Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Aug 1964, p. 15

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ee ne -- a nS PE SS - et RES 27--Reol Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 18, 1964 19 29--Automobiles For Sale 26--Rooms For Rent 27--Reol Estate For Sale | mee Estate For Sale a Estate For Sole. LIST AND MOVE 29--Automobilés For Sale ment apartment, | A furnished for PP sa space, | fined in private Tone: Parking Ht t 1B ovlts ae: Call gto 'tive, fags ig sf able. After 6 p.m., telephone Private bath and ogo con to bus Adults ats only. Ca 725-6352. : yerean AND CHILD, apartment. ae. SIMCOE, Two furnished Private floor. inhale Quiet ND | renee hy with Kitehen. Sult two ladies or home. 728-7443, LARGE FURNISHED ROOM , separate Toom|Peds, suitable for two gentlemen willing to share. Apply 42 Buckingham, 728-4147. FERNHILL BLVD. 65, Furnished room in. new home. Lady only. Very quiet, cook- ing privileges. Five onetee to, shopping centre. Tel 728-8780. TWO FURNISHED | ROOMS for two gentlemen willing to share, Refrigerator, rg poles. bath. Separate beds. Apply 2 Quebec Street. cane furnished .room with twin beds for rent in new home. be ag batt bd office girls. Share kitchen. Close fo s! ping, hospital and town. North Oshawa on Avenue East, 728-0260. Infant preferred Day care avaliabl two ne-eitiine Darton basement apartment. 'an 500 CL STREET. 19 -- Ask for gg ou U LOVELY small unfurnished apartment. Large treed yard. Close to South Generau Paring Reasonable. Telephone} Tieeaam 778-0422. en from South General Motors. Completely private four-room apartment with garage, heat and hydro Included. 250 Bloor Street West, 728-1105. ROAD -- One-bedroom apart- roots wand lig range, laundry equip- jision outlet, paved parking, Bn adults. ne Uaieced 'one-bedroom iy located in Whitby. Towsaiens ion, $75. Linas 725-0793. bo ago 'apartment. CHURCH STREET 174 -- = Double room. Two single beds, furnished. Suitable for 2 brothers or friends. Private entrance. -|Apply above address. RITSON ROAD ) NORTH 343 -- 'Furnished bedroom for rent. Suit lady or gentle Aeneid 723-4817, room for rent in quiet home. poo 574 Crerar Avenue after 6 | p.m. \?: nished bath, tile Phos, Light oe oF ¢ optional, adults only. 200 Oshaw: 8 North, ae are ke Ge |27--Real Estate For Sole KINGSMERE GARDENS iG. ARMSTRONG and SON2 PRESENT a annonce, furnished or unfurnished, pe parking, laundry facilities, 728-2204 SHARBOT STREET 170 -- Basement trent unfurnished, 3 rooms, private > ig and bath $70. Phone 728 i LARGE, fully furnished rooms. Heated, Private bath and entrance. Close to bus stop. Availapie immediately. Adults aniye Apply 708 Carneaie Ave. 'SCHOFIELD-AKER, LTD. 723-2265 $13,500. FULL PRICE This solid brick three bed- room home has. had excep- tional care and only six years old. Recreation room facili- ties plus walkout basement. -- landscaped and ang as @ garage. Carries for'598. 00 P.I.T. INVESTMENT PROPERTY IN BROOKLIN © A real money-maker for 0 couple wanting their own business. Point and variety store as well as a lovely sep- orate house to live in. Call for appointment to see and more details, FOUR YEAR OLD BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, Hollywood kit- chen, lovely living room, plenty of closet space, base- ment has recreation room fa- cilities. Home newly decorat- ed, A bargain for only $12- 900 and $100 per month, -$1,500, DOWN 3 Bedroom older home with GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 EARLY POSSESSION 6 room brick bungalow, with three large bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bathroom, Living room, kitchen, with seperate dining area. An attractive home neor Kingsway' college. Priced at $14,400 LAND DEVELOPERS 5 acres of excellent subdivis- ion site available now. Buy while prices are low. Schools near by, services at your door- step. Call now ond let us show you this choice property. ATTENTION A'four bedroom brick bungo- low in a quiet area of the city contains a large kitchen with a 4 pc. bathroom, floors are spotlessly clean and in very. good condition, also a 26' recreation room, back yard is a fairly good size and aitibe for an ardent home grower. Close to the shopping poza and bus route. $13,- 500 full price. 