WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office Manager: John Gault 111 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 A Bit Of Doubt Dismisses Case This action took -place on July 20, in the case of the lat- ter confiscations, and on July 22 when they charged Valva- sori. Mr. Greer insisted that $5 Magistrate Harry Jermyn gave Oshawa businessman John Valvasori the "'benefit of the doubt" here yesterday, and dis- missed a charge of possession of stolen goods against him. Valvasori, 25, of 303 Adelaide avenue west, admitted to buying at least five new tires from William Ross of the same ad- dress. Ross was convicted three weeks ago for stealing the tires, which belonged to Dunlop of Canada, Whitby, Ltd. Valvasori and his counsel, Oshawa attorney John Greer, both insisted that he didn't know the tires were stolen when he bought them for $5 apiece, | A driver for Powell Transport, | Whitby, Ross told the court that) the tires had been "overages" or excesses on loads he had) taken from the Dunlop Plant to General Tire in Toronto. | He said that normally they) would have been brought back to Powell Transport and dis- posed of there. He also said that, if there were any shoft-| ages on delivery from Dunicp,| was not outlandish, as the ac- cused had no way of knowing the true value of the goods. An intensely-neryous Port Perry man was convicted of dangerous driving by Magis- trate Harry Jermyn here Tues- day as the completion of a case that began two weeks ago. The charge resulted from June 10 accident near Columbus in) which six - year - old Richard Wayfie Lucyk was struck down jand killed by the car driven by He suggested that if Valvasori the accused, Raymond Wren. were guilty of possession, so|\Wren was remanded for sen- then were the men who bought! tence. the # tg tae gobi I tiny The Court ha ap oe r the sake 0 " viously that ren ha een are just as guilty," he --_ southbound on County Road 2, rown orney ruce/on his way to work his 6 p.m. to Affleck 'argued that the accused|3 gm. shift at the General had sold cheaply. because the/Motors South Plant in Oshawa. transactions would help him in| his business relationship with)had been going about 40 to 45 wie ge cen |miles per hour when he came feel there is some doubt/over g hill and saw two children, ee i et one Me the highway, the other "I will give you the benefit of/on it. that doubt." The other child, Douglas Grif- He Should Have He testified yesterday that he} One Moment Of Neglect Reeks A Double Tragedy fin, 5, was also struck. He was seriously injured and was rush- ed to Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, Acting Crown Attorney John Humphries insisted that the ac- cused must have been travelling at "a high rate of speed, 75 or 80 miles per hour'. He based this conclusion on the fact that skidmarks leading up to the actual impact were 188 feet long. "You were late for work,| weren't you?" he asked Wren. | "A little," was the reply. The} accident occurred at 5.40 p.m.,) and Wren was due to start work lat six. Police had estimated pre- viously that the time from that) point to GM by car was about! 30 minutes. | Defence Counsel Terry Kelly suggested that, since the ac-| cused was on the downgrade of a hill |because he was partly on grave the skidmarks were not tru [speed criteria, ' Wren admitted to drinking} four pints of beer at the Legion] in Port Perry on the afternoon) of the mishap. He assured the} Court that he was not drunk, or leer's testimony, A knife-weilding Ajax youth was sentenced to a year defi- nite in reformatory yesterday, a result of his hitch-hike attack on a Bay Ridges motorist. The boy, Donald George Bell, 17, of Emperor avenue, was found guilty of assaulting, with intent to rob, Edgar Frigault, after catching a ride with him from Whitby Township's Lake Ontario Steel Plant. Frigault was an employee of the