward, @4 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563 or 668-3809. CHESTERFIELDS r ed and ri styled. Free estimate, See our material for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. |RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- |lished 17 years. Complete range of mate- lrials. Workmanship guaranteed five lyears: Free estimates. Credit terms. | Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. Sales and Service _ AD-GIFT SPECIALTIES citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Tim Buliding, 86 King Street East, Clients' funds avaliable for mortgages. Louls $ Hymen, QC: Herbert 5. Hyman, BA. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll: a ee citers, etc. 114 King Street ee . Residence Phones: J. M. Greer. ce ress: Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL. Y-SB32, Building Trades Mount? 95-9871 Gardening and Supplies WATER SOFTENER SALT SIFTO ROCK CRYSTALS ROX BRAND PELLETS COMMON FINE SALT "DOG FEED" PURITY DOG MEAL PURINA DOG KIBBLE | | =I | LEARN TO DRIVE ot e Oshowa Driving School reosonable rates, standard and cautomatic cars. Professional Instructors 728-0091 OSHAWA AND WHITBY |TUTOR -- Qualified experienced teacher, all subjects Grades 1 to 8. For further| information, please call 723-1484, PIGDEN ROOFERS ' EAVESTROUGHING PURINA DOG CHOW PURINA DOG MEAL Money To Loan "Advertising Gifts" Calendars, Pens, Matches, | Key Tags, Balloons, Car | Decals, Ind. & Comm. Labels, etc. Also a complete line of vinyl products BOX 22 Ph. 723-5421 15 Thickson Rd. N. -----|PERMANENTS on special. 1--Women's Column Page Hair- T FOR SAL@ -- Winterized cottage with tiled floors, tiled ceilings, panelied walls, hydre, cupboards and completely furnish- ed on lot av x 150° at Rice FOR SALE valuable property buliding and equipment, King and Gibbon. Pres- ently modern lunch counter, suitable for other business. Telephone 723-2742. Lake. Priced right for cash sale. Paul jLean, Box 22, Roseneath, Ontario. 14--Employment Worted dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. 725-5363. |2--Personal | | LEN PULLAN | (ENGLISH TAILOR) CUSTOM TAILORING BRITISH WORSTEDS SUIT & DRESS ALTERATIONS INVISIBLE MENDING 10-12 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 |AVAILABLE June uly, August and Sep- ..\tember, Park Lana five-room efficiency bungalows Good fishing. For full particu- lars write C-O Grinsville P.O. or tele phone 4785. ST LAKE, 8 » Cot tages for rent from Avzgust 8th. $45 and $55 weekly. All Inside conveniences, Dial 623-2262 : WASAGA, housekeeping cottages located among shady evergreens, right on the beach. Ali conveniences, Facilities Include steam-bath and shower house, ping-pong, PETER PAN Day Nursery. Qualified day care, 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. S81 Simcoe North, 728-2604 723-5004 FRIDAY 9 A.M. to 5 P.M, LABORATORY ASSISTANT A young mon is required for @ junior position in our Pro- duction Laboratory, He should be interested in basic chem- YOUNG MAN desires permanent ment of any kind. Age 17, chauffeur Il- cence. Tom, 668-8587. | would like to do baby sitting and day care in my own home. Telephone Whitby, 668-8238. RECEPTIONIST with medical exper!- ence would like part-time work In doc- for's office. After 5 p.m. and Saturdays. 725-5649. horseshoes, y ) base- ball, small games. Openings from August and PAINTER wants work evenings T 78-1522 4 after Rates reduced in ; Suriside Village, New Wasega Beach or phone Elmvale, 738-R4. ORIFT-INN CAMP -- On South Bay of Lake cottages, | Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Aug, 31st, Sept. Ist & 2nd, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dotes for appoint- m | ment. | ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 pm. DAY CARE for children. Large fenced In yard. Also will babysit evenings In my home. Telephone 4. hot end cold water, ail c safe, sandy beach for children, good tish- Ing, complete recreation facilities .After six call 728-0808. LAKE DALRYMPLE -- Lakeside cottage with boat, Safe beach. Good fishing avall- able from August 22nd. Phone 725-2324. HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, In- side facilities, fishing, skling and swim- ming. 725-2909 or write Maijac cottages, PAINTING and paper hanging wanted by experienced man, Reasonable. Tele- phone 668-5317, Whitby. LADY will do laundry in own home, Ex- perienced. Telephone. 