4 YEAR OLD DUPLEX, 2 storey apartment building in the North West Area situe- garage on lovely lot. Cen- THREE - ROOM furnished "apartment. | Close to North GM. Available ila hd ly. Apply 97 Bigin East or phone 725- 6304, 17 26 new homes consisting of splits, bungalows and two stories on serviced lots over- looking the City of Oshawa. Every home features a_ built in. stove and oven, complete decorating as well as N.H.A. financing. For more 'informa- tion phone 728-6286 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED $800 DOWN Three bedroom brick bungo- low, Possession October Ist. Owner transferred. Will con- CLARKE STREET 143 -- Tweroom fur-} nished bachelor apartment, stove, re trigerator and TV, 728-3420. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in Whitby, central. Quiet iocation. Call 668-2786. 26--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home Goll between 5 and 7 p.m. BARK RD. $., 109, Room To Rent for| gentieman, parking space. Telephone! 723-7830. SINGLE ROOMS for gentlemen with car. Pontiac inn, west off of Taunton Road. SINGLE FURNISHED ROOM for steadily wed gentieman, parking. One block from north G.M. $8 728-669 SINGLE Fooms, for gentlemen only, "close | to South GM, parking space. Apply 25 Division Street. | PARK ROAD NORTH, 428--three single fooms, furnished, kitchen privileges. Ap- ply after 6 p.m. at above address. ee LARGE furnished' room, close to down- town Whitby. Can be shared by two, if desired. $10, weekly. Whitby, 668-5071 | TWO SINGLE furnished rooms, one with two single beds, private home. 103 Le- Salle after 6 or 728-1299 anytime. =| SINGLE furnished room for rent. Apply 256 Court Street or telephone 728- 4594. NEW HOME, attractive, spacious, , fur nished room for gentieman. Parking available, Close to Houdaille, aie, a basement apartment. Telephone 723-20 ROOM ROOM FOR | RENT, completely furnished, stove and refrigerator, Apply 406 Dundas * Street West, Whitby. TWO MEN fo share room, single beds, home pritieges. Hove until &, 723-1921; 728-1514. weekly, U sotad sider trade. Phone Horry Bates 725-1186 or 728-6923, W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Limited 67 King Street East | STE. THERESE, QUE, 5 room bungalow with garage laundry room, family room in basement on fully land- scaped lot. Near schools, churches, shopping centre and marina. A few minutes from new G.M. Plant. Low down peyment with terms. Write: 'and 2 kitchen on sec-) ond floor, Available immediately. Apply 428 Cent Centre Street. SANDRA STREET, 39 -- Furnished room fa ipeat. Neer South Plant, Parking.| 728-2660. FURNISHED room. Gentleman araaiel.| Apply 118 Division Street, 745 BATISCAN ST., | DREW STREET, 4 -- Two partly fur-- DUVERNAY MTL. 40 QUE. | nished housekeeping rooms, third floor, pRivATE. Three-bed bri eg TV antenna. Apply between § 89d) oy, on pi ligerrg en bei ae ® evenings. Couple preferred. __.|large livingroom, fireplace, large tiled] FURNISHED room, suit two Gentiemen. kitchen, paved drive, fenced yard. Whit-| Near South General Motors and. bus.|by. 668-5019. Also room and board. Lunches packed,|GirFORD STREET, 756 -- Storey and 723-1878 after 6 6 p.m. half house, large garage, close to ail SOUTH END -- ul nicely furnished | schools, lot 50' x 150', private sale $1500. bedroom for gentleman, $7. weekly, .723-idown. Carry ftike rent, $80. monthiy. Telephone 725-6792. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN 13K. OUT OF TOWN LIVING ted on a large lot. Each apart- tral yet very quiet. Full price ment has 2 bedrooms, large $9,300. kitchens, cupboards, and eat- ing drea,. Washer, dryer, $1000. DOWN fridge, and stove included. Buys this frame bungalow on Close to the sthools, A. P. Cromwell Ave. Close fo pub- Store, Bus route. Fenced back lic school, transportation and yard, play area, and Park- shopping. Don't lose out -- call now ing, priced at $25,500. INCOME PLUS GOOD BUILDING LOT Lovely two bedroom bungo- Just a couple of blocks off low with forge dining and King St. E. 33 x 130 ft. living rooms, This home has with @ five room bungalow on extra 3 bedroom apartment property. Asking $4,500. in basement with separate both. Situated on a large corner fenced lot with gor- age. Close to Anderson High School. Full price $13,900 SOMERVILLE AVENUE Offers lovely 9 yr. old six room semi-split home with attached garage, paved drive, finished rec room, basement floors all tiled, ot- tractively landscaped grounds and back lawn hedged for privacy. A good home in a prestige area. Only. $4,000 down and one mortgage for bolence. Older type bungalow, con- tains 5 rooms, kitchen, 3 bed- rooms, living room, 3 pc. bath, exceptially low taxes, the garden includes fruit trees and Grape Vines a new fur- noce, pressure pump. Full price $9,000. ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND | 13 room brick home with stone foundation and 2 gar- ages on the double lot. Hard- _ | wood and tile floors, 3 bath- | rooms living room 20 x 13 ft., down -payment $8,000. This home should be seen. For full particulars call 723-2265 % OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Steve Macko 728-5868 Meaible Boudreau 728-2233 Margoret Lee 723-8294 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Charles Chaytor 723-7996 Marg, Hall 723-1358 'rene Brown 725-3867 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free Parking For full Full portculars coll 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 a.m. Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius 723-1121 Jeon Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Ellouise Hoggard 723-2106 Lleyd Corson 723-2537 Richard Young 723-7183 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Anthony Sibleck 725-4362 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 Steve Englert 728-5581 John Hutchuk 723-9266 GUIDE REALTY LTD. Realtors 16 Somcoe St. S$. LET'S TRADE lot or |FOUR-BEDROOM 2 Storey home, {school, an Harmony Road South. Oil heat, \fireplace. Needs some repairs Large lot, Garage. Must be sold to settle estate. |Make an offer. Call Jack Sheriff, S. D. Hyman Real' Estate Limited, 728-6286. | FIVE- -ROOM brick bungalow, buses and schools, |$5,000. down close Asking $12,500 Telephone 728- 2964, Your present home, |!wo bathrooms and beaut'ful jroom. Apply 117 Oshawa _Boulevara South, | |\§11,300 Beverley Street, six room, 11> |Storey, modern throughout. Down Payment on a new | Teornen 725-5207, heme built by Hogenboom Construction on Wilson Road North, S. D. HYMAN 728-6286 car can be considered os @ {borough for Oshawa property. jincome, $225. Phone 723- Woes |BUNGALOW patio, Many extras. Early possession sale. Phome 725-5185 "six-room ranch: Enjoy country living brick home, one acre of land, from Oshawa. Available Phone Litt Britain 87. |EXCLUSIVE, « clean six-reom home with) SOLID « clay "brick bungalow with 3 bed |twe bathrooms and beautiful recreation| rooms, in Pickering. Village. room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South. Bay Ridges 839-3226 after seven p.m, near to with |/EXCLUSIVE, < clean six-room nome with! recreation Call Rolande Keith Peters Realtor, }FOR SALE or exchange, triplex in Pefer-| Monthly | "style broadioom, large landscaped Iot. Private $2800. TOTAL PRICE. Low downpayment. Seven-room insult 35 miles September 1. Telephone WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Real Estote -- -- Insurance -- -- Mortgoges -- DUPLEX 3 bedrooms down, 2 up, 9% rooms, 3 bathrooms, separ- "ate meters, This home will quickly poy for itself, Call Mr. Charles Rankine at 728- 5123, or 728-3682. NEW N.H.A. Lovely 6 room brick and stone modern bungalow. 