plant. Bell had worked there, the court learned. The in- cident occurred on Friday, July 10. The accused was aware, Sgt. Dick Bodley of Pickering Township Police testified, that Friday was payday at the plant. Crown: Attorney Bruce Affleck, reading from the offi- described the scene: As the car reached the Whitby - Pickering Town Line, Bell asked Frigault to stop, He opened the door, drew a five-inch steak-knife and OLD VIC TOUR BRISTOL, England (CP) as he tried to stop, and|The: Bristol Old Vic company |,|has completed negotiations for e/a Shakespearean tour of Can- lada and the U.S. during the winter of 1965-66. At present the company is touring some 40 then! {GASH YOUR AUGUST || lunged toward the driver. Frigault, defending himself. deflected the blade away from his stomach with his arm, sus- taining a five-stitch cut. Bell and he wrestled. The knife. was broken, and Bell tried to "gouge out" Frigault's eyes. They spilled over in the back seat of the car, and the older man got the upper hand, finally subduing Bell with a strangle- hold. "Okay, Ill wait for the police," Bell was alleged to have said. He didn't, however, and ran away. He was caught by the |OPP hiding near a_ mink-pen, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 19, 1964 5 [Knife-Wielding Youth| Draws Brampton Term Brampton Training School, with the recommendation that psychi- atric help be provided, Both His Worship and the Crown Attorney concurred. Mr. Affleck reminded Bell that 'his offence could bring a _life- sentence. An additional three months indeterminate was add- ed to the one-year sentencey. rs BAN PRISON VISITS night. A broadcast. monitored MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Visits tojhere gave no reason for the ac- Cuba's Isle of Pines Prison have|tion. Some 14,000 political pris- been banned indefinitely, Ha-joners are believed held in the vana radio reported Tuesday|large prison. | TROUGHTON MEATS | 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA Try Our New Budget Freezer Plan LUNTS TO STAR Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fon- tanne will star in "The Mag- nificent Yankee"' in a 90-minute NBC color TV program in Feb- ruary based on the life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. |his shirt covered with blood. Defence Counsel Terry Kelly produced a_ series of refer-| ences for the boy, and ex-| |plained: that this was his first) trouble with the law. | He asked Magistrate Harry) 'Jermyn to send the boy to) One-Stop DECORATING BABY BONUS CHEQUE AT | MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Whitby Plaza Winher to receive || @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points | e@ Wallpaper and Murols @ Custom Draperies @ Brocdioom and Rugs e C.lL.L. Paints end Varnishes DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 $25.00 in Merchandise | 107 Byron St. S., Whitby cities in 13 countries in, Europe. Family Monuments Nothing Down - 6 Months to Poy - CUT WRAPPED AND MARKED RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF HIND QUARTERS _,,. 59° RACKS OF BEEF _,,, 45¢ All steaks and minced barbecue style. HIPS OF BEEF _,, 55¢ BUDGET TERMS All Meats Government Inspected -- Fully Guaranteed -- PHONE 668-4633 Stayed Sitting et The spirits, apparently, be- This was substantiated by the! longed to Lagrois, of Graven- evidence of OPP Cpl. Mike Mal-|§ hurst, and he staggered over to|lon and Constable Dave Onlock, | the driver was held responsible.