24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 19, 1964 _ \think you're honest, but one U.K. AUTHOR CLAIMS. By ALAN WALKER LONDON (CP) -- You me; And his new book Private anscience -- Public Morality [also describes the new way of self-styled expert thinks you're)life as one of "doing it to others probably rotten to the cere, before they can do it to you. But don't fret--it's not all) Hisbook gives British exam- your own fault. |ples but he says morality is Try this test! If. you find|gurgling unprotested down the some money and nobody can/drain all over the world. find out you have it, would you) The Profumo scandal here, Morality Seeps Away upper middle class '"'establish- 'ment" that really runs the country. He says government, indus- try, education and the Church of England all are severely | dominated by this establish t i aves ty \from Eton, Harrow, Rugby and -cmt. BISVRte iq Similar exclusive "public" ting adults | schools. not be a criminal offence. It) "Inglis sees an in-grown con- also said that although prosti-| servative and, essentially, im- tutes should be barred from) ' i the streets, euphemistic adver-\tueh schools. Consideration for tisements in newspapers offer-| others and the spirit of fair ing girls for hire might not be! pjay are inculeated early but if oo en to the coUun-| because these traits are "group- Ty's collective conscience. | directed" they are warped until What about the state of Brit- come to mean: homosexuality tween unfair unless you are fighting 2 grammar school boy; hating thy neighbor' is evil unless th: _ DIVIDENDS neighbor is German or Jewish. Public school graduates learn By THE CANADIAN PRESS | to redefine sin in terms of re-} Canadian Collieries Resources sults, not actions. Cheating,|Ltd., five per cent pfd. 25 cents stealing and lying are con-/Sept. 30, record Sept. 11. demned only when they inter- Domini Scottis '15, record Sept. 16. 'ere with group solidarity. inion - Scottish .Invest- Mojson Breweries Lid., class. Avoiding punishment by|)ments Ltd., common five cents, 4 25 cents, class B 25 cents, teachers ae ngs oP -- is Sept. 30, record Sept. 16. Sept. 25, record Sept. 4. 2 praiseworthy, In 'ater yeas! Feonomic Investment Trust The White Pass and Yukon eoge or a of police ac-/r 44, common eight cents, Sept. Corp. Lid., common 10 cents, : did 30, record Sept. 16. 'Sept, 15, record Sept. 4, : | Famous Players Canadian | Corp, Ltd., common 25 cents, | Sept. 11, record Aug. 26. Gunnar Mining Ltd., 50 cents, Oct. 1, record Sept. 15. ¥ _ Loblaws Groceterias Co. Lid., ' first pid. series B 40 cents, Oct. return it if the real owner Was:/the Vassall spy case with all) 1. A relative? its homosexual elements, trou- 2. A neighbor? bles with Mods and Rockers, . The local grocer? |police corruption and property 4. The new supermarket? - | exploitation -- Inglis says all 5. The city bus company? [these spectacular examples of 6. the federal tax depart-/immorality are merely results 7A telephone coin - return ? | they Killing) I ErY-y-y- OUT-DOOR | CLIP AND BRING THis | AD WITH YOU FOR A FREE RIDE ANY WEEK- | DAY. . | FAMILY KARTWAY | Inglis says most of the blame) wy, .12, 1Yp Miles North of Whitby ,| |\for the sad state of British|] PHONE 655-3469 The Wolfenden report decided| morality can be pinned on the qu oe} LY AEs 1:30-3:25-5:25-7:20-9:20 Wait'l you see thew hdarious adventures in doing unto others as you would|lightly and handily using the|two weeks. have them do unto you, but on|term '"'new morality' to mean getting away with what you can) "old immorality condoned." get away with. HERE IT IS... THE SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL # ALL COLOR ! Most Pictures end in a theatre, This picture