1150 sq. feet. Lorge mahog- any kitchen with double sink and exhaust fon, Vanity with 4 pc, ceramic bathroom. 3 large bedrooms, divided base- ment. Many features. Only $15,200.00 with low down payment, Coll Mr. Jack Appleby to see model, located at Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-5123 or 728-3398. PRESTIGE LOCATION $17,500.00 Six room ranch brick bunga- low with attached garage. Fireplace, wall to wall broad- loom in living room, dining room and hallway. Finished recreation room with 2 piece bath Large _ professionaly landscaped lot with shrubs ond trees. Substantial down payment required. To inspect this excellent home call Mr, Irwin Cruikshonks at 728- 5123 or 728-5205. $12,600.00 N.H.A. resale, 5 years -old. 3 bedroom bungalow. Spacious living room, modern kitchen, 4 pe. bath, oi! heat, fenced lot 50 x 121. Month- ly payments only $95.00 in- cluding taxes. Owner moved from city. Anxious to sell Buy now and move before school starts. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. WINDSOR. AVE. 13,000.00 3 bedroom bungalow, just listed (for) below replace- ment cost. Coll Mr. Ed Drumm at 728-5123. or 725-9345 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED | 101 SIMCOE ST. N OPEN EVERY EVENING ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED |- 728-5157 | | | | | | | GARAGE ATTACHED | 4 room bungalow on a beau- tiful 75 x 210 foot lot. Taxes only $129.00. 12 miles to Oshawa. All paved highway. Call in immediately and in- vestigate this home. DUPLEX 4 rooms up; 4 rooms down. Lower Duplex could bring up to $100.00 a month, Upper Dupelx. $85.00 a month. This property could pass V.L.A. approval. Hurry for this one. JUST LISTED NORTH-WEST AREA | 3 bedroom Brick Bungalow with Dining room. This home only 9 years old, Paved drive, L. $. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 43 Park Rd. S. 723-9810 725-8761 NORTH LOCATION 2 storey brick home of 6 rooms, and garage, modern kitchen, hardwood ond tile floors, oil furnace, storm win- dows and doors, owner will consider as low as $2,000 down, call Erie Wilson 725- 8761. 7 ROOMS 1% Storey brick and stone home in excellent north loce- tion, large well landscaped lot with: double garage, $3,000 down gives possession and ownership, to inspect call Sid Martyn 723-9810 ROWENA ST. $9,900 full price buys this lovely 2 bedroom bungalow, large kitchen and livingroom, new aluminum siding and awnings, some new floors, walls' and ceilings, new oil- furnace, laundry tubs, and garage, nice deep and well landscaped lot, terms arrang- ed, call Sid Martyn 723- 9810. PORT PERRY Lovely 7 room family home with attached gorage, all lorge rooms including 11 x 20 ft. family room and one finished room in basement, large lot, convenient location, $3,000 down and one open mortgage, call Ernie Wilson 725-8761. WHITBY Central, retirement or small family home of 2 bedrooms, very clean and modern one owner home, all large rooms, 2 fireplaces, beautifully land- sceped corner lot, asking $15,900 with terms, call Sid Martyn 723-9810. XMAS TREE FARM 139 acres, opprox. 125,000 trees at various stages, about 1,100 blue spruce and muga pine for landscaping, handy location about 15 miles from Oshawa, asking $12,900 with $3,000 down, call Ernie Wil- son 725-8761. BUILDING LOT Y% Arce, large frontage on Prestonvale Rd. S$. just east of awa, special low price of $1,800 with builders terms, call Sid Martyn 723- 9810. ig Seow Street area. Please state down pay-| KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 DARLINGTON BLVD, Duplexed home on half acre lot, attached garage, 4 rooms each apartment, aluminum storms and screens, T.V. tower, Call Earle Allen 725- CANNINGTON STORE) Large brick store building, about 28 x 55 with two large show wndows on main floor, good living ccomodation on secend floor with eight large rooms. This is downtown can- nington with