| Valvasori, whose business in- volves the servicing of vending machines, told the court that an pate official of Powell Transport had| He didn't get it. told him that the company it-| He did get a choice, though-- self disposes of the tires any+$25 and costs or 10 days in time there is an overage. jail. Had he not been so insist- He insisted that he was un-jent about the wine, he might aware that the tires were stolen,| have fared better, it was learn- and that Ross had told him/ed in Magistrate's Court here they were not, He had assumed! yesterday. Delphis Lagrois asked for his wine back. FOR TASTY POT ROASTS! JU WANT QUALITY... STEINBERG _ the police cruiser and asked for who investigated. | Created To them back. "But a man.can't drive as| While he was a passenger in|Carefully with a load of beer the car, there was little likeli. aboard," observed Magistrate hood that he would be charged Jermyn. with any offence, despite his "There is evidence here of| inebriated condition. momentary neglect, so I have that this was just the Powell| Constable Don Timleck of When he got out, howeyer,|no alternative but to convict on} i ; | " 8 DUNDAS EAS i Thi = invecti ; he was "drunk in public." It the charge. 31 T w OPP Whitby was investigating : Pp 4 pet of selling overages, he e aribk driver on Highway 401 was for this he was convicted Wren will be sentenced next | - . 668-3552 Canada Choice RED BRAND BEEF The court learned trom Dun-|0n August 1. In the courte of ANd fined. : . i i _! $$ oF L lop Technical Manager of|the investigation he had occa- za 1 So NDER So F AVORF Individual &b/ Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS PRESSWOOD'S GOLDEN VALLEY | D & SERVE WITH WHITE FLOCK EGGS! 1 1B, BACON = 63° SR, DIP RTE UR STE US COTES DAR NT Ma EITHER END BY THE PIECE JET FLOWN Se-- go: ts. SALMON SAVE 10¢ STEINBERG'S FRESH BAKED 2 a. eo CHICKEN PIE AVG. WT. 35 LBS. 59- Tires, Hugh Cunliffe, that the|Sion to remove two part bottles . loss was valued at $157.80, Val-|of Catawba and one part-bottle | Oshawa, Whitby | vasori had bought them for $5,/0f wood alcohol from the car,| . . | and sold them for about $7.50|in which Lagrois was a passen-| Stage Swimming to business associates. \ger. | ' | | Sgt. Gerald Robinson and Cpl. real Meet Tonight Z Morley Nicholson of Whitby} EARLY BIRD | PD recovered the five tires, two} Choosing a state bird is a) A swim mect between Oshawa ROADSIDE MARKET OPENS from the accused, two from an|modern American custom)and Whitby will be held at the Oshawa restauranteur, and ad eo originated with Kentucky, Whitby pool tonight at:8 p.m. fifth from a Whitby man. adopting the cardinal in 1926. [Classes will be held for both THURSDAY AFTERNOON | BLADE BONE REMOVED FINAL LEAGUE FIGURES once iene Sree Chlciren. Sr. Boxla Aces Include um: money Lotton And Heffernan jerawl. | BECOMES | By CLIFF GORDON Gord Hammond, secretary of the top six. Brooklin, who won the pen- Wine YOU SANE | the Ontario Lacrosse Associa: | ont for the second year in a REGULARLY | Featuring LOCAL CORN PICKED DAILY NEW MELBA APPLES NEW. CROP HONEY NEW ONTARIO POTATOES OTHER LOCAL PRODUCE FREEZER BUY RED BRAND RIBS of BEEF y> LB. 30 OZ. BTLS. |the league 'to place two men in 2' miles West of Whitby on No. 2 Highway at 'The Big Red Apples". ICE CASTLE Reg. or Low Calorie ASSORTED FLAVOURS SOFT DRINKS "°°" ures for the Sr. Lacrosse stand-|tremendous duel with St. Catha-| ings and individual scoring|rines Athletics in the best-of-| races. |seven Eastern Canada_ semi-| As was expected, Don Arthurs) nas: Phe wagon the series} of the Brampton Sealtests won|?-1 on the strength of their fine the scoring championship. Cy|come-from-behind win here on Coombes, the playing coach of|Saturday night. Brooklin won the fourth-place finishing Peter-|the game 6-5.in overtime with borough. Speedy Erns, was in/Glen Lotton getting the winner. the runner-up spot just one point}; Tonight the Brooklin team ahead of Glen Lotton of the|will travel to St. Catharines for tion, has released the final fig-|row, are currently waging a | Open Thursday and Friday 1 p.m. -- 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. -- 8 p.m. and GREY | 308 Dund . Ww. undas St. W., Whitby APRICOTS #® ORANGE JUICE # PEARS PEACHES ® TURKEY & VEGETABLE #APPLESAUCE Brooklin Sr. team. Lotton was|the fourth game of the series. the scoring champion last sea-|They will son, Grant Heffernan, despite|the Brooklin Arena on Satur- the fact he played in only 20)day night in what should be one games finished in fourth spot.jof the biggest gate. busters of Brooklin were the only team in'the season thus far. FINAL STANDINGS SENIOR A POEL fF A 18 6 258 197 15 9 262 235 14 10° 255 > 225 10 14 261 308 8 16 249 276 7:17 «#4223 «(284 Pts, P. Min. 36. 