723-5843. BOOKKEEPER, do your books on a monthly basis. Reply to Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box 803. [RELIABLE couple desires position |janitor for apartment building. as! Ex- istry and physics as applied to production control. A minimum of Grode 12 edu- cation is required. Competitive salory ronge ond compony paid benefits. PLEASE REPLY TO: Staff Personnel Officer DUNLOP | CANADA LTD. fully experienced, _ Will) WHITBY 668-3361 LIFE MANAGER An established ral agency is currently offering @ posi- tion to a quali mon te. take over os for pie Pecprren Ler vigh xcellent opportunity for right mon --- including salary, fringe benefits. Write Box 15 The Oshawa Times giving full. details of post experience, ORNAMENTAL JENSEN WELDING and STEEL SUPPLY LTD. 66 RUSSETT AVE. QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN Required for maintenance de- partment. Steady employment with pension plan, medico! and hospital insurance, For full details concerning hours and salary please apply in person to Director of Personne! Oshawa General Hospital ~ TAXI DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings, Appy MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 RYTHYM guitarist with full ipment equi wanted immediate: band. Call 725-3746. oe ee SALESMEN -- it are interested real career, see Display Ad this eae reply to the Box 303 Oshawa Times. PAINTERS WANTED, eA Phone 668-5271, a TV AND RADIO technician. Must be fully Ht eggs hg exper! on a and models, capable of teking charge of all bench repairs, Feleohene eons, Whitby. TWO TRUCK drivers, for route work, $90, weekly. Write Box 31) Oshaws Times. |COMPOSITOR required immediately, For |steady position In modern job and publica- |tien printing plant. References helpful, RR 3, Burk's Falls. seca |COTTAGES for rent, Baptiste Lake. T' \with 2 bedrooms and one with 3. je last week T a TV TOWERS from $39.95. Roof antennas PERMANENTS on' aoeclel' Pana" lair. [PAYMENTS TOO WIGH? if you havelfrom $19.95. Alax, Bay Ridges, Picker|Grceia aye> pig actiig. eect al good credit I'll lend. you up to $5,000. toling, Whitby and Oshawa. Two-year guat=| 795 5249. . cut payments in V2 or less for consolida-jantee on all work, 942-0637. bins oe ae hngg requires ride to and from Toronto r Leaving app a.m. Telephone 668-4593, Scale with good fringe benefits, Appi Box 507 Oshawa 'tine if EXPERIENCED MEN required for ties, Cd floor cleaning Write Box 4 100sh- awa Times. CEMENT WORK GENERAL REPAIRS Phone Bowmanville 623-3610 wo|Perienced. Telephone 725-2931. All} of} 16--Female Help Wanted MASTER DIET KIBBLE DOG FOOD tion or any worthwhile purpose. Telephone| GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer Toronto, 481-3289, washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call ct | August and all of 725-3158 between $ Cooper Smith Co. West Hill 282-0943 ED LANGLOIS HOME BUILDER We Specialize in Concrete Foundations 173 ALBERT ST. 728-4169 Free Estimates cabinets,, Arborite, 4&1 CARPENTRY, " bethroom and kitchen remodelling. Ceil- ing, wall and floor tiles. Telephone col- lect 985-2674, YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY Cleaner. Chim- neys bullt and repaired; gas linings in- stalled; roots repaired. Free estimates, 723-2997. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 BLUE GRASS SOD "ALL GREEN" NURSERY SOD GROWERS Townline N. ¥% Mile North ¥ of Taunton Village OSHAWA 725-9674 Fertilized Weed Treated FIELD SODS Check sods before you buy! | Picked up 14c and delivered 20¢ | 725-9674 PRESTO LAWN SERVICES Lawns, weeds, fertilizing, driveways, porking lots, and vacant lots. QUALITY CARPENTRY, custom bul!t kitchens, and rec-rooms, fi and cell- ing files, painting, roofing, ete. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, 725-8576, HOUSEBUILDING, additions, veranda, cupboards, framing, bieck foundations, tepitngs, etc. A. Summers, 728-7245. SULLDOZING and excavating. For tree estimates, 26 Hilicourt Drive, Whitby, (48-5612. OUasTEnine, New and repairs, stu A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-3420. CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, roofing Mortgages NEED MONEY? . TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS Let's discuss, without 'obli- gation, your financial plans: Our 10 to 15 Year long- term 2nd mortgage with low interest and small repayments may prove much easier for your budget. CORONATION INVESTMENT CO. LTD. A Canadian Public Company In Oshowa oreo call SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD 360 King St. West 723-2265 (ofter hours 728-3376) and repeirs, sidewalks and stoops. F. Mc- Comms RR 6: Cohawe, 656206), TELEPHONE 725-9871 NURSERY and field sod, cut dally, send, loam and gravel. Armstrong Sod. Tele ROOM pape , 38 and Up. painted, reasonable prices. Also inside work, ell prices labour onty. 728-7297. Geo. Golding. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better describea offers get foster results CASH 4 Consecutive days, original copy $3.75 3 Consecutive days, original copy . 2.25 Count eoch word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. 1F NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CHARGE $4.13 2nd Mortgages UP_ TO 80% OF APPRAIS- ED PROPERTY VALUE TERMS UP TO 10 YEARS NO HIDDEN CHARGES NO BONUSES NO BROKERAGE FEES YOU CAN REPAY ALL OR PART AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NOTICE OR PENALTY. THE REALTY DIVISION OF | | | | | 728-1742. Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cieaned, prompt service on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street {West Whitby 668-2563. Surveyors tas Ge DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. |. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Lend |Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-688). Whitby. TRANSPORTATION available to down- town Toronto, arriving 8.15 a.m. Phone Whitby 668-4928, 3--Pets & Livestock WELSH PONY, cart and harness. Also western saddie, Telephone 725-8772. FISH and vacation on Rice Lake! Re serve now at Cedar Cove, housekeeping cottages. Safe beach, spacious. grounds, Family sccommodation, two- or three bedroom, with refrigerator, stove, flush tollets, etc, Reduced rates, August 22 to October 15, $40. with boat, Dally $8. - $6. Folder. J. Frisken, Harwood, On- tralo. Phone 4R4, WANTED TO RENT by September ist. Three bedroom house for family. School- age children. References If needed. Tele- phone 725-8608 after 5 p.m. BEAUTIFUL healthy Dachshund pup- ples, registered, males and females, $25. each. 723-1365. Tailors | an AND GENTLEMEN of Oshawa and vicinity. Modernize ypur fell and inter wardrobe, Bring it up to date by lan expert tailor, 35 years in Oshawa. |Excellent work, workmanship. Guaran- teed at reasonable prices. Specializing in |aubie- breasted sults, Remodelled to! lsingle breasted. H. Sheriff, tailor, 37) | Prince Street, (upstairs over the Rose- |bow! Restaurant). 726-6731 iw BLACK GELDING, 7 year old, goed games horse. Best offer, Telephone 728- 1268. BEAUTIFUL baby budgie, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin East. cozy J RANCH Kennels. German Shepherds, puppies, Champion bloodlines. Stud services, Boarding. Quar- ter horses, foals, Trailer Ashburn, Brook- lin 655-4662, Trade Schools ATTENTION | MEN | 17 to¥49 | Heavy Equipment Operators | Are in demand for bull- dozers, scrapers, motor graders, draglines, back- hoes, and shovels. If you ed by top instructors right cn the equipment. Don't delay --- enquire now. Write giving name, add- 4--Sportsman's Column DEW WORMS FOR SALE Telephone 723-7112 Monday to Saturday 9 - 6 P.M, Live Bait Company, 859 Nelson Street. 5--Farmer's Column Custom Farm Work Forage harvesting, raking and baleing and combining. Telephone Percy Davidson and Son 728-1343 Registered | *__ SCUGOG LAKE coltage, 4 large rooms, heavy wind well and pressure system, fireplace, shady lot, good beach, safe for children. Reduced price, $2,300. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 986-4894, T. Murphy Realtor. COTTAGE -- 5 rooms with inside' con- veniences. Also houseboat at Lakeside. Four room apartment upstairs. Suit family with 2 children, Herry Chinn, 288 Hillside Avenue. Raa mS COTTAGE FOR SALE, Bancroft area, 130 miles from Oshawa, 200 foot of shore land, good roads and electricity. 