paved street, sidewalk and town water. Full price $8,900. Down Payment only $900. property clear -- open to offers. Phone Bill Rotcliffe 655-3917. IDEAL DISTRICT BEVERLY ST, Six spacious rooms, very mod- METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40. King St. E. Dial 728-4678 TOP RITSON RD. SOUTH 5 room bungalow, 3 bed- rooms. Very nice condition, with eorly possession, Asking $11,500 with low down pay- ment, NORTH WEST Lovely 6 room brick ranch bungalow with attached gae- rage, potio, large hollywood kitchen, 3 large bedrooms -- separate living room, 4 piece tiled bath, finished recreation room, Sept. 30th possession. CADILLAC AVE. S. Lovely 5 room ranch bungo- low, Sept, 30th possession, 2 bedrooms, living room, large kitchen, large lot with patio, priced at only $12,900 with $2,200 down. ANSLEY ESTATES WINONA DRIVE -- Just lis- ted at $21,000. This quality California ranch bungelow is your answer to the dream home you have been search- ing for. Only 5 years old and beautifully decorated and ap- pointed. Radiant floor heat- ing broadioom and @ double attached garage ore only a few of the select ex- tras that must be seen.. Down payment is only $3,500, so make your personal appoint- ment to inspect Paraevtenisie: | TORONTO STREET -- - Storey a 'and half) |red brick bungalow with four bedrooms, living, dining and lovely kitchen with Plenty of cupboards, new furnace, good size lot. Asking price only $11,500. with $2,500. down. Call Wes, Elliott at 724) 1133, evenings, 728-0581, Cari Olsen,| Realtor, FIVE-ROOM brick b bungelow, ¢ test of of |Wilson. Road South. Close (@ schoois, |$4,000 down, Take over private mortgage, a $9,500 at Mg per cent. Write Box 138, |FH brick in excellent condition. Northwest location. Large landscaped lot, paved driveway. | Many extras, 728-1457. 28--Real Estete Wanted BO YOU HAVEs two bedroom home with| |garage in the Northeast area? if 'so, |please call Earl Salter, representative for |Pau! Ristow Ltd. Realtor, 728-9474 or 723- | 3052, {we REQUIRES three bedroom home in either. the north-east or north-west eres | for @ young family with @ substantial |down payment. Price range from $15,000 | to $17,000. Contact George Koornneef, 728- 9474 or 723-2859, evenings. Paul Ristow Ltd Realtor, 187 King Street East. THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW, with| fireplace, attached garage, Fernhill, ent required to Box 448 Oshawa Times. |) NEED three- and four-bedroom homes. |} have cash and time payment pur- |chases. Call Bill Johnston, 728-1066, Scho- \field-Aker Ltd, 29---Automobiles For Sale BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN | -- MOTORS | 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA | (Just East of Wilson Road) | 723-4494 _ Res. 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down - Always top quality 1962 BEL AIR 2 door hardtop, V-8, auto- matic, radio, power steering, | excellent condition, lew mile- oge, | Telephone 728-2939 1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe se sedan, in ex cellent condition. New battery and run-| ning boards. A bargain at $515, Dial Quality NICOLS WHITBY NO DOWN PAYMENT TO RESPONSIBLE BUYERS. TOP. TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR TERMS TO SUIT YOU NOVEMBER. 1963 Pontiac LAURENTIAN 4 DOOR SEDAN V-8 automatic. $2495 | 1959 Chevrolet CONVERTIBLE All power. 4],000 original $1595 1960 Pontiac 4 DOOR SEDAN 6 cylinder autometic, just like "$1495 1960 Chevrolet 6 cylinder automatic. An ideal family car, $1495 1958 Pontiac PARISIENNE A very scarce model. $1195 1957 Olds. 98 Everything 'power equipped. 