ends late at night in your heart! Splendor im Grass NATALIE WOOD ADULT Entertainment wie DICKENLIZ TO MEXICO Elizabeth Taylor and her husband, Richard Burton, pause on the steps of their chartered plane for a picture Tuesday before leaving Los TO THE... Psychiatrist Sees Mom Delinquent Role-Factor 3 FUNDAY = LONDON (AP)--Two Ameri-|turned to crime later, she said. | can criminologists asserted! "It is terribly important that Tuesday that it is possible to|a mother should remain close) spot a future crook on the.day ajto her children. That raises the) child begins schooling. |whole question of working moth- In a paper to the first inter-|ers. | national congress of social psy-| "If mother goes out to work) chiatry, a husband . and - wife| there has got to be a substi-| team of the Harvard Lawitute," she said. School, Sheldon and Eleanor) 2 Glueck, said the budding crim-| js | NO DRIVING WORRIES | Angeles International airport for a short vacation in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. They'll re- turn to Hollywood to begin a movie early in September. --AP Wirephoto . ery . By, « ons' poring ea Inglis| animals is cruel unless it's for Theale Lam Thomasina Says nearly everyone here is|sport; hitting below the belt is constantly downgrading his pat-| a3 : fe) pS -a most unusual cat... terns of behavior. ES SEE peToON they say I'm enchanted, and ! AMI* Motor vehicle offences srell RENTAL | criminal and reprehensible, "@ lof a deep sickness in the so-|evaryone agrees, but only it] GO-KARTS : Walt Disney ciety. lone gete caught. Respect Sap.) oe oe ee 'THE THREE LIVES OF slot? : When war minister Profumo|the police never has been|y Open Daily 1 P.M, to 10 P.M. The latest of several writers lied to the House of Commons lower. WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS masina oe oo a'about his relations with Chris-| Cheating on income tax and 10 A.M; to 10 P.M, recent severe decline in! tine Keeler, the Bishop of Wool-| office expense accounts is al- Bring The Family pain. McGOOHAN traditional moral concepts)wich's Honest to God had just| most universally practised, In-| piICNIC GROUNDS, CANTEEN rae sis" HAMPSHIRE thinks few persons would hesi-|been published, That book's|glis says, whenever anybody is ' kd tate to keep the hypothetical) background was that traditional) certain he won't be caught. : Sune i sum if the owner was farther|concepts of morality and the) "Pilfering' or 'fiddling' are (Gna| "NAVAJO ADVENTURE" down the list than No, 2, theological basis on which con-/common and nobody really| IN TECHNICOLOR NEW MORALITY |cepts were Jaid were nolonger| thinks it wrong to take home| Ca a (oied fa oe AAA Brian Inglis says there is. a} valid. a typewriter ribbon and six 7 @ "new morality" based not on| At once public opinion began| pencils from his_ office every ( 7 OW PLAYING: -0.0 COLOR! TROY and CONNIE 4 in Love Again! ; soit WA ein Susan Slade -- with -- DOROTHY McGUIRE LLOYD NOLAN PHONE 725-5833 ie Continuous SAT. & SUN, From 1:30 P.M. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY AUGUST 20 - 21 - 22 NOW..3rd GREAT WEEK WINNER OF 27- INTERNATIONAL AWARDS...? ACADEMY AWARDS! cauanrcntine WILLIAM HOLDEN ALEC GUINNESS JACK HAWKINS Hurry... Hurry... Hurry: ... it's Fair Time in Oshawa. Come to the famous King Shows at ALEXANDRA PARK rates. family and enjoy a fun-filled day at the 4 fair this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. inal can be ascertained by| means of a test. | | The test made up of ques-| | tions put to parents and chil- 3 | dren enables the researcher to) NO PARKING PROBLEMS | place his finger on a child with| | a latent criminal potential. The} aaa | test is 80 to 90 per cent accur- | ate, the Gluecks said. |NO L-O-N-G WALKS | Eleanor Glueck, who read the, a | paper, said the mother plays a determining role in whether a child is to become a delinquent. WHEN YOU The three vital factors which| | determine the mother's influ.) GO BY BUS ) ence on the child are the) TO THE | | amount of supervision she is : | giving her child, the amount of CANADIAN NATIONAL FYHIBITION | discipline she is able to infuse into it and the amount of co- | DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS hesion there exists, in the fam- Aug. 21st to Sept. 7th 4 oe SSG WN 9S OL fo SEARS» EDF VL GEOFFREY i * PHONE -- TORONTO -- 202-3969 --WHITBY 668.2692 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. (INC. SUNDAYS) | Today and Thursday Your Last Chance To See The pedlieg Startingin their first fulblength hilarious,actlon-packed film? tly. TESTS SHOW DIFFERENCE The Gluecks said their) method of testing boys, for in- stance, could establish whether) the child who pulled a_ girl's| hair or threw ink pellets was a potential delinquent or just high- spirited. Of 300 American boys tested in 1953, 23 out of 27 who were EXCURSION FARE $2.60 Round Trip Includes Admission 262666560286 SASEKHERGSRLVESGA Leave Oshawa 'A Hear the Beatles on the original sound track album from United Artists Records! © PHONE 723-2843 @ SOFe SSeeteses ADMISSION CHILD! 5Se--14 AND OVER $1.00 DOORS OPEN 12:45 -- SHOW TIME 1:15 3:25 - 5:20 - 7:20 - 9:25 | SOUVENIR BEATLE BOOKS ON SALE $1.00 charted as potential delinquents) For special low children's fares see your had become serious and persis- gent tent criminals by 1963. On the other hand, only seven of 193 27.30 a.m. predicted non - delinquents $3 om: 10.30 a.m. NET EARNINGS | ee) con Leave Whitby 9 minutes later By THE CANADIAN PRESS |X-Set. & Lebour Day Only Anglo - Canadian Telephone 2-Ste'ts St. Aug. 22nd. Co., six months ended June 30: Leave Exhibition 1964, $2,632,652, $2.34 a share; X3.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m, °_ 9.30 p.m. 1963, $2,218,148, $2.08. 24.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 10.30 p.m. Canada Wire and Cable Co.|Z¢39 °'"- Ratt oe Ltd., six months ended June 30:)x.set, & Labour Day only 1064, $691,000; 1963, $543,000. Y-after Grandstand Show ts Copper _-- ~~ Z-Starts Sat. Aug. 22nd. .» six months en : ar 9 DAYLIGHT TIME gue | 0: amet, $1,590,200, 28 Exhibition passengers travelling on reg- -- a share; $1,410,900, 26 ior' buses will transfer at> Toronto . Bus Terminal to buses running into the Industrial Minerals of Canada ¢ Ltd., six months ended June 30: 1964, $95,630; 1963, $136,525 Cosmos Imperial Mills Ltd., six months ended June 30: 1964, $191,016, 48 cents a share; 1963, $221,511, 55 cents. , Canadian Power and Paper Securities Lid., year ended July 31: 1964, $258,462, 43 cents a share; 1963, $216,608, 37 cents. | | grour Tickets and Information at OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street - 723-2241 De Whitby -- Harry Donald Ltd, 300 Dundos St. East, Phone 668-3675 RALLY POPULAR | BRANDON, Man. (CP)--More than 2,000 members and lead- ers from 87 clubs took part in| the 4-H rally held here in July! g at the Manitoba Provincial Ex- hibition. FOR THE FIRST TIME AT POPULAR PRICES! D yNCUT! ORIGINAL LENGTH! With Many Outstanding Attractions KING SHOWS IS OPEN VERY DAY OF THE FALL FAIR Come On Out and Enjoy Yourself ! DWYN MAYER » CINE RAMA: {A Pon THE garTuony HAYES -susan HART we WES MITCHUM t2sme a ae = MARKS = "STOOGERAMA" wir, Those Zany '3 Stooges"'---- Laughter for All OSKAWA'S GREATIST SHOW VALUE ADULTS 75¢ -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 - FREE All the raw rampaging fury of the West "THE QUICK GUN" ---~ IN COLOR -- Starring AUDIE MURPHY