728-3590 9c--Marine Equipment New Fibreglass Boats 12 ft. CARTOP $129 14 ft, CANOE $129 16 ft, CANOE $139 UN!TED RENT-ALLS 728-5565 COR, WILSON RD, S. & OLIVE "Where We Rent Most onything CABIN cruiser, 21 feet, two Pall getog power Evinrude Outboards. Pe con dition, Very reasonable at Oshawa Yacht haven. 725-3945. 11--Articles For Rent " and & p.m. . | } Sales Receptionist Moture, intelligent person- able lady to receive training by well known Optical com- pany in Teronto, for position in downtown Oshawa, WRITE PARTICULARS TO | itt | BOX 213 '| OSHAWA TIMES | CLERK-TYPIST For building supply dealer to type soles invoices, control accounts receivable, record moterial usage etc. Typing and accounting experience necessary. Good wages for the right man. All company benefits, Replies kept in con- fidence. WRITE BOX 401 OSHAWA TIMES ga on Se oie came 0 fo our sal . Ti {provided. Apply 299 Simcoe Street South. SALESMAN required for selling interior and exterior ornamental railings. Must be able to take job measurements curately. Car quired, hand writing to Box 549, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted TEACHERS WANTED PART TIME Teochers earn extra money tutoring in your spare time. Mornings during Aug. and evenings and Saturdays dur- ae gage term, Precnied cademic Tutori ollege 723-6701, ' " INTERESTING TOYS, FUN $$ $ We are looking for ladies whe want to earn extra Christ- mas money by working even- ings, September, ber and November, We will train you as @ party demonstrator to sell @ full line of toys and gifts. Commission, ¢ar essential. No investment, deliveries or collections. Call now: Oshawa 728-3608 EXPERIENCED waitress for coffee bar and variety store. Telephone 725-3932 or. _ SALES CAREER Well establihed Os hawa Branch Office for a large Na- tional Firm desires to contact o local man, 25 to 45 yeors old, for sales position. Sales experience desrable but not necessary. Excellent starting salary with opportunity for advancement. Group benefits include hospitalization, Life Insurence and Pension. All inquiries in strictest con- fidence. Reply to position meeting the public, as. desk clerk, For person hay- ing the right personality end appearance. Write Box 450, Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED fwrserymen for season, = pay, gros or and board, Trejbal, Mearns Avenue, MAN or woman. driver Whitby area on dry cleaning Cardinal Cleaners, Ltd., 728-561 DELIVER tickets for Oshewe Junior Football Club, Must have car, Apply in Person Chuck Tully, Reom 214, The Gen- 'osha Hotel. No phone calls, COUPLE, wife for household duties. Hus band casual jobs suring meets time. Wom- an and family may considered. Sel ary including. apartment, Apply Box 401, Oshawa Times, ' 20--Room and Board red. for : Call CASH on the spot! Highest prices peld apply Smith's Coffee Bar, 317 Simcoe for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- Street South, }phone collect. Hampton 263-2721, Mar- CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c : ress and telephone num RENTALS BOX 303 SOnRGeN MINTER Pa While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss or domage sileged to avise through either foilure or delay in forwarding * whether by negligence or otherwise Professional listings only, 3 lines pe: month Each additional line, per munth (Mot applicable DEADLINES WORD ADS... 5 p.m. Day Previous. Card of Thanks . In iams Lost and Found ... Births and Decths .. Lete Deaths... 11:00 a.m. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 2 Colurmn_or Larger 1 Column SATURDAYS: Word Ads Clossified Displey . . 9.30 9:30 D Dey such replies, however coused 6.50 1.60 lor merchondise advertisements) 5 p.m, Day Previous 5 p.m, Day Previous Day of Publication of Publication. ot Publication (Page 3). 