45,000 original miles. $1195 1959 Pontiac NO PAYMENTS UNTIL 4 DOOR HARDTOP | | 2 DOOR HARDTOP) STATION WAGON | SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS W., WHITBY 668-5893 Your Authorized: Deoler For Ford's Family of Fine Products 1959 MONARCH FORDOR SEDAN Gleaming block with white occent stripe, equipped with cutomatic transmission, ro- dio and new whitewalls. A-1 throughout. Low down pay- $1295 1960 FORD FAIRLANE 500 FORDOR SEDAN Snappy V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio and white- walls. Finished in tu-tone tan and white with spotless mat- ching interior. One owner. New cor trade in. Excelient condition. $1295 1964 GALAXIE 500 XL TUDOR HARDTOP Finished in siver smoked grey with contrasting red interior. Fully equipped, low mileage demonstrator, Factory warran- $3595 1960 FALCON FORDOR WAGON Tu-tone green and white with Automatic transmssion and radio. Newly rebuilt engine and A-! condition. Low mon- thly poyments. $1195 1959 GALAXIE FORDOR SEDAN Finished in Raven black with matching blue interior, This populer model is equipped with dual range automatic transmission, radio and V-8 engine. Spotless inside ond out Your older model for down poyment. $1295 1960 DODGE 4 DOOR SEDAN Smart cream finish, econo» mical 6 cylinder engine, auto- matic transmission and redio. One loec! owner, A-1 condi- $1195 1958 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Finished in Corinthian White, equipped with economical 6 cylinder engine, autometie transmission and radio, Ex- cellent mechanically. $795 SEAWAY MOTORS LTD, 200 DUNDAS W., WHITBY 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu sedan, high per formance engine, automatic, weet discs, etc. $2,600 Including tax. 1957 T.R .3, second car. immaculate con- dition. 26,000 miles, Removable hardtop, wire wheels, overdrive, radio. 723-4268. 1960 SIMCA, 2-tone blue, Good condition. Price $195. Call 723-9989 afier 6:30 p.m. ern, oi! heating, gorage, well | 668-8693, Whitby. 4 DOOR decorated, $11,300.00 For /|1958 AUSTIN HEALY, « wire i further information _ please [ite etc, Mechanically A-1. immac- Fully equipped, contct Rolande Tierney 725- | viate condition. 7283 ler six, |1955 PONTIAC, 'ddoor, 6 cylinder, stand- stand- 5207, |ard shift, very good condition, Private, RITSON RD |Must be sold, $495. or best offer. 1957 all aluminum storms and screens. Asking only $14,- 800.00. Act quick. for this one. overdrive, Rae R. Jones | |Ford, 2 door, 6 cylinder, perfect con- REAL ESTATE BROKER 668-8841 668-8842 EXCEPTIONAL $1,400 down buys this 3 bedroom bungalow located in the east end of Whitby. Good bright modern kitchen, and living- room about 14' x 18'. Aluminum storm windows and screens, TV tower, Asphalt drive, garage, fenced in yord and water softener are a few of the extras, The house and garage have just been painted. Call 668-8841 right now JIFFY-KNIT HIT You'll love the flattery of a deep collar -- rich texture of! simple knit, purl bands Low - cost luxury! Jiffy-knit elegant stole of mohair or knit-| ting worsted -- 2. stranis to- gether, big needles, Pattern 7112; stole directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) _ for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Neelecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add Ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER,\(no stamps: please) for this NAME, ADDRESS, pattern, Ontario residents add| t time! 3 FRBE PAT.|2¢ sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, Hoos bi ie 'ontt NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE in big, 4 NUMBER. Needlecraft Catalog! 200 designs) eng order to ANNE ADAMS,| --smart stoles, jackets, hats,/care of The Oshawa Times, | toys, afghans, linens every- |Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. | thing! Send 25c NEW! 300 sparkling designs, DELUXE QUILT BOOK! iio Doce ie bat ylus coupon for ONE complete quilt patterns--pieced|ppEp paTTE RN--any one you and applique, for beginners, ex-\choose! Send for n. we Fall- perts, Send 60c now. Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. | CHIC SHIFT By ANNE ADAMS --sew this deeply collared shift cotton knit, linen, surah,| oi with same or contrast] color binding. | Printed Pattern 4574: Misses') Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16! requires 3% yards 35-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins THE EXECUTIVE - $30,000 $5,000 buys this Centre Hall ranch style bungalow in Picker- ing village. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Living room 1B x 24 has such appointments as large Morble Fireplace, beautiful Bow Window, broadioom throughout, two bathrooms, a large kitchen fully equipped with built in stove, oven and two compartment refrigerator, Family room hos built in dryer and washer. The grounds are we!! landscaped and the drive- woy is paved. The stréet is oll paved with all sewers in and paid. Move in and rest. The work is done. Call Mr. Campbell 668-884] WHY NOT SAVE $500 NOW! Order your home for the Winter Works Program. Over 50 homes to be built. Bungalows, Duplexes. Your choice of built-in ranges, walk-out basements. Three locations: East, West, South. CONTACT: W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 King St. East. 725-1186 Doug Wilson Steve Lehan Guy Bell Bill Horner Pauline Beal Hertha Kirk Dorethy Wood Bob Johnston Ralph Vickery Steve Zurba 48 Simcoe Street, South across from Post Office For Professional Services, GO ACTIVE List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS $500 BONUS We are taking orders for homes to be built this winter under the govern- ment bonus plan. DON'T WAIT FOR INCREASE IN PRICES BUY NOW AND SAVE $490 (FULL DOWN) | SEVEN. -ROOM |To One NHA Mortgage | blocks from town. Bargain for quick sale '< $7,000, Telephone 725-860: L |FOR § SALE OR RENT -- 10-room turnish- fully decorated, col- ir "inform at West Beach, Bowmanville. 'or infor: $13,990 FULL PRICE 3 and 4 bedrooms, storms, screens, ored bathroom fixtures, elec- tric heat available, twin sinks, hollywood kitchens, lot sodded front and rear, trees, choice of colors throughout. Roads, sidewalks, curbs, sewers and water in and pre-. paid by builder Located He Totti or Dial 942- ont" or 942-426] MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. 100 ACRE beef cattle farm, with fast run- ning trout stream, 11-room brick house. Price $16,000. Terms. 'Call Hampton 263-2021 THREE- BEDROOM | bungalow, "with - bullt- n, stove and oven, aluminum storms and sereens, fenced back yard, only. $12,900. For more Information call $id. Good Nic a 723-7335, H, Millen Real Estate b |garage. Paved drive. Aluminum jand screens, | Phone 725-3773, Store with 6 room brick house ni good condition, forced oir oil heating. A real opportun- ity to go into business. Full price $10,900, one 64% mortgage. Call Will 'Irvine 728-2868. TRADE OR. SALE LODGE AT STURGEON LAKE 10 rooms in main lodge, 2 other cottages included, All furnished. and in good condi- tion with a wonderful view over lake. Must be WHAT HAVE TRADE? Call 728-7328. $60.00 PER MONTH Low, low down payment, ec- onomical living, full price $5,300. Make an offer. 100 ACRE FARM $28,000--Close to Oshawa, about 85 acres good produc- tive soil, balance in pasture and hardwood bush, bathroom In house, water bowls, sfanch- lons, about 34 mile of road frontage. Don't miss this bor- rd Call Keith Peters 725- house, oll "heat, "five lon, please call HW 725-6132. Ick b ith Lenn tiled kitchen. and bath. ~|your speed equipment, auto accessories \dition. Private. Must be sold at $575. or |best offer, Dial 668-5126. 1999 FORD TUDOR, good condition, pri- vately owned, no down payment required. Dial 623-5064. CHEVROLET MALIBU, equipped, still on warranty, ermine white, red 'interior, low mileage, $2,500. or best fer. 723-6785, tion, Radio, seat belts plus many extras. phone 723-2103. 1961 CORVAIR MONZA, four-speed trans- mission, bucket seats, radio, whitewalls, padded dash. Best offer. Telephone 728- 6778, 1959 CHEVROLET 4door, standard trans- mission, new brakes, whitewall tires, good moort, clean throughout. $900. 728-5674. 1962 CORVAIR deluxe sedan, automatic, radio, etc. Excelignt condition, $1,650. Telephone 723-9052. 