014 30 = 823 28 518 20. 600 16 717 14 (598 Brooklin Brampton St. Kitts Peterboro Port Credit Huntsville TATISTICS G A 70 844 40 47 49 «37 29.83 FINAL SCORING 8 iy 24 24 24 20 23 20 Pts 114 87 86 82 78 75 Pen, Min. 56 | 36 10 24 33 19 Don Arthurs, Brampton Cy Coombes, Peterobro Glen Lotton, Brooklin Grant Heffernan, Brooklin Pete Berge, St. Kitts 34 44 Tom Conlin, Huntsville 32. «43 Series A Brooklin and St. Catharines, 4-out-of-7:: WL F Brooklin ood: 2 1 21 21 + Bt, UAB. cenvcccscccscccvenccnses 1 2 (21: 21° 23 Wed. Alig. 19 ...ccecsccceeseee Brooklin at St, Kitts Sat. eee St. Kitts at Brooklin Mon, Aug. 24 ...scccssceeceeees Brooklin at St. Kitts (if necessary) St. Kitts at Brooklin (If necessary) A PTS, See eeeeeeeeneeeseees WOE, BUR. OD ockccivisneseiass play back here at) = 135 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY values. CONTINUES ¥2 PRICE SALE At Young Moderns. Many items now clearing at price. COME IN TODAY and save on these terrific ing Brock - Whithy WARNING! 'STRAIT- JACKET' VIVIDLY DEPICTS. SUSPENSE! Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:30 Last Complete Show At - 8.30 Peter Sellers George C. Scott Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove TA CHAWFRD Recommended As Adult Entertoinment 135 BROCK ST. WHITBY of the Whitby store . -- Two Locations -- S. 38 KING E., OSHAWA this sale continues due to re-decorat- . after completion of this work New Fall and Winter stock will be on display. STUDENTS DUNDAS STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL and COLBORNE STREET JUNIOR HIGH OFFICIAL UNIFORMS AVAILABLE aS 135 BROCK ST. S. 668-5022 Young. Modorns.* WHITBY TRUST | | , BRING THIS AD for a 10% Discount on | fy HEINZ swans f | THURSDAY or FRIDAY | # BABY FOOD:< HY... ( Kraft CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES A SANDWICH TREATI 8 OZ. PKG. 29: CREAM-O 100% PURE INSTANT COFFEE :x* 95¢ GRILL TIME é Charcoal BRIO 10 LB. BAG UETS = 5S STEINBERG' Bake STEINBERG'S FRESH CHERRY PIE SAVE 10¢ 49: STEINBERG'S SAVE 10¢, Vanilla Chiffon 49¢ STEINBERG'S Pkg. of 6 Raspberry anish 39¢ STEINBERG'S HONEY (7: Glazed Donuts 45¢ STEINBERG'S 10 nite 390 STEINBERG'S Pkg. of 12 _Raspberry Gems ~15 07. TINS OF DR. BALLARO'S DOG FOOD "brn 6OE COUPON EXPIRES AUGUST 22, 1964 Football Donuts 59¢ STEINBERG'S JUMBO | SAVE 10¢ =~ $l FECTIVE AUG. 19,20,21,22 1964 WITH THIS COUPON AND or 'A3207; BTL. OF MONARCH 1008 PURE Golden Ripe CABANITA KIDS LOVE EM' ; Bananas i 19 SIZE 176's 007. 69¢ 89: GOLDEN JUBILEE OR RED HAVEN PE ACHE ONTARIO GROWN LB. NO.1 GRADE SWEET-JUICY SOUTH AFRICAN SIZE 252's ORANGES 2--89¢ ONTARIO GROWN NO.1 GRADE CLAPP'S PE AR S HEAPING 6 QT. BASKET LOCAL GROWN NO.1 GRADE FIELD OR STAKE TOMATOES @ KELVINATOR FREEZERS @ FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES @ A WEEKEND FOR 2 AT THi BIGWIN INN @ SUNBEAM APPLIANCES @ CASH JACKPOT. @ "PINKY" STAMPS @ GROCERY HAMPERS EVERY DAY MON.-FRL 1-1.30P.M. AND 1£.40P.m. 'A32 OZ. JAR OF MONARCH SALAD DRESSING 55¢ $ 'WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 3~ 16 OZ. CONT. OF BILLY BEE CREAMED HONEY 37$1.00 $ COUPON EXPIRES AUGUST 72, 1908 COUPON EXPIRES AUGUST 22, 1984 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF APKG. OF 75 KLEENEX LUNCHEON 'NAPKINS xm 29% COUPON EXPIRES AUGUST 27, 1968 $ OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. SHOPPING PLAZA @ vor AJAX @ 'rer WHITBY ISLAND ROAD & ROUGE HILL