10 a.m. Day Previous 4 p.m. Day Previous 12 Noon For Monday 10 A.M. For Monday CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cance ond Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M conan om be processed for the following day's paper. REGULATIONS Times will not be responsible for errors, nm advertise- he aia otherwise thon in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the charge tor a single insertion of the advertisement in which "error. occurs. The Oshewa Times reserves the right to classity eccording to its proper classification. case of display advertisements, He for more space than that in which error tising advertising The Times wil not be the octuel The publishers endeavour to reproduce ali adver- motter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement 4 eny ineccurocies in ony form cre contained therein For Classified Service Telephone the Direct to Classified y Number 723-3492 For All Other Deportrnents. Coll The Times Switchboard. ' | SUPERIOR | DISCOUNT LIMITED 725-6541 17 Simcoe St. N. { 27 Superior Offices In Ontario |TV---Radio Repairs TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED ber. : NATIONAL SCHOCL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION BOX F3 Out of town enquiries invited ot Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuation, Arronged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT | cutting, and will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64, fence rows. Tregunna, Phone 725-9871. |FOR $ALE -- Good clean oat straw, jbaled. Phone 725-60: CEDAR POSTS, poles ail sizes, Also cedar Smith, trees for hedges, etc. Newtonville, 2283. Phone C. PRESTO FARM SERVICES -- Whitewash- Ing, fly control; weeds--pastures, brush, Don Mountloy and Lorne OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing mo- chines, bike exercisers -- all $6 per month. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe FULL TIME housekeeper. for elderly lady, light duties, with good wages, Live in. Telephone Whitby 668-4532, HAIRDRESSER -- experienced. Guaran- teed salary and commission, 44-hour: week. The Mayfair Selon, 728-0662, EARN EXTRA MONEY, Show Conades finest fine of Christmas cards, Wraps, Novelties, etc, Over 350 Items, For free, cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- Powell, Brooklin 655-3973. and the rest one year and over. 300 bales of hay, second cutting; 250 other 'erticies. Mr. Kuenen, Street, Whitby, (668-5955. BALED HAY, SECOND CUTTING, Ken FOR SALE -- Thirty Holstein heifers, some bred. Fifteen: two years and over Ford tractor, three-point hitch plough, cultiva- tor and disc; No, 2 hay rake; piston spray pump with spray boom and 'hgh rst M. Phone pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, 'pipe threading dies toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- samples on approval and the fastest Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King Street East, Hamilton. Ontario, AT ONCE! Housekeeper, family of four In Willowdale. Mother blind. Write Box 402 Oshawa Times. sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding compressors, | spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontaric Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112. Simeoe St. North Oshawa, Ontorie - 725-3568 MORTGAGE | LOANS . Moneys for first mortgoges -- ot 7% pen Mortgages bonus No charge for vaiuetions OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 | TV TOWERS _ and Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA _ 725143 TV SERVICE DAY. OR EVENING 7 68 6--Auction cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric BAILIFF SALE Heving received instructions under the Landlord and Ten- ont Act. Gear vs Noble, Port Hope. | will sell by public auction at Stirtevonts Auc- tion Hall, 33 Holl St., Osh- awa on Thursday, August 27 ot 7:30 p.m., all the Goods and Chattels, TERMS CASH CLIFF PETHICK Auctioneer W-FT. HOUSE TRAILER for rent. Phone 723-2624, vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portoble heaters, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, build- ing jocks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, electric plane, tar- paulins, sand blaster, power post hole ouger, oscillati sanders, disc sanders, belt sanders, floor sanders, acety- lene welding outfits, 200 amp, electric welders. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa Enter off Burk St. during Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast Service _ M. F. SWARTZ : 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontarioe 723-4697 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SOUTHEND TV towers and aerial ser- vice. 'Formerly Lake Vista. TV, 484 |Montrave, 728-6879. | CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, sito re| pairs. All work guaranteed. #1! Dean Avenue, Telenhane Phl-0ite. HOUSE TRAILER for sale, 26 foot. Good condition, Best offer. After 5 p.m., tele phone 728-9939, road repairs, PHONE 7233224 rties ent 9a--Summer Pro For Sale or HALIBURTON -- Housekeeping coltages jon the lake. Inside conveniences. Safe end up. Phone or Minden,| ° beach. Boats included, $45. Vacancies from August 8 On. write Sliver Birches, AR 1. Onartie. Tobles 'and Chairs Mink Stoles, Church Aisle Runners ishes, Cutlery, Glasses Punch Bowls, Coffee Urns Sargeant's Rentals $30. No collecting or Street East, Oshawa. for school age, six-year twin boys. Pre- ferred ences. ary.T while mother works. One pre-schop! child. Calf 728-3953. ELDERLY woman or pensioner for light household duties, No heavy cleaning.| Live Im; Two children, one school age. T Dunbarton 839-3765. HOUSEWIVES! An exciting new job may be yours if you are free to work 2 or more evenings per week, Earn $20, to delivery. Good personality and car required. Call 728 7942. OSHAWA TIMES giving qualifications beds, Packed lunches, Whitby 668-2368, ROOM AND BOARD for y "Sine ona Rossland area. T none ne CURLING MANAGER for new ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB Phone for appointment AJAX 942-3210 WHITBY -- room and and double rooms, ped gh) 4 tral location, Phone 668-4928, ROOM AND BOARD In new sub division ite Oshawa Shopping Centre. girl only. { CLASS ° THREE-BEDROOM home wanted. Couple transferred, Oshawa, Whitby area. Two school-age children, Good references. Telephone Gollect Coboconk, 454-3682, ROOM AND BOARD for leman, Lunches packed, parking, tel prive ileges. Telephone 723-1671. ROOM AND BOARD for nice gentleman, Centrally located. Telephone 728-2923. 2 BEATTIE AVENUE -- Room ang board. Near Duplate and bus. C sentecan* priverteds 'anon 4 king. gentleman pri f le pa T 723-1248, UNLIMITED opportunity for three women as/ beauty counsellors. Excellent profits. Flexible hours. Modest Investment. Call anytime after 2 p.m, 725-6816. INVESTIGATOR CAREER opportunity. Salaried position In Oshawa office of wi firm, making 27 CHURCH STREET -- For gentle men in. clean home. Good meals. Down- town and north General Motors, 725-2879. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted full fime. Day and night shift. Apply the Town and Country Restaurant, 15 Bond URGENT -- Homemaker needed to care! age between 40 and 55, Refer- for and personnel purposes. {n-' teresting outside contact work, No sell- ing, collecting or travel, High school raduate, age 22-30. Car and moderate ping ability necessary. ployee bei promotions from within. Cover qualifications fully. Reply PO Box 603, Oshawa, Ontario. e Good home for right person, Sal- (668-5764. RELIABLE LADY to mind two children LOCAL ARTIST desires models. Part time. All ages. Please write staing par- ticulars' and enclosing recent snapshots to Clarke. Studio, 325 Brock North, Whitby. 17--Male Help Wanted WANTED ASSISTANT. FOR CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT McLoughlin Public Library Grade 13 Certificate, Teach er's Certificate, or University degree preferred, Typing nec- 18--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED a respectable working girl. Preferably & teacher, to share apartment. Meals prepared. Launary ard cleaning done. Five minutes to downtown, Phone 725-1040 after 6 p.m, ROOM AND BOARD or room only for young lady In new home, Whitby dis trict, 668-8954, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted 28, CHAMBERS -933 RITSON Requires full and part-tim at office or phone 723-11 463 Ritson $. _ 725-3338 0°%,.5L In sia te Lab pA Ran eh abst \ te tere > aie 3 FOOD CLUB © RD. SOUTH e help in the Sales Dept. to call on homes in the city and rural areas,' Actual selling experience not necessary as we will give full guidance arid training. Anyone interested please call 63 for appointment.