1958 PONTIAC four door, automatic, Good condition. Must sell immediately asking $550. Telephone 725-4398. |USED CAR parts, spindles to make tralk jers: also used tires. 509 Bloor Street Eas! latter 4 723-2281 | 1960 MGA ,radio, whitewalls. Good condi- tion, $1,100 or best offer, Telephone 723--4873. 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, v-8 auto- matic, radio, 22,000 miles, Immaculate condition. $2,600, Dial 655-3477. 1957 BUICK, automatic, B-cylinder, 4-door, radio. good body, good tires. Good Invest- jment. Whitby, 668-5901 or 725-9378. |DOC'S AUTO SPEED and Custon, new location at 1600 King Street East for and part: ing 1962 Th 'ation wagon, auto- matic, power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, am u ta a Apply 127 Cabot Street 5 to 7 Ss. 1960 CHEVROLET | ae convertible, white and red Interlor, 348 motor, Excel- lent cond: hitby 663-8989, cylinder, Open daily 9-10; 24 hour tow- 100 ACRE beef c |running trout stream, hoyse Price $16,000. Terms, Call Hamp- ton 263-2021, PRIVATE. Whilby. © Three-bedroom bungalow. tion. $12,300. NHA Mortgage. Barly occu- pancy. Digl66s-5697, 4-BEDROOM, 2 storey pricn home with --\fireplace and double garage, north end. Close to schools. Only $14,500. Call John Kitchen, Harry Millen Real Estate. TENNYSON AVENUE -- Five-room brick | bungalow in immaculate condition with|d three. bedrooms, kitchen, basement suitable for large re- Creation room, Beautiful landscaped lot with trees, garage with paved drive. To see call Wes, Elliott at 723-1133, evenings, 728-0851; Carl Olsen, Realtor, 10 ACRES, Concession 4, side road 20-31, |Whitby Township, E. M. Freek, Whitby, 668-4781, school one mile. Mr.| cattle tarm, with "fast l-room brick 'Owner transferred. Excellent loca- living room and 'nice under warranty, seventeen thousand miles, $1895. Werry's Shell | Service, Highway 115, Newcastle, 987-4446 |1957 STANDARD "Triumph Ter," four-| |door, radio, $250. Call 668-8136. | 1958 CHEVROLET six-cylinder standard,| two tone, black and white, radio.-Mechans ically good, $100. 723-4983, 1957 CHEVROLET sedan, radio, good tires. Excellent body, $550. or best offer. Telephone 728-3690 or 985-2764, Port erry. 1960 AUSTIN-HEALEY. Excellent condi- 1959 Pontiac . PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE $1595 1956 Ford FAIRLANE A car for young at heart. Only $595 SPECIALTIES 1956 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP, Just like new. $395 1957 VOLKSWAGEN Sunroof $295 1957 PLYMOUTH Statiénwagen. Good shape. $265 MOTOR SALES LTD. 1957 TRIUMPH, TR3, 0 overdrive, wind- shield washers, new tires, new top. $550) or best offer. 725-0432. 1955 CHEVROLET,2-door, 6-cylinder, stan-| jard shift, very good condition. Private. $409 or best offer. 725-1653 1959 PONTIAC convertible, V-8, standard) $850 or best offer. Dial 668-8255, 1961 FAIRLANE 500, $1,650. cash, For information call 725-1668, 2 Locations To Choose From 146 Brock St. North 512 Brock St. North Whitby 668-3331 1962 FORD Galaxy. 6 cylinder, automatic, Excellent condition, $1,000. Will accept trade, Dial 668-4612. 29--Automobiles For Sale (Continued on Page 20) COMING EVENTS 2 DOOR HARDTOP OSHAWA LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cosh prizes Jackpot Nos. 51 and 59 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted THE \ Oshawa. and District 57th fo be held Thursday, Friday and. Satur- day, August 20, 21 and 22. Plan to attend, iit Promises to be the best yet. Rebekah Lodge No. 3 TOWN and COUNTRY SUPPER at at the home of ANN HOLT, Courtice, Wed., Aug, 19, 4:30 p.m, NICOLS Adults $1.00, Children 75c KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 50 ond 5] EARLY BIRD GAMES KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W WHOLE FAMILY will enloy the Annual Feir, THE ANNUAL Independent Order of Foresters will" held at Pine Ridge Park on August